HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.17.24 WB Agenda Packet Special MtgBAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF5-awlet(lij Ve#e,,v WATER BOARD Bob Smith, Chair Bruce Freeman Andrae Gonzales CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 9:00 a.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA l . CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Agenda Item Public Statements B. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 4. MINUTES A. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Water Board Meeting of February 21, 2024 - For Board Review and Action 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT 6. REPORTS A. Water Resources Monthly Report - March 2024 - For Board Information B. Update on Maintenance Activities - Receive and File Report C. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information D. Water Conservation Presentation - For Board Information Water Board Agenda April 17, 2024 E. Water Availability Fee comparison update - For Board Information 7. HEARINGS 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Update on O&M Agreement No. 92-250 with California Water Service Co., to increase in the amount of 3.7% for 2024 (starting with January 2024) year, increasing annual costs by an estimated $331,303. 9. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 10. CLOSED SESSION 11. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 12. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: April 12, 2024 w ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELDTHE SO U PJD OF WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Minutes ITEM: 4. A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEADu DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Approval of the Minutes of the Special Water Board Meeting of February 21, 2024. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Special Water Board Meeting of February 21, 2024. BACKGROUND: BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF 5aQeglkf "6e#ey MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. Water Resources Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93311 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Smith, Member Freeman, Absent: Member Gonzales 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS — Non -agenda item: Dennis Fox spoke briefly regarding a northern California reservoir issue. 4. MINUTES A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 16, 2023. Motion by Member Freeman to approve the Minutes of August 16, 2023. APPROVED WITH MEMBER GONZALES ABSENT 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - None 6. REPORTS A. Water Resources Monthly Report — December 2023 Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director, displayed Water Resources Monthly Newsletter on the conference room screen. Ms. Budak highlighted work completed by Water Resources staff on the Carrier Canal, Mill Creek annual maintenance, Engineering division projects, and Domestic division conservation numbers. Member Freeman asked for clarification on the domestic water graphs and requested more data regarding per capita, showing growth, and problem areas. Bakersfield, California, February 21, 2024 — Page 2 REPORTS (continued) B. 2023 Kern River Recap and 2024 Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report Solomon Sackett, Water Planner, and Joshua Tristian, Engineering Technician, presented on behalf of Hydrographic Supervisor, Miguel Chavez who was unable to attend. Mr. Sackett covered two comparisons for 2023 water year runoff and impact for the City of Bakersfield. Displaying graphs on the screen, first comparison of last year's historic water -year and 4 other wettest water years dating back to 1894. Last year resulted in the fourth wettest year on record with a total runoff from October 2022 to September 2023 of approximately 2.3 million acre feet (acft) or 320% of the historical average with 100% average runoff which is approximately 740,000 acft. The second comparison was shared of the last 5 years which showed going into water year 2022-2023 the prior three years were dry including the second driest year on record in 2020- 2021. Displaying a third graph, Mr. Sackett explained the impact to the City of Bakersfield to have a historic water year. During water year 2022-2023, the city accrued approximately 491,000 acft, the most ever for the city since its acquisition of Kern River rights in 1976. A large majority of city water was utilized for ground water recharge. Approximately 43% of the city's supply was recharged either in the Kern River or in the City's 2800 Acres. In addition, the City recharged 13,000 acft in City facilities such as Park at Riverwalk, Truxtun Lake and Aera Park. The City also delivered 12,000 acft of water to treatment plants, sold 186,000 acft of water to long term contractors and carried over approximately 53,000 acft into the winter season. Mr. Tristian explained the status of the watershed and current Kern River operations. The first graph representing the watershed is a graph of eight - sensor index for the year as well as last year's snow sensor index. Included in the graph was the wettest year on record 1982-1983 with 339% April -July period and last year's 2022-2023 with a 344% April -July. Also shown on the chart was 100% of April -July average, the driest year on record 2014-2015 with 13%, and 2023-2024. Started out the year below average with minimal snow activity. January saw storms but the pattern was still trending towards a dry year. February has boosted the outlook for the year as atmospheric rivers have made an impact on the watershed. An early February storm increased snow water content by almost 5 inches. Shortly after the storm, DWR released its Bulletin 120 report and are forecasting 89% normal runoff for the April -July period. Since that last report, another storm has increased snow water content by 2 inches. DWR will be publishing their next report in 2 Y2weeks. Mr. Tristan displayed a second graph representing Kern River and Isabella Reservoir operations for water year 2023-2024. The water year starts in October 2023 and ends September 2024. Included in the chart was the gross capacity of Lake Isabella of 589,075 acft and outflow form Lake Isabella of 413 CFS. The start of the water year has shown above normal runoff operations due to some of the high -altitude snow form last year has Bakersfield, California, February 21, 2024 — Page 3 REPORTS (continued) kept the Kern River Inflow above the historical average. Current inflow to Isabella is 1,741 CFS and storage level at Isabella is 223,111 acft. As the snow starts to melt and irrigation demands increase, we anticipate seeing an increase to all three components. Chairman Smith inquired to the frequency of DWR's Bulletin 120 release, to which staff responded. Motion by Member Freeman to Receive and File Report. APPROVED WITH MEMBER GONZALES ABSENT C. Report on Turf Replacement Daniel Maldonado, Water Resources Assistant Director, stated 2022 was the third consecutive dry year. June 2022, Governor Newsome issued an executive order prohibiting the watering of non-functional turf in commercial, industrial, and government sites. As a result, the City of Bakersfield expanded its existing residential turf replacement rebate program to include commercial and industrial customers. Mr. Maldonado highlighted turf replacement projects; Rosedale Hwy project, Stockdale Hwy project, and Water Resources Building project. Completed Parks and Recreation Rosedale Hwy project removed 44,000 square feet (sq ft) of turf and replaced it with drought tolerant landscape. Completed Parks and Recreation Stockdale Hwy project of 8 select medians along Stockdale Hwy removed 9,352 sq ft of turf and replaced it with drought tolerant landscape. Member Freeman inquired about future maintenance. Staff informed the board members Parks and Recreation would continue to maintain the medians. The current Water Resources Building project will remove 28,500 sq ft of non-functional turf and replace it will drought tolerant landscape. The goal of Water Resources is to show multiple designs of xeriscape and drought tolerant landscapes and utilize as an educational tool for the public. Member Freeman inquired about the funding of the project, to which Mr. Maldonado responded the project would be funded by Water Resources operations budget, rebates, and ARPA grant funds. In addition to the landscape around the Water Resources building, Parks and Recreation identified 89,000 sq ft of medians in the surrounding area to include in the project as well. Projects are designed to promote drought tolerant landscapes to residents and businesses in hopes they will take advantage of rebate programs being offered. Anticipated completion date is Spring 2024. Motion by Member Freeman to Receive and File Report. APPROVED WITH MEMBER GONZALES ABSENT 7. HEARINGS — None Bakersfield, California, February 21, 2024 — Page 4 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution setting Domestic Water Availability Fee for service areas of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water system Daniel Maldonado, Assistant Water Resources Director, presented a proposed resolution to increase the Water Availability Fee within the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water system. Mr. Maldonado explained that Water Availability Fees are a one-time fee charged to new connections to pay for their proportional share water service facilities that are a requirement to enable the continued growth and development of areas serviced by the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water system. Fees are used to compensate the City for the expense incurred in furnishing source, storage and water distribution facilities, and related capital project expenses. Mr. Madonado shared the fee's history which began in 1982 with the basis of the fee recalculated in 2006 and has since been escalated utilizing the Engineering News Report Annual Construction Cost Index for the Los Angeles region in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15.84.030. The latest increase was approved by the City Council in October 2021. Referencing Exhibit A of the draft resolution, Mr. Maldonado explained how the fee was calculated. The current Water Availability Fee is $6,543 per gross acre. The new proposed free to be set at $7,334 per gross acre which is a 12.09% increase. Staff requests the Water Board approve the resolution to be forwarded to the full City Council for adoption at the public hearing scheduled on March 27, 2024. Member Freeman confirmed usage of the Los Angeles cost index not actual costs in the calculation of the new fee and asked for clarification to which growth projects are paid with Water Availability Fees. Mr. Maldonado, with the assistance of Tylor Hester, Domestic Water Superintendent, explained the types of projects included. Member Freeman asked for a comparison of similar cites nearby to see how the City compares in cost prior to going before the full City Council. Motion by Member Freeman to approve the resolution be forwarded to the full City Council for adoption at the public hearing scheduled on March 27,, 2024. APPROVED WITH MEMBER GONZALES ABSENT B. Proposed 2024 Water Board Meeting Calendar Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director, reviewed proposed calendar of six total meetings, every other month of 2024. Ms. Budak also indicated that Member Gonzales had expressed a desire to have the meetings at noon instead of 10 a.m. Chairman Smith and Member Freeman agreed to the change of time. Motion by Member Freeman to approve the 2024 Water Board Meeting Calendar with the changes discussed APPROVED WITH CHANGES AS DISCUSSED. 9. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS — None Bakersfield, California, February 21, 2024 — Page 5 10. CLOSED SESSION — None 11. CLOSED SESSION ACTION — None 12. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 10:42 a.m. Bob Smith, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Kimberly Aleman, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board .ram �W ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELDT HE SO U ND OP WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED *ajOL FRO M: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Water Resources Monthly Report - March 2024 RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: Monthly overview of the Water Resources Department and divisions within the department. WATER Aq E 51PLUTOC E 5 MARCH 2024 ADMINISTRATIVE HIGHLIGHTS Mar. 7th - Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency Regular meeting was cancelled. Mar. 7th - Water Resources Staff attended annual Water Association of Kern County Water Summit. Mar. 8th - Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency Special meeting was held at Water Resources. Mar. llth - Water Resources welcomed Jeff Garnett, Domestic Water Supervisor, to the department. Mar. 26th - Canal Tender II Oral Interviews were conducted at CHN. Aerial photo of the Beardsley River Weir and Beardsley Canal on March 3, Water Resources Water Conservation Notices Delivered to City of Bakersfield water purveying residents: 2 notices issued in March for watering outdoor landscapes during or within 48 hours of rainfall. March 2024 The graphs below show the City's Domestic Service Area water usage and its monthly percentage reduction, for the past 12 months, by gallons per capita, as compared to the same period in 2020. Metered Percent Savings by Month Per Capita 35% 30 3Mo 25% 23% 21% .2t?"io 19% C7 1 S`/o 15% 15p�� 14% �-- 9 % z Cr W 6% a 5VO 0% Apr'22 May'22June'22 July'22 Aug'22 Sept'22 Oct'22 Nou'22 Dec'22 J . 3 Feb'23 Mar'23 -5% -1D% AGRICULTURE • Mar. 1 -outflow 412 cfs. • Mar. 31 -outflow 760 cfs. • Cal Water Treatment Plants completed maintenance. North East Treatment Plant back on March 12th, and the North West Treatment Plant back on March 26th. • ID4 Treatment Plant is operational. • Kern Delta was operating 2 canals: Kern Island and East Side. • On March 10th North Kern started running water in the Beardsley Canal. • City delivered water to Truxtun Lakes and Park at River Walk via the Carrier Canal. • On March 26th the River Canal started delivering water to the Kern Water Bank Pipeline. • The Olcese's wells came on March 26th, but only Olcese 4, 5, 7, 8 were operational and only ran for four days. • 12 -Basins were maintained • Maintenance at 2800 Acres continued throughout the month. • Crews continued pumping at Basins 212 and 157. • On March 18th stolen fencing from Basin 381 was recovered. Estimate value was $167000* • Future well sites for CBK 61 and CBK 68 were maintained. • On March 21st Clean up began around Truxtun Lakes • On March 25th Wilson Ditch clean up began. ;;.,.�..� SAKES?! W Water Resources Kern Riuer Estimated Operations for March Kern River Computed Natural Flow at 1st Point of Measurement: 71,435 AC -FT Kern River Regulated at 1st Point of Measurement: 38,358 AC -FT Hyd rog ra p h i cs conducted weekly stream flow measurements at 1st Point. Conduit was fulfilled on March 8th and On Demand operations began on March 9th. Lake Isabella recorded a total of 1.03 inches of precipitation in the month of March which is 67% of the monthly average. Department of Water Resources B-120 report estimated 94% of average April - July runoff as of March 8th. Kern River saw a peak outflow of 880 cfs on March 26th. Kern River saw a peak inflow of 1,613 cfs, on March 24th. Kern County Water Agency began groundwater recovery operations on March 26th. March 2024 ■ oft W ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. B. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEAD u�k DATE: April 12, 2024 SU BJ ECT: Update on Maintenance Activities RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file report BACKGROUND: Water Resources staff will update the Water Board with a presentation of recent maintenance activities performed by the department. d Pft W ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELD,�e* WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. C. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report RECOMMENDATION: For board information. DEPARTMENT HEAD BACKGROUND: Report on current Kern River flow and Isabella storage conditions. I --I co < C* w rb vQ z 0 C-4 Lli C; Ca cl� .j C14 E CL ui D M W O 0 D C4 < 00 ui x C:) CN -7:) moo w 0 U) � uj c.,i z :3 CL ELJL Uj 0 U) :3! u <:JC 0 z U - Z W U) u -T Cz W 0 3: cp 0 Q� < LLJ Lij U) ui > (Z -7,1 LL- C', a C,4 C) 04 FY) Lrl (SB4:)Ul) ZU91UO:) J91eAA CN oq-� 14- L-C ce LLJ z 9= LU hid SAO (D O I LJ 0 C) C) C) I-0 CN lj-) t9l CN J-) CN ryl) co CN R r--, <-� in a— N o U6 (N jj -IV - UOIIDA013 Q� C4 C4 C4 rY 0 V) RV ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELD HE SO U ND OF,�a..�,WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. D. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Water Conservation Presentation RECOMMENDATION: For the Water Board's informational awareness BACKGROUND: This Water Conservation presentation focuses on two legislative initiatives: (1) Making Conservation a California Way of Life (SB 606 and AB 1668), and (2) AB 1572. Initiative Number One concerns those reductions City will be expected to accomplish and enforce. Initiative Number Two requires certain property owners to stop irrigating nonfunctional turf with potable water within applicable time frames. This presentation will provide an overview of the above, including the origins of the legislation, its effects, and how City complies with the same. d oft W ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELDI HE SO U ND OF 5a404141 -PAot WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. E. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Water Availability Fee comparison update RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: At the February 21, 2024, Special Water Board Meeting, WR staff presented a proposal to increase the Water Department's Water Availability Fee. At this time, the Water Board requested additional information on how the proposed increase to the City's Water Availability Fee compared to comparable cities and other water purveyors within the City of Bakersfield. Staff has prepared a memorandum with the requested information. BAKERSFIELD THE souNo of 5a44kf Ve#t MEMORANDUM March 5, 2024 TO: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director FROM: Daniel R Maldonado, Assistant Water Resources Director Z�Ili�W SUBJECT: 2024 Proposed Water Availability Fee Increase This memo is to provide background information requested by the Water Board during the February 21, 2024, Special Board Meeting. The Water Availability Fee, calculated per the Municipal Code using the Construction Cost Index for Los Angeles, CA, is being proposed to increase from $6,543.00 per gross acre to $7,334.00. Historically for the City's domestic water system, the department assumes four (4) residential homes per gross acre. Using this assumption, the City's per 1-inch meter rate is $1,833.50. The Water Board requested information on how the City's rate compared to both local water districts and comparable cities, which is provided below. Local Water Purveyors Within Bakersfield, there are a number of local water purveyors that serve Bakersfield Residents. City staff has inquired with five local water purveyors about their water connection or availability fee using the City's standard 1-inch connection. These numbers are shown below: Local Purveyor 1-inch Connection Fee City of Bakersfield $ 12834 Oildale Mutual $ 41500 Cal Water $ 51500 Vaugh Waer $ 5,638 Greenfield $ 61876 East Niles CSD 7$ 13,330 Five (5) P u rve yo r A vg. $ 7,169 The average cost for the five wafer purveyors' wafer availability fee averages $7,169 per meter. The City's proposed wafer availability fee is $5,335 less per 1-inch meter than other local wafer purveyors. Comparable Cities The Wafer Department also investigated wafer availability fees in comparable cities within California. The data collected was wafer availability fees or connection fees for a standard 1-inch connection. The values are shown below. Comparable Cities 1-inch Connection Fee City of Bakersfield $ 11834 City of Fresno $ 51786 City of Clovis $ 61748 City of Stockton $ 41901 City of Sacramento $ 61103 City of Modesto $ 51054 Five (5) Comp. CityAvg. $ 5.1718 Conclusion The City's Water Availability Fee has not increased since 2021. With the proposed water availability fees, the new gross per acre charge will be $7,334. Using the methodology that four (4) residential homes would be constructed per gross acre, the actual per meter charge will be $1,833.50. When compared to both local water purveyors and comparable cities, the City's Water Availability fees are the least costly for developers. W ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELD'THE SOUND WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: April 17, 2024 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 8. A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Bruce Freeman, Member Andrae Gonzales, Member APPROVED FROM: Kristina Budak, Water Resources Director DEPARTMENT HEAD 41ajU- DATE: April 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Update on O&M Agreement No. 92-250 with California Water Service Co., to increase in the amount of 3.7% for 2024 (starting with January 2024) year, increasing annual costs by an estimated $331,303. RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: On November 4, 1992, the City entered into Agreement No. 92-250 with California Water Service Co. (CWS) whereby CWS would operate and maintain the City's water system in exchange for a set rate paid on each active City water connection. As allowed under terms of the agreement, CWS may request annual increases to this rate. The recent annual CWS increases are as follows. YEAR Cost $/meter % Increase Reference CPI, January Los Angeles Area over last 12 months 2014 $12.38 2015 $12.38 0.00% -0.1 2016 $12.60. 1.80% 3.10% 2017 $12.86 2.10% 2.10% 2018 $12.86 0.00% 3.50% 2019 $13.26 3.10% 3.20% 2020 $13.64 2.90% 3.00% 2021 $13.91 2.00% 1.50% 2022 $14.47 4.00% 6.60% 2023 $15.09 4.30% 4.90% 2024 $15.63 3.60% 3.50% d ADMINISTRATIVE K�r%JKT BAKERSFIELD W M � THE SOUND OF,�wte#jkf '6�* V WATER BOARD CWS and the City have been in discussions to negotiate a rate adjustment to be effective for Calendar Year 2024, retroactive to January 2024. In March 2024, CWS requested a proposed rate increase of 3.6% to the monthly fee per service connection. Upon review, the rate increase was reasonable and consistent with the terms of the agreement, in which the City accepted. The City and Cal Water also agreed the new rate will go into effect in March of each subsequent year to reduce retroactive billing. CWS currently maintains approximately 51,127 active water connections within the City's Domestic Water Service Area. This rate adjustment would increase annual O&M costs paid to CWS by approximately $331,303. These rate increases were factored and incorporated into the Department's domestic water rate study. ",+ CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE Bakersfield District 3725 South H Street A7rE�, SE�J�4� Bakersfield, CA 93304 reL (661) 837-7200 March 22, 2024 Kristina Budak City Of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Kris: This letter represents California Water Service Company's (CWS) 2024 request for a per service connection fee increase of 3.6% over the 2023 rate between CWS and the City of Bakersfield (City). Effective January 1, 2024, the fee will increase from $15-09 to $15.63 per service connection per month. As verbally agreed, effective in 2025, Cal Water and the Cityhave agreed g to change the annual increase effective date to March 1St going forward. We appreciate and value our longstanding relationship with the City of Bakersfield . Should you have any questions or require any additional information regarding g ng this request, please call me or contact me by e-mail. To confirm our agreement with the fee for 2024 of $15.63 per service connectio n on per month retroactive to January 1, 2024, and to confirm that we agree to change the g g annual increase effective date for 2025 and going forward, please sign below and email me copy of this signed letter. Sincerely, &%aAAA.-, Tamara Johnson District Manager Acknowledged by: Kristina Budak, Director of Water Resources cc: Henry Wind, Mike Mares, and Tom Scanlon Quality. Service. Value. calwater.com