HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.22.20239/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 1/9 Bakerseld Notes The Sound of What's Happening! Friday, Sept. 22, 2023 Notable Items Bakerseld Active Transportation Summit and Festival The City will host a free, family-friendly Active Transportation Summit and Festival from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 21 at the Bakerseld Community House (2020 R Street). Everything is free, including a rafe for child- and adult-sized bikes, skateboards, scooters, and helmets! Free food and snacks will be available, as well as bike, skateboard, and roller skate safety demonstrations. Project and City staff will Bakerseld Notes 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 2/9 be on hand to answer any questions about the Active Transportation Plan as well as active transportation in our community. And the City is accepting feedback on the ATP project right now. Comments made on the linked interactive map will be considered as we outline potential future projects. Be sure to RSVP for the summit and festival today! RSVP here! Take our ATP survey! Speed humps installed as trafc calming measures The City of Bakerseld continues to work to bring trafc calming measures to its streets to make them as safe as possible for all drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and others. That includes installation of speed humps to reduce vehicle speeds in neighborhoods. On Thursday, Sept. 21 and Friday, Sept. 22, City crews installed new three-inch high speed humps on Laurel Drive and Sandra Drive to reduce driver speed. Four speed humps were installed on Laurel and three were installed on Sandra. 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 3/9 New Downtown EOA grant program webinar scheduled The City’s Economic & Community Development Department on Sept. 15 launched a new, competitive Downtown Economic Opportunity Area Business Improvement and Expansion grant program to promote economic growth in Bakerseld, specically the Downtown EOA area (see map at right). Applications are now being accepted, with the grants available for property and/or business owners within the Downtown EOA to make site improvements and expand their business, including exterior façade improvements, non-structural site enhancements or publicly visible interior improvements. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The City's ECD Department will also host a free webinar Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 3 p.m. to assist with the application process. Program information Application webinar 09/26/23 Catch up on the General Plan Update! 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 4/9 Bakerseld Fire offering smoke alarm installation 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 5/9 City seeks input for safety improvements along Monitor Street School Corridor Looking to make safety improvements for the thousands of children attending school on or near Monitor Street, the City is seeking public input as it looks to secure funding for future projects. An interactive map allows users to provide comments and recommendations for improvements along the Monitor Street School Corridor, which stretches from South High School to the 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 6/9 north on Planz Road down to Golden Valley High School on the south end on Hosking Avenue. The City will work to secure funds through the Active Transportation Program, which is run by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Provide Feedback Public input sought for Niles & Monterey Complete Streets Project The City of Bakerseld is committed to improving road safety and mobility for all users to save lives and meet diverse needs and challenges of our disadvantaged communities. The City is working to secure federal funds for the Niles and Monterey Complete Streets Project, which will transform these corridors into safer, more accessible, and pedestrian-friendly routes using Complete Streets strategies. These strategies focus on trafc calming, ADA modications, raised cycle tracks, and new trees to improve users’ safety and travel. Give us your feedback! 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 7/9 Upcoming Recreation & Parks programming! Register for the Halloween Pickleball Tournament today! 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 8/9 Employee Service Awards Week of Sept. 17 Ramon Castillo-Fernand, Recreation & Parks Dept., 10 years Dennis Chua, Public Works Dept., 5 years Reports City Council Agenda Highlights, Sept. 27, 2023. Recreation & Parks Dept. Support Team for Operations, Rangers and Maintenance (STORM) weekly report, Sept. 10 - 16, 2023. WARN Notice, Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, September 2023. Events Saturday, Sept. 23 Walk Like M.A.D.D. & M.A.D.D. Dash Bakerseld 5K, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Park at River Walk (11200 Stockdale Highway). Tuesday, Sept. 26 Downtown EOA Business Improvement & Expansion grant program application webinar, 3-5 p.m. on Zoom (Passcode: 693160). General Plan Update virtual workshop, 6-7 p.m. on Zoom (Passcode: 247378). 9/22/23, 3:48 PM Bakersfield Notes 09.22.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/23c4e43cdfdb424fb89be0d9c786ba9a/print 9/9