HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/23 HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEEr r THE SOUND OF 5*YMWf Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember Andrae Gonzales - Chair Anthony Valdez, Assistant to the City Manager Councilmember Ken Weir Jenni Byers, Acting Economic Development Director Councilmember Eric Arias Juan Heredia, Administrative Analyst III Meeting of the Housing and Homelessness Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, September 26, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 3. ADOPTION OF THE August 22, 2023, MINUTES 4. STAFF REPORT a. Staff update on the City's efforts to address housing and homelessness. (Information item only, staff recommends receive ad file presentation.) 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Rapid Response Teams and Impact Team Strategy Efficacy. (Information item only, staff recommends receive and file presentation.) b. Legislative update on homelessness related bill (Information item only, staff recommends receive and file presentation.) 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT q DatePUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD : / Z � You may address the Council under Public Statements on any matter related to City Business. Comments regarding public hearing matters will be heard under the Public Hearings portion of the agenda and a Speaker's Card is not necessary for those items. All persons desiring to address the Council on an item listed on the agenda shall speak during the Agenda Item Public Statements portion of the meeting. Please identify the item you wish to speak on below. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes per person. twenty (20) minutes per agenda item. Note: The Consent Calendar as a whole constitutes one agenda item. All persons desiring to address the Council on a general item of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council that is not listed on the agenda shall speak during the Non - Agenda Item Public Statements portion of the meeting. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes per person. (20) twenty minutes total. Speakers who do not identify the topic on which they wish to speak will be presumed speakers for Non -Agenda Item Public Statements and called during that portion of the meeting. The purpose of the speaker's cards is to facilitate orderly and relevant public statements during the appropriate portions of the meeting. Name:r ��-- ��//►► 5 <_ Agenda Item No: - Non -Agenda IIte� Address J -f V l Phone: "tilhui..r". iad, K. v, a J,,,i ,, ih. POIi, R,­,d. 4n x.un'd:11 the Ih:hl" R,"'d, Aix ,1n� th, Nhli, r r THE SOUND OF 5*YMWf Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember Andrae Gonzales - Chair Anthony Valdez, Assistant to the City Manager Councilmember Ken Weir Jenni Byers, Acting Economic Development Director Councilmember Eric Arias Juan Heredia, Administrative Analyst III Meeting of the Housing and Homelessness Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 MINUTES 1. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Councilmember Andrae Gonzales - Chair Councilmember Ken Weir Councilmember Eric Arias City Staff Present: Christian Clegg, City Manager Jenni Byers, Acting Economic Development Director Anthony Valdez, Assistant to the City Manager Scott Andrews, Assistant City Manager Julie Drimakis, City Clerk Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney II Joe Conroy, Public Information Officer Juan Heredia, Administrative Analyst III Karen Goh, Mayor Michele Cruz, Management Assistant Crystal Rubio, Assistant to the City Manager Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Jessica Golden, Economic Development Planner II Phil Burns, Building Director Nina Carter, Homeless Services Principal David Paquette, Code Enforcement Manager Stella Martinez, Bakersfield Police Department Billy Owens, Code Enforcement Supervisor Additional Attendees: Members of the Public and other City Staff 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements None b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements None. 3. ADOPTION OF THE JULY 25, 2023, MINUTES Motion by Committee Member Weir to adopt the July 25, 2023, meeting minutes. Unanimously approved. 4. STAFF REPORT a. Staff update on the City's efforts to address housing and homelessness. Acting Economic Development Director Byers made staff comments. Assistant to the City Manager Valdez continued staff comments. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion regarding the Downtown Capacity Analysis (Informational item only, staff recommends receive and file presentation) Eric Bagwell from ECONorthwest gave a PowerPoint presentation. Committee Chair Gonzales referred this item to the Planning and Development Committee. b. Discussion regarding Code Enforcement Rapid Response Team's efforts to address the impacts of homelessness. (Informational item only, staff recommends receive and file presentation.) Building Director Burns gave a PowerPoint presentation. C. Discussion regarding the Accessory Dwelling Unit Incentive Program (Informational item only, staff recommends receive and file presentation.) Acting Economic Development Director Byers gave a PowerPoint Presentation. Committee Member Weir left at 1 p.m. Motion by Committee Member Arias to receive and file presentations. Unanimously approved. Housing and Homelessness Committee Meeting August 22, 2023, Minutes Page 2 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Referral by Committee Member Arias to research the most successful strategies to keep people in their homes. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:1 1 p.m. ANDRAE GONZALES, CHAIR ATTEST: JULIE DRIMAKIS, MMC, CPMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Housing and Homelessness Committee Meeting August 22, 2023, Minutes Page 3 Bakersfield City Council Housing & Homelessness Committee Monthly Report: August 2023 Housing The City of Bakersfield's Development Services Department collects data on the number of residential housing unit permits that were issued which signify the beginning of development of new housing. IV The City of Bakersfield contracts with VCCDC for the Hope to Home C_ C program. Hope to Home is a deferred loan program to make A New Way Home homeownership possible for income qualified individuals. and requires VENT ORA COUNTY COMMUNM Di) Vlq.OPP,'I iN'I'CORPOReVrION recipients to first participate in home -buyer education. "q� Haa The City of Bakersfield contracts with Habitat for Humanity and Staples Energy for the for HumanitYl" Home Repair and Weatherization Program. This program helps qualified ("" kkn L111,101I"' homeowners receive necessary home repair and weatherization improvements. Contractor Monthly Total endar YTD 710 Habitat for Humanity 0 4 Staples Energy 6 Applications approved 1 1 60 Page 1 of 3 The City of Bakersfield aims to ensure every Bakersfield resident has access to safe, secure, and affordable homes that meet their needs. The City contracts several companies to design, construct, and operate affordable housing projects. Project Units Units Under Units in Pre- Developer Recently Anticipated Construction Development Completed start/completion date 6'" Street Apartments HA -- 40 -- November 2023 (Homekey) Sagewood Chelsea Apartments Investment -- 72 -- October 2023 Corp. January 2022 Brentwood Crossings Danco -- 58 __ October 2023 (Delayed due to capacity) Milestone Housing June 2022 Rehabilitation HA 32 __ __ May 2023 (Homekey) Self -Help Enterprises Self Help Early 2023 Multi -Family Enterprises 80 Late 2023 Rehabilitation Project September 2023 Renaissance at Baker HA -- 85 __ (Delayed due to funding) February 2025 CityServe Housing CityServe -- 126 September 2023 (Homekey) January 2024 4'" Street Senior March 2023 (Delayed Housing GHEAII -- -- 16 due to funding) April 2024 March 2023 (Delayed 800 South Baker HA -- -- 8 due to funding) April 2024 Chelsea January Auburn Street Apts. Investments -- -- 60 Novemberr 220025 Corps. City View HA -- 37 September 2024 June 2025 Letzring Senior HA -- -- 150 January 2024 Housing March 2025 Bakersfield Senior January 20 Center Housing & HA -- -- 36 March 2026 Facility Project Niles Street HA 51 July 2024 August 2025 1209 M Street HA 4 January 2024 October 2024 627 Sumner Street Wakeland 54 December 2025 Housing June 2027 32 461 416 Totals 909 Page 2 of 3 Homelessness Z% " The City of Bakersfield contracts with Flood Ministries for street outreach services to Flood unsheltered individuals. Ministries Total Contacts with homeless individuals in the field 181 Total Unique Contacts with homeless individuals in the field 140 City's Brundage Lane Navigation Center (BLNC) turn-aways due to lack of dorm or pet capacity (includes field contacts, walk-in, and call -ins) 69 BLNC turn-aways due to lack of dorm capacity 64 Male 31 Female 21 Couple (# of individuals) 12 BLNC turn-aways due to lack of pet capacity 5 Male 1 Female 2 Cou le I# of individuals Shelter Referrals 77 2 445 Referred individuals who refused shelter 215 Percentage of individuals refusing service 48% MERCYThe City of Bakersfield contracts with Mercy House to operate all aspects of the HOUSE City's Brundage Lane Navigation Center (BLNC). * BLNC's current maximum capacity is 249 beds. Each night four (4) beds are held open for the Bakersfield Police Department to utilize which brings the functional capacity to 245. The City of Bakersfield contracts with the Open Door Network for a jobs program serving multiple City functions, including but not limited to downtown ambassadors, green solid waste, highway clean-up, animal rein a ine to be shelter, and sump cleaning. The new City -funded Open Door Network ft Jobs Center building was completed in December. s sb s s® s s Newly Hired Employees 77 13 51 -- -- Current Employees 107 -- 77 139% Male 72 -- -- -- Female 35 -- -- -- Program Participants Placed in 5 30 -- -- Permanent Jobs Page 3 of 3 M• " u Community Vitality Project CALL CENTER Goals/Objectives Improve quality of life in the City of Bakersfield by: ■ Reducing crime within our communities • Providing a visual and positive perception of a clean City ■ Provide a comfortable place to encourage residents to enjoy and take advantage of all the amenities that the City provides What Homelessness Response Looks Like Before: ► Complex and inefficient work inflow ► Multiple different request sources (CAD, Hots, E-Mail, Etc.) ► Results in repeated requests and inefficient responses ► Confusion as to the results of the call ► No efficient data collection. ► A variety of response teams that each have their own directives and missions ► Lack of communication and coordination ► No clear picture of how each teams interact with others effectively ► Information is siloed ► Inefficient response What Homelessness Response Looks Like Before: oWhoprovides information t -�- initiate response need? " ` HELP PD MOBILE How is Information received? EMAIL TEAM DISPATCH APP How is information provided to teams???? Park Rangers L p F — Code RRT CC1 Teams I= P Search For A Solution ► Complete system analysis of City working groups and contractors. ► Workflow, data collection, deployment, scheduling, etc. ► Identification of friction points between working groups and how they could more efficiently interact with one another to improve overall performance with established resources. ► Streamlining work inflow into one portal that can identify the need and deploy the correct resource to meet the need. ► Data collection hub. ► Reporting and problem identification. What we envision: City of Bakersfield Community Service Call Center Response Requests I Call -Takers tP I O� (c rPo� to � 2 aPo� to°b Team Team 4 5 What we envision: ► Single source of information flow amongst different teams Code/RRT Park Rangers ► Breaks down silos for efficient data capture and reporting ► Eliminate duplicate work PD Data KBHRS ► The right team for the right call ► Timely and effective response ► Data driven response DSA Shelters ► Unified responsibility ► Decrease/eliminate homelessness workload from uninvolved teams 9/26/2023 / 1 2 RECEIVE AND PLACE ON FILE AT NjH MEETING OF 20 z3 d oft R� BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF rpWldLryvf Bakersfield City Council Housing and Homelessness Committee September 26, 2023 City of Bakersfield Legislative Advocacy - Homelessness • SB 326 (Eggman) — Modernize and reform the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) On Governor's Desk • AB 531 (Irwin) — Bond to construct 10,000 new clinic beds and homes On Governor's Desk • SB 43 (Eggman) — Modernize the definition of "gravely disabled" in the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act On Governor's Desk • SB 363 (Eggman) — Database of facilities providing inpatient and residential mental health and substance use disorder Died in Committee 1 9/26/2023 City of Bakersfield Legislative Advocacy - Housing • SB 4 (Wiener) — Streamline housing production by religious and independent higher education institutions On Governor's Desk • SB 423 (Wiener) — Streamlined review for development on property owned by or leased to the state. On Governor's Desk 3 Governor's Mental Health Reform Package — SB 326 • Reforms the Mental Health Services Act • Will go before voters in March 2024 • Expands services to include treatment for substance use disorders (SUDS) alone. • Recognizes the need for housing to address a variety of serious behavioral health disorders. • Modernizes county allocations to require the following: • 30% for housing interventions • 35% for Full Service Partnership Programs • 30% for Behavioral Health Services and Supports • 5% for prevention 4 2 9/26/2023 l 5 Governor's Mental Health Reform Package — AB 531 • Adds housing and behavioral health treatment in community -based unlocked settings. • $6 billion -dollar general obligation bond before voters in March 2024 • 10,000 new clinic beds and homes • Construct, acquire, and rehabilitate unlocked, voluntary, community - based residential care settings for individuals with behavioral health needs • Set -aside for housing veterans Upcoming Housing and Homelessness Committee Meetings January — Family Reunification Initiative and Homeless Prevention Program February — Housing burden and cost of housing roundtable March — Strategies for affordable housing development April — Update on expansion of Brundage Lane Navigation Center and report on various homeless initiatives May— Point -in -Time analysis and update on Regional Action Plan July— BLNC tour and homeless services update August — Enforcement of encampments September —Team coordination and legislative update October— Homeless prevention November — Substance use treatment December — Behavioral health treatment 3 9/26/2023 I 400 BAKERSFIE"L�`D THE SOUND OF jrjeMlt?NHf �fir+ Bakersfield City Council Housing and Homelessness Committee September 26, 2023 0