HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3515 ORDINANCE NO. 3515 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Section 1 Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Title 16 SUBDIVISIONS Chapters: 16.04 General Provisions. 16.08 Definitions. 16.12 General Requirements. 16.16 Tentative Maps. 16.20 Final Tract Maps. 16.22 Final Parcel Map. 16.24 Vesting Tentative Maps. 16.28 Design Standards. 16.32 Improvements. 16.36 Optional Design and Improvement Standards. 16.40 Dedications. 16.41 Reservations. 16.44 Soil and Grading Reports. 16.48 Reversion to Acreage. 16.52 Appeals. Chapter 16.04 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sections: 16.04.010 Title. 16.04.020 Purpose. 16.04.010 Title. This title shall be known as the subdivision ordinance of the city. 16.04.020 Purpose. This title is adopted to supplement and implement the Subdivision Map Act of the state; to set forth rules and regulations for the subdivision of real property. ~ ~ ORIgiNAL Chapter 16.08 DEFINITIONS Sections: 16.08.010 16.08.020 16.08.030 16.08.050 16.08.060 16.08.070 16.08.080 16.08.090 16.08.100 16.08.110 16.08.120 16.08.130 16.08.140 16.08.150 16.08.160 Generally. Advisory agency. Certificate of compliance. Design. Final tract map. Improvements. Map Act. Original parcel. Parcel created. Final parcel map. Record of survey map. Subdivider. Subdivision. Tentative map. Vesting tentative map. 16.08.010 Generally. Whenever used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the words set out in this chapter shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them. 16.08.020 Advisory agency. The city engineer, or his designated representative, shall constitute the advisory agency for any parcel map waiver pursuant to Section 16.12.030, any lot line adjustment, and any waiver of signatures pursuant to Section 66436 of the Map Act. The planning commission shall constitute the advisory agency for all proposed subdivisions. 16.08.030 Certificate of compliance. "Certificate of compliance" means the certificate of compliance described in Section 66499.35 of the Map Act. 16.08.050 Design. "Design" means: A. Street alignments, grades and widths; B. Drainage and sanitary facilities and utilities, including alignments and grades thereof; 2 ~- ORIGINAL C. Location and size of all required easements and rights-of-ways; D. Fire roads and firebreaks; E. Lot size and configuration; F. Traffic access; G. Grading; H. Land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes; and I. Such other specific requirements in the plan and configuration of the entire subdivision as may be necessary or convenient to insure conformity to or implementation of the general plan required by Article 5 (commencing with Section 65300) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code, or any specific plan adopted pursuant to Article 8 (commencing with Section 65450) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the 6overnment Code. 16.08.060 Final tract mao. "Final tract map" means the final subdivision map required for all subdivisions creating five or more parcels, five or more condominiums or a community apartment project containing five or more parcels except where subsections A, B, C, D, or E of Section 16.12.010 of this title apply. 16.08.070 Iml~rovements. "Improvements" refer to such street work and utilities to be installed, or agreed to be installed, by the subdivider on the land to be used for public or private streets, highways, ways, and easements, as are necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the map. It also refers to such other specific improvements or types of improvements, the installation of which, either by the subdivider, by public agencies, by private utilities, by any other entity approved by city or by a combination thereof is necessary or convenient to insure conformity to or implementation of the general plan or any specific plan. 16.08.080 Map Act. "Map Act" means the Subdivision Map Act of the state, being Division 2 of Title 7 (commencing with Section 66410) of the Government Code. 16.08.090 Original parcel. "Original parcel" means a subdivision of land for which a parcel map is required, exclusive of any contiguous whole parcel or lot established by a subdivision, record of survey map or parcel map which was lawfully made, approved and recorded. 16.08.100 Parcel created. "Parcel created" means and includes any parcel or lot which is created by the subdivision of an original parcel, including the remainder of the original parcel. 3 OFIIG~NAL 16.08.110 Final oareel mao. "Final parcel map" means the final parcel map required for all subdivisions creating five or more parcels which are excepted from final tract map requirements by subsections A, B, C, D, or E of Section 16.12.010 and which are required for all divisions of land into four or fewer parcels. 16.08.120 Record of survey map. "Record of survey map" means the documents prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer as provided in Article 5, Chapter 15 of Division 3 (commencing with Section 8760) of the Business and Professions Code. 16.08.130 Subdivider. "Subdivider" means a person who proposes to divide, divides or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for himself or for others. 16.08.140 Subdivision. "Subdivision" means the division by any subdivider of any unit or units or improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future except for leases of agricultural land for agricultural purposes. Property shall be considered as contiguous units, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easement or railroad rights-of-ways. "Subdivision" includes a condominium project, as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, a community aparanent project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, and the conversion of five or more existing dwelling units to a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code. Any conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public entity or public utility shall not be considered a division of land for purposes of computing the number of parcels. As used in this section, "agricultural purposes" means the cultivation of food or fiber or the grazing or pastaring of livestock. 16.08.150 Tentative mao. "Tentative map" means any tentative map (tract or parcel) required or permitted by this title to be filed for a proposed subdivision. When the term "tentative parcel map" is used in this title, it shall refer to the tentative map required for a division of land falling within subsections A, B, C, D, or E of Section 16.12.010 and for divisions of land into four or fewer parcels; when the term "tentative tract map" is used, it shall refer to the tentative map required for a division of land creating five or more parcels except in cases provided for in subsections A, B, C, D, or E of Section 16.12.010. ORIGINAL 16.08.160 Vestina tentative map. A "vesting tentative" map shall mean a "tentative map" for any subdivision that shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map" at the time it is filed in accordance with Section 16.24.060, and is thereafter processed in accordance with the provisions hereof. Chapter 16.12 Sections: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I. Generally 16.12.010 16.12.020 16.12.030 16.12.040 16.12.050 16.12.060 16.12.070 Tentative and final tract maps required - Exception. Tentative and final parcel maps required. Waiver of requirement of parcel map and lot line adjustments. Advisory agency and staff responsibility. Limitation as to minor land division. Exceptions to filing requirements. Fees. I1. Enforcement 16.12.080 Limitations on issuance of permits. 16.12.090 Filing of map prerequisite to certain transactions. 16.12.100 Modifications of title. 16.12.110 Voidability of certain transactions. 16.12.120 Remedies not barred. I. Generally 16.12.010 Tentative and final tract maps reauired - Exceotion. Tentative and final tract maps shall be required for all subdivision creating five or more parcels or lots, five or more condominiums as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code, a community apartment project containing five or more parcels, or for the conversion of a dwelling to a stock cooperative containing five or more dwelling units, except in the following cases: A. The land before division contains fewer than five acres; each parcel created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway and no dedications or improvements are required; B. Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of twenty acres or more and has an approved access improved to city standards to a maintained public street or highway; 5 O,qlGi~L C. The land consists of a parcel or parcels of land having approved access improved to city standards to a public street or highway which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial or commercial development, and which has the approval of the city as to street alignments and widths; D. Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of forty acres or more or is not less than a quarter of a quarter section. E. When at least two-thirds of the owners of mobilehomes who are tenants in the mobilehome park sign a petition indicating their intent to purchase the mobilehome park for purposes of converting it to tenant-owned, condominium ownership interest, and a field survey is performed, the requirement for a parcel map or a tentative and final map shall be waived unless any of the following exist: 1. There are significant design or improvement requirements necessitated by health or safety concerns. 2. Subsequent to recordation of the existing parcel or final map, there is an exterior boundary discrepancy that requires recordation of a new parcel or tentative and final map. 3. The existing lot or lots were not created by a recorded parcel or final map. 4. The conversion would result in the creation of additional parcels. After the waiver application is deemed complete pursuant to Section 16.12.030, the advisory agency shall approve or deny the application within 60 days. The applicant shall have the right to appeal that decision to the City Council as set forth in Chapter 16.52. 16.12.020 Tentative and final parcel maps required. Tentative and final parcel maps shall be required in the following cases: A. All those subdivisions described in subsections A, B, C, and D of Section 16.12.010; B. Divisions of land into four or fewer parcels, which may be referred to as a minor land division. 16.12.030 Waiver of requirement of parcel map and lot line adjustments. A. Waiver of Requirement. In any ease provided in Section 16.12.020, the requirement of a parcel map may be waived in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. No tentative map shall be required in cases where a parcel map is waived. 6 ~- ORfG~NAL B. Application for Waiver of Parcel Map. An application for waiver of the requirement of a parcel map shall be filed with the planning director upon such forms and accompanied by a plot plan and such information as may be prescribed or requested by the planning director. C. Application for Lot Line Adjustment. An application for a lot line adjustment between two or more existing adjacent parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where a greater number of parcels than previously existed is not thereby created, shall be filed with the planning director upon such forms and accompanied by a plot plan and such information as may be prescribed or requested by the planning director. D. Action by City Engineer. An application for waiver of the requirement of a parcel map or lot line adjustment shall be acted upon by the city engineer within fifty days after it is accepted for filing by the planning director, unless such time is extended by agreement with the applicant. The city engineer, or the city council on appeal, shall~ by written decision, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, approve or conditionally approve the application for waiver if he finds that the proposed division of land complies with, or upon satisfaction of one or more specific conditions shall comply with, such requirements as may have been established by the Subdivision Map Act or Title 16 of this code, as to area, improvement and design, floodwater drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, environmental protection, and other requirements of the Subdivision Map Act or this title and other ordinances which are applicable to the proposed division of land. An application for a lot line adjustment may be approved, conditionally approved, or denied at the discretion of the city engineer or, on appeal, of the city council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, conditions imposed on a lot line adjustment must relate to conformance to city zoning or building ordinances or to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructure or easements. E. Approval for and Issuance and Recording of Certificate of Compliance. Approval or conditional approval of an application for waiver of the requirement of a parcel map or for a lot line adjustment shall automatically constitute approval for the issuance of a certificate of compliance pursuant to the provisions of Section 66499.35 of the Subdivision Map Act. When approval has been given to an application for waiver of the requirement of a parcel map, or for a lot line adjustment, the city engineer shall, provided each condition has been satisfied and such lot line adjustment is reflected in a deed to be concurrently recorded by the city engineer, issue a certificate of compliance and shall cause said certificate of compliance to be filed for record with the recorder of the county. A record of survey shall also be recorded if required by Section 8762 of the Business and Professions Code. F. No requirement of a parcel map shall be waived or lot line adjustment approved which would result in a lot which will be used for residential purposes with a net area of less than six thousand square feet or a width of less than fifty-five feet unless the applicant has filed with the planning director a petition signed by the owner of each parcel within three hundred feet of such lot, as shown on the latest county assessment roll, approving a lot or lots of such lesser area or width; provided, however, that, in the 7 ~ O~G~AL alternative, such waiver or adjustment may be approved conditionally subject to the applicant obtaining a modification of lot width or area as per requirements under Chapter 17.64 of this code; provided, moreover, that the requirement of a parcel map may be waived or a lot line adjustment approved if the proposed change will result in a substandard lot larger or wider than that which presently exists and no substandard lot of lesser size or width is created. G. Appeals. Within ten days after mailing of the decision of the city engineer, an applicant may appeal to the city council any conditional approval or denial of an application. Such appeal shall be governed by the procedures set forth in Chapter 16.52. The city council on appeal shall have full authority to act on the application, including all authority granted under this chapter to the city engineer. H. The Certificate of Compliance shall be recorded within two years of the date of approval by the City Engineer or City Council. If not recorded within said period, the application shall be deemed withdrawn by the applicant. 16.12.040 Advisory al~encv and staff resoonsibility. A. The advisory agency shall make investigations and reports on the design and ~mprovement of any proposed division of real property for which tentative maps are required to be filed, and shall have the authority to impose requirements and conditions upon such divisions of land, and to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove such maps and division of land. B. The planning director and city engineer shall advise and assist in making investigations and reports on all tentative maps. 16.12.050 Limitation as to minor land division. Whenever the advisory agency requires improvements pursuant to this title for a division of land into four or fewer parcels, such advisory agency's authority is limited to requiring dedication of rights-of-way, easements, and the construction of reasonable off- site and on-site improvements for the parcels being created. Requirements for the construction of such improvements, where construction is deferred, shall be noticed by certificate on the parcel map, on a certificate of compliance evidencing waiver of a parcel map, or by separate instrument, and shall be recorded on, concurrently with, or prior to the parcel map or instrument of waiver of parcel map being filed for record. 16.12.060 Exceptions to filinl~ re~luirements. This title shall be inapplicable to those transactions and procedures exempted from the Subdivision Map Act by Article 1 thereof provided that a lot line adjustment be reflected in a deed, and that a record of survey need to be performed only if required by Section 8762 of the California Business and Professions Code. 16.12.070 Fees. A. Fees for filing, checking and processing of any map or any other papers, maps, diagrams, or documents required under this title, fees for preparation and filing of any certificate of compliance and fees for any appeal authorized under this chapter shall be in the amounts prescribed by ordinance or resolution of the city council. B. In establishing, increasing or imposing a fee, the City Council shall comply with Section 66000 et seq. of the Government Code. II. Enforcement 16.12.080 Limitations on issuance of oermits. A. No permit shall be granted for the construction, installation or replacement of any building for sale, lease or financing on any lot or parcel, except for a model home, or to allow occupancy thereof, for which a final map or parcel map is required by this title, until such map thereof, in full compliance with the provisions of this title and the Map Act, has been filed for record by the county recorder. B. Any permit issued contrary to the provisions of this section shall be void. 16.12.090 Filin~ of map orerequisite to certain transactions. It is unlawful to sell, lease or finance any lot or parcel of real property, except for leases of agricultural land for agricultural purposes, or commence construction of any building for sale, lease or financing thereon, except for a model home, or allow occupancy thereof, for which a final tract map or final parcel map is required by this title until such map, in full compliance with the provisions of this title and the Map Act, has been filed for record by the county recorder. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to prohibit an offer or contract to sell, lease or finance real property or to construct improvements thereon where such sale, lease, financing or the commencement of construction is expressly conditioned upon the approval and filing for recordation of a final tract map or final parcel map. 16.12.100 Modifications of title. A. Whenever in the opinion of the advisory agency the land involved in any subdivision is of such size or shape or is subject to such title limitations or record or is affected by such topographical location or conditions or is to be devoted to such use that it is impossible or impracticable in the particular case for the subdivider to conform fully to the regulations contained in this title, the advisory agency may make such modification thereof as in its opinion is reasonable, necessary or expedient and in conformity with the spirit and purpose of the general plan, the Map Act and this title. 9 B. Each such proposed modification shall be referred to the officer or department under whose particular jurisdiction the regulation involved comes, and such officer or department shall transmit to the advisory agency his or its written recommendations on each such proposed modification and the facts supporting such recommendation. C. Said recommendation shall be reviewed by the advisory agency and in case such modification is made by said advisory agency, together with appropriate findings to support the decision, the maps shall be modified accordingly. D. A copy of the recommendations and findings shall be transmitted to the city council with the final map and filed in the planning director's office in the case of a parcel map. 16.12.110 Voidability of certain transactions. Any deed of conveyance, sale or contract to sell real property which has been divided, or which has resulted from a division, in violation of the provisions of the Map Act or this title, is voidable to the extent and in the same manner provided in Section 66499.32 of the Map Act. 16.12.120 Remedies not barred. This title does not bar any legal, equitable or summary remedy to which the city or any aggrieved public agency or person may otherwise be entitled and the city or any aggrieved public agency or person may file a suit in the superior court to restrain or enjoin any attempted or proposed division of land or other act which is in violation of this title. 10 Chapter 16.16 TENTATIVE MAPS Sections: 16.16.010 16.16.020 16.16.030 16.16.040 16.16.050 16.16.060 16.16.070 16.16.080 16.16.090 16.16.100 Filing. Form. Information shown. Information not contained on map - Statement of intent to file multiple final maps - Request for waiver of signatures. Transmittal of maps to public agencies and utilities. Public hearing. Findings by advisory agency. Expiration of map approval - Extension. Environmental impact analysis required for map approval. Map approval conditioned on compliance with grading and erosion control. 16.16.010 Filing. A tentative map (tract or parcel) for which approval is sought for any subdivision shall be filed as follows: A. Each subdivider shall file or cause to be filed such copies of the tentative map as may be required by the planning director with the planning director at City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. B. Every person submitting a tentative map shall pay a processing fee as set by city council resolutiou. C. The copies of the tentative maps shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal from the subdivider or his authorized representative specifying all documents or papers being filed, including required information not shown on the map, and such other information and documentation as may be required by the planning director. D. Every person submitting a tentative map shall also submit three copies of a preliminary title report covering all easements, ownerships and title with respect to all lots or parcels of the subdivision, including mineral owners and lessees of record. 11 ORIGINAL E. Every person submitting a tentative map shall also submit two sets of postage prepaid, unsealed envelopes addressed to all mineral owners and lessees of record appearing on the title report. If the application includes a request for waiver of signatures as described in Section 16.16.040, the envelopes shall contain a copy of said waiver request. F. The date of initial filing of a tentative map shall be construed to be the time at which a completed application therefor, including the tentative map, together with any required fees, preliminary title report and required data, information and documentation is received by the planning director, who shall, upon determining that the filing is complete, indicate the date of filing upon all copies of the tentative map and accompanying data, documents or information; provided, however, no tentative map shall be deemed filed until necessary zoning approvals have been secured. The foregoing shall not be interpreted to preclude "pre-filing" concurrent processing of applications for zone changes and tentative maps. 16.16.020 Form. The tentative map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to perform land surveying or a licensed land surveyor and shall be in the following form: A. The tentative map and all information thereon shall be clearly and legibly drawn and written and may be rejected by the planning director if not so done. B. The size of each sheet shall be at least eighteen by twenty-six inches but not larger than twenty-four by thirty-six inches. C. The scale of the map shall be large enough (not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet) to show clearly all details thereof and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the tentative map shall be stated on each of the sheets and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. Each parcel or lot shall be numbered or otherwise designated. The exterior boundary of the parcels or lots being created shall be indicated by shaded border. The map shall show the definite location of the parcels or lots and the map's relation to surrounding surveys. 16.16.030 Information shown. The tentative map shall show the following information. A. The number of subdivision as secured from the county planning department and date of preparation; 12 B. Names and addresses for: 1. The record owner or owners; 2. The registered engineer or licensed land surveyor showing expiration date with signature and seal; 3. The subdivider. C. Partial legal description (1/4 section, township/range); D. Vicinity map; E. 6" x 8" clean area for stamps; F. Sufficient description to define the location and boundaries of the proposed subdivision and its relationship to existing, adjacent subdivisions and surroundings; G. North arrow, numerical scale and bar scale; H. The locations, names and widths of adjacent, existing and proposed streets and their approximate grades and of existing or proposed easements for all utilities and access; I. Radius of each curve (in accordance with subdivision and engineering design manual); J. Lot or parcel layout and dimensions of each lot or parcel; K. The area of each lot (sq.ft), and the area of the entire subdivision (acreage); L. The total number of lots, total number of buildable lots and the net density of the subdivision (number of dwelling units per net acre); M. Boundaries of areas subject to inundation or stormwater of overflow and the location, width and direction of flow of all watercourses, drainage channels and existing drainage structures; N. Existing topographic contours to 100 feet past subdivision boundary (unless a lesser distance is approved by the city engineer) and proposed direction of drainage flows in streets; O. A preliminaD' grading plan whenever a subdivision has: 13 1. Any excavation two feet or more in vertical depth and/or any cut slope five feet or more in vertical height, 2. Any embankment placed on natural grade greater than three feet in depth with slope steeper than five feet horizontal to one foot vertical. No such embankment shall obstruct a drainage course, 3. Any portion with an elevation differential of 1.5 feet or more from adjacent property. P. All existing buildings, structures or uses, including trees, fences, existing oil wells and petroleum related operations and idle and abandoned wells accurately located on the property being divided together with their dimensions; the distance between buildings and structures, the number of stories of each building, and their locations in relation to existing or proposed streets and lot or parcel lines; Q. The distance of buildings or structures to the boundary lines of parcels on which located; R. Location of all obstructions within existing or proposed rights-of-way; S. Proposed use or uses of the property including drilling islands for oil wells and/or production operations together with easements for pipelines and access. If land is to be reserved for future petroleum related uses, the applicant shall submit a plan depicting the ultimate use of the land if petroleum operations cease or are unneeded; T. Proposed method of water supply, sewage disposal and other utility supply; U. Present and proposed zone district(s), including acreage of each, and present general plan land use and circulation designations; V. Proposed public areas and facilities, if any; W. Specific plan freeway alignment; X. For any residential subdivision, the school district and schools serving the subdivision; Y. Show all dedications and irrevocable offers of dedication on the tentative map or to be made by separate instrument. 14 16.16.040 Information not contained on man - Statement of intent to file multiole final maos - Request for waiver of siltnatures. Information set forth in Section 16.16.030 which may not practicably be shown on the map shall be contained in a statement accompanying the tentative map. The subdivider shall specify in a statement the intent to file multiple final maps. Any request for waiver of signatures pursuant to Section 16.20.060 shall accompany any tentative parcel or tentative tract map. The request for waiver of signatures shall be in typed letter form addressed to the City of Bakersfield and shall describe the ordinance provisions under which the waiver of signatures is being requested and the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area. 16.16.050 Transmittal of maps to oublic agencies and utilities. A. When the tentative map is received and filed under the provisions of this title, the planning director shall, within three days thereafter, transmit the tentative map to each of the following: 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. City engineer; Building department; Police department; Fire department; Office of Intergovernmental Management when required under Section 12037 of the Government Code; Kern County planning director; California Department of Transportation as required by Section 66455 of the Map Act; California Water Service Company or other affected water provider; Pacific Gas and Electric Company or other affected gas or electric utility; Pacific Bell or other affected telephone or telegraph company; Cable TV companies affected; School districts as required by Section 66455.7 of the Map Act; Golden Empire Transit; State Division of Oil and Gas; Affected owners of irrigation ditches or canals, and any other public agency or public utility affected by the subdivision. B. Such public agencies and public utilities shall review the tentative map and transmit any report or recommendations thereon to the planning director who shall incorporate them into his report and recommendations to the advisory agency. 15 C. The departments of the city to which the map is transmitted shall file with the planning director within ten days of receipt thereof its approval thereof or a report showing what changes are necessary to make such map conform to the requirements of this title and the Map Act coming within the jurisdiction of such department. 16.16.060 Public hearint~. A. The planning director shall, not less than ten days before the date of the hearing, give notice of the date, time, place of hearing, location of the property and the nature of the request including any request for waiver of signatures pursuant to Section 16.20.060 B, in the following manner: 1. By publishing once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city; and 2. By mailing a notice, postage prepaid, to the applicant; to the owner of the property to be subdivided or the owner's duly authorized agent; to the owners of interests in mineral or hydrocarbon substances where combined with right of entry; and to lessees of mineral or hydrocarbon substances, using for purposes of notifying owners, mineral owners and lessees the names and addresses as shown on the preliminary title report required by Section 16.16.010 D; to the owners of all property within three hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the property involved, using for these purposes, the names and addresses as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll; to each local agency (if not the city) expected to provide water, sewage, streets, roads, schools or other essential facilities to the project, whose ability to provide those facilities and services may be significantly affected; and any other person filing with the planning director a written request for notice. B. After notice as provided in Subsection A, the advisory agency shall hold and conduct a public hearing. C. Following the public hearing, the advisory agency shall either approve, or conditionally approve making findings as required by Section 16.16.070, or disapprove the tentative map and shall take such action within fifty days after certification of the environmental impact report, adoption of a negative declaration, or a determination by the local agency that the project is exempt from the requirements of Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code, unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. Where a subdivider has specified his intent to file multiple final maps at the time of filing a tentative tract map, the advisory agency shall consider and may impose reasonable conditions relating thereto. D. After the public hearing and decision by the advisory agency, the planning director shall, within two calendar weeks after the date of decision, return to the subdivider one copy of the map with a statement of the action and reasons therefor and a statement of what changes, if any, are necessary to render the tentative map 16 acceptable. Another copy, together with a copy of the aforesaid statement, shall remain in the files of the advisory agency, and one copy of the statement shall be sent to the following: city engineer and building department. E. At the same time the advisory agency shall designate the improvements which will be required under the provisions of this title and the dedications and irrevocable offers of dedication and the form thereof, which will be required under the provisions of this title and shall designate any other requirements lawfully authorized to be made. F. Optional tentative maps may be filed at the same time but action of the advisory agency shall relate only to one such map. For purposes of this subsection, a lot line adjustment or parcel map waiver does not constitute a different tentative map. G. The decision of the advisory agency shall be subject to appeal as provided in this title. 16.16.070 Findings bv advisory a~,encv. A. Delegation. The responsibility for determining satisfaction of the following requirements is assigned to the advisory agency pursuant to Section 66474.7 of the Map Act: 1. No map shall be approved unless the advisory agency finds that the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvements, is consistent with the general plan as required by Article 5 (commencing with Section 65300) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of the Government Code, or any specific plan adopted pursuant to Article 8 (commencing with Section 65450) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of the Government Code, and makes the findings required by Sections 66412.3 and 66473.1 of the Map Act. 2. The advisory agency shall deny approval of a final or tentative subdivision map if it makes any of the following findings: a. That the proposed map is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans; b. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans; c. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development; d. That the site is not physically suitable for proposed density of development; e. Except as provided in Section 66474.01 of the Map Act, that the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; 17 f. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems; g. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the advisory agency may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided, and that these will be substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is granted to the advisory agency to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. 3. The advisory agency shall determine whether the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system would result in violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the Water Code. In the event that the advisory agency finds that the proposed waste discharge would result in or add to violation of requirements of such board, it may disapprove the tentative map or maps of the subdivision. B. Compliance with Tentative Map. The city council shall not deny approval of a final map pursuant to Section 66474 of the Map Act if the advisory agency (or city council on appeal) has previously approved a tentative map for the proposed subdivision, if the city council finds that the final map is in substantial compliance with the previously approved tentative map. C. Appeal. Any interested person may appeal any decision of the advisory agency relative to the matters set forth in Subsection A of this section to the city council, following the procedure set forth in Chapter 16.52. Such appellant shall be entitled to the same notice and rights regarding testimony as are accorded a subdivider under Section 66452.5. 16.16.080 Expiration of map approval - Extension. A. An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire twenty-four months after its approval or conditional approval. B. An extension or extensions of tentative map approval or conditional approval shall not exceed an aggregate of three years. C. The subdivider may request an extension of the tentative map approval or conditional approval by written application to the advisory agency, and such application shall be filed before the approval or conditional approval is due to expire. The application shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. Consent of the subdivider to new or revised conditions required by the advisory agency shall be a prerequisite to approval of any extension. 18 D. Modification of a tentative map after approval or conditional approval shall not extend the time limits imposed by this chapter. E. Failure to file a final tract map or a final parcel map with the city engineer within twenty-four months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or any extension thereof, shall terminate all proceedings. Before such final tract or final parcel map may thereafter be filed with the county recorder a new tentative map shall be submitted. F. If the subdivider whose tract has been approved by the advisory agency for multiple, or phased, final maps is subject to a requirement of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars or more to construct or improve or finance the construction or improvement of public improvements outside the boundaries of the tentative map, each filing of a final map authorized by Section 66456.1 of the Map Act shall extend the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map by thirty-six months from the date of its expiration as provided in this section, or the date of the previously final map, whichever is later. The extensions shall not extend the tentative map more than ten years from its approval or conditional approval. "Public improvements," as used in this subsection, include traffic controls, streets, roads, highways, freeways, bridges, over-crossings, street interchanges, flood control or storm drain facilities, sewer facilities, water facilities, and lighting facilities. Where the provisions of this subsection so apply, upon the recordation of a final map for any phase, the city engineer shall conform the conditions applicable to all remaining phases to the development regulations of the city in effect as of such date. G. A tentative map on property subject to a development agreement may be extended for the period of time provided for in the agreement, but not beyond the duration of the agreement. H. After approval of the tentative map, if changes deemed substantial by the city engineer are proposed, a filing of a Revised Tentative Map will be required. The previously assigned tract number will be used with the word "Revised" added to the number. The procedure for filing a Revised Tentative Map is the same as for the Tentative Map. A Revised Tentative Map cannot be filed if the approval on the original map has expired. An approved revised tentative map supersedes the tentative map for which it was filed. 16.16.090 Environmental imoact analysis required for mao aooroval. A. No tentative map shall be approved until an environmental impact analysis is prepared, processed and considered in accordance with the provisions of the city's CEQA resolution. B. The subdivider shall provide such additional data and information, which may be required in the form of a draft EIR, and deposit and pay such fees as may be required for the preparation and processing of any required environmental documents. 19 16.16.100 Map approval conditioned on compliance with grading and erosion control. Every tentative map approved pursuant to this title shall be conditioned to comply with the requirements for grading and erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to off-site property, set forth in Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code adopted by the city. Chapter 16.20 FINAL TRACT MAPS Sections: 16.20.010 16.20.020 16.20.030 16.20.040 16.20.050 16.20.060 16.20.070 16.20.080 16.20.090 16.20.100 16.20.110 16.20.120 16.20.130 16.20.140 16.20.150 16.20.160 Preparation. Filing. Improvements completed or completion agreement. Form and contents. Statements and acknowledgments. Statements of parties having record title interest. Dedications. Clerk's statement. Engineer's or surveyor's statement. Statement of city engineer. Statement of planning director. Filing certificates, security and making payments prior to filing map. Approval procedure - Subdivision guarantee. Transmittal of maps. Correction and amendment of final maps. Multiple final maps. 16.20.010 Preparation. The final tract map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to perform land surveying or licensed land surveyor, shall be based upon a survey and shall conform to all provisions of this title. 16.20.020 Filing. A. A final tract map conforming to the approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall be filed with the city council by the city engineer for approval, after all required statements on such map have been signed and, where necessary, acknowledged. Filing of a final tract map with the city clerk shall constitute filing with the city council. 20 B. The city engineer shall complete and file the final map within twenty days from the time it is submitted to him by the subdivider for approval. 16.20.030 Improvements comoleted or comoletion of agreement. A. If, at the time of approval of the final map by the city council, any public improvements required by the city pursuant to the provisions of this title have not been completed and accepted in accordance with standards established in this title applicable at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the city council, as a condition precedent to the approval of the final map, shall require the subdivider to enter into an improvement agreement upon mutually agreeable terms to thereafter complete such improvements at the subdivider's expense. B. The city shall require that performance of such agreement be guaranteed by the security specified in Chapter 16.32. 16.20.040 Form and contents. A. The final tract map shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester-based film. Certificates, affidavits and acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester-based film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be large enough (not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer) to show all details clearly, and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. B. All survey and mathematical information and data necessary to locate all monuments and to locate and retrace any and all interior and exterior boundary lines appearing thereon shall be shown, including bearings and distances of straight lines, radii, arc length, central angle, and tangents for all curves and segments of curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves and ties to existing monuments used to establish the subdivision boundaries. C. The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated. The map shall show the definite location of the subdivision, and particularly its relation to existing, adjacent subdivisions, records of survey, legally divided parcels, and dedicated streets, and shall comply with the Land Surveyors Act (Section 8700 et seq. of the Business and Professions Code.) 21 D. Each buildable lot shall be numbered in consecutive order, each nonbuildable lot shall be lettered in consecutive order, and each street shall be named. E. When a soils report, a geologic report, or soils and geologic reports have been prepared specifically for the subdivision, such fact shall be noted on the final map, together with the date of such report or reports, the name of the engineer making the soils report and geologist making the geologic report and the location where the reports are on file pursuant to Section 66434.5 of the Government Code. When no final soil report has been prepared prior to recordation of the final map, this fact shall also be noted on the final map. F. The title of each final map shall consist of a tract number as secured from the appropriate county agency, conspicuously placed at the top of the sheet, followed by the words "Consisting of ... sheets" (showing the number thereof), followed by the words "in the City of Bakersfield" or "partly in the City of Bakersfield and partly in unincorporated territory." G. The name of the engineer or surveyor, his license number, license expiration date and seal, shall be shown on each sheet and the scale of the map and north arrow shall be shown on each sheet. H. The total acreage being subdivided and the total number of lots being created shall be shown on the first map sheet. I. The total area shall be shown for each lot. J. If the final map is for a land project as defined in Section 11000.5 of the Business and Professions Code, a statement identifying it as such shall be included. 16.20.050 Statements and acknowled~nents. Prior to filing, those statements and acknowledgments set forth in Sections 16.20.040 through 16.20.120 shall appear on the final tract map and may be combined where appropriate. 16.20.060 Statements of oarties havin~ record title interest. A. A statement, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the final tract map is required, except as omitted pursuant to this section. B. The signatures of each party owning a recorded interest in, or right to, minerals, including but not limited to, oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances, not including lessees of such rights, shall be required unless his name and the nature of his respective interest are stated on the final map and the advisory agency determines, or on appeal the city council finds, at least one of the following applies: 22 1. The party's right of surface entry has been expressly waived by recorded document, including, but not limited to quitclaim deed and/or reservation. 2. The party's interest is less than twenty percent of the mineral interest estate and the signature or express waiver of right of surface entry by recorded document, including, but not limited to, quitclaim deeds and/or reservations of one or more parties having a combined interest of more than fifty percent of the mineral interest estate has been obtained. 3. At least thirty days prior to the date of hearing on the tentative map, the subdivider has given written notice, by registered mail or if impracticable as determined by the Planning Director, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation, to each mineral owner and lessee of record, as set forth in the preliminary title report required by Section 16.16.010 D, who has not waived his right of surface entry underlying the subdivision, of intent to reserve a drill island or islands as defined in Section 15.66.080 C. of the Municipal Code on or within a practicable distance of the subdivision map as determined by the advisory agency, and as to which the owner of the mineral interest had a right of access and use, is or has been reserved and is delineated and labeled as such on the approved tentative map for the subdivision or, if outside the boundaries of the subdivision, is specifically described on the approved tentative map. Said notice shall also include the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area, and the tentative date, time and place of the hearing. A copy of the notice and proof of mailing shall be provided to the Planning Director within ten days of the mailing/publication date. The advisory agency may require the subdivider to install a wall or fence and landscaping around any or all reserved drill islands and that adequate provisions be made for maintenance thereof. Approval by the advisory agency of a reserved drill island shall constitute approval to drill thereon upon compliance with all conditions and mitigation required under other applicable regulations and processes. Such reservation shall remain in effect for a period not less than ten years from approval of the tentative map. The commencement of drilling and/or extraction of minerals upon that site shall automatically extend the ten (10) year time period until operations on the drill island are properly abandoned to the satisfaction of the Division of Oil and Gas. If no drilling and/or extraction of minerals occurs on the drill island within ten years and the surface fee owner has provided notice and documentation as required in Section 16.20.060 B.4., or upon the Planning Director receiving proof of well abandonment to the satisfaction of the Division of Oil and Gas, the surface fee owner may apply for tentative map approval on a drill island(s) or, by written correspondence to the Planning Director, may request that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing to consider the filing of an amending map to remove the drill island(s) reservation designation from the final map. Said request shall be processed as an amending map in accordance with Section 66472.1 of the Map Act. Said request shall include a preliminary title report covering all easements, ownerships and title with respect to the drill island parcel(s), including mineral owners and lessees of record as set 23 forth in the preliminary title report required by Section 16.16.01u D, and two sets of postage prepaid, unsealed envelopes addressed to all mineral owners and lessees of record appearing on the title report. Notice of public hearing shall be in accordance with 16.16.060. Prior to approval of an amending map to remove the drill island(s) reservation, the applicant shall either: present evidence to the satisfaction of the advisory agency as required under 16.20.060 B.4 that production of minerals from beneath the subdivision is improbable, or proof of well abandonment for operations on the drill island to the satisfaction of the Division of Oil and Gas shall be presented to the advisory agency. Notwithstanding the above, nothing shall prevent an amending map or tentative map from being considered by the advisory agency for purposes of eliminating the drill island(s) designation at any time if the subdivider has obtained waiver(s) of surface entry pursuant to 16.20.060 B.1 or B.2. 4. At least thirty days prior to the date of hearing on the tentative map, the subdivider has given written notice by registered mail, or if impracticable as determined by the Planning Director, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation, to each owner of record of mineral rights and each mineral lessee of record as set forth in the preliminary title report required by Section 16.16.010 D, who has not waived his right of surface entry underlying the subdivision, of intent to make the showing provided for in this subsection, and has presented at the hearing competent, technical evidence establishing to the satisfaction of the advisory agency that production of minerals from beneath the subdivision is improbable. Said notice shall also include the nature and location of the project, including a tract or parcel map number and a clearly drawn location map of the project area, and the date, time and place of the hearing. A copy of the notice and proof of mailing shall be provided to the Planning Director within ten days of the mailing/publication date. C. The provisions of subsection B of this section shall be applicable to any final parcel map unless each parcel created thereby has a gross area of twenty acres or more. D. The provisions of subsection B. of this section shall not be applicable to any tract map or final parcel map which further subdivides property which as been previously subdivided and to which the requirements of subsection B. were applied at the time of the previous subdivision, unless said tract or parcel map proposes subdivision of a drilling island. 16.20.070 Dedications. A. Dedications of, or offers to dedicate, interests in real property for specified public purposes shall be made by a certificate on the final map. B. If a subdivider is required to make a dedication of land for public purposes (other than for open space, schools or parks), the local agency shall record a certificate with the county recorder identifying the subdivider and the land being dedicated, and stating that the land shall be reconveyed to the subdivider if the same public purpose for which it was dedicated no longer exists, or the land or a portion thereof is not needed 24 for public utilities. The subdivider may request that the local agency make such a determination and reconvey the land to the subdivider as provided above, but the local agency may assess a fee for making the determination. The fee may not exceed the cost of making the determination. The local agency shall give the subdivider sixty (60) days notice prior to vacating, leasing, selling or otherwise disposing of the dedicated property, unless the dedicated property will be used for the same public purpose for which it was dedicated. 16.20.080 Clerk's statement. The final map shall contain a certificate for execution by the clerk of the city council stating that the city council approved the map and accepted, accepted subject to improvements, or rejected, on behalf of the public, any real property offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. 16.20.090 Engineer's or survevor's statement. A. A statement by the engineer or surveyor responsible for the survey and final tract map is required. His certificate shall give the date of the survey, state that the survey and final tract map were made by him or under his direction, and that the survey is true and complete as shown. B. The statement shall also state that all interior monuments are of the character and occupy the positions indicated on the map, or that they will be set in such positions on or before a specified later date prior to issuance of a building permit. The certificate shall also state that the monuments are, or will be, sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 16.20.100 Statement of city engineer. A statement by the city engineer is required on the final tract map. He shall state that: A. He has examined the map; B. The subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map, and any approved alterations thereof; C. All provisions of the Map Act and this title applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with; D. He is satisfied that the map is technically correct. All such statements shall be dated. 25 16.20.110 Statement of olannin~, director. A statement by the planning director is required on the final tract map. He shall state that: A. The planning commission approved or conditionally approved the tentative map and any applicable extensions thereof and the date such action was taken. B. The subdivision, as shown on the final map, is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and in accordance with any conditions approved by the commission. 16.20.120 Filing certificates, security and making oarmerits orior to filing map. Prior to the filing of the final map with the city council, the owner or subdivider shall file such certificate and such security and make such payments as are required by Sections 66492, 66493 and 66494 of the Map Act, and shall comply fully such provisions of law. 16.20.130 Approval orocedure - Subdivision auarantee. A. The city council shall, at the meeting at which it receives the map or at its next regular meeting after the meeting at which it receives the map, approve the map unless it fails to conform to or satisfy requirements or conditions which were applicable to the subdivision at the time of approval of the tentative map. Disapproval shall be accompanied by findings identifying requirements or conditions which have not been met. The city council may waive compliance with the conditions and requirements if it finds such noncompliance to have been the result of technical and inadvertent error not materially affecting the validity of the map. B. If the city council does not approve or disapprove the map within the prescribed time, or any authorized extension thereof, and the map conforms to all said requirements and rulings, it shall be deemed approved, and the clerk of the city council shall certify its approval thereon. C. Before recording of any final tract map, the subdivider shall obtain a subdivision guarantee in a form and amount acceptable to the city attorney, providing assurance to the county and city that the parties consenting to the filing of the final map are all of the parties having a record title interest in the real property being subdivided whose signatures are required in Section 16.20.060, as shown by the records in the office of the recorder. 26 16.20.140 Transmittal of maos. After approval by the city council of a final tract map, the city clerk shall transmit the map in accordance with the provisions of Section 66464 of the Map Act. 16.20.150 Correction and amendment of final maos. A. A recorded final tract map may be amended as set forth in Section 66470 of the Map Act for any of the reasons set forth in Section 66469 of the Map Act. B. A recorded final tract map may be modified by a certificate of correction or an amending map for reasons other than those set forth in Section 66469 of the Map Act, if after a noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. There are changes in circumstances which make any or all of the conditions of the map no longer appropriate or necessary; and 2. The modifications do not impose any additional burden on the present fee owner of the property; and 3. The modifications do not alter any right, title, or interest in the real property reflected on the recorded map; and Map Act. The map, as modified, conforms to the provisions of Section 66474 of the The public hearing shall be noticed pursuant to Section 66451.3 of the Map Act and Section 16.16.060 and shall be confined to consideration of and action on the proposed modification. 16.20.160 Multiple final maos. Multiple (or "phased") final maps may be permitted in accordance with Section 66456.1 of the Map Act. If the subdivider did not specify his intent to file multiple final maps at the time the tentative map was filed, or did not define the number or configuration of the proposed multiple final maps at such time, each such map shall, before it is filed with the city council, be heard by the advisory agency which shall consider and may impose reasonable conditions relating to the filing of multiple final maps. 27 Chapter 16.22 FINAL PARCEL MAP Sections: 16.22.010 Preparation. 16.22.020 Form and contents. 16.22.030 Statements on map. 16.22.035 Dedications on map. 16.22.040 Improvements completed or completion agreement. 16.22.050 Transmittal of maps. 16.22.051 Correction and amendments of parcel maps. 16.22.010 Preparation. A. The final parcel map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer authorized to do land surveying or a licensed land surveyor. B. Such map may be based either upon a field survey made in conformity with the Land Surveyor's Act or be compiled from recorded or filed data when sufficient survey information exists on filed maps to locate and retrace the exterior boundary lines of the parcel map if the location of at least one of these boundary lines can be established from an existing monumented line. 16.22.020 Form and contents. A. The final parcel map shall show the location of streets and property lines bounding the property. B. The final parcel map shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth on polyester-base film. Certificates may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink. ink is used on polyester-base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility. If C. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. D. Each buildable lot shall be numbered in consecutive order, each nonbuildable lot shall be lettered in consecutive order, and the scale of the map and north arrow shall be shown on each sheet. 28 E. The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated. F. The final parcel map shall show the location of each parcel and its relation to surrounding surveys. The location of any remainder of the original parcel need not be shown as a matter of survey but only by deed reference to the existing record boundaries if such remainder has a gross area of five acres or more. G. The title of each final parcel map shall consist of a parcel map number as secured from the appropriate county agency conspicuously placed at the top of the sheet. H. The area of each parcel shall be shown. 16.22.030 Statements on map. A. The engineer or surveyor who made or under whose direction the parcel map was made shall execute the following statement on the map: Engineer's (Surveyor's) Statement This map was prepared by me or under my direction (and was compiled from record data) (and is based upon a field survey) in conformance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance at the request of ....(person authorizing map) on the ... day of .... 19...This parcel map substantially conforms to the approved tentative map and the conditions of approval thereof. (Signed ...............) R.C.E. (or L.S.) No .......... Expires ............... If a field survey was performed, the certificate shall also state that all monuments are of the character and occupy the positions indicated on the map, or that they will be set in such positions on or before a specified date prior to issuance of a building permit, and that the monuments are, or will be, sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. B. Subject to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Map Act, unless otherwise determined by the advisory agency, a separate certificate, signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map is required; provided, however, that for good and sufficient cause shown by the subdivider, the advisory agency may waive any or all such signatures and/or names and nature of the respective interests otherwise required by Section 66436 of the Map Act at any time after the tentative map is submitted for approval. Such waiver shall be certified by the city engineer. The provisions of Section 16.20.060 B. shall apply to the waiver of signatures of parties owning a recorded interest in, or right to, minerals, including, but not limited to, oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances, except where the initial gross area of the final parcel map is less than five acres in a residential zone or less than two acres in any zone other than a residential zone. 29 C. There shall appear on the parcel map a recorder's statement for execution by the recorder, as follows: Recorder's Statement Filed this ..... day of ...... 19..., at ...a.m. in Book ... of..., at page ..., at the request of .............. Signed ............... County Recorder D. The parcel map, and evidence of record title interest, shall be submitted to the city engineer for his examination prior to filing. Within twenty calendar days after receiving the parcel map, such officer shall examine it for the survey information shown thereon and if satisfied that it complies with this title and all required provisions of the Map Act, and that such parcel map is technically correct, the following certificate shall be executed on the map by the city engineer: CHy Engineefts Statement This map conforms with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance. Dated: .......... Signed ............... City Engineer 16.22.035 Dedications on map. A. Dedications of or offers to dedicate interests in real property for specified public purposes shall be made by a certificate on the final map or by separate instrument at the discretion of the city engineer. B. If a subdivider is required to make a dedication of land for public purposes (other than for open space, schools or parks), the local agency must record a certificate with the county recorder identifying the subdivider and the land being dedicated, and stating that the land shall be reconveyed to the subdivider if the same public purpose for which it was dedicated no longer exists or the land or a portion thereof is not needed for public utilities. The subdivider may request that the local agency make such a determination and reconvey the land to the subdivider as provided above, but the agency may assess a fee for making the determination. The fee may not exceed the cost of making the determination. The local agency must give the subdivider sixty (60) days notice prior to vacating, leasing, selling or otherwise disposing of the dedicated property unless the dedicated property will be used for the same public purpose for which it was dedicated. 3O 16.22.040 Improvements completed or completion aareement. A. Subject to the provisions of subsection F of Section 16.32.080, if, at the time of certification of the final parcel map by the city engineer, any public improvements required by the advisory agency under Section 16.32.080 have not been completed and accepted in accordance with standards established in this title applicable at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the city engineer, as a condition precedent to approval of the parcel map, shall require the subdivider to enter into an improvement agreement to thereafter complete such improvements at the subdivider's expense, upon terms mutually agreeable to the subdivider and the city council. B. The city shall require that the performance of such agreement be guaranteed by the security specified in Sections 16.32.020, 16.32.030 and 16.32.040. 16.22.050 Transmittal of maps. After approval by the city of a final parcel map, the city engineer shall transmit the map in accordance with Section 66464 of the Map Act. 16.22.051 Correction and amendments of parcel maps. A. A recorded parcel map may be amended as set forth in Section 66470 of the Map Act for any of the reasons set forth in Section 66469 of the Map Act. B. A recorded parcel map may be modified by a certificate of correction or an amending map for reasons other than those set forth in Section 66469 of the Map Act, if after a noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. There are changes in circumstances which make any or all of the conditions of the map no longer appropriate or necessary; and 2. The modifications do not impose any additional burden on the present fee owner of the property; and 3. The modifications do not alter any right, title, or interest in the real property reflected on the recorded map; and Map Act. The map, as modified, conforms to the provisions of Section 66474 of the The public hearing shall be noticed pursuant to Section 66451.3 of the Map Act and Section 16.16.060 and shall be confined to consideration of and action on the proposed modification. 31 Chapter 16.24 VESTING TENTATIVE MAPS Sections: 16.24.010 16.24.020 16.24.030 16.24.050 16.24.060 16.24.070 16.24.080 16.24.090 16.24.100 16.24.110 Citation and authority. Purpose and intent. Consistency. Application. Filing and processing. Fees. Expiration. Vesting on approval of vesting tentative map. Development inconsistent with zoning-Conditional approval. Applications inconsistent with current policies. 16.24.010 Citation and authority. This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 66498.1) of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California (hereinafter referred to as the vesting tentative map statute). 16.24.020 Purpose and intent. It is the purpose of this chapter to establish procedures necessary for the implementation of the vesting tentative map statute, and to supplement the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this title. Except as otherwise set forth in the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of this title shall apply to maps considered under this chapter. To accomplish this purpose, the regulations outlined in this chapter are determined to be necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety and general welfare, and for the promotion of orderly growth and development. 16.24.030 Consistency. No land shall be subdivided and developed pursuant to a vesting tentative map for any purpose which is inconsistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plan or not permitted by Title 17 or other applicable provisions of this code. 32 16.24.050 Application. Whenever a provision of the Subdivision Map Act, as implemented and supplemented by this title, requires the filing of a tentative map or tentative parcel map, a vesting tentative map may instead be filed, in accordance with the provisions hereof. If a subdivider does not seek the rights conferred by the vesting tentative map statute, the filing of a vesting tentatix~e map shall not be a prerequisite to any approval for any proposed subdivision, permit for construction, or work preparatory to construction. 16.24.060 Filing and orocessing. A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same form and have the same contents, accompanying data and reports and shall be processed in the same manner as set forth in this title for a tentative map except as hereinafter provided: A. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed, it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map." B. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed, a subdivider may also be required to supply the following information: 1. In the case of optional design subdivisions, a site development plan showing, in general, height, size, and location of buildings, number of dwelling units, number and location of parking spaces, landscape areas, and park sites, if any; 2. Sewer, water, drainage system details (including size and location of all mains) and size, location, and landscaping (and walls) of all streets; 3. Flood control information (as required by the city engineer); 4. Preliminary soils report. 5. Other information which is deemed to be necessary for determining consistency with CEQA, and/or which is necessary to comply with Federal or State requirements. 16.24.070 Fees. Upon filing a vesting tentative map, the subdivider shall pay the fees required by city council resolution. 33 16.24.080 Expiration. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall expire at the end of the same time period, and shall be subject to the same extensions, established by this title for the expiration of the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map. 16.24.090 Vesting on approval of vesting tentative map. A. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards described in Government Code Section 66474.2. However, if Section 66474.2 of the Government Code is repealed, the approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in effect at the time the vesting tentative map is approved or conditionally approved. Fees required as conditions of approval of a vesting tentative map shall be such fees as are in effect as of the date of filing of the final map therefor, except that whenever a subdivider elects to defer payment of any such fees until development or issuance of a building permit, such fees shall be those in effect as of such later date. B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a permit, approval, extension, or entitlement may be made conditional or denied if any of the following are determined: 1. A failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their health or safety, or both; or 2. The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or federal law. C. The rights referred to herein shall expire if a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map as provided in Section 16.24.080. If the final map is approved, these rights shall last for the following periods of time: 1. An initial time period of twelve months. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map, this initial time period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded. 2. The initial time period set forth in subsection C 1 of this section shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such processing exceeds thirty days, from the date a complete application is filed. 34 3. A subdivider may apply for a one-year extension of time before the initial time period set forth in subsection C 1 of this section expires. If the extension is denied, the subdivider may appeal that denial to city council within fifteen days. 4. If the subdivider submits a complete application for a building permit during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1 - 3 of this subsection, the rights referred to herein shall continue until the expiration of that permit, or any extension of that permit. 16.24.100 Develooment inconsistent with zoning - Conditional aooroval. Whenever a subdivider files a vesting tentative map for a subdivision whose intended development is inconsistent with the zoning ordinance in existence at that time, that inconsistency shall be noted on the map. The city shall deny such a vesting tentative map or approve it conditioned on the subdivider, or his or her designee, obtaining the necessa~ change in the zoning ordinance to eliminate the inconsistency. If the change in the zoning ordinance is obtained, the approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map shall, notwithstanding Section 16.24.090 A, confer the vested right to proceed with the development in substantial compliance with the change in the zoning ordinance and the map, as approved. The rights conferred by this section shall be for the time periods set forth in Section 16.24.090 C. 16.24.110 Applications inconsistent with current policies. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a property owner or his or her designee may seek approvals or permits for development which depart from the ordinances, policies, and standards described in Sections 16.24.090 A and 16.24.100, and the city may grant these approvals or issue these permits to the extent that the departures are authorized under applicable law. 35 Chapter 16.28 DESIGN STANDARDS Sections: 16.28.010 16.28.020 16.28.030 16.28.040 16.28.050 16.28.060 16.28.070 16.28.080 16.28.090 16.28.100 16.28.110 16.28.120 16.28.130 16.28.140 16.28.150 16.28.160 16.28.170 16.28.180 16.28.190 Generally. Streets and highways. Arterials and collectors-Widths and alignments. Local streets. Dead-end streets-Turnarounds. Boundary line streets-Widths. Private streets-Approval-Map-Posting. Intersection angle and block cutoff. Curve radius. Grades of streets. Alleys-Width-Intersections. Street and alley arrangement. Street names. Easements. Removal of obstructions-Drainage. Blocks-Length and width. Lots. Reserve strips for controlling access. Approved access required. 16.28.010 Generally. Each subdivision and the map thereof shall conform to adopted city standards, standards approved by the City Engineer and to those contained in this chapter. 16.28.020 Streets and highways. A. The map shall show the sidelines of each street, the total width of each street, the width of the portion being dedicated, and the widths of existing dedications. B. The widths and locations of adjacent streets and other public properties shall be shown. C. If any street in the subdivision is a continuation, or approximately a continuation of an existing street, the conformity or the amount of nonconformity of such a street to such existing street shall be accurately shown. 36 D. Whenever the county surveyor or the city engineer has established the centerline of a street or alley, the data shall be shown on the final map. E. All streets may be required to be in alignment with existing adjacent streets or their proper projections and shall be in general conformity with the most advantageous development of the area affected by such subdivision. 16.28.030 Arterials and Collectors-Widths and alienments. Each arterial and collector shall conform in width and alignment to those designated in the circulation element of the general plan. 16.28.040 Local streets. Each local collector street and all other streets in any subdivision, except major streets, shall have right-of-way and paved widths of not less than those specified in city standards. 16.28.050 Dead-end streets - Turnarounds. A. Where necessary to give access to or permit a satisfactory future subdivision of adjoining land, streets shall extend to the boundary of the subdivided property and the resulting dead-end streets may be approved without turnarounds. B. In all other cases, turnarounds having minimum right-of-way radii of fifty feet, with curb radii of forty-two feet, shall be provided except where extraordinary conditions make a strict enforcement of this rule impracticable. 16.28.060 Boundary line streets - Widths. A. Any land intended to be a part of the ultimate width of a major highway, or any reservation therefor, lying along and adjacent to any boundary of the subdivision, shall have such a width as will conform to the lines shown on the circulation element of the general plan and adopted city standards. B. Subject to all of the provisions of this title, any land intended to be a part of the ultimate width of a highway or street, other than any such major or secondary highway, or any reservation therefor, lying along and adjacent to any such boundary shall have a width not less than one-half of the full width required for any such highway or street by the provisions of subsection A of this section unless special conditions of alignment require some other width, except when the street has been determined to be a local street in which case the street shall have a right-of-way width of not less than forty feet with a roadway of not less than thirty-two feet. 37 16.28.070 Private streets-Approval-Map-Posting,. A. 1. With approval of the advisory agency, any street, highway or way which is intended to be kept closed to public travel and posted as a private street shall be shown as a private street on the tentative and final map. Such private street shall be permitted only on conditions which guarantee reasonable maintenance thereof in accordance with Section 16.36.020. 2. A plan and profile of any such street as required by Section 16.32.060 must accompany said final tract or final parcel map. Private streets shall be shown on the maps as separate lots or parcels. B. Where the subdivider files a final tract map or final parcel map, private streets may, with the approval of the city engineer, deviate from the requirements prescribed by this title for public streets. C. All private streets within the city must be posted as private streets by the subdivider. Each such street shall be named and names shall be subject to planning director approval. 16.28.080 Intersection angle and block cutoff. A. Any highway or street intersecting any other highway or street shall intersect at an angle as near a right angle as is practicable. B. At street intersections which include major highways, intersecting at an angle of approximately ninety degrees, the block corner shall be rounded at the property line by a radius of not less than thirty feet. C. At intersections of other streets, the radius shall not be less than twenty feet. D. An optional method of a diagonal cutoff may be used; provided, that the dimensions thereof do not reduce the visibility, sidewalk width or curb radius obtained by the method specified above. E. The curb radius may be required to conform to the radius of existing corners at the same intersection where such radius is greater than twenty feet. F. Streets intersecting at an angle other than ninety degrees shall have sufficient radius or cut-off to provide the same results as to traffic movement, visibility and design as provided by the foregoing requirements of this section. 38 16.28.090 Curve radius. The centerline curve radii on all streets and highways shall conform to city standards of design and shall be subject to approval by the city engineer. 16.28.100 Grades of streets. Street and highway grades shall conform to city standards. 16.28.110 Alleys - Width - Intersections. A. Alleys twenty-five feet in width, or other adequate off-street loading facilities, may be required by the city engineer in the rear of all lots used or intended to be used for commercial, industrial and high density residential purposes. B. The city engineer shall determine the corner cutoff required wherever an alley intersects a street. Where two alleys intersect, a corner cutoff of not less than ten feet measured from the point of intersection along the sideline of the alley shall be required. 16.28.120 Street and alley arranaement. The street and alley arrangement shall be such as the advisory agency, in the exercise of its sound discretion, may determine will cause no undue hardship to owners of adjoining property when they subdivide their land, and adequate and convenient access to adjoining property shall be required. 16.28.130 Street names. Each street or way which is to be dedicated, which is a continuation of, or approximately the continuation of, any existing dedicated street or way shall be shown on the tentative map and shall be given the same name as such existing street or way. The proposed name of each other street or way shown on the tentative map shall be submitted to the advisory agency for its approval, and if such name is not a duplication of, or so nearly the same as to cause confusion with, the name of any existing street or way located in the city, or in close proximity thereto, and if such name is appropriate for a street name, such name shall be approved. When any such street or way forms a portion of any proposed street or way ordered by the city council to be surveyed, opened, widened or improved, and in such order a name therefor is assigned or designated, the name of such street or way shown on the map shall be the same as the name contained in said order. 39 16.28.140 Easements. A. Utility distribution lines shall be placed underground within the public right- of-way. On all public streets, the advisory agency may require additional utility easements adjacent to the outside of the public right-of-way line. B. The sidelines of all easements shall be shown by fine dotted lines. If any easement already of record cannot be definitely located, a statement of its existence, nature, and recorded reference must appear on the title sheet. Distances and bearing on the sidelines of lots which are cut by an easement must be arrowed or so shown that the map will indicate clearly the actual lengths of the lot lines. The widths of all easements and sufficient ties thereto definitely to located the same with respect to the subdivision must be shown. All easements must be clearly labeled and identified; if an easement shown on the map is already of record, its recorded reference must be given. If an easement is being dedicated by the map, it shall be set out in the owner's certificate of dedication. All notes and figures pertaining to easements shall be considerably smaller and lighter than those relating to the subdivision itself. C. The city may require the subdivider to remove any trees, brush, or other obstructions lying within an easement or right-of-way. The subdivider shall be required to remove or trim trees or brush lying within the easements or rights-of-way over which utilities are to be constructed, when such trees or brush interfere with the construction of such utility lines. Such work shall be completed in a manner satisfactory to the utilities concerned. 16.28.150 Removal of obstructions; drainage. A. The term "obstruction" as used in this section means any interference with the free use of the road right-of-way of whatever kind or nature and shall include, but shall not be limited to, structures, electrical power~ telephone or cable television poles, lines and appurtenances, pipe lines, conduits and canals. Obstructions shall be relocated and/or removed as provided below. This shall include, but is not limited to, the quitclaim or subordination of rights to the city by all interest and easement holders having the right to place facilities or othervise obstruct the free use of the road right-of- way or alternative arrangement acceptable to the city engineer. 1. All obstructions shall be removed from the streets, roadways or rights-of-way dedicated in the final map of a subdivision or which are deeded to the city in connection therewith which in the determination of the city engineer interfere with the use thereof or constitute a dangerous or hazardous condition to the traveling public. 40 2. All obstructions shall be removed which are located within existing county, state, or city streets or roadways lying immediately adjacent to streets, roadways or rights-of-way which are dedicated in the final subdivision map or which are deeded by the subdivider to the city in connection therewith and which obstructions, in the determination of the city engineer, interfere with the use of said existing county, state or city streets or roadways, or constitute a dangerous or hazardous condition to the traveling public. 3. Said obstructions shall be relocated without expense to the city to such locations as shall be specified by the city engineer or in the approved plans and profiles for the subdivision. 4. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to contact the utility companies, including cable television companies, or other owners of said obstructions to advise them of proposed improvements, and make direct arrangements for the relocation of and compensation for the cost of relocating any conflicting obstructions. Evidence of such completed arrangements shall be presented by the subdivider to the city engineer prior to the final approval of the subdivision plans by the city. B. Final acceptance of the tract shall be contingent upon the subdivider providing within and/or outside the tract, drainage disposal facilities, methods or easements as required to receive or dispose of storm water. Said facilities, methods, or easements shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Unless diversion of water is required to conform to a comprehensive drainage plan, off-site water shall be allowed to flow through the tract and shall be received and discharged at the locations which existed prior to development and as nearly as possible in the manner which existed prior to development. 16.28.160 Blocks - Length and width. A. Block lengths. Blocks shall not exceed one thousand feet in length between street centerlines, except where approved by the advisory agency. B. Block width. Except as othervise approved by the advisory agency, the width of each block shall be sufficient for an ultimate layout of two tiers of lots therein of a size required by the provisions of this title. 16.28.170 Lots. A. Lot sizes. All residential lots shall have a minimum net area as described in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. 41 B. Lot Frontage. All residential lots shall have a minimum street frontage as follows: 1. Interior lot = 55 feet. 2. Corner lot = 60 feet. For the purpose of measuring frontage on a corner lot with a radius return, the distance shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extensions of the street side property line and the front property line. 3. Cul-de-sac or Elbow lot = 35 lineal feet as measured along the arc. 4. Flag lot = 20 feet. C. Lot Depth. The minimum depth for residential lots shall be 100 feet. The lot depth is the length of a line that bisects a lot from a point on the front property line measured half way between the side property lines to a point on the rear of the property. D. Lot Width. The minimum width for residential lots shall be 55 feet on interior lots and 60 feet on corner lots. The lot width is the length of a line between side property lines that is the perpendicular bisect of the lot depth. E. Flag Lots. Flag lots shall not be allowed except where there is no other reasonable design alternative. The minimum width of the access portion of the flag lot shall be 20 feet. The access portion of the flag lot shall not be included for the purpose of computing minimum lot area, lot width, or lot depth. Non-buildable easements shall be recorded which will define building to property line setbacks on each flag lot as determined adequate by the planning commission. angles to curved. Lot Lines. The sidelines of all lots, so far as practicable, shall be at right the street which the lot faces, or radial or approximately radial if the street is boundary boundary boundary Divided Lots. No lot shall be divided by a city boundary line, nor any line between registered (Torrens Title) and unregistered land, nor any line between parcels of registered land under separate ownership. Each such line shall be made a lot line. H. Double Frontage Lots. Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred forty feet will not be approved except where, as determined by the advisory agency, conditions permit no other reasonable form of platting, or where the proposed double frontage lots abut a major street and the advisory agency deems it to be reasonable due to such controlling factors as traffic, safety, appearance and setback. Each such lot shall have a six-foot high masonry wall (the height shall be measured from 42 whichever side of the wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) installed by the subdivider adjacent to the rear property line or, where the wall and landscaping are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district installed within the street right-of-way and additional landscape easement or adjacent common lot. Alternate wall and landscape concepts may be approved in areas where, in the opinion of the advisory agency, topographic or other physical conditions make strict adherence to this criteria undesirable. Conceptual wall and landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. I. Walls along side yards adjacent to collector or arterial streets. Where it is found to be necessary for orderly development, residential lots having side yards adjacent to collector or arterial streets shall be required to install a six-foot high masonry wall (the height shall be measured from whichever side of the wall the adjacent finished grade is higher) with landscaping (on the exterior side) installed by the subdivider adjacent to the side property line or, where the wall and landscaping are to be maintained by a homeowner's association or maintenance district, installed within the street right-of-way and additional landscape easement or adjacent common lot. Conceptual wall and landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the advisory agency prior to filing of any final tract or final parcel map. J. Landscape walls exceeding four feet within front yard setback. The advisory agency may permit walls exceeding four feet in height within the front yard setback area of a residential lot when submitted as part of a conceptual wall and landscape plan and if it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C of the Municipal Code. K. Lots abutting commercial uses. Where it is found to be necessary for orderly development, residential lots which share a common property line with office, commercial or industrial zoning or land use designations shall be separated by a masonry block wall along said property line a minimum of 6 feet but not exceeding 8 feet in height as measured from highest adjacent finished grade. Timing of said wall installation to be determined by the advisory agency. L. Lots abutting drilling islands, oil well sites, and canals. Where it is found to be necessary for orderly development, any lot which shares a common property line with a lot designed to serve as a drilling island, oil well site or canal shall be separated by a masonry block wall, along said property line a minimum of 6 feet but not exceeding 8 feet in height as measured from highest adjacent finished grade. Timing of said wall installation to be determined by the advisory agency. M. Lot Numbers. Lot numbers shall begin with the numeral "1" and shall continue consecutively through the tract, with no omissions or duplications, and no block number shall be used. Letters shall be used to designate non-buildable lots. 43 N. Lot Dimensions. Dimensions of all lot lines shall be shown. No ditto marks shall be used on any final tract or final parcel map. All maps shall show the area of each irregular (nonrectangular) lot. O. Reduction of Minimum Standards. The advisory agency may permit a reduction in minimum standards including lot area, width, frontage and/or depth pursuant to the provisions in either Chapter 16.36, 17.52 or density bonus provisions of the Municipal Code. Reduction of minimum standards may also be allowed as follows: The advisory agency may permit a five percent reduction of lot area, width, frontage and/or depth for not more than 5 percent of the lots in a subdivision if it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C of the Municipal Code, along with the following additional findings. 1. The proposed subdivision is within the density range depicted for the property in the general plan. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the purposes and intent of the subdivision ordinance and zoning ordinance. 3. The applicant has provided justification for the proposed reduction based on sound engineering practices and subdivision design features. Additionally, the advisory agency may permit a reduction of lot area, width, frontage and/or depth in a subdivision if it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C of the Municipal Code, along with the following additional findings: 1. The proposed subdivision is within the density range depicted for the property in the general plan. 2. The subdivision is planned to provide a balanced housing stock within a defined area. 3. The subdivision does not result in an unjustified concentration of substandard lots within a defined area. 4. The reduction of the minimum lot area is for a minimum of 80 percent of the lots in a subdivision or all lots within a phase of the tract. 5. The applicant has demonstrated that the development will not require a modification for the reduction of the required front, rear, or side-yard setbacks on any lot within the subdivision. 44 6. The proposed development offers elements of public benefit that justify the reduction in lot area standards such as but not limited to one or more of the following: o Recreational open space and/or facilities unique to the project. ° Park land dedication or in-lieu fees at 3 acres per 1,000 population: Home prices at 80 percent of the area median sales price or less for new and resale homes in metropolitan Bakersfield. Further, if the project site is zoned for multiple-family dwellings, the advisory agency may permit a reduction of lot area in a subdivision if it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C of the Municipal Code and makes findings 1, 4 and 5 above. A reduction in lot width and frontage in a subdivision may be permitted by the advisory agency if it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C of the Municipal Code, along with the following findings: 1. The minimum lot area is 6,000 square feet. 2. The reduction in the minimum lot width/frontage is for a minimum of 80 percent of the lots in a tract or all the lots in a phase of the tract. 3. The applicant has demonstrated that the development will not require a modification for the reduction of the required front, rear, or side yard setbacks on any lot within the subdivision. 16.28.180 Reserve strips for controllinl~ access. Reserve strips controlling the access to streets or other public rights-of-way from adjoining property will not be approved unless such strips are necessary for the protection of the public welfare or of substantial property rights and the control and disposal of the land comprising such strips are placed definitely within the jurisdiction of the city under conditions approved by the advisory agency. 16.28.190 Aoproved access required. A. Each lot or parcel of subdivision shall be provided with approved vehicular access improved to city standards to a street or highway improved and maintained by a public agency or connecting thereto directly or indirectly by means of access which has been approved by the advisory agency. Such access may be established by recordation of 45 a covenant of easement in accordance with Section 65870 of the Government Code and may be released by direction of the planning commission, following a public hearing thereon, after the applicant seeking release has paid the fee therefor set by city council resolution. B. Access shall conform to the applicable provisions of Chapter 16.40, Dedications. Chapter 16.32 IMPROVEMENTS Sections: 16.32.010 16.32.020 16.32.030 16.32.040 16.32.050 16.32.060 16.32.070 16.32.080 16.32.090 16.32.100 Completion at subdivider's expense or by improvement agreement. Security- Required. Security - form of bonds. Security - Amount. Acceptance of improvements. Improvements - In subdivisions for which final tract map is required. Plans and specifications - Filing. Improvements - In subdivisions for which parcel map is required. Record drawings. Survey requirements - Monuments. 16.32.010 Coml~letion at subdivider's exoense or by imorovement agreement. Improvements required as a condition of approval shall be completed at the subdivider's expense prior to filing a final tract map or final parcel map with the county recorder, unless an improvement agreement requiring completion of such improvements upon terms mutually agreeable to the city council and the subdivider has been entered into and improvement security has been posted as provided in this chapter. 16.32.020 Security - Required. A. The improvement agreement referred to in Section 16.32.010 shall be secured by one of the following: 1. A bond or bonds by one or more duly authorized corporate sureties; 2. A deposit, either with the city or a responsible escrow agent or trust company selected by the city, of cash or negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys: 46 3. An irrevocable letter of credit from one or more responsible financial institutions regulated by state or federal government and pledging that the funds are on deposit and guaranteed for payment on demand by the city; 4. A lien contract, provided that the city engineer determines that all off-site improvements may be deferred for a period of at least three years from the date such map is recorded, and provided the form of contract is approved by the city attorney; or 5. A set-aside agreement, irrevocably committing the subdivider's construction lender to pay over to the city funds set aside for subdivision improvements (including off-site improvements) upon failure of the subdivider to complete the same, and subject to approval of the form thereof by the city attorney. B. If the required subdivision improvements are financed and installed pursuant to special assessment proceedings, upon the furnishing by the contractor of the faithful performance and labor and material bonds required by the special assessment act being used, the improvement security of the subdivider may be reduced by an amount corresponding to the amount of such bonds so furnished by the contractor. 16.32.030 Security - Form of bonds. A. The form of bond to secure the faithful performance of the improvement agreement shall be in substantially the same form as provided for in Section 66499.1 of the Government Code. B. The form of bond for the security of laborers and material men shall be in substantially the same form as provided for in Section 66499.2 of the Government Code. C. Appropriate modifications shall be made in such form if the bond is being furnished for the performance of an act not provided for by agreement. 16.32.040 Security - Amount. A. The improvement security shall be provided in the amount of: 1. One hundred percent of the total estimated cost of the improvement or act to be performed conditioned upon the faithful performance of the act or agreement; 2. Fifty percent of the total estimated cost of the improvement or act to be performed securing payment to the contractor, the subcontractors and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment to them for the improvement or the performance of the required act; provided, however, where the security provided is that referenced in subsections 2, 3 or 5 of Section 16.32.020, no additional sum shall be required to guarantee payment provided the security instrument authorizes draws to pay 47 for labor and materials and specifies that not more than fifty percent of the total shall be released, except to the city to pay for completion of improvements, until after the sixty- day lien period has expired; 3. Ten percent of the total estimated costs of the improvements, to be provided prior to city acceptance of completion, to guarantee or warranty the work for a period of one year following completion and acceptance thereof against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished; 4. If the improvement security is a bond or bonds furnished by duly authorized corporate surety or a lien contract, an additional security in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars or fifteen percent of the total estimated cost of improvements, whichever is less, shall be included to cover the cost and reasonable expenses and fees which may be incurred by the city in successfully enforcing the obligation secured. The improvement security shall also secure the faithful performance of any changes or alterations which do not exceed ten percent of the original estimated cost of the improvement; B. Such security shall be released in accordance with the terms of the improvement agreement. 16.32.050 Acceotance of improvements. Work on public improvements shall be deemed accepted upon acceptance by the city engineer; provided, however, that the warranty period(s) shall commence upon recordation of a notice of completion. Work on private improvements shall be deemed accepted, for purposes of satisfaction of the improvement only, upon receipt by the city engineer of a certificate signed by a registered engineer stating that all such improvements have been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved for the subdivision by the city engineer. 16.32.060 Improvements - In subdivisions for which final tract mao is required. A. Improvements required in a subdivision for which a final tract map is required shall be installed to permanent line and grade and to the satisfaction of the city engineer in accordance with the requirements of the advisory agency, in accordance with standard specifications of the city on file in the office of city engineer and in accordance with all applicable provisions of Chapter 16.28. B. The minimum improvements which the subdivider makes or agrees to make prior to acceptance and approval of the final tract map by the city council shall be: 1. Grading, curbs and gutters, drainage and drainage structures necessary to the proper use and drainage of streets, highways, alleys and ways and to the public safety; 48 2. Installation and surfacing of streets, highways, alleys and ways; 3. Sidewalks, except where sidewalks are premature in relation to the public needs of the present and immediate future; 4. Sanitary sewer facilities and connections for each lot, except as such requirement may be waived by the city engineer and building director in accordance with policies established by them therefor. Dry sewer lines shall be installed wherever out fall sewer lines are not available unless the city engineer, with the approval of the State Regional Water Quality Control Board, determines an exception to such requirement to be appropriate; 5. Water system with mains of sufficient size and having a sufficient number of outlets to furnish adequate domestic water supply for each lot of the subdivision and to provide adequate fire protection to meet local neighborhood needs; 6. Services from public utilities, including cable television, and setvices from sanitary sewers shall be made available for each lot, and in such manner as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, gutter, culvert and curb, when setvice connections are made; provided, however, as to cable television setvice, that the requirement for installation of such service to any industrial tract may be waived if, based upon a waiver requested by a subdivider supported with proof of satisfaction of the following conditions, the advisory agency finds that the omission of such requirement will not create a break in cable television service (to properties in the vicinity of the tract map) or, even if such omission would result in a break in cable television setvice, the closest available connection to existing cable television facilities is more than five hundred feet from the closest point in the tract map to the point of such connection (measured along existing or proposed utility easements); 7. Street name signs: 8. Chain-link fence 6 ft. in height or equivalent as determined by the advisory agency between any subdivision and the right-of-way of any irrigation canal; 9. Street lighting; 10. Final soil report shall have been completed and approved by the building director and city engineer prior to the beginning of construction of any buildings or structures; 11. All utility distribution facilities, including cable television, must be placed underground. Where applicable, such installation shall be in accordance with rules and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of the State; 12. All subdividers are required to furnish fire hydrants, hydrant burys and necessary bury extensions and all necessary bolts and gaskets, which shall be purchased from the city. 49 13. Walls, fences and landscaping as required by ordinance, city standard, or the advisory agency, to be maintained by a maintenance district or by an association of property owners pursuant to a declaration of covenants approved by the city engineer. Exceptions to the above-stated minimum requirements may be allowed in tracts having private streets with the approval of the advisory agency at the time of approval of the tentative map. C. Supplemental Improvements - Reimbursement Agreements. 1. The subdivider of a subdivision for which a final tract map or final parcel map is required may be required to install improvements for the benefit of the subdivision which may contain supplemental size, capacity or number for the benefit of property not within the subdivision as a condition precedent to the approval of a tentative subdivision map and thereafter to dedicate such improvements to the public. 2. In the event such supplemental improvements are required by the advisory agency as authorized in this subsection, the city shall enter into an agreement with the subdivider to reimburse the subdivider, upon collection of moneys from owners of other property benefitted thereby and within a specified time period, for that portion of the cost of such improvements equal to the difference between the amount it would have cost the subdivider to install such improvements to serve the subdivision only and the actual improvements to serve the subdivision only and the actual cost of such improvements. 3. In order to pay the costs as required by the reimbursement agreement, the city may: a. Collect from other persons, including public agencies, using such improvements for the benefit of real property not within the subdivision, a reasonable charge for such use; b. Contribute to the subdivider that part of the cost of the improvements that is attributable to the benefit of real property outside the subdivision and levy a charge upon the real property benefitted to reimburse the city for such cost, together with interest thereon, if any, paid to the subdivider; c. Establish and maintain local benefit districts for the levy and collection of such charge or costs from the property benefitted. D. Drainage facilities - Payment of Fees Required. Prior to filing any final map or parcel map, the subdivider shall pay or cause to be paid any fees for derraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing planned drainage facilities for the removal of surface and storm waters from the following local and neighborhood drainage areas pursuant to drainage plans adopted by the council therefor in accordance with Article $ of Chapter 4 of Division 2 of Title 7 of the California Government Code (Section 66483 et. seq.): 5O 1. Pioneer Planned Drainage Area; 2. Fairview Planned Drainage Area; 3. 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area; 4. "K" Street - 2nd Street Planned Drainage Area; 5. Riverlakes Ranch Planned Drainage Area; 6. Breckenridge Planned Drainage Area; 7. Shalimar Planned Drainage Area; 8. Orangewood Planned Drainage Area. E. Sewer Facilities - Payment of Fees Required. Prior to filing any final map or parcel map, the subdivider shall pay or cause to be paid any fees for defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing the following planned sanitary sewer facilities for local sanitary sewer areas pursuant to sanitary sewer plans adopted by the council therefor in accordance with Article 5 of Chapter 4 of Division 2 of Title 7 of the California Government Code (Section 66483 et. seq.): 1. Pierce Road - Oak Street Planned Sanitary Sewer Area; 2. Panama Lane - Monitor Planned Sanitary Sewer Area; 3. Terrace Way - Hughes Lane Planned Sewer Area; 4. Lavern Avenue Planned Sewer Area; 5. Wood Lane Planned Sewer Area; 6. Rosedale Plaza Planned Sewer Area; 7. "K" and 2nd Street Planned Sewer Area; 8. Rancho Laborde Planned Sewer Area; 9. Berkshire-Monitor Planned Sewer Area; 10. Panorama Highlands Planned Sewer Area; 11.6ibson-Burr Planned Sewer Area; F. Bridge Crossings and Major Thoroughfares. 1. Prior to filing any final tract or parcel map or issuance of a building permit, fees may be assessed and collected pursuant to Section 66484 of the California Government Code for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing the following bridge crossings or major thoroughfares identified in the transportation or flood control provisions of the circulation element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan: a. Ashe Road Planned Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Area. 2. In order for such fees to be assessed and collected, the following requirements must be met: a. The bridge or thoroughfares for which costs are to be assessed are identified in the transportation or flood control provisions of the circulation element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. The primary purpose of the major thoroughfares is to carry through traffic and provide a network connecting to the state highway system. 51 b. A public hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 66484 (a)(2) and (3) shall be held by the council for each area benefitted, and the boundaries of each such area, costs, and method of fee apportionment shall be set forth in a resolution to be adopted by the council. c. Payment of fees shall not be required unless the major thoroughfares are in addition to, or a reconstruction of, any existing major thoroughfares serving the area at the time of the adoption of the boundaries of the area of benefit. d. Payment of fees shall not be required unless the planned bridge facility is an original bridge serving the area or an addition to any existing bridge facility serving the area at the time of the adoption of the boundaries of the area of benefit. The fees shall not be expanded to reimburse the cost of existing bridge facility construction. e. The city clerk shall receive written protests and endorse on each protest the date and time it was filed. i. No protest received after the time fixed for the public hearing shall be timely; ii. If a written protest is filed by owners of more than one-half of the area of the property to be benefitted by the improvement, and sufficient protests are not withdrawn so as to reduce the area represented to less than one-half of that to be benefitted then the proposed proceedings shall be abandoned, and the council shall not, for one year from the filing of that written protest, commence or carry on any proceedings for the same improvement or acquisition under the provisions of this section. iii. Any protests may be withdrawn by the owner protesting, in writing, at any time prior to the conclusion of a public hearing held pursuant to the subsection (F)(2)(b) of this section. iv. If any majority protest is directed against only a portion of the improvement then all further proceedings under the provisions of this section to construct that portion of the improvement so protested against shall be barred for a period of one year, but the council may commence new proceedings not including any part of the improvement or acquisition so protested against. Nothing in this section prohibits the council, within that one-year period, from commencing and carrying on new proceedings for the construction of a portion of the improvement so protested against if it finds, by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of its members, that the owners of more than one-half of the area of the property to be benefitted are in favor of going forward with that portion of the improvement or acquisition. 3. Fees paid pursuant to this section shall be deposited in a planned bridge facility or major thoroughfare fund. A fund shall be established for each planned bridge facility project or each planned major thoroughfare project. If the benefit area is one in which more than one bridge is required to be constructed, a fund may be so established covering all of the bridge projects in the benefit area. Money in the fund shall be expended solely for the construction or reimbursement for construction of the 52 improvement serving the area to be benefitted and from which the fees comprising the fund were collected, or to reimburse the city for the cost of constructing the improvement. 4. Nothing in this section prohibits the acceptance of considerations in lieu of the payment of fees. 16.32.070 Plans and specifications - Filine. A. Plans and specifications, including profiles where required by the city engineer, of all improvements required under the provisions of this ritle, as well as other improvements proposed to be installed and constructed by the subdivider in, over, or under any street or right-of-way, easement, lot or parcel of land where improvements are required or proposed, shall, along with an estimated plan check fee, be filed with the city engineer. The city shall not be obligated to accept public improvements shown on any such plan or specification constructed before the plans and specifications therefor have been approved by the city engineer. B. If all detailed plans and specifications for improvements are not filed with the city engineer at the time of filing the final parcel map, certificate of compliance, or final tract map, there shall be included in the completion agreement a promise to file same within a specified reasonable time thereafter, and the faithful performance bond shall include a guarantee that the remaining plans and specifications will be prepare in accordance with the requirements of the city engineer and filed with him. C. In all cases where topography controls the design, all detailed plans, specifications and profiles of improvements required must be submitted at the time of the filing of the final parcel map, certificate of compliance or final tract map. 16.32.080 lml~rovements - In subdivisions for which parcel mao is required. A. Improvements required in a subdivision for which a parcel map is required shall be installed as provided in subsection A of Section 16.32.060. B. The improvements which the advisory agency may require, and which, where so required, the subdivider shall make, or agree to make, prior to acceptance and approval of a final parcel map, shall be those set forth in subsection D of this section. C. The advisory agency, in the determination to require or not require any of such improvements, shall consider the following factors: 1. Whether the installation of any of such improvements would be premature in relation to the public needs of the present and the immediate future; 2. Whether the omission of all or any part of such improvements would be materially detrimental to the public welfare, safety, health or conveniences, or to the orderly implementation of the general plan; 53 3. Whether the omission of all or any part of such improvements would be injurious to property or improvements in the area; needs; The extent to which the improvements are appropriate to fulfill public 5. The extent to which the community may need protection against potentially adverse effects of the property use or possible use. D. The following improvements or any of them may be required by the advisory agency and if so required, shall be furnished at the subdivider's expense: 1. Grading, curbs and gutters, drainage and drainage structures necessary to the proper use and drainage of streets, highways, alleys and ways and to the public safety; 2. Streets, highways, alleys and ways; 3. Sidewalks; 4. Sanitary sewer facilities and connections for each parcel created. Unless an exception has been granted as provided in Section 16.32.060 B 4, dry sewer lines shall be installed where an outfall sewer is not reasonably available; 5. Water system with mains of sufficient size and having a sufficient number of outlets to furnish adequate domestic water supply for each parcel created and to provide adequate fire protection to meet local neighborhood needs; 6. Services from public utilities, including cable television, and services from sanitary sewers available to each lot and in such manner as will avoid the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, gutter, culvert and curb when service connections are made; provided, however, as to cable television service, that the requirement for installation of such service to any industrial tract may be waived if, based upon a waiver requested by a subdivider supported with proof of satisfaction of the following conditions, the planning commission finds that the omission of such requirement will not create a break in cable television service (to properties in the vicinity of the tract map) or, even if such omission would result in a break in cable television service, the closest available connection to existing cable television facilities is more than five hundred feet from the closest point in the tract map to the point of such connection (measured along existing or proposed utility easements); 7. Street name signs; 8. A chain-link fence 6 ft. in height or equivalent as determined by the advisory agency between any subdivision and the right-of-way line of any irrigation canal. 9. Street lighting. 54 10. Walls, fences and landscaping as required by ordinance, city standard, or the advisory agency. 11. Any other improvements determined by the advisory agency to be needed for public health or safety or prerequisite to orderly development of the surrounding area. E. The provisions of subsections C and D of Section 15.32.060 shall apply to subdivisions for which a final parcel map is required. F. Requirements for the construction of such off-site and on-site improvements shall be noticed by certificate on the final parcel map, on the instrument evidencing the waiver of such parcel map, or by separate instrument and shall be recorded on, concurrently with, or prior to the final parcel map or instrument of waiver of a parcel map being filed for record. Fulfillment of such construction requirements shall not be required until such time as a permit or other grant of approval for development of the parcel is issued or until such time as the construction of such improvements is required pursuant to an agreement between the subdivider and the city, except that in the absence of such an agreement, the advisory agency may require fulfillment of such construction requirements within a reasonable time following approval of the parcel map and prior to the issuance of a permit or other grant of approval for the development of a parcel upon a finding that fulfillment of the construction requirements is necessary for reasons of: 1. The public health and safety: or 2. The required construction is a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area. 16.32.090 Record drawlnes. Prior to the time of filing of the notice of completion and acceptance of improvements within any subdivision, the subdivider shall file with the city engineer a reproducible sepia film and one set of blueline prints of the record drawings approved and signed by an engineer. Record sewer drawings shall show the location of all wye branches or house laterals. 16.32.100 Survey requirements-Monuments. A. At the time of making the survey for the final tract or parcel map, the engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient durable monuments to conform with the standards described in Section 8771 of the Business and Professions Code so that another engineer or surveyor may readily retrace the survey. B. Such engineer or surveyor shall set monuments as follows: 55 1. Set city standard monuments and encasements at all intersections of street centerlines, beginning and ending of all curves on streets within the subdivision and at the intersection of the centerline of the streets and the subdivision boundary. On all curved streets, a sufficient number of monuments shall be set so that connecting chords shall be wholly within the street roadway between curbing. The engineer or surveyor shall measure the vertical elevation based upon data approved by the city engineer, data for each city standard monument set and shall provide a record of this data to the city engineer. 2. Set two inch iron pipe twenty-four inches long, filled with concrete and properly tagged, or with a two inch by two inch by twelve inch redwood stake driven into the center and properly tagged or equal as approved by the city engineer, at all angle points and beginning and ending of all curves on the exterior boundary of the subdivision. All boundary monuments shall be in place prior to recordation of the map. The city engineer may, by a field survey, satisfy himself that all monuments actually exist and that their positions are correctly shown. Depth of boundary monuments shall be not less than six inches or more than thirty inches. 3. Set two inch by two inch by twelve inch redwood stakes with tag, iron rod with cap or iron pipe with cap and properly tagged at all angle points and beginning and ending of all curves on the boundary of each lot, which angle point is not covered in subdivisions 1 or 2 above. For front lot corners, reference points, consisting of "penny" tags epoxied in place together with chisel marks on the top of curbs, may be substituted for the required redwood stake, iron rod or iron pipe. For rear lot corners of double- frontage lots, reference points, consisting of concrete nails and tags mounted on the rear masonry wall, on the lot side, at a visible elevation, may be substituted for the required redwood stake, iron rod or iron pipe. 4. When any of the above-described boundary points fall in a concrete sidewalk, curb, wall, coping, etc., such points shall be marked with a concrete nail and tag. 5. All monuments in subdivisions 1 and 2 above shall be so set as to insure an unobstructed sight between adjacent monuments, whenever feasible, and in no case shall the distance between monuments exceed two thousand seven hundred feet, unless prior approval is obtained from the city engineer. 6. All monuments shall be permanently marked with the certificate number of the engineer or surveyor setting it, preceded by the letters "R.C.E." or "L.S." respectively, as the case may be. 7. The character, type and position of all monuments and encasements shall be noted on the final map. If a monument is replaced, indicate type and condition of monument found and the date of replacement. 8. A traverse of the boundaries of the map and of all the lots and blocks must close within a limit of error not in excess of one foot in twenty thousand feet. 56 9. All distances must be expressed on the map to the nearest hundredth of a foot. 10. Any monuments or stakes disturbed by the improvements shall be reset. Where no streets are to be improved, the subdivider shall post a faithful performance bond to guarantee the setting of all the above stakes and monuments. Chapter 16.36 OPTIONAL DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS Sections: 16.36.010 Scope and authority. 16.36.020 Maintenance of nondedicated improvements-Failure unlawful. 16.36.010 Scope and authority. In considering a tentative map for a condominium, stock cooperative, or community apartment project, or for any subdivision wherein physical constraints or the extraordinary amenities to be provided render application of the design and improvement standards of this title inappropriate, the advisory agency, with the concurrence of the city engineer, may agree to the substitution of alternate design and improvement standards which do not literally comply with the requirements of these subdivision regulations but which serve to facilitate the ultimate development of the property in a manner that will be consistent with the general plan. 16.36.020 Maintenance of nondedicated improvements-Failure unlawful. A. Where a subdivision has been approved by the advisory agency under the provisions of this chapter, full and adequate provisions acceptable to the city shall be made for the preservation and maintenance of all commonly owned land, improvements and facilities, which are not dedicated to public use, within twenty-five feet of the exterior boundaries of the project. B. Such provision may be satisfied by a declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions duly signed and acknowledged by the owner; articles of incorporation forming a homeowner's association or some other legal entity, which shall include provisions empowering the entity created to own and maintain all the properties within its jurisdiction and to exercise the powers and duties of the entity to be set forth in the declaration; and bylaws setting forth rules of membership, fees and assessments: and forms of deeds incorporating the declaration by reference to its recording data. 57 C. All documents must be referred to the city attorney for review as to their sufficiency to accomplish their purpose. D. The owners of the individual lots shall, as a condition of ownership of said lots, be required to participate in the legal entity so formed and be responsible to said legally formed entity for the cost of performing the necessary maintenance. E. Any failure to so maintain shall be, and the same is declared to be, unlawful and a public nuisance endangering the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. Chapter 16.40 DEDICATIONS Sections: 16.40.010 Requirements. 16.40.020 Waiver of direct street access. 16.40.030 On final tract maps. 16.40.040 In subdivisions not requiring final tract map. 16.40.010 Recluirements. As a condition of approval of a tentative map, the subdivider shall dedicate or make an irrevocable offer of dedication of all land within the subdivision that is needed for public streets, alleys, including access rights and abutter's rights, drainage, public utility easements and other public easements. 16.40.020 Waiver of direct street access. The advisory agency may impose a requirement that any dedication or offer of dedication of a street or approval of a map abutting a previously dedicated street shall include a waiver of direct access rights to such street from any property shown on a final tract or final parcel map as abutting thereon. If such dedication is accepted, or if no dedication is otherwise required, such waiver shall become effective in accordance with its provisions. Such provisions shall specify that a portion of the street as to which access is waived may, at the request of the property owner, be revised or relocated to another portion or portions of the same street frontage or of any adjoining street as to which direct access has been waived by recording a certificate therefor signed by the property owner and the city engineer. 58 16.40.030 On final tract maps. A. Dedications of or offers to dedicate interests in real property for specified public purposes shall be made by a certificate on the final tract map, signed and acknowledged by those parties having any record title interest in the real property being subdivided, subject to the provisions of Section 66436 of the Map Act. B. In the event any street shown on such map is not offered for dedication the certificate shall contain a statement to this effect. If such statement appears on the map and if the map is approved by the city council, the use of any such street or streets by the public shall be permissive only. C. An offer of dedication of real property for street or public utility easement purposes shall be deemed not to include any public utility facilities located on or under such real property, unless and only to the extent and intent to dedicate such facilities is expressly stated in the certificate. 16.40.040 In subdivisions not requiring final tract map. A. If dedications or offers of dedication are required by the advisory agency for subdivisions requiring a final parcel map, they may be made either by a certificate on the parcel map, or by separate instrument to be recorded concurrently with, or prior to, the parcel map being filed for record. B. Such dedication or offers of dedication shall be signed by the same parties and in the same manner as set forth in Section 66439 of the Map Act for dedications by a final tract map. C. An offer of dedication shall be in such terms as to be binding on the owner, his heirs or successors in interest and shall continue until abandoned as specified in Section 66477.2 of the Map Act. Chapter 16.41 RESERVATIONS Sections: 16.41.010 Reservation requirement. 16.41.020 Acquisition agreement. 16.41.030 Termination of reservation. 16.41.010 Reservation requirement. A. As a condition of approval of a tentative map, the subdivider may be required to reserve real property within the subdivision for parks, recreational facilities, fire stations, libraries, freeways or other public uses, subject to the following conditions: 59 1. Such requirement is based upon an adopted specific plan or an adopted general plan containing policies and standards for those uses, and the required reservations are in accordance with those policies and standards. 2. The reserved area is of such size and shape as to permit the balance of the property within which the reservation is located to develop in an orderly and efficient manner. 3. The amount of land reserved will not make development of the remaining land held by the subdivider economically unfeasible. B. The reserved area shall conform to the adopted specific or general plan and shall be in such multiples of streets and parcels as to permit an efficient division of the reserved area in the event that it is not acquired within the prescribed period; in such event, the subdivider shall make those changes as are necessary to permit the reserved area to be developed for the intended purpose consistent with good subdividing practices. C. The reservation requirement may be in addition to requirements for dedication and/or improvement of property within the subdivision for the same or other purposes. 16.41.020 Ac~luisition agreement. The city shall, at the time of approval of the final map or parcel map, enter into an agreement to acquire such reserved area within two years after the completion and acceptance of all improvements required as a condition of such map, unless such period of time is extended by mutual agreement. The purchase price shall be the market value thereof at the time of the filing of the tentative map plus the taxes against such reserved area from the date of the reservation and any other costs incurred by the subdivider in the maintenance of such reserved area, including interest costs incurred on any loan covering such reserved area. 16.41.030 Termination of reservation. If the city does not enter into the agreement required in Section 16.41.020, the reservation of such area shall automatically terminate. 60 Chapter 16.44 SOIL AND GRADING REPORTS Sections: 16.44.010 Preliminary soil report and grading plan required. 16.44.020 Waiver of preliminary soil report and/or grading plan. 16.44.030 Final soils report. 16.44.040 Conditions of issuance of building permit. 16.44.010 Preliminary soil reoort and erading plan required. A. A preliminary soils report based upon adequate test borings, and a grading plan, shall be submitted to the city engineer for every subdivision prior to the filing of the final tract map or final parcel map. The city engineer may review the report and may require additional information or reject the report if it is found to be incomplete, inaccurate or unsatisfactory. Such soils report and grading plan shall be prepared by a civil engineer registered in this state, who shall recommend the corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where the soils problem exists. B. If the soils report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other soils problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, a soils investigation of each lot or parcel in the subdivision may be required by the city engineer. Such soils investigation shall recommend the corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where the soils problems exist. C. If the preliminary soils report indicates the presence of rocks or liquids containing deleterious chemicals which, if not corrected, could cause construction materials such as concrete, steel and ductile or cast iron to corrode or deteriorate, a soils investigation of each potentially affected lot in the subdivision may be required. D. The city may approve the subdivision or portion thereof where soils problems described in subsections B and C of this section exist if it is determined that the recommended action is likely to prevent structural damage to each structure to be constructed, and as a condition to the issuance of any building permit may require that the approved recommended action be incorporated in the construction of each structure. 61 16.44.020 Waiver of preliminary soil report and/or grading plan. A. A preliminary soils report and/or the grading plan may be waived, but only when the building director and city engineer both find that due to the knowledge the city has as to the quality of the soils or the topography of the land in the subdivision, no preliminary analysis of the soils or grading plan is necessary. B. If the city engineer or building director requires a preliminary soils report and/or grading plan for subdivisions for which a final parcel map is required, the soils report and/or grading plan may be deferred by the advisory agency as a requirement of the approval of the tentative parcel map and recordation of the final parcel map until such time as a building permit application is filed. 16.44.030 Final soil report. A. Grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved grading plan and the preliminary soils report and compaction tests shall be submitted to the city's building director for each lot in a subdivision prior to recordation of the final map, except as the building director may determine that no public interest would be served thereby. B. When any soils investigation has indicated any soils problems and a civil engineer has recommended the corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where the soils problems exists, the final map or parcel map may be approved for recording subject to the following condition: The building director shall not approve any building permit on any lot within any new subdivision until a final soils report has been submitted to him showing that all corrective action set forth in the preliminary soils report and report of the soils investigation has been completed and until the civil engineer has certified that all corrective action likely to prevent any structural damage to any structure proposed to be constructed in the area where the soils problems exist, has been taken and completed to his satisfaction. 16.44.040 Conditions of issuance of building, permit. No building pelfnit shall be issued for any lot in any subdivision until all grading has been completed in accordance with the approved grading plan and a final soils report has been submitted to and approved by the building director. Whenever such conditions have not been satisfied prior to recordation of a final map, notice of such conditions shall be set forth on the face of the final map. 62 Sections: 16.48.010 16.48.020 16.48.030 16.48.040 16.48.050 16.48.060 16.48.070 16.48.080 16.48.090 16.48.100 Chapter 16.48 REVERSION TO ACREAGE Generally. Initiation of proceedings by owners. Initiation of proceedings by city council. Data required to be filed. Fees. Proceedings before city council-Conditions for approval. Release of securities. Delivery of final map. Effect of filing reversion map with county recorder. Parcel map authorized. 16.48.010 Generally. Subdivided property may be reverted to acreage pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 16.48.020 Initiation of oroceedings by owners. A. Proceedings to revert subdivided property to acreage may be initiated by petition of all the owners of record of the property. B. The petition shall be in a form approved by the city attorney. C. The petition shall contain the information as required by Section 16.48.040 and such other information as required by the advisory agency or the city attorney. 16.48.030 Initiation of proceedings b¥ city council. A. The city council at the request of any person or on its own motion may, by resolution, initiate proceedings to revert property to acreage. B. The city council shall direct the city attorney to obtain the necessary information to initiate and conduct the proceedings. 16.48.040 Data required to be filed. Petitioners shall file thc following: A. Evidence of title to the real property; and B. Evidence of the consent of all of the owners of an interest in the property; or 63 C. Evidence that none of the improvements required to be made have been made within two years from the date the final map or parcel map was filed for record, or within the time allowed by agreement for completion of the improvements, whichever is later; or D. Evidence that no lots or parcels shown on the final or parcel map have been sold within five years from the date such final or parcel map was filed for record; or F. A final map in the form prescribed by this title which delineates dedications which will not be vacated and dedications required as a condition to reversion. 16.48.050 Fees. A. Petitions to revert property to acreage shall be accompanied by a fee set by city council resolution. B. Fees are not refundable. 16.48.060 Proceedines before city council - Conditions of aoproval. A. A public hearing shall be held before the city council on all petitions for, and the city council initiations for, reversions to acreage. Notice of the public hearing shall be given as provided in Section 66451.3 of the Map Act. The city council may approve a reversion to acreage only if it finds and records in writing that: 1. Dedications or offers of dedications to be vacated or abandoned by the reversion to acreage as unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes; and 2. Either. a. All owners of an interest in the real property within the subdivision have consented to reversions, or b. None of the improvements required to be made have been made within two years from the date the final or parcel map was filed for record, or within the time allowed by agreement for completion of the improvements, whichever is later, or c. No lots or parcels shown on the final or parcel map have been sold within five years from the date such map was filed for record. B. The city council may require as conditions of the reversions: 1. The owners dedicate or offer to dedicate streets or easements; 2. The retention of all or a portion of previously paid subdivision fees, deposits or improvement securities if the same are necessary to accomplish any of the provisions of this chapter. 64 16.48.070 Release of securities. Except as otherwise provided in this title, upon filing of the final map for reversion of acreage with the county recorder, all improvement securities shall be released. 16.48.080 Delivery of final map. After the hearing before the city council and approval of the reversion, the final map shall be delivered to the county recorder. 16.48.090 Effect of filim~ reversion mao with county recorder. A. Reversion shall be effective upon the final map being filed for record by the county recorder. B. Upon filing, all dedications and offers of dedication not shown on the final map for reversion shall be of no further force and effect. 16.48.100 Parcel mao authorized. A final parcel map may be recorded under this chapter and the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Map Act for the purpose of reverting to acreage land previously subdivided and consisting of four or fewer contiguous parcels under the same ownership. Chapter 16.52 APPEALS Sections: 16.52.010 Who may file. 16.52.020 Filing. 16.52.030 Hearing - Notice to subdivider - City council decision. 16.52.040 City council action and findings. 16.52.010 Who may file. The subdivider, the city engineer, the planning director or any interested person adversely affected by a decision of the advisory agency, may file an appeal from such decision to the city council. 16.52.020 Filing. Any such appeal shall be filed with the clerk of the city council within ten days after the action of the advisory agency from which the appeal is being taken. 65 16.52.030 Hearina- Notice to subdivider - City council decision. A. Upon the filing of an appeal, the city clerk shall set the matter for hearing upon notice to the subdivider, the advisory agency and affected interested persons. B. Such hearing shall be held within thirty days after the date of filing the appeal unless the subdivider consents to a continuance. C. Within ten days following the conclusion of the hearing, the city council shall render its decision on the appeal. 16.52.040 City council action and findings. The city council may sustain, modify, reject or overrule any recommendation, finding or ruling of the advisory agency and shall make appropriate findings. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Council provision and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... O0O ......... 66 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on April 14, 1993, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ?WARDS DeMOND SMITH §~IUNNI KANE, M:DERMOTT NOES: COUNC LMEMB~R,~ ~'~O/J ~-- SALVA(3(~R) ABSENT C~NCIL~MBERS: ~o ~ A~TAIN COUNCtLMEM~RS- ~ ~ ~ APPROVED APR 1 4 ~ CItY CLERK and EX OFFICIO CLERK of the the City Council of the City of Bakersfield VICE-MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CJH EFSA~,' S ~ ord/subord2.93 ~7 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern ) CAROL WILLIAMS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 15th day of April, 1993 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3515, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 14th day of April, 1993, and entitled: By: /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield EPUTY ~ity ~erk