HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 87-99RESOLUTION NO. 8 ,~l , 9 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, MAKING WRITTEN FINDINGS IN RESPONSE TO EACH WRITTEN COMMENT OR OBJECTION OF AN AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER OR TAXING AGENCY AND RULING ON WRITTEN AND ORAL OBJECTIONS TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE OLD TOWN KERN - PIONEER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, on May 26, 1999, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield ("City") and the Central District Development Agency ("Agency") held a duly noticed Joint Public Hearing on the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Old Town Kern Pioneer Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in accordance with the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Sections 33000, e_t seq.); and WHEREAS, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed Project or who deny the existence of blight in the Project Area, or the regularity of the prior proceedings, were given an opportunity to submit written comments prior to the commencement of the joint public hearing, or to give oral testimony at the joint public hearing, and show cause why the proposed Redevelopment Plan should not be adopted; and WHEREAS, prior to and/or at the time of the May 26, 1999 Joint Public Hearing, written objections to the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project were received; and WHEREAS, Sections 33363 and 33364 of the Health & Safety Code requires that the City make written findings in response to each written objection of an affected properly owner or taxing entity; and WHEREAS, the City has carefully considered all objections raised to the proposed Project, including all written objections, and has heard and considered all evidence, both written and oral, presented in support of and in opposition to the adoption of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS FOLLOWS: Page 1 of 3 SECTION I The City Council hereby finds and determines that the recitals contained hereinabove are true and correct. SECTION 2 The City Council finds, on the basis of the substantial evidence contained within the Report to City Council submitted by the Central District Development Agency and other substantial evidence in the record, that conditions of blight exist within the Redevelopment Project Area, and that written and oral evidence in opposition received at the joint public hearing is not persuasive to the contrary. SECTION 3 The City Council and the Central District Development Agency have duly complied with all the provisions, requirements, and procedures of the California Community Redevelopment Law relating to the preparation and adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project. SECTION 4 The City Council finds that all persons have had the opportunity to be heard or to file written objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project and to the regularity of the proceedings with respect thereto, and having heard and reviewed such oral and written objections, the City Council hereby makes findings in response to each written objection as set forth in Attachment "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, and determines that there are compelling reasons to justify the adoption of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Plan as proposed, notwithstanding written and oral objections. SECTION 5 The City Council, accordingly, overrules any and all objections to the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project. SECTION 6 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution, including Attachment "A," to the persons submitting written objections, by first class mail, postage pre-paid. Page 2 of 3 666 I, '9 I, ::INRI" 931111N=19NIXV103103JJV QNV S~IBNMO Al~lBdO~ld JO SNOIlO3rSO C]NV SINBIAIIAIOO 01 9=lSNOdS=l~l 103PO~d/N3~dO93A303~ ~33NOId - N~3~ NMO1 090 3H1 ~10--I NVqd/N::IIAIdO951A::IO:::I~ O:::l~OdO~d 0931dS~3~V8 dO A/IO 3hl dO 91ON~OO AIIO 3H1 ,,V,, IN3~HOVIIV I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a meeting thereof held on _ JUN 16 1999 _, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DEMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES. SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER klOt, l E. COUNCILMEMBER CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN CITY ATTORNEY JANICE' SCANLAN Deputy City Attorney js:S:\REDVAREA\otk city obj reso Page 3 of 3 PREAMBLE On May 26, 1999, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Central District Development Agency held a Joint Public Hearing on the proposed Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Plan and Project. At that public hearing, some nineteen persons or organizations voiced their comments on the proposed plan. Every person who spoke supported the proposed project. Prior to the Joint Public Hearing, the CDDA received written comments on the proposed plan and placed them into the record at the Joint Public Hearing. Only two people, Mr. Robert E. Murray, and Ms. Linda Huffman, submitted any objection to the proposed Old Town Kern - Pioneer plan. Although neither are property owners within the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Project Area, and thus not "an affected property owner," the City Council wishes to respond in writing to these objections. In responding to these objections, the City Council will paraphrase the objections and immediately respond. The responses are provided in a different font in order to make clear the objections and responses thereto. The precise objections raised by Mr. Murray and Ms. Huffman are included in the record of the Joint Public Hearing and are available for review. which RESPONSES TO COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS OF ROBERT E. MURRAY (Submitted April 12, May 3 and May 6, 1999) Letter dated April 12, 1999: 1. Mr. Murray "formally objects" to both plans and identifies the documents upon he apparently bases his objections as: "a. Draft Development Plan and its accompanying EIR for the 'Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project' comprising 7+ square m~es of this city. b. Preliminary Report and its EIR for the 'Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project', an area of about 3 square miles." The documents referenced by Hr. Hurray do not constitute the complete reco:rd of documentation concerning the proposed redevelopmerit projects. The primary documents upon which the Agency and the City Council will base their considerations and conclusions are found in the Reports to City Council for each redevelopmerit project, which were not referenced by Hr. Hurray. The Report to City Council for each proposed project area. contains information docamenting in detail thE! existing physical and economic conditions of the project area, an assessment of the econom:kc feasibility of the proposed project, a complete Elnvir_:'onmental Impact Repo:rt, an Implementation Plan for the first few years of the project, the Preliminary Plan for the project and an analysis thereof, information from the Colanty Fiscal Officer and an analysis thereof, an analysis of how the proposed program of redevelopmerit contemplated fo~ the project area will eliminate or alleviate the blighted conditions, a Neighborhood Impact Report on the anticipateo impacts of the project, and a summary of thE! Agency's consultations with the Project Area Committee for the affected community. 2. Mr. Murray identifies items numbered 3 through 7 in his letter as the reasoning for his objections. The City's responses to these items will be tracked accordingly. 2 3. The proposed Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan is "rejected summarily" because it is afiegedly based only on those documents identified in Paragraph l a of Mr. Murray's letter. It is asserted that "by contrast, the [Old Town Kem- Pioneer] project plan referred to in [Paragraph] l b is comprehensive and detailed, with facts and figures to back it up." Both proposed redevelopmerit projeots are based upon similar documentary "back up." Although the precise conditions are different for each project area, both proposed projects are supported by detailed Reports to City Council and other documentation. Apparently Hr. Hurray did not review either the Preliminary Report or the subsequent Report to City Council when considering the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopmerit Project. Mr. Hurray concedes, however, that even the preliminary informati_on provided for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Project Area is "comprehensive and detailed." 4. Mr. Murray agree[s] that the physical and economic conditions described in the Preliminary Report and EIR for the Old Town Kem- Pioneer Redevelopment Project "could, technically, be used to defend the application of the CRL in that area." Nevertheless, Mr. Murray objects to the use of the Community Redevelopment Law "as a matter of principle." This comment does not dispute the existence of blight: in -the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopmerit Project Area, but "objects" to redevelopmerit as "a matter of principle." The use of redevelopmerit tools in an area which meets the qualifications set forth in the Community Redevelopmerit Law is a matter' of principle and poli_cy vested in the sound discretion of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield. As discussed in later responses, there are many sound policy reasons to provide specia% assistance to the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redeve l_opment Project Area. 5. Mr. Murray asserts that redevelopment has "virtually unlimited powers" and "divert[s] . .. tax monies" amounting to a "virtual dictatorship over these parts of Bakersfield." He argues that "in our free-market, competition-based system, private capital will still be invested where the action is - unless, of course, the taxpayers/owners give them their properties and underwrite their risks." This comment demonstrates an incorrect and distorted view of redevelopmont. Redevelopmerit agencies do not have "virtually unlimited powers" but are answerable and accountable to elected officials as well as the community at large. Rather 3 than "diverting" tax dollars, redevelopmerit enables communities to retain a portion of their own tax money in order to address crucial issues withill that community. As demonstrated by the Report to City Council, the Agency's work with the Project Area Committee, and the Joint Public Hearing itself, the formulation and adoption o~ a redevelopmerit project is a very open and public process. Furthermore, successful implementation of redevelopmerit is dependent upon the participation of the community, and is subject to various levels of public review and audit. The whole point of a redevelopment project is to revitalize an area. that was once alive! and active - to make this area once again "where the action is." There are various means and strategies for inducing new investment and re-investment into existing urban areas, all. dependent upon the particular circumstances of the cozmmunity at a particular time. Some strategies can include the public body addressing neglected infrastructure, such as repai~:ing streets and sewers; other strategies car! include the creation of rehabilitation loan programs which provide existing owners with the ability to repair and expand their own properties. Such actions help lower "risk" to any (and all) business in the project area - risk that its success or failure will be decided by factors such as crime or a "bad neighborhood" rather than the skill and quality of its service or product. Mr. Hurray notes that the re!ocation of Highway 99 westward has reduced the economic attractiveness of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield project areas. This statement only acknowledges some of the blighting conditions that affect these areas and highlights the need for redevelopmerit. Redevelopment has indeed produced "economic miracles," but only after lor~g, hard, work, often extending over years and even decades. As demonstrated by the City's existing Downtown Redeve]_opmer~t Project Area, it sometimes takes many years of intense eff'ort and investment to begin to see an economic resurgence, b~lt it carl and does occur. 6. Mr. Murray objects to the "composition, independence, authority and powers of a redevelopment agency." He asserts that a redevelopment agency is a "shadow government" "unaccountable to the public." This comment does not represent a challenge to the documentation of blight or the need for redevelopmerit in the Old Town Kern -~ Pioneer Redevelopmerit Project Area. Instead, 4 it presents another erroneous redevelopmerit as a concept. and distorted view of In the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the duly adopted Califo:nnia Community Redevelopment Law, the members of the Central District Development Agency (CDDA) are appointed by the Hayor, an elected official_. Their appointments are ratified by th.e members of the City Council, who are also elected officials. The City Council generally oversees CDDA actions and must also independently approve certain actions of the CDDA, as required by State law. The powers of the CDDA are specified in the Community Redevelopmerit Law, as well as each redevelopment plan adopted by the City of Bakersfield. Just. like the City Council, meetings of the CDDA are open to the public. Fk~rthermore, the Community Redevelopmerit Law requires that public hearings be held before certain actions, such as the sal. e of property, nay be approved. The financial activities of the CDDA, like all redevelopment agencies, are also subject. to regular audit. In addition, certain acti. vities, especially those relating to the provision of affordable housing, are subject to State, as well as local, scrutiny. Finally, the CDDA is required to adopt, with public review and comment, 5-year implementation plans which demonstrate how the Agency is planning to carry out its work, and to review with the public its progress on those plans every two to three years. This is hardly "shadow government" and presents ample opporturlity for public review and accountabi lity. 6.a. As an asserted example of a redevelopment agency's "unlimited powers," Mr. Murray claims that the electorate of the proposed Project Areas will be "disenfranchised" in that "except for the right of referendum, the legislative acts of officially declaring the existence of blight within the meaning of the CRL, and the approval of the plans, projects, and time and dollar limits are not subject to a vote." He also claims that actions taken after the approval of a redevelopment project are not subject to referendum, or even subject to judicial review. By the time the proposed Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopmerit Plan was presented for review and approval by the Bakersfield City Council, the CDDA had worked for months with the affected community through a duly elected and representative Project Area Committee. It had prepared and circulated for public review and comment a complete Environmental Impact Report on the anticipated impacts of redevelopmerit. It had also prepared significant documentation and analysis of the 5 physical and economic conditions of the Project Area, as well as the potential fiscal impact of the project. The proposed Redevelopmerit Plan itself sets forth time and dollar limits, as well as identifies potential public improvement contemplated by the Plan. At the Joint Public: Hearing on the proposed Old Town Kern - P-ioneer Redevelopment Project, there was not one oral objection to the plan. No affected taxing entity, such as the County of Kern, submitted any objection whatsoever. To the contrary, representatives of Bakersfield sc. hools submitted oral. and written support. for the project. If the proposed Redevelopment Project is adopted, the City will be making necessary findings of blight, and approving the l:imits and proposed public improvement projects described in the Redevelopment Plan. I:n approving the Redevelopment Project, this legislative act:on by the elected Bakersfield City Council will be subject to referendum, just like any other legislative action. It will also be subject to legal review, as will be subsequent actions taken by the CDDA to implement the plan approved by the elected City Council. It is simply untm:ue to say that there is no judicial review of redevelopment activities; ihe fact that the vast majority of cou~t cases uphold such activities merely means that redevelopmerit agencies comply with the law. 6. b. As another example of claimed "unlimited powers," Mr. Murray cites the authority to acquire private property and claims that redevelopment is "governmental incursion into private enterprise by engaging in speculative investments." One of the most important aspects of redevelopmen1: is to prevent or lessen speculation fin real property. Speculation in property has often been found to be a cause of blight because owners are unwilling Io make necessary investments to maintain or improve their property. On the other hand, property that is developed wi..th concern and a real. plan for use tends to maintain and increase its value, demonstrating a substantive investment and not speculation. The authority to acquire property is not unique to redevelopment agencies; virtually every public body has the ability to acquire property for its public use. It is not the goal of redeve].opment to acquire real property; it is the goal of redevelopment to encourage real property owners to invest in and take care of their properties. It is also more 8 economical for redevelopment agencies if existing property owners participate in the redevelopmerit of their own properties. To the extent that some owners refuse to undertake needed repairs to make the properties safe or habitable, or to otherwise {mare for their properties, however, the Agency needs to have the authority to acquire such properties at fair market value in order to eliminate blighting influences. Moreover, the CDDA' s authority to acquire private property isl cormstrained by restrictions found in the Community Redevelopmerit Law, as well as the limitations found in the Eminent Domain Law. 6. c. Mr. Murray asserts that rede velopment agencies "divert property tax money from the agencies and purposes for which those taxes were originally levied" leading to increased taxes and reduced services. He also claims that redevelopment agencies receive funds they have not "earned" and that such monies as the CDDA will receive for the proposed project is not enough to pay for needed infrastructure. Redevelopment agencies are cor'~stitutionally and statutorily authorized to help finance %heir activities by sharing in the increase in tax revenues whn..ch result. from increases in assessed valuations occurring after the redevelopment plan is adopted. This form of tax sharing is commonly referred to as "tax increment." Under this process, taxing entities, such as schools and county governments, continue to receive the same amount of tax revenue as they each received prior to the redevelopment plan. Redevelopment agencies receive a portion of additional. revenues resulting from increases in valuation in order to repay debt already incurred to foster reinvestment in the community. The taxing entities also receive a share of this increased revenue, as specified by the Community Redevelopmerit Law. Rather than "divert" tax revenues, redevelopment enables communities suffering from particular problems to retain their own taxes, in order to fix these serious problems. Because of the existence of these problems, or blight, tax revenues are reduced for a]_l taxing entities. When the redevelopmerit project is completed, and blight eliminated, the increased revenues flow to all the taxing entities; the agency will receive nothing. The process of redevelopment is psyclhological as well as physical. When others see tlhat a Project Area, through redevelopment, is taking better care of itself, property values rise. The redevelopment agency may only improve a street with better sidewalks, lights or landscaping, yet the 7 value of homes and businesses along that street often improve without the need for tlhe agency to pay for repainting or repairing the structure itself. The return of confidence in a Project Area can prompt a business to expand or entice a new business to enter the Area. Redevelopmerit clearly "earns" the increases in assessed value that it encourages. In response to the claim of the insufficiency of ta× increment for public infrastructure, it should be understood that redevelopmerit is not intended to take over other governmental functions, merely to assist in bringing about -improved conditions in particular areas. It is not the purpose of redevelopmerit to "pay for everything." Hany of the public improvements i_dentified in the Old Town Kern ~ Pioneer Redevelopmerit Plan include providing fo~: or repairing infrastructure that would normally be part of a joint undertaking by many governmental agencies, including the City of Bakersfield, the Co~:nty o~E Kern and even the State of California. Redevelopmerit was not designed to relieve these entities of their existing and concurrent obligations, but rather as a tool to facilitate the accomplishment of these goals. Redevelkc, pment is a form of partnering, not only with the private sector but with other public entities. Instead, it is anticipated. that all public and. private participants will play their respective and appropriate roles in helping to construct needed improvements. The CDDA and the City are both very cognizant of the seriousness associated with the possible use of eminent domain and have used this power infrequently and only as a last resort when allk other means have failed. 7. Mr. Murray also questions the inclusion of parcels he deems "not blighted," based upon speculative and unsubstantiated guesswork. He states: "If I were to pick $50k [sic] out of my hat as the average assessed valuation for those 2409 parcels, that would account for $120,450,00 of the total of the assessed value of $530,295,827 shown in [Old Town Kern - Pioneer] for a~ 3186 parcels. Subtracting 12,450,000 from that number would represent my WAG [sic] of the assessed valuation of the 777 questionable parcels, or an average of $527,472. 11 for each of those parcels." Hr. Hurray's gk~esses as '~o average parcel valuation represent only his own selection ef value and are not based upon any apparent documentary evidence. To the contrary, the Report to City Council for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Project Area 8 contains property valuation data, both in terms of assessed valuations and actual market values of the properties. As reported in Section 6.5 of the Report to Council for the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Project Area, the average per acre market value are 25S lower than City-wide values, and per acre assessed values are only 73% of City-wide values. The average per parcel assessed valuation is $87,523, while the City-wide average per parcel assessed valuation is $129,782. These documented values show a clear discrepancy fbetween values in the Project Area and values in the! City as a whole. The Report to Council ir~dicates that not. every parcel in the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Project Area demonstrates obvious signs of physical blight:.. But the law does not require such a showing. The Report to Courtoil also demonstrates that some of the parcels contained in the Project Area are included for effective redevelopment of the area as a whole; again well within the requirements of the Community Redevelopmerit Law. The size and shape of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopmerit Project Area was selected after careful consideration and analysis. Only those properties meeting the requirements of the Community Redevelopment Law were included in the Project Area. Tlhe items that Hr. Hurray suggests as "alternatives" to redevelopmerit, such as "putting investors in touch with the absentee owners whose pKoperties adjoin each other, ar'~d encourage those investor (even the property owners themselves) to buy up and develop those small parcels" are the very type of a,',;.'.tivities that are contemplated by the Agency' s redevelopmerit prog:ram. It appears that Mr. Hurray' s objections to redevelopment relate more to the name or concept of '~redeve~opmer~t" than to the conditions of the Project Area or the types of activities to be undertaken by the proposed redevelopmerit program. B. Letter Dated May 3, 1999 1. In his letter dated May 3, 1999:, Mr. Murray states that in his April 12 letter, he "refused to consider the proposed 'plan' for redevelopment of the proposed 'Southeast Bakersfield Project Area'," and proceeds to make an objection to '?hat plan." Mr. Murray also states that he is not a resident of either proposed Project Areas, but asserts standing to raise his objections "as a property owner/taxpayer within this county." The City Council does not challenge Hr. Hurray' s standing to state his objections, although it disagrees with them. The City appreciates Hr. Murray' s interest in the proposed projects and participation in the process. It will respond to 9 Hr. Hurray' s objection to the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopmerit Plan in documents relating to that project. C. Letter Dated May 6, 1999 1. Mr. Murray makes reference to (1) newspaper reports concerning (a) a proposal before the City relating to the "Grand Canal" proposed development, and (b) a report of Kern County activities with respect to Oxy; (2) the notices of Joint Public Hearings for the proposed Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project and the proposed Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project; and (3) his prior letters of April 12 and May 3. Mr. Netanel has made a proposal for a factory outlet type of development to be constructed near the southern boundary of the City, outside of any Redevelopment Project Area. The specifics of the proposal are undergoing review and will be treated independently from any redevelopment activity. Any newspaper article concerning the County of Kern and any other entity, including the Occidental Petroleum Company, is not relevant or germane to any discussion concerning the existence of blight or the need for redevelopment in the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area. 2. Mr. Murray asserts that both the City and the County of Kern have "discriminated" between competing businesses and "to reward companies for doing that which they... would have otherwise done." While the City cannot speak to the policies and actions of the County of Kern, neither the Agency nor the City has sought to "discriminate" among businesses or "reward" them for taking actions that they might normal ly take. To the extent 'that any form of incentive has been provided for any particular development proposal, the extent and nature of incentive has been carefully considered and tailored to produce the greatest public benefit at the least public cost. With specific regard to the "Grand Canal" proposal referred to by Hr. Hurray, no "incentive" or action has been approved at this time. This comment does not der'my the! existence of blight or 'the need for redevelopment in the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area. It does not provide a reason or basis for denying this community an .important tool in revitalizing the area. 10 2. a. Mr. Murray states that the City proposes to "declare 10 square miles of this city as 'blighted' in order to use property taxes to help businesses (old and new) to invest in and 're-vitalize' those areas." The Agency and City intend 'to do exactly that. After demonstrating that the area is blighted, it is expected that the City will approve the two proposed redevelopmerit project areas and use property taxes - as well as other sources of funds - to help businesses as well. as residents to invest in and revitalize t. he project areas. 2. b. Mr. Murray claims that the City has "rewarded" Galey and Stier "for moving to the more attractive southwest part of town... from their previous... places of businesses in or near those 'blighted' areas." He then asks what incentives could have been provided to them and others for staying and revita~zing these areas. Neither the City nor the CDDA "rewarded" these businesses for relocating to non-blighted areas of the City. These businesses, like others mentioned in Mr. Hurray' s Hay 3 letter, selectled their locations based upon independent business judgments. These judgments undoubtedly included the ability to find sufficient land for operations, the price of such land, and the ability to attract customers to their locations. Areas that slaffer from blighting conditions, such as the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area, will.. not compare favorably to other, non-blighted locations. The fact is, without a program of redevelopmerit in place, there is very ]_ittle the City or Agency can do to help retain these types of businesses. Rather than serve as examples of reasons to object to redeveiopment of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area, the relocation of these businesses show the existence of blight and the need for redevelopmerit there. An adopted redevelopmerit project and program will er-~able the City and Agency to work to lessen and prevent the re].ocation of ongoing businesses and to encourage new businesses to enter the Project Area. These businesses did receive some assistance in the form of Community Development Block GKant loans for which they were eligible. As part of the Ci_ty's continuing program to promote job creation, at least 51% of all jobs created (and vacancies filled) by these businesses will go to low- and moderate- income persons. It should be noted that. this program does not "entice" businesses to leave their present locations. In the instances cite,:l by Hr. Murray, to the contrary, the CDBG loan program was used in order to keep these businesses at least 11 within the City of Bakersfield, once they had already decided that: their present locations were no longer suitable. The Agency intends to use CDBG funds, along with tax increment and other funds, to revitalize 'the Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area so that. in the future these types of businesses will not have to leave the Project Area in order to expand or remain viable. 3, Mr. Murray objects to "any proposed plan" which uses "tax incentives" for commercial enterprises. The City understands Mr. Hurray philosophical objections to "tax incentives," but must also observe that the use of "tax incentives" is widespread at all levels of government. Federal tax law provides "incentives" for home ownership in the form of income tax deductions for home mortgages, for example. The State of California and other levels of government use! the tax system as providing "incentives" for other activities as well. Hr. Murray does not make clear what he considers "tax incent. ives" that the CDDA could provide. Redevelopmerit does not levy a tax but changes for a certain time! period the distribution of the property tax generated under Proposition 13. Using a porEion of the taxes generated by an increase in assessed valuation in a Project Area to repay investments already incurred, a redevelopmerit agency may assist a business or resident with. a rehabilitation loan, or may assist in the assembly of property at a fair price, or may assist in the generation of riew and additional employment by helping a business to expand. All of these "incentives" are geared towards improving the health, safety and welfare of the community by eliminating blight. Such "incentives" as may be provided are generally minima.k in comparison to the amount of additional private capital and employment which come hand in glove with the activity which receives the incentive. These types of redevelopmerit activities have been used with great success up and down the State of California and have improved the quality of life for the residents and businesses of these Project Areas, as well as the communities as a whole. 12 RESPONSES TO COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS OF LINDA HUFFMAN (Submitted May 26, 1999) 1. Ms. Huffman questions the inclusion of some properties within the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area; specifically those properties in the vicinity of Mercy Hospital, the railroad yards and certain homes along 16th Street. She also mentions a realty agent apparently going door-to-door asking if the owner was willing to sell their home. The California Community Redevelopment Law recognizes that an area may be blighted and yet not every single parcel within that area demonstrate obvious signs of blight. In addition, certain properties have been included within the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment Project Area because they are considered necessary for effective redevelopment. All properties within the Project Area have been shown to be suffering from economic blight such as stagnating property valu. es, vacant and abandoned buildings and residential overcrowding. The age of many of the buildings in the Project Area also indicate physical bligh% such as structures which are deteriorating and in need of substantial rehabilitation, the existence of asbestos and other hazardous and outdated building materials. The fact that certain properties, especially homes, may have been built at the same time by the same builder does not mean that they are always in the same physical condition. Certain property owners, perhaps like Ms. Huffman, have the resources and desire to maintain and improve their properties; other do not. A significant portion of the railroad yard was also identified as suffering from both economic and physical blight. The area surrounding Hercy Hospital suffers from a hodgepodge of blighting conditions and is considered necessary for effective redevelopmenE. Neither the Agency nor the City has any knowledge of or was responsible for a realty agent seeking listings. The situation described by Hs. Huffman seems to be a form of marketing by the realty agent. 2. Ms. Huffman asks if there is a "possibility that there is an additional agenda at work within this project which may not have been overtly addressed to date" and identifies the possibility of public improvements related to a high speed rail line and bridge widening at Union Avenue and Truxtun Avenue as examples. 13 The only agenda at work here is one to eliminate blight and achieve the revitalization of the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopmerit Project Area. The work that may be required to meet these goals may take many forms, including the construction and repair of necessary public infrastructure. The Community Redevelopmerit Law requires that a redevelopment p]_an identify the possible public improvements for which it may expend funds; such a list not a definitive decision to undertake the improvement. Specifically with regard to the items identified by Hs. Huffman, the idea of a high speed rail line from Northern to Southern California has been discussed for quite some time. If such a line is built and if one stop on the line is Bakersfield, this could help bring consumer and tourists to the area and ass:Lst in its revitalization. The widening of bridges may be necessary to meet traffic demands caused by redevelopment as well as other factors. 3. Ms. Huffman asserts that her property is unique in that she has created a "wildlife terrain" as landscaping for her home. She indicates that if her property is to be acquired, she needs to relocate her landscaping as weft. Ms. Huffman's property is not located within the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopmerit Project Area. Accordingly, she need not be concerned about acqui sition of her property by the Agency. Even if her property had. been within the Project Area, however, the Agency has no present plans to ac. quire any property and is more interested in seeing homeowners like Ms. Huffman retain, maintain and improve their own properties. It should also be noted that, after speaking to Mr. Jake Wager, Ms. Huffman indicated a greater understanding of the purposes of redevelopmerit and the intent of both the City Council and the CDDA to revitalize that portion of the proposed Old Town Kern-Pioneer Project Area closest to her residence. Having recei_ved this additiona~ information, Hs. Huffman stated s]he does not fuKther object. [)Ik:S:/,REDVAREA/,otk city obj resp attach a 14