HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/23 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEESOUNDTHE i Staff: Christian Clegg, City Manager Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager POSTED ON by City Clerk's Office City of Bakersfield by Committee Members: Councilmember, Manpreet Kaur -Chair Councilmember, Bob Smith Councilmember, Bruce Freeman Special Planning and Development Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, May 23, 2023 2:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 3. ADOPT April 27, 2023, AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 4. REPORTS - None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Committee's Continued Discussion with Consultant Regarding Residential Ordinance Presentation and Recommendation re: objective design and development standards -C. Boyle 6. NEW BUSINESS - 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS S. ADJOURNMENT k10 THE SOUND OF b: �:. Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember Manpreet Kaur -Chair Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Councilmember Bruce Freemen Councilmember Bob Smith MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, April 27, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: City Staff Present: 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements None b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements Councilmember Manpreet Kaur- Chair Councilmember Bruce Freemen Councilmember Bob Smith Chris Boyle, Development Services Director Viridiana Gallardo-King, Deputy City Attorney Ashley Zambrano, Deputy City Attorney Phil Burns, Building Director Paul Johnson, Planning Director Michelle Cruz, City Manager's Office Joe Conroy, Information officer Jason Cater Economic and Community Development Manager Jennifer Byers, Assistant Economic Development Directory Kassandra Gale, Assistant Planning Directory None 3. ADOPT February 9, 2022, AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Motion by Committee Member Smith for approval of minutes. Committee Member Freeman seconded; Motion unanimously approved. 4. REPORTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS None 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Residential Zoning Ordinance Update; presentation by consultants. Receive and File. Motion by Committee Member Smith for items discussed, with the remaining of the presentation (2c-2e) deferred to a special meeting for further discussion. Committee Member Freeman seconded; Motion unanimously approved. B. Chronic Nuisance Property Update and Committee direction on Vacant Building Registry Ordinance. Motion by Committee Member Smith to bring a vacant building registry ordinance of commercial buildings for review. Committee Member Freeman seconded; Motion unanimously approved. 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 8. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 1:19 p.m. Manpreet Kaur, CHAIR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ATTEST: JULIE DRIMAKIS, MMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Special Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 12:00 p.m. - Page 2 (03 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OFsa+►"tt MEMORANDUM May 23, 2023 TO: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Manpreet Kaur, Chair Bruce Freeman Bob Smith FROM: Christopher Boyle, Development Services Director SUBJECT: Workshop on the Pending Residential Ordinance Update BACKGROUND The City has engaged Rincon Consulting in the preparation of the 6`h Cycle Housing Element. Embedded in that effort is the updating of the City's Municipal Code for residential development, including ordinance necessary to provide compliance with state law. Consulting firm Mintier Harnish has been tasked with completing this effort in concert with Rincon. Many City Council referrals are embedded in this effort and, while staff has taken a comprehensive approach to addressing the shortcomings of the City's residential ordinance, those referrals are nonetheless addressed within this effort. In conjunction with the residential zoning ordinance update, the City desires to: 1.) Adopt the necessary Zoning Text and Zoning Map amendments concurrently with the adoption of the Housing Element Update. 2.) Minimize and/or avoid any subsequent zoning code updates to support 6th Cycle Housing Element compliance following its adoption. 3.) Conduct an update that modernizes the Zoning Ordinance through tabular use schedules and graphical standard development for each zone, such that it enables denser residential development, creates objective multi -family design standards, and a general clean up to ensure internal consistency and compliance with Housing Element programs. 4.) Establish a creative approach that leverages and maximizes the use of City staff resources to support cost effectiveness and an updated product that satisfies the City's project goals. 5.) Conduct an effective engagement strategy designed to inform and educate the Planning Commission, City Council, and the public about the new zoning ordinance. The City's residential zoning is dated, with much if not most of the ordinance dating to the early 1980s to mid-1990s. Recent focused changes, although providing the desired change(s), don't provide for an integrated feel or functionality. In form and function, the ordinance is a departure from a contemporary residential zoning ordinance. As an example, there have been a series of state laws meant to address the state housing crisis and provide housing accountability in the last five years. Failing to complete a zoning update would be inconsistent with state law and risk the certification of the 6`h Cycle Housing Element. The City has held one stakeholder meeting to date, where members of the residential development community had opportunity to provide comment. A summary of the discussion would note: • Resistance against density minimums, eliminating parking standards, and zero input on objective design standards other than "OK". • Acceptance of revising R-1 through R-4 to accommodate compact single family, but confusion on why Bakersfield would need the new very high -density zones. • Passionate closing comment from a single-family builder that the community does not want density. The Planning and Development Committee also met on April 27`h and provided direction concerning altering existing zone districts and creating new zone districts so as to satisfy state law and provide for sufficient vacant sites within the Housing Element. Comments were provided as part of a review of draft purpose statements for the new zones. Additional feedback and direction was provided concerning residential parking standards. As part of this May 23, 2023 Special Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, consultant Miniter Harnish will review Objective Design and Development Standards (ODDS) and review of other minor edits necessary to provide consistency with state housing law. The calendar toward adoption of this ordinance effort is meant to align with the 6th Cycle Housing Element's December adoption. After today's meeting, additional outreach with stakeholders will occur in advance of release of a draft residential zoning ordinance update in July, 2023. From comments received from all stakeholders, a final draft ordinance will then move forward toward discretionary approval. The Planning Commission hearing is tentatively scheduled for October, 2023 and subsequently to City Council in November, 2023. The public hearing schedule largely coincides with the 6th Cycle Housing Element and supporting environmental documentation. This presentation is meant to provide information and to take feedback. Staff continues its efforts toward certification of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. An updated residential zoning ordinance is an important step in that process. RECOMMENDATION Complete second session with the Planning and Development Committee and take Committee direction. NEXT STEPS 1.) Complete second stakeholder meeting. 2.) Incorporate Committee direction and stakeholder comments in preparation of a draft ordinance. 3.) Release draft residential ordinance in July, 2023 4.) Take final draft to Planning Commission for recommendation to City Council in October, 2023. 5.) Forward Planning Commission recommendation to City Council in November 2023. Bakersfield Technical Zoning Update Special Meeting Planning & Development Committee May 23, 2023 BAKERSFIELD 2045 1. Overview of new housing bills (smin) 2. Objective Design and Development Standards (ODDS) (15min) a. What are ODDS? b. What does ODDS cover and how? c. Implementation 3. Discussion and Expectations (35min) 4. Next Steps (smin) BAKERSFIELD 2045 1. Overview of new Housing Bills BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ States Housing Push via Legislation • Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval Process: SB 35 (2017) • Additional Housing Element Sites Analysis Requirements: AB 879 (2017), AB 1397 (2017) • Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: AB 686 (2017) • No -Net -Loss Zoning: SB 166 (2017) • By -Right Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing: AB 2162 (2018), AB 101 (2019) Accessory Dwelling Units: AB 2299 (2016), SB 1069 (2016), AB 494 (2017)1 SB 229 (2019), SB 13 (2019), AB 670 (2019), AB 671 (2019) BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ Continued.... • Density Bonus: AB 1763 (2019) • Housing Crisis Act of 2019: SB 330 (2019) • Surplus Land Act Amendments: AB 1486 (2019), AB 1255 (2019) • Housing Impact Fee Data: AB 1483 (2019) • Emergency and Transitional Housing Act of 2019: AB 139 (2019) • Standardization of Sites Inventory Analysis and Reporting: SB 6 (2019) ■ There are many more that have been implemented this year so far BAKERSFIELD 204S 11 -1 F-71 �«■�, 7 .�I� \: . ..., .:. . a I . ., :f ■ What are Objective Standards? • No personal or subjective judgement • Verifiable by reference to known criteria ■ What is driving the issue? • Housing Accountability Act and SB 35 • Housing supply and affordability BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ What are the benefits? • Provides clarity for residential developers and applicants • Provides more certainty for project approval • Provides increased clarity for residents about what type of development could occur in their neighborhoods and affordability �K� r BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ How can you address objective standards? • Include by -right residential development in some zoning districts • Include standards that reflect: • Past practice (i.e., existing City standards and guidelines) • Typical conditions of approval • Design requirements that replace guidelines ��11 EIIl! BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ Objective Development Standards examples: • Height • Setback • Minimum Parcel Size • Minimum/Maximum Density • FAR • Parking • Landscaping Lighting BAKERSFIELD 20:5 RISE � 10 ■ Objective Design Standards examples: • Massing • Articulation =1911NEW711112 • Building Materials • Facade • Color • Roof Lines r Fenestration BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE 414.1.1 11 ■ Examples of Multifamily Developments without articulation, massing, and expansive blank walls BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ Examples of Multifamily Developments without articulation, massing, and expansive blank walls ■ Examples of Multifamily Developments with articulation, massing, and expansive blank walls BAKERSFIELD 2045 ■ Examples of Multifamily Developments with articulation, massing, and expansive blank walls ■ Discretionary Review • Must provide a by -right residential development option. • Applicant can still request different standards; if so, then the applicant must then go through the city's typical discretionary review process. BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE 16 ■ Challenges • Reduced decision -maker discretion • No public input on development projects that meet all objective design and development standards • Establishing objective standards that are: • Realistic • Acceptable • Effective • Fair BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE I Discussion and Expectations ra-t^v, BAKERSFIELD 204S RISE 18 4. Next Steps 1. Motion to prepare ordinance in compliance with State law for inclusion in the residential zoning ordinance update. 2 Motion to direct staff to prepare Objective Design and Development Standards for inclusion in the residential zoning ordinance update. BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE 19