HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3429ORDINANCE NO. 3429 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 15.84 IMPLEMENTING A TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE ON ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan it has been established that land development shall not be permitted unless adequate transportation facilities exist or are assured; and WHEREAS, in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan the policy has been established that land development shall bear a proportionate share of the cost of the provision of the new or expanded transportation facilities required by such development; and WHEREAS, in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan Circulation Element (Implementation Measure 33) it has been established that a Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance is a method of ensuring that land development is adequately supported by a regional transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Circulation Element designates the regional transportation system required to support the adopted Land Use Element; and WHEREAS, a transportation impact fee is necessary to provide a regional transportation system which is closely, systematically and reciprocally related to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, a transportation impact fee is necessary to provide a share of the funding which enables local agencies to comply with the adopted congestion management plan level of service standards on our local state highway system; and WHEREAS, payment of the fee specified in this ordinance is deemed to satisfy regional transportation mitigation requirements for projects other than major commercial and industrial developments or significant zone changes and general plan amendments; and WHEREAS, alternative funding is anticipated to cover the 70% unfunded portion of the project list and such alternative funding will be considered in determining mitigation necessary until December 31, 1993; and WHEREAS, the requirements of Section 54992 of the California Government Code have been satisfied as they relate to revision of planning, zoning, development and related processing fees; and ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the City Council, at the regularly scheduled meeting of November 20, 1991, and the Kern County Board of Supervisors, at the regularly scheduled meeting of , held public hearings to consider a fee for the purpose of providing the necessary regional transportation facilities called for in the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 Plan; and WHEREAS, all required public notices have been given; and WHEREAS, the provisions of CEQA have been followed; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is in the public interest, necessary for public convenience, health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Kern County Board of Supervisors have made the following findings in accordance with the requirements of Section 66000 of the California Government Code: 1. The fee established is for the sole purpose of providing transportation facilities as established in the Regional Transportation Facilities List, as depicted in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth herein. 2. There is a reasonable nexus between the fee's use and the type of development projects on which the fee will be imposed because the fee is calculated in relationship to the trip generation potential of that development and that development's impact on the regional transportation system. 3. There is a reasonable nexus between the need for a regional transportation system and the types of development projects on which the fee is imposed because all residential, commercial and industrial projects do, to a measurable degree, increase the need for a regional transportation system. 4. There is a reasonable nexus between the amount of the fee and the cost necessary to provide a regional transportation system as depicted on the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of a fee to provide a regional transportation system. -2- ORIGrNAL BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.84 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: Sections: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Chapter 15.84 Transportation Impact Fee 84.010 84.020 84.030 84.040 84.050 84.060 .84.070 .84.080 .84.090 .84.100 Short title. Purpose. Definitions. Imposition of transportation impact fee. Computation of fee. Payment of fee. Use of funds. Refund of fee paid. Exemptions and credits. Appeal. 15.84.010 Short title. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance". 15.84.020 Purpose. A. This ordinance is intended to implement and be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. B. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the use and development of land so as to assure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to provide a regional transportation system consistent with the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. C. This ordinance will be reviewed annually and in no instance in the period prior to January 1, 1994, will the fee be raised more than the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase. D. The CPI to be used as a base shall be the "All Urban Consumers, West - C" as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ORIG!NAL 15.84.030 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the words set out in this section shall have the following meanings: A. "Administrator" means the City Public Works Director or designee. B. "Building permit" means an official document or official certification which authorizes the construction, alteration, enlargement, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation, erection, demolition, moving or repair of a building or structure. In the case of a change in use or occupancy of an existing building or structure, the term shall specifically include Certificates of Occupancy, as those terms are defined in Section 308 of the Uniform Building Code 1991 and subsequent editions as may be adopted by the City Council. C. "Capital improvements" means transportation planning, preliminary engineering, engineering design studies, land surveys, right-of-way acquisition, engineering, permitting and construction of all the necessary features for any transportation facility projects including, but not limited to: (a) Construction of new through lanes. (b) Construction of new turn lanes. (c) Construction of new frontage or access roads. (d) Construction of new bridges and widening. (e) Construction of new drainage facilities in conjunction with new roadway construction. (f) Purchase and installation of traffic signalization (including both new and upgrading signalization). (g) Construction of curbs, medians, sidewalks, bicycle paths and shoulders in conjunction with new roadway construction. (h) Relocating utilities to accommodate new roadway construction. (i) Other capacity increasing improvements, such as transportation systems measures. D. "Expansion" of the capacity of a road means all road and intersection enhancements and includes, but is not limited to, extensions, widening intersection improvements, upgrading signalization and improving pavement conditions. E. "Fee payer" means a person commencing a land development activity which generates or attracts traffic and who is applying to the City of Bakersfield, for the issuance of a building permit for a type of land development activity specified in 15.84.050 (A) of this ordinance, regardless if the fee payer owns the land which is to be developed. -4- ORIGFNAL F. "Land development activity generating traffic" means any change in land use, or any construction or expansion of buildings or structures, or any change in the use of any building or structure that attracts or produces vehicular trips. G. "Level of service" means a qualitative measure that represents the collective factors of speed, travel time, traffic interruption, freedom to maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience and operating costs provided by a highway facility under a particular volume condition as set forth in the 1985 (or current edition) Highway Capacity Manual. H. "Regional Transportation Facilities List" means those projects in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 Plan area which constitute some of the regional facilities needed to maintain a level of service "C" or not to permit the degradation of roads which are currently below level of service "C" as shown in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - Circulation Element. I. "Site-related improvements" means capital improvements and right-of-way dedications for direct access improvements to the development in question. Direct access improvements include but are not limited to the following: (1) Site driveways and roads. (2) Median cuts made necessary by those driveways or roads. (3) Right turn, left turn, and deceleration or acceleration lanes leading to or from those driveways or roads. (4) Traffic control measures for those driveways or roads. (5) Access or frontage roads not identified on Regional Transportation Facilities List. 15.84.040 Imposition of transportation impact fee. A. Except as provided in 15.84.090 of this ordinance, any person who applies to the city for the issuance of a building permit to make an improvement to land for one of the uses which is specified in 15.84.050 of this ordinance, and which will generate or attract additional traffic, shall be required to pay a transportation impact fee in a manner and amount set forth in this ordinance. B. In the case of structures, mobile homes, or recreational vehicles which are moved from one location to another, a transportation impact fee shall be collected for the new location if the structure, mobile home or recreational vehicle is a type of land development listed in 15.84.050 of this ordinance, regardless of whether transportation impact fees had been paid at the old location, unless the use at the new location is a replacement of an equivalent use. If the structure or mobile home so moved is replaced by an equivalent use, no transportation impact fee shall be owed for the replacement use. In every case, the burden of providing past payment of transportation impact fees or equivalency of use rests with the fee payer. ~B~K~ -5- ~ OAIG!NA.L 15.84.050 Computation of fee. A. At the option of the fee payer, the amount of the fee may be determined by the schedule set forth below or under subsection B of this section. The reference in the schedule to square feet refers to the gross square footage of each floor of a building measured to the exterior walls, and not usable, interior, rentable, non-common or other forms of net square footage. Fee to be reduced by 25% for those housing projects affordable to "low income" families as defined by Department of Housing and Urban Development. This fee will be waived entirely for those projects able to demonstrate that the fee (alone) will move the cost of the housing from low to moderate. METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD DEVELOPER IMPACT FEE SUMMARY SHEET TABLE I LAND USE TYPE TYPE ".. FEE .' so. PER'u RESIDENTIAL :Single Family, Multi-Family PER LIVING UNIT Detached i 2 iNON-RESIDENTIAL PER ADT* TRIP $1,179 $ 828 PROJECTED :..' . ~NCOME '] ': .:. .....[.' .' ...: $141,708,191 $ 12,183,323 Heavy/Service Industrial 3 $ Light Industrial 4 $ OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 100,000 sq.ft. 5 $ 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 6 $ 200,.000 sq.ft. & over 7 $ 87 38 33 39 41 $ 4,285,611 $ 4,651,668 $ 3,720,954 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq.ft. 10,000-49,999 sq.ft. 50~000-99,999 sq.ft. 100,000-199,999 sq.ft. 200,000-299,999 sq.ft. 300,000-399,999 sq.ft. 400,000-499,999 sq.ft. 500,000-999,999 sq.ft. 1,000,000 sq~ft. & over TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE * ADT: Average Daily Traffic (with retail under 10K @ 50%) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -6- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 39 25 28 31 35 44 53 64 71 $ 47,982,813 $214,532,560 ORIGINAL Because of the benefit to our community resulting from additional jobs and economic vitality brought on by office commercial development and industrial development the fee is reduced by 50%. Land use type will be determined by the administrator. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for the various type traffic generators will be determined using the report Trip Generation: An Informational Report, Institute of Transportation Engineers (latest edition). 1. If a building permit is requested for a building with mixed uses, then the fee shall be determined according to the above schedule by apportioning the space committed to uses specified on the schedule. 2. If the type of development activity for which a building permit is applied is not clearly specified on the above fee schedule, the administrator shall use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the above fee schedule. The administrator shall be guided in the selection of a comparable type by the reports titled Trip Generation: An Informational Report, Institute of Transportation Enqineers (latest edition). If the administrator determines that there is no comparable type of land use on the above fee schedule, then the administrator shall determine the fee by: (a) (b) Using traffic generation statistics from the above named sources; and Applying the procedure set forth in paragraph B of this section. 3. When change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use requires the issuance of a building permit, the impact fee shall be based upon the net increase in the impact fee for the new use as compared to the previous use. However, should the change of use, redevelopment or modification result in a net decrease, no refunds or credits for past transportation impact fees paid shall be made or credited. The administrator shall be guided in this determination by the above referenced sources. B. If a fee payer decides not to have the transportation impact fee determined according to paragraph A of this section, then the fee payer shall prepare and submit to the administrator an independent fee calculation study for the land development activity for which a building permit is sought. The independent fee calculation study shall measure the impact of the development in question on the road system by following the prescribed methodologies and formats for the study established by the administrator. Such study shall be subject to the approval of the administrator. Any decision of the administrator pursuant to this section may be appealed as set forth in section 15.84.100. -7- 15.84.060 Payment of fee. A. The fee payer shall pay the transportation impact fees required by this ordinance to the administrator prior to the issuance of a building permit for which the fee is imposed. For structures other than residential structures, the fee payer shall pay the transportation impact fees prior to issuance of the building permit. No building permit may be issued for any non- residential development listed in 15.84.050(A) of this ordinance until such fee has been paid. B. In lieu of cash, the transportation impact fee may be paid by the use of credits which are created in accordance with the provisions of 15.84.090 of this ordinance. C. All funds collected pursuant to this ordinance shall be deposited into the appropriate Transportation Impact Fee Trust Fund and used solely for the purposes specified in this ordinance. 15.84.070 Use of funds. A. Funds collected from transportation impact fees shall be used for the purpose of capital improvements to transportation facilities associated with the "Regional Transportation Facilities List". Such improvements shall be of the type as are made necessary by the new development. No funds shall be used for periodic or routine maintenance. Funds collected may also be used to reimburse city's street capital improvement budget for funds previously expended to acquire segments of the Kern River Freeway right-of-way. Funds shall be used exclusively for capital improvements within the city or for projects outside this area which are a direct benefit to the city. B. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are issued for advanced provision of road capital improvements for which transportation impact fee may be expended, impact fees may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments to the extent that the facilities provided are of the type described in paragraph A above. C. Each fiscal year, the administrator shall present to the City Council a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction projects as set forth in Section 15.84.030(C). Such plan shall indicate the approximate location, size, time of availability and estimates of cost for all improvements to be financed with transportation impact fees. Such plan shall be adopted by the City Council following a noticed public hearing as set forth in Government Code Section 66002. -8- OFII(]!NAL 15.84.080 Refund of fee paid. A. If a building permit expires, is revoked or is voluntarily surrendered and is therefore voided, and no construction or improvement of land has been commenced, then the fee payer shall be entitled to a refund, with interest at five percent (5%) per annum, of the transportation impact fee paid as a condition for its issuance. B. Any funds not expended or encumbered by the end of the calendar quarter immediately following five (5) years from the date the transportation impact fee was paid shall be returned to the then current owner or owners of lots or units of the development project or projects on a prorated basis, with interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum. 15.84.090 Exemptions and credits. A. The following shall be exempted from payment of the transportation impact fee: 1. Alterations or expansion of an existing building or use of land where no additional living units will be produced over and above those in the existing use of the property, the use is not changed, and where no additional vehicular trips will be produced over and above those produced by the existing use. 2. Construction of accessory buildings or structures which will not produce additional vehicular trips over and above those produced by the principal building or use of the land. 3. The replacement of a lawfully permitted building, mobile home or structure, the building permit for which was issued on or before the effective date of this ordinance or the replacement of a building, mobile home, or structure that was constructed subsequent thereto and for which the correct transportation impact fee, which was owed at the time the building permit was applied for, was paid or otherwise provided for, with a new building, mobile home, or structure of the same use and at the same location, provided that no additional vehicular trips will be produced over and above those produced by the original use of the land. 4. A building permit for which the transportation impact fee thereof has been or will be paid or otherwise provided for pursuant to a written agreement, zoning approval or development agreement which, by the written terms thereof, clearly and unequivocally was intended to provide for the full mitigation of such impact by enforcement of the agreement, zoning approval or development order, and not by the application of this ordinance. 5. A building permit which does not result in any additional generation or attraction of traffic as determined by the administrator. -9- ORIGINAL B. Credits: 1. No credit shall be given for site-related improvements, local roads or payments to special assessment or taxing districts. 2. All other capital improvements for approved projects on the Regional Transportation Facilities List except for those improvements deemed site-related shall be credited against transportation impact fees in the amounts to be established pursuant to paragraph B.3. of this section. However, determination of whether a capital improvement will be approved for credit purposes lies exclusively with the administrator, unless the improvement is not site-related and is required under a state or city development approval, in which case credits shall be given to the extent required by law. 3. When a fee payer requests that a credit be created for construction of any item on the "project list" including dedication of right-of-way for an approved road permitted by paragraph B.2. of this section, he shall submit a project description in sufficient detail and with complete cost estimates consistent with the unit costs established via the Regional Transportation Facilities List support data to permit the administrator to evaluate the request. Credit requests for land dedication of roads listed in the Regional Transportation Facilities List require: (a) (b) (c) (d) Deed to convey title to the appropriate governmental body; Title report prepared within sixty (60) days of submission thereof; Value based upon one or more current appraisals prepared by fully qualified independent real property appraisers. Selection of appraisers shall be subject to approval by the administrator. Credits for land dedication shall be created when the title to said land has been accepted by the city. 4. Credits for construction shall be created when the construction is completed and accepted by the appropriate governmental body for maintenance. 5. Fee payers claiming credits for construction shall submit documentation sufficient to permit the determination of whether such credits claimed are due and, if so, the amount of such credits. The amount of credit shall be actual documented costs, not to exceed the facility's Regional Transportation Facilities List Total Cost. C. Exemptions or credits must be claimed by the fee payer at the time of the application for a building permit. -10- ORIGINAL 15.84.100 Appeal. Any decision made by the administrator in the course of administering this ordinance may be appealed to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal within ten days after the decision with the City Clerk, setting forth the grounds for appeal. The cost to file a notice of appeal shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The City Council shall hear such appeal at a regular meeting no later than 3 weeks following the filing of the appeal with the City Clerk. The appellant shall be given notice of the appeal hearing no less than 3 days prior to said hearing. The Council may, upon said hearing, sustain or overrule the decision of the administrator, which decision shall be final and conclusive. -11- O~IG~NAL SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective on the same date as the equivalent county ordinance, not less than sixty (60) days from adoption of this ordinance by the City Council. .......... ooo .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JAN 2 9 1992 by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWA,",~S, D.;MOND. SMITH, BRUNNI, PETERSON, MCDERMOTT, ~ALVACC~C NOES;COUNCILMEMBERS: E..~,~)/.~.~.~5 , ASSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: /VZ~N'a ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this JAN 2 9 1992 BY E~NCE ~'~' KevinL. McDermott, Vice-Mayor C E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: I CEEN M. LUNARD NI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield - 12 - ORIGINAL $169,653,000 $299,348,000 ($299,348,000) $169,653,000 33 0 $56,000,000 $46,000,000 $150,000,000 $0 $196,000,000 50 20 $53,000,000 $23,066,000 $85,730,000 $0 $108,796,000 50 20 $28,700,000 $1,913,000 $36,249,000 ($36,249,000) $1,913,000 50 0 $956,500 $~00,000 s~3,~30,000 so s~3,230,000 50 20 s2,676.000 ~0 SlS,~sg,ooo so s~a,~69,000 0 20 s3,633,800 $245,640,000 $697,718,000 ($430,689,000) $512,669,000 $147,420,300 So s4,000,000 $4,000,000 0 50 S2,000,000 i ii?:ii~~ : : : : $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 0 50 $2,000,000 l~:i;~:~:~(e~(w~[en): : : : :: $0 $1,920,000 Sl ,920,000 0 50 $960,000 i~ ~:;!~:~ ~ ~.Ri~t[~) : $0 $1,610,000 $1,610,000 0 50 $805,000 [::=~i~ii~::~N ~: :~: i -:: : ~: SO $4,ooo,ooo $4,000,000 0 50 S2,000,000 ?:: .:~i~::~ .-~-i?: i ;=:~ i?-: .~.?= ~::~= ::~. :..;: :::i;':'r' :.. :=.!~:~;:::?::~:::.:: ':i:i? 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Ss?b!olal - Improve Railroad Grade Crossings $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $10Q,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 0 $0 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 50 $50,000 I $850,000 ........................... Sul~ta] - Traffic '~;~i~ .............. ~0; $~ 1:~ ...... IMPROVEMENTS ... i ......... ~0, .~111.552.~0_L. $111.552.000 ~ I ~5,776,0~ { kmtripf2. wkl r"(7.R_%.~%'b?'~ Page 4 13-Jan-92 $680,245 $3,077,184 $3,757,429 20 20 $751.486 $137,300 $1,028,100 $1,165,400 20 20 $233,080 $2,862.500 $8,837,500 $11.700,000 20 20, $2,300,000 $7.125.000 $11,872.500 $18,997,500 20 20 ! $3,800,000 $341,800 $2,232,100 S2,573,900 20 20 $314,780 $0 $1,403,048 $1,403,048 20 20 $380,610 $3,750,000 $750,000 $4,500,000 20 20 $900,000 $16,635,066 $32,555,735 $49,190,801 $9,798,660 $7,688,000 $1.537,600 $7.688.000 $1.537,600 $262.275.066 $849,513,735 $430.689,000 $681.099.801 $214,532.560 ~. ~ :::. ::i :: $681,099,801 $214,532,560 !:ii!?i~ :: il: !: i::~{:~r~ {~mii~!~ : ($77,654.000) $603.445,801 $214,532,560 $1,111,788,801 $1,034,134,801 kmtripf2.wkl Page 5 13-Jan-92 CAPITAL IMPFIOVEMENT PLAN __ Regional Tran ~porta!ion F.acilities i' _ ": ....PROJECTS ....... _Y__EARj_$.I,,0(?0'S):__' " F ' ,C. rosstown' i~r~7~way -_S.:_R, 99 to S, R. 178 ' . ................................ Kern River Freeway- Stockdale, .H..w.~( t_o_. S, H, 99 Southern Beltw.a..y...?..W__est Beltway to Cottonw~ood S. H, 178 - Oswell Street to_ .AJ.f,re..cl_Harrel Hwy S, H, 99 - Ming Avenue to S. H. 204 S. H, 58 - Real Road to Cottonwood Road MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS KERN RIVER BRIDGES Allen Road ~ Kern River Calloway Ddve @ Kern River Mohawk Strqe~.e Kern River Chests, A~enue ~t Kern River (widen) Manor Street e Kern River (widen) Fairfax Road @ Kern River CANAL BRIDGES Panama Lane L~ An/in Edison west (widen) S. H. 58 @ Friant Kern (widen) S. H. 58 e Carloway west (widen) S. H. 58 @ Carloway east (widen) Allen Road @ Cross Valley Carloway Drive ~ Cross Valley Ashe Road e An/in Edison Mohawk Street @ Cross Valley Mohawk Street ~) Carloway Stlne Road e Arvin Edison (widen) Manor Street e Kern Island/Eastslde South H Street e An/in Edison (widen) ..... North Chester Ave~'~"~ Beardsle,~/..(Widen) _._O_swell Street @ Arvin Edison cipf2.wkl * Funds to be made available for protection of rights of way, as needed, for each freeway alignment. · ' .....;· ! ·;" .....,s~6~:~.~_ x _'__ ' * * ' ~ $196 000 : .- ......; -; .........;. . .. ~~.. · .;_:.:"..~'T.!'.'L:..'E'.'::._;~' ....i1."1~__i~i~ O : -:- ......;...! ....2...:._" I .- $784 $924 $600 $695 $ SUBTOTAL - Freeway Projects rll YEAR ($1,000's) : ..... ~ :.:....! ......_~_~_.._. 3_ ......_,__'- ~ ; S873; $1,127 ! $2,000 "'] .........] ........:,.ooo' z ........... ]" , .... ~'~ ~ :~,d r- " ; : .... $i,~,tb' -I Subtoil - Kern River Bridges ~J"' ......... ~ ....... i ......... ' ' ' :ten) $ 0I 0 = S3 ,- ............. . "'_j s3~'~" i"-_-._ .i. "-.-' , .... ,__s~o_ ........................... ......... . : $340 ....... ~ .... S51 " ~ ....6 oI '$5oo_ .....::']: ......""" 'n "' :: "'J: ......~ ....i - ':':. ~': ; , ~ 55oo ": ......._..'T .......T ";"'s26o ....=i __ : ' ~" $150' ..... _: ....$ 5 ....... . ....'i~: r- den ...... i"';~ ........ ..... ::: ....i___"'! '7 ......i .....s:5; Page I PROJECTS CANAL CULVERTS Panama Road e Farmer's .(,w.i.d...e.,n) __ Panama Lane @ Buena Vista (widen) i Panama Lane ~) Stine (wi,deq) ..... ,P.,a..n.,a..m,~.,.Lq._n..e_..~.. I~a_r_mer's (widen)., Panama Lane e Kern Island (central branCh} Pacheco Road e Buena Vista (widen) Pacheco Road e Farmer's (widen) Pacheco Road ~ Kern Island (widen) White Lane e Kern Island (wid?_n.), White Lane e Kern Island Central Br. (widen) ! Muller Road e Eastside I . James Case Lama Drive @ Kern Island Stockdale Highway ~ River Olive Drive ~ Beardslay Ranfro Road {~ James Ranfro Road ~ RIver Allen Road @ Buena ~/ista Allen Road ~ River ._.B.u. Bn.a.._V!s_ta Road ~ B_ue.n.~ ~iste (widen) Buena Vista Road ~} River (widen) ...... !'" Fruiiv'~l'~' Xv~'~u~ ~ I~;~rdsle"'~'i;Ni'clen) ;.. ; ~lew Stine Road ~ Stine (widen) ':""~'~venue ~ Kern Island (widen) __ Heley Street ~) Eastside, .(widen) Fairfax Road ~ Ee,.s. tSide (widen) S. H. 184 ~ .,Eps. T~!q~ (widen) 13-Jan-92 qlt\~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR Regional Transportation Facilities 5:ii~:.~iii!i;~iiiiii~i i::iii!:ii;i:.~ii:.Z:.i~i~:;Ei:'~E~:;::E:::~:1 ......... J ....... .............. .... ..............;.;; .......... Subtotal - Canal Culverts $10 $10 $13 $17 $t7 $17 $25 $31 $3~ $12 $10 $17 $7 $t7 $28 $ t 50 $3t $n $~0 $3~ $150 $~50 $~8 $20 $t7 $~3 $~0 $20 Page 2 PROJECTS RELOCATE CANALS Panama Lane @ Farmer's ..... ~acheco Road @ Kern Island ..... .... S~i~ '~'~tTee~'~ !~!~.d. (S. H. 119 t~hi~9..~~ S. H. 1~ e Eastside ............... ~ $87 Subtotal - Rel~m Canals ..... x .......... "~RAINAGE CULV~hTS, BRIDGES AND'btTGHES Panama Road e Caliente Creek Bypass Shal~e A~nue Box Cul~s (10 I~tions) Shalane Avenue Bridges (3 Io~ti~s) College Avenue Box Cul~ns (8 Ionlions) Paladino Dri~ Box Culve~s (5 locations) A~red Harrel Rwy Box Culverts (7 Io~tions) Morning Dh~ Box Culve~ (1 I~ation - S.R.178 to AIf. Harrell) Morning D~ Bridge (1 lar~ & 1 small) ' Edith Road Box CulveRs (4 locations - S.R.~ to AIf. Harrell) Edi~n Rpad Bridges (~ I~tions) · Subtotal - Drainage Culvem, Bri~s and Ditches .............. j STATE H~ BRIDGESIINTERCHANG~S Taft Highway @ S. H. 99 (widen) Panama Lane @ S. H. 99 (widen) White Lane @ S. H. 99 (_w_iden_L Olive Drive @ S. H. 99 (widen) 7th Standard R~i~d @ S. H. 99 (widen) Fairfax Road @ S. H. 58 (widen) Fairfax Read ~'~. H. 178 (intercha~'~]"e) Fairfax Road @ Alfred Harrel Hwy (widen) Morning Drive @ Alfred Harrel H_w_y (!nterchange) _Stare _Hwy. el:!~q~.~!_n..t_e_.rchanges CAPITAL IMPFIOVEMENT PLAN FOR R_eg.!o.n_a!. T~'ansportation Facilities ....................... Y__EAR (Sl ,Q00'S) 1 2 3 4 $48 $100 $471 $960 $1,000 $680 $1,700 $849 $670 $1,584 $1,053 $90 $1,500 $77 $1 O2 $98 $30 $3,000 $62 $1,500 $1,680 $1,156 $2,000 $4,000 $1,700 $2,000 13-Jan-92 Page 3 PROJECTS RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATIONS S. H. 58 ~ A. T. & S: .F. (w..i.d_.e..n..). Oli_ve .D..r!~.e..@ S. P. 7th Standard Road @ S~ ~. ' ........................... CalloweX Drive e A. T. & S.F. _ .............. Coffee Road el A. T. & S. F. ' Mohawk Street 'e) A. T. & S.F. "" Oswell Street el A. T. & S. F.IS. P. 'Morning..D_n.'.ve_@ ~,.~;'~'~. F.IS. P..' ............ Mr. Vernon Avenue e A- T, & S. F.IS. P. _(w!. .d~..n) Subtotal - Railroad Grade Separation. s` "iMPROVE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING.S" ' ~anama Roa{~ @'~Tvin Branch Panama L~e (i) Sunset Bra~'~h ............... Pacheco Road Sunset Branch Muller Road @ An/in Branch Case Loma Drive @ Buttonwi~w Branch Stockdale HIghway ~ Buttonwillow Branch S. H. 58 e A. T. & S. F.IB. P. Connection (1Vest of Landco) Hagamen Road ~ A. T. & S. F. Norris Road e S. P. Spur Norris Road @ S. P. Spur Ranfro Road ~ Buttonwillow Branch Allen Road el Buttonwillow Branch Buena Vista Road @ Buttonwillow Branch Old River el Buttonwillow Bran{~h South Chester Avenue e Buttonwillow Branch North Chester Avenue ~ S. P. Spur ! Union Avenue el Button_willow Branch i ....... Suht. o..t~!..-.. I_..m. prove_Ra. il_ro_a_d Gra~l.e..C. rossings CAPITAL IMPFIOVEMENT PLAN FOR Raglone! Transportation Facilities t7" ........... YEAR ($1.000's) 1 2 _.. 3 4 $547 $1,054 $100 $100 $100 $480 $7,000 $6,000 $6,000 $453 $5,000 $6,000 $4,946 $6,000 $1,120 $1 O0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 13-Jan-92 Page 4 CAPITAL IMPFIOVEMENT PLAN FOR Regional Transportation Facilities ::::::::::::.::? S~:::: ~ ~ ;Me{r~ ~ ~ ~::i:~;i :'; i $3,757 :~:.::; S~ ~ ~ ~ $1,165 $0 $11,700 ; ~ :~;~:~:~ S~:~:: ~ ~:: ~:~N ~ ~:: ~:~ ~:~:~?~:::?:~:::~:~:::~ :~:~ ~:~ :~:.?::: ::::;~ ;::~:~;~ ?:~?: ~: ~;~::~ ~::~:'~ ~;~ :' ~;:'~::$ 2,574 o C T 13-Jan-92 (7./=jy~cj Page 5 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) County of Kern) CAROL WILLIAMS, That she is the of Bakersfield; Being duly sworn, deposes and says: duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City and that on the 5th day of _ February , 19 92 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3429 passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 29Eh day of _ January .... 1992 and entitled: NSAOPD /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS CITY CLERK of the City of Bakersfield DEPUTY City Clerk