HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/23 FIRE CIVIL SERVICES°t:raa` BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2023 Bakersfield Fire Department Fire Station # 1, 2101 H Street Regular Meeting: 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Agenda Item Public Statements B. Non -Agenda Public Statements 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES POSTED ON IL1�_L� by Crk's Off' City of Bakeprrsfield by �' l r~ r*i .v H 2 co 1 t0 Staff recommends a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of September 25, 2023. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO OPEN EXAM- FIRE ENGINEER (PROMOTIONAL) #02008 (T. Wilson, H.R.) B. NEPOTISM WAIVER REQUEST FOR FIREFIGHTER TRAINEE CANDIDATE (S. Duncan H.R.) C. FIREFIGHTER RECRUITMENT PROCESS UPDATE (S. Collins, H.R.) 6. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT On behalf of the Fire Civil Service Commission, we want to thank you for attending this meeting. Additionally, in compliance with the "Americans with Disabilities Act," should you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, or have questions regarding the agenda, please contact the Human Resources Office 24 hours prior during normal business hours at (661) 326- 3773 or in writing to admhrs#bakersfieldcity.us MINUTES BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Fire Station # 1, 2101 H Street Special Meeting, September 25, 2023 1:00 P.M. The Fire Department Civil Service Special Meeting commenced on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at Fire Station # 1. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Mike George, Commissioner Ronald Eaves, Chairman Thomas Edmonds, Vice Chair Administrative Staff Present: John Frando, Fire Chief Jim Cherry, Deputy Fire Chief Shayla Woods -Collins, Human Resources Manager Julie Houselog, Human Resources Specialist Tanya Wilson, Human Resources Analyst Elizabeth Villanueva, Deputy City Attorney 2. Public Statements A. Agenda Item Public Statements: None B. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements: None 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 2023 of the Bakersfield Fire Department Civil Service Board. Upon a motion by Commissioner Edmonds, seconded by Commissioner George, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 2023 of the Fire Department Civil Service Board were APPROVED, ALL AYES. 4. New Business A. Certification of Fire Dispatcher 1 (0) #01967 Eligible List After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner George, seconded by Commissioner Edmonds to approve staff recommendation, and approve the Certification of Fire Dispatcher 1 (0) #01967 Eligible List. APPROVED, ALL AYES. B. Nepotism Waiver Request for Fire Dispatcher I Candidate(s) After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner George, seconded by Commissioner Eaves to approve staff recommendation, and approve the Nepotism Waiver for Fire Dispatcher I Candidate, Melissa Chavaria. APPROVED, ALL AYES 5. Commissioner Statements Commissioner Edmonds thanked Human Resources and the Bakersfield Fire Department for their recruitment efforts. 6. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Ronald Eaves adjourned the meeting at 1:07 p.m. BAKERSFIELD F I R E DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM M TO: John Frando (through channels) FROM: Trevor Kuswa, Recruit Firefighter DATE: October 31, 2023 SUBJECT: Nepotism Ryan Almond and I are seeking a waiver of the Nepotism Policy as we are currently roommates as of October 22, 2023. The following information has been compiled for the Fire Civil Service Board for their review and determination whether nepotism creates an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale. • Ryan Almod is currently employed as a Probationary Firefighter for the Bakersfield Fire Department. His duties include: Probationary Firefighter reporting to Station 6 on B- Shift. • I am currently employed as a Firefighter for the Bakersfield Fire Department. My duties include: 2023-3 Recruit Academy Curriculum reporting to ODFTF Monday -Friday. The Academy will graduate on April 19, 2024. Following graduation the above mentioned firefighter will serve as a probationary firefighter performing all firefighter duties. • Neither Ryan Almond nor I would be directly supervised by the other and we do not report to each other within the chain of command. 1-1IS +EI. FORMAT c �DED FOR Hh [;FT 10� FX_T :; ]AL Jw= BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF�vlP(�IutP� tiPPl DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2023 TO: FIRE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD FROM: SANDRA DUNCAN, HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST SUBJECT: NEPOTISM RULING - TREVOR KUSWA (FIREFIGHTER TRAINEE) AND RYAN ALMOND (FIREFIGHTER) Firefighter Trainee Trevor Kuswa and Firefighter Ryan Almond are requesting a nepotism waiver to live under the same household. The following information has been compiled for your review and determination as to whether nepotism creates an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, or morale, or involves a significant potential for conflicts of interest, as determined by the Fire Civil Service Board. A SUMMARY OF DUTIES A summary of the duties and responsibilities for the position of Firefighter Trainee is as follows: Under close supervision and in a learning capacity attends the department's recruit academy and receives training on emergency medical services, rescue, hazardous materials, and the various phases of fire prevention and suppression; learns the functions performed by the fire department; and performs other work as required. A summary of the duties and responsibilities for the position of Firefighter is as follows: Under general supervision, responds to emergency calls for the purpose of combating and extinguishing fires; responds to emergency medical calls; participates in fire prevention programs; and performs other work as required. EMPLOYMENT OVERLAP According to Fire Chief John Frando, performance appraisals would not be reviewed or conducted by any employee for the other; no employee would be directly supervised by the other; and they would not report to each other within the chain of command. Nepotism considerations may adversely affect future appointments, transfers, or promotional opportunities.