HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 23-0288_SR Packet_Compiled CUP No. 23-0288 Page 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: December 21, 2023 AGENDA: 6.a TO: Chair Bashirtash and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Paul Johnson, Planning Director TJ for PJ DATE: December 15, 2023 FILE: Conditional Use Permit 23-0288 WARD: 4 STAFF PLANNER: Taniya Wright, Assistant Planner REQUEST: A conditional use permit to allow a private school within an existing church campus in an R-1-CH zone (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay). APPLICANT: Porter & Associates, Inc. OWNER: Olive Branch Community Church Lesli Hinojosa Ken Pratt 1707 Eye Street 12000 Olive Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93312 LOCATION: 12000 Olive Drive APN: 528-520-11 PROJECT SIZE: 6.81 acres CEQA: Section 15164 (Previous MND) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LR (Low-Density Residential) EXISTING ZONE CLASSIFICATION: R-1-CH (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and suggested findings APPROVING Conditional Use Permit No. 23-0288 as depicted in the project description and subject to the listed conditions of approval. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The subject property is an existing church located at the Northeast corner of Old Farm Road and Olive Drive. Surrounding properties are primarily developed as: north, east, south, and west – single-family residences; south - single-family residences and undeveloped residential land. CUP No. 23-0288 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND TIMELINE: • January 28, 1998 – City Council approved the pre-zoning for the subject property to R-S-2.5A (Residential Suburban - 2.5-acre minimum) (Ordinance No. 3819). • October 3, 2001 – City Council approved General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. P01-0228 to change the land use designation from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low-Density Residential) on 147.14 acres and from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to HMR (High Medium Density Residential, and the zone classification from E (Estate Residential) to R-1-CH (One family Dwelling – Church Overlay) respectively (Resolution No. 132-01; Ordinance No. 4032). • November 18, 2004 – Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract No. 6399 containing 10 buildable lots for single-family residential purposes and one lot for the development of a church on 10.8 acres zoned R-1-CH (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay) (Resolution No. 162-04). • November 15, 2006 – The Development Services Director approved Site Plan Review No. 06-0010 for the construction of church facilities. The facilities planned for two phases: (1) a 9,940 square foot fellowship building and a 2,000 square foot office building, and (2) a future 10,000 square foot sanctuary, a future Sunday school building, and a future administration building in an R-1-CH (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay) zone. PROJECT ANALYSIS: The project site is a single parcel zoned R-1-CH (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay). This zone allows for the existing church/sanctuary and gym, which was approved through the Site Plan Review process in 2006; however, the new proposal for the construction of facilities for a private school requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission per Bakersfield Municipal Code 17.36.025. Proposed Use: The proposed private school is located on the campus of Olive Branch Community Church Bakersfield. The project proposes two modular buildings that are 1,056 square feet each and 8 feet high. The modular buildings will consist of seven classes, an office, and a gym. The school will be serviced by Kern Resource Center (KRC), to provide resources for the families of Kern County. KRC will assist in coaching, educating, preparing, and helping build life skills. In addition, KRC will offer classes in core branches of study, including physical education, nutrition, gardening, ballroom dancing, music, and art. In the future, the school will offer shop classes and foreign language courses. In addition, hot lunches for students utilizing the existing kitchen, Monday through Thursday, and a snack bar every other Friday. In addition, life skills courses will hold off-campus field trips or community service projects twice per month. The hours of operation will vary depending on the day of the week. On Monday through Thursday, core branches of study courses will occur in the morning, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with athletics in the afternoons between 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The school will hold life skills courses every other Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. On Monday through Friday an afternoon program for working parents will occur from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for children ages five and older. Beginning on September 5th, 2023, the school has been temporarily operating withing the existing church building due to a loss of previous facilities for KRC. This conditional use permit would encompass the entire operation of the school including the new facilities and projected maximum capacity operation. There are 75 students enrolled with plans to expand up to 150 students this year and a maximum occupancy of CUP No. 23-0288 Page 3 250 students in the future. There are approximately 60 – 75 students on campus at any given time. Some students are homeschooled two days per week and others are there only on Fridays. Currently, there are 9 part-time staff members, 1 part-time administrative staff, and the pastor for the existing church. At maximum occupancy of 250 students, there will be 12 part-time staff members. Parking. In accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.58.110, schools are required to have 1 space for each faculty member and employee, or 1 space for every 4 students (based on the maximum number of faculty, employees, and student on site at any give time). Therefore, 63 spaces are required. The existing parking on site totals 127 spaces, consisting of 119 standard spaces and 8 disabled spaces. The proposed car park has 116 standard spaces and 10 handicap spaces, for a total of 126 spaces. The applicant states the school, and the church will not operate simultaneously; therefore, adequate parking is provided as well as a designated student drop-off area. Landscape. The project proposes to add landscaping in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code 17.61. The landscape plan is attached to this report for reference. Fencing. The project is also proposing a 6-foot wrought iron fence around the campus perimeter behind the 15-foot setback. Zoning and Permitting: In accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.36.025, private schools are a permitted use in the CH (Church) combining zone district subject to approval of a conditional use permit. Conditional Use Permit. A conditional use permit allows a jurisdiction to consider special uses which may be essential or desirable to a community, but which are not allowed as a matter of right. It is also important to note that should your Commission approve the project, the applicant's rights granted by approval are subject to the operating standards approved by your Commission. The Planning Commission may initiate revocation of the rights granted if there is good cause, including but not limited to failure to comply with conditions of approval. The Planning Commission may also consider adding or modifying conditions to ensure the use complies with the intent of City ordinances. Staff’s recommended conditions are included as Exhibit A in the Resolution. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND DETERMINATION: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared for the project site as part of the analysis for Tentative Tract Map 6399. The MND was adopted by the Planning Commission on November 18, 2004. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15164 (b) states that an Addendum to a previously adopted Negative Declaration shall be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 call for the preparation of subsequent Environmental Impact Report or supplemental Negative Declaration have occurred. Biological Assessment. A site visit was conducted on September 6th, 2023, by qualified Biologist Devin Saldana with BPR Consulting. In addition to the church complex, the site primarily consists of undeveloped open ground, and a fallow field. There are no site-specific San Joaquin Kit Fox, (SJKF) occurrence records reported by the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) for the subject property. CUP No. 23-0288 Page 4 There is currently no suitable habitat that could support denning or foraging SJKF, Tipton Kangaroo Rat (TKR), Western Burrowing Owl (WBO), or nesting birds on the subject property. In addition, there was no evidence of occupation or visitation in the observable portion of adjacent parcels. Therefore, there are no additional impacts that were not analyzed in the previous MND. Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis (VMT) and Traffic. Ruettgers & Schuler completed a Trip Generation and VMT analysis for the proposed project. The analysis determined that the proposed use does not exceed the screening thresholds established by the Office of Government Planning & Research (OPR) VMT Technical Advisory. Therefore, VMT impacts are considered less than significant. The City traffic study guidelines establish that a project must generate 50 or more trips in the peak hour at an intersection to warrant the analysis of a roadway facility. The Trip Generation determined that the AM peak hour volume exceeds the 50-trip threshold. However, none of the adjacent roadway facilities will have more than the 50-trip threshold. Therefore, it is expected that this project will not create impacts to the adjacent roadway facilities, and no further level of service analysis is needed for the project. Accordingly, Staff has determined that the proposed uses under the current project were fully analyzed in the previously adopted MND. No new impacts will result from the proposed project. Therefore, an Addendum to the MND was prepared for the proposed project in accordance with Section 15164 and the City of Bakersfield’s CEQA Implementation Procedures. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Public notice for the proposed project and environmental determination was advertised in The Bakersfield Californian and posted on the bulletin board in the City of Bakersfield Development Services Building, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California. All property owners within 300 feet of the project site were notified by United States Postal Service mail regarding this public hearing in accordance with city ordinance and state law. Signs are required as part of the public notification process and must be posted between 20 to 60 days before the public hearing date. Photographs of the posted signage and the Declaration of Posting Public Hearing Notice signed by the applicant are on file at the Planning Division. Signs are required as part of the public notification process and must be posted between 20 to 60 days before the public hearing date. Photographs of the posted signage and the Declaration of Posting Public Hearing Notice signed by the applicant are on file at the Planning Division. Comments Received. As of this writing, no written comments have been received. CONCLUSIONS: Findings. Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.64.060.D contains specific findings that must be made for your Commission to approve the requested conditional use permit. Specifically, the section states that a CUP shall be granted only when it is found that: 1. The proposed use is deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; and 2. The proposed use is in harmony with the key elements and objectives of the general plan and applicable specific plans. CUP No. 23-0288 Page 5 Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.64.060.E also states that a conditional use permit may be subject to conditions as deemed appropriate or necessary to assure compliance with the intent and purpose of the zoning regulations and the various elements and objectives of the general plan and applicable specific plans and policies of the city or to protect the public health, safety, convenience, or welfare. In accordance with these required findings, and as conditioned, Staff finds: (1) the proposed project would provide a public convenience by offering educational and training resources to the constituents of this community; (2) the project will positively enhance the site and allow for a positive contribution to the surrounding residents and community; and (3) the project would result in a development that is consistent with the intent of both the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Bakersfield Municipal Code. Recommendation. Staff finds that the applicable provisions of CEQA have been complied with, and the proposal sufficiently demonstrates compliance with the necessary findings. Therefore, staff recommends your Commission adopt the Resolution and suggested findings APPROVING Conditional Use Permit No. 23-0288 with conditions of approval. ATTACHMENTS: Map Set • Aerial • Zone Classification • General Plan Designation Development Plans • Site Plan • Floor Plan • Elevations Operational Statement Resolution with Exhibits MAP SET QUIET PASTURE DR TIMBERPOINTE DR GREAT COUNTRY DR MIDTOWNE DR GALLERY DRMONTAGUE AVE AURORA VALLEY AVE CEDAR BLUFF AVE AGOURA HILLS WAYWOODLAND HILLS DRNIPOMO VALLEY WAYJACQULYN RENAY DRLONE WILLOW DRTHORP WAYVERDELHO AVE APPLE VALLEY CT MANTOVA AVEOLD FARM RDOLD FARM RDOLIVE DR 12/14/2023 0 125 250 Feet _ CUP 23-0288 APN: 528-520-11 CUP 23-0288 AERIAL AE AuE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 QUIET PASTURE DR TIMBERPOINTE DR GREAT COUNTRY DR MIDTOWNE DR GALLERY DRMONTAGUE AVE AURORA VALLEY AVE CEDAR BLUFF AVE AGOURA HILLS WAYWOODLAND HILLS DRNIPOMO VALLEY WAYJACQULYN RENAY DRLONE WILLOW DRTHORP WAYVERDELHO AVE APPLE VALLEY CT MANTOVA AVEOLD FARM RDOLD FARM RDOLIVE DR 12/14/2023 0 125 250 Feet _ CUP 23-0288 APN: 528-520-11 CUP 23-0288 AE AuE Zoning Residential Zone Designations R-1 One Family Dwelling R-1-CH One Family Dwelling - Church Overlay CITY OF BAKERSFIELD QUIET PASTURE DR TIMBERPOINTE DR GREAT COUNTRY DR MIDTOWNE DR GALLERY DRMONTAGUE AVE AURORA VALLEY AVE CEDAR BLUFF AVE AGOURA HILLS WAYWOODLAND HILLS DRNIPOMO VALLEY WAYJACQULYN RENAY DRLONE WILLOW DRTHORP WAYVERDELHO AVE APPLE VALLEY CT MANTOVA AVEOLD FARM RDOLD FARM RDOLIVE DR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LRLR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR 12/14/2023 0 125 250 Feet _ CUP 23-0288 APN: 528-520-11 CUP 23-0288 AE AuE Land Use RESIDENTIAL LR - Low Density Residential: ≤ 7.26 dwelling units/net acre CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1111BBBBCCCC222211'-9"23'-7"40'-0"AAAAHVACREMOVABLE HITCH, TYP.11'-9"PRE-FABRICATED METALSTEPS, DECKS AND RAMP SYSTEM, TYP.DNDNDNWILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©DATE:DRAWN BY:WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC.4646 East Van Buren Street, Suite 400, Phoenix, AZ 85008800.782.1500 l WILLSCOT.COMOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN ARE “INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE”WHICH ARE, AND SHALL REMAIN, THE PROPERTY OF WILLSCOT AND ARE NOT TO BE: REPRODUCED, TRANSFERRED IN HARD OR ELECTRONIC FORM; USED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY OTHER ARCHITECT, MANUFACTURER OR CONTRACTOR; OR USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTENCONSENT OF WILLSCOT.THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER WHO HAS AFFIXED THEIR SEAL HERETO SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND SHALL BE INDEMNIFIED FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSS, COST, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE RELATED TO RECIPIENT’S / CLIENT’S BREACH OF THE AFOREMENTIONED CONDITIONS. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE EVALUATED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL RELATED PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ANY DISCREPANCIES IDENTIFIED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO DIMENSIONS, MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY BUILDING MANUFACTURE OR OTHER WORK. IN THE EVENT OF CONFLICT, THE SPECIFICATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND RENDERINGS HEREIN TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER RECIPIENT’S / CLIENT’S REQUIREMENTS.ASSET TYPE:FILE #:MODEL:REP:ASSET #:PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/11/2022 8:40:11 AMA-103PRESENTATION PLAN03/04/2022FZCONFERENCE ROOMCLASSROOMWS2022-0246CLRM 40X24 WESTC.AGUILARRANCHO MIRAGE, CA1/4" = 1'-0"FLOOR PLAN1EXTERIOR VIEW 1EXTERIOR VIEW 2INTERIOR VIEW 1INTERIOR VIEW 2ISOMETRIC2BUILDING LOCATION:BUILDING SYSTEM: CLASSROOMBUILDING GROSS AREA TOTAL 1,056 S.F.CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-BOCCUPANCY USE GROUP BOCCUPANCY = 10MATERIALS AND FINISHES:FRAME: OUTRIGGERFLOOR: CARPET TILE AND VCTCEILING: ACTINTERIOR WALLS: VCGEXTERIOR WALLS: SMART PANEL OR ALUMINUMROOF: EPDM (RUBBER, MULHIDE)SPECIFICATIONS:FLOOR LIVE LOAD: 50 PSFFLOOR CONCENTRATED LOAD: 2000 LBSROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 PSFWIND LOAD: 80 MPHELECTRICAL PANEL: 100 AMP SINGLE PHASE 230/120 VHVAC: 2 1/2 TONGENERAL NOTES:1. EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF STUD.2. EXITING BASED ON AN OCCUPANCY LOAD OF 10.3. PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT BASED ON AN OCCUPANCY LOAD OF 10.4. AT ALL NEW WALLS LOCATION ADJUST LIGHTING AND SUPPLY/RETURN DUCTS.5. DRINKING FOUNTAIN PROVIDED BY OWNER.6. STEPS, DECKS AND RAMP SHOWN FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES.7. SPECIFICATIONS MAY VARY BY MODEL AND LOCATION.8.FURNITURE LAYOUT SUGGESTED FOR SPACE FUNCTIONALITY.9. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LOCAL JURISDICTION.103/11/22SCHEMATIC DESIGNISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION Statement of Operations Kern Resource Center Kern Resource Center is intended to provide resources for the families of Kern County. We are here to assist in coaching, educating, preparing, and helping build life skills, physical education, and offering classes in core branches of study. KRC believes that health requires spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional components. As a not for profit entity, we strive to help the community with team building, developmental skills, and overall health. The day-to-day operations vary and are dependent on day of the week. We offer courses in core branches of study, physical education, nutrition and gardening, ballroom dancing, music, art, and coming soon will offer shop classes and foreign language. Families learn a wide variety of skills such as: the process of planting, growing, and harvesting crops, how to change a tire, how to set up a tent, and how to can foods. Fridays are Life Skills Days, and alternate each week between Survival Skills, Outdoor Excursions, Project Based Learning, and Service Projects. We have hosted community events, such as Paint Night, Harvest Fest, and Summer Gala. We plan to host a father/daughter dance, mother/son nerf war, family picnic, Christmas wreath making, Christmas children’s program, and Winter Gala, amongst many other events on a monthly basis. One of our highest priorities is to bring the community together. All of our events are open to the public, and advertised as such on social media. Our hours of operation vary each day, but most courses are offered Monday-Thursday 8:30-2:30pm, athletics in the afternoons between 3-5pm and life skills every other Friday 8:30-2:30pm. Life skills are off campus twice per month while we attend field trips and do community service projects. We also offer an afternoon program for working parents 2:30-5:30 for ages 5+. We currently have 75 students enrolled with plans to expand up to 150 students this year and a maximum occupancy of 250 students in the future. Our current traffic is relatively low, with about 25 cars between 7:30-9am (some families come as early as 7:30, some between 8-8:30, and some at 9am). Afternoons we also have about 25 cars between 2:30-3pm. We currently have 9 part time employees and 35 families who come to Kern Resource Center. Families have between 1-4 students who participate on our campus in classes, athletics, or both. Our maximum occupancy is 250 students and 12 part time staff. The pastor and one part time administrative staff for the church operate on weekdays and all meetings are in the evening. Church services are 10am Sunday and 6pm Wednesday. Courses offered: Nutrition/gardening, art, music, ballroom dance, CPR/First Aid, Speech and Language, PE/athletics, tutoring, bible, and core branches of study. Because our program is freedom based, families can come and go as they choose. It’s a flat monthly fee. We have Life Skills Fridays, which were previously mentioned. And our athletics will include flag football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, track, and soccer, seasonally. All of our athletic programs are advertised on social media and open to anyone who wants to join, whether in the private, public, or homeschool sector. We plan to utilize the existing kitchen and offer hot lunches to students Monday through Thursday and a snack bar every other Friday. RESOLUTION NO. ______ RESOLUTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PRIVATE SCHOOL WITHIN AN EXISTING CHURCH (17.36.025) IN A R-1-CH (ONE FAMILY DWELLING – CHURCH OVERLAY) ZONE DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 12000 OLIVE DRIVE (CUP 23-0288) WHEREAS, Porter & Associates, Inc. filed an application with the City of Bakersfield Development Services Department for a conditional use permit to allow a private school within an existing church campus (17.36.025) in an R-1-CH (One Family Dwelling – Church Overlay) zone district, located at 12000 Olive Drive (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Commission set Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall South, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider the proposed conditional use permit, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing (no testimony was received either in support or opposition of the Project) (testimony was received only in support/opposition/both in support and opposition of the Project); and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, an initial study was conducted for the original project Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6399, which encompasses the subject property, and it was determined that the Project would not have a significant effect on the environment, and the Mitigated Negative Declaration with mitigation measures were approved by the City Council on November 18, 2004, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and Whereas, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, an Addendum to the previously approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for Vesting Tract Map 6399 that determined the request would not result in significant impacts to any environmental subject areas requiring analysis under CEQA, and no additional mitigation is required; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield Development Services Department (1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California) is the custodian of all documents and other materials upon which the environmental determination is based; and WHEREAS, the facts presented in the staff report and evidence received both in writing and by verbal testimony at the above referenced public hearing support the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. Hearing notices regarding the Project were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the Project area and published in The Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation, 10 days prior to the hearing. 2 2. The provisions of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures have been followed. Staff determined that the proposal is a project under CEQA, and an initial study was completed. 3. Said Mitigated Negative Declaration and Addendum for the Project is the appropriate environmental document to accompany approval of the Project. In accordance with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, no further environmental documentation is necessary because no substantial changes to the original project are proposed, there are no substantial changes in circumstances under which the project will be undertaken, and no new environmental impacts have been identified. The Project will not significantly impact the physical environment, and no additional mitigation is required. 4. The proposed use is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. 5. The project would result in a development that is consistent with the intent of both the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Bakersfield Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bakersfield Planning Commission as follows: 1. The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. This project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA. 3. Conditional Use Permit No. 23-0288 as described in this resolution, is hereby approved subject to the conditions of approval in Exhibit A and as shown in Exhibits B and C. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of December, 2023, on a motion by Commissioner _______, seconded by Commissioner ________ the following vote: AYES: NOES: RECUSE: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: APPROVED ____________________________________ ZACHARY BASHIRTASH, CHAIR City of Bakersfield Planning Commission Exhibits: A. Conditions of Approval B. Location Map C. Site Plan EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit No. 23-0288 I. The applicant's rights granted by this approval are subject to the following provisions: • The project shall be in accordance with all approved plans, conditions of approval, and other required permits and approvals. All construction shall comply with applicable building codes. • All conditions imposed shall be diligently complied with at all times and all construction authorized or required shall be diligently prosecuted to completion before the premises shall be used for the purposes applied for under this approval. • This approval will not be effective until ten (10) days after the date upon which it is granted by the Planning Commission to allow for appeal to the City Council. Any permit or license for any approval granted shall not be issued until that effective date. • This approval shall automatically be null and void two (2) years after the effective date unless the applicant or successor has actually commenced the rights granted, or if the rights granted are discontinued for a continuous period of one (1) year or more. This time can be extended for up to one (1) additional year by the approving body. • The Planning Commission may initiate revocation of the rights granted if there is good cause, including but not limited to, failure to comply with conditions of approval, complete construction or exercise the rights granted, or violation by the owner or tenant of any provision of the Bakersfield Municipal Code pertaining to the premises for which the approval was granted. The Planning Commission may also consider adding or modifying conditions to ensure the use complies with the intent of City ordinances. • Unless otherwise conditioned, this approval runs with the land and may continue under successive owners provided all the above-mentioned provisions are satisfied. II. The following conditions shall be satisfied as part of the approval of this project: 1. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners and boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY’s sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. CUP 23-0288 Page | 2 of 3 The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. 2. This conditional use permit allows the construction of facilities for a private school as part of an existing church. III. The following are specific items that you need to resolve before you can obtain a building permit or be allowed occupancy. These items include conditions and/or mitigation required by previous site entitlement approvals (these will be specifically noted), changes or additions that need to be shown on the final building plans, alert you to specific fees, and other conditions for your project to satisfy the City’s development standards. The items listed below will usually need to be shown on the final building plans or completed before a building permit is issued. A. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - BUILDING (1715 Chester Avenue) (661-326-3607 or DEVBld@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. Impact fees shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 2. Building permits are required for all construction on site. Submit plans for review and approval prior to obtaining all required permits for the construction of the project. 3. Modular buildings must be installed on a state-approved foundation B. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – PLANNING (1715 Chester Avenue) (Staff contact – Taniya Wright; 661-326-3616 or Twright@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. Prior to receiving final building permits or site occupancy, you must contact the Planning Division (staff contact noted above) for final inspection and approval of the landscaping, parking lot, lighting, and other related site improvements. Inspections will not be conducted until all required items have been installed. Any deviations from the approved plans without prior approval from the Planning Division may result in reconstruction and delays in obtaining a building or site occupancy. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT (2101 H Street) (Staff contact - Ernie Medina; 661-326-3682 or EMedina@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. The following shall be satisfied: • Ensure that the new fire hydrant is in place prior to the modular buildings going in. • Completion of the Fire Flow test. CUP 23-0288 Page | 3 of 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PROJECT APPLICANT: I agree to the project’s conditions of approval and acknowledge that failure to comply with any and all conditions shall constitute grounds for potential revocation of the permit approval. Signature Date Print Name R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1-CH R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 QUIET PASTURE DR TIMBERPOINTE DR GREAT COUNTRY DR MIDTOWNE DR GALLERY DRMONTAGUE AVE AURORA VALLEY AVE CEDAR BLUFF AVE AGOURA HILLS WAYWOODLAND HILLS DRNIPOMO VALLEY WAYJACQULYN RENAY DRLONE WILLOW DRTHORP WAYVERDELHO AVE APPLE VALLEY CT MANTOVA AVEOLD FARM RDOLD FARM RDOLIVE DR 12/14/2023 0 125 250 Feet _ CUP 23-0288 APN: 528-520-11 CUP 23-0288 R-1 One Family Dwelling 6,000 sq.ft. min lot sizeR-1-4.5 One Family Dwelling 4,500 sq.ft. min lot size E Estate 10,000 sq.ft. min lot size R-S Residential Suburban 24,000 sq.ft./dwelling unit R-S-( ) Residential Suburban 1, 2.5, 5 or 10 min lot size R-2 Limited Multiple Family Dwelling 4,500 sq.ft. min lot size (single family) 6,000 sq.ft. min lot size (multifamily) 2,500 sq.ft. lot area/dwelling unit R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling 6,000 sq.ft. min lot size 1,250 sq.ft. lot area/dwelling unit R-4 High Density Multiple Family Dwelling 6,000 sq.ft. min lot size 600 sq.ft. lot area/dwelling unit R-H Residential Holding 20 acre min lot size A Agriculture 6,000 sq.ft. min lot size A-20A Agriculture 20 acre min lot size PUD Planned Unit Development TT Travel Trailer Park MH Mobilehome C-O Professional and Administrative Office C-1 Neighborhood Commercial C-2 Regional Commercial C-C Commercial Center C-B Central Business PCD Planned Commercial Development M-1 Light Manufacturing M-2 General Manufacturing M-3 Heavy Industrial P Automobile Parking RE Recreation Ch Church Overlay OS Open Space HOSP Hospital Overlay AD Architectural Design Overlay FP-P Floodplain Primary FP-S Floodplain Secondary AA Airport Approach DI Drilling Island PE Petroleum Extraction Combining SC Senior Citizen Overlay HD Hillside Development Combining WM- West Ming Specific Plan LEGEND (ZONE DISTRICTS) AE AuE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Exhibit B II II II IIII I II I 11I II I I I I II I II I II I II I II I 11I II I II I II I II I II I II I 11I II I 11I II I II I II I II I II I 11I II I 11I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II J-�I// I; / (".✓,--I; :i. --::=-� 1/ I I I I I I: \i:'=-� �� - • _L:_-=� ��J=:_-= :_���=�� :_���=�=L:_�== _.�:t�L! ti It,���� _JO =____i_ -J_I�----1,I .:::::::-� � �---____ s_____--X S - - --B"SWR-X S - - ---X S - - - --XS-- - --�-- -a"SWR -X� - - - -s -=_=_�==-c:z-e--�=-s,,-,,,-::-B_"S_WR_�S_-_-__ -_-__ -_-_�-=-=-=-- 11 I I�, (11 / ,-----_;-----: I r;----7_ _____ 7 ,---_;-----:__l ,_:-----------7 I r-----�--'--, I ,r---'--:_ _____ I r----i_ ___ L I ,r ___ _r----7 I r-------: '"i I II 1 1'f H'(,' I I I, J! : : 1 I !i i I i i i i I i r I r i 1 !! 1 -7 1 rj ' 1 L-----1 1 : : : 1 ,: : : 1 1II I I i i I : : : : i i I i i I : I I i I : I I I Ii � I II I I I II 1 : I , , : Ex. HOUSE : : : , , , , , , , : : I II 0, I ,II Ii � :: : I : / EX, HOUSE / I L ___________ J l_r::·_:�:: __ j / EX, HOUSE i I / EX. HOUSE / J l __ �:-�:SE f I EX. HOUSE / I / EX. HOUSE I EX. HOUSE ! : Ii / i 30 :: :I I I, i :: : I :L _______ l_ ___ J I I l _____ J I L _________ iR�cT bg�s-=27-----7 I L_J_ ___ J I L_7 ________ TJ I l___________ I L ___ T _______ � : : i ,:: : LOT, I I � :: I 1 :LOT g I LOT 8 I LOT 7 I M.B, 48, PG, 177 _____ a I I L _______ _J I I c _______ J : :1 I :: :I I 1 .1 ifir,-:-----,---r----,-�OT-;--,-�;-,-;-4-,-7oT�-n LOT2 I LOT1 :: 1' :::, I I0, (L'---il...1 J PROPERTY LINE I l_J I I II J I I I'-5-'----j"' rr-i-------...l..------1.......,======b::=::fe=�:;,==:���;;::====::!:,=====d======"""L 1-1 , , (f), 11 , Lj 1j ts'± :: i :Q 10 □ □ □ □------7 I EX. BLOCK WALL6'± :;::==::::_ I ,------=-=-1-;: : 1/ :: : : ----, ----I II I I :: I : / □ □ □ 0 I :I ,J i : 1: ! 1' � :: : I I I I II I I '/ □□ □ □ □I : : I II • ., � II I I I I1 II I J I 't----c+---+----,-1'---..+---.,i,,-,, I LOT 9 1 EX. HOUSE ,----J I II I 1 -II I I I I :: i I : / □ □ □ □ □0 :�--------� DROP OFF AREA I l7 �l : :: 1 I :: : I I II II I :: : i :(') ( □ □ □ □ □ 0 I :.--------.J_ I l________ J _ _J I ::: :: :LOT1 I I � I 11 1 I I lli---"7---',----'-r-...,.....-'-'r----'-'r--c"I I II l I 11 I I II,"', II I I I I �.-...,� ',� ,�,,_.,,-,� I I I - ----- -� I II XI II I I� I :: : I :1 ���.b..,_/:,,.L:,.J:,,..,�� : 1 r-------------17 : :: 11 :: : l 1 1i I I :: : I :I D D O ! �-�----- --=-==-==-□ -� � LO� 8 L ___ 7 : :: I ' l� ', I I I, ; 11 ii ! : i 1 ---sEE ENL1�i�� �1TE PLAN:--EX. TR:H:NCLOSUREr-t!HI __ 7 11 EX. HOUSE i : i ii 1 1 ! ':,:;i>tk , _ _ ___ L 11 1 I I u u u 0,1 --, -, : : L ___________________ J I ' 11 I II g MANTOVA AVENUE -�,'1 I 11 ,,: L__7"'v"'r-.=7""==v'"'n O O av (---:.13\.oG \r----� :1': 1: I ,111 ®-ii, -a"SWRX S -it-+---�-=--x�=--=---0 (f) 11 J I I I "-.J..,,-...,"J .. 1'.,,J'...,l'.../f\.J /fr _ ' _ J \<c: -�' , W/01 : , , , � I ----II--et:: X I II I I ' ----+-------. :...._c::o=c...::::; --<fo-11> I II I I I -- ----7 (f) II b� i I I "1 I I I / 0 L7_j'\ -,,�;;,_,,�_:'";;-\,��¼;"'I !,' :'1 :-: I ', II ��, = =o2f==:� -------------� I I i:: I /; /f<?!__,,,,,_._,,,/(�VsTEPSJ ii j i f/,:--l·f I ,-J----------------! / :: wl ! it/��-----,--------!-=,"' Cl I II 1 1 /V / " l',->-o._ ___..,-"all , :1: � : � , , 11 � I ", ( 1 1 --\, '½, 5 I I 11: "'� ' : ,i : :--7 LOT 7 i EX. HOUSE : I 11 0 I 111 '-.�---\\ 1 II I h / ', r'{"'c,V-:Ji.� «__,, ,,,,c----:,, ; I I r--� Ill I 11 11 I I ', \\ �I I II: I I �-------0 / // ' � �� \""'<l!i'l,lil: :,Ir-,' 1 ➔, L_,: 111 �11 11 1, I )-� I I • IJ J L_ - / / ' ""l,Mf!;,, � i'= " 111 1 I 1----s , : :, 1 I IJ _J IJ J I I : 1: i� :: �: -� � � � � �;! -_:_;_ - - -',�,-y --= ' ,_ >-j ,;.I=,� �-L��::::::::�"_: -___j: :: :l 1' :: : I II II I I 1 / 4 / E BRANCH ' ' ,L, � :,,l1f'1,_~--,' a, r I L , I II zx II I II II ' :: : I '/ ,(,� ��� / -f /.-<.., co��1�NITY CHURCH' , (. �;iW/�� i �H-: � � ! ! ,J 1' : :: �II' :: : ,LOT 20 II II ,1--f-� gj :: I iJ a' FROM BACK OF TRAIL / �.:,,-v / (,, ', ', : �:-· --.? :l:.iil -: 1-- • : : EX. HOUSE : I II g I II I I I >= I�� I (!) I I -� / 0 /, ' l�ci _J � / 0 � '·-I - - - - - _, L - - --O>a.-1 11 � r x � � •',,, �,f-'x 11 (--71 r -■ : :-��·=: � ,--------L.. ___ ,I : I '° l I II i 1;j II I K' i!J>'-+4 0 ' 0 ' I : }@/41 It,. I,_ T' :::; I I Ill I II I I 1--00 1 "' 'i-l I I I 2r i3 I / Q ',,::" ' ,f _ \ , 1 11 VT:,: g.J � r __ _,--,: , I II "', "' II I I I U "<I"II II le? 11 1 1'�6 /',, ', ,10'('°''-�---' :--<( :1:-cr1,: � : : :1 111 �,."' 11 1 < . I II I II I o..i I / 0 ',,, ' , /'� PROPOSED Iii I � : i ,.ff: g: LOT 5 : : EX. HOUSE [' ___ J I II"' 'l,, �II I I�� I1 II 1 }I 1 , / , __ -y / GATE j �I: :�:,:-"'-, L---L 7 1 II� I II 1 I II 1 1 tH--1 I ��r:�T --� -----,T -----�,,,,/ EX. TRANSFORMER I '-,� � � : I :--H :rj I II "' I 11 I I I I II �II I 1 , -----------LDISTANCE TO FIRE ',,/ (" '1 :,' @ g�: :-,: c ________ J I 111: I 11 1 I II '1 �111, I �EX.WATER SPIGOT HYDRANT-305'± ' :-�-H "'�',:@><l - -- -- ---1 111!5 I 11 1 I I 1 11 j ..., 11 1 , 1 r.P----<>--::-::-:-::".':::�:-:::::--o---o---o---o--"""L._-o-�¾>-,t.-o---o------r----o---o---o---0---0---,--o---o----=:::i, I :--� � d I: 1: r---------7 ,:---r 11 � 1 I 11 1 LoT 21 : :: i , I : PROPOSED GAT{ s PROPOSED GATE PROPOSED 5· HIGH ii ; .. t � ,i =i:r ( (i r : r i , :: : ' i i ii I � ii / •1' :"+tt, WROUGHT-IRON GATE j !--� � li-:J LOT 4 i EX. HOUSE L ____ : � I: : :: I I :: : l I I ', '1'1 ,, I � II I I " 0 ADA PATH OF I : �!, ',,: __,.i.i i I :1 (f)1 '1 IlJ I Ic,: II J J "-. o o o O TRAVEL (TYP) i Ii , , :.+-'-1--L ______________ 0 I J I X "-', J II 1111 ,, I � I�: Q "-. / A' : � '! 1' - -r,-=-=-=.-, -_JI ::: I, \�)=---=-=-=-=--=-�-=--=--=--=-=--=-=-=-=---I II �o 1111 11 I f '"'i' ::.:1: ,J : : 111111 1 1 "-�-=-------------·J II J "-. u 250 WATT (25' TALL) LIGHT POLE (TYP) a,\/ :::1, /-,� I 1 : •• APPLE VALLEY COURT I II �, 'ti 8: :: : I n " I :/,: !i 1'!--:i LOT 3 i EX. HOUSE L� ___ J I::: n, �a" SWR�S --=---�-=--x�=--=----1 II II I I� ¼J'+tt, t) ,__ �: :--; , , , I II I I II I 11 1 I:� " / C) � j:--..,:,:-,·, : :I I II I ,4;=--"'---------------: ::� ll :: I i : �0 }� 1Ji � !I--2il!_: --L�-==-==-� �: :: 1 I If"// / ---=-=--=--=--=-1--=----=--=--==--=-=-1-=-� : ::, IX 1: : I I� ru'� /PROVIDE 25 EV CAPABLE�-� :,,:_. :--------17 I I II � I � / I I I 11 I I i--j-' �--f--.� STALLS IN THIS AREAJ,,, 1 1--I / I,__ rJ : I II I I = I (II I I e-------xf-..,!--t,.::--: I r_J I II I 1 1 I I II I :� ... _,1i;:'l�=--=_:±,;:;.=:,ii'�----/2 : : i Ti I :--Ii LOT 2 i EX. HOUSE �---7 I 11 I I II I : I I : :: I 38' ' :: : :0 <r "' �� �� i i : :: I :: : I I I : :: I 4�' I I � q.. Ir (ti:�--�_L--,_ __ =-=-=_J_: - I : :�a· I ,, 30•11 I I LOT 37 I IJ II II I J ADA PATH OF 191 _j I 1 1 r -7 -I I , II � ,� II , � cf EX. TREE (TYP)1 TRAVEL (TYP) ::: -t>, EX. AC PARKING LOT <I-, , • : SEE DETAl,,L ffil :: , 1, i :11 : i ' I 11 • .n I ' II ,1 I -1> \]7 , I II "', , I 11<7' (f) 0 I ' ' ' I II i' I :: :�I I I J-'I , x lf-i ' , O () v O ( ,,, i r----,_,,__=--"'�=,_ ----,1:ID., �I j l Jd , -,_ ,LOT 1 i Ex. HOUSE c---� ) ' II (f) � 1uI ,_1 � ' , _ _/# I I o, I -:, -----= ------LJb,J -I I 7 I II XI':.,-" I I // /;'.__LL-1-_,___I I � .LEX. STREET R/W II .._. �: )� 0 ------=-== I =--.C'�r------0----::-o _ _j ___ 1 r� ���i�R : I )-JJ s 1 1 1\ ", ', -{/ \v'f , 1----,.;1v ''r----� --�-�-"'-i�s10EwA�K-��---___ \ if, I , __ L_.__.--<'L _______ J� ,' // ,1 dOl 1 �✓7:J ,� �-1 ________ L ___...L. _?,. EX. TRAFFIC SIGNALS ,-.� -= = ____ '\, 1 _ _ __-,,,.,,;;�� ___ ,_ '-',,''r+---___ '-,V X 1 � --� --_ _ _ _---I 1 1---=--�-, ,, __ _____,,..._:1--1---.-------,.� --'C.::,. ...L - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- -' I -.=;�"='� =FR-====; ------------�-' !E � ,__ __ __,,=� ·l!±:.::!:f;=::==:::J-=--=-::..:c===�=.:!rTI .. ... .. ... !; R�I-------i�. =(EX. STRIPING(TYP)----OLIVE DRIVE --__ L - - - � :36" SWR S S - --1--ef"--36" SWR-�S ::d.._-XS X S _ � _ X S _ 36• SWR---@ X 1 ,i------\-,r�� ���=���=�----�----��;�-�����:1�� �:;-����0_;,C:_ �� T9:G� :ri33f QI -=---------/;f---------E-.;_ MEDIANy-------------�-- -%. EX. MEDIAN'..7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 10 OF TRACT NO. 6399 FILED SEPTEMBER 6, 2D06 IN BOOK 56 OF MAPS AT PAGE 56 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, 30/26 M.D.B.M. IN THE CllY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNlY OF KERN, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA STATISTICAL INFORMATION: PROJECT AREA: 6.81 ACRES (NET) ADDRESS: 12000 OLIVE DRIVE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93312 AEM;. 528-520-11 EXISTING ZONING: R-1-CHPROPOSED ZONING: R-1-CH EXISTING LAND USE: LR PROPOSED LAND USE: LR EXISTING BUILDINGS: CHURCH SANCTUARY BUILDING: 70' WIDE x 142' LONG x 25' TALL, AREA-9,940 SF CHURCH OFFICE BUILDING: 25' WIDE x 60' LONG x 1 O' HIGH, AREA= 1,500 SF EXISTING PARKING TABLE: 119 STANDARD SPACES 18'x9' (TYP) 8 HANDICAP SPACES TOTAL=127 SPACES PROPOSED BUILDINGS: (10) 24'x40'x13' TALL MODULAR BUILDINGS FOR CLASSROOM PURPOSES TOTAL PROPOSED BUILDING AREA-9,600 SQUARE FEET (3)8'x10'x8' TALL STORAGE SHEDS = 240 SF TOTAL(3)8'x12'x7.5' TALL GREENHOUSES = 288 SF TOTAL(2)12'x20'x1D' TALL SHADE CANOPIES = 480 SF TOTALEXISTING BUILDING TABLE OFFICE AREA= 960 SQUARE FEET CLASSROOM AREA= 6,720 SQUARE FEET GYM-1,440 SQUARE FEET RESTROOM AREA-480 SQUARE FEET ON-SITE PARKING CALCULATION PER ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 17.58.110(35): 1 SPACE PER 4 SEA TS IN THE PRIMARY PUBLIC ASSEMBLY AREA25D STIJDENTS / 4 SEATS= 63 SPACES REQUIRED. PROPOSED PARKING TABLE: 116 STANDARD SPACES 18'x9' (TYP) 10 HANDICAP SPACES TOTAL=126 SPACES METHOD OF DRAINAGE: EXISTING STORM DRAIN FACILITIES ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE RETENTION BASIN. LEGEND -XS--EXISTING SEWER MAIN-XW- EXISTING WATER MAINEXISTING STORM DRAIN -N- NORTH SCALE: 1 "=40' 0 20 40 80 AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE I I SNOW ROAD I NOVARA AVENUE BOCELLI AVENUE I MEZZADRO AVENUE >-VALLETA AVENUE � 0. TRAVISO AVENUE � 0 0 i" < 0 'MONTAGUE � AVENUE "� "-CEDAR BLUFF AVENUE MERCAT[ 1' 0 AVENUE 0 ':'.I � MANTOVA A\£NUE PROJECT-0� SAN JNEATO AVENUE z-SITE � :'i:S §APPLE VALLEY i COURT f'II IVJ:" l'\J;lol\� AURORA VALLE� SUMMI POINT AVENUE CrRI II VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE D 00 ,Q, C ,S 0 "' w=> z � N < � iOr en • w i -r -□ E "' N / en•-□ /�D E 00 D / "'"'N "'-'-; U) z 0 iii rii 0: 0:: w Ii:: 0 a.. :§: 0 w 0:: u.. 00 00 N 0 0 0 0) 0 CD 0) c:, C"'>N (0 =t:I:: 1--I--o ffi � a.. I-w en I :::::> 0 _J T""" � I-QO I-_JCl z 0() DATE PA JOB No. SHEET (.) z 0 <( 00::: �0::: <( 0 ...J 0 oc?:S w> 0::: 0 w> ...J 00::: w z0::: 00.w.z 1,"u. UJ UJ z eizUJ >-" UJ 0 0: a. r--0 r-- I "J z UJ :,; f!!"-.,0:" ;:., s: UJ rii 0: cl: I-w w I en w _J I--I- 12/06/2023 3255A 1 OF 4 SHEETS Exhibit C džŚŝďŝƚC • . GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2x4 @ 16" O.C. WALLS -TYPE V-B/SPRINKELERED 8' PLATE HEIGHT (TYPICAL U.O.N.) PLATE HEIGHTS ARE FROM CONCRETE SLAB F.F. j" GYP BOARD WALL AND CEILING COVER SEE CONTRACTOR / OWNERS FOR ALL FIXTURES, APPLIANCES, CABINETS, AND FLOOR COVERING PREFERENCES. 2xfi C.J. @ 16" 0.C. -MAX. SPAN = 14'-9" 2x8 C.J. @ 16" O.C. -MAX. SPAN = 19'-3" 2x10 C.J. @ 16" O.C. -MAX. SPAN = 24'-4" DIMENSIONS SHOWN TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAl'l1NGS. BRING ANY OISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGNER, CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER OF RECORD. ALL NOTED HARDWARE IS SIMPSON U.O.N. • ASSEMBLY ROOM 381 S.F. [TI f- f­(/) -_x xw " ~ ASSEMBLY ROOM .l C 391 S.F. III EXISTING EXIT CORRIDOR EXIT • ""f(j� -�-.I�'�•-----="-=""==----�.,�"" �� &?i'1<�= .. ASSEMBLY ROOM ( 453 S.F.) HJ 0 � I -� @-1'11NDOW @ +38"±NOT TEMPERED • @-SIDELITE TEMPERED GLASS©-WINDOW @ +26"± NOT TEMPERED • . • • 1 OFFICE •II �213 S.F. I] OCCUPANCY LOAD ANALYSIS � 391/15 = 26 391/15 = 26 213/15 = 14 453/15 = JQ TOTAL = 96 • • PROVIDE FALL PROTECTION BOTH SIDES FROM 26" TO 36" MIN. (CBC2406) W/ 1-1/2" PROTECTIVE BAR PER CBC 2406.3.7 EXCL INSTALLED 34" TO 38" ABOVE THE FLOOR IB) STORAGE OPEN ABOVE[§]STORAGE OPEN ABOVE 2007 CBC SEC 303 GROUP A-3 903.2.1 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXISTING 506.3 ALLOWABLE AREA, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER INCREASE TYPE V-B TABLE 503 6000x3=18,000 SQ. FT. TABLE 1017.1 CORRIDOR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING 1'11TH SPRINKLED SYSTEM 0 TABLE 601 FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS TYPE V-B 0 FLOOR PLAN 1 /8" • , -I "" • 24'-o" EXISTING KITCHEN • ,. STORAGE 177 S.F . lfil 142' -0" � �1 WW . �� ��H ,. ,. '-1··-, EXISTING SANCTUARY . -------------�·"' B06-12314 EXISTING LOBBY � EXISTING E�T � �-� .., ·1 • • � '1 I I I I I I I --+----+-------,�1� 1,11 ----+----------iit:/i- • SOUND • RESTROOMS B06-12314 ENCL. ATTIC ABOVE 24'-o" • STORAGE 119 S.F. @] EXISTING CHURCH OCCUPANCY A-3 y • PR0v1DE EXIT DOORS PER CBC -· SWING TO EGRESS APPROVED LEVER HARDWARE HANDLES PROVIDE 1 O" SMOOTH BASE AT DOORS PR0v1DE EXIT SIGNAGE ABOVE ALL DOORS AREA ANALYSIS 2001 CBC REF B06-12314 TYPE V CONSTRUCTION -1HR FULLY SPRINKLED IN LIEU OF 1 HR CONST. OCCUPANCY A2.1 2001 CBC ALLOWABLE AREA 13,500 SQ. FT. GROSS AREA 9,940 SQ. FT. PER CBC SEC 508.2 INCIDENTAL USE AREA CLASSIFIED A-3 & PER TABLE 508.2 PROVIDE AUTOMATIC FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM 1'-0" ,, . , ------- --.� REV. AREA ANALYSIS 2007 CBC 810-2552 >TYPE V-8 CONSTRUCTIONFULLY SPRINKELERED>OCCUPANCY A-3 2007 CBC >ALLOWABLE AREA -18000 SQ. FT.GROSS AREA -9940 SQ FT.> ' 0 24' X 24' = 576 SQ. FT.@ 24' X 24' � 576 SO. FT.1152 SQ. FT. �� I xx WW \2 OPEN ATTIC 9940-1152 � 8788<9000 SQ. FT. CBC 717.4.3 EXC. 2 • � • ' 0 0 " . ' ' (fl w 0 "':r: u.......>-(I] (fl z (fl > w a:: w <( 0 0 z I u 0::: :::, I u >-I--z :::, 2 2 0 u :r: z <( 0::: m w > _J 0 0 (I' (") 0 � (") u, z 0 0 0 0 "' I 0 z a_ - 0, '0 - Q_ � C) D( \!) < \!) � � -0 "' "' a, .2 E 0 -0 0 -0 en <Ci "' .,-·c:" £ "' � "':r: N � n w <(>--z0::: 0::: Oo W LL >_J - <(_Ju0 oo Q_J ow N LL � U) 0::: w <( m {X) "' 0 I -"' {X) X C: "'- 0 I -"' {X) f:! <( 0 SHEET OF A1 JOB NO. 10429 DWG. Tl _2004AL TA ;.., . Exhibit C džŚŝďŝƚ C ' D T 10" SOLID "KICK PL", TYP. LINED EXTERIOR ELEVATION T= TEMPERED GLAZING y I<.. �METAL SIDING LINEA EXTERIOR ELEVATION T= TEMPERED 6LAZIN6 _ti I Q - ; ; - :::::-... ................--��--;---,-,� '\, +12'-0" DD T T T T ' - ' EX T. STUCCO METAL FASCIA 23'O" \ �10" SOLID "KICK PL", �EXT. STUCCOEXT. STUCCO �METAL FASC IA � METAL SIDING / D T $30' O' 22'-0' $ � 1/ 1/8"::;; 1'-0" 30-0' $ 22'-0' $ - 1/8":::: I' O" 12 L-1:::----41:::;-,:::::--;� ,-,�,.:::, ........ ......_ ��;;� '��� ;23' o· I '\, ➔12'-01' DD II T T T T ----- \_I " I "Kl KP ,,� OSOL D CL, EXT, STUCCOLINE 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION T= TEMPERED GLAZING LINE 7 EXTERIOR ELEVATION T= TEMPERED 6LAZIN6 I/� �1/ ! / METAL FASC IA I I I ' �METAL SIDING -30'0'$ 22'-0" $ 1/8"::: l'-0" 30'-0' $ 22'-0' $ 1/B" = 1'-0" C§I CONTRACTORS, INC 3748 ALKEN STREET PHONE : (661) �87-2200 BAKERSflEL], CA 93308 f'AX , <661) 597-2200 CA. ST. LICENSE, 828456 A NEW GENERATION OF BU/LO/NG MARK DATE DESCRIPTION � -.., 6 6 � , JOSEPH ERIBARNE I Structural Engineer, Inc. !l�lt,�i.-1<..&-''7"�-�2020 Eye St., Suite 201 I\.\ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)392-1124(661 )392-1172 FAX ,- • , ,- :c z0 - � C c( ::, ...J 0 -:c ::, '"' 0 m C ...J :c w w 0 "' -z 0 "' � � � � w m ::, � � w c( -I-m -...J...J ::,0 :E AGENCY APPROVAL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. REPORT DESCREPANCIES TO THE CONTRATOR THE DRAWINGS, IDEAS, ANO DESIGNS REPRESENTED ON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR JOB NAME: OLIVE BRANCH CHURCH APN# DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JPE DATE 12-29-06 SHEET TITLE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER A-2 SHEET 1 OF 2 ... . .... , / Exhibit C 1111BBBBCCCC222211'-9"23'-7"40'-0"AAAAHVACREMOVABLE HITCH, TYP.11'-9"PRE-FABRICATED METALSTEPS, DECKS AND RAMP SYSTEM, TYP.DNDNDNWILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©DATE:DRAWN BY:WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC.4646 East Van Buren Street, Suite 400, Phoenix, AZ 85008800.782.1500 l WILLSCOT.COMOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN ARE “INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE”WHICH ARE, AND SHALL REMAIN, THE PROPERTY OF WILLSCOT AND ARE NOT TO BE: REPRODUCED, TRANSFERRED IN HARD OR ELECTRONIC FORM; USED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY OTHER ARCHITECT, MANUFACTURER OR CONTRACTOR; OR USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTENCONSENT OF WILLSCOT.THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER WHO HAS AFFIXED THEIR SEAL HERETO SHALL HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND SHALL BE INDEMNIFIED FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSS, COST, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE RELATED TO RECIPIENT’S / CLIENT’S BREACH OF THE AFOREMENTIONED CONDITIONS. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE EVALUATED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL RELATED PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ANY DISCREPANCIES IDENTIFIED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO DIMENSIONS, MUST BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY BUILDING MANUFACTURE OR OTHER WORK. IN THE EVENT OF CONFLICT, THE SPECIFICATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND RENDERINGS HEREIN TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER RECIPIENT’S / CLIENT’S REQUIREMENTS.ASSET TYPE:FILE #:MODEL:REP:ASSET #:PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/11/2022 8:40:11 AMA-103PRESENTATION PLAN03/04/2022FZCONFERENCE ROOMCLASSROOMWS2022-0246CLRM 40X24 WESTC.AGUILARRANCHO MIRAGE, CA1/4" = 1'-0"FLOOR PLAN1EXTERIOR VIEW 1EXTERIOR VIEW 2INTERIOR VIEW 1INTERIOR VIEW 2ISOMETRIC2BUILDING LOCATION:BUILDING SYSTEM: CLASSROOMBUILDING GROSS AREA TOTAL 1,056 S.F.CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-BOCCUPANCY USE GROUP BOCCUPANCY = 10MATERIALS AND FINISHES:FRAME: OUTRIGGERFLOOR: CARPET TILE AND VCTCEILING: ACTINTERIOR WALLS: VCGEXTERIOR WALLS: SMART PANEL OR ALUMINUMROOF: EPDM (RUBBER, MULHIDE)SPECIFICATIONS:FLOOR LIVE LOAD: 50 PSFFLOOR CONCENTRATED LOAD: 2000 LBSROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 PSFWIND LOAD: 80 MPHELECTRICAL PANEL: 100 AMP SINGLE PHASE 230/120 VHVAC: 2 1/2 TONGENERAL NOTES:1. EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF STUD.2. EXITING BASED ON AN OCCUPANCY LOAD OF 10.3. PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT BASED ON AN OCCUPANCY LOAD OF 10.4. AT ALL NEW WALLS LOCATION ADJUST LIGHTING AND SUPPLY/RETURN DUCTS.5. DRINKING FOUNTAIN PROVIDED BY OWNER.6. STEPS, DECKS AND RAMP SHOWN FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES.7. SPECIFICATIONS MAY VARY BY MODEL AND LOCATION.8.FURNITURE LAYOUT SUGGESTED FOR SPACE FUNCTIONALITY.9. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LOCAL JURISDICTION.103/11/22SCHEMATIC DESIGNISSUE DATE DESCRIPTIONExhibit C .-----------.. WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN 800.782. 1500 AnALGECO SCOTSMAN Company w w w . w i I I s c o t .c o m Specifications Size N 44' Long (including hitch) 40' Boxsize 24' Wide nominal 8' Ceiling height nominal 1 · iii Cl r---, I I I I i'-7! I I ,/ I I I/' I L..-..1 1£:_� r---, I I I I I I I I L..-..1 r---, I I I I I I I I L..-..1 r---, I I I I I I I I L..-..1 Interior Finish Paneled walls 40'-0" r---, I I i'�71 I I I I I/' I I I 1£:_� L..-..1 r---, I I I I I I I I L..-..1 Carpet floor/Tile per plan T-grid ceiling r---, r---, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r---, I I L..-..1 L..-..1 I I i'�71 I I i'�71 I I I/' I I I I/' I 1£:_� L..-..1 1£:_� r---, r---, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L..-..1 r---, L..-..1 I I I I I I I I L..-..1 Electric Fluorescent ceiling lights DOH_CL4424 CLASSROOM FLOOR PLAN · I · · I 2'-0" O.H. I I �:} Exterior Finish/Frame Wood siding 120/240 volt single phase electric 100 AMP breaker panels I-Beam outrigger frame Standard drip rail gutters Windows/Doors Horizontal slider windows Std doors w/classroom lockset Heating and Cooling Central A/C Heat in A/C unit Additional floor plans available. Floor plans and specifications may vary from those shown and are subject to in-stock availability. CAD FILE: I DWG # I REV# I REP: I APPROVAL: WS2013-IA-1 IO I. I ---------�---------+--------4--------� SCALE: I SERIAL#: I DATE I DWN BY: I APVL DATE: 1/8"=1' I I I I THE USE OF THIS DRAWING FOR ANY MEANS OTHER THAT INTENDED IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF AN AUTHORIZED Will.IAMS SCOTSMAN REPRESENTATIVE. (C) Williams Scotsman, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Exhibit C • • .. -Q • • • . . • .. • • ' • ---- q <[ D Q:'. z w __J _j <[ LEGEND 250 WATT AREA LIGTHING ON 25' FIXED POLE FOR PARKING LOT LIGHTING. SITE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT RUN (UNDERGROUND) METER MAIN SITE TRANSFORMER (PHASE I POWER) NOTES 1.FOR LOADS, PANEL SCHEDULES, AND ONE-LINEDIAGRAMS, SEE SHEET E-1. 1#8 BARE CU TO GND. LUG. 1' CHAMFER (TYP) 2'-0" T.0.C. 5'-6" N.T.S. . BOND TO �:;--+---lJ FOOTING STEEL •·•. POLE BASE AND COVERPLATE 1/2"MIN. NON-SHRINK GROUT-COLOR TO BE APPROVED BY ARCH. CONC. PEDESTALW/MED. SANDBLAST FINISH GRADE (4)1/2"DIA. x 18" LONG BOLTSVERIFY WI MFR PROVIDE (3)#3 TIES WITHIN 6" OF TOP OF FOOTING [;:l,-#3 TIES@ 16"O.C. 2000 P.S.I. CONC.@ 28 DAYS q <[ D Q:'. ::e::: Q:'. <[ LL. q _j D ... . ., -..... '"t----415 VERTICAL TIES (4) REO'D. 3'-0" POLE BASE DETAIL NOTTO SCALE SND\J ROAD SITE Ot.11,,; � C ,)Rive-w > <[ REINA ROAD w z <[ f- <[ _j f-w D � l.'.J w :::J 7 q Q:'. w > >­<[ � D _j _j <[ u HAGEMAN ROAD VICINITY MAP N.T.S. -------- 0 <( 0 0:::: = 2 '° 0:::: w <( • LL 0 0 z _J 0 ------ 35.15 ...... z w w <I:w u u <I: u = = = ru "' 1,,> 'J .._,,'? �--- 38' '.•· ·: 1 � L.i · .. • .... ··.:z . • ··"-! ' PAD 72,0 9 ' ,. • ---' ' • .. ----,., �·--�a PAD 71,8 8 ; .• UJ.: ' 1-,. 1o"' . ". ,, � • ,. .? ,:J,:},' : ; . G ·-�-.. ,.� , . ·-, ,i;9.• � lD I (\J 1Sb.a4· ...... ; . · .. •,.· :• ...... ,. 21 SUMP ' SUMP BTM. 57.50W/L 65 50 PAD 71.6 7 \,\,' N· ii-::f,. ':o ?.-':-I'o I I N89'1 al22"w :, .. :, ' .-, . -:. PAD 71,4 6 S 89'21'17' TRACT 5968 UNIT 2 BK. 48 OF MAPS, PGS. 177 -178 PAD PAD 71.2 71.1 5 4 E 6 78.61 6' BLOCK WALL 7' WIDE L/S STRIP ----�--------' PHASE I',,;(� MAIN PULL SECTIO PAD 71.2 3 PAD 71,3 2 9 7' WIDE L/S STRIP 6' BLOCK 8 ------ 7 AND� MAIN _:,,._2'' CONDUITS FOR SITE ?!J!,{i!J: LIGTHING POWER FROM PAD 71,4 1 PAD 71,4 WALL PAD 71.1 PAD 71.1 ... , .•. , . • SUBPANEL A-2 LOCATED O'J ,:ri;jJ;;;�_:1'.·:•.--AT GYM (TYP.) � 6 � ;:i. :a: 0 . '•,' ..• .-. .. �-- /�\•/_'./'.)_:·,/::.•:11o.�; ·;.:J b--. •. :. ,1, ·, :· ·. �. ,. .• : 17 250 WAT 0 LIGHTING (TYP. 5) I 2J N84'32'33"W � TRACT 5968 UNIT 4 BK. 50 OF MAPS, PGS. 129 -131 132. 72' •z-f-PAD..,. 5 • (_) ==<( 71,3(/) .... "' W z w_��� 2 PAD t;:j ,-0:: o z "' 0>-�e:g 71,9 u..hj ."'� ► 1 PAD 72.0 10 0 I 120 10 <o. ,d,'.9, (' 2? N n.i j 0 0 ru -,'-"� I �z�:s MAN TO v� -I�-------I w )f9,s; ',-J'�s:'> A VEN u E ?;3 I 0:::: ''.§lo/S I "'//� I .gi· CT' I re I I I =' lD I 20 �I '° I :a: I • I�I::...1�, =1 w I 21 I I 10 20 120 10 TRACT 5968 UNIT 1 BK. 48 OF MAPS 'PGS. 174 -176 <;,"l )-----,----:l-½ N = = 37 -' u.. '{,....-==f=-=c.=..==- SCALE: " 50' 3748 ALKEN STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE: (681) 587•2200 FAX: (861) 587-2201 CA ST. LICENSE: 828458 A NEW GENERATION OF BUILDING MARK DATE DESCRIPTION 'D ... L 6 � r ... -w :c -u, z 0<C w� :c �>00.:::>:c - LL I �-z 0 C ..I <C <C :c WO..I 0 �c 0. z ..I ..I i=:� Ow-::::i m 0 LL 0 u, -w 0 � t->N w :::> -oir-w ..I � t-0 <C -m u, ... r ENGINEERS SEAL ... /-r-r? . r CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE -.., PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. r .. REPORT DESCREPANCIES TO THE CONTRATOR THE DRAWINGS, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS REPRESENTED ON THIS SHEET ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR COPYRIGHT CS! CONTRACTORS INC. 2005 JOB NAME: OLIVE BRANCH CHURCH APN# DRAWN BY: DBD CHECKED BY: DBD DATE 12/2/06 SHEET TITLE SITE UTILITY PLAN OLIVE BRANCH CHURCH SHEET NUMBER UP-1 SHEET 1 OF 1 -... , Exhibit C džŚŝďŝƚC I • I i I i I r-"� t I l l ApO!icant Kem Resource Center Contractor/Designer: WC Landscapes License# 957654 Tract: 6399 Lot#: 10 Address: Pro·ect T e: Water Supply: Potable Water Purveyor: California Water Statement l agree to comply with the requirements of 1he prescriptive compl1ance option to the MWELO. Applicant's Signature: Date: !agree to comply with the requirement of the prescriptive compliance option to the WLCOLS. App!Jcant's Signature: Date REVISIONS BY I I i I I • I ·- N l 'F � ll"!i I C luI "§ ''-�@i ·-I I I� ! I ,, - i Dale Seal!!> 1'' = 20' Dra-;;..m i " Joi> =<•--, I Sheet i Of Sheets u ,-=""""""",-,,. ···-"" Exhibit C