HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/22 YOUTH COMMISSION AGENDA(03 YOUTH COMMISSION AGENDA BAKERSFIELD TMEETING OF May 23, 2022 � souNo oFjdtum.�ry ij�!{.. City Hall North- 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A Regular Meeting - 4:00 P.M. www.bakersfieldcity.us AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY REPORT a. Adoption of the May 16, 2022 Youth Commission minutes Staff recommends adoption of the May 16, 2022 Youth Commission minutes 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Finalize planning the Youth Commission project for FY 2021-2022 Staff recommends the Youth Commission finalize the annual project planning in coordination with the Assistance League of Bakersfield 5. STAFF COMMENTS 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT w BAKERSFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 5/23/2022 3. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 5/19/2022 WARD: SUBJECT: Adoption of the May 16, 2022 Youth Commission minutes STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the May 16, 2022 Youth Commission minutes BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Youth Commission Minutes 05-16-2021 Backup Material IlIll BAKERSFIELD YOUTH COMMISSION MINUTES THE SOUND oFJu„u,Myju. MEETING OF MAY 16, 2022 City Hall North- 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor Conference Room A Special Meeting - 4:00 P.M. www. b a ke rsf i e l d city. us 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Bell, Commissioners Garcia, Resolme, Burrow, Mizar, Taft (A) Toler (A), Kakarla (A) 2. 3 Absent: Commissioners Vargas (A), Beardsley (A), Morgan PUBLIC STATEMENTS Barbara Sandrini stated the Assistance League is ready to go, and introduced Martha Spray, and Jeanne Young. SUMMARY REPORT a. Adoption of the April 25, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. Staff recommends adoption of the April 25, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. The Clerk announced a staff memorandum was provided transmitting the minutes. Motion by Toler, second by Garcia to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2022 Youth Commission Meeting. Motion passed unanimously. b. Adoption of the April 18, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. Staff recommends adoption of the April 18, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. The Clerk announced a staff memorandum was provided transmitting the minutes. Motion by Toler, second by Mizar to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2022 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. C. Adoption of the March 28, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. Staff recommends adoption of the March 28, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. Motion by Toler, second by Resolme to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2022 meeting with the following correction, change the date of the drive from June 6 to June 4. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS a. Continue planning the annual Youth Commission project for FY 2021-2022 to be completed no later than June 30, 2022. Staff recommends the Youth Commission continue planning the annual project in coordination with the Assistance League of Bakersfield. Commissioner Toler provided an update on communications with local TV stations. Commissioner Toler will work with PIO Conroy in setting up interviews with the TV stations. Commissioner Kakarla stated that he heard back from the Bakersfield Californian. They asked for a copy of the flyer and a couple of preview pictures to circulate in the newspaper before the event. Management Assistant Gutierrez suggested using only one of the flyers that was designed for drive to keep things consistent. Barbara Sandrini stated she had some changes and would discuss those with Chair Bell. There was further discussion of edits to the flyer that will be used for the event. There was a discussion of options for gathering additional donations before the event. STAFF COMMENTS Management Assistant Gutierrez thanked the commissioners and the Assistance League for all the time and effort that have been put into holding this event. Deputy City Attorney Zambrano reminded everyone that the last regular meeting before the event is Monday, May 23. 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS Chair Bell thanked everyone for their hard work. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. (03 BAKERSFIELD T�E SOUND of nWrMWy srt{c, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 5/23/2022 4. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DAT E: 5/19/2022 WARD: SUBJECT: Finalize planning the Youth Commission project for FY2021-2022 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Youth Commission finalize the annual project planning in coordination with the Assistance League of Bakersfield BACKGROUND: Each year, the Youth Commission is tasked with completing a project that provides education and awareness to an issue that directly impacts local teens in the community. On June 4, 2022, the Youth Commission, in coordination with the Assistance League Bakersfield will host a drive -by donation drive to collect new clothing items, shoes, and hygiene supplies for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. The event will occur on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the Assistance League Bakersfield offices located at 1924 Q Street from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with the public invited to participate. As part of the planning process, commissioners have volunteered for tasks including flyer design for social media use, television and radio scripts for public outreach, and have contacted local news outlets to run lead in stories the days leading up to the event. It is expected that one or more local media outlets will also be onsite during the event to interview the Youth Commission and Assistance League volunteers. RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE AT YOUTH COMMISSION MTG. 1 3 im �.�: FrDonationDrive ppert %6* Ass4tanca, *algw Bakarsftdd Join the Bakersfield City Youth Commission to eolhxt gently used or new Clothing, school supplies. and hygiene kits For Assistance League Bakersfield. All items will be donated to help support K•8th Grade stadonts in hood. June 4t 2022 wr.. MM Qt.r. ti+r ara^t.e [,�.�