HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 108-2023108-2023 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESCINDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 035-13 AND ADOPTING AN UPDATED COMPLETE STREETS POLICY IN FURTHERANCE OF THE GOALS, POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, within the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Deputy Directive No. DD-64-R 1, "Complete Streets" is defined as a transportation facility that is planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, and motorists appropriate to the function and context of the facility; and WHEREAS, developing a Complete Street ensures that travelers of all ages and abilities can move safely and efficiently along and across a network of Complete Streets; and WHEREAS, Complete Streets enhance public health benefits by increasing natural movement through walking and bicycling, while reducing the number and severity of motor vehicle crashes and contribution to air pollution; and WHEREAS, State and Federal laws require local agencies to promote and facilitate increased bicycling and walking as prescribed in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Sections 21200-21212, and Streets and Highway Code Sections 890 - 894.2, identifying the rights of bicyclists and pedestrians, and establish legislative intent that people of all ages using all types of mobility devices are able to travel on public roads, unless prohibited by CVC Section 21960; and WHEREAS, local agencies within the State of California have a duty to provide safe mobility options to all who have legal access to the transportation system; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield pledges to take action on the essential elements of traffic safety to achieve zero traffic deaths by 2050, including activities related to education, enforcement, engineering, evaluation, and encouragement; and WHEREAS, a Complete Streets policy aligns with the City Council's goals for public safety, quality of life, and reliable infrastructure; and 0p,icr'.�s' -- Page 1 of 5 Pages -- a vQAiG1NA� WHEREAS, on April 17, 2013, the City Council adopted a Complete Streets Policy by Resolution No. 035-13; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that an updated Complete Streets policy may be necessary for securing State and Federal grants for infrastructure projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council therefore desires to update the City's Complete Streets policy to recognize actions taken in support of Complete Streets, to update references, to delete obsolete references, and to reinforce the City's commitment to incorporate Complete Streets into all projects that impact the public rights -of -way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Resolution 035-13 is hereby rescinded and replaced with this Resolution establishing the City's updated Complete Streets Policy in furtherance of the goals, policies, and objectives of the City. 3. The City Council hereby supports and directs implementation of the following Complete Streets Policy objective: City will incorporate a context sensitive, Complete Streets approach into the planning, design, design review, development, construction, operation, and maintenance of projects and programs affecting all City property, including, but not limited to, parks and roadways, to create a connected network of facilities accommodating all users. 4. The City will incorporate the goals and policies of Complete Streets, as set forth in this Resolution, in any General Plan amendments and other applicable plans and ordinances. 5. The City affirms that all road projects should be designed to accommodate all users and that context -based pedestrian and bicycle facilities will, where practical, be established in new construction, reconstruction, repaving and rehabilitation. The Public Works Director is authorized to implement a "Complete Streets Program" in conjunction with appropriate City staff to design, construct, and maintain Complete Street improvements in furtherance of the City's Complete Streets Policy, which should include the following: OPKF,' -- Page 2 of 5 Pages > rn r_ - ` 0RIUNAL • Incorporation of the principles of Complete Streets into an interdisciplinary, integrative, multimodal transportation program with implementation guidelines. • Address the needs of all users in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of all street projects. • Consideration of existing natural systems in the earliest phases of design, planning, and implementation of Complete Streets using green infrastructure, including where appropriate the use of low impact development techniques, the use of canopy trees for pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and when practical, transit stops. • Balance the needs of all transportation modes with community values, fiscal constraint, public safety, environmental protection, and historic preservation. • Develop design solutions that use a context -sensitive approach using then -current best management practices that connect land use and transportation needs while remaining flexible to the unique circumstances of different streets and projects. • Encourage staff professional development and training on multi - modal transportation issues. • Identify current and potential sources of funding for roadway improvements in support of Complete Streets projects. • Develop an interdepartmental review team comprising of Public Works, the Police Department, Recreation and Parks, Development Services, and Economic and Community Development. • Quantify and review the linear footage of sidewalks and pathways added each year and provide regular updates to City Council. 6. The following resources shall be used in furtherance of the City's Complete Streets Policy set forth herein: • 2020 Bakersfield Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Plan • 2021 Bakersfield Downtown Corridor Enhancement Master Streetscape Plan • 2022 Bakersfield Local Road Safety Plan • 2023 Bakersfield Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program • 2022-23 Caltrans Complete Streets Action Plan • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Bike Guide �OPKE.�s� -- Page 3 of 5 Pages -- 3�R�G1NA� • The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Bike Guide • The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares Guide to further develop non -motorized transportation networks within the City. 7. The City will support and encourage contracted service providers to respect and use the Complete Streets approach for transportation and parks projects and related services within the City and work in coordination and cooperation with other adjacent and local jurisdictions with similar Complete Streets programs. 8. The City will support and encourage coordination with its citizens, partnering agencies and organizations, such as Bike Bakersfield and the Blue Zones Project, to provide public awareness of the benefits Complete Streets provide to the community. 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. •I• HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JUL 12 2023 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER ARIAS, GONZALES, WEIR, SMITH, +REEl A'N, GRAY, KAUR <O Sp COUNCILMEMBER WC—, Ilk ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER EN . COUNCILMEMBER J LIE DRIMAKIS, CPMC, MMC CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO CLERK of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: JUL 12 2023 \-;;6j By KAREN GOH Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By -- Page 4 of 5 Pages -- r m y ent �- 00R1GINALORIGINAL ASHLEY E. ZAMBRANO Deputy City Attorney AEZ:em S:\COUNCIL\Resos\22-23\Reso.CompleteStreets FINAL_MMCommitteeCleanVersion_4.11.2023.docx -- Page 5 of 5 Pages m `50RIGINAL