HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/23 SAFE & HEALTHY NEIGHBORHOODS SPECIALBAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF 5W4kf '�� Staff: Christian Clegg, City Manager POSITED ON by City Clerk's Office City of Bakersfield Committee Members: Councilmember, Eric Arias, Chair Councilmember, Patty Gray Councilmember, Manpreet Kaur Special Meeting of the Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, September 12, 2023 5:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statement 3. ADOPT MAY 4, 2023, SPECIAL AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 4. REPORTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Update regarding Mosquito Abatement for Committee discussion and feedback. (Informational item; staff recommends receive and file.) B. Update regarding Quarterly Crime and Response Updates for Committee discussion and feedback. (Informational item; staff recommends receive and file.) 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT j � �_: �.� 3T riV` 1 t f! _ � '��ti7 1 i (03 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF 5*f4kf 964W Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember, Eric Arias - Chair Councilmember, Patty Gray Councilmember, Manpreet Kaur Amended Special Meeting of the Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, May 4, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 Agenda Summary Report Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Eric Arias - Chair Councilmember Patty Gray Councilmember Manpreet Kaur City Staff: Christian Clegg, City Manager Crystal Rubio, Assistant to the City Manager Elizabeth Villanueva, Deputy City Attorney I Brent Stratton, Assistant Chief of Police City Manager's Office Fellows Eric Galvan, City Manager's Office Juan Heredia, City Manager's Office Julie Drimakis, City Clerk Additional Attendees: Members of the Public and other City Staff. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements City Clerk Drimakis announced and provided a staff memorandum transmitting additional correspondence received after the publication of the agenda regarding agenda item 6.c. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued Pastor Manuel Carrizalez, Focus Ministries, (written material provided), and Michael Turnipseed spoke regarding item 6.a. 2. Karina Funez, Bernardo Ochoa, Susan Saelee spoke on behalf of Patsy Romero and Johnny Delgado spoke regarding item 6.c. b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 1. Oday Guerrero spoke regarding a Statewide Program named Children Thrive. 2. Gema Perez, Greenfield Walking Group, and Daisy Vega spoke regarding safety concerns and crosswalks for children walking to and from various high schools around the city. 3. ADOPTION OF THE MARCH 2, 2023, AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Motion by Councilmember Kaur to adopt the March 2, 2023, Agenda Summary Report. Motion unanimously approved. 4. REPORTS None. 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS None. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Update on CaIVIP: Problem Analysis for Committee discussion and feedback. (Informational item; staff recommends receive and file). City Manager Clegg provided staff comments and PowerPoint Presentation. B. Update regarding CaIVIP Program for Committee discussion and feedback. (Informational item; staff recommends receive and file). Assistant Police Chief Stratton, Lieutenant McAfee, Assistant to City Manager Rubio and City Manager Clegg provided staff comments and PowerPoint Presentation. Motion by Councilmember Kaur to receive and file agenda items 6.a. and 6.b. Motion unanimously approved. C. Consideration and direction regarding Tobacco Retail Permit Ordinance. (Staff recommends Committee receive and file and provide direction.) Deputy City Attorney Villanueva and City Manager Clegg provided staff comments. Motion by Councilmember Gray to adopt Kern County's Tobacco Retail Permit Ordinance and move for first reading to City Council. Motion unanimously approved. Safe Neighborhoods & Community Relations Committee Special Meeting May 4, 2023 Page 2 10. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None. 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:37 p.m. Eric Arias, CHAIR SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE ATTEST: JULIE DRIMAKIS, MMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Safe Neighborhoods & Community Relations Committee Special Meeting May 4, 2023 Page 3 r KERN MOSQUITO & VCD MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS AND SURVEILLANCE UPDATE SAFEAND HEALTHY NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE MEETING 17AUGUST 2023 KERN MOSQUITO ANDVECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT 4705 ALLEN ROAD BAKERSFiELD 93314 District Objective Mosquito Control Operations Winter Storm Challenges Aerial Swimming Pool Survey Routine Operations Wide -Area Larvicide Spray (WALS) ■ Surveillance Culex species Non-native Aedes aegypti Mosquito -borne Viruses SLEV and WNV Local number of cases and samples Mosquito Prevention 5 - _4 "To protect the public's health through effective mosquito control, encephalitis virus surveillance, roof rat control and public education." The District is an integral part of the public health system and is organized and governed by California Health and Safety Code (H&SC) sections 2000-2093. OSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: Disclaimer Read Disclaimer w - , . < r•t Layers satell:,te IMPORTANT LINKS } Built by GreenGood Labs, LLC. 2 km . T—. of Use Rapart a map ertor MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: WINTER STORM CHALLENGES _ Y _ •.-� . , .. . -fir.-•�1r.P%, 'AM a FINK J"m � l�ci7�. _w MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: WINTER STORM CHALLENGES February ,, 2023 4 (-5 Bakersfield R_ A 2"L.ip s _ 3 _w. MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: AERIAL SWIMMING POOL SURVEY MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: ROUTINE OPERATIONS MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: ROUTINE OPERATIONS gyp. k h MOSQUITO CONTROL OPERATIONS: ROUTINE OPERATIONS -ADULTICIDE FOGGING okame =own Source: MOA WALS - Valent BioSciences Co -Innovation • �omroi Treatment Phase 100 75 c 3 m 50 W, p 25 , • 0 Treatment • a ♦ , ', • ,.`. 19 20 21 22 123 24 25 26 27 28 29 301 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Week Negative binomial regression, p <0.05 (KERN) (AN Spatial) (CO2) (Culex quinquefascialus) (Females - Bloodied. Females - Gravid. Females - Mixed, Females - Unied) 140 120 100 (KERN) (All Spatial) (GRVD) (Culex quinquefasdatus) (Females - Bloodfed, Females - Gravid, Females - Mixed. Females - Unfed) (KERN) (All Spatial) (CO2) (Culex tarsalis) (Females - Bloodied. Females - Gravid. Females - Mixed, Females - Unfed) (KERN) (All Spatial) (BGSENT) (Aedes aegypti) (Females - Bloodfed. Females - Gravid. Females - Wed, Females - Urded) West Nile Virus Transmission Cycle Reservoir Hosts: Birds �`td to Mos9 zAL A L �I Insect Vector. Culex Mosquitoes M°s9uito to �`�� Total pools: 1 138 # of WNV positive: 28 # of SLEV positive: 16 One confirmed WNV+ 4" Accidental Hosts: People & Animals 4" One confirmed SLEV case One confirmed WNV case Zero WNV positive dead bird —1 d 0 eio" *Va. MOSQUITO PREVENTION , MOSQUITO PREVENTION r- fo ■ Kern Mosquito and Vector Control District 4705 Allen Road Bakersfield, CA 93314 661-589-2744 kmvcd kernmosquito.com ■ La Thao District Manager lathao(o)kernmosquito.com ■ Terry Knight Public Information Officer terry(a)kernmosquito.com v� a y �1 RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILE 9/12/2023 ATSA N MEETING OF q /Z 23 Quarterly Crime and Ca1VIP update Special Meeting of the Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods Committee 1 Change in Crime Reporting System • The FBI collects crime data in two ways, the Summary Reporting System (SRS) and the National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS) • In September 2022, BPD transitioned from the Summary Reporting System (SRS) to the National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS) z 1 9/12/2023 Change in Crime Reporting System SRS — Old System Example: an incident involves a murder, rape, • Collects monthly summary counts of and robbery 10 crimes UCR Reporting NIBRS Reporting • Uses the "Hierarchy Rule" Murder Murder Hierarchy Rule - when more than one Rape offense occurs within an incident, only Robbery the most serious crime is reported in the agency's monthly crime totals. 3 Change in Crime Reporting System NIBRS — New System • Detailed offense, victim, offender, property, and arrestee information for: 23 crime categories made up of 49 offenses • Provide more accurate picture of crime in our community • Provide context for understanding victims and offenders • Reflects law enforcement operations & recordkeeping best practices • Mandated by the FBI and the Bureau of Justice Statistics 4 2 9/12/2023 5 City-w e Crime Update MURDER NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES (Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ object, fondling) AGGRAVATED ASSAULT SIMPLE ASSAULT IMTIMIDATION 11 2 -82% 2 3 50% 1 0 -100% 95 109 15% 401 699 74% 768 550 -M', 164 158 -4% City-wide Cry Update.,, KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION 30 26 NONFORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES (Incest, Statutory Rape) 12 5 HUMAN TRAFFICKING, COMMERICAL SEX ACTS 3 4 HUMAN TRAFFICKING, INVOLUNTARY 2 2 0% SERVITUDE CRIMES AGAINST PERSON TOTAL 1492 1559 0 3 9/12/2023 City-&i Crime -Up ROBBERY 171 152 -11% BURGLARY/BREAKING & ENTERING 642 697 9% LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSES 1980 1902 -4%, MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT 963 1055 12% ARSON 5 2 -60% DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY 625 607 -3 /t COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY 114 61 -46% 7 OFFENSES 2023 2023 % CHAN QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 FRAUD OFFENSE 238 258 8`Yo EMBEZZLEMENT 26 19 -27% EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL 4 5 25% BRIBERY 0 0 0% STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSE 62 49 -21% CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY TOTALS 4830 4807 -50% 0 n 9/12/2023 I City-w' .e...Cri me U .. . .ate OFFENSES QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS 199 218 10% DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS 115 113 -2%, GAMBLING OFFENSES 0 3 300% PORNOGRAPHY/OBSCENE MATERIAL 13 10 -23% PROSTITUTION 12 7 -42% WEAPONS LAW VIOLATION 160 177 11% City-wide Update ANIMAL CRUELTY 13 14 CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY TOTAL 512 542 TOTAL GROUP A OFFENSES 6834 6908 10 5 9/12/2023 CaIVIP Update - Homicides YTD, 45 YTD, 30 YTD, 16 `Please note the homicide stats include all gang- 13 8 related homicides, including but not limited to 3 shootings and stabbings. 2021 11 ShotSpotter ANIMMIL, Update hart - Historical 2021 2022 101 2023 1. S7 YTD - 15% Reduction in ShotSpotter Alerts over 20. 597 vs 502 12 0