HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/24 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION POSTED ON 5 h li 17-4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD by City Clerk's Office City of HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Bakersfield by MEETING OF MAY 21, 2024 -Aft- AGENDA Ul REGULAR MEETING 4:00 PM City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor Conference Room B A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 1. Agenda Item Public Statements 2. Non-Agenda Public Statements C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the March 19, 2024, meeting for approval. D. CLOSED SESSION None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS None 1. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation to Susan Stussy for 21 years of service on the City of Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Selection of Historic Preservation Commission Chair and Vice-Chair. Recommendation: To be determined by a Group Vote of the Commission for each appointment. 3. Selection of Historic Preservation Commission committee members., a. Ordinance and Bylaws Committee b. Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee c. Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act Recommendation:To be determined by a Group Vote of the Commission. 4. Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Goals Recommendation: Review and discuss goals. J. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, L Je n n ife(r"M,,"Byers, Economic and Com unity,(Developmenf'Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner; Economic&Community Development Department at(661)326-3788. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) if you have a disability and require assistance or reasonable modification in order to participate in this public meeting, please contact the event organizer: Monica Medve at 661-852-7018 or e-mail at iLTnLril_q,dv,e(qlbalee.r.s.6.ieldc it,LLis 2 no later than 72 hours before the meeting to make your request. The City will make every effort to meet the expectations of the requestor's preferred modification but reserves the right to propose an alternative reasonable modification. SAEDCD­ShareMEconorn1c DevelopmanMistodc Preservation\HPC Meetirt9s120241HPG 319.2413.19.24 HPC Agenda.docx CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 19,2024 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 4:00 P.M. at Conference Room 8 of City Hall North. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Butler Eileen Diaz Mike McCoy Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer M. Byers Cecelia Griego Martin Ledezma Monica Medve Gina Robles Joshua Rudnick PUBLIC STATEMENTS: 1. Agenda Item Public Statements a. None 2. Non-Agenda Item Public Statements a. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the October 17,2023 meeting. a. Minutes approved: Motion made by Commissioner Montgomery to accept;seconded by Commissioner McCoy; APPROVED:5-0. CLOSED SESSION: 1. None CORRESPONDENCE: 1. None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Chair Stussy opened the public hearing at 4:04 PM. a. Principal Planner Griego presented the staff report for the Woolworth's Building with a staff recommendation to approve the building permit for the Woolworth's Building restoration project. Principal Planner Griego explained when a building permit causes alteration to a designated culture resource, it is required to be heard before this Commission to ensure historic features as specified in the designation are preserved. b. Chair Stussy requested for those in opposition of staff's recommendation to speak; no one spoke. c. Chair Stussy requested for those in favor of staff's recommendation to speak. Daniel Cater, architect, and building owners Emily Waite and Sherrod Waite spoke in favor of the project. d. Commissioner McCoy inquired about the mixed-use component for the building.The owners and architect explained this is referenced on page 20 of the plans. The project includes preservation of the monumental staircase, sound practice rooms, recording studio, Moneywise offices on the second floor, practice rooms, and a bar. The first floor is a half lunch counter, half retail store. it is anticipated outdoor seating will be added, with additional offices and conference rooms on the second floor.The third floor is envisioned to be executive suites with potential residential living with rooftop access; four main businesses to run out of this building: a music store, a music event space, the Woolworth's lunch counter, and Moneywise. e. A member of the public spoke in favor of the project and is thankful the historic nature of the building is being preserved. f. Commissioner McCoy spoke in favor of the project. g. Commissioner Buter expressed concerns about the proposed outdoor seating. Mr. Cater explained the sidewalk setbacks and why outdoor seating would be possible, h. Commissioner Diaz inquired how the lunch counter would be preserved in the future.Mr.Waite explained that they are in the process of being added to the National Register of Historic Places and this project is their love letter to the city;they intend for the lunch counter to be present always.Principal Planner Griego explained as part of the designation process, records like the lunch counter would be recorded on title which would stay with the property for preservation even if the owners change. i. Mr. Cater spoke on the scale of the restoration being undertaken and compared this building to others in the Downtown Corridor, including the Sill Building. Mr. Waite explained the elevator is being replaced with a preserved shaft and alley access will remain. j. Commissioner Montgomery spoke in support of art moderne architecture. k. Commissioner Stussy closed the public hearing at 4:37 PM. I. Motion by Commissioner Montgomery to approve the proposed alterations for this project; seconded by Commissioner Buter; APPROVED 5-0. REPORTS: 1. None OLD BUSINESS: 1. None NEW BUSINESS 1. None COMMISSION STATEMENTS: 1. Commissioner Butler spoke in support of the terrazzo the preservation in the Woolworth's restoration project and commented it would be great to see all the art in the Downtown Corridor tied together with neon signs upon entering the area. 2. Commissioner McCoy spoke about a historic 150-year-old home that was recently relocated to the Kern County Museum; it is being converted to an Italian kitchen, children's garden, and wine bar. 3. Commissioner McCoy commented that the Kern County Museum now has 40 neon signs with 3 more in storage. 4. Commissioner Montgomery spoke about the importance of improved security in preserving historic properties due to recent fires in the Downtown corridor. a. A member of the public spoke about preserving arts and culture Downtown. b. Commissioner Butler spoke about security efforts by the Downtown Business Association in the Downtown Corridor. 5. Chair Stussy inquired about a status on the Historic Context Statement. a. Principal Planner Griego explained the contractor's contract has been extended to September 2024 and more information and reports are upcoming. 6. Chair Stussy inquired if the walking tour brochure is being reprinted. a. Principal Planner Griego explained this is upcoming in the next fiscal year and a few updates are being made to the brochures before printing. b. Commissioner Stussy requested more brochures be printed. 7. Commissioner Montgomery commented he is working with Robert McCoy and archiving his life's work at the university. Plans are being digitized by California State University Bakersfield. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m. by Chair Stussy. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: May 21, 2024 Agenda Section: New Business I Agenda Item: 1. 3. TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic & Community Development Department DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Selection of Historic Preservation Commission committee members: a. Ordinance and Bylaws Committee b. Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee c. Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act RECOMMENDATION. To be determined by Commission: Group Vote. Comment: Action requires a motion to select candidates and approval of the entire Commission. BACKGROUND At the November 19, 2019, Historic Preservation Commission meeting, the Commission requested the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee on the Mills Act. The Ad Hoc Committee on the Mills Act will provide guidance on the formation of a Mills Act program and gather community support from eligible property owners. Due to the requirements of the Brown Act, selection and action on forming the Ad Hoc Committee was delayed until it could be placed on a later agenda for consideration. Section 5 of the By-laws of the Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission includes two "Standing" committees to review ongoing issues. The standing committees have the following duties. 1. CULTURAL RESOURCE AND ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE • The Committee shall review cultural resource inventory surveys and issues pertaining to non-designated properties. • The Committee shall review and investigate any building, structure or physical object in the City which is under consideration as a designated cultural resource or historic district. • The Committee shall also review demolition requests as they pertain to designated cultural resources and historic districts. • The Committee shall render advice and guidance, upon request of property owner or occupant, on the restoration, alteration, decoration, landscaping or maintenance of any eligible property. • The Committee shall also develop guidelines for interpretation and preservation of the architecture for a designated historic district or cultural resource. • The Committee shall also review permit-required actions to designated cultural resources and historic districts as stipulated in the historic district or cultural resource architectural review guidelines. 2. ORDINANCE AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE • The Committee shall review and recommend amendments to the Municipal Code Section 15.72 (Historical Preservation). • The Committee shall develop, monitor and amend bylaws of the Commission. S:\EDCQ_Shared\Econorrk DevelopmentVistoric Preservation\HPC MeefingsN202AWC 5.21.24\2.18.20 Historic Preservation ComrrtHtees.docx ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: May 21, 2024 1 Agenda Section: New Business I Agenda Item: 1. 4. TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic & Community Development Department DATE: May 13, 2024 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Goals: HPC review of the FY 24-25 Goals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends review and discussion of FY 24-25 Goals. BACKGROUND In preparation of Fiscal Year 24-25 attached are updated draft goals for the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to help guide HPC activities for the upcoming year and to identify action items in implementing the HPC's goals and objectives. Staff are requesting the HPC to review the goals and discuss any changes. Included in these goals are accomplishments made from fiscal year 2023-2024. ATTACHMENTS• 0 Draft Fiscal Year 24-25 Goals S.\EDCQ-Shared\Economic Development\Hlstok Preservatlon\HPC Meet!n9s\2024\HPC 5.21.24\Admin HPC Goals,docx I- ---I CITY OF BAKE RSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION HOW= COMMISS10N Mpfflum Draft Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Goals Per the City's Municipal Code, the object of this Commission is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by providing for the identification, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improvements of buildings, structures, signs, objects, features, sites, places and areas within Bakersfield that reflect special elements of the City's architectural, artistic, cultural, engineering, aesthetic, historical, political, social and other heritage. Each of the following goals and action items align with Commission purpose and objectives as stated in the Municipal Code. Goal 1: Establish a Mills Act Program Actions: • Develop a Mills act program, per California Government Code, for historically designated properties • Create program materials (application, agreement, guidelines, brochure) about the City's Mills Act program • Recommend to City Council Legislative and Litigation Committee for consideration Goal 2: Preserve Historic Neon Signs Actions: • Consult With City Planning Department regarding sign ordinance • Develop criteria on what is considered a historic neon sign • Develop parameters to create two historic sign districts in the City of Bakersfield-Downtown and Old Town Kern • Promote incentives for the re-creation or preservation of historic neon signs Goal 3: Conduct New and Update Neighborhood Surveys Actions: • Research areas where 70%of homes are over 50 years old • Pursue grant funding for neighborhood surveys • Conduct neighborhood surveys per established guidelines Partner with BHS Driller Service Academy to assist in the update of neighborhood surveys Page 1 Goal 4: Public Education and Encourage Historic Pride In Bakersfield Actions: • Attend community events to educate the community about the City's historical resources and properties • Partner with Kern Historical Society and Kern County Museum in organizing walking tours of historical sites • Enhance and update website as needed • Conduct outreach presentations to community organizations • Support public art which celebrates our historic character • Encourage the reuse of historic buildings • Partner with Kern Historical Society and DBA to develop an award system to property owners that successfully repurpose historic buildings • Update the Rehabilitate Bakersfield Right guidebook Goal 5: Identify Potential Grants and Partnerships with Non-profits to fund Historic Preservation Projects Actions: • Research grant opportunities and develop a working document of funding sources • Contact non-profits to partner on historic preservation activities Goal 6: Establish Historic Districts/Neighborhoods Actions: • Conduct outreach to gauge residents' support for a historic district • Recruit more property owners to join the Historic Register • Develop recommendations to amend and improve the historic district component of the Bakersfield Municipal Code • Establish new historic districts within the City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Accomplishments: I. Update Neighborhood Surveys:The City contracted With Historic Resources Group to create a Historic Context Statement and administer cultural resource surveys in four target areas. A final report and presentation are anticipated soon. 2. Historic public education: a downtown walking tour brochure has been printed and distributed at numerous outreach events. 3. Historic public education: interest letters for the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places were mailed to multiple properties, including the Big Shoe. 4. Historic Sites:Approved the Woolworth's Building as a cultural resource and approved the building's restoration project. 5. Public Recognition: ECD Staff assisted in creating and distributing Historic Preservation recognition certificates for properties on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places. Page 2