HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3513ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~ 1 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.84 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO A TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE ON ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sections: 15.84.010 15.84.020 15.84.030 15.84.040 15.84.050 15.84.055 15.84.060 15.84.070 15.84.080 15.84.090 15.84.100 Chapter 15.84 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE Short title. Purpose. Definitions. Imposition of transportation impact fee. Computation of fee. Reduction or waiver for low-income housing projects. Payment of fee. Use of funds. Refund of fee paid. Exemptions and credits. Appeal. 15.84.010 Short title. This ordinance shall be known "Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance." and may be cited as the 15.84.020 Purpose. A. This ordinance is intended to implement and be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. B. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the use and development of land so as to assure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to provide a regional transportation system consistent with the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. ORIGINAL 15.84.030 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the words set out in this section shall have the following meanings: or designee. "Administrator" means the City Public Works Director B. "Building permit" means an official document or official certification which authorizes the construction, alteration, enlargement, conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehabilitation, erection, demolition, moving or repair of a building or structure. In the case of a change in use or occupancy of an existing building or structure, the term shall specifically include Certificates of Occupancy, as those terms are defined in Section 308 of the Uniform Building Code 1991 and subsequent editions as may be adopted by the City Council. C. "Capital improvements" means transportation planning, preliminary engineering, engineering design studies, land surveys, right-of-way acquisition, engineering, permitting and construction of all the necessary features for any transportation facility projects including, but not limited to: 2. 3. 4. 5. e Construction of new through lanes. Construction of new turn lanes. Construction of new frontage or access roads. Construction of new bridges and widening. Construction of new drainage facilities in conjunction with new roadway construction. Purchase and installation of traffic signalization (including both new and upgrading signalization). Construction of curbs, medians, sidewalks, bicycle paths and shoulders in conjunction with new roadway construction. Relocating utilities to accommodate new roadway construction. Other capacity increasing improvements, such as transportation systems measures. D. "Consumer Price Index (CPI)" means the "All Urban Consumers, West - C" as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. E. "Expansion" of the capacity of a road means all road and intersection enhancements and includes, but is not limited to, extensions, widening intersection improvements, upgrading signalization and improving pavement conditions. - 2 - ORIGINAL F. "Fee payer" means a person commencing a land development activity which generates or attracts traffic and who is applying to the City of Bakersfield for the issuance of a building permit for a type of land development activity specified in the current resolution adopting the Transportation Impact Fee Schedule, regardless if the fee payer owns the land which is to be developed. G. "Land development activity generating traffic" means any change in land use, or any construction or expansion of buildings or structures, or any change in the use of any building or structure that attracts or produces vehicular trips. H. "Level of service" means a qualitative measure that represents the collective factors of speed, travel time, traffic interruption, freedom to maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience and operating costs provided by a highway facility under a particular volume condition as set forth in the 1985 (or current edition) Highway Capacity Manual. I. "Major residential facilities" means only multi- family complexes consisting of ten (10) or more individual units constructed under one permit. J. "Regional Transportation Facilities List" means those projects in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 Plan area which are included in the Capital Improvement Plan annually adopted by the City Council. These facilities constitute some of the regional facilities needed to maintain a level of service "C" or not to permit the degradation of roads which are currently below level of service "C" as shown in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan - Circulation Element. K. "Site-related improvements" means capital improve- ments and right-of-way dedications for direct access improvements to the development in question. Direct access improvements include but are not limited to the following: 1. Site driveways and roads. 2. Median cuts made necessary by those driveways or roads. 3. Right turn, left turn, and deceleration or acceleration lanes leading to or from those driveways or roads. 4. Traffic control measures for those driveways or roads. 5. Access or frontage roads not identified on Regional Transportation Facilities List. - 3 - ORIGINAL L. "Transportation Impact Fee Schedule" means the schedule of fees imposed on various land use types which is annually adopted by the City Council. This fee schedule contains the fee per living unit for residential land use types and the fee per trip for non-residential land use types. 15.84.040 Imposition of transportation impact fee. A. Except as provided in Section 15.84.090 of this ordinance, any person who applies to the City for the issuance of a building permit to make an improvement to land for one of the uses which is specified in the current resolution adopting the Transportation Impact Fee Schedule, and which will generate or attract additional traffic, shall be required to pay a transpor- tation impact fee in a manner and amount set forth in this ordinance. B. In the case of structures, mobile homes, or recreational vehicles which are moved from one location to another, a transportation impact fee shall be collected for the new location if the structure, mobile home or recreational vehicle is a type of land use listed in the current resolution adopting the Transporta- tion Impact Fee Schedule, regardless of whether transportation impact fees had been paid at the old location, unless the use at the new location is a replacement of an equivalent use at the new location. If the structure or mobile home so moved is replaced by an equivalent use at the old location, no transportation impact fee shall be owed for the replacement use at the old location. In every case, the burden of providing past payment of transportation impact fees or equivalency of use rests with the fee payer. 15.84.050 ComDutation of fee. A. At the option of the fee payer, the amount of the fee may be determined by the schedule set forth in the current resolution adopting the Transportation Impact Fee Schedule or under subsection B of this section. Land use type will be determined by the administrator. Average Daily Vehicle Trip Rate for the various type traffic generators will be determined using the report Trip Generation: An Informational Report, Institute of Transportation Engineers (latest edition), or shall be determined by the administrator at his discretion when local conditions are different from those used in the Trip Generation report or when there are no equivalent traffic generators in the Trip Generation report. ORDINAL 1. If a building permit is requested for a building with mixed uses, then the fee shall be determined according to the current fee schedule as adopted by resolution by apportioning the space committed to uses specified on the schedule. 2. If the type of development activity for which a building permit is applied is not clearly specified on the current fee schedule as adopted by resolution, the administrator shall use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the above referenced fee schedule. The administrator shall be guided in the selection of a comparable type by the reports titled Trip Generation: An Informational Report, Institute of Transportation Engineers (latest edition). If the administrator determines that there is no comparable type of land use on the above referenced fee schedule, then the administrator shall determine the fee by: Using traffic generation statistics from the above named sources; and Applying the procedure set forth in paragraph B of this section. 3. When change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use requires the issuance of a building permit, the impact fee shall be based upon the net increase in the impact fee for the new use as compared to the previous use. However, should the change of use, redevelopment or modification result in a net decrease, no refunds or credits for past trans- portation impact fees paid shall be made or credited. The administrator shall be guided in this determination by the above referenced sources. B. If a fee payer decides not to have the transpor- tation impact fee determined according to paragraph A of this section, then the fee payer shall prepare and submit to the administrator an independent fee calculation study for the land development activity for which a building permit is sought. The independent fee calculation study shall measure the impact of the development in question on the road system by following the prescribed methodologies and formats for the study established by the administrator. Such study shall be subject to the approval of the administrator. Any decision of the administrator pursuant to this section may be appealed as set forth in Section 15.84.100. 15.84.055 Reduction or waiver for low-income housing projects. A. Reduction of fee for rental housing. The fee may be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) for those projects where rent levels for all units will be affordable to low-income families as - 5 - ORIGINAL defined by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. The project units shall remain affordable for a minimum period of ten (10) years. B. Waiver of fee for owner-occupied housing. The fee may be waived entirely for owner occupied housing if it can be demonstrated that the cost of the home would change from being affordable to a low-income family to being affordable to a moderate income family solely as the result of payment of the impact fee. C. Documentation required for reduction or waiver of fee. 1. Rental projects seeking a fee reduction pursuant to subsection A of this section shall follow the following procedure: Pay the current fee as set forth in Section 15.84.050. Submit evidence certifying that the units will be occupied by low-income tenants. This information shall include any mortgage or rent subsidy contracts requiring occupancy by low-income families as a condition of approval or recorded deed restriction restricting occupancy of the units to low-income families, project data certifying tenant population to be low-income families, project data certifying tenant occupancy change to a higher income, or any other information deemed necessary to determine eligibility of the project for a fee reduction. An agreement to pay the full fee should occupancy change to a higher income group shall also be submitted. Once it is determined that the project qualifies for a reduction in fee, twenty- five percent (25%) of the fee paid pursuant to Section 15.84.050 will be refunded. 2. Owner-occupied projects seeking a fee waiver pursuant to subsection B of this section shall following procedure: Pay the current fee required as set forth in Section 15.84.050. Submit evidence that the cost of the home would change from being affordable to a low-income family to being affordable only to a moderate-income family solely - 6 - ORIGINAL So as a result of payment of the impact fee. This information shall include a copy of escrow instructions, closing statements, family income tax statements, loan closing statements and any other information deemed necessary to determine eligibility of the project for a fee waiver. Once it is determined that the project qualifies for a waiver of the fee, the monies paid pursuant to Section 15.84.050 will be refunded. 15.84.060 Payment of fee. A. For residential uses, other than major residential facilities, the fee payer shall pay the transportation impact fees required by this ordinance to the administrator prior to the issuance of a building permit for which the fee is imposed. No building permit may be issued for any residential development other than major residential facilities, until such fee has been paid. B. For non-residential and major residential facilities, the fee payer shall pay the transportation impact fees required by this ordinance to the administrator prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. No certificate of Occupancy may be issued for any non-residential or major residential facility development until such fee has been paid. C. In lieu of cash, the transportation impact fee may be paid by the use of credits which are created in accordance with the provisions of 15.84.090 of this ordinance. D. All funds collected pursuant to this ordinance shall be deposited into the appropriate Transportation Impact Fee Trust Fund and used solely for the purposes specified in this ordinance. 15.84.070 Use of funds. A. Funds collected from transportation impact fees shall be used for the purpose of capital improvements to trans- portation facilities associated with the "Regional Transportation Facilities List." Such improvements shall be of the type as are made necessary by the new development. No funds shall be used for periodic or routine maintenance. Funds collected may also be used to reimburse City's street capital improvement budget for funds previously expended to acquire segments of the Kern River Freeway right-of-way. Funds shall be used exclusively for capital improvements within the City or for projects outside this area which are a direct benefit to the City. - 7 ORIGINAL B. In the event that bonds or similar debt instruments are issued for advanced provision of road capital improvements for which transportation impact fee may be expended, impact fees may be used to pay debt service on such bonds or similar debt instruments to the extent that the facilities provided are of the type described in paragraph A above. C. Each fiscal year, the administrator shall present to the City Council a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction projects as set forth in Section 15.84.030(C). Such plan shall indicate the approximate location, size, time of availability and estimates of cost for all improvements to be financed with transportation impact fees. Such plan shall be adopted by the City Council following a noticed public hearing as set forth in Government Code Section 66002. D. Each fiscal year, the administrator shall present to the City Council a proposed fee schedule as defined in Section 15.84.030. The fee schedule shall be evaluated to account for changes in the Regional Transportation Facilities List, changes in cost estimates for the various projects on the list, and any other item which would change new development's proportionate share of the cost of the Regional Transportation Facilities List. This fee schedule shall be adopted by the City Council following a noticed public hearing. In no instance, in the period prior to January 1, 1994, shall the fee be raised more than the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase. 15.84.080 Refund of fee paid. A. If a building permit expires, is revoked or is voluntarily surrendered and is therefore voided, and no construction or improvement of land has been commenced, then the fee payer shall be entitled to a refund, with interest at five percent (5%) per annum, of the transportation impact fee paid as a condition for its issuance. B. Any funds not expended or encumbered by the end of the calendar quarter immediately following five (5) years from the date the transportation impact fee was paid shall be returned to the then current owner or owners of lots or units of the development project or projects on a prorated basis, with interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum unless a finding is made by the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 66001, that identifies the purpose to which the fee is to be put and to demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it is charged. - 8 - ORIGINAL 15.84.090 Exemptions and credits. A. The following shall be exempted from payment of the transportation impact fee: 1. Alterations or expansion of an existing building or use of land where no additional living units will be produced over and above those in the existing use of the property, the use is not changed, and where no additional vehicular trips will be produced over and above those produced by the existing use. 2. Construction of accessory buildings or structures which will not produce additional vehicular trips over and above those produced by the principal building or use of the land. 3. The replacement of a lawfully permitted building, mobile home or structure, the building permit for which was issued on or before the effective date of this ordinance or the replacement of a building, mobile home, or structure that was constructed subsequent thereto and for which the correct transportation impact fee, which was owed at the time the building permit was applied for, was paid or otherwise provided for, with a new building, mobile home, or structure of the same use and at the same location, provided that no additional vehicular trips will be produced over and above those produced by the original use of the land. 4. A building permit for which the transportation impact fee thereof has been or will be paid or otherwise provided for pursuant to a written agreement, zoning approval or development agreement which, by the written terms thereof, clearly and unequivocally was intended to provide for the full mitigation of such impact by enforcement of the agreement, zoning approval or development order, and not by the application of this ordinance. 5. A building permit which does not result in any additional generation or attraction of traffic as determined by the administrator. B. Credits: 1. No credit shall be given for site-related improvements, local roads or payments to special assessment or taxing districts. 2. All other capital improvements for approved projects on the Regional Transportation Facilities List except for those improvements deemed site-related shall be credited against transportation impact fees in the amounts to be established - 9 - ORIGINAL pursuant to paragraph B.3. of this section. However, determination of whether a capital improvement will be approved for credit purposes lies exclusively with the administrator, unless the improvement is not site-related and is required under a state or city development approval, in which case credits shall be given to the extent required by law. 3. When a fee payer requests that a credit be granted for construction of any item on the Regional Transportation Facilities List or for dedication of right-of-way for an approved road permitted by paragraph B.2. of this section, the fee payer shall submit a project description in sufficient detail and with complete cost estimates consistent with the unit costs established via the Regional Transportation Facilities List support data to permit the administrator to evaluate the request. Credit requests for land dedication of roads listed in the Regional Transportation Facilities List require: a. Deed to convey title to the appropriate governmental body; b. Title report prepared within sixty (60) days of submission thereof; c. Value based upon one or more current appraisals prepared by fully qualified independent real property appraisers. Selection of appraisers shall be subject to approval by the administrator; d. Credits for land dedication shall be created when the title to said land has been accepted by the City. 4. Credits for construction shall be created when the construction is completed and accepted by the appropriate governmental body for maintenance. 5. Fee payers requesting credits for construction or dedication of right-of-way shall submit documentation sufficient to permit the determination of whether such credits claimed are due and, if so, the amount of such credits. The amount of credit shall be actual documented costs, not to exceed the facility's Regional Transportation Facilities List Fee Basis Total Cost. C. Exemptions or credits must be requested by the fee payer at the time of the application for a building permit. 15.84.100 ApDeal. Any decision made by the administrator in the course of administering this ordinance may be appealed to the City Council by - 10 - ORIGINAL filing a written notice of appeal within ten (10) days after the decision with the City Clerk, setting forth the grounds for appeal. The cost to file a notice of appeal shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The City Council shall hear such appeal at a regular meeting no later than three (3) weeks following the filing of the appeal with the City Clerk. The appellant shall be given notice of the appeal hearing no less than three (3) days prior to said hearing. The Council may, upon said hearing, sustain or overrule the decision of the administrator, which decision shall be final and conclusive. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective on the same date as the equivalent County of Kern Ordinance, not less than sixty (60) days from adoption of this Ordinance by the City Council. .......... o0o .......... - 11 ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on MAR ~ 4 ~ by the following vote: ABSENT COU NClLME MBm R--~-------'~ = '~- - ABSTAIN COUNCILMEMBERS'- CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: A~tTING CIT~ ATTORNEY of the City of~akersfield LCM/meg I~ACT. FEE\?RANSPR?. 0-5 3/18/93 - 12 ORIGINAL JOEL HEINRICHS D~RECTOR DAVID PRICE A~t~q'ANT D~CTOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Ar-'.NCY TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT August 18, 1992 Board of Supervisors Kern County Administrative Center 111 § Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors: REF: 7-2.9a Metro Bakersfield Transportation impact Fee Program (All Supervisorial Districts) As part of the adoption of the Metro Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Program, there were various proposals and modifications of calculation methods trip rates vs. cost per trip, etc. During the process it was recognized there was no one "perfect" methodology or impact mitigation program, but the adopted program was a compromise of the various current concerns. It appears that a 50% reduction of trip rates for six types of land uses would be appropriate to be more consistent with the intent of the current fee program. Currently, fees for the six types of uses are considerably higher than any other use. With the 50% reduction, the fees would still be somewhat higher than any other use, but would recognize the much higher percentage of passby type trips (fewer new trips). The current rates are not necessarily technically insupportable, but are not consistent with the lower impact mitigation rates realized by the other land uses. The current and proposed Average Daily Trip Rates are as follows: GENERATOR Convenience Market Convenience Market 2/Gasoline Pumps Fast Food without Drive-thru Fast Food with Drive-thru Service Station Service Station w/Convenience Market CURRENT 738 732(241/pump) 786 632 361/pump 387/pump PROPOSED 369 366(121/pump) 393 316 181/pump 194/pump 2700 "M" $TRy~, SUITE 350 BAKERSFInerY, CAL]FORH[A 93301 (805) 861-3502 F/~X: (805) 861-3429 Board of Supervisors August 18, 1992 Page 2 The proposed changes have been discussed with City of Bakersfield Public Works De13artment which concurs and will be processing changes to maintain identical City and County programs. To date, no fees have been paid within the City or County for any project involving the proposed changes and therefore retroactive correction is not an issue. However, there are inquires and potential proiects pending. The ordinance provides changes in the Average Daily Vehicle Trip Rates for Non- Residential Uses, Exhibit C of the ordinance, can be made by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Members of the Technical Advisory Committee involved in the original program adoption are being notified by copy of this letter. Based on informal contact with some members, no objection is anticipated. IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that the Metropolitan Bakersfield Impact Fee Average Daily Vehicle Trip Rates for Non-Residential Uses, Exhibit "C" (8/18/92), copy attached, be approved and referred to County Counsel for preparation of Resolution. WAS:LLN:ab Attachment METROFEE.892 BL113.BL1 cc: County Administrative Office William A. Suitor Road Commissioner City of Bakersfield Public Works, 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bak., 93301 TAC Members PADS, ESS, RMA COUNTY OF KERN METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE AVERAGE DAILY VEHICLE TRIP RATES RATES FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES LAND USE ADT PER TYPE GENERATOR 1,000 SF 8 thru 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 thru 16 4 4 4 3 4 RETAIL: Free Standing Supermarket 151 Discount Club 78 Discount Store 70 New Car Dealer 48 Convenience Market 369 Convenience Market 2/Gasoline Pumps 366 Hardware/Paint Store 52 Building Materials and Lumber Store 31 Furniture and Carpet Store 4 Plant Nursery (Garden Center 36 SHOPPING CENTER - GENERAL: Under 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000-49,999 sq. ft. 50,000-99,000 sq. ft. 100,000-199,999 sq. ft. 200,000-299,999 sq. ft. 300,000-399,999 sq. ft. 400,000-499,999 sq. ft. 500,000-999,999 sq. ft. 1,000,000 sq. ft. & over SHOPPING CENTER: Specialty Retail Center (Strip Center) Apparel Store INDUSTRIAL/MANUFACTURING: Free Standing General Manufacturing Warehouse Industrial Park Light Industrial Heavy Industrial Mini-Warehouse, incl. Storage Containers 168 111 79 61 50 44 40 34 32 41 38 4 5 7 7 2 3 ADT PER ACRE 546 149 96 EXHIBIT C (8118192} ADT PER UNIT LISTED 121/pump** 5 6 7 5 thru 7 OFFICES - COMMERCIAL: Under 100,000 sq. ft. 100,000-199,999 s~l. ft. 200,000 sq. ft. & over OFFICES: Governmental Single Tenant Office Building Medical Clinic 14 13 12 69 12 34 24 I.~AND.: USE TYPE. 8 thru 16 8 thru 16 8 thru 16 8 thru 16 5 thru 7 5 thru 7 8 thru 16 8 thru 16 8 thru 16 GENERATOR RESTAURANTS: Quality - I hr. or longer turnover 97 High turnover (Sit-Down) 205 Fast Food without Drive-thru 393 Fast Food with Drive-thru 316 Beer Bar/Drinking Place 155 FINANCIAL: Bank 265 PARKS AND RECREATION: Golf Course Bowling 33 Recreational Community Center 23 Health Clubs 43 Racauet Club 17 HOSPITALS: General 17 Convalescent/Nursing Home/Re-Hab. EDUCATIONAL: Colleges/Trade Schools Junior/Comm. College High School Elementary/Jr. High School Day Care Center 79 Libraries 46 AIRPORTS: Local Airport HOTEL/MOTEL: *Hotel (w/restaurant, meet. & banq. rms) Motel (w/restaurant only) MISCELLANEOUS: Service Station Service Station w/Convenience Market Theaters Auto ReDair (no fuel pumps) Self-Serve Car Wash ADT PER 1,000 SF 14 Church 9 Jail (Short Term) Truck Terminal 16 ADT PER ACRE 12/bed 3/bed 7 82 ADT PER UNIT LISTED 2.4/student 1.3/student I .4/student 1.1/student 4.7/student 9/occ. room 10/occ. room 1811pump** 194/pump* * 1.8/seat 108 per car wash bay 7/employee NOTES: Use higher number of total trigs where more then one critehum is given for trig rates (e.g.-Der 1,000 sQ. ft. and Der acre. *No additional fee charged for restaurants, offices, etc. if they are an integral Dart of the structure. · *A 'pumD" is considered to be a single disDenser unit. If a unit is caDable of sewing two vehicles at once, it is considered to be two "pumps'. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, TRIP GENERATION, 5th Edition: ITE; Washington, 1987 UJV:dc/'rP.,4F. D3 2 AUG ~L ~. 1992 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The attached information will be heard by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting which will be held on Tuesday, '.'~ ~ '~ ,1992, 2:00 p.m., on First Floor of the County Administrative Center, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. TAC MEMBERS LABELS MISC2.D41\ab CFI'Y OF BAKERSFIELD Pt~NNING DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSF)ELD CA 93301 CITY OF BAKERSFIFII"J PUBLIC WORKS 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 KERN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS KERN COUNTY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION (KERNTAX) 1415- 18TH STRtr~l BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY 5405 STOCKDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS 4660 AMERICAN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 BAKERSFIre ~ ASSOC ~)F REALTORS P.O. BOX 2306 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303 GREATER BAKERSFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1033 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 CALIF COUNCIL OF CIVIL ENG & LAND SURVEYORS ClO PORTER-ROBERTSON 1000 - 21ST ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 KERN COUNTY BUILDERS EXCHANGE 1121 BAKER ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. County of Kern ) CAROL WILLIAMS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 31st day of March, 1993 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3513, passed by the Bakersfield city Council at a meeting held on the 24th day of March, 1993, and entitled: By: /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield DEPUTY C~ity ~erk