HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/24 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION24 MAR 13 AM 10: 12 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD jAKERS>' IELD C I Y GLLRh HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2024 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 4:00 PM City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor Conference Room B A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 1. Agenda Item Public Statements 2. Non -Agenda Public Statements C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the October 17, 2023, meeting for approval. D. CLOSED SESSION None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS POSTED ON 30)2-g by City Clerk's Office City of Bakersfield by 1. Public Hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Bakersfield to consider the building permit application with proposed alterations to the "Woolworth's Building" listed on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places. The site is located at 1400 19th Street, Bakersfield, California, and owned by W.A. Consulting LLC. G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS None I. NEW BUSINESS None J. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Jennifer, 9. Byers, Economic and �om ,u �ity Development Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner, Economic & Community Development Department at (661) 326-3788. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) if you have a disability and require assistance or reasonable modification in order to participate in this public meeting, please contact the event organizer: Monica Medve at 661-852-7018 or e-mail at mmedve(a)bakersfieldcity us no later than 72 hours before the meeting to make your request. The City will make every effort to meet the expectations of the requestor's preferred modification but reserves the right to propose an alternative reasonable modification. SAEDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\3.19.24 HPC Agenda.dou CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 2023 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 4:00 P.M. at Conference Room B of City Hall North. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: Cathy Butler Mike McCoy Susan Stussy Eileen Diaz Stephen Montgomery Cecelia Griego Monica Medve Gina Robles Joshua Rudnick 1. Agenda Item Public Statements a. None 2. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements a. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the August 1, 2023 meeting. a. Minutes approved with date correction to August 1, 2023: Motion made by Commissioner McCoy; seconded by Chair Stussy; APPROVED: 3-0 (Commissioners Diaz, Montgomery, Absent). CLOSED SESSION: 1. None CORRESPONDENCE: 1. None 4111.11144:11_1;11:IC319 None REPORTS: 1. None OLD BUSINESS: 1. None NEW BUSINESS 1. HPC Goal 4: Public education and encourage historic pride in Bakersfield. a. Principal Planner Griego discussed the upcoming "Third Thursday" event for community outreach by the Commission. Four commissioners are attending with Secretary Robles to assist with setup and cleanup. 2. Presentation by Historic Resources Group (GRF) on survey of sites within historic neighborhoods. Staff recommends receive and file after discussion. a. HRG stated they are moving forward from Phase I of the project (reconnaissance phase) and wrapping up research. They are moving on to Phase II of the project: field documentation. b. HRG stated the field documentation phase consists of field photography, architectural descriptions, etc. as properties appear from the public right of way. Each property is evaluated according to themes in the Historic Context Statement and compared to California regulations. All potentially eligible properties will be documented at this level. c. Property lists and maps were provided to the commission. i. Estimated: Downtown-130 properties, two historic districts, East Bakersfield - 45 properties, Oleander - 65 properties, two historic districts, Westchester - 80 properties, 2 historic districts. 1. Historic properties must have historic significance and maintain architectural integrity. 2. Historic districts must have boundaries and be distinguishable from surrounding areas. COMMISSION STATEMENTS: 1. None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m. by Chair Stussy. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: March 19, 2024 Agenda Section: Public Hearing 7Agenda Item: TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: March 5, 2024 SUBJECT: Public Hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Bakersfield to consider the building permit application with proposed alterations to the "Woolworth's Building" listed on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places. The site is located at 1400 19th Street, Bakersfield, California, and owned by W.A. Consulting LLC. RECOMMENDATION: Statt recommends approval of the building permit for Woolworth's Building restoration project. BACKGROUND: On April 20, 2022, The Woolworth's Building was designated a cultural resource and placed on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places. The property, constructed in 1950, is noted to be designed in the Art Moderne architectural style, with a luncheonette counter. Due to these characteristics, the property was designated having met criteria for a cultural resource per the Bakersfield Municipal code, with the following findings: • The Woolworth's Building, built in 1950 as a department store in the Art Moderne architectural style, with a luncheonette counter, exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's historical, economic, aesthetic, and architectural development; and • The Woolworth's Building luncheonette counter is identified with persons and events significant in national history; and • The Woolworth's Building embodies distinctive characteristics of style, type, period, and method of construction, as a mid-century purpose-built Woolworth's Building that demonstrates the organization and design of the five-and-dime bargain retail store that was popularized by the Woolworth Company and became a common building type and a 20th-century fixture in American downtowns; and • The Downtown Bakersfield Woolworth's Building retains the original luncheonette counter, and this singular physical characteristic represents an established and familiar visual feature of the city. Before a building permit causing an alteration of a designated cultural resource is issued, a public hearing considering proposed alterations is required in Bakersfield Municipal Code (BMC). Per the BMC, the alteration of a designated cultural resource shall not be approved unless the following conditions are found to exist: • The proposed work will not adversely affect the architectural features of the structure, where specified in the designation; nor will the proposed work adversely affect the G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx special character or special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or the relationship and congruity between the subject structure or feature and its neighboring structures and surroundings, where specified in the designation. In the case of the Woolworth's Building, this would mean maintaining the Art Moderne style architecture with associated elements, features and materials; preserving the original luncheonette counter, and overall preserve distinctive characteristics of style, type, period, and method of construction, as a mid-century purpose-built Woolworth's Building. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: W.A. Consulting LLC submitted a building permit for restoration and strategic efforts to preserve a vital piece of Bakersfield's heritage while revitalizing the downtown area. The Woolworth Building, with its last functioning lunch counter in the nation, is a poignant symbol of the Civil Rights Movement. Its Art Moderne architecture is characterized by curving forms, horizontal lines, and minimal ornamentation that mirrors the historical evolution from the Roaring Twenties to the more austere Great Depression era. Key features being preserved include the iconic lunch counter, terrazzo entrances, monumental staircase, and red hollow clay the walls. These elements are key to the architectural style and embody stories and histories integral to the U.S. and our national identity. Previous Ownership. F.W. Woolworth retail stores closed nationwide in 1997. The Bakersfield location transitioned into an antique store on the first floor and basement. The lunch counter continued operation on the main floor. The 2nd floor remained largely vacant, only serving as storage and a small administrative office. The 3rd floor remained completely vacant. Following its closure in November 2021, the building's new owners have been preparing for restoration and construction. Restoration Details. The plans to restore this iconic structure include revitalizing the ground floor and iconic lunch counter, introducing new retail spaces. Furthermore, adding music performance spaces and an event venue in the basement and converting the second and third floors into modern business offices and executive suites for new active and productive uses, when they previously sat vacant and in disrepair. On the exterior, significant efforts are being made to restore the building's storefront windows, awnings, and historic terrazzo the entrances, and essential visual features that define its character and the Art Moderne architectural style that emphasizes curving forms, long horizontal lines, rounded corners, flat roofs, horizontal bands of windows, and smooth walls with no ornamentation. Interior preservation efforts focus on the two monumental staircases with mirrored and wood veneer stairways, terrazzo floorings, hollow clay tile walls, historic lighting and other fixtures, porthole doors, and many of the other essential character defining features. National Standards. The restoration plans, approved by the National Park Service and the California State Historic Preservation Office, adhere strictly to national guidelines for historic preservation. This ensures that every aspect of the building's renovation maintains its historic integrity while accommodating modern uses and updates that respect the history of the site and meet current community needs. Exhibit A includes concept drawings and photos of the restoration plans; full building permit plans can be viewed at: https://repo.bakersfieldcity.us/url/mvvegxsrc4pykycx G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx RESTORATION STANDARDS: The Historic Preservation Commission has adopted the use of The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation to provide guidance in their review of proposed rehabilitation and alterations of historic buildings, standards for restoration projects include the following: 1. A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that interprets the property and its restoration period. 2. Materials and features from the restoration period will be retained and preserved. The removal of materials or alteration of features, spaces and spatial relationships that characterize the period will not be undertaken. 3. Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place and use. Work needed to stabilize, consolidate and conserve materials and features from the restoration period will be physically and visually compatible, identifiable upon close inspection and properly documented for future research. 4. Materials, features, spaces and finishes that characterize other historical periods will be documented prior to their alteration or removal. 5. Distinctive materials, features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize the restoration period will be preserved. 6. Deteriorated features from the restoration period will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture and, where possible, materials. 7. Replacement of missing features from the restoration period will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. A false sense of history will not be created by adding conjectural features, features from other properties, or by combining features that never existed together historically. 8. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. 9. Archeological resources affected by a project will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. 10. Designs that were never executed historically will not be constructed. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Notice of public hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Bakersfield for the proposed alteration to a designated cultural resource was advertised in The Bakersfield Californian on March 8, 2024. The applicant and property owners within 300 feet of the project site were notified on March 5, 2024, by United States Mail of the public hearing in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A - concept drawings and photos of the restoration plans; full building permit plans can be viewed at: https://repo.bakersfieldcity.us/url/mvvegxsrc4pykycx G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx Exhibit A - Restoration Concept Drawings and Photos Fagade m r •IF w OF tgUTNFAf..T LNTPANC G CIpf.6 A%dks LNO4rIt+S I,RIG'Mal FNTP.h%CF IPAN$BY LkU LALI PIC L.VNIh Aft "WOW SIOA IIONr PMdls M F c "Woo"011 rl's -� illr� Mrs tr Arf".Jri.� 1 � i r,�lr_ �r G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx 0 PROPOSED EXTERIOR - CORNER OF 19TH AND CHESTER sxw" Nkmos pa% —mty mep r`[ PROPOSED EXTERIOR - 19TH STREETSCAPE E) G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx PROPOSED EXTERIOR - CORNER OF 19TH AT K rr r existing reference photo vicinity map I -mephoto Vicinity map G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic DevelopmenMistonc PreservationWiC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24\Admin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx Lunch Counter _m �r �n:e�la Jw w W; lf. air', Tr Yr � p•s existing reference photo existing reference photo G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24Wdmin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx Existing Conditions It EID iEA �I Ir O Restored/Preserved Elements and Features Entry and Facade G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24Wdmin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.dou Historic Lunch Counter M�7 . i AbMk TI Original Tile .... I�7- i 1 Monumental Staircase stair no. 1 (west) G:\pin\SHARED\EDCD_Shared\Economic Development\Historic Preservation\HPC Meetings\2024\HPC 3.19.24Wdmin_3.19.24 Woolworth's.docx