HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeart Hospital Soil Sampling Fnl 8/30/2023MJO Earthscience Services Inc. PO Box 624, Los Gatos, CA 95031-0624 (831) 688-1007 mjoes@pacbell.net direct line email August 30, 2023 Project #OL139-1.1 Frank Kendrick Independence Environmental Services (IES) PO Box 12623 Fresno, CA, 93778 SUBJECT:SOIL TESTING REPORT Emergency Generator Diesel Release Investigation Bakersfield Heart Hospital 3001 Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Kendrick; MJO Earthscience Services Inc. (MJOES) is providing this report on soil testing beneath and beside emergency diesel generators at Bakersfield Heart Hospital (BHH) in Bakersfield, California (Subject Site). The activities described in this report have been performed in accordance with MJOES' workplan dated June 30, 2023 and as modified by field conditions. We conclude that there are no significant diesel impacts to soil beneath and adjacent to the emergency generators and do not recommend further action. Background MJOES understands that approximately 337 gallons of diesel fuel was released from an emergency generator at the Subject Site on May 24, 2023. The leak was discovered and stopped that day and the total amount of release time was about 3 hours and 5 minutes. The release initially flowed to the concrete pad on which the generator was located and then flowed off the pad onto an adjacent lawn area (Fig. 1). Emergency response included cleaning diesel from the pad and excavating obviously impacted soil from the lawn area. A discharge notification was submitted to Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) who is the CUPA within the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Marty Brownfield of BFD was contacted by telephone on June 15, 2023 and he requested soil samples to a depth of 6 feet below ground surface (bgs) with analysis for diesel. Deviations from Workplan The approved workplan (June 30, 2023) included sampling at two locations adjacent to the generators. However, despite our best efforts, we were unable to sample the two locations next to the generator pad (B1 & B4, Fig 1). During drilling at these locations a concrete-like material was encountered at a depth of about 12 inches bgs that we could not break through. The material was likely additional support for the generator pads. However, the samples we obtained from locations B2 and B5 are about 5 feet away and so we still have data in the general vicinity. It should be noted that the concrete pad around the generators slopes to the west which caused leaked diesel to flow westward to the lawn area where it was cleaned up during emergency response. This slope prevented diesel from pooling and thereby served to inhibit downward migration of diesel through the pad. Page 2 F. Kendrick Aug. 30, 2023 MJO Earthscience Services Inc, PO Box 624, Los Gatos, CA 95031-0624 • (831) 688-1007 Description of Investigation 1.MJOES prepared and implemented Site Specific Health & Safety guidance for the field portion of the investigation. 2.The services of a private locator, Underground Locating Specialists (USL) and Underground Service Alert (USA) were employed (USA No. 2023072000058-000) to identify underground utilities prior to sampling. BHH also provided drawings to aid in identifying underground utilities in the area. No utilities were encountered during boring or sampling operations. 3.On July 27, 2023, MJOES and Environmental Control Associates (ECA) collected soil samples from depths of 3 feet and 6 feet bgs from 6 borings as shown on the attached figure (Fig. 1). Each soil sample was collected in a new acetate liner using either a hand-auger or track mounted Geoprobe™ rig. 4.All samples were collected and preserved in accordance with SW-846 and delivered to Torrent Laboratory Inc. (Torrent), a California Department of Health Services certified laboratory. Soil Description Native brown silt was encountered from beneath surface concrete and baserock (1 ft. thick) down to depths of 1.5 to 3 feet bgs. The silt layer was underlain by a fine to medium grained light brown sand which extended to a depth of at least 6 feet bgs, the deepest depth of drilling. Logs for each boring are attached. Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Field QA/QC: All down-hole sampling equipment was decontaminated prior to each use. Decontamination consisted of scrubbing in a solution of Alquinox detergent, followed by a double rinse in drinking water.TM A new acetate liner was used for each sampling drive. Sample collection and preservation were done in accordance with EPA Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste - Physical/Chemical Methods SW-846 or other acceptable methods. All samples were labeled and placed in a cooled ice chest (4 deg. C) for transportation to the analytical laboratory. A Chain-of-Custody record initiated by field personnel accompanied the samples to the laboratory. Results of Testing Torrent analyzed the samples for Diesel by Method 8015B with Silica Gel Cleanup. The samples were also analyzed for moisture content by Method D2216. Pursuant to ESL guidelines, the Diesel results were converted to dry-weights (Dry Diesel). A summary of the results of testing is provided in Table 1. Laboratory results from soil testing were compared to the following regulatory standard: Soil ESL Environmental Screening Level (ESL), Residential Shallow Soil, California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Region, July 25, 2019, Rev. 2. Page 3 F. Kendrick Aug. 30, 2023 MJO Earthscience Services Inc, PO Box 624, Los Gatos, CA 95031-0624 • (831) 688-1007 The current residential shallow soil (<10') ESL for diesel is 260 mg/Kg. Diesel was detected at concentrations ranging from 3.13 mg/Kg to 11.66 mg/Kg dry-weight in the samples from a depth of 3 feet. Diesel was detected at concentrations ranging from 2.69 mg/Kg to 6.10 mg/Kg dry-weight in the samples from a depth of 6 feet. Laboratory QA/QC The laboratory data for this investigation have been subjected to a QA/QC review. Review of Chain-of- Custody documents indicate that all samples were analyzed within prescribed holding times. The laboratory reported that the % Recoveries for Diesel are outside laboratory control limits likely due to sample homogeneity. However the associated LCS/LCSD is within both %Recovery and RPD limits. The laboratory concluded that no corrective action was required. Overall, the results of the QA/QC review indicate that the data set is of acceptable quality, with acceptable accuracy and precision. Chain-of-Custody and QA/QC documents are provided with the attached laboratory report. Conclusions The concentrations of diesel detected in soil during this investigation, 2.69 mg/Kg to 11.66 mg/Kg dry- weight are all well below diesel's ESL of 260 mg/Kg. Based on these results, we conclude that there are no significant diesel petroleum impacts to soil beneath and adjacent to the emergency generators. Recommendations We have no recommendations for further action. Thank you for this opportunity to work with IES. If you have any questions or require supplemental information, please contact me at (831) 688-1007. Sincerely, fx Michael J. O'Leary, R.G. No. 6284 Encs.Table 1, Figure 1, Boring Logs & Laboratory Report Dated August 2, 2023 cc:Omar Miranda, Heart Hospital & Jennifer Tidwell, Environmental Marketing Inc. Table 1 - Page 1 of 1 TABLE 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analyses Emergency Generator Diesel Release Investigation Bakersfield Heart Hospital 3001 Sillect Avenue, Bakersfield, California Samples Obtained July 27, 2023 Sample ID Depth (Feet) Sample Description Wet Diesel (mg/Kg) Moisture Percent % Dry- Weight Factor Dry Diesel (mg/Kg) Residential ESL * 260 NC B1@3 3 Generator 1 Pad Not Sampled. B1@6 6 “ B2@3 3 Front Generator 1 8.54 8.78 1.09 9.31 B2@6 6 “4.21 4.81 1.05 4.42 B3@3 3 Landscape 3.04 3.12 1.03 3.13 B3@6 6 “3.16 3.85 1.04 3.29 B4@3 3 Generator 2 Pad Not Sampled. B4@6 6 “ B5@3 3 Front Generator 2 10.6 10.5 1.10 11.66 B5@6 6 “3.31 2.89 1.03 3.41 B6@3 3 Landscape 3.46 5.49 1.05 3.63 B6@6 6 “3.18 5.34 1.05 3.34 B7@3 3 “3.42 6.37 1.06 3.63 B7@6 6 “2.59 4.36 1.04 2.69 B8@3 3 “7.41 5.01 1.05 7.78 B8@6 6 “5.87 4.02 1.04 6.10 ND No compounds measured by this method were detected at or above their respective laboratory reporting limit. *Environmental Screening Level (ESL), Residential Shallow Soil, California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), San Francisco Bay Region, July 25, 2019 Rev. 2. Wet Diesel by Method SW8015B Moisture Percent %by Method D2216 NC Non-Cancer Endpoint Dry Diesel RWQCB recommends that ESLs be compared to dry-weight results of analyses. Therefore laboratory measured wet-weight results have been converted to dry-weight results using laboratory measured moisture content for each sample. Figure 1 APPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATIONS Bakersfield Heart Hospital 3001 Sillect Ave Bakersfield, California Project No. OL139-1.1 08-01-23 MJO Earthscience Services Inc. LEGEND B2 Approximate location of soil boring B2. APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) 15015 Base Map Reference: GoogleEarth, 4-8-22. B1 B4 B5 B2 B3 B6 B7 B8 X X X Boring could not be completed due to refusal. ATTACHMENT A BORING LOGS BORINGNO.B2 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Geoprobe DRILLINGMETHOD:Geoprobe BORINGDIA:1” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES 4"concrete&3” baserock. SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted. cnc SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand.ML aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa BottomofHole@6’. Strongpetroleumodor. Weakpetroleumodor. aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa BORINGNO.B3 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger DRILLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger BORINGDIA:3” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted. SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand. ML BottomofHole@6’. Petroleumodor. BORINGNO.B5 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Geoprobe DRILLINGMETHOD:Geoprobe BORINGDIA:2” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES 4"concrete&3” baserock. SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted. cnc SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand.ML aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa BottomofHole@6’. Strongpetroleumodor. Weakpetroleumodor. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BORINGNO.B6 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger DRILLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger BORINGDIA:3” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted.SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand.ML BottomofHole@6’. Petroleumodor. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BORINGNO.B7 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger DRILLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger BORINGDIA:3” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted.SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand.ML BottomofHole@6’. Petroleumodor. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BORINGNO.B8 LOGGEDBY:MJO'Leary DRILLEDBY:ECA CHECKEDBY:MJO'Leary GROUNDWATERELEV: n/a GROUNDWATERDEPTH:n/a DATEOFGWMEAS: n/a SAMPLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger DRILLINGMETHOD:Hand Auger BORINGDIA:3” STARTDATE:07-27-23 PROJECT:HeartGenerator COMPLETIONDATE:07-27-23 CASINGDIA:n/a LITHOLOGICDESCRIPTION GRAPHICLOGSOIL TYPEDEPTHOVM(ppm)BLOWS/FTREMARKS MJOEarthscienceServicesInc.Page1of1Project#OL139-1.1 DRILLINGLOG HeartHospital,Bakersfield,Calif. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0SAMPLEMJOES SAND:darkbrown,moist,loose;withsilt.Finetomediumgrained; poorlysorted.SP SILT:brown,moist,med.stiff;w/clay&tracesand.ML BottomofHole@6’. Petroleumodor. ATTACHMENT B TORRENT LABORATORY REPORT