HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/23 YOUTH COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING 00 YOUTH COMMISSION AGENDA BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF)nn4e(W� 6eg0 MEETING OF June 19, 2023 City Hall North- 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A Special Meeting- 4:30 p.m. www.bakersfieldcity.us AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non-Agenda Item Public Statements 3. SUMMARY REPORT c. Adoption of the May 22, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes Staff recommends adoption of the May 22, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes d. Adoption of the April 24, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes Staff recommends adoption of the April 24, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Complete Youth Commission recruitment video to be used on the City of Bakersfield's social media platforms. Staff recommends the Youth Commission complete recruitment video. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT (03 BAKERSFIEI.D ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT THE SOUND OF�'7eMR;(rylMt�'j)'e%fe.Y MEETING DATE: 6/19/2023 2. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: CREATED BY: DATE: WARD: SUBJECT: Agenda Item Public Statements STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: (03 BAKERSFIEI.D ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT THE SOUND OF�'7eMR;(rylMt�'j)'e%fe.Y MEETING DATE: 6/19/2023 2. b. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: CREATED BY: DATE: WARD: SUBJECT: Non-Agenda Item Public Statements STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: (03 BAKERSFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT THE SOUND OF�mWfp j�eRtV MEETING DATE: 6/19/2023 3. c. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 6/15/2023 WARD: SUBJECT: Adoption of the May 22, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the May 22, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Youth Connirmolis§ioin li liiruu.utea:s 05 22 2023 Backup Material 00 BAKERSFIELD YOUTH COMMISSION MINUTES THE SOUND OF MEETING OF May 22, 2023 City Hall North- 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A Regular Meeting- 4:30 p.m. wwwbakeirsfieldd o us ................................................................................................................................... 1. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bell, Vargas (A), Resolme, Simpson, Beardsley, Brar (A), Webster, Nahama (A), Batth (seated at 4:40 P.M.). Commissioners Absent: Tarango, Pursel (A), Kakarla, Tran (A) 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements None. b. Non-Agenda Item Public Statements None. 3. SUMMARY REPORT: None. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Review and discuss the May 19, 2023 school supply event at Roman Garza Elementary School coordinated by the Applecore Project Inc. Commissioner Beardsley gave a summary of the school supply distribution event at Roman Garza Elementary School. b. Continue discussion, planning, and vote regarding a Youth Commission recruitment video to be posted to the City of Bakersfield website and social media platforms to recruit new members before the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Motion to approve making a recruitment video for the Youth Commission by Resolme, seconded by Webster. Motion passed unanimously. The Commissioners discussed who would participate and the content of the video. 5. STAFF COMMENTS Management Assistant Gutierrez reminded the Commissioners he can write a letter of recommendation if needed regarding participation in the Youth Commission. 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Bell requested the Commissioners have their script/antidote written for the next meeting. She also remined the Commissioners to send Management Assistant Gutierrez their availability for a Special Meeting. None. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m. (03 BAKERSFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT THE SOUND OF�mWfp j�eRtV MEETING DATE: 6/19/2023 3. d. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 6/15/2023 WARD: SUBJECT: Adoption of the April 24, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the April 24, 2023 Youth Commission meeting minutes BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Youth Connirmolis§ioin li liiruu.utea:s 04 24 2023 Backup Material 00 BAKERSFIEI.D YOUTH COMMISSION M NVV►�/Au11�/Ir1' ES THE SOUND OF iBwlf�lG�irw�'j'rsl{ev MEETING OF April 24,2023 City Hall North - 1600 Truxtun Avenue First Floor, Conference Room A Regular Meeting-4:30 p.m. wvvw b _Ir..... . ....... __. .. ____..__..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Tarango, Pursel, Beardsley, Kakarla, Brar, Commissioners Absent: Bell, Vargas (A), Resolme, Webster, Nahama(A), Batth, Tran (A) 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements: None. b. Non-Agenda Item Public Statements Dashel Sandles from Bakersfield College i on behalf of his Political Science Class. 3. SUMMARY REPORT a. Adoption of the March 27, 2023, Youth Commission minutes. Due to lack of quorum, no action taken. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and consideration on a date and time for the Youth Commission to work with Applecore Project Inc. to distribute items collected during the March 2023 donation drive at the Haggin Oaks Farmers Market. Commissioner Pursel informed that the principal of Roman Garza Elementary called Applecore Project Inc. and expressed their need for school supplies. AppleCore decided to donate the supplies to the school and invited the Commissioners to join her when she passes out the supplies. The Commissioners would have to decide which day they would like to go. 4. NEW BUSINESS continued b. Discuss the Keep California Beautiful project presented by Ray Scott, committee member of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful at the March 27, 2023 Youth Commission meeting, and the potential for a collaboration before the end of FY 2022-2023. After discussion, the Commissioners reached the consensus that there would not be enough time to take on this project. C. Discussion and vote regarding the development of a recruitment video to promote youth engagement in the community for interested high school students to serve on the Youth Commission for the 2023-2024 school year The Commissioners discussed putting together a short recruitment video for the Youth Commission. They also suggested that at least one additional meeting would be needed to work on the video. 5. STAFF COMMENTS Management Assistant Gutierrez informed the Commissioners that the City is offering internships to high school students this summer. The application deadline is May 5, 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Pursel requested a poll be taken to determine who will be able to help finish the Applecore project and to decide if the Youth Commission had an interest in making a recruitment video. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:23 p.m. (03 BAKERSFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT THE SOUND OF imfeffpj�eRtV MEETING DATE: 6/19/2023 4. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 6/15/2023 WARD: SUBJECT: Complete Youth Commission recruitment video to be used on the City of Bakersfield's social media platforms. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Youth Commission complete recruitment video. BACKGROUND: In order to improve outreach and recruitment efforts for the City of Bakersfield Youth Commission within the community, staff recommended the youth commissioners develop a script and record a recruitment video to engage local high school students and encourage participation in the Youth Commission. Over the past three meetings, the Youth Commission has discussed possible ideas for the recruitment video, which is expected to be completed before June 30, 2023, and posted on all City social media channels. Additionally, City staff will communicate with local television media to inquire about interest and availability of time slots reserved for local events and opportunities to air the recruitment video over the 2023 summer months.