HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.21.23~ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES BAKERSFIELD Regular Meeting of September 21, 2023-5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. 2. 3. 4. THE SOUND OF t,"'1tlirwj p',I(,, ROLL CALL Present: Chair Bashirtash, Vice-Chair Cater, Commissioners Kaur, Koman, Neal (Neal arrived@ 5:33pm) Absent: Commissioner Bittle Staff Present: Paul Johnson, DS Planning Director; Viridiana Gallardo- King, Deputy City Attorney II; Manpreet Behl, PW Civil Engineer IV; Adrian Castro, PW Civil Engineer II; Martin Ledezma, DS Civil Engineer Ill; Jennie Eng, DS Principal Planner; Courtney Camps, DS Associate Planner II; Noeli Topete, Associate Planner I; Ernie Medina, Fire Plans Examiner; Fidel Gonzales, Park Construction & Facilities Planner; Macy lacopetti, DS Secretary I; Ana Solis, DS Secretary II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements None. b. Non-Agenda Item Public Statements None. CONSENT ITEMS c. Approval of Minutes: Regular scheduled Planning Commission meeting of September 7, 2023. Motion by Commissioner Koman, seconded by Commissioner Kaur, to approve Consent Calendar Item 4.a. Motion approved with Commissioner Bittle and Commissioner Neal absent. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED BITTLE & NEAL ABSENT 1 5. 6. CONSENT PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 12498 (Phased): Kier & Wright is proposing the subdivide 141 .46 acres into four industrial parcels and one designated remained located at the southwest corner of East Belle Terrace and South Mt Vernon Avenue in southeast Bakersfield. Notice of Exemption on file. b. Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7431 (Phased): McIntosh and Associates is proposing to subdivide 95.21 gross acres into 299 single family residential lots located at the northeast corner of Paladino Drive and Masterson Street. Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. Public hearing opened and closed. Motion by Commissioner Cater, seconded by Commissioner Neal, to approve Consent Public Hearing Item 5.b. incorporating all staff memoranda and recommendations. Motion approved. NON-CONSENT PUBLIC HEARINGS a. (5.a.) Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 12498 (Phased): Kier & Wright is proposing the subdivide 141.46 acres into four industrial parcels and one designated remained located at the southwest corner of East Belle Terrace and South Mt Vernon Avenue in southeast Bakersfield. Notice of Exemption on file. ACTION TAKEN REMOVED FROM CONSENT PUBLIC HEARINGS RES 72-23 APPROVED BITTLE ABSENT This item moved to Non-Consent Public Hearing agenda by Josh Taylor, APPROVED representing the Southwest Mountain States Regional Council of BITTLE ABSENT Carpenters. Staff report given by Noeli Topete, Associate Planner I. Public hearing opened. No speakers in favor. One speaker spoke in opposition. One person in favor spoke in rebuttal. One person in opposition spoke in rebuttal. Motion by Commissioner Neal, seconded by Commissioner Kaur, to continue the public hearing of Non-Consent Public Hearing Item 6.a. to October 5, 2023. Motion approved with Chair Bashirtash and Vice-Chair Cater voting no. 7. COMMUNICATIONS a. Planning Director Johnson announced the next Planning Commission meeting will be October 5, 2023. 2 8. 9. COMMISSION COMMENTS a. None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Bashirtash adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Ana Solis Recording Secretary Paul Johnson Planning Director S:\0 l_Planning Commission\PC\Minutes\2023\09 .2 l_draft .docx ACTION TAKEN 3