HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes. No. 20-11 Copy (Comp Sign 11-0428)RESOLUTION NO. 20-11 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING A REVISED COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN FOR CARMAX PLAZA TO PERMIT THE ADDITION OF A 50-FOOT TALL, 250 SQUARE FOOT PYLON SIGN AND TO ADOPT WALL SIGN STANDARDS FOR THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED CARMAX AUTO DEALERSHIP IN A C-2 (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE DISTRICT AT 6801 AND 6500-6900 (EVEN NUMBERS ONLY) COLONY STREET AND 2201 AND 2221 PANAMA LANE. (FILE NO. 11-0428) WHEREAS, CarMax Auto Superstores filed an application with the City of Bakersfield Planning Department requesting a Revised Comprehensive Sign Plan for CarMax Plaza to permit the addition of a 50-foot tall, 250 square foot pylon sign and to adopt wall sign standards for the newly constructed CarMax auto dealership. The project site is located in a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone district at 6801 and 6500-6900 (even numbers only) Colony Street and 2201 and 2221 Panama Lane as depicted in Exhibit A-1; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, through its Secretary, set THURSDAY, December 15, 2011, at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before them on the proposal, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on said date no testimony was received either in support or opposition of the project; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the above described project is Categorically Exempt from the requirements of CEQA in accordance with Section 15311; and WHEREAS, the facts presented in the staff report, initial study, and evidence received both in writing and by verbal testimony at the above referenced public hearing(s), support the findings contained in this resolution; and WHEREAS, at the above mentioned public hearing(s), the proposal was heard and all facts, testimony and evidence was considered by the Planning Commission, and they made the following findings regarding the proposed project: 1. All required public notices have been given. Hearing notices regarding the proposed project were mailed to the required parties and published in a local newspaper of general circulation 10 days prior to the hearing. 2. The provisions of CEQA and City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures have been followed. Staff determined that the proposed activity is a project and that it is Categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15311 PS -S:\BZA_SPR\Signs\CSP\CarMax\Resolution.doc Page 1 of 2 because it consists of construction or placement of minor structures accessory to existing facilities (signs). 3. The proposed plan meets the intent of the ordinance. The proposed revised comprehensive sign plan will not conflict with the purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: 1. That the above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. That Revised Comprehensive Sign Plan No. 11-0428 is hereby approved as contained in Exhibit A-2. On a motion by Commissioner Kirschenmann, and seconded by Commissioner Tkac, the Planning Commission approved this resolution by the following roll call vote: · AYES: NOES: Commissioner Haddock, Kirschenmann, Lomas, Tkac, Wade None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of December, 2011. DATED: December 15, 2011 Location Map PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Dr. Dean Haddock, Chair Planning Commission Exhibit A-1 A-2 Comprehensive Sign Plan for CarMax Plaza PS -S:\BZA_SPR\Signs\CSP\CarMax\Resolution.doc Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A-1 LOCATION MAP ~ ~\ (") :c REVISED COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 11-0428 -ZONING CARMAX PLAZA MH P.C.D. R-1 R-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 PANAMALN 24 P.U.D. 1 ( P.U.D. I A 25 GREENLAWN CEMETARY ~ >-z g 0 (..) [ __________ )( ~ )( " tO tO tO tO (/) -z_ P.U.D. -I ~ R-1 -n -n z z -<. -<. :I: Cf) R-1 -~-ARVIN-EDISON CANAL N z. l> I'"'." [:] R C-2 0 I I 200 400 I Feet I T30S, R27E 4oso4 EXHIBIT A-2 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN FOR CARMAX PLAZA CARMAX PLAZA COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN NO. 11-0428 DECEMBER 15, 2011 INTRODUCTION: This sign criteria is prepared as a guide for the design and approval of tenant signage within the CarMax Plaza project generally located along the east and west sides of Colony Street, south of Panama Lane, in southeast Bakersfield. PROJECT INFORMATION: A. Project: CarMax Plaza 2201 and 2221 Panama Lane 6801 and 6500-6900 (even numbers only) Colony Street Bakersfield, California B. Landlord: Steinert Investments 3939 Bernard Street, Suite 1 Bakersfield, California 93306 Telephone: (661) 872-5545 Facsimile: (661) 872-8109 C. Code: Bakersfield Municipal Code/Title 17 Zoning Chapter 17.60 C-2 Zone Classification GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: SIGNS: A. Prior to sign construction or fabrication, signed landlord approved sign drawings of all proposed signs must be submitted to the City of Bakersfield for review, approval and permit. Only after a sign permit has been obtained from the City Building Department shall fabrication or installation occur. B. Design, layout and materials for tenant signs shall conform in all respects with the sign design drawings approved for permit. The maximum height for letters and overall length of the sign shall be as indicated in these documents. Projections above the "net sign area" will not be permitted. C. Freestanding signs (monument and pylon) shall be as indicated on Exhibit A. D. Monument signs shall be located a minimum distance of 10 feet from established or proposed driveways and not such that they obstruct free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators. They shall be so located that they do not encroach on any public right-of-way, and are at least 25 feet from any adjoining interior property lines and at least SO feet from any other freestanding (including monument) sign. Allowable signs (number and dimensions) prohibited signs, and miscellaneous signs (See matrix). COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN NO. 11-0428 CARMAX PLAZA Tenants: Drive-Thro Restaurant (DTR) (Parcel 1) Automotive Supply (AS) (Parcel 2) Vacant (Parcel 3) Vacant (Parcel 4) CarMax (Parcel 5 Wall DTR -Parcel 1 and AS-Parcel 2 Page 1 One -Panama Lane Colony St. -Per C-2 standards. All elevations Same as C-2 zone sign ordinance 3 each parcel Street Elevations: 1 sq. ft. of signage per linear foot of building elevation upon which the sign is located. Non-street elevations: 0.5 sq. ft. of signage per linear foot of building elevation upon which the sign is located. 25 ft. Parcel 1 {DTR) - (Only on three elevations) Parcel 2 (AS)- (no signs on east elevation). Shall comply with C-1 sign standards. Length of sign shall not exceed 70% of tenants lease frontage. Page 2 '\ I , I ' / ~-- _ _,_C;.._ PANAMA -Lt'\NE I PARCEL 1--~ flLA ¥339) NOTE: SIGN DESIGNATIONS (eg. 8.3b} REFER TO THE PARAGRAPH HEAD I '◄G FOR THE SPECIFIC SIGN DESCRl~TION, FOUND IN SECTION V. TENANTS ~ND SIGN SPECIFICATIONS. /P 7 9 I T TPlz l I {LO B , ? .,, ~ [ : c::::> :..UNBER 5TOR.:.5E C O\,JPREI-IF>JS I \7 E. :--~ORTh PLOTT I ~-~G O,; TE: 06/28/9..: For freestanding signs on Parcel 5, see Site Plan for 6801 Colony Street ~PARCEL 2 \ (LLA 1339) ! .•,'E TEN I I~:, 8~5/.', I I ./ I ~1)---------------Jt£..~ I -~ff, SRIAAYHOSPITmlY,INC. t~I / AP/t5~= ~./ / l.U.N0.246 I I I h :~ I I I I' : I lit l I 11; l i • OFFSITE n I I ii( I ~ :!I l \ ~Iii I\ !iiw>::_ ... u I I;; u \ \ \ I ; "1 \ I i I I I : ~ I ! I I I II I n ! ~, •md I hi I IPI II l I I I 11, I : n iJ 11, II i ! I 1'1'/ i ~ j I 1 , I I l II I 11 : 1 I I ! 1r,+rt--------7 11 I I , iii: I 1 1 ff l :..,~, I I I I: ~~b I 11 u I ,;; I ']' I HI I " r '-;!;-;!;=L' I • I I I I • 1 • j I I f -----------. tJ.u-f ,L _________ , _ _ , ____ r________ I ' ,, II AA\WEDISOIICNW. 6801 Colony Street GD 5' X 20' FACE REPLACEMENT FOR EXISTING PYLON SIGN e 50' TALL D/F ILLUMINATED PYLON SIGN e 8' TALL 32sf D/F ILLUMINATED MONUMENT SIGN N EB SCALE: 1"= 100'-0" O' 50' 100' 200' U'>I 28'_-1-3L8" ~ , CARmax ___ EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CABINET PAINTED CARMAX BLUE, GLOSS FINISH. FLEXIBLE FACE WITH TRANSWCENT VINYL GRAPHICS: 'CAR' AND 'DASHES' & BOTTOM BAND -TRANSWCENT YELLOW 3M 3630-015 co ----'MAX' TO REMAIN WHITE BACKGROUND-TRANSLUCENT VINYL 3M 3630-137 EUROPEAN BLUE I 240 SQ. FT. TOTAL ----------VERIFY STAGED STEEL- ENGINEERING REQUIRED 0/F INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED PYLON SIGN 1/16"=1'-0" (1) REQUIRED 6801 Colony Street 3'-0 1/4" H END VIEW e A.3 PANEL A -----• ( 1 00 s f ) CarMax 8.3a PANEL 8 --·--• (93.4 sf) Store 8 Tenont"A C.3b PANEL C--•--• (46.5 sf) Parcel 2 (Al ternote identification on Ponomo Lone •-----Store 8 Tenant 8 (opt ionol) TOTAL SIGN AREA: not to exceed 240 st Note: The tenant occupying Parcel 2 may be allowed to tlnve identification copy at Panel B stlould tenants occupying Store [3 decline to utilize tlrn panel and provided no other freestanding sign is permitted for Parcel 2 on Panama Lnne. Parcel 2 is not permitted identification on tt1is sign ii identified on the freeway oriented pylon sign. EXISTING FREESTf\NDING SIGN southeast corner of Panama Lane & Colony Street Juno 2, 199-l E ::J E X 0 E 0 OC) -0 lO .-- .. -... ... ... - MONUMENT SIGN Panama Lane & Color.1 Street , . • • - Point frame to match existing freestanding sign Sig 32 max n area: S.F. ,mum - June 2, 1994 Par c e I 1 Ten an t --~ _:-· . ---· --... ---·· l Maximum area: 2 3 4 . 5 S . F . ( 6 74:: o f total si9n area). ---TJ --------- Pa ~ c e I 2 Ten an· t -[-=-• -... ] Maximum area: 1 1 5 . 5 S . F . ( .33% o f t o t a I s i g n a r ~ a ) . , '-= ."J w Point pole to match e~isting freest·onding----• sign 0 0 ! _______ ...__ ... ______ ----. SI Gi'--J ,.\REA: FREE\VAY ORIENTED PYLON SIGN State Route 99 June 2, 1994