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FY 2002-03 City of Bakersfield Adopted Budget
CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2002 - 03 MAYOR Harvey L. Hall CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Irma Carson Susan M. Benham Mike Maggard David R. Couch Harold W. Hanson Jacquie Sullivan Mark C. Salvaggio Councilmember, Ward 1 Councilmember, Ward 2 Councilmember, Ward 3 Councilmember, Ward 4 Councilmember, Ward 5 Councilmember, Ward 6 Councilmember, Ward 7 Submitted by Alan Tandy City Manager CITY OF BAKERSFIELD EXECUTIVE STAFF Alan Tandy Bart Thiltgen John W. Stinson Alan Christensen Gene Bogart Eric Matlock Stan Ford Ron Fraze Jack Hardisty Gregory Klimko Raul Rojas Donna Kunz City Manager City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager Water Resources Manager Police Chief Recreation and Parks Director Fire Chief Development Services Director Finance Director Public Works Director Economic Development Director TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Letter of Transmittal ............................................. v Organizational Chart ............................................ ixx Employee Incentive Program ...................................... xx BUDGET SUMMARIES General Fund Overview .......................................... 1 Transient Lodging Tax Fund Overview ............................... 2 General Fund Budget Graphs ...................................... 3 Operating Funds Graphs .......................................... 4 Qperating Funds Distribution Graphs ................................ 5 Departmental Appropriations by Fund ................................ 6 General Fund - Appropriations by Department ........................ 10 Financial Summaries - by Fund .................................... 13 Estimated Balances ............................................. 17 Interfund Transfers ............................................. 18 Appropriations Limits ............................................ 20 REVENUES Revenue Summary ............................................. 21 Revenue Graphs ............................................... 24 General Fund - Revenues by Source ............................... 28 Estimated Revenues by Fund ..................................... 30 LEGISLATIVE .................................................... 31 Mayor ........................................................ 34 City Council ................................................... 37 EXECUTIVE ...................................................... 39 City Manager .................................................. 42 City Clerk ..................................................... 45 Human Resources .............................................. 48 Risk Management .............................................. 51 Management Information Services ................................. 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED FINANCIAL SERVICES ............................................ 57 Administration ................................................. 60 Accounting and Reporting ........................................ 62 Treasury ...................................................... 64 Purchasing .................................................... 66 CITY A'I-rORNEY ................................................. 69 Legal Counsel ................................................. 73 POLICE SERVICES ............................................... 77 Headquarters .................................................. 80 Support Services ............................................... 82 Operations .................................................... 87 Investigations .................................................. 90 FIRE SERVICES .................................................. 93 Administration ................................................. 96 Fire Safety .................................................... 98 Fire Suppression .............................................. 101 PUBLIC WORKS ................................................. 105 Administration ................................................ 110 Engineering .................................................. 112 General Services .............................................. 116 Streets ...................................................... 119 Equipment ................................................... 122 Wastewater .................................................. 125 Solid Waste .................................................. 128 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED WATER RESOURCES ............................................ 131 Agricultural Water ............................................. 134 Domestic Water ............................................... 136 RECREATION AND PARKS ...................................... Administration ............................................... Parks ....................................................... Recreation ................................................... 139 142 144 146 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ......................................149 Planning ..................................................... 152 Building ..................................................... 155 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .................. 157 Community Development ........................................ 160 Economic Development ......................................... 164 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Non-Departmental ............................................. 167 SPECIALFUNDS Special Revenue Funds ......................................... 169 Internal Service Funds .......................................... 178 Fiduciary Funds ............................................... 181 Capital Improvement Program Funds .............................. 183 Debt Service Funds ............................................ 189 Schedule of Long-Term Debt Outstanding .......................... 192 Schedule of Long-Term Debt Maturities ............................ 193 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds .............................................. 195 REDEVELOPMENT Redevelopment Funds .......................................... 203 CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP) Letter of Transmittal ............................................ 213 ClP Summary by Fund Graph .................................... 218 Key to Funding Codes .......................................... 219 Graphs ...................................................... 220 Comprehensive Summary of Projects .............................. 221 APPENDICES Operating Budget Overview ...................................... 237 Budget Calendar .............................................. 238 Budgets and Budgetary Accounting ................................ 239 Basis of Accounting ............................................ 240 Budget Amendment Process ..................................... 241 City Council Goals and Policies ................................... 243 Miscellaneous Statistics ......................................... 253 Graphs ...................................................... 254 Personnel Complement List ...................................... 256 Salary Schedule ............................................... 258 GLOSSARY Glossary ..................................................... 273 iv BUDGET MESSAGE FROM CITY MANAGER B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY C/O//UI~//~ July 1, 2002 Transmitted herein is the Adopted Fiscal Year 2002-03 Budget document. The adopted budget reflects a strong local economy with continued increases in sales tax, property tax and other revenues resulting in equivalent growth in General Fund services. The City continues to experience positive financial growth in line with population increases and local economic conditions, contrary to the economic slowdown being experienced nationally and throughout the state as a result of the events of September 11~h and other economic factors. State forecasters anticipate the state and national economies should begin to grow again by mid-2002. City departments were asked to be conservative in their requests for increased funding over and above current service levels to match the projected increases in revenues and population. According to the State Department of Finance figures for January 2001, our City population has grown to 254,368. Sales taxes have continued an upward trend with a consistent increase during the current year. Sales tax revenues are projected to increase by approximately 6.0% in the next fiscal year. Property taxes have remained stable, increasing about 3%. Motor Vehicle In-Lieu revenue is estimated to increase approximately 11%. The general budgetary picture continues a trend of moderate but consistent economic growth. The City has continued work on important community projects, including the attraction of two grocery stores to southeast Bakersfield; development of Senior Housing near the downtown; continued community oriented policing efforts with the completion of a Police Strategic Plan and the planned opening of two Police Satellite Offices, one in South Bakersfield and one in the Lakeview area; the planned construction of a Police substation in Southwest Bakersfield combined with Fire Station #15; the commitment of Community Development Block Grant Funds for economic development efforts in Southeast Bakersfield and Baker Street areas; completion of the Southeast Charrette; additional street scape, and median improvement projects to improve safety and promote pride in our V City of Bakersfield - City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1,2002 community; the planned construction of a new aquatic and ice facility; the completion of two new monument entry signs for the City; major road repair and reconstruction effods; significant park and open space projects along the Kern River; work towards completion of a Specific Plan for the Northeast Hills Preservation and maintaining quality service throughout the City. This budget will continue to build on these activities and successes. BUDGET OUTLOOK Positive Notes The City Council recently updated its goals for the City including strategies from the Vision 2020 Report and this budget incorporates items consistent with the updated Council Goals. Positive local economic trends will allow the City to maintain service levels within available revenues as well as address additional personnel needs to deal with growth. This is reflected in the number of new positions approved for the coming year and the departments for which they are recommended. This year, we are adding 52 new positions to the budget (14 of which were authorized by the Council at various times during the current fiscal year after the adoption of the 2001-02 budget) within Police, Fire, Public Works, Recreation and Parks, Development Services, Economic and Community Development, City Clerk and Management Information Services. The Police Department has planned for a $1 million upgrade of the Computer aided dispatch system which was funded by $800,000 from a U.S. Department of Justice grant and asset forfeiture funds. This project will enhance the recent upgrade of the Records Management System and the new Mobile Data Computers. With the implementation of these new systems, our Police Department will be one of the first police agencies in the Western United States to have a fully integrated dispatch, field reporting and records management information system. Funding for the operation of Police Satellite Offices in South Bakersfield and Lakeview areas are included in the budget. The department is also adding a Lieutenant position to coordinate the City's disaster preparedness efforts and interagency intelligence efforts including Homeland Security. The Fire Department continues to set aside funds for future construction of a new fire station in the northeast area of the City. Additionally, funds are budgeted to complete the second phase of additional staffing, the purchase of an Engine and construction of the new southwest fire station. Public Works is continuing the implementation of phase I of a Citywide street resurfacing/reconstruction program to make significant road repairs throughout the community. Progress continues to be made in repair work, with the recent purchase of vi Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 the Road Reclaimer/Soil Stabilizer and Asphalt Paving machines. $6 million is budgeted as a loan from the Sewer Enterprise Fund to the Gas Tax Fund for enhanced road repair efforts to be implemented in three phases ($2 million each phase) and approved by Council throughout FY 2002-03 as needed depending on the city's success in obtaining road funding from other outside sources. This is consistent with Council goals and numerous Council member comments regarding the condition of our city streets and is a more cost effective approach to street repairs. Public Works has also budgeted $1,180,000 for street resurfacing materials from the Gas Tax Fund. These funds, combined with other road monies, will provide over $8.8 million for reconstruction and resurfacing projects Citywide. There is also $21.9 million budgeted toward the Westside Parkway for right of way and environmental work and a full time Civil Engineer IV position to manage the project and $15 million budgeted for the Fairfax/State Route 178 interchange from federal ISTEA road funds. Staff is continuing to pursue efforts through the state and Kern COG to utilize savings from changes to the Westside Parkway project to provide needed additional road maintenance funds for the City. Funds have also been budgeted for a highway landscape improvement master plan consistent with the Mayor's efforts to improve the landscaping of local highways and freeway corridors. Of particular note, there are no increases for refuse, water or sewer user rates this year, with the exception of a few sewer users that are having their rates phased in over several years to bring them into compliance with state requirements. Staff has also included in the budget the rehabilitation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Pool and the Jefferson Park Pool, a new Aquatic Facility, an Ice Facility and Special Community Projects for Southeast Bakersfield. These projects are funded through a combination of CDBG funds, Section 108 Federal financing, Park Development Fees, Proposition 12 State Park Bond funds, and contributions by various groups and individuals. Aisc included are Baker Street projects funded by an EDI grant. These projects present an opportunity to leverage various state and federal funding sources with local revenues to address important local projects. The total budgeted for these projects is over $12 million for 2002- 03. Park Improvement funds and State Park Bend grant funds are proposed for the development of the 32 acre park located south of the Kern River at Stockdale Highway. Additional funds from the Park Bond Act are being sought on a competitive basis by the Recreation and Parks Department. $2.2 million has been budgeted for this new community park along the Kern River Parkway. Operation of Bakersfield Centennial Garden and Convention Center by SMG continues to be successful. The addition of the Bakersfield Blaze arena football team and major events such as Champions on Ice, the Los Angeles Lakers, and a variety of musical concerts and events continues the trend of providing diverse and quality entertainment at these facilities. vii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1,2002 Their management of the Centennial Garden and Convention Center is projected to result in a savings of $661,060 for fiscal year 2002-03, as compared to the last year of operating the Convention Center prior to privatization. Funds have also been included in the CIP to make various maintenance repairs and improvements to the Convention Center and Arena. Staff has received requests from several non-profit groups. Requests were received from the Bakersfield Senior Center, Bakersfield Symphony, Bakersfield Museum of Art and the Golden Empire Gleaners. $50,000 in CDBG funds have been designated for the Senior Center and staff is processing their application for funding. $50,000 has been budgeted for the Symphony to offset their rental of the Convention Center similar to past years and $25,000 is designated for the Bakersfield Museum of Art. Funds are included in the budget to provide the City's final payment of $500,000 to the County towards construction of a new terminal at the Kern County Airport. A total of $568,480 has been set aside in Council Contingency. Council Contingency allows for additional flexibility for items that will require Council approval outside the normal budget process. Consistent with past Council policy, $1 Million has been set aside in the Facilities Replacement Reserve. Considerations As this budget was being prepared, the Governor's proposed State budget was being revised to reflect updated information, and any changes will be submitted to the legislature. Due to the impacts of the events of September 11th and the general slowdown of the state and national economies, the State is anticipating a significant drop in revenues. The possible state budget shortfall has been estimated as high as $24 billion. It is uncertain what the State will do to address such a significant budget shortfall. The Governor's proposed budget did not include any additional funding for cities, nor any ERAF relief. On the positive side the Governor has pledged not to eliminate the backfill of Vehicle License Fees which would adversely affect cities. However, it remains very uncertain if any revenue reductions which would impact cities will be included in the State budget as revised by the Governor or through legislative action. Staff continues to monitor the State budget process and work with the League of California Cities on these funding issues. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS The total approved appropriations for FY 2002-03 for both operating and capital expenditures is $340,585,158, including $21,429,095 in interfund transfers. The operating budget is $252,952,343, which reflects a 6.0 percent increase over FY 2001-02. Total viii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 approved appropriations in FY 2002-03 for all City funds reflect an increase of about $62.6 million or 22.5 percent more than FY 2001-02. About 77% of the increase is within the Capital Improvements Program. The City's budget is organized by groups of funds. Each fund is considered a separate accounting entity with its own assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses. The major fund groups and some divisions within the funds are described below, highlighting any significant changes over the prior year. General Fund Major revenue sources for the General Fund are real and personal property tax, sales and use tax, business licenses tax, utility franchise tax, licenses and permits, State motor vehicle in lieu tax, miscellaneous charges for services and interdepartmental charges. General Fund Revenues are projected at $116,200,000 (including $8.8 million in beginning fund balance and transfers). This is an increase of about $9.62 million, or about 9.0% above adopted budget revenues for the 2001-02 fiscal year. Items contributing to General Fund revenues include: $47.4 million in sales and use taxes, $20.7 million in property tax, $8.65 million in other taxes and fees and approximately $30.65 million in various other revenues. General Fund Expenditures are projected at $116,192,011, including $3.57 million in transfers to other funds. This is a 9.0% increase over the FY 2001-02 adopted budget General Fund expenditures of $106,583,000. In addition to ongoing operating expenses, new personnel costs are estimated at $3,151,322, and $568,480 has been set aside for Council Contingency. Cash Basis Reserve is used for the purpose of placing the City, as nearly as possible, on a cash basis to avoid borrowing for operating purposes. In addition, the Cash Basis Reserve acts as a revolving loan account, which makes shod-term cash advances to other funds that experience a temporary cash deficit. During the first four to five months of any fiscal year, expenditures may exceed revenues in the General Fund. This is due primarily to the first large payment of the City's share of property taxes from the County that occurs in mid to late December. The cash basis reserve balance as of June 30, 2002 is estimated to be $6.75 million and will be increased by any interest earned by the Reserve Fund during the 2002-03 fiscal year, which is estimated to be $270,000. ix Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 Capital Improvement Proqram (CIP) The CIP provides long-range capital planning for projects that are expected to service the City of Bakersfield's infrastructure over a considerable period of time. Revenue sources identified within the CIP may be from grants, taxes, user fees, bond issues, transfers from other funds, or assessments. The adopted CIP budget for FY 2002-03 totals $87,632,815. An itemized listing of projects recommended for approval and projects included in the Five-Year Plan are presented in the CIP section of this document. A few major projects, however, are discussed below. The largest of the approved CIP projects is the Westside Parkway for $21.9 million. This project is the construction of an at grade, separated access controlled freeway from Heath Road to connect to Mohawk and along Mohawk to Rosedale Highway. The funding approved for this fiscal year is for the completion of the environmental document and acquisition of right of way and a full time Civil Engineer IV position to manage the project. Additional federal funds will be budgeted in fiscal year 2003-04 to acquire additional right of way and preparation of plans and specifications. It is anticipated construction will begin on this project in fiscal year 2006-07. Also, $15 million is approved for the construction phase of the interchange at State Route 178 and Fairfax Road as well as extending State Route 178 east of Fairfax Road. This project will be constructed using federal funds. This project is necessary to improve traffic flow in the northeast area. Another major activity is the bridge widening at White Lane at State Highway 99 for $5.85 million. This project will widen the White Lane bridge over State Highway 99 from the existing two through lanes in each direction to three through lanes in each direction with appropriate turn lanes. Major community enhancement oriented projects are included, such as the construction of a new aquatic facility, a community ice rink facility, construction of Rio Vista 32 acre community park, and the rehabilitation/upgrade of swimming facilities at Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson Pools. The new aquatic facility is budgeted for $5.5 million. This project is to construct a new facility with a recreational 8,000 plus square feet zero entry pool with a water slide, lap lanes and competitive swimming and diving. The project should replace underutilized and deteriorated current facilities. The community ice rink is budgeted for $3.5 million. It is a single sheet of ice to provide opportunities for recreational skating for community use. Rio Vista Park - Phase II is budgeted for $2.2 million. This project is to construct a 32 acre park which includes 5 acres of recharge lakes. Phase II includes the completion of the construction of the infrastructure improvements, physical structures, pathway system, Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 parking and other amenities. Also, the rehabilitation/upgrade of swimming facilities at Martin Luther King, Jr. is budgeted for $470,400 and Jefferson Pool is budgeted at $600,000. The Martin Luther King, Jr. project will include replacing the filter, pump, pipes, demolishing and replacing all decking, sandblasting and plastering the pool, installation of sport lighting, a slide feature and other improvements. The Jefferson Pool is in need of code-related repairs and is proposed to be enhanced by adding a slide, spray areas and additional water surface. There are several major sewer rehabilitation projects approved for fiscal year 2002-03. The main trunk line in Brundage Lane from Cottonwood Road to Mt. Vernon Avenue is designated to be rehabilitated/replaced for $2.6 million due to continued deterioration. Another major sewer project is the rehabilitation/replacement of the main trunk line in L Street from Brundage Lane to California Avenue for $2.2 million. The rehabilitation of the South Chester Avenue sewer main for $1.6 million is a continuation of work, which will replace existing concrete sewer lines and includes the rehabilitation/replacement of the main trunk sewer line in Planz Road from Chester Avenue in the east direction to Wastewater Treatment Plant #2. This is the sixth year of a multi-year project. $6 million is budgeted as a loan from the Sewer Enterprise Fund for enhanced road repair efforts to be implemented in three phases ($2 million each phase) and approved by Council throughout FY 2002-03 as needed depending on the city's success in obtaining road funding from other outside sources. This is consistent with Council goals and numerous Council member comments regarding the condition of our city streets and is a more cost effective approach to street repairs. In addition to the over $8.8 million for reconstruction and resurfacing projects Citywide mentioned earlier, $440,000 has been designated for the improvement of various railroad crossings. $1,050,000 has been budgeted to construct a culvert for the Olive Drive crossing of the Friant-Kern Canal. $250,000 is budgeted for a project report and environmental document for the bridge construction at Hageman Road. $249,000 is budgeted to construct hardscaping and landscaping enhancements to the median island on north Chester Avenue in front of the Kern County Museum up to 34th Street. $154,000 is designated to construct enhancements to the Wall Street Alley between Eye Street and Chester Avenue. These improvements were developed from the downtown Charrette program and include replacement of the Wall Street pavement, new solid waste receptacles and installation of lighting and landscaping. Also included is $70,000 for another monument entry sign on State Highway 58 east of Mt. Vernon Avenue. A total of $200,000 is budgeted for median island improvements throughout the City consistent with the new standard adopted by the Council for improving existing median islands. $160,000 is budgeted for additional street light circuit replacement Citywide. This will be a multi-year project that will convert 178 existing high voltage street light circuits into xi Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 present day Iow voltage circuits which are more energy efficient and will result in lower energy costs. Also, $245,000 has been designated to replace components of the City's microwave system. Also planned is the continued upgrade of the Police Department Mobile Data Computers for $400,000 using State Law Enforcement Grant funds. This budget includes an additional $1,015,000 in funding for the station at Deer Peak and Buena Vista / Police Substation and $415,000 for the purchase of a new fire engine along with $113,000 for new equipment for the fire truck/engine. Funding of $100,000 is budgeted for the eventual construction of a future fire station location in northeast Bakersfield. With this contribution, funds set aside for this station total $362,000. A total of $240,000 is included in the budget for replacement of the self-contained breathing apparatus units. Also, $42,000 is included for the City's share of improvements to the joint emergency communications center. Several maintenance and repair projects have been budgeted for the Centennial Garden Arena and the Convention Center. These include $150,000 for replacement of the carpet in the Convention Center Hall and Lobby and installation of hand rails in the upper terrace of the Convention Center Conceal Hall. $115,000 is designated for replacement of a portion of the permanent seats in the Concert Hall, however, the City Council reserved those funds until the size and cost issues regarding the new aquatic facility has been determined. The Exhibit Hall Floor in the Convention Center is in need of repair and is becoming a safety hazard. The expansion joint that is pad of the ice floor is a trip and fall hazard and needs to be replaced with a concrete floor. This project is budgeted for $50,000. The Centennial Garden Arena Half-House is designated to be upgraded for $20,000 to give the arena the ability to accommodate events from 3,000 to 5,000 and give the arena a more intimate setting. There is also a need to upgrade a concession/merchandise stand for $30,000 with additional lighting upgrades and display materials installed to enhance the overall look of the merchandise stand and create additional points-of-sale locations. Also, $30,000 is included to upgrade the trade show equipment such as electrical boxes and sound equipment to give the Convention Center more flexibility to amplify sound in addition to construction of a permanent guest service counter in the lobby. $380,000 is designated for expansion of Centennial Garden Parking Facilities at 14th and P Streets. Recreation and Parks budgeted $185,900 to replace playground equipment at Haggin Oaks Park and $80,000 of Capital Outlay funds to purchase and install playground equipment at the Stramler picnic area in the County's Metro Park. The City Council reserved those funds until the size and cost issues regarding the new aquatic facility has been determined. Park Improvement funds of $158,200 are budgeted to make the initial phase of improvements to Mesa Marin softball fields. Phase 1 includes improvements to the common area infrastructure such as bringing the sewer line to safety code standards, securing perimeter fencing and planting trees. Community Development Block Grant funds xii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 of $142,000 are budgeted for the removal and replacement of existing playground equipment at Jefferson Park and installation of ADA approved rubberized surfacing. Community Development Block Grant funds of $125,000 are also budgeted for the purchase of two portable trailers to replace the Lowell Center building which is scheduled to be demolished. This project will make it possible to continue recreation activities for children in the neighborhood. The Water Department has designated $1.2 million to drill new wells to maintain service levels due to growth. Also budgeted is $1.39 million for construction of the northeast water intake structure. DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS As mentioned previously, 52 new positions are approved for FY 2002-03. Of the 52 new positions, 14 were mid-year positions which were added subsequent to the adoption of the budget last June. Fiscal year 2002-03 is the first full fiscal year that all additional 52 positions will be included in the budget. These include: 14 in Police, 14 in Public Works, 8 in Fire, 6 in Management Information Services, 4 in Recreation and Parks, 3 in Development Services, 1 in Economic and Community Development, 1 in Water Resources and 1 in the City Clerk/City Manager's Office. A few of the highlights of major department budgets are listed below. Police. Fourteen positions are approved for the Police Department - included is a Lieutenant and Sergeant position in Investigations, a Detective position in Administration to handle Identity Theft, two Police Service Technicians and a Community Relations Specialist position for the satellite police stations, five Police Officers in the Operations Division and three Police Officers were previously approved and are included in the budget for the first time. These positions are needed to address the overall needs of the City and enables the department to maintain a ratio of 1.3 officers per 1,000 population. The total operating budget for Police is $45,440,156, which is an 7.5 percent increase over FY 2001-02. Public Works. Fourteen new positions are approved for Public Works. The positions include a Civil Engineer IV to manage the Westside Parkway project, a Civil Engineer III in Engineerin9, a Service Maintenance Worker in General Services Building Maintenance, two Equipment Operators for Solid Waste, one to add to an existing commercial refuse collection route and one to work on abatement of illegal dumping, a Service Maintenance Worker in Solid Waste for the curbside used motor oil collection program, a Laborer for Solid Waste to work as part of a crew on abatement of illegal dumping, a Service Maintenance Worker and Traffic Painter III in General Services Signing and Marking, and xiii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1,2002 a Facility Worker in Wastewater Treatment. Previously approved and included in the budget for the first time is a Heavy Equipment Operator and two Light Equipment Operators in Street Maintenance to provide additional staffing for the City's resurfacing/reconstruction program along with a Supervisor I position in General Services Plant Maintenance. All additional positions are in response to growth in service demands. The operating budget for Public Works is $63,169,784, which is an 8.3 percent increase over FY 2001-02. This increase reflects increases in service demand due to growth. Fire. Eight additional positions are approved for the Fire Department. Six are Firefighter positions being added in advance of the opening of the new fire station at Deer Peak and Buena Vista in southwest Bakersfield. A Parts Specialist is also approved to keep inventory records on equipment and supplies and handle overall inventory control for all stations. Also previously approved and included in the budget for the first time is a Fire Prevention Inspector position to assure that restaurant and bars are in compliance with the no-smoking state regulations. The Fire Department operating budget is $21,639,754, which is a 5.3 percent increase over FY 2001-02. Executive. Seven additional positions are approved for the Executive Department. Six of the positions are in Management Information Services. Two Office System Technicians were approved mid-year, and an additional Office System Technician was converted from a temporary position recently by the Council. These positions are included in the budget to address computer and software installations, maintenance, repairs and calls for service. These new positions will reduce the ratio of technicians to personal computers to about 100 to 1. An Office Systems Supervisor position is approved to supervise the technical staff. A GIS Technician position is approved to work on the Police Department Computer Aided Dispatch System. Also, a Web Technician position is approved to be converted from a full time temporary position to work on the City's internet and intra-net web pages and aid in scanning digital photography and technical graphics work for departmental web pages, newsletters, charts and flyers. This budget also includes a previously approved Clerk Typist I position which was a conversion of a full time temporary position and will work in the City Clerk and City Manager's Office. The total budget for the Executive Department is $12,596,973, which is an 18.3% increase over FY 2001-02. The increase is primarily due to the additional positions in Management Information Services. Recreation and Parks. Recreation and Parks staff are continuing to improve recreational activities and other facilities based programs. Four additional positions are approved for the Parks Division. Three Facility Worker positions in the maintenance district areas are needed to address continued growth of the City's park and landscaped areas. A Clerk Typist 1/11 position is also included to provide additional office support. The budget provides for maintaining existing programs. The budget for the department is $12,408,491, which is a 4.6 percent increase over FY 2001-02. xiv Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 Development Services. Three additional positions are included in the Development Services Department. An Associate Planner Position is included in Current Planning and the budget includes two previously approved Building Inspector positions which were added to the Building Division staff during the current year to address an increased workload. The total department operating budget is $6,058,431, which is a 2 percent increase over FY 2001-02. Last's year's budget included funds for several special studies and the 2010 General Plan Update which is not being reprogrammed. The Development Services budget includes funding of $50,000 for Phase 2 of the Northeast Trails Specific Plan, $120,000 for the continuance of the Laser Fiche program, $50,000 for out-sourcing of some of the plan checking activity and $265,000 for a remodel of the first floor to address ongoing heating, cooling, ADA, space needs issues and to better accommodate the public. Economic and Community Development. One additional position is approved for the Economic and Community Development Department. A Development Associate position is needed to assist the department and coordinate with other City departments in preparing and researching grant opportunities that benefit community development and neighborhood revitalization. The total department budget is $5,975,291, which is a 7.4 percent increase over FY 2001-02. Water. A Light Equipment Operator position is approved for the Water Department to handle the increase workload associated with maintenance of drainage basins. The total number of drainage basins has grown from 154 to well over 200 today. The operating budget for the Water Department is $12,001,308 ,which is a 15.3 percent increase over FY 2001-02. The increase is primarily due to growth in the service area and increased electrical power costs for the 2800 Acre Water Recharge Extraction Program. City Attorney. The total budget for the City Attorney's Office is $1,727,710 which is a 3.8 percent increase over FY 2001-02. The increase is primarily due to salary adjustments. Enterprise Funds Enterprise Funds account for business-like activities supported primarily by user charges, such as water and wastewater utilities, refuse and airport. Agricultural Water Fund primarily comes from users of the agricultural water service. No increased rates are proposed for agricultural water. The approved budget includes $50,000 for outside legal counsel for the First Point Lawsuit and a $254,000 transfer to the General Fund for in-lieu contributions and franchise fees. XV Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 Domestic Water Fund. No increased rates are recommended for domestic water at this time. The approved budget includes $50,000 for outside legal counsel for the First Point Lawsuit and a $581,000 transfer to the General Fund for in-lieu contributions and franchise fees. There is a budget increase in electricity of $1,071,000 for domestic water operations. This increase is due to continued growth in the system and increased power rates experienced over the last year. Refuse Fund. No increased rates are recommended at this time. The residential rates are recommended to remain at $144.00 per household annually. The Refuse budget includes $320,000 for capping and closure of the sanitary landfill. Wastewater Treatment Fund. No increased rates are recommended for residential sewer user fees at this time. Sewer connection fees, however, will increase approximately $100 per single-family household. This increase fulfills the sixth year of a multi-year financin9 pro§ram and are consistent with the Brown and Caldwell consulting firm recommendation to finance needed plant expansions and/or upgrades. Internal Service Funds These funds account for services provided to City departments to support operations such as vehicles and communications equipment, computers, and liability, properly and workers' compensation insurance. Equipment Management Fund rates are based on actual costs for depreciation, improvements and replacement, and are billed to depadments on a monthly basis. This year the budget provides for $637,615 in new equipment; and $4,593,500 in replacement equipment where the useful life has been expended. The Equipment Management Fund not only provides for funding of vehicles and telecommunications equipment, but it also includes computers and copier equipment. The Management Information Services (MIS) computer replacement program covers ongoing maintenance of hardware and software programs. This budget year we are planning to replace 210 personal computers, 40 printers, 30 laptops, 2 superservers, 6 servers and 11 color printers. xvi Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal ,July 1,2002 Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted to expenditure for a specific purpose. Examples are Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Gas Tax, Intermodal Surface Transportation Funds and the new Transient Lodging Tax Fund. Community Development Block Grant comes from the Federal Government for the elimination of slums and blight, housing conservation, and improvements of community services. Our allocation of CDBG funds for FY 2002-03 is $3,110,000 and HOME funds is $1,411,000. These funds will primarily be spent on housing and capital projects such as street repairs, sidewalk improvements, street lighting, and upgrading of park facilities. The approved budget includes $880,000 for acquisition and demolition of deteriorated industrial/commercial/residential properties in economically distressed areas for economic development; $600,000 for Jefferson Park Pool rehabilitation; $470,400 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Pool rehabilitation; $249,000 for streetscape improvements on North Chester Avenue in front of the Kern County Museum; $199,000 for street improvements in the Casa Loma #6 area; $154,000 for Wall Street Alley improvements; $148,915 for sewer improvements in the Pacheco #10 area; $142,000 for Jefferson Park playground improvements; $125,000 for two portable buildings at Lowell Park; $108,000 for the Police Activities League for two modular classrooms for tutorial instruction and administrative offices; $85,000 for the Southeast Bakersfield Police Substation; and $50,000 has been designated for the Bakersfield Senior Center. Transient Lodging Tax Fund was established in July 1998 to account for the general revenues provided by a 12 percent room tax (M.C. 3.40) and the operation and debt related to the Convention Center and Arena. This includes the contract with SMG for privatization of the operations of the facilities. Revenues from operation of the complex go into this fund. This fund also includes debt service payments on the arena. Surplus TLT funds at year end have been budgeted to maintain other general City operations. The approved budget includes a contribution to the Convention and Visitors Bureau of 11% of TLT funds per their agreement with the City. The budget also includes $50,000 for the Bakersfield Symphony to offset the costs associated with their use of the Convention Center and $30,000 for public ice skating at Centennial Garden, similar to past years. Included in the adopted budget is an increase of approximately $60,000 for the SPCA contract to address increased costs of animal control services due to new state mandates. xvii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2002-03 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2002 CONCLUSION We continue to work diligently to address the growing needs of our community, both in terms of the budget and management. The staff and I continue to place a high priority on maintaining current service levels and enhancing those which are top priorities for the community, such as those identified through the Vision 2020 process and Council goals including public safety, transportation and those services which improve the quality of life. Because of conservative budgeting practices and maximum leveraging of City resources, including obtaining State and Federal Grants, we have been able to respond quickly to new and exciting projects in the past and look forward to new opportunities to better serve the community. Staff remains committed to the advancement of customer service, intergovernmental cooperation, efficiency and cost-effectiveness by City departments and our outstanding employees. As always, we will continue throughout the fiscal year to work creatively, keep costs down, streamline operations, and most importantly, maintain the high level of service that residents of the City deserve. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS As is the case every year, this document represents the compilation of many hours of work by many people throughout the organization. My thanks to the department heads and their business managers, division managers and staff for submitting thorough and well-prepared budget proposals. Thanks also goes to the budget team headed up by Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson and including Finance Director Gregory Klimko, Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes, Public Works Operations Manager Brad Underwood, Engineer IV Ted Wright, Administrative Analyst Trudy Slater and Secretary Jean Parks. Finally, my continued appreciation to the Mayor and City Council for your leadership and direction in the budget process and throughout the year. (D 0 0 0 C~ HIGH FIVE Employee In :entive Committee The High Five award is for immediate recognition of City employees for their quality of work, high levels of productivity, notable customer service, or an old-fashioned "Thank You." Over 300 employees were nominated for High Fives in FY 2001-2002 WELL DONE! BRIGHT IDEAS The City of Bakersfield is fortunate to employ individuals who think beyond the box. If employees see something that needs to be achieved or improved, they are encouraged to submit a Bright Idea. To the right are pictured a few of those individuals who did just that. THANK YOU! Bri,~ht Ideas From left to right Robin Boy[is City Clerk's Office; Michelle Mendenhall Public Works FIc~et Services; David Berkshire Public Works - EXCELLENCE IN ACTION An award is given to employees of the City of Bakersfield that exemplify the traits of excellent customer service, leadership by example, willingness to solve problems, and consistently high performance. Pictured are the winners of this prestigious award for 2001. GOOD JOB! XX BUDGET SUMMARIES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTED BUDGET 2002-03 GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW RESOURCES Sales Tax Property Tax Other Taxes TOTAL TAXES Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and Forfiets Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL OTHER REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES Beginning Balance Transfers In TOTAL RESOURCES $ 47,400,000 20,700,000 8,650,000 76,750,000 2,050,000 17,390,000 9,870,000 650,000 690,000 30,650,000 107,400,000 7,600,000 1,200,000 $ 116,200,000 APPROPRIATIONS Police Fire TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Public Works Recreation and Parks Development Services Economic Development General Government Non-Departmental TOTAL OTHER DEPARTMENTS TOTAL OPERATING Contingencies Transfers Out TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 43,760,156 21,639,754 65,399,910 13,988,308 12,408,491 6,058,431 882,934 9,704,372 3,610,000 46,652,536 112,052,446 568,480 3,571,085 $ 116~192,011 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTED BUDGET 2002-03 TRANSIENT LODGING TAX FUND - OVERVIEW RESOURCES Transient Lodging Tax Centennial Garden Complex Miscellaneous: Reimbursement - Redevelopment Agency Interest on Investment TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Balance and Transfers In TOTALRESOURCES APPROPRIATIONS Centennial Garden Complex Non-Departmentah Convention and Visitors Bureau Base Contract Contract Enhancement Requested Space / Performance Incentives Symphony Foundation - Public Skate Contingency Museum of Art Capital Lease - Arena, 1997 TOTAL OPERATING Transfers Out TOTALAPPROPRIATIONS Fund Balance- June 30 $ $ 5,800,000 4,692,000 1,200,000 50,000 11,742,000 1,724,721 13~466,721 5,078,880 638,000 58,000 39,000 50,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 3,147,448 9,101,328 3,400,000 12,501,328 $ 965,393 Analysis of Fund Balance Tax Accrual Reserve Prepaid Lease Reserve Unreserved $ 521,063 438,000 6,330 Total $ 965,393 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2002-03 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Where it comes from... Beg. Balance & Transfers (7.57%) Fines & Forfeitures (0.56%) Charges for Service Intergovernmental (14.97%) Sales Tax (40.79%) Licenses & Permits (1.76%) / Misc. & Other (8.04%) Property Tax (17.81%) Where it goes... Fire (18.62%) Development Svcs. (5.97%) Recreation and Parks (10.68%) '%, General Government (8.35%) Police (37.66%) Public Works (12.04%) Non-Departmental (6.67%) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2002-03 OPERATING BUDGET Where it comes from... Taxes & Assessments Licenses and Permits (0.70%) (24.OO%) Other Financing (4.09%) / Misc. Revenue Fines and Forfeits (1.08%) Charges for Service (33.62%) Where it goes... Non-Departmental (16.05%) _%~_- -- 7 Development Serv. (5.28%)-- Recreation and Parks Water (5.34%) · Public Works (28.10%) * Does not include interfund transfers General Government (7.60%) Police (20.22%) Fire (9.63%) 4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2002-03 Operating Fund Distribution All Funds Capital (30.19%) "%- Personnel (32.88%) Operating (36.93%) General Fund Operating ( Capital (0.6: Personnel (75.93%) 5 W-- ra .o o 6 o o o ~ o ~ o o 'dc* 8 LLI ~00 2~0 ~ '~0 (5 C] :z: ]0 ~ e> Z uJ ~ IJJ > 0 z LIJ ~o~' o ._ '~ ~. o ;> ~_ LU [~_o II q- 0 oo t3 oo00 14 CD CD 0 0 (D 0 16 00000 ~ ~ ~m E~EEEEE ~ o o o t7 CITY of BAKERSFIELD INTERFUND TRANSFERS Adopted Budget2002-2003 Fund Title General Traffic Safety/O.T.S. T.O.T. Capital Outlay Recreation Facilities Park Improvements Agriculture Water Refuse Offstreet Parking Equipment Management CDBG Municipal Debt PFA Debt PFA Operating RDA Debt RDA Operating RDA Housing Sewer Plant #2 Sewer Plant # 3 Sewer Connections Agriculture Water Domestic Water TOTAL TRANSFERS Transfers In 1,200,000 4,105,000 A 500,000 1,300,000 785,000 130,000 2,184,085 B 334,085 3,706,000 1,328,500 500,000 C 902,555 3,915,495 538,375 21,429,095 Transfers Out 3,571,085 D 1,200,000 3,400,000 21,400 2,011,600 E 334,085 3,706,0O0 1,828,500 F 4,818,050 538,375 __ 21,429,095 t8 CITY of BAKERSFIELD INTERFUND TRANSFERS Adopted Budget 2002-2003 Fund Title Transfers In Transfers Out Capital Outlay Recreation Facility 'ark Improvements ;ffstreet Parking Equipment Management Subtotal Capital Outlay General Fund Total General Development Services T.O.T. Capital Outlay Refuse - Landfill Equipment Management Refuse 455,000 250,000 3,400,000 4,105,000 A 455,000 500,000 1,300,000 130,000 936,085 3,321,085 250,000 3,571,085 D 785,000 1,226,600 2,011,600 E General Fund Water Refuse Equipment Management 936,085 21,400 1,226,600 2,184,085 B RDA - SEPA Operating RDA - SEPA Housing RDA - OTKP Operating RDA - OTKP Housing RDA ~ DTPA Operating RDA - DTPA Housing Redevelopment 60,000 80,000 360,000 500~,000 C 63,500 80,000 1,685,000 __1,828,50~0 F 19 City of Bakersfield FY 2002-03 Appropriations Limitation $180,000,000 $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $75,837,463 $80,000,000 $60,000,000I . $40,000,000 93 94 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 Fiscal Year Ending 163,438,013 93,003,600 O3 The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Propositions 4 and 11 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The Limit is based on actual appropriations during the 1978 - 79 fiscal year, and is increased each year using the growth of population and inflation. Not all revenues are restricted by the Limit; only those which are referred to as "proceeds of taxes." Some examples of proceeds of taxes are sales tax, property tax, transient occupancy tax, and state motor vehicle in lieu tax. During any fiscal year, a city may not appropriate any proceeds of taxes they receive in excess of their limit. If they do receive excess funds in any one year, they can carry them into the subsequent year to be used if they are below their Appropriations Limit in that year. Any excess funds remaining after the second year have to be returned to the taxpayers by reducing tax rates or fees. As an alternative,a majority of the voters may approve an "override" to increase the Appropriations Limit. The City has experienced steady growth in population which has enabled us to spend at levels well below our limit. With the passage of Proposition 111, the 9aP between the Appropriations Limit and the City's expenditures which are subject to limitation has widened. Appropriations Limitation Appropriations Subject to Limitation 20 REVENUES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVENUES These revenues are the primary sources which make up General Fund and Transient Lodging Tax Fund Revenues. The first eight years of all charts beginning with Property Tax Revenues through Motor Vehicle-In-Lieu Revenues reflect actual data, the ninth year is projected data based on the latest information available at budget preparation time, and the final year is proposed. The CDBG and Home Funds chart reflects the actual entitlement approved by the Housing and Urban Development Department, but may not reflect the amount received by the City of Bakersfield within that fiscal year. Property Tax Revenues - Property taxes are imposed on real property and tangible personal property located within the state. Property is assessed annually on January 1 by the County Assessor. The State Constitution limits the real property tax rate to one percent of the property's value, plus rates imposed to fund indebtedness approved by the voters. Cities, counties, school districts and special districts share the revenues from the one percent property tax. The County generally allocates revenues to these agencies based on their average property tax revenue in the three years preceding 1978-79 and in each year thereafter according to the proportion of property tax revenues allocated to each agency in the previous year. When territory is incorporated into a new city, the City receives a share of the property tax revenues based on the costs of services assumed from other governments and the proportion of these costs which had been funded by the property tax. The use of property tax revenues is unrestricted. Sales Tax Revenues - The sales tax rate is generally 7.25 percent statewide. The City's sales tax revenue is realized from the 1.0 percent local government portion of the total rate and the .5 percent rate (1/2 cent) increase approved by the voters in November 1993 for public safety. The local 1.0 percent is distributed based on "point of sale" while the 1/2 cent for public safety is distributed 95 percent to counties and 5 percent to cities. The one percent local sales tax revenue is distributed by the Board of Equalization. Cities receive payments on a quarterly basis, with monthly estimated "advance" payments and a subsequent "settlement" payment to cover the difference based on actual collections. The 1/2 cent sales tax is distributed monthly. The largest single classification contributing to sales tax revenues is the sale of automobiles. The uses for sales tax are unrestricted, but must be received into the City's General Fund. Charges for Service - A service charge is a fee imposed upon the user of a service provided by the City. Generally a service charge can be levied when the service can be measured and sold in marketable units and the user can be identified. The rationale is that certain services are primarily for the benefit of individuals rather than the general public. Individuals benefitting from a service should pay for all or a part of the cost of that service. Fees charged are limited to the cost required to provide the service as prescribed by Article XIIIB of the State Constitution. These fees are often determined by cities through a cost accounting analysis of the specific service. Service charges differ from license and permit fees in that the latter are designed to reimburse the City for costs related to the regulatory activities. Service charges, on the other hand, are imposed to support services to individuals. Some of the fees for service included in revenue are: Maintenance district services - Reimbursements for costs operating and maintaining all public improvements which benefit a specific area. Interdepartmental charges (Self-insurance and equipment maintenance) to account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department to another City department on a cost- reimbursement basis. Arena charges - revenues received from the use of the Centennial Garden Arena. CDBG and HOME Funds - The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and HOME Funds are federal funds from the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and are provided to meet national objectives such as benefitting Iow- and moderate-income families, eliminate blight and/or address an immediate or urgent need in the community. While CDBG and HOME have the same national objectives, they differ in focus, CDBG funds are more flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes including capital projects, economic development, assistance to non-profit groups and housing. HOME is designed primarily for housing related assistance for the elderly and Iow income. The City began receiving HOME entitlement funds in 1992-93, which accounts for the dramatic increase in revenue beginning in that fiscal year. 22 Transient Occupancy Tax - The transient lodging tax is imposed for the privilege of occupying a room or rooms in a hotel, motel, or other lodging facility, unless such occupancy is for a period of 30 days or more. The City of Bakersfield has a transient lodging tax rate of 12 percent, which was increased from 10 percent in the 1993-94 fiscal year. The use of revenues is unrestricted, however, some cities earmark these revenues for certain business activities, such as business development purposes, Convention Bureau, etc. License and Permit Revenue - The California Constitution gives cities the authority to charge license and permit fees as a means of recovering the cost of regulation. The fees which make up "License and Permits" include: Building permits Plumbing permits Electrical permits Mechanical permits Street and curb permits Other use permits, licenses The City requires that building permits be obtained to ensure that structures meet specific standards. The City requires various additional construction permits for activities such as the installation of electric, plumbing, and sewage facilities. The City charges a fee for issuing these permits in order to recover the costs incurred. Motor Vehicle-In-Lieu Revenues - The Vehicle License Fee (VLF) is a special license fee equivalent to two percent of the market value of motor vehicles and is imposed annually by the state in lieu of local property taxes. Originally motor vehicles were counted in the local property tax assessment, but for ease of administration and conformity, the State now collects these fees through the in-lieu tax. The revenues from the VLF are allocated to cities and counties. In 1998, the State began a series of reductions to the VLF which have ultimately resulted in a 67.5% reduction in the fee. These tax reductions, would have resulted in significant local government losses. Instead, the legislature has replaced the reduced VLF revenues with General Fund allocations on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Thus, this VLF backfill has provided cities and counties the same amount of revenue as under prior law. Revenues derived from the motor vehicle license fee are apportioned monthly and distributed near the 10th of each month. Section 11005(a) specifies that 81.25% of the Base VLF revenues are to be divided equally between cities and counties and apportioned on the basis of population. The use of revenues received from the motor vehicle in-lieu tax are unrestricted. They are included in the General Fund to help support fire and police services, as well as quality of life services. 23 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Property Tax Revenues $22,000,000 $2O,000,00O $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 ~0,700,000 17.860,000 15,800000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 Fiscal Year Ending Sales Tax Revenues $50,000,000 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 26 200.000 ~ 94 95 96 31,83D 000 97 98 99 00 01 02 Fiscal Year Ending 47,400,000 03 24 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Transient Lodging Tax $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,OOO,OOO $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 Fiscal Year Ending 5,800,000 O3 License and Permit Revenue $2,400,000 $2,200,000 $2,000,0OO $1,800,000 ~ $1,6oo,ooo $1,400,000 $1,200,000 SI,000,000 2,000,000 1 780000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 Fiscal Year Ending 2,050,000 O3 25 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Motor Vehicle-in-Lieu Revenues $16,000,000 155914(}0 $14,000,000 ~ SI2,000,000 :_= $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 7 000,000 8 655,000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 Fiscal Year Ending $11,000,000 $10,000,000 $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,00O $6,000,000 $5,000,000 Charges for Services 8.720,000 9,870,000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 Fiscal Year Ending 26 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CDBG/Home Entitlement $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 4,521,000 94 95 96 97 98 99 O0 01 02 03 Fiscal Year Ending 27 CDCDO qqq 00000 qqqqq qqqqq ooo0o qqqqq 28 (DO00000 00000~ 00000 29 30 oo o 8gggg~gggg§gggggggggg ggg §gg 0 00000 0 O0 0 0 000 0 000~0 0 O0 0 0 LEGISLATIVE Legislative DEPARTMENT GOAL To serve as the legislative and policy making body of the City; enact ordinances, resolutions and orders necessary for governing the affairs of the City; and promote the economic, cultural and governmental well being of the City of Bakersfield. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The full City Council met with the County Board of Supervisors twice in open meetings to discuss areas of mutual interest and concern. Streamlined Council meeting procedures to expedite council meetings and the smooth flow of information to the public. Increased recognitions of the public for special efforts they have accomplished for the betterment of the community. 32 LEGISLATIVE DIVISIONS: Mayor City Council Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $140,349 $182,156 $194,896 $162,595 $222,473 $288,537 $288,537 $313,329 $362,822 $470,693 $483,433 $475,924 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $362,822 $470,693 $483,433 $475,924 $362,822 $470,693 $483,433 $475,924 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Mayor City Council Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 33 1011 - Mayor 1051 - City Council DIVISION GOAL Enhance the City's transportation network; provide quality public safety services; continue positive development trends for downtown; plan for growth and development; maintain and upgrade the City's infrastructure; ensure efficient use of fiscal resources; attract and foster a qualified work force; improve city government communications with its citizens; strengthen and diversify the City's economic base; support positive intergovernmental relations; and promote community pride. Formulate City policies which reflect the needs and priorities of the community. Establish and promote efforts to enhance community pride and improved communications between government and its citizens. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Adopted updated Council Goals and Guiding Principles. Prepared and took action on issues in a timely manner at regularly scheduled and special Council meetings. 3. Provided Council direction to staff through Council committees. Adopted the City's annual Operating and Capital Improvements Program budgets prior to June 30. Served in a ceremonial capacity for City events and away from home as a City representative. 6. Appointed citizens to represent the community on various boards and commissions. 7. Served as spokesperson for City affairs with all segments of the media. Strengthened the City's position in local and state legislative arenas through representation at National League of Cities meetings, League of California Cities meetings, and at state and regional public hearings. 34 1011 and 1051 - Mayor and City Council continued FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Prepare and take action on issues in a timely manner at regularly scheduled and special City Council meetings. Provide Council direction to staff through Council Committee meetings. Adopt the Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets by June 30. Serve in a ceremonial capacity for City events and away from home as a City representative. 5. Appoint citizens to represent the community on various boards and commissions. 6. Serve as spokespersons for City affairs with all segments of the media. 7. Meet with the County Board of Supervisors to discuss and consider proposals for joint efforts on issues of interest and concern to the area residents of Bakersfield and Kern County. 8. Work toward equitable representation and resource allocations relative to the Kern Council of Governments. 9. Seek legislative support for permanent position on the Local Agency Formation Commission board. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Approved City budgets (Operating, CIP, BRDA) by June 30 Council Meetings Held Proclamations Issued FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 1 1 1 31 29 28 113 115 120 35 MAYOR EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $91,184 $110,567 $110,567 $110,548 $39,060 $66,389 $66,389 $52,047 $10,105 $5,200 $17,940 $140,349 $182,156 $194,896 $162,595 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $140,349 $182,156 $194,896 $162,595 $140,349 $182,156 $194,896 $162,595 36 CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $86,674 $92,965 $92,965 $104,136 $135,799 $195,572 $195,572 $209,193 $222,473 $288,537 $288,537 $313,329 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $222,473 $288,537 $288,537 $313,329 $222,473 $288,537 $288,537 $313,329 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 38 EXECUTIVE mm LU c~ mm m mmm 0 39 Executive DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide professional leadership in the management of the City and execution of City Council policies; to provide effective municipal services through the coordination and direction of all City activities, finances and personnel; to act as liaison between the City and other governmental agencies, citizens, business and community groups and the media; and to provide administrative support to the City Council and City departments in matters relating to maintenance of City Council records, elections and personnel. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Participated in the Vision 2020 community visioning process. 2. Staffed Council and Council-appointed committees. Reviewed proposals for City Center project development, sought public input and conducted public meetings to ascertain public interest. 4. Conducted elections for Council wards 2, 5 and 6. Reviewed, analyzed and made recommendations regarding existing or pending state and federal legislation. 40 EXECUTIVE DIVISIONS: City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Management Info. Services Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $730,330 $788,763 $809,541 $837,872 $509,241 $574,546 $574,733 $665,918 $883,960 $1,131,430 $1,159,655 $1,180,358 $4,856,745 $5,219,205 $5,219,730 $5,850,301 $3,085,352 $2,935,188 $3,123,579 $4,062,524 $10,065,629 $10,649,132 $10,887,238 $12,596,973 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Self Insurance Fund Total $3,757,164 $4,497,227 $4,683,226 $5,406,554 $26,120 $32,115 $1,425,599 $932,700 $984,282 $1,308,003 $4,856,746 $5,219,205 $5,219,730 $5,850,301 $10,065,629 $10,649,132 $10,887,238 $12,596,973 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Management Info. Services Total 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 19.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 48.00 50.00 54.00 57.00 4]_ 1331 - City Manager DIVISIONAL GOAL Participate in intergovernmental activities to represent the City's interest and influence policy and legislation; provide public information services for the community and City staff; assist Council in formulating long-term community policies and strategies; and administer and prepare all budget procedures and documents. Maintain a sound fiscal position for the City through preparation of and recommendations to the City's Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets; and continual monitoring of financial conditions throughout the year. Provide legislative and policy assistance to the City Council and staff; develop and enhance administrative policy; and perform special assignments. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Prepared and distributed the proposed and annual operating budgets for fiscal year 2001-02. Prepared and distributed the annual Capital Improvement Program budget for fiscal year 2001-02 Prepared and submitted for Council adoption budget amendments twice during fiscal year 2001-02. Staffed the following Council Committees: Legislative and Litigation; Budget and Finance; Urban Development; Intergovernmental Relations; Personnel; Water Resources; Community Services; and the council-appointed Ad Hoc Committee on Crime Weapons, Gang Violence, and Community Relations and the Ad Hoc Committee-City Center. Administered contracts for animal control services with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), convention services with the Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau, and cable franchises. 6. Participated in the Vision 2020 community visioning process. Developed and coordinated additional avenues for citizen participation in the City government process through the City's Internet website. Held a series of informal sessions in every City department for the City Manager to meet with employees as a way of fostering increased communication between management and employees. 42 1331 - City Manager continued Directed the activities of the Employee Incentive Committee in the administration of the Employee Incentive Plan, which is a program to recognize City employees for excellent service in their work performance. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 6. 7. 8. Prepare and distribute the proposed and annual operating budgets for fiscal year 2002-03. Prepare and distribute the annual Capital Improvement Program budget for fiscal year 2002-03. Staff City Council Committees: Legislative and Litigation; Budget and Finance; Urban Development; Intergovernmental Relations; Personnel; Water Resources; Community Services; and the Ad Hoc Committee on Crime Weapons, Gang Violence, and Community Relations. Administer contracts for animal control services, convention and visitor services, and cable franchises. Produce and distribute an annual Citywide information newsletter. Assist with implementation of Vision 2020 Plan. Conduct elections for Wards 1,3, 4, and 7. Coordinate efforts to ensure equitable distribution to the City of Bakersfield of road funds from state and federal revenues. Review, analyze, and coordinate efforts to seek permanent position for City of Bakersfield on Local Agency Formation Commission board. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Annexation Growth - Population Annexation Growth - Square Miles General Information Memoranda Employee Newsletters Produced FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adooted 2O 3 3 .41 .07 .28 52 52 52 12 12 12 CITY MANAGER EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $624,201 $686,360 $686,360 $748,610 $93,914 $87,403 $88,775 $89,262 $12,216 $15,000 $34,406 $730,330 $788,763 $809,541 $837,872 Personnel Operating Capital Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $730,330 $788,763 $809,541 $837,872 $730,330 $788,763 $809,541 $837,872 Total 44 1341 - City Clerk DIVISION GOAL Maintain a complete and accurate record of City Council proceedings; preserve official City records; conduct municipal elections; provide administrative assistance to the City Council and Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and provide prompt and courteous service to citizens' requests for assistance. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Continued back-file conversion of City contracts from 1990 and all Resolutions of Intentions into LaserFiche. Successfully assisted with the adoption of an Annexation Mission Statement and Policy Resolution. Successfully assisted with the establishment of the new "e-work" referral tracking system. Maintained bi-monthly updates of the Municipal Code on-line, providing up-to-date information to citizens and City departments of adopted Ordinances. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Conduct the November 5, 2002 Municipal Election for City Council Wards 1, 3, 4, and 7. Prepare Council agenda and distribute agenda packets by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to a Council meeting. Respond to subpoenas and requests for public records according to the requirements of the California Public Records Act and within the legal deadline of 10 days, 100 percent of the time. Prepare and distribute Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency agenda packets by Wednesday 5:00 p.m. prior to the Monday meeting. 5. Provide prompt and courteous service to all citizens' requests for assistance. 1341 - City Clerk continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Prepare and Post Council agenda Council Elections City Ordinances Adopted City Resolutions Adopted Contracts & Agreements FY 00-01 Actual 3O 1 42 194 791 FY 01-02 Actual 28 0 5O 185 9OO FY 02-03 Adopted 26 1 4O 190 84O CITY CLERK EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 2000-01 Adopted Amended Adopted Budget Budget Budget 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $304,699 $309,320 $309,320 $381,541 $187,892 $264,826 $265,013 $283,977 $16,651 $400 $400 $400 $509,241 $509,241 $509,241 $574,546 $574,546 $574,546 $574,733 $665,918 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $574,733 $665,918 $574,733 $665,918 4.7 1351 - Human Resources DIVISION GOAL Provide the City with quality human resource management services in the areas of recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labor relations, discipline, performance evaluation, training, benefits and affirmative action. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Converted 10 temporary Solid Waste positions to regular. Hired 139 new employees, roughly double the five-year average from FY 1995-1996 to FY 1999-2000. Guided City departments in handling a substantial number of employee relations issues leading to increased performance levels. 4. Updated records retention schedule. 5. Conducted major records destruction project. 6. Completed approximately twenty classification/compensation studies. 7. Created and revised sixteen job specifications. 8. Continued to administer a major contract outsourcing temporary positions. Participated in a consortium to recruit and test firefighters resulting in a broader range of minority and female applicants at a significantly reduced cost from conducting an individual City recruitment. 10. Reopened contracts with both Police and Fire Unions and successfully negotiated enhanced retirement benefits. 11. Completed contract negotiations with SEIU for a three-year contract. 12. Established a presence on the City's Intranet by posting benefits information, civil service rules and memorandums of understanding. 13. Updated civil service rules in the areas of reinstatement/reemployment and veteran's preference. 48 1351 - Human Resources continued 14. Conducted Citywide training in the areas of customer service, communication and harassment issues. 15. Conducted a ten-week, Citywide supervisory development course. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Provide quality employees to City departments through effective recruitment and selection processes. 2. Provide quality Citywide training programs. 3. Continue to effectively and qualitatively advise City Management on employee coaching, development and discipline. 4. Continue to pursue effective resolution of labor relations issues. 5. Actively monitor all human resources practices for compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws. Identify barriers to equal employment opportunity. Make outreach efforts to underutilized minority and female groups as recruitments occur. 6. Continue to actively pursue human resources streamlining opportunities such as Consistency Review and revising the Bakersfield Municipal Code's areas on discipline and compensation. 7. Provide timely and accurate benefit information and programs for City employees and retirees. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 00-01 Actual Regular Employees Hired 149 Regular Employees Promoted 139 Temporary Employees Hired 17 Regular Recruitments Conducted 82 Regular Applications Received 2,309 Citywide Training Classes Offered 0 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Adopted 139 124 118 140 14 10 66 75 2,947 2,700 28 35 HUMAN RESOURCES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $574,358 $670,990 $670,990 $700,426 $307,712 $459,440 $486,056 $479,932 $1,891 $1,000 $2,609 $883,960 $1,131,430 $1,159,655 $1,180,358 $883,960 $1,131,430 $1,159,655 $1,180,358 $883,960 $1,131,430 $1,159,655 $1,180,358 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total 50 1361 - Risk Management DIVISION GOAL Protect the assets of the City from potential loss by either pumhasing insurance, self- insuring or transferring the risk of loss to others; to promote safety and well being for City employees by designing training and educational programs to reduce injuries, and respond to all claims filed against the City and limit amount of loss through effective claims management. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Miscellaneous employees completed two sixty-day periods without a lost time accident for the first time. A monthly driver improvement training class was initiated to promote safe driving techniques and reduce the number of automotive accidents involving City drivers. Quarterly meetings were held between Risk Management and the Legal staff to evaluate and manage lawsuits filed against the City. Monthly safety meetings were attended by each City division, keeping employees informed on accident reports filed, OSHA issues, and upcoming safety and training classes and events. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Reduce the amount of Temporary Disability Payments made to employees by encouraging the use of the City's Modified Duty work program. Reduce the number and cost of workers' compensation claims by encouraging the promotion of safety at the division level. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Workers' Compensation Claims Filed Liability Claims Filed Against the City Property Damage Accounts Opened FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 195 195 210 178 170 178 153 153 155 5! RISK MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,299,575 $3,557,170 $1,395,016 $3,824,189 $1,395,016 $3,824,714 $4,856,745 $5,219,205 $5,219,730 $1,689,140 $4,161,161 $5,850,301 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self Insurance Fund Total $4,856,745 $4,856,745 $5,219,205 $5,219,205 $5,219,730 $5,850,301 $5,219,730 $5,850,301 52 1371 - Management Information Services DIVISION GOAL Aid all City departments in the delivery of services and products by providing development, administration, installation and maintenance of information technologies; represent the City in dealings with outside agencies regarding information technology issues; and ensure a reliable, secure, and responsive centrally managed, computing environment to meet the continuing needs of City departments. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Updated AS400 Central system to improve service levels to all HTE Users. Implemented new HTE based Building Permits, Planning & Zoning and Code Enforcement systems. Upgraded Wide-Area-Network to improve productivity at remote sites and Fire Stations. Completed the upgrade of 250 older computers and 46 printers. Improved the connection speeds of networked workstations at the Corporation Yard by installation of a Fiberoptic link and new office cabling. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Install 200 Mobile Data Computers in all Police Cars. Implement "Single Sign On" methodology of user connection to the network to improve the Iogin process to the network computers. Implement "Biometric" security devices on desktop computers to improve security of the Iogin process. Replace the Police Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Systems. 5. Complete the migration of all City workstations to the Microsoft Suite. Relocate the Economic/Community Development and Recreation & Parks to the new building at 900 Truxtun Ave. Replace existing Recreation & Parks reservation system with the new Rectrac system from HTE. 8. Implement "Mobile Disaster Data Center." 9. Upgrade Novell Netware to version 6. 10. Migrate engineering users from Autocadd to Microstation software. 11. Relocate MIS Programming, GIS & Web staff to 1600 Truxtun Ave. 53 1371 - Management Information Services continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Install Replacement Computers Install New Computers Install New Printers Install Replacement Printers Number of Help Desk Calls Processed FY 00-01 Actual 2OO 18 5 35 4,914 FY 01-02 Actual 250 18 7 46 5,759 FY 02-03 Adopted 248 55 12 51 7,OOO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,042,908 $1,265,905 $1,284,905 $1,618,026 $1,257,763 $1,035,977 $1,032,483 $1,387,338 $784,681 $633,306 $806,191 $1,057,160 $3,085,352 $2,935,188 $3,123,579 $4,062,524 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Total $1,633,633 $2,002,488 $2,139,297 $2,722,406 $26,120 $32,115 $1,425,599 $932,700 $984,282 $1,308,003 $3,085,352 $2,935,188 $3,123,579 $4,062,524 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Services DEPARTMENT GOALS To provide support to the City Council and the City departments in matters relating to revenue generation, budgetary accounting and reporting, investments, business licenses and permits, purchasing and real property management. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. issued $10,980,000 special assessment district bonds (two issues). 2. Processed 10,600 Business License renewals in a timely manner. 3. Processed approximately 7,000 purchase orders. 4. Refinanced General Obligation Water Bonds to save $190,000 in interest costs over a five-year period. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Secure Revenue Bond proceeds for projects as directed. Issue special assessment bonds directed by the City Council. Acquire/Dispose of real property in a timely manner. 58 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Accounting Treasury Purchasing Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $423,385 $429,638 $469,638 $461,175 $633,802 $769,678 $771,932 $920,835 $457,689 $518,671 $518,671 $547,855 $287,964 $344,555 $347,275 $359,191 $1,802,840 $2,062,542 $2,107,516 $2,289,056 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund PFA - Operating Fund Sewer Fund - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Assessment Districts Total $1,665,908 $1,863,480 $1,866,917 $2,094,184 $10,337 $24,000 $24,000 $15,500 $66,599 $110,000 $111,537 $107,000 $59,996 $65,062 $105,062 $72,372 $1,802,840 $2,062,542 $2,107,516 $2,289,056 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration Accounting Treasury Purchasing Total 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 1991 - Administration DIVISION GOAL Provide for effective and efficient management of the City's fiscal resources through leadership and direction of staff resources; provide support to the City in matters relating to real estate and the purchase, sale and leasing of City-owned real property; and administer the protective provisions of City indentures. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Acquired approximately four (4) miles of right-of-way to extend the Mohawk Sewer. 2. Acquired right-of-way to widen Brimhall west of Coffee Road. Acquired five acres as a site for proposed Fire Station No. 15/park site in southwest Bakersfield. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Acquire/Dispose of real property in a timely manner. 2. Secure revenue bond proceeds for projects as directed. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Property Acquisitions Property Disposals FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 12 35 25 3 3 2 60 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $269,147 $294,081 $294,081 $326,698 $153,830 $135,557 $175,557 $133,627 $4O8 $85O $423,385 $429,638 $469,638 $461,175 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund PFA - Operating Fund Equipment Management Assessment Districts Total $353,052 $340,576 $340,576 $373,303 $10,337 $24,000 $24,000 $15,500 $59,996 $65,062 $105,062 $469,638 $423,385 $429,638 $72,372 $461,175 6! 1992 - Accounting and Reporting DIVISION GOAL Provide for the accurate and timely accounting and reporting of all fiscal transactions for the City and related agencies. Monitor special assessment district financing for investment compliance and timely bond calls by September of each year. Process bi-weekly payroll checks, weekly vendor payments and accounts receivable billings as scheduled. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Issued Comprehensive Annual Financial Report on December 5, 2001. 2. Processed all debt service payments when due. 3. Issued $10,980,000 in Assessment Bonds. (2 Districts) Refinanced General Obligation Water Bonds to save $190,000 in interest costs over a five-year period. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30% in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles by December 8th in order to qualify for special recognition programs at the State and National level. 2. Process all required debt service payments by due date. 3. Implement new financial reporting requirements per GASB #34. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Assessment District Pamels Payroll Checks Issued Accounts Payable Invoices Paid Accounts Receivable Statements Sent FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 19,700 20,300 21,000 32,300 33,000 33,500 67,000 68,100 69,500 84,200 85,000 86,000 62 ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $544,439 $647,039 $647,039 $687,636 $86,863 $117,639 $119,893 $220,949 $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $12,250 $633,802 $769,678 $771,932 $920,835 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Sewer Fund - Plant #3 Total $633,802 $769,678 $771,932 $920,835 $633,802 $769,678 $771,932 $920,835 63 1994 - Treasury DIVISION GOAL Provide centralized cashiering, check distribution and investment of idle funds. Administer and enforce the provisions of the Municipal Code relating to business licenses, transient occupancy tax and business regulatory permits. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Prepared an Investment Policy in conformance with MTA US &C certification program. 2. Payments via Visa/MasterCard were implemented at the Solid Waste Department. 3. Processed 10,600 Business License renewals. 4. Mailed 1,500 final delinquent notices of Business Licenses in November 2000. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 2. 3. 4. Receipt all payments by the end of each day. Provide an investment policy to the City Council by November 1. Issue Business Licenses within seven (7) days of application. Issue permits within Municipal Cede time limits not to exceed 30 days. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Business Licenses Alarm Permits Development Permit Payments FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 12,800 13,000 13,500 9,300 9,100 9,100 9,432 9,700 9,800 64 TREASURY EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $388,320 $445,046 $445,046 $462,776 $61,392 $73,625 $73,625 $84,379 $7,977 $700 $457,689 $518,671 $518,671 $547,855 Personnel Operating Capital Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $457,689 $518,671 $518,671 $547,855 Total $457,689 $518,671 $518,671 $547,855 1995 - Purchasing DIVISION GOAL Administer the provisions of the City Charter and Municipal Code relating to the procurement of materials and services at the best value to the requesting department. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Effected the use of credit cards by Purchasing staff for making some small dollar purchases via the internet and to eliminate paperwork. 2. Provided a storage area for surplus office furniture (for future use) and posted information regarding availability for City departments on intranet software. 3. Processed approximately 7,000 purchase orders (90% within three working days of receipt). FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Evaluate expanded use of E-Procu rement, the buying of goods and services via the Internet, to obtain more value for funds expended. 2. Evaluate use of Internet for sales of surplus equipment (office furniture, vehicles). SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted Projects Bid 105 100 100 Contracts 30 30 30 Purchase Orders 7,000 7,000 7,000 66 PURCHASING EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $200,461 $208,290 $208,290 $222,247 $82,711 $106,265 $108,985 $104,944 $4,792 $30,000 $30,000 $32,000 $287,964 $344,555 $347,275 $359,191 Personnel Operating Capital Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Equipment Management $221,365 $234,555 $235,738 $252,191 $66,599 $110,000 $111,537 $107,000 Total $287,964 $344,555 $347,275 $359,191 67 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 68 CITY ATTORNEY 0 (..3 0 0 69 City Attorney DEPARTMENT GOAL To represent, support and provide legal advice to the Mayor and City Council, department heads and staff members of the various City departments; to aggressively defend its client in litigation; to initiate litigation at the direction of the City Council; to render timely legal advice to City boards, commissions and committees; to research and provide information on legal issues; to prepare legal documents, including ordinances, resolutions and contracts; and to review and prepare amendments to the City Charter and Bakersfield Municipal Code to maintain consistency with current state and federal laws. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Established an internal system to spot, review and evaluate proposed legislation which may have an impact on the City. Conducted workshops for Council, including (a) updated changes to FPPC regulations, Government Code section 1090 conflict of interest guidelines and Proposition 34 issues; (b) Robert's Rules of Order; and (c) SB 975 Prevailing Wage. Enhanced the cross-education of staff attorneys to expedite legal service provision to all City departments through attendance at seminars on issues such as personnel law, discipline and internal investigations, bond sales, goodwill loss valuation, zoning and eminent domain, Subdivision Map Act, and planning. Resolved property acquisitions for easements through negotiation, pre-judgment possession, or eminent domain action for regional water drainage basin, sewerlines, road access and road widening projects, and reviewed contracts to purchase properties for the Property Management Division and Public Works Department. Prepared documents and assisted the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency in the development of a senior housing facility on California Avenue. Streamlined the Planning Commission agenda by adding a consent section for certain public hearing items, created a"Welcome Notice" for informational items and amended the bylaws to reflect these changes. Finalized agreement between the City and Greenfield School District wherein City agreed to act as a conduit for $985,000 in State grant monies for construction of a community facility. Rendered legal advice, attended community meetings, and gave presentations to the Council and Water Board concerning the energy crisis. 70 City Attorney continued Assisted the Public Works Department and Assemblyman Roy Ashburn's office in preparing a plan for the remediation of railroad crossing problems and agreed on a plan whereby the crossings will be repaired in an orderly fashion. FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES None. 7] CITY ATTORNEY DIVISIONS: Legal Counsel Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,600,992 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 $1,600,992 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self-Insurance Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service-Plant 3 Refuse Fund Assessment Districts General Fund Total $7,279 $3O,772 $1,562,941 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 $1,600,992 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Legal Counsel Total 72 1211 - Legal Counsel DIVISION GOAL Serve as legal counsel for the City in civil and criminal litigation and workers' compensation; issue legal opinions and prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other documents requested by the Mayor and City Council, department heads and staff members of the various City departments; and implement the legal aspects of various policies and programs established by the City Council. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Revised several ordinances to address Council concerns, including fireworks, alarms, contract pre-qualification, bonding, elimination of self-service tobacco displays, specification of hours needed for a massage technician permit, prohibition of skateboarding in Old Town Kern, and elimination of permanent park vendors. Taught a portion of the POST class for Bakersfield Police Department dispatchers on public records and subpoenas. Continued to provide public seminars regarding rental agreements and crisis resolution for the Bakersfield Police Department Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program. Assisted the Code Enforcement Division in having a wall completed at a burned restaurant facility and requiring a junk yard to complete extensive cleanup and repairs in order to address public safety concerns per Council request. 5. Assisted the Finance Department in revising the City's investment policy. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Continue to provide information on proposed and newly enacted legislation which may have an impact on the City. 2. Conduct workshops to inform and update Council regarding issues of concern. With the Citywide computer program conversion from Corel to Word, provide training: 1) on the database program to finalize the creation of a usable opinion database; and 2) on the remaining programs to further enhance office efficiency in handling legal matters. 4. Continue to provide in-service training for City departments, as needed. 73 1211 - Legal Counsel continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Litiqation: Cases Filed and Served Average Active Caseload Cases Resolved: Cases Dismissed (No Funds Expended) Cases Settled (Funds Expended) Judgments in Favor of the City Judgments Against the City FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 25 33 30 51 54 52 10 10 9 11 13 12 10 6 8 0 1 1 Municipal: Ordinances 42 50 40 Resolutions 194 185 190 Written Legal Opinions: · Provided to Departments 90 86 80 · Provided to the City Council 67 71 70 74 LEGAL COUNSEL EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,414,178 $1,493,086 $1,493,086 $1,544,076 $172,634 $160,797 $164,565 $182,734 $14,180 $10,080 $18,679 $900 $1,600,992 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self-Insurance Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service-Plant 3 Refuse Fund Assessment Districts General Fund Total $7,279 $3O,772 $1,562,941 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 $1,600,992 $1,663,963 $1,676,330 $1,727,710 75 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 76 POLICE SERVICES Police Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide for the safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield through maintenance of effective law enforcement systems, including: crime prevention, patrol, traffic enforcement, follow-up criminal investigations, vice and narcotic enforcement and community relations. FY 2001-02 Accomplishments The Operations Division implemented geographic policing by aligning and deploying all patrol and traffic shifts according to geographic area command. By using the crime analyst, they have been able to direct resources to those areas which require more resources. Completed Police Strategic Plan and recommendations for police substation and satellite facilities. As a result of terrorist attacks on our nation, a Criminal Intelligence Office was formed. This is staffed by a Lieutenant who reports directly to the Chief of Police. The Investigations Division was able to maintain a 29.67% clearance rate on the combined total of Part I Crimes reported during 2001. (Part I Crimes: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, auto theft and arson). The Crime Prevention Unit continued to provide successful community awareness programs during the past budget year. A total of 516 crime prevention programs were conducted for over 47,264 citizens of Bakersfield. The Bakersfield Police Department Vice/Narcotics Detail has moved to the DEA facility on Schirra Court. This move created office space in the police department and has created a close working relationship with DEA. 78 POLICE SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Operations Investigations Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $9,O92,644 $20,101,324 $8,327,784 $9,690,975 $23,954,006 $8,6O5,496 $37,521,752 $42,250,477 $9,806,885 $24,437,349 $8,661,415 $10,271,679 $25,584,674 $9,583,8O3 $42,905,649 $45,440,156 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Traffic Safety Fund Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Total $120,937 $37,400,815 $1,680,000 $4O,570,477 $1,680,000 $41,225,649 $1,680,000 $43,760,156 $37,521,752 $42,250,477 $42,905,649 $45,440,156 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administrative Svcs. 63.00 63.00 126.00 128.00 Operations 285.00 300.00 229.00 239.00 Investigations 77.00 80.00 88.00 90.00 Total 425.00 443.00 443.00 457.00 79 2011 - Headquarters DIVISION GOAL Provide direct assistance and support to the Chief of Police; investigation of personnel complaints; investigate government code claims for damages against the police department; provide investigative assistance to the City Attorney's Office; disseminate information to the media and relate information made through public inquiries. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Investigated and responded to 35 citizen complaints. 2. Processed 118 permits to conduct business within the City of Bakersfield. 3. Provided assistance to the City Attorney's Office in responding to 14 Pitchess Motions. 4. Responded to 28 citizen inquiries. 5. Investigated nine internal complaint investigations. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Receive, investigate and process all personnel complaints and strive to complete them as mandated. 2. Receive, investigate, process and monitor all investigative requests from the City Attorney's Office to ensure they are all completed in a timely manner. 3. Continue to research and implement an automated case tracking system to aid in the management of Internal Affairs data. 4. Complete all Personnel Complaint investigations within 60 days of their reception. 5. Complete all investigative services requested by the City Attorney's Office and Risk Management within five days. 80 2011 - Headquarters continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS SERVICE FY 1999-2000 FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-JAN 2002 CITIZEN COMPLAINTS 63 69 35 I.A. INVESTIGATIONS 10 21 9 CITIZEN INQUIRIES 44 53 28 PITCH ESS MOTIONS 28 36 14 CLAIMS 89 38 31 PERMITS 176 245 118 Criminal Intelligence Unit OVERVIEW The Criminal Intelligence Office was established in November 2001, as a result of terrorist attacks on our nation. The office is staffed currently by one Lieutenant who serves as the Intelligence Officer and reports to the Chief of Police. In addition to standard criminal intelligence, the Intelligence Officer coordinates with local law enforcement agencies and the local F.B.I. Office in an Ad Hoc Terrorist working group. The Intelligence Office also conducts investigations with the California Anti-Terrorism Information Center. SECTION GOAL Provide pro-active criminal intelligence information pertaining to criminal activity and domestic/international terrorism to facilitate timely deployment of resources to interdict and prevent crime in the City of Bakersfield. Coordinate disaster preparedness training for departments, citywide. OBJECTIVES Develop policies pertaining to collection, analysis, and dissemination of criminal intelligence. Provide in-service and academy training in weapons of mass destruction and anti- terrorism. 3. Obtain membership in the International Law Enforcement Unit. 8]_ 2011 - Support Services DIVISION GOAL Provide administrative support necessary for effective operation of the various department units; provide mandated and additional training to all employees of the department; provide 24-hour emergency and non-emergency telephone answering and radio dispatching; disseminate information crucial to the effective enforcement of law; develop and update department policy and procedures; conduct efficient record management practices; and provide crime prevention programs for the community, schools and businesses. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Training Section provided one P.O.S.T. certified 800 hour Basic Police Academy course, and two P.O.S.T. certified 120 hour Basic Dispatcher courses in conjunction with Bakersfield College. In collaboration with California State University Bakersfield, and other local law enforcement agencies, Training staff provided instruction in the first Law Enforcement Career Preparation Program class geared at helping students be successful in obtaining employment in the field of law enforcement. During the first half of FY 2001-02, the Training Section in cooperation with the Human Resources Department conducted a statewide recruitment for the position of Police Officer. This effort resulted in the highest number of applicants in several years. July 2001, the Crime Prevention Unit received recognition for outstanding service. The entire unit was nominated and received the City of Bakersfield's "High Five Peer Recognition Award." In 2001, the Crime Prevention Unit hosted several large scale community based events including: Law Enforcement Day in the Park Community meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Crime, Weapons, Gang Violence and Community Relations 18th Annual National Night Out Against Crime RAVE Culture Awareness Training (8 hour training) Elder Abuse Prevention Training (8 hour training) Christmas Food Basket Program BPD / ARCO Project Santa Program 82 2011 - Support Services continued Six Bakersfield Police Officers presented the 17 week DARE curriculum to approximately 7,000 local sixth grade students in five school districts. One Senior High School DARE officer taught a 10 day program in six local high schools. The Records Section completed accurate inventory of all law enfomement reports (over 600,000) being maintained in Records and provided information to assist Property Room in identifying cases no longer needing evidence storage. Re-coded records in existing Records Management System. Reorganized traffic flow in lobby and provided counter, signage, form examples and written instructions on forms in order to assist the customers. Maintained full staffing in the Communications Center 98.8% of the 2001 calendar year. 10. Created a six-week Dispatch Orientation course for newly appointed Police Dispatchers. This course provides the new employees with the basics, such as codes, complaint types, geographical boundaries, etc. 11. Achieved an average "receipt to dispatch" time of 00:01:52 during the second half of the year, which is a drastic improvement over the average of 00:02:29 during the first half of the year. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Develop and present a Bakersfield Police Department recruitment video to be utilized in job fairs and other presentations. In partnership with Bakersfield College, obtain and develop a permanent academy site that exceeds P.O.S.T. minimum standards. Develop and implement a pre-test tutorial targeting potential police officer applicants in an effort to improve success rates on written examinations. 4. Reseamh and develop a Citywide Neighborhood Improvement Task Force. Conduct three 8-hour Crime Free Multi-Housing Training Sessions and increase total number of apartment complexes who have completed all three phases of this program by 10%. Develop and implement the Eddie the Eaqle Gun Safety Program which will be presented in local elementary schools. 83 2011 - Support Services continued 9. 10. 11. 12. Maintain an average "receipt to dispatch" time of less than two minutes for priority one calls. Implement the new Versaterm Computer Aided Dispatch system. Begin presenting 9-1-1 for Kids Program to elementary schools in our jurisdiction. Continue preparation for implementation of new Records Management System (RMS). Eliminate backlog of data entry prior to implementing new RMS. Develop process for imaging of specific long-term retention police reports. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Mandated Training to Sworn Personnel / Civilian (hours) Monthly Training Bulletins Basic Academy Course Public Safety Dispatcher Course Civilian Academy Reserve Police Officer Donated Hours FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 24/16 32/8 24/16 24 32 30 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 15,600 10,358 12,000 8/* 2011 - Support Services continued RECORDS SECTION ANNUAL COMPARISONS I 1999 I 2000 12001 Lines Typed 1,932,059 1,963,308 '1,887,712 Case Numbers Issued 49,257 48,706 52,495 Teletype Service 68,391 59,845 67,078 RMS File Entry 456,050 521,664 644,355 Total Receipts Issued 9,330 9,104 8,049 30 Day Vehicle Impounds 4,062 4,390 5,032 30 Day Impound Cost Recovery Receipts Issued 1,478 1,507 2,840 Notice of Stored Vehicle Notifications Mailed 7,112 7,216 8,270 Fl's Filed 6,393 3,910 8,167 Subpoenas Processed 17,471 17,723 17,690 *Does not include Transcription done in Investigations 85 HEADQUARTERS AND SUPPORT SERVICES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $7,764,370 $8,190,839 $8,190,839 $1,302,950 $1,473,466 $1,538,807 $25,324 $26,670 $77,239 $9,092,644 $9,690,975 $8,682,666 $1,559,307 $29,706 $9,806,885 $10,271,679 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $9,092,644 $9,690,975 $9,806,885 $9,092,644 $9,690,975 $9,806,885 $10,271,679 $10,271,679 86 2021 - Operations DIVISION GOAL Protect life and property; investigate crimes and apprehend criminal violators; provide for the safe and orderly flow of traffic; provide police canine service and support to the police department and the community. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS I, Implemented geographic policing by aligning and deploying all patrol and traffic shifts according to geographic area command. Entered into an agreement with Bakersfield College to provide limited police services. 3. The traffic section conducted eleven D.U.I. / Driver License check points this year. Created a Hispanic Community Liaison Committee involving 25 members from the Hispanic Community and members of this Department. The first meeting was held in October 2001. Using the crime analyst, we have been able to direct enforcement efforts to those areas which require more resources. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Fully implement satellite police offices in the Central and East Command areas of the City. Implement an interior building security system in the police department by the use of a magnetometer, visitor passes, interior building door locks, escorting visitors through the building, and training employees in these security procedures. Implement the red-light enforcement camera system at selected intersections of the City. Develop and present at least four public education programs regarding the proper usage of child safety seats and bicycle safety in order to better protect children in the community. 87 2021 - Operations continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Non-Injury Accidents Injury Accidents Fatal Accidents Personnel Complaints FY 00-01 Actual 3,701 1,260 15 61 FY 01-02 Actual 3,798 1,957 21 69 FY 02-03 Adopted 3,418 1,761 19 62 88 OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $15,439,295 $17,205,043 $17,545,519 $19,121,001 $4,619,952 $6,627,963 $6,555,505 $6,393,124 $42,078 $121,000 $336,325 $70,549 $20,101,324 $23,954,006 $24,437,349 $25,584,674 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Traffic Safety Fund General Fund Total $1,680,000 $1,680,000 $1,680,000 $20,101,324 $22,274,006 $22,757,349 $23,904,674 $20,101,324 $23,954,006 $24,437,349 $25,584,674 89 2031 - Investigations DIVISION GOAL It is the goal of the Investigations Division to work cooperatively with all other divisions and allied agencies as we continue to uphold a tradition of skillful and ethical criminal investigations. We will be innovative in our use of available crime fighting technologies and look forward to the implementation of a new Records Managements System, which should greatly assist in the investigation process. The Special Enforcement Unit will continue to utilize proven enforcement strategies in the investigation and suppression of criminal gang violence. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Investigations Division was able to maintain a 29.87% clearance rate on the combined total of Part I Crimes reported during 2001. The Juvenile/Sex Crimes detail continued with the Registered Sex Offender Verification program. During the past year we conducted 585 compliance checks. These compliance checks were conducted by detectives in the detail and by patrol officers assigned to Operations. The Crimes Against Persons detail received an average of over 100 domestic violence cases per month. The Domestic Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.) was implemented in October 2001. The D.A.R.T. program is currently manned by a Level 1 Bakersfield Police Department Reserve officer who provides transportation to domestic violence abuse response volunteers, who provide counseling to domestic violence victims. One of the most significant accomplishments of the Vice/Narcotics Detail was the seizure of 16 labs. These lab seizures not only represent a significant impact on narcotics distribution, but also represent a significant impact on public safety. A majority of these labs were located in houses in residential neighborhoods, exposing the occupants and neighbors to the dangers associated with the manufacturing of methamphetamine. In August, the BPD and DEA culminated a wiretap investigation of an Ecstacy distribution organization in Bakersfield. Thirteen search warrants and fourteen arrest warrants were served. During the course of the investigation, 8,000 Ecstacy tablets, 1,100 grams of cocaine, 3,000 dosage units of steroids, 16 ounces of G HB, and 100 hits of LSD were seized. Two vehicles and $30,000 were seized for asset forfeiture. 9O 2031 - Investigations continued During the course of the year, over 8.9 pounds of methamphetamine, 1.5 pounds of heroin, and 5.9 pounds of marijuana were seized by the Kern Narcotics Enforcement Team (KNET) during various searches. Other drugs, including PCP and cocaine base, were also seized. KNET officers located one methamphetamine laboratory within the metropolitan Bakersfield area and seized over $181,000 in U.S. currency pursuant to asset fodeiture statutes. The street value of the narcotics seized by KNET exceeded $495,000. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Begin program of monitoring the telephone chat lines quarterly, due to the numerous sexual assault cases involving the Biosphere telephone chat line. Improve the scheduling and increase hours of participation for the Domestic Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.). Train Crimes Against Persons Detail Detectives in child abuse and child death investigations. With the addition of three law enforcement organizations - these additions being the Bakersfield office of Drug Enforcement Administration, the Southern Tri-County HIDTA Task Force, and the new CALMET Task Force, actively conducting narcotic investigations to the local area, the Vice/Narcotics Detail will continue to be an active liaison among these investigative bodies in order to deconflict investigations. Vice/Narcotics Detail will continue to conduct at least monthly inspections of adult entertainment establishments and adult bookstores and will conduct two ABC decoy programs. KN ET will continue to conduct quality probation and parole compliance investigations. Probation and parole violators will continue to be priority targets. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Warrants Received Warrants Cleared FY 99-00 FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Actual Adopted 7,728 7,707 7,780 7,858 5,157 5,857 6,425 6,793 Part I Crimes 1999 2000 2001 2002 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Clearance Rates 29.70% 28.87% 29.67% 29.00% 9] INVESTIGATIONS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $6,901,578 $7,249,365 $7,249,365 $8,323,790 $1,077,917 $1,304,546 $1,309,265 $1,183,514 $348,289 $51,585 $102,785 $76,499 $8,327,784 $8,605,496 $8,661,415 $9,583,803 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $8,327,784 $8,605,496 $8,661,415 $9,583,803 $8,327,784 $8,605,496 $8,661,415 $9,583,803 92 FIRE SERVICES Fire Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To serve citizens by protecting lives and property against the effects of fire, other emergencies or hazards; to assure the orderly growth of the City of Bakersfield with regard to life safety and levels of service by working in cooperation with other departments and agencies. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed Fire Station 15 needs assessment, selected architect, and developed building plans. Incorporated Environmental Services into the Fire Prevention Division improving efficiency and customer service internally and externally. Conducted Emergency Operations Center (EOC) training to all assigned personnel. Conducted Incident Command System (ICS) training to Police personnel. Completed the training phase and equipment purchase phase of the Weapons of Mass Destruction grant for the Department of Justice. Responded to three mutual aid assignments including the 911 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Construction of Station 15 by August 30, 2003. Acquire new fire engine for Station 15. Complete Phase II of staffing for Station 15. Coordinate/participate in full-scale chemical exposure exercise in November 2002. Upgrade of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). FIRE SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Fire Safety Fire Suppression Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $782,697 $2,333,806 $16,031,297 $838,552 $2,475,131 $17,237,395 $843,852 $2,660,291 $17,487,878 $1,120,131 $1,997,732 $18,521,891 $19,147,800 $20,551,078 $20,992,021 $21,639,754 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Total $19,147,800 $20,551,078 $20,992,021 $19,147,800 $20,551,078 $20,992,021 $21,639,754 $21,639,754 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Fire Safety 26.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 Fire Suppression 158.00 164.00 164.00 170.00 Total 192.00 198.00 199.00 206.00 95 3011 - Administration DIVISION GOAL Provide leadership and administrative support for the operation, growth, and development of the Bakersfield Fire Department; develop and administer policies and procedures as set forth by the City Council, City Manager, and the Fire Department; provide fair and applicable promotional testing; encourage employee development in all ranks; and promote teamwork among all City departments. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Conducted three promotional examinations for the positions of Engineer, Captain, and Battalion Chief. Conducted an entrance level Fireflghter examination with Central Valley Joint Recruiting/Testing Consortium (CVJRTC). Conducted a biological tabletop drill with local agencies including local hospitals. Acquired more than $600,000 in State and Federal grants. Completed Fire Station 15 needs assessment, selected architect, and developed building plans. Expanded diversity programs, such as, increased reserve officer and high school minority outreach programs. Completed two recruit Fire Fighter Academies at the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility and one Bakersfield College Fire Fighter I Academy. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 3. 4. 5. 6. Conduct City/County disaster drill involving multiple agencies in the metropolitan area. Groundbreaking and construction of Fire Station 15/Police Department substation. Complete reorganization of Fire Prevention Services. Continue department-wide Risk Hazard and Evaluation Program. Continue to seek out and apply for grants. Take delivery of Engine 6 (replacement) and future Engine 15 and Truck 15. 96 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $679,010 $717,414 $722,714 $967,021 $101,946 $120,738 $120,738 $153,110 $1,741 $400 $400 $782,697 $838,552 $843,852 $1,120,131 $782,697 $838,552 $843,852 $1,120,131 $782,697 $838,552 $843,852 $1,120,131 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total 97 3021 - Fire Safety Services DIVISION GOAL Provide for a safe community through fire code enforcement and aggressive arson investigation; provide an effective public education program to increase safety awareness in the community; support the Hazardous Materials Team with technical information; administer the unified programs for environmental regulations within the City; maintain a joint dispatch and communication system; provide logistical support for emergency operations; and maintain all equipment and property. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Implemented Phase II of 21n/2Out Mandate regarding new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) testing. Developed mail-out inspection program to ensure business fire protection systems are in compliance. Implemented the Tobacco Enforcement Program utilizing a State grant to hire a field inspector and administer the program. 4. Streamlined the plan review process for fire code issues. 5. Maintained the goal of construction inspections being completed within 48 hours. Implemented Emergency Priority Dispatching at the Emergency Communications Center to ensure the appropriate emergency response in regard to equipment and personnel. Incorporated Environmental Services into the Fire Prevention Division improving efficiency and customer service internally and externally. 8. Conducted Emergency Operations Center (EOC) training to all assigned personnel. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Revise inspection programs based on risk and compliance history. 2. Reduce the number of bars and restaurants currently in noncompliance of the State No Smoking Mandate from 86% to 25% within the first year of the program. 3. Reduce backlog of fire station repair orders more than 60 days old by 50%. 4. Complete Mobile Data Computer pilot program. 98 3021 - Fire Safety Services continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Citizens Impacted by Public Education Permit Hazardous Waste Facilities Routine Inspections by Environmental Services Building Inspections by Prevention Services FY 00-01 Actual 32,500 536 308 1,297 FY 01-02 Actual 34,000 515 393 2,024 FY 02-03 Adopted 35,000 525 45O 2,400 99 FIRE SAFETY EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,650,789 $1,787,980 $1,870,777 $1,285,618 $481,709 $519,271 $538,123 $553,312 $201,308 $167,880 $251,391 $158,802 $2,333,806 $2,475,131 $2,660,291 $1,997,732 $2,333,806 $2,475,131 $2,660,291 $1,997,732 $2,333,806 $2,475,131 $2,660,291 $1,997,732 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total lOO 3031 - Fire Suppression Services DIVISION GOAL Provide the citizens of Bakersfield with fire protection, emergency medical life support services, hazardous materials emergency response, and assistance with other exposures to dangerous conditions. Ensure all Suppression personnel are properly trained to the highest level to provide for both personal safety and the safety of the public. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed Phase II of the OSHA-mandated Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus fit testing program. Upgraded the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility to a Regional Training Facility for the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Certified the Olive Drive Fire Training Facility as a training site for Rescue Systems-I and Confined Space Operational training by the State Fire Marshal's Office. Activated the Technical Rescue Shoring trailer complete with hydraulic, pneumatic, lumber, and mechanical shoring. Updated the Public Service Agreement for Fire Personnel Training between the Kern County Fire Department, the Bakersfield Fire Department, and Bakersfield College. Responded to 19,560 emergency calls including t ,525 fires. Reorganized the Fire Safety Division and moved the Arson Unit under the Fire Suppression Division. Remodeled the Arson Unit offices to provide better security for the unit and to allow for discreet, arson-related interviews. 10. 11. 12. Responded with four Squads and 13 personnel to the Creek Fire in northern California as part of an Interagency Strike Team. Responded with one Battalion Chief as a single resource with a Kern County Fire Department Strike Team to the Darby Fire in northern California. Responded with one Deputy Fire Chief and two Captains with the California Interagency Incident Management Team-3 to the Pentagon on Sept. 11,2001. Provided Incident Command Training and tabletop exercises to the Bakersfield Police Department as a means to build an integrated Citywide management team for joint incident response. 101 3031 - Fire Suppression Services continued FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Complete the required training for the Rescue Task Forces to bring the members up to RS-I, SRT-I and Confined Space Operational levels (120 hours). Expand Swiftwater Rescue capabilities with the addition of an inflatable rescue boat and personal watercraft. Acquire 160 new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. (A Weapons of Mass Destruction grant will provide approximately 50% of the cost for this purchase.) SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Emergency Responses Structure Fires Medical Aids Training Hours FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 18,076 21,160 22,000 267 283 300 9,322 9,703 9,900 31,980 32,400 33,000 102 FIRE SUPPRESSION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $14,096,130 $15,266,969 $15,207,551 $16,595,409 $1,798,652 $1,869,226 $1,947,474 $1,896,498 $136,515 $101,200 $332,853 $29,984 $16,031,297 $17,237,395 $17,487,878 $18,521,891 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Total $16,031,297 $17,237,395 $17,487,878 $18,521,891 $16,031,297 $17,237,395 $17,487,878 $18,521,891 tO3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 104 PUBLIC WORKS 0 .o_ c- ! CY~ c~ .~.> ILsJ 0 105 Public Works DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide for quality infrastructure design, construction, operation, and maintenance of: traffic control systems, streets, street lighting, sanitary sewer collection systems, stormwater drainage collection systems, wastewater treatment plants, and other City- owned facilities; to provide waste collection and waste recycling services; to provide graffiti removal services; to provide and maintain the Citywide equipment, fleet and telecommunications systems; and to ensure that public inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner by providing exceptional customer service department-wide. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Capital Improvement accomplishments include: Designed and awarded 24 Cl P projects, totaling over $10 million in contracts. Completed 27 projects having a contract value of $9.7 million. Completed the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Phase II and widening of Buena Vista Road projects. This completed the final phase of the trunk sewer to connect the Rosedale and Westdale areas to Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Started final project design and preparation of construction documents for the proposed intemhange on SR178 at Fairfax Road and on SR99 at White Lane. Started final design of Fire Station 15 / Westside Police Substation. Completed the Bakersfield Systems Study, a multimillion dollar study of major transportation elements for Metropolitan Bakersfield. The Study's recommendations were approved by both the City Council and the County Board of Supervisors in July, 2001. Substantial milestones accomplished for the Westside Parkway Project: · Obtained approval for Tier 1 of the environmental document. · Began right-of-way acquisition. · Began preliminary engineering and preparation of final environmental document. Implemented installation of eight miles of wire interconnect for improved coordination/synchronization of traffic signals. This increases the cumulative total of traffic signals connected to the Traffic Operations Center to 100. Reviewed and implemented energy conservation measures within City Buildings, resulting in an average energy savings of 22%. 4. Installed traffic pre-emption devices at 17 traffic signals. 106 Public Works continued 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Increased Anti-Graffiti Awareness: 55 schools participated in the Anti-Graffiti Poster and Essay Contest and 45 schools held Anti-Graffiti assemblies. Implemented a scheduled street sweeping pilot program on residential areas. Modified approximately four miles of median islands, within the area of Union Avenue, South Chester, South H Street and White Lane. Eliminated flooding problems at Brunswick and Calcutta, Walton and Arlana, and Westfield and Empty Saddle by connecting existing syphons 1o the storm system. Completed specifications for construction of a liquified compressed natural gas (LCNG) fueling station atthe Corporation Yard. Anticipated completion date for this fueling station is March, 2003. Received $95,861 from the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District for placing three CNG sweepers into service. Received $4,000 from the Department of Energy Clean Cities Coalition for placing two CNG pickups into service. Placed in service a new 800KW cogeneration facility at Plant 2. This system burns digester methane gas to produce electricity at a significant savings to the City. Implemented a pilot program for residential curbside recycling. Expanded the curbside used oil and filter collection program by increasing public awareness through media and advertising channels. 107 Public Works continued FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES No COLA increases proposed for sewer and refuse rates. Last year's adopted Wastewater Revenue Program included a 3 to 7 year phase-in period for specific sewer users. These users will see an increase in their rates next year, but the increase would be limited only to the amount to be phased in - No COLA adjustments. Although refuse rates will remain constant for FY 02-03, an increase of 2.5% will be paid to the hauling contractors according to the consumer price index used in the agreement. With the weight-based method for payment of the County's commercial disposal fees, the Landfill Cap Project Reserve Fund is growing rapidly. $2.9 million is projected as the reserve at June 30, 2003. In conjunction with the local haulers, the City is conducting a pilot program for curbside recycling. The program began in April, 2002. The proposed budget includes costs for continuing this pilot program. 108 DIVISIONS: Administration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Dev. Services Fund ISTEA Fund State Gas Tax Transpodation Dev Aviation Fund Amtrak Operating Fund Park Improvemt Fund Domestic Water Fund Sewer Service-Plant 2 Sewer Service-Plant 3 CDBG - Block Grant CDBG - Home Equipment Fund Refuse Fund Assessment Districts Total PUBLIC WORKS Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $488,667 $4,242,467 $6,784,359 $9,320,281 $18,280,707 $7,274,178 $18,014,717 $383,111 $4,491,897 $6,632,800 $8,482,838 $12,889,092 $5,284,369 $20,135,190 $378,582 $4,595,012 $6,680,045 $8,464,232 $16,278,555 $5,530,536 $20,232,138 $64,405,376 $58,299,297 $62,159,100 $11,643,618 $959,386 $2,267,331 $36,702 $226,237 $101,734 $4,445,472 $6,410,719 $63,768 $18,280,709 $19,839,972 $129,728 $11,425,381 $1,357,702 $11,718,344 $1,357,964 $2,463,587 $2,159,841 $70,000 $84,044 $116,592 $116,592 $190,718 $213,133 $18,000 $18,000 $10,000 $10,000 $2,177,765 $2,412,766 $5,247,855 $5,294,191 $12,828,292 $22,393,4O5 $61,980 $16,217,755 $22,490,353 $4,137 $64,405,376 $58,299,297 $62,159,100 $393,051 $5,092,565 $7,419,398 $8,710,644 $15,221,608 $5,224,887 $21,107,631 $63,169,784 $12,506,261 $1,482,047 $133,700 $2,877,268 $50,000 $115,291 $211,560 $2,225,510 $5,168,863 $15,221,608 $23,177,676 $63,169,784 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Engineering 52.00 53.00 53.00 55.00 General Services 62.00 65.00 66.00 69.00 Streets 67.00 68.00 71.00 71.00 Equipment 53.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Wastewater 27.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 Solid Waste 71.00 82.00 82.00 86.00 Total 339.00 357.00 361.00 371.00 109 4011- Administrative Services DIVISION GOAL Provide administrative support for the effective operation of the various departmental divisions; develop and administer policies and procedures; monitor department operating and capital improvement budgets; and administer all departmental contracts. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Provided administrative support for departmental divisions. 2. Processed and monitored ClP expenditures. 3. Continued cross-training of all administrative/clerical staff. 4. Submitted reimbursement claims on a timely basis to enhance cash flow. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Promptly respond to City Council referrals and citizen requests. 2. Coordinate preparation of administrative reports and supporting documentation for placement on City Council agenda. 11o ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 2000-01 Adopted Amended Adopted Budget Budget Budget 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $280,531 $308,323 $308,323 $179,206 $72,138 $67,609 $28,930 $2,650 $2,650 $335,915 $57,136 $488,667 $383,111 $378,582 $393,051 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $488,667 $383,111 $378,582 $393,051 $383,111 $378,582 $393,051 $488,667 111 4031 - Engineering DIVISIION GOAL Provide development, design and project management services for Citywide Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects; ensure proposed new developments are in compliance with generally accepted engineering standards, City ordinances and other statutory regulations; provide surveying and inspection services on CIP projects and developer financed public improvements to ensure conformance to construction standards, plans, specifications and statutory regulations; and provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and products through traffic engineering operations, design and planning. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Analyzed traffic operations at 14 elementary school locations during the year, identifying safety needs and implementing traffic control improvements in cooperation with the schools and the City Police Department. Analyzed 42 intersections for traffic signal warrants and updated current traffic signal priority list, adding the new locations that meet warrants, for consideration in subsequent CIP project lists. Developed and published on City website a map of metropolitan bikeways and a summary report of accident locations. 4. Published the annual booklet of traffic volume counts by February, 2002. Implemented installation of eight miles of wire interconnect for improved coordination/synchronization of traffic signals. This increases the cumulative total of traffic signals connected to the Traffic Operations Center to 100. Recorded six Parcel Maps dividing 497 acres into 24 parcels. Recorded 58 Final Maps, dividing 942 acres into 1,804 lots. 7. Designed and awarded 24 CIP projects, totaling over $10 million in contracts. 8. Completed 27 projects having a contract value of $9.7 million. 10. Completed the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Phase II and widening of Buena Vista Road projects. This completed the final phase of the trunk sewer to connect the Rosedale and Westdale areas to Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Started final project design and preparation of construction documents for the proposed interchange on SR178 at Fairfax Road and on SR99 at White Lane. 112 4031 - Engineering continued 11. Started final design of Fire Station 15 / Westside Police Substation. 12. Completed the Bakersfield Systems Study, a multimillion dollar study of major transportation elements for Metropolitan Bakersfield. The Study's recommendations were approved by both the City Council and the County Board of Supervisors in July, 2001. 13. Substantial milestones accomplished for the Westside Parkway Project: Obtained approval for Tier 1 of the environmental document. Began right-of-way acquisition. Began preliminary engineering and preparation of final environmental document. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Continue efforts to secure $12 million of one-time State road funds for roadway rehabilitation. Analyze traffic operations at 14 elementary school locations that have not yet been reviewed during the year and identify safety needs and/or implement traffic control improvements in cooperation with the school and the City Police Department. Analyze 40 or more intersections for traffic signal warrants and update current traffic signal priority list, adding the new locations that meet warrants for consideration in subsequent CIP project lists. 4. Complete review of maps and improvement plans within four weeks of submittal. Respond to 95% of all permit inspection requests within four hours and all other inspections within 24 hours. Begin working on requests for preliminary surveys within two weeks of receipt. Respond to construction survey requests within 24 hours. Complete design and award of all FY 2002-03 budgeted CIP projects before July, 2003. Complete construction of the Southwest Bike Path, a nine mile extension of the bike path from the Stockdale Highway Bridge west to Enos Lane by September, 2002. 9. Complete construction of the Mohawk Sewer project by December, 2002. 113 4031 - Engineering continued 10. 11. Obtain all local, State and Federal approvals necessary to advertise for construction bids by May, 2003 for the proposed interchange on SR178 at Fairfax Road, and by February, 2003 for the proposed interchange on SR99 and White Lane. Complete construction of Fire Station 15 / Westside Police Substation by July 1, 2003. 12. Purchase/encumber all necessary right-of-way for the Westside Parkway. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Improvement Plans and Final Maps Checked & Returned Within Four Weeks Permit Inspection Requests Responded to Within Four Hours Elementary Schools Analyzed for Traffic Operations Intersections Analyzed for Traffic Signal Warrants Budgeted Public Works CIP Projects Bid During Fiscal Year FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 60% 39% 70% 95% 95% 95% 12 14 14 20 42 40 92% 71% 100% 114 ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $3,362,064 $3,707,541 $3,707,541 $4,094,361 $816,409 $762,356 $779,077 $940,178 $63,994 $22,000 $108,394 $58,026 $4,242,467 $4,491,897 $4,595,012 $5,092,565 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Dev. Services Fund ISTEA Fund CDBG - Home Domestic Water Fund Transportation Bev Park Improvemt Fund Refuse Fund Sewer Service-Plant 3 State Gas Tax Assessment Districts Total $3,107,799 $959,386 $3,058,195 $1,357,702 $3,070,887 $1,357,964 $36,701 $1,495 $7,344 $129,742 $61,980 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $34,044 $18,000 $18,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $18,000 $4,137 $4,242,467 $4,491,897 $4,595,012 $3,476,818 $1,482,047 $133,700 $5,092,565 115 4051 - General Services DIVISION GOAL Provide high-quality customer service in the maintenance of City-owned buildings and parks, including janitorial, heating and air conditioning, electrical and remodeling; installation and maintenance of traffic signals, street lights, and signs and marking; the removal of graffiti from City-owned facilities and private property; and promotion of the anti- graffiti program through school presentations and community events, FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Installed audible pedestrian push buttons at the intersection of Haggin Oaks and Ming Avenue. 2. Reviewed and implemented energy conservation measures within City Buildings, resulting in an average energy savings of 22%. 3. Installed traffic preemption devices at 17 traffic signals. 4. Repainted stop markings at every stop sign location within each school zone. 5. Increased Anti-Graffiti Awareness: 55 schools participated in the Anti-Graffiti Poster and Essay Contest and 45 schools held Anti-Graffiti assemblies. 6. Completed remodels of both the City Manager's Office and the Construction Division. 7. Completed the elevator upgrade project in the City Hall Annex building to comply with current fire alarm recall codes and to improve its reliability. 8. Developed and initiated a program to identify and inspect all City-owned wood street light poles to identify potential hazards and future replacement needs. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Repaint lines on all basketball and tennis courts within City parks. 2. Increase to 50 the number of schools holding Anti-Graffiti assemblies. 3. Integrate both the City of Bakersfield's Anti-Graffiti program and the County of Kern's Anti-Graffiti program to maximize customer service. The City and County residents will have one phone number (32-ERASE) and share a common computerized program via the internet. 4051 - General Services continued Replace 400 aging and deteriorated street markers. Upgrade 40 traffic controllers to the new type 170E. The new controllers will provide a communications link between the controlled intersections and the Traffic Operations Center. Replace 20 conflict monitors at various signalized intersections throughout the City. These monitors look at the lighting sequence to ensure safe operation. They have surpassed their normal lifespan and are not providing the level of reliability needed. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Graffiti Removal Sites Street Lights Serviced Striping of City Streets (miles) Graffiti Education (# of students) FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 6,600 7,500 8,000 1,375 1,600 1,600 58O 5OO 6O0 10,400 10,800 14,000 ll7 GENERAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $3,018,169 $3,268,732 $3,268,732 $3,666,579 $3,155,855 $3,297,468 $3,337,674 $3,701,617 $610,335 $66,600 $73,639 $51,202 $6,784,359 $6,632,800 $6,680,045 $7,419,398 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Amtrak Operating Fund Aviation Fund Total $5,442,695 $5,130,703 $5,146,629 $5,797,679 $1,013,691 $1,194,787 $1,203,691 $1,294,868 $101,735 $190,718 $213,1,33 $211,560 $226,238 $116,592 $116,592 $115,291 $6,784,359 $6,632,800 $6,680,045 $7,419,398 118 4052 - Streets DIVISION GOAL Improve the safety and appearance of the community through the maintenance and repair of the City street system located within the public right-of-way; ensure safe and dependable performance of storm drains, sewer lines and lift pump stations; and maintain level and value of City street improvements through an effective preventative Street Maintenance Program. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented a scheduled street sweeping pilot program on residential areas. 2. Modified approximately four miles of median islands, within the area of Union Avenue, South Chester, South H Street and White Lane. 3. Placed 26,000 tons of asphalt concrete and oilsand (cold mix) on City streets and alleys in the form of thin overlays, pothole patching and section repairs. 4. Minimized potential liability by repairing reported potential hazardous potholes within a two-day period. 5. Maintained a safe working environment for employees by consistent training sessions and safety meetings. 6. Eliminated flooding problems at Brunswick and Calcutta, Walton and Arlana, and Westfield and Empty Saddle by connecting existing syphons to the storm system. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Review the current residential scheduled street sweeping program and increase the number of areas that would fall within this program. 2. Continue evaluating the City's storm system where flooding problems exist and recommend appropriate corrections. 3. Continue modifications of median islands as needed. 4. Continue street preventative maintenance program for residential streets by establishing priority list for those streets in need of repair. 5. Complete street improvements within the Casa Loma area and the Union #10 area. 119 4052 - Streets continued Increase the amount of residential streets either resurfaced or reconstructed through implementation of Phase I of the Citywide street resurfacing/reconstruction program through the use of additional equipment, personnel and materials. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Residential Sweeping Cycle Lane Miles Resurfaced/ Reconstructed Sewer Mile Lines Inspected Sewer Maintenance Service - Emergency call responses FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 23-25 days 20 days 20 days 50 miles 73 miles 80 miles 38 miles 37 miles 35 miles 320 calls 300 calls 250 calls 120 STREETS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operatin9 Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $3,141,720 $3,446,739 $3,446,739 $3,864,856 $6,103,851 $5,033,399 $4,987,493 $4,794,088 $74,710 $2,700 $30,000 $51,700 $9,320,281 $8,482,838 $8,464,232 $8,710,644 SOURCE OFFUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax CDBG- Block Grant Sewer Service-Plant 3 Transportation Dev Refuse Fund Total $2,604,455 $2,792,572 $3,061,446 $1,246,295 $1,260,800 $938,150 $63,768 $3,580,513 $2,131,251 $2,166,421 $50,000 $50,000 $1,825,250 $2,248,215 $2,248,215 $9,320,281 $8,482,838 $8,464,232 $2,838,713 $1,582,400 $2,169,486 $5o,ooo $2,070,045 $8,710,644 121 4053 - Equipment DIVISION GOAL Provide all using departments/divisions with the vehicular, non-vehicular and telecommunications equipment needed to meet their objectives within the bounds of the approved budget; and procure, repair and maintain all equipment within the City in a safe and reliable manner. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Placed into service 15 pickup trucks which operate on a dedicated compressed natural gas (CNG) engine. 2. Completed specifications for construction of a liquified compressed natural gas (LCNG) fueling station atthe Corporation Yard. Anticipated completion date for this fueling station is March, 2003. 3. Continued to meet and exceed clean air standards as they pertain to the City of Bakersfield by placing alternative fuel vehicles and equipment into service. 4. Received $95,861 from the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District for placing three CNG sweepers into service. 5. Received $4,000 from the Department of Energy Clean Cities Coalition for placing two CNG pickups into service. 6. Upgraded the television switching system capacity for increased quality and graphics generation. 7. Completed the research and selection of the Police Department mobile data system wireless infrastructure. 122 4053 - Equipment continued FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Complete construction of the LCNG fueling station at the Corporation Yard by March, 2003. Continue to monitor rental rates to ensure accurate and timely replacement of worn equipment. Maintain an appropriate fund balance within the Equipment Management Fund to meet established replacement schedules. Replace four Iow-capacity analog and digital microwave links with high-capacity digital microwave. Continue to produce high quality live and taped television broadcasts of City meetings. Begin phase two of replacing the Police Department mobile data terminals with state-of-the-art mobile data laptop commuters with acquisition and installation of equipment into Police vehicles. Continue to effectively maintain over 6,000 items of electronic equipment. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Perform Preventative Maintenance And Routine Repairs of All Vehicles In the Fleet Perform Preventative Maintenance And Repair of Mobile and Fixed Communications Equipment And Telephones Broadcasting/rebroadcasting of City Council and Planning Commission Meetings (Hours) FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 1,537 1,895 2,000 2,043 2,143 2,220 817 1,022 1,000 123 EQUIPMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $2,753,832 $3,031,185 $9,295,210 $5,263,157 $6,231,665 $4,594,750 $18,280,707 $12,889,092 $3,025,185 $5,278,983 $7,974,387 $16,278,555 $16,278,555 $16,278,555 $3,242,927 $5,203,784 $6,774,897 $15,221,608 $15,221,608 $15,221,608 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Equipment Fund Total $18,280,707 $12,889,092 $18,280,707 $12,889,092 124 4071 - Wastewater DIVISION GOAL Provide operation and maintenance of wastewater facilities for the purpose of treating, reclaiming, and utilizing wastewater and its by-products in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements; plan for future wastewater treatment needs to meet anticipated growth; monitor and regulate industrial waste dischargers in order to protect wastewater facilities, public, and environment; and establish sewer user fees for properties receiving City sewer service. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Performed State required laboratory analysis of wastewater and submitted the results each month to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB). Completed design of headworks upgrades at Plant 3 (Bar screens, influent pump, surface coating, and washer compactor). Completed the design phase of the conversion of the Plant 2 aerated lagoons to a storage reservoir. implemented a new Sewer Revenue Program. The original City Sewer Revenue Program was initiated in 1980. This program was revised and adopted by City Council in May, 2001 to bring it in line with updated State Revolving Fund policy for construction of wastewater treatment facilities. 5. Completed the evaluation of local discharge limitations for Plants 2 and 3. Placed in service a new 800KW cogeneration facility at Plant 2. This system burns digester methane gas to produce electricity at a significant savings to the City. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Provide continuous operation and maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 and 3; perform State required analysis of wastewater to demonstrate compliance with Discharge Requirements; and submit results monthly to the CRWQCB. Complete the conversion of the Plant 2 aerated lagoons to a storage reservoir. Preliminary estimate from the City's Wastewater Services Master Plan was $1.6 million. 3. Complete construction of headworks upgrades at Plant 3. 125 4071 - Wastewater continued Conduct annual sampling and inspection of all permitted industries and submit results to the CRWQCB. Revise Sewer Ordinance to update the local limits. Plant 3 expansion was completed in 1999 and its discharge permit was updated by the CRWQCB in 2001. Meeting the new plant discharge permit requirements will also require that the local limits for City dischargers be updated. Review monthly City Building Department reports and annual water consumption records to update the flat rate and surcharge billings lists. Bill septage haulers by the 15th of each month. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Wastewater Treated Million Gallons Per Day Plant 2 .................. Plant 3 .................. Permitted Industrial Dischargers Parcels Served Within Incorporated Area (on special assessment list) FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 16.25 16.33 16.43 11.40 11.53 11.86 20 19 14 63,026 64,545 66,297 126 WASTEWATER EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,423,995 $1,673,951 $1,673,951 $1,767,850 $5,767,073 $3,544,968 $3,791,135 $3,413,735 $83,110 $65,450 $65,450 $43,302 $7,274,178 $5,284,369 $5,530,536 $5,224,887 $4,445,472 $2,177,765 $2,412,766 $2,225,510 $2,828,706 $3,106,604 $3,117,770 $2,999,377 $7,274,178 $5,284,369 $5,530,536 $5,224,887 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Sewer Service-Plant 2 Sewer Service-Plant 3 Total 127 4081 - Solid Waste DIVISION GOAL Provide quality and cost-effective solid waste and recycling services Citywide through a balanced combination of services by contract and municipal forces; develop and implement waste reduction and recycling programs to comply with the State mandate; and establish and maintain environmental controls for closure of the former Bakersfield Landfill. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Continued implementation of soil testing program for drafting of the final landfill closure plan for the former Bakersfield Landfill. 2. Implemented a pilot program for residential curbside recycling. 3. Assisted with implementation of a privately-owned recycling facility for construction and demolition debris to increase the City's recycling rate. 4. Expanded the curbside used oil and filter collection program by increasing public awareness through media and advertising channels. 5. Expanded commercial recycling programs by offering cardboard and office paper recycling services to more of the business community. 6. Increased public awareness of the need for clean greenwaste recycling by developing educational signs for the refuse truck fleet. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Combine all refuse service, billing, and contractor payment data to ensure accurate charges and payments. 2. Evaluate the pilot program for curbside recycling. Work with Kern County Waste Management Department to improve the landfill fee structure. 128 4081 - Solid Waste continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Total Homes Served Greenwaste Recycling: # of Vehicles Admitted at Gate Curbside Greenwaste Processed (Tons) Compost Produced (Cubic Yards) FY 00-01 Actual 57,835 131,500 47,566 59,079 FY 01-02 Actual 59,794 136,000 46,000 53,000 FY 02-03 Adopted 62,000 140,000 48,000 60,000 129 SOLID WASTE EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 $3,648,729 $4,173,981 $4,173,981 $14,114,630 $15,471,209 $15,465,929 $251,358 $490,000 $592,228 $18,014,717 $20,135,190 $20,232,138 Adopted Budget 2002-03 $4,443,170 $16,069,311 $595,150 $21,107,631 $21,107,631 $21,107,631 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Refuse Fund Total $18,014,717 $20,135,190 $20,232,138 $18,014,717 $20,135,190 $20,232,138 130 WATER RESOURCES 131 Water Resources DEPARTMENT GOAL To supply and conserve water for the benefit of present and future citizens of Bakersfield; to ensure the orderly regulation and distribution of Kern River water, including the preservation and augmentation of the underground water supply, operation of domestic water system to provide high quality water service; to provide flood control management and maintenance of drainage basins; and to administer basic water contracts to agricultural districts. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed the Geo-technical Investigation Report for the Reservoir Project for the Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project as required by the California Regional Quality Control Board. Completed necessary documentation to obtain Proposition 12 (Park Bond 2000) state grant funding for Kern River Parkway projects. Completed preliminary engineering and final design for the two million gallon storage tank located at the southwest corner of Coffee and Norris Roads. Completed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Report for Stormwater Monitoring as required by the California Regional Quality Control Board. FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Additional resources allocated to Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project to begin the final phase, which includes the City's share of costs for the Iow-lift pump station and installation of the reservoir liner. Increased funding in power costs has been required for the Domestic Water system due to escalating energy costs and continued growth throughout the City's domestic service area. 3. No projected Domestic Water rate increases for Fiscal Year 2002-03. Addition of Light Equipment Operator position in Ag Water to assist in repair and maintenance of City drainage basins. 132 WATER RESOURCES DIVISIONS: Agricultural Water Domestic Water Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $3,262,970 $7,259,882 $3,188,936 $7,22O,789 $3,197,025 $7,232,724 $10,522,852 $10,409,725 $10,429,749 $3,296,361 $8,704,947 $12,001,308 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Agricultural Water Domestic Water Total $3,262,970 $7,259,882 $3,188,936 $7,22O,789 $3,197,025 $7,232,724 $10,522,852 $10,409,725 $10,429,749 $3,296,361 $8,7O4,947 $12,001,308 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Agricultural Water Domestic Water Total 18.45 18.45 18.45 19.45 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 22.00 22.00 22.00 23.00 133 4511 - Agricultural Water DIVISION GOAL Provide for the proper distribution and delivery of water from Isabella Reservoir to canal headgates and agricultural customers. Perform scheduled and required repairs to river weirs, canal banks and facilities. Maintain and repair drainage basins located throughout the City. Ensure the efficient use of Kern River water, supplies, personnel and equipment in the performance of all operation and maintenance functions. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Designed and printed brochures for the public on Capital Improvements Projects and Facilities along the Kern River Parkway. Completed river and canal system maintenance and upgrades on time and within budget. Completed the re-construction of Bellevue Weir and river Bike Path crossing near Stockdale Highway. Abandoned and removed the Bike Path extension bridge crossing at the Pioneer Canal located near Stockdale Highway. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Kern River Levee construction between South Allen Road and 2800 Acres to upgrade existing levee to new Federal standards. Replace and repair fencing along canals and neighborhood drainage basins throughout the City limits. Install road base on existing unpaved roads to neighborhood drainage basins to provide dust control and all weather vehicle access to sump sites located throughout the City. Set goals for canal operation of zero complaints for delivery and gaging to districts and consumers. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted Reconstruct Drainage Basins 15 4 5 Replace and Repair Canal and Basin fencing (in feet) 5,150 4,600 4,800 134 AGRICULTURAL WATER EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,102,395 $1,222,244 $1,222,244 $1,343,953 $2,154,315 $1,950,692 $1,958,781 $1,951,408 $6,260 $16,000 $16,000 $1,000 $3,262,970 $3,188,936 $3,197,025 $3,296,361 $3,262,970 $3,188,936 $3,t97,025 $3,296,361 $3,262,970 $3,188,936 $3,197,025 $3,296,361 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Agricultural Water Total t35 4521 - Domestic Water DIVISION GOAL Provide a safe and dependable water supply in sufficient quantities to meet customer demands for high quality drinking water at a competitive price; maintain and upgrade standards for distribution system design and modernization; provide for future growth and the increasing water supply demand; and accurately bill in a timely manner to customers. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed and brought into production two water wells, one located in the area of Brimhall and Allen Roads, and the other located near Olive Drive and Jewetta Avenue. Completed preliminary engineering and final design for the two million gallon storage tank and pumping station located at the southwest corner of Coffee and Norris Roads. Successfully implemented increased water quality monitoring of distribution system based on new California Department of Health regulations. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Secure a firm high-quality source of treated water to serve the expansion of the City's domestic service area in Northwest Bakersfield. Complete next phase of the Northeast Water Supply Project including Iow-lift pump station, installation of reservoir liner and environmental landscaping mitigation. Begin construction of a two million gallon storage tank in the northwest to provide adequate storage and water supply to serve continued growth in the northwest area of the domestic water system. Construct two additional water wells to increase production capacity to serve new growth occurring throughout the City's domestic water system. SERVICES LEVEL INDICATORS New Service Connections Water Wells Constructed FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 1,476 1,125 1,010 2 2 2 136 DOMESTIC WATER EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $292,632 $311,800 $311,800 $409,627 $6,967,250 $6,908,989 $6,911,311 $8,295,320 $9,6t3 $7,259,882 $7,220,789 $7,232,724 $8,704,947 $7,259,882 $7,220,789 $7,232,724 $8,704,947 $7,259,882 $7,220,789 $7,232,724 $8,704,947 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Domestic Water Total ]37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 138 RECREATION & PARKS O0 -~ ~ 0 139 Recreation and Parks DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide the highest quality service, facilities, parks, and programs possible. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed a system-wide parks plan. 2. The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee received its certification from Keep America Beautiful program. 3. Formed a tree advisory ad hoc committee to review tree-related ordinances. 4. Initiated and implemented a mobile recreation program at seven (7) sites. 5. Completed playground equipment renovation at Campus Park South. 6. Received 5th Tree City U.S.A. Award and Growth Award for third consecutive year. FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. Continue to define and implement more energy conservation measures. 2. Begin implementation of new software for registrations and reservations. 3. Continue to develop creative opportunities to keep pace with increased growth in the community. 4. Implement training program for supervisors and front-line staff. 140 RECREATION AND PARKS DIVISIONS: Administration Parks Recreation Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $773,167 $6,538,42O $2,520,170 $822,170 $7,929,5OO $3,114,250 $9,831,757 $11,865,920 $868,425 $7,986,462 $3,146,185 $1,009,791 $8,168,177 $3,230,523 $12,001,072 $12,408,491 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund CDBG Block Grant Park Improvement Fund General Fund Total $1,030 $9,830,727 $11,865,920 $12,001,072 $12,408,491 $9,831,757 $11,865,920 $12,001,072 $12,408,491 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration Parks Recreation Total 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 61.00 92.00 91.00 95.00 12.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 82.00 118.00 117.00 121.00 141 5041 - Administrative Services DIVISION GOAL Provide administrative support for the effective operation of the Recreation and Parks divisions; promote synergy between the divisions to enhance the services provided by each; establish and implement policies and procedures; monitor operating and capital improvement program budgets; provide excellent customer service in accepting reservations and activity enrollments and responding to complaints and inquiries. FY 2001- 02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Began the implementation of energy savings program. Continued to monitor services to ensure highest level of quality and service. Implemented the acceptance of credit cards by customers. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Heighten customer service awareness. Promote the positive image of the department through its actions and programs. Establish an informal customer survey process at offices and centers. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Program brochures distributed (3 issues per year) Web Site Recreation & Parks "Hits" Web Site Recreation & Parks "Viewer" Training hours per regular employee per year FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 254,000 270,825 283,000 690,000 700,000 81,600 85,000 25 30 20 1/42 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $584,162 $561,475 $561,475 $621,563 $186,520 $260,695 $280,695 $373,228 $2,485 $26,255 $15,000 $773,167 $822,170 $868,425 $1,009,791 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $773,167 $822,170 $868,425 $1,009,791 $773,167 $822,170 $868,425 $1,009,791 143 5021 - Parks DIVISION GOALS Utilize available resources in the most effective manner. Provide a high quality and responsible maintenance program throughout parks, medians, and streetscapes. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Continued to work with consultant towards the completion of Rio Vista Park site plan. 2. Upgraded playground equipment at Campus Park South tot lot in order to meet federal safety guidelines. Prepared playground equipment designs for Planz and Pin Oak Park. 3. Continued to cross train employees in the positions of Park Services Coordinator, Park Technician, Tree Maintainer II and Light Equipment Operator. 4. Completed plans for the City's first water spray park. 5. Resurfaced tennis courts at Wayside and Wilson Parks. 6. Landscape and irrigation improvements on Gosford, Union Avenue, South H Street, Stockdale Highway and White Lane. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 2. 3. 4. 5. Update the tree ordinance based on review by the Urban Development Committee. Continue to update and implement revised park standards. Continue to seek new opportunities for energy and water conservation measures. Replace old irrigation equipment on median islands. Continue to upgrade park playground equipment in City parks. 6. Begin construction of Rio Vista Park. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Maintenance District Acres Maintained Non-Maintenance District Acres Maintained FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 295 323 349 310 324 325 144 PARKS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $4,034,959 $4,775,606 $4,775,606 $5,147,582 $2,471,355 $3,142,488 $3,186,461 $2,989,019 $32,106 $11,406 $24,395 $31,576 $6,538,420 $7,929,500 $7,986,462 $8,168,177 $6,538,420 $7,929,500 $7,986,462 $8,168,177 $6,538,420 $7,929,500 $7,986,462 $8,168,177 SOURCE OF FUNDS: CDBG Block Grant General Fund Total 145 5031 - Recreation DIVISION GOAL Provide leisure services at the highest standard possible while involving participants, staff, and groups in the creation and production of these services. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. 4. 5. 6. Continue building and establishing successful quality programs and activities in the City. Expanded the after school program concept by initiating the Mobile Recreation Program. Earned Jeff Ellis & Associates, Inc., "Gold National Aquatic Safety Award." CPRS Award of Merit for Special Program Poster - "Travelin' Tunes." CPRS Award of Merit for Marketing Theme - "Got Fun." Expanded the number of swimming pools used by the Kern High School District. 7. Kern COG Regional Award of Merit "mobile recreation program." FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Continue to expand service through the mobile recreation program. 2. Continue renovations of swimming pools. 3. Continue to increase participation in program activities. 4. Increase aquatics programming at Martin Luther King, Jr. pool. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted 350 342 355 420 531 600 40 43 45 Summer Game Center/Playgrounds (Daily Average Attendance) Summer Aquatics (Daily Average Attendance) Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center (Daily Average Attendance) 146 RECREATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,733,080 $2,047,607 $2,047,607 $2,161,147 $761,453 $997,425 $1,004,841 $1,067,156 $25,637 $69,218 $93,737 $2,220 $2,520,170 $3,114,250 $3,146,185 $3,230,523 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Park Improvement Fund CDBG Block Grant General Fund Total $1,030 $2,519,140 $3,114,250 $3,146,185 $3,230,523 $2,520,170 $3,114,250 $3,146,185 $3,230,523 147 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 148 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 149 Development Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide professional and technical oversight and support to achieve a balanced community with a land use plan that combines the preservation of existing communities with opportunities for growth and is responsive to the needs of the community; and to ensure that buildings and their environments are constructed and maintained in conformance with the adopted codes, standards, permits and policies. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed Urban Design and Planning Charrette for Downtown Bakersfield. 2. implemented the migration to HTE's Permit Tracking System and Code Enforcement Tracking System. 3. Prepared Kern Bluffs Corridor Open Space Plan. 4. Successfully mitigate and initiated the removal of dilapidated structures on Union Avenue (the Turner Inn, Chaparral Hotel and adjacent restaurant structure). FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Prepare Kern Bluffs Corridor Trails Plan. Implementation of migration to HTE's Permit Tracking System and Code Enforcement Tracking System. Complete Public Hearings and Adopt Metro Bakersfield General Plan Update. Complete Urban Design and Planning Charrette for Southeast Bakersfield and prepare for implementation. 150 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIONS: Planning Building Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,662,870 $3,737,683 $1,749,579 $4,187,973 $2,182,888 $4,224,116 $1,763,358 $4,295,073 $5,400,553 $5,937,552 $6,407,004 $6,058,431 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs. Fund Capital Outlay Fund Total $2,114,668 $3,285,885 $2,463,762 $3,473,790 $2,457,325 $3,949,679 $2,501,005 $3,557,426 $5,400,553 $5,937,552 $6,407,004 $6,058,431 19.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 42.00 42.00 43.00 43.00 61.00 61.00 63.00 64.00 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Planning Building Total 151 6011 - Planning DIVISION GOAL Perform those processes and functions which result in timely and orderly development within the City through the implementation of the City's General Plan and Specific Plans; administering land use, planning and zoning laws; and regulating land division in a manner which is equitable to individual property owners and the public at large. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed Urban Design and Planning Charrette for Downtown Bakersfield. 2. Prepared Kern Bluffs Corridor Open Space Plan. 3. Completed Review of Administrative Draft of General Plan Text Update and EIR. 4. Completed Biological Resources Evaluation within the North Bakersfield Open Space Plan Area. 5. Annexed approximately 700 acres or 1.09 square miles into the city limits in Fiscal Year 2001-02. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepare Kern Bluffs Corridor Trails Plan. Complete Housing Element Update. Complete Public Hearings and Adopt Metro Bakersfield General Plan Update. Complete EIR for Lowes Home Improvement Center at Panama Lane and 99 Fwy. Complete Urban Design and Planning Charrette for Southeast Bakersfield and prepare for implementation. Complete EIR for Castle & Cook PCD at Gosford Road and Pacheco. 152 6011 - Planning continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Application Type General Plan Amendments Zone Modifications Home Occupation Land Division Conditional Use Permits Site Plan Review Zone Changes FY 00-01 Actual 25 12 789 112 38 77 10 FY 01-02 Actual 24 8 531 8O 19 41 8 FY 02-03 Adopted 25 10 775 9O 4O 8O 10 153 PLANNING EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,150,989 $1,247,038 $1,250,758 $1,354,050 $502,913 $502,541 $932,130 $403,418 $8,968 $0 $5,890 $1,662,870 $1,749,579 $2,182,888 $1,763,358 $972,531 $1,183,447 $1,359,600 $1,160,260 $690,339 $566,132 $823,288 $603,098 $1,662,870 $1,749,579 $2,182,888 $1,763,358 Personnel Operating Capital Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs. Fund Total 154 6021 - Building DIVISION GOAL Promote health and safety in the construction and maintenance of buildings and structures, and the maintenance of property through the enforcement of uniform building construction codes, conservation standards, regulations and ordinances. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented the migration to HTE's Permit Tracking System 2. Developed and implemented HTE Code Enforcement Tracking System. 3. Successfully mitigate and initiated the removal of dilapidated structures on Union Avenue (the Turner Inn, Chaparral Hotel and adjacent restaurant structure). FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Implement HTE's hand held computer system for recording field inspection results and code enforcement actions. 2. Implement a system for utilizing the Internet for the permit application process and data inquiries. 3. Continue with Laser Fiche Back File conversion program of Building Records. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Permit Valuations Permit History 1~8 199~ 2~0 2~1 ~1 # of Pemits by FY 155 BUILDING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $2,740,717 $2,913,638 $2,961,858 $3,294,425 $712,024 $884,335 $724,463 $929,412 $284,941 $390,000 $537,795 $71,236 $3,737,683 $4,187,973 $4,224,116 $4,295,073 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs Fund Capital Outlay Fund Total $1,142,137 $2,595,546 $3,737,683 $1,280,315 $2,9O7,658 $4,187,973 $1,097,725 $3,126,391 $4,224,116 $1,340,745 $2,954,328 $4,295,O73 156 ECONOMIC/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8"" 8 1,1.1 157 Economic and Community Development DEPARTMENT GOAL Facilitate programs and projects to stimulate Economic Development, Community Development and Redevelopment for the City of Bakersfield. Foster the local economy by creating and retaining employment opportunities, eliminating slum and blight and providing housing programs, which benefit very Iow, Iow and moderate income citizens. Enhance and preserve our historical resoumes, improve the safety and livability of neighborhoods by expanding economic opportunities and provide staff assistance to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency in transacting business and exercising authority in compliance with State of California Redevelopment Law. FY 2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Established an in-fill housing program in Southeast Bakersfield and obtained $500,000 of Iow interest loan funds from the California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA). Provided technical assistance to local, non-profit service providers in developing a HUD supported housing grant application, resulting in awards of over $6.7 million. Designed a streetscape project for Baker Street and obtained $490,000 of special EDI funds towards construction. Designed a "Project for Public Spaces" Wall Street Alley, in downtown Bakersfield and secured local funding for construction costs. Completed an Economic Development Strategy for Southeast Bakersfield, which identified key development options for future focus. Negotiated financing agreements for three Senior Housing Projects projected in FY 2003 to preserve or create 320 affordable senior units. FY 2002-03 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES The Economic Development Division is requesting one additional, permanent Development Associate position to assist in the grant writing and marketing activities. 158 ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISIONS: Community Development Economic Development Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $2,568,4O3 $1,392,429 $3,96O,832 $3,150,174 $2,412,638 $7,010,357 $3,127,791 $3,226,883 $2,748,4O8 $5,562,812 $10,138,148 $5,975,291 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund CDBG ~ HOME CDBG - Block Grant CHFA Loan Fund RDA-DTPA - Operating RDA-DTPA- Housing RDA-OTKP - Operating RDA-OTKP - Housing RDA-SEPA - Operating RDA-SEPA - Housing Parking Lots/Structures Total $652,061 $789,562 $791,208 $882,934 $999,843 $1,514,000 $3,578,519 $1,591,000 $1,641,165 $2,062,825 $3,655,146 $3,193,100 $500,000 $16,544 $31,225 $31,225 $36,457 $458,671 $990,000 $1,101,350 $50,000 $2,915 $12,800 $58,800 $19,100 $20,000 $11,785 $17,230 $276,730 $27,530 $10,000 $177,848 $145,170 $145,170 $145,170 $3,960,832 $5,562,812 $10,138,148 $5,975,291 11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Community Development Economic Development Total 159 6570 - Community Development DIVISION GOAL Provide a suitable living environment by improving the safety and livability of neighborhoods by expanding economic opportunities and assisting Iow and moderate income residents to obtain decent, affordable and fair housing as well as eliminating slum and blight. FY2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Funded and coordinated rehabilitation of 18 single family homes through the Housing Rehabilitation Loan program. Funded and assisted two local non-profits in the amount of $268,000 to construct or improve their facilities in Southeast Bakersfield. Funded and administered Emergency Shelter Grant funds to non-profit service providers including Bethany Services and the Bakersfield Rescue Mission. Coordinated and participated in eight neighborhood events, including 34th Street Partnership, Hispanic Trade Show, Night Out Against Crime and the Fair Housing Arts Contest. Contributed $160,000 to the graffiti removal program within CDBG eligible Iow income neighborhoods of Bakersfield. Provided services to over 5,300 consumers and providers concerning information, training, and counseling on fair housing and compliance issues. Provided technical assistance to five local, non-profit service providers in developing a HUD supported housing grant (SHP) application, resulting in awards of about $2.7 million which will be used to assist homeless persons and families. Funded and co-administered 11 Capital Improvement Program projects totaling approximately $839,760. Contributed additional CHDO funds to Habitat for Humanity for the construction of three homes. All of these homes have been sold to Iow/moderate income homeowners. 10. Assisted in the demolition of about five sub-standard commercial/retail/residential buildings, and clearance of weeds and debris on forty sub-standard or vacant residential lots in Iow income neighborhoods. 160 6570 - Community Development continued 11. Received an award of $500,000 in state loan funds from the California Housing Finance Agency for in-fill housing development assistance in Southeast Bakersfield. 12. Partnered with the Bakersfield Rescue Mission in the expansion of recreational opportunities and coordination of meals for the homeless in the International Square Park area. FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN Prepare the annual funding application process for federal entitlements of the Community Development Block Grant, HOME and Emergency Shelter Grant programs. Maintain the division's housing programs and projects, including First Time Home Buyer's assistance, Home Access Grants, and Housing Rehabilitation Loan programs. Develop and implement public facility assistance for three non-profit organizations providing emergency shelter, transitional support, senior activities and affordable housing. Conduct four neighborhood events and participate in the coordination of the Fair Housing Arts Contest. Continue to provide funding for the Graffiti program in CDBG eligible Iow income areas. Increase the overall level of fair housing law knowledge to all community residents by providing service, information, technical training, and counseling on fair housing related issues. Provide assistance to multi-family projects with HOME investment partnership monies. Implement programs and activities identified in the 2002-2003 HUD Action Plan including CDBG funded CIP projects, new housing construction activities, and acquisition and clearance. Prepare a community plan for the Southeast Bakersfield area to allow the City to submit an application for a future federal empowerment zone designation. 10. Prepare a Section 108 CDBG grant application for commercial and public facility development in eligible Iow income neighborhoods. 161 6570 - Community Development continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS PROJECT/ACTIVITY Southeast In-fill Housing Program Home Access Grant Program Fair Housing Calls Houses Rehabilitated FY 00-01 Actual N/A 58 1415 16 FY 01-02 Actual N/A 58 1415 18 FY 02-03 Adopted 13 58 1500 18 162 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $638,746 $685,588 $685,588 $1,928,797 $2,457,630 $6,306,293 $860 $6,956 $18,476 $2,568,403 $3,150,174 $730,648 $2,496,235 $7,010,357 $3,226,883 SOURCE OF FUNDS: CDBG - Block Grant CHFA Loan Fund CDBG - HOME Total $1,568,560 $999,843 $1,636,174 $1,514,000 $2,568,40~3 $3,150,174 $2,931,838 $500,000 $3,578,519 $7,010,357 $1,635,883 $1,591,000 $3,226,883 163 6580 - Economic Development DIVISION GOAL Plan and implement economic development activities which protect, improve and diversify the economy of Bakersfield. FY2001-02 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Secured a grocery store in southeast Bakersfield. A groundbreaking was held in late February. Received approval from the State of California for a five-year extension on our Enterprise Zone designation. The application received a 93.5% score. In cooperation with the County of Kern, completed two of three phases of Connecting Kern County. This effort focuses on Kern County's readiness to take advantage of advanced communication services for economic development. Phase I involved community workshops to assess various sectors' readiness, and Phase II involved developing action plans. A plan to improve Wall Street Alley is under way. Staff and property owners agreed to a plan to enhance Wall Street Alley between Chester Avenue and Eye Street. Existing sidewalk and street will be replaced; new decorative light poles, bollards and trash cans will be installed; and gates will be used to close the alley during special events. The area's first-ever television and film production course will be offered through CSU Bakersfield. This was a result of a contact from a production company through its request for film permitting. 6. Coordinated with First Night~) Bakersfield for its third New Year's Eve celebration. 164 6580 - Economic Development continued FY 2002-03 ACTION PLAN 1. Implement the economic development component of Vision 2020. 2. Pursue development opportunities in keeping with the Baker Street Redevelopment Strategy. 3. Pursue development opportunities in keeping with the Southeast Bakersfield Revitalization Study. 4. Implement the updated economic development plan submitted in the Enterprise Zone application. 5. Support efforts to pass legislation to permit the redefining of the Targeted Employment Area (TEA) boundaries to reflect 2000 census data, allowing potentially more residents to be considered eligible for hiring credits when hired by Enterprise Zone employers. 6. Complete Phase Ill of Connecting Kern County, which will involve implementing the action plans developed by various sectors during the past fiscal year. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS PROJECT/ACTIVITY FY 00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Actual Actual Adopted Respond to request for businesses 200 200 Conduct tours for business clients 15 10 Prepare mailings to new business owners 1,800 1,700 2OO 12 1,700 165 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $441,494 $549,045 $549,045 $636,100 $946,163 $1,863,593 $2,574,494 $2,110,308 $4,772 $4,252 $2,000 $1,392,429 $2,412,638 $3,127,791 $2,748,408 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund CDBG - Block Grant RDA-DTPA - Operating RDA-DTPA - Housing RDA-OTKP - Operating RDA-OTKP - Housing RDA-SEPA - Operating RDA-SEPA- Housing Parking Lots/Structures Total $652,061 $789,562 $791,208 $882,934 $72,606 $426,651 $723,308 $1,557,217 $16,544 $31,225 $31,225 $36,457 $458,671 $990,000 $1,101,350 $50,000 $2,915 $12,800 $58,800 $19,100 $20,000 $11,784 $17,230 $276,730 $27,530 $10,000 $177,848 $145,170 $145,170 $145,170 $1,392,429 $2,412,638 $3,127,791 $2,748,408 166 NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NON-DEPARTMENTAL This section includes expenditures which cannot be attributed to a single department or division. These expenditures are for services which may impact a number of City departments and functions. Retiree Medical Benefits - This item provides for medical insurance coverage for retired City employees with 15 or more years of service credit, as provided for in various labor agreements. Currently, the City provides benefits to over 300 retired employees. Elections- This item includes funds for the planning and execution of all City elections. Property Tax Administration - Section 97 of the Revenue and Taxation Code allows the County to charge all districts in the county for their share of the County's "Property Tax Administration Cost." This cost commenced with the 1990-91 fiscal year as a result of state budgetary action. The cost to each district is based upon its share of the current AB8 tax dollars, plus a share of the countywide Unitary Tax Allocation. Community Promotions - This item provides funds for the purpose of supporting promotional, informational and community activities which benefit the citizens of Bakersfield. This item also contains funding for the annual newsletter to all City residents informing them of City projects and programs. Contingency - The Contingency Fund is intended to cover unanticipated expenditures which the Council decides to fund throughout the fiscal year. Funds for items which are unresolved at the time the budget is developed, such as salary settlements with bargaining units and position reclassifications, are also included. Animal Control - The City has a contract with the Bakersfield Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) for animal control services. The services the SPCA provides includes handling of stray and dangerous animals, pet licensing and sheltering and adoption of animals. 167 Non-Departmental* Total NON-DEPARTM ENTAL Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $2,278,700 $3,697,960 $4,046,560 $4,178,480 $2,278,700 $3,697,960 $4,046,560 $4,178,480 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $2,278,700 $3,697,960 $4,046,560 $4,178,480 $2,278,700 $3,697,960 $4,046,560 $4,178,480 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Non- Departmental Total * Does not include debt service or intedund transfers 168 SPECIAL FUNDS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS These funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. Community Development Block Grant Fund is used to account for resources provided by the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 for the elimination of slums and blight, housing conservation, and improvements of community services. HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund is used to account for resources provided by Federal Housing and Urban Development for a wide range of activities that buy, build and rehabilitate affordable housing opportunities for rent or home ownership for Iow-income citizens. Intermodal Surface Transportation Fund is used to account for resources provided by the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. These resources include four programs comprised of the Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Transportation Enhancement Activity (TEA), and Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR). Street and Road Transportation Fund is used to account for the City's allocation of 1/4 percent of sales tax authorized by SB 325 Transportation Development Act (TDA) and State Grants for operation of an Amtrak Station. State Gas Tax Fund is used to account for the City's share, based upon population, of state gasoline taxes. State law requires these gasoline taxes be used to maintain streets or for major street construction. Traffic Safety Fund is used to account for the City's share of traffic fine resources which are transferred to the General Fund to assist in funding the cost of traffic safety and traffic control devices. Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund is used to account for the City's share, based upon population of the Supplemental Law Enforcement Block Grant commencing with the State's 1996-97 fiscal year. Transient Lodging Tax Fund is to be established in July 1998 to account for the general revenues provided by a 12 percent room tax (M.C. 3.40) and the operation and debt related to Centennial Garden complex (Convention Center and new arena). Activities include funding for the Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as a contribution to the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra. These items were accounted for as part of the General Fund until the 1998-99 fiscal year. 169 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $142,038 $103,533 $103,533 $370,712 3,052,114 3,646,789 7,189,693 3,706,000 695 800 135,869 113,200 2,600,000 3,188,678 3,646,789 7,303,693 6,306,000 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out 529,684 591,082 591,082 633,422 1,111,650 1,740,367 2,953,288 2,559,678 64,628 6,956 10,776 1,705,962 2,338,405 3,555,146 3,193,100 1,180,848 1,022,307 3,148,470 3,148,815 2,886,810 3,360,712 6,703,616 6,341,915 (340,373) (332,898) (332,898) (334,085) $103,533 $56,712 $370,712 $712 Fund Balance-June 30 170 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $122,235 $110,260 $110,260 $279,192 785,965 1,615,597 3,617,031 1,410,000 14,000 14,000 5,600 6,000 187,906 102,000 186,800 124,000 500,000 500,000 987,871 2,231,597 4,309,431 1,540,000 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Fund Balance-June 30 127,824 121,157 872,022 1,973,760 121,157 126,221 3,949,662 1,464,779 69,680 999,846 2,094,917 4,140,499 1,591,000 $110,260 $246,940 $279,192 $228,192 171 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $o $o $o $o 2,793,638 3,940,400 11,675,219 2,793,638 3,940,400 11,675,219 38,070,300 38,070,300 133,700 37,936,600 38,070,300 $o Expenditures Personnel Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Fund Balance - June 30 2,793,638 3,940,400 11,675,219 2,793,638 3,940,400 11,675,219 $o $o $o 172 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,731 $8,029 $8,029 Revenues Intergovernmental 260,892 246,508 280,314 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,949 1,000 1,000 Total Revenues 265,841 247,508 281,314 $1,280 209,280 1,000 210,280 Expenditures Operating 101,734 213,133 213,133 211,560 Capital Improv. Projects 157,809 41,568 74,930 Total Expenditures 259,543 254,701 288,063 211,560 Fund Balance - June 30 $8,029 $836 $1,280 $0 173 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY GAS TAX FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Fines & Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,245,189 $67,817 6,045,527 4,799,000 8,613 20,000 366,343 40,000 $3,972,729 $562,430 5,189,800 4,840,000 20,000 20,000 82,000 50,000 6,000,000 6,420,483 4,859,000 5,291,800 10,910,000 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In 629,106 669,452 669,452 707,396 1,666,130 1,449,085 1,455,207 2,142,872 9,714 32,400 35,182 27,000 17,000 70,673 2,304,950 2,167,937 2,230,514 2,877,268 1,387,993 2,939,550 6,921,585 8,325,800 3,692,943 5,107,487 9,152,099 11,203,068 450,000 450,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $3,972,729 $269,330 $562,430 $269,362 174 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $261,194 $325,565 $325,565 $390,000 108,478 21,540 267,352 250,000 280,000 270,000 721,489 2,280,000 800,000 2,430,000 17,052 9,810 12,895 12,000 1,114,371 2,539,810 1,114,435 2,712,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 (1,050,000) (1,050,000) (1,050,000) (1,200,000) $325,565 $135,375 $390,000 $222,000 175 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 ($801) $45,283 $695,283 $38,383 ~evenues Intergovernmental 514,646 1,677,700 2,103,082 508,800 Fines and Fodeits 270,000 270,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 31,438 1,400 23,230 1,200 Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 546,084 1,949,100 2,396,312 510,000 1,976,000 3,053,212 400,000 1,976,000 3,053,212 400,000 150,000 150,000 $695,283 $18,383 $38,383 $148,383 176 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRANSIENT LODGING TAX Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $999,396 $1,395,833 $1,441,666 $1,724,721 Revenues Taxes 5,347,799 5,000,000 5,500,000 5,800,000 Charges for Services 4,244,196 4,324,549 4,518,348 4,692,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 333,108 3,179,785 3,208,785 1,250,000 Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Capital Leases Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 9,925,103 12,504,334 13,227,133 11,742,000 2,571,629 3,382,251 3,147,448 9,101,328 2,205,076 2,269,703 2,405,343 3,006,216 3,120,813 3,366,568 1,765 10,200 10,200 3,456,276 5,111,967 5,111,967 8,669,333 10,512,683 10,894,078 (813,500) (2,050,000) (2,050,000) (3,400,000) $1,441,666 $1,337,484 $1,724,721 $965,393 Analysis of Fund Balance Tax Receivable Reserve Suite Lease Reserve Unreserved Total $548,240 $548,240 $548,240 $521,063 417,500 417,500 417,500 438,000 475,926 371,744 758,981 6,330 $1,441,666 $1,337,484 $1,724,721 $965,393 t77 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD INTERNAL SERVlCE FUNDS These funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the governmental unit on a cost-reimbursement basis, Equipment Management Fund is used to account for the cost of maintenance, purchase and replacement of vehicular equipment and other equipment including mowers, communications, copiers and computers used by all City departments. Such costs are billed to the departments via established rates, which are based upon actual maintenance and replacement costs. Self-Insurance Fund is used to account for the cost of operating a self- insurance program as follows: The City is self-insured for workers' compensation for the first $300,000 of each accident or occurrence and purchases statutory excess insurance coverage to protect against catastrophic losses. Funding for this program is provided by rates varying by employee classification and their exposure to accidental injury or disease. The City is self-insured for general and auto liability for the first $500,000 of each accident or occurrence and is a member of the Authority for California Cities for Excess Liability (ACCEL) for excess commercial insurance in the amount of $19,500,000. Funding for this program is provided by allocation from the various City programs. 178 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In Fund Balance-June 30 Amended Revised Actual Budget Estimates 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 $13,596,964 $12,652,770 $14,585,892 Adopted Budget 2002-03 $14,439,383 13,468,840 1,325,000 14,793,840 381,728 1,091,682 1,634,482 13,215,190 14,951,850 13,714,630 200,000 42,520 42,520 1,970,424 1,225,000 1,545,200 15,767,342 17,311,052 16,936,832 2,753,832 2,964,385 2,964,385 3,242,927 5,393,298 5,652,707 5,665,936 5,643,427 6,878,582 6,852,020 8,683,253 7,750,257 15,025,712 15,469,112 17,313,574 16,636,611 854,981 964,710 1,596,170 398,300 15,880,693 16,433,822 18,909,744 17,034,911 2,184,085 2,184,085 1,102,279 2,248,375 2,248,375 (421,972) (421,972) 1,102,279 1,826,403 1,826,403 $14,585,892 $15,356,403 $14,439,383 $14,382,397 t79 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SELF INSURANCE FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Actual Budget Estimates 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 $218,908 $806,020 $806,545 4,805,717 5,120,000 5,190,000 1,388,666 290,000 290,000 6,194,383 5,410,000 5,480,000 Adopted Budget 2002-03 ($659,685) 5,700,000 970,000 6,670,000 1,299,575 1,395,016 1,864,516 1,689,140 3,557,171 3,824,189 5,001,714 4,161,161 4,856,746 5,219,205 6,866,230 5,850,301 (750,000) (80,000) (80,000) $806,545 $916,815 ($659,685) $160,014 180 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIDUCIARY FUNDS Assessment Districts Fund - To account for capital improvements and subsequent debt service as a result of the issuance of 1915 Special Assessment Bonds and collection of assessment liens to retire the maturing principal and interest. 181 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Taxes and Assessments Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Amended Revised Adop~d Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $27,844,448 $18,428,284 $28,989,757 $14,905,559 6,220,909 5,881,683 5,698,000 1601873 82,252 369,026 330,170 1,813,412 831,300 763,000 4,215,000 10,340,000 10,340,000 12,779,220 17,052,983 6,274,220 49,624 287,000 17,213,422 6,610,844 297,472 298,207 302,344 72,372 7,044,389 11,882,845 10,692,173 11,743,028 7,341,861 12,181,052 10,994,517 4,292,050 9,745,777 20,303,103 11,633,911 21,926,829 11,815,400 31,297,620 11,815,400 $14,905,559 $9,701,003 Fund Balance-June 30 $28,989,757 $13,554,438 182 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS Capital Outlay Fund - To account for the cost of capital projects financed by general revenues. Recreation Facilities Fund - To account for the City's share of the State of California general obligation bonds authorized by Proposition 12 park bond issue and Proposition 13 water bond issue, which were approved by California voters in March 2000, and other major revenue sources for Park and Recreation Capital projects. Park Improvement Fund - On November 7, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 3327 establishing a fee for the purpose of developing, improving and/or enhancing public parks and recreation facilities serving the residential development. The fee is calculated in relationship to the number of people residing in the development and the current estimated cost of constructing a park. The fee is set by resolution on a per unit basis. Transportation Development Fund - The adopted Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan mandated that a Transportation Impact Fee be developed to mitigate impacts of new development on our regional circulation system. The City Council adopted the fee program January 28, 1992 and the Kern County Board of Supervisors adopted a similar fee program April 6, 1992. The fee is collected at the building permit stage and the amount of the fee is directly related to that individual project's traffic generation potential. Public Financing Authority Operating Fund - To account for the proceeds of $61,025,000 Revenue Bonds issued to purchase City Debt Instruments (Local Obligations) and the subsequent repayment there of. 183 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $3,650,745 $2,538,013 $8,079,546 $148,551 208,000 326,000 250,000 534,000 250,000 147,255 208,000 411,107 176,000 558,362 384,000 Expenditures Capital Outlay Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Tranfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In 120,937 1,194,624 4,322,462 12,063,995 4,344,600 12,063,995 4,344,600 4,024,000 4,105,000 (425,000) 3,599,000 4,105,000 1,315,561 4,322,462 5,311,000 4,024,000 (125,000) (2,625,000) 5,186,000 1,399,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $8,079,546 $148,551 $158,951 184 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY RECREATION FACILITIES FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $0 $109,204 $109,204 $0 135,000 2,249,296 4,723,496 2,400,000 2,300,000 3,300,000 135,000 2,249,296 4,723,496 8,000,000 25,796 2,868,500 5,342,700 8,500,000 25,796 2,868,500 5,342,700 8,500,000 510,000 510,000 500,000 $109,204 $0 $0 $0 185 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Assessments Inte~overnmental Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $4,886,754 $4,445,406 $6,394,932 $4,517,201 1,669,375 1,994,863 3,346,304 480,765 250,000 250,000 2,150,140 2,244,863 3,596,304 145,622 91,863 2,320,304 150,940 561,000 380,560 296,562 652,863 2,700,864 345,400 1,268,090 2,773,171 641,962 1,920,953 5,474,035 $6,394,932 $4,769,316 $4,517,201 1,461,624 400,000 250,000 2,111,624 248,624 347,000 595,624 2,545,400 3,141,024 1,300,000 $4,787,801 186 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Assessments Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Capital Leases Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002~03 $5,151,609 $4,288,286 $6,365,165 $3,617,053 1,297,361 350,397 4,391,130 2,586,575 4,700,000 3,700,000 353,024 128,127 248,127 230,000 6,041,515 2,714,702 5,298,524 3,930,000 36,702 70,000 84,044 50,000 2,024,933 2,061,635 70,000 84,044 50,000 2,766,324 5,507,907 7,934,564 7,489,900 4,827,959 5,577,907 8,018,608 7,539,900 421,972 421,972 (450,000) (450,000) (28,028) (28,028) $6,365,165 $1,397,053 $3,617,053 $7,153 Analysis of Fund Balance Debt service reserve Unreserved Total $1,524,932 $0 $0 $0 4,840,233 2,124,613 3,617,053 7,153 $6,365,165 $2,124,613 $3,617,053 $7,153 187 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY OPERATING FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Cha~es for Se~ice Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,798,832 $1,980,001 $1,980,001 $331,141 6,695,031 5,933,925 5,933,925 3,809,111 139,475 18,545 22,000 12,000 6,834,506 5,952,470 5,955,925 3,821,111 310,337 1,983,785 1,974,785 415,500 310,337 t,983,785 1,974,785 415,500 Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 (6,343,000) (5,630,000) (5,630,000) (3,706,000) $1,980,001 $318,686 $331,141 $30,752 188 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Municipal Improvement Debt Fund - To account for the annual debt service to retire a $2,500,000 HUD Section 108 loan of 1994 due in annual principal installments of $190,000 to $305,000 commencing August 1, 1994 through August 2003, with interest ranging from 3.82 percent to 6.53 percent. Public Financing Authority Debt Fund - To account for the annual debt service to retire $61,025,000 in Revenue Bonds of 1994 (Series A $36,415,000, Series B $22,285,000, and Series C $2,325,000) due in annual principal installments of $2,065,000 to $9,120,000 commencing September 15, 1995 through September 2010, with interest ranging from 3.6 percent to 9.5 percent. 189 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DEBT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $o $o $o $o 340,373 332,898 332,898 334,085 340,373 332,898 332,898 334,085 Expenditures Debt Service Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 340,373 332,898 332,898 334,085 $o $o $o $o 190 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY DEBT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Debt Service Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $6,051,579 $6,019,429 $6,019,429 $5,989,099 370,672 370,670 370,670 370,670 370,672 370,670 370,670 370,670 6,745,822 6,028,000 6,031,000 4,077,000 6,745,822 6,028,000 6,031,000 4,077,000 6,343,000 5,630,000 5,630,000 3,706,000 $6,019,429 $5,992,099 $5,989,099 $5,988,769 Analysis of Fund Balance Debt service reserve $5,865,000 $5,865,000 $5,865,000 $5,865,000 Unreserved 154,429 127,099 124,099 123,769 Total $6,019,429 $5,992,099 $5,989,099 $5,988,769 191 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT OUTSTANDING JUNE 30, 2002 General Fund- Compensated Absences - Accrued- Sick Leave and Vacation - Estimate Principal 5,265,214 Interest Total 5,265,214 Transient Occupancy Tax Fund- Capital Leases- Convention Center Arena 36,815,000 26,121,938 62,936,938 Community Development Block Grant Fund- HUD Section 108 Loan, 1994 600,000 38,717 638,717 Wastewater Treatment Fund: Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1994 - Treatment Plant No. 3 Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1997 - Treatment Plant No. 2 State Water Resources Loan 13,725,000 4,820,865 18,545,865 8,170,000 938,190 9,108,190 14,290,396 2,858,149 17,148,545 Agricultural Water Fund- General Obligation Water Bonds, 1976 4,930,000 426,825 5,356,825 Domestic Water Fund- State Water Conservation Loan, 1997 2,410,094 889,193 3,299,287 Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency: Property Tax Abatement Contracts: Porter-Robertson Office Project KGET Office Project Consumer Science Corp. Chamber of Commerce Al~en School Partners Victory Circle Inc. Specialty Trim and Awning HPS Mechanical Baker Street Lighting Property Acquisition Note Reimbursement Agreement, 1997 Arena Project Special Assessment Districts (19) 2,035 2,035 74,200 74,200 12,500 12,500 37,210 37,210 934,375 934,375 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 275,000 275,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 44,865,000 34,162,112 79,027,112 Note: Legislation does not mandate a debt limit for the City of Bakersfield. 192 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT MATURITIES FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 Transient Occupancy Tax Fund: Capital Leases: Convention Center Arena Community Development Block Grant Fund: HUD Section 108 Loan, 1994 Principal Interest Total 1,060,000 2,087,448 3,147,448 305,000 29,085 334,085 Wastewater Treatment Fund: Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1994 - Treatment Plant No. 3 Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1997- Treatment Plant No. 2 State Water Resources Loan Agricultural Water Fund: General Obligation Water Bonds, 1976 Domestic Water Fund: State Water Conservation Loan, 1997 Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency: Property Tax Abatement Contracts: Porter-Robertson Office Project KGET Office Project Consumer Science Corp. Chamber of Commerce Allen School Partners Reimbursement Agreement, 1997- Arena Project Special Assessment Districts 1,160,000 928,290 2,088,290 1,500,000 327,205 1,827,205 752,126 150,429 902,555 930,000 146,750 1,076,750 169,759 144,479 314,238 2,035 2,035 21,500 21,500 4,760 4,760 4,540 4,540 81,250 81,250 1,200,000 1,200,000 8,345,000 3,398,028 11,743,028 193 THiS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 194 ENTERPRISE FUNDS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENTERPRISE FUNDS These funds account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of net income is appropriate for accountability purposes. Wastewater Treatment Fund is used to account for the provision of sewer service to the residents of the City and some residents of the County. This fund also accounts for the activities related to the debt issues which provided for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Sewer Connections Fund is used to account for connection fees dedicated to debt service and capital projects. Refuse Service Fund is used to account for the collection and disposal of solid waste within the City. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund. Agriculture Water Fund is used to account for the provision of water service restricted primarily to agricultural purposes to users within the City and some users within the County (some Kern River water is exchanged for California State Aqueduct water for domestic water purposes.) All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund. Domestic Water Fund is used to account for the provision of water service to some residents of the City and County. All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund. Airpark Fund is used to account for the acquisition and operation of the Bakersfield airpark. The majority of acquisition and improvement financing for the airport facility is to be provided by an annual grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. Offstreet Parking Fund is used to account for the operations of a parking garage located on 18th Street between "H" and Eye Streets and various surface parking lots within the City. 195 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $20,253,621 $18,256,729 $24,643,868 $21,165,554 97,000 17,620,000 13,800,000 790,000 690,000 690,500 19,197,500 14,490,000 97,000 12,866,648 13,747,000 1,635,513 766,000 14,502,161 14,610,000 2,452,312 2,831,232 2,831,232 2,998,870 4,325,047 4,787,238 4,798,575 10,338,616 91,971 77,150 77,150 89,002 3,905,689 4,870,000 4,870,000 4,841,555 10,775,019 12,565,620 12,576,957 18,268,043 2,480,565 9,731,000 20,736,617 10,010,200 13,255,584 22,296,620 33,313,574 28,278,243 3,143,670 4,846,760 10,808,760 4,818,050 (171,000) (171,000) (21,400) 3,143,670 4,675,760 10,637,760 4,796,650 $24,643,868 $15,245,869 $21,165,554 $12,173,961 196 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SEWER CONNECTION FUND Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 Fund Balance ~ July 1 $7,620,794 $8,292,941 $10,150,241 $4,451,481 Revenues Charges for Services 4,737,033 4,410,000 4,510,000 4,610,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 936,084 200,000 600,000 300,000 Total Revenues 5,673,117 4,610,000 5,110,000 4,910,000 Transfers Transfers Out (3,143,670) (8,951,460) (10,808,760) (4,818,050) Fund Balance - June 30 $10,150,241 $3,951,481 $4,451,481 $4,543,431 197 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY REFUSE SERVICE FUND Fund Balance - July 1 .Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adop~d Actual Budget Estima~s Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $2,003,265 $4,420,928 $4,786,660 $5,845,975 1,175,639 845,000 950,000 910,000 21,782,104 23,071,000 23,340,000 23,590,000 377,146 144,000 190,000 220,000 23,334,889 24,060,000 24,480,000 24,720,000 4,521,178 5,101,305 5,101,305 5,519,299 15,098,207 16,762,398 16,796,820 17,063,227 251,359 587,000 592,228 595,150 19,870,744 22,450,703 22,490,353 23,177,676 22,321 282,000 608,082 525,000 19,893,065 22,732,703 23,098,435 23,702,676 1,195,000 885,000 835,000 785,000 (1,853,429) (1,207,250) (1,157,250) (2,011,600) (658,429) (322,250) (322,250) (1,226,600) $4,786,660 $5,425,975 $5,845,975 $5,636,699 Analysis of Fund Balance Landfill Cap Reserve Cart Replacement Reserve Unreserved Total $1,195,000 $2,080,000 $2,080,000 $2,945,000 365,000 730,000 730,000 1,075,000 3,226,660 2,615,975 3,035,975 1,616,699 $4,786,660 $5,425,975 $5,845,975 $5,636,699 198 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $156,983 ($703,396) ($685,825) ($449,788) 26,081 2,680,212 4,038,000 3,855,000 4,563,000 120,414 126,817 106,817 58,000 4,930,000 4,930,000 2,826,707 9,094,817 8,891,817 4,621,000 1,102,395 1,222,244 1,222,244 1,343,953 1,714,998 2,020,882 1,978,971 1,951,408 6,260 16,000 16,000 1,000 1,131,266 6,011,227 5,946,227 1,078,000 3,954,919 9,270,353 9,163,442 4,374,361 257,196 132,000 36,482 195,000 4,212,115 9,402,353 9,199,924 4,569,361 542,600 544,144 544,144 538,375 ($685,82~5) ($466,788) ($449,788) $140,226 199 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY DOMESTIC WATER FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues ChaRes ~r Se~ices Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $6,269,174 $4,883,709 $7,762,866 $3,715,582 9,712,322 9,495,000 9,740,000 10,150,000 537,572 305,000 410,000 250,000 10,249,894 9,800,000 10,150,000 10,400,000 292,632 311,800 311,800 409,627 5,963,378 6,918,989 6,930,924 8,295,320 593,082 651,794 651,794 637,770 6,849,092 7,882,583 7,894,518 1,364,510 3,108,400 5,758,622 8,213,602 10,990,983 13,653,140 9,342,717 3,433,200 12,775,917 (542,600) (544,144) (544,144) (538,375) $7,762,866 $3,148,582 $3,715,582 $801,290 2O0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY AIRPARK FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance o June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $566,497 $65,079 $126,291 $367,723 10,000 10,000 95,000 10,000 108,637 99,000 101,000 101,000 33,569 2,000 308,236 14,000 152,206 111,000 504,236 125,000 30,350 30,825 30,825 30,524 53,297 85,767 85,767 84,767 83,647 116,592 116,592 115,291 8,765 146,212 92,412 116,592 262,804 115,291 (5OO,OOO) $126,291 $59,487 $367,723 $377,432 201 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY OFFSTREET PARKING FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Cha~es for Se~ices Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $548,624 $167,116 $202,116 $315,446 91,992 84,100 84,100 88,000 31,529 2,400 2,400 1,000 123,521 86,500 86,500 89,000 107,849 145,170 145,170 145,170 487,180 874,535 609,535 380,000 595,029 1,019,705 754,705 525,170 125,000 781,535 781,535 130,000 $202,116 $15,446 $315,446 $9,276 202 REDEVELOPMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS Redevelopment Operating Fund - To account for the cost of various capital projects and programs within the redevelopment project areas. Financing is provided by the issuance of tax allocation bonds and tax increment revenues. Redevelopment Housing Fund - To account for the mandatory twenty percent (20 percent) of Tax Increment Revenue set-aside for Iow- and moderate-income housing. Redevelopment Debt Service Fund - To account for the payment of principal and interest on the Redevelopment Tax Allocation Bonds, Certificates of Participation, and Notes and Interagency loans. 203 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $103,151 $177,249 $177,249 $216,524 Revenues Taxes 1,738,890 1,750,000 1,700,000 1,775,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 422 500 500 500 Miscellaneous Revenue 29,746 20,000 25,000 25,000 Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 1,769,058 1,770,500 1,725,500 1,800,500 54,960 236,225 66,225 296,457 54,960 236,225 66,225 296,457 (1,640,000) (1,630,000) (1,620,000) (1,685,000) $177,249 $81,524 $216,524 $35,567 Analysis of Fund Balance Parking Reserve Unreserved Total $120,000 $0 $170,000 $0 57,249 81,524 46,524 35,567 $177,249 $81,524 $216,524 $35,567 204 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND OLD TOWN KERN-PIONEER Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 Fund Balance-July 1 $0 ($8,379) ($8,379) $139,021 Revenues Taxes 37,544 93,000 292,000 310,000 Inte~overnmen~t Revenue 500 3,500 4,000 Miscellaneous Revenue (216) 500 1,500 6,000 Total Revenues 37,328 94,000 297,000 320,000 Expenditures Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 2,915 33,692 59,800 70,600 31,100 36,607 59,800 70,600 31,100 (9,100) (12,000) (79,000) (80,000) ($8,379) $13,821 $139,021 $347,921 205 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Taxes Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance-June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $0 $116,119 $116,119 $2,089 166,424 220,000 221,000 227,000 3,000 8,500 9,000 2,480 1,000 2,500 4,000 168,904 224,000 232,000 240,000 11,785 280,230 286,030 37,530 11,785 280,230 286,030 37,530 (41,000) (37,000) (60,000) (63,500) $116,119 $22,889 $2,089 $141,059 206 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $1,061,725 $982,760 $1,019,110 $297,760 66,056 60,000 40,000 12,000 66,056 60,000 40,000 12,000 458,671 1,065,000 1,101,350 50,000 458,671 1,065,000 1,101,350 50,000 350,000 350,000 340,000 360,000 $1,019,110 $327,760 $297,760 $619,760 Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 207 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND OLD TOWN KERN-PIONEER Fund Balance - July t Revenues Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $0 $9,100 $9,100 900 900 $89,000 4,000 4,000 20,000 20,000 9,100 12,000 79,000 80,000 $9,100 $21,100 $89,000 $153,000 2O8 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 $0 $41,000 $41,000 $90,900 41,000 $41,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 10,000 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 10,000 37,000 60,000 60,000 $66,900 $90,900 $143,900 209 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 Fund Balance - July 1 $3,381 ($754) Revenues Charges for Services 3,148,503 3,152,182 Miscellaneous Revenue 3,164 Total Revenues 3,151,667 3,152,182 Expenditures Debt Service 4,445,802 4,431,000 Total Expenditures 4,445,802 4,431,000 Transfers Transfers In 1,290,000 1,280,000 Fund Balance - June 30 ($754) $428 ($754) $428 3,152,182 3,147,448 3,152,182 3,147,448 4,431,000 4,468,000 4,431,000 4,468,000 1,280,000 1,325,000 $428 $4,876 210 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA Expenditures Debt Service Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In Fund Balance - June 30 Adopted Budget 2002-03 $0 3,500 3,500 3,500 $o 211 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 212 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B A 1~ E R S F I E L D TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Alan Tandy · City Manager July 1, 2002 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI~I/~: ~ SUMMARY Submitted for your information is the five-year adopted Capital improvement Program (CIP) for the period of 2002-2007, which totals $318,958,115. The CIP provides the long-range capital planning for projects that are expected to service the City of Bakersfield's infrastructure over a considerable period of time. Revenue sources identified within the CIP may be from grants, taxes, user fees, bond issues, transfers from other funds, or assessments. Those projects approved for FY 2002-03 total $87,632,815 and are designated within the following City departments: City Manager Development Services Economic & Community Development Fire Services Police Services Public Works Recreation and Parks Water Resources Centennial Garden 1,000,000 265,000 80,000 1,364,300 400,000 67,128,715 13,341,600 3,623,200 430,000 TOTAL $ 87,632,815 A listing of projects by department is included in this section and reflects all of the projects planned by each department over the five-year period. While the Council will be approving funding for FY 2002-03 only, it is important to identify all costs for each project included in the five-year plan. Projects with "unknown" funding sources have been pushed into FY 2003-04 and beyond. These projects have been identified as viable, but because of lack 2t3 of funding or their placement in the overall priorities of the depadment, they cannot be funded this year. Should additional funds be identified, these projects are available for inclusion back into the FY 2002-03 budget. A listing of these projects is also included in this section among the future years proposed projects. Project Highlights The adopted Capital Improvement Program budget for FY 2002-03 totals $87,632,815. For the coming year, our major focus will be to work towards completion of several large multi- year projects and continue to improve and maintain our infrastructure. Based on input received at the budget workshops from Council members as well as technical changes arising from new information the City Council approved technical changes required to reflect the current figures and allocation of funds for the Baker Street Revitalization, Southeast Special Community and Economic Development Projects, Ice Rink, Aquatic facility and Swimming Pool Renovation projects. In addition to the over $8.8 million for reconstruction and resurfacing projects citywide, staff is recommending several major community enhancement oriented projects to improve recreational opportunities. A new aquatic facility is recommended; a community ice rink; construction of Rio Vista Park, a 32 acre community park and the rehabilitation/upgrade of swimming facilities at Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson Pools. The new aquatic facility is budgeted for $5.5 million. This project is to construct a new facility with a recreational 8,000 plus square feet zero entry pool with a water slide, lap lanes and competitive swimming and diving. The project should replace underutilized and deteriorated current facilities. The community ice rink facility is designated for $3.2 million. It is a single sheet of ice to provide opportunities for recreational skating for community use. Rio Vista Park - Phase II is budgeted for $2.2 million. This project is to construct a 32 acre park which includes 5 acres of recharge lakes. Phase II includes the completion of the construction of infrastructure improvements, physical structures, pathway system, parking and other amenities. Also, the rehabilitation/upgrade of swimming facilities at Martin Luther King, Jr. is budgeted for $470,400 and Jefferson Pool is budgeted at $600,000. The Martin Luther King, Jr. project will include replacing the filter, pump, pipes, demolishing and replacing all decking, sandblasting and plastering the pool, installation of sport lighting, a slide feature and other improvements. The Jefferson Pool is in need of code-related repairs and is recommended to be enhanced by adding a slide, spray areas and additional water surface. Also planned is the continuation of the upgrade of the Police Department Mobile Data Computers for $400,000 using State Law Enforcement Grant funds. Several departments are also requesting CIP projects in FY 2002-03. Among the more noteworthy are: Westside Parkway. The largest of the budgeted CIP projects is the Westside Parkway for $21.77 million. This project is the construction of an at grade separated, access controlled freeway from Heath Road to connect to Mohawk and along Mohawk to Rosedale Highway. 214 The funding budgeted for this fiscal year is for the completion of the environmental document and acquisition of right of way. Additional federal funds will be budgeted in fiscal year 2003-04 to acquire additional right of way and preparation of plans and specifications. It is anticipated construction will begin on this project in fiscal year 2006-07. Bridge Construction Fairfax at State Route 178. $15 million is budgeted for the construction phase of the interchange at State Route 178 and Fain<ax Road as well as extending the State Route 178 freeway east of Fain<ax Road. This project will be constructed using federal funds. This project is necessary to improve traffic flow in the northeast area. Loan From the Sewer Enterprise Fund for Road Repairs. $6 million is budgeted as a loan from the Sewer Enterprise Fund for enhanced road repair efforts to be implemented in three phases ($2 million each phase) and approved by Council throughout FY 2002-03 as needed depending on the city's success in obtaining road funding from other outside sources. This is consistent with Council goals and numerous Council member comments regarding the condition of our city streets and is a more cost effective approach to street repairs. Bridge Widening White Lane at State Highway 99. $5.85 million is budgeted for the bridge widening at White Lane at State Highway 99 from the existing two through lanes in each direction to three through lanes in each direction with appropriate turn lanes. Sewer Rehabilitation Main - Brundage Lane from Cottonwood Road to Mt. Vernon Avenue. This project for $2.6 million will rehabilitated/replace existing concrete sewer lines which continue to deteriorate due to gases in the line. Sewer Rehabilitation Main - L Street from Brundage Lane to California Avenue. This project for $2.2 million will rehabilitated/replace existing concrete sewer lines which continue to deteriorate due to gases in the line. Sewer Rehabilitation Main - South Chester Avenue. This project for $1.6 million is the continuation of work, which includes the rehabilitation/replacement of the main trunk sewer line in Planz Road from Chester Avenue in the east direction to Wastewater Treatment Plant #2. This is the sixth year of a multi-year project to rehabilitate these sewers. Future Fire Stations at Buena Vista and White Lane and Northeast Bakersfield, This budget includes $375,000 for construction costs, $415,000 for the purchase of a new fire engine for the fire station at Deer Peak and Buena Vista along with $113,000 for new equipment for the fire truck/engine; $50,000 is also included to furnish the station. Funding of $100,000 is budgeted for construction of a future fire station in northeast Bakersfield. With this contribution, funds set aside for this station total $362,000. Centennial Garden Arena and Convention Center. Several maintenance and repair projects have been budgeted for the Centennial Garden Arena and the Convention Center. These include $150,000 for replacement of the carpet in the Convention Center Hall and 215 Lobby and installation of hand rails in the upper terrace of the Convention Center Concert Hall. $115,000 is designated for replacement of a portion of the permanent seats in the Concert Hall, however, the City Council reserved those funds until the size and cost issues regarding the new aquatic facility has been determined. $35,000 is designated to increase the height of the Convention Center Sign. The Exhibit Hall floor repair in the Convention Center is budgeted at $50,000. The Centennial Garden Arena Half-House is to be upgraded for $20,000 to give the arena the ability to accommodate events from 3,000 to 5,000 people. The Concession /Merchandise Stand Upgrade is budgeted for $30,000 to create additional points-of-sale locations. Also, $30,000 is included to upgrade the trade show equipment. Facilities Replacement Reserve. Staff is recommending that $1 million be added this fiscal year within the Capital Improvement budget. This increases this reserve to a total of $4.2 million. Budgeting these funds in the Facilities Replacement Reserve will allow us to replenish previously expended funds and plan for major facilities replacements over the coming years. Street Beautification and Lighting Projects. A total of $200,000 is included for median island improvements throughout the city, consistent with the new standard to be adopted by the Council for improving existing median islands. $534,000 has been designated for the Wall Street Alley proposal from the Charrette and enhancing the parking lots at Centennial Garden. $160,000 is designated for street light replacement citywide. $249,000 is budgeted to construct hardscaping and landscaping enhancements to the median island on north Chester Avenue in front of the Kern County Museum up to 34th Street using Community Development Block Grant Funds. Also $88,000 is designated to install landscaping along the west side of New Stine Road between Sundale Avenue and Demaret Avenue. Also included is $70,000 for another monument entry sign on State Highway 58 east of Mt. Vernon Avenue. Various Park Improvements. Recreation and Parks budgeted $185,900 to replace playground equipment at Haggin Oaks Park and $80,000 of Capital Outlay funds to purchase and install playground equipment at the Stramler picnic area in the County's Metro Park. The City Council reserved those funds until the size and cost issues regarding the new aquatic facility has been determined. Park Improvement funds of $158,200 are budgeted to make the initial phase of improvements to Mesa Matin softball fields. Phase 1 includes improvements to the common area infrastructure, such as bringing the sewer line to safety code standards, securing perimeter fencing and planting trees. Community Development Block Grant funds of $142,000 are budgeted for the removal and replacement of existing playground equipment at Jefferson Park and installation of ADA approved rubberized surfacing. Community Development Block Grant funds of $125,000 are also budgeted for the purchase of two portable trailers to replace the Lowell Center building which is scheduled to be demolished. This project will make it possible to continue recreation activities for children in the neighborhood. Domestic Water - Water Wells. Two additional water wells estimated at $1.2 million are budgeted to increase production capacity due to growth throughout the system. It is anticipated that one well will be located near White Lane and Allen Road and the second 216 well site will be located in the Riverlakes area. The installation of water wells is an ongoing program that is necessary to maintain current service levels due to continued growth throughout the domestic water system. Also recommended is $1.39 million for construction of the final phase of the northeast water intake structure. This phase includes installation of the pump station and the reservoir liner. This is a joint project between the City and California Water Service Company. These funds represent the City's share of costs for the final phase of the project. Summary In summary, staff is pleased to present the five-year CIP and the FY 2002-03 adopted Capital Improvement Program budget, which represents a wide range of projects that improve our infrastructure and ensure safety of City facilities while enhancing the aesthetics of our community. As the needs of the community change, the plan can be adjusted to reflect those changing priorities. Since the intent of the CIP is to facilitate tong- range planning, staff has attempted to provide Council with the necessary information to allow that flexibility. Thanks to Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes, Finance Director Gregory Klimko, Public Works and Civil Engineer IV Ted Wright, Data Processing Supervisor T.S. Liew, Secretary Jean Parks and Administrative Analyst III Trudy Slater for their hard work in developing this information. 217 LLI Z 218 0 cO c~o ('0o 0 E--~° ~_-~ o- o° 0 ~LLI KEY TO FUNDING CODES CODE AWF CDBG COF DWF EMF GTF HOME ISTEA OPF PIF RCF RDA-DTPA RDA-OTKP RDA-SEPA RDA-RSF RFF SEF SLEF TDF UNK DESCRIPTION SOURCE Agriculture Water Fund Local Community Development Block Grant Federal Capital Outlay Fund Local Domestic Water Fund Local Equipment Management Fund Local Gas Tax Fund State HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Env. Act Federal Offstreet Parking Fund Local Park Improvement Fund Local Refuse Collection Fund Local Redevelopment Fund - Downtown Project Area Local Redevelopment Fund - Old Town Kern-Pioneer Local Redevelopment Fund - Southeast Project Area Local Redevelopment Stadium Fund Local Recreation Facilities Fund State Sewer Enterprise Funds Local Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund State Transportation Development Fund Local Unknown - Source not available at this time NUMBER 431 111 311 441 511 151 112 121 461 321 421 391 381 371 376 317 411/412 181 331 2[9 City of Bakersfield 85O 800 750 700 Total Miles of Sewer Lines 768 97 98 8O9 99 2000 End of Calendar Year 2001 275 25O 225 2OO 175 Total Traffic Signals 240 264 26O 253 254 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year 97 2001 City Street Miles 920 9OO 88o 86O 840 82O 8oo 78O 760 853 827 97 98 886 99 2000 2001 End of Calendar Year 220 n z z 0 n' r~ W r~ W n- O z 221 222 n- O o I-- ILl © r~ i- Li.] r~ ~ ILl a. ~ I- ~ ri_ I- 223 LU 224 I- Z ILl O. o ...I LU LI.I I-.- ~) 0 Z 0 Z 0 225 W ill ii,. 226 00000 00000 00000 Z LU F- UJ o 227 228 ~ <~ w .zz~88 ~ ;~®~o ~8~°~®~oooooo ~o~ ~o ooooooo oooo~ z~ ~ 0000000 ooooooo~ ~ ~ 0000000~ ~z w ooooooo~ ~>~ o~o 0000000000000000000~0000000000000000 0000000000000000000~0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000 ~ ~ oo oooooo~o ooo ~ o o 0000000000000000000~0000000000000000 0000000000000000000~0000000000000000 zzzz~g ~zzO~~ ~0~00 229 230 0~- 0 0 0 q qq~ ~ q q 00000000000000000000000000 qq w<~OWw <O00z ~00 00~~ ~ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ~ ~~°~oooo~~o o ~ ~ o ~ ~>~¢!~zz Ez~z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~ N NNN NNNN N¢¢ ¢¢ CNNNNNN NNNNNNNN 232 o~©©z w ~xxzz~ ~ m ~n tm 000 >>00000~ ----00000000 I-- Z 13.1 n, n, .-I I-- 0 I-- 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 =~:$~ -~o oo 0o W w~O0~ W~ ~ 0 ~O0~w~ ~ ~w ~0~~zO ~ ~mZO0~O -- ~O~o ~o- ~z ~oO~j~ ~ Z LU <~ 0 I-- 000000000 000000000 000000000 O0000000z O0 ~ m~Ogw~Z ~o < om<~~ <~<z~ 233 234 0000000000000 0000000000000 O00000000zoOz U.I z wz~0 ~ ~OZoD~ z W~z~ w~ <oowzzzz~ WW WW WW W W~ W W W 235 I-- Z LU Z o Z UJ .J Z LU I-- Z LU 236 0000000 APPENDICES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OPERATING BUDGET The City of Bakersfield's Operating Budget is a planning document that mirrors the City Council's established goals and policies. By providing service delivery based on City Council Goals and Policies, City departments ensure that the activities they undertake are those that are articulated by the City Council, and are important to the community. Since the Operating Budget implements Council Goals and Policies, it is only natural that the budget document highlight specific program service objectives and action statements that demonstrate how those goals and policies will be realized. Annually, City departments develop action plans that target progress toward or successful completion of Council goals. While funding for departmental budgets is prepared using a line-item budget -- a budget that focuses on what is to be bought -- overall decisions and long-range planning efforts are concentrated at the program level. This essentially means that the City Council is looking at service delivery from the perspective of providing viable, quality programs to the citizens of Bakersfield. Structure of the Operatinq Budqet Within each department category is a hierarchy of what constitutes the Operating Budget. This hierarchy, which is detailed below, provides a basis for how programs are structured and service is delivered to the community. Goal. A goal represents a long-term condition or end result. It describes a vision or philosophy about major social and environmental concerns of the community. Significant Budget Changes. A significant budget change represents a major departure from historical practice or treatment of a program or line item within a department's budget. Action Plan. An action plan qualitatively or quantitatively identifies the service to be provided. Action plans are specific in nature and directly correlate to achieving the results of the department or division goal. Service Level Indicators. The service level indicators describe in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Service level indicators are derived from the action plan. Expenditure Line Items. Within each department are divisions and programs. At these levels is a summary of costs by personnel, general operating and capital expenditures. 237 BUDGETCALENDAR JANUARY Budget Kickoff Meeting Departments Receive Budget Preparation Instructions FEBRUARY Internal Service Budget Requests Due Personnel Requests Due MARCH Department Budget Proposals Due APRIL City Manager Budget Hearings with Departments Maintenance District Workshop MAY City Manager Budget Overview to City Council Department Budget Presentations to City Council JUNE CIP Presented to Planning Commission and City Council Maintenance District Public Hearing Public Hearing on City Manager Proposed Budget Council Adopts Operating, CDBG and Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Budgets CIP Adopted by City Council 238 BUDGETS AND BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING The procedures established by the City Council in adopting the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements are as follows: Prior to June 1, the City Manager submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. 3. Prior to July 1, the budget is legally enacted through passage of a resolution. Budgets are adopted for all governmental fund types and are prepared on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between departments within any fund and approve reductions of budgeted amounts. Since expenditures may not exceed budgeted appropriations at the fund level, any revisions that alter the total appropriations of any fund are to be approved by the City Council. Projects budgeted within the fiscal year but not yet completed can be reappropriated the following fiscal year with City Manager approval. All other unencumbered appropriations lapse at year-end. Encumbered amounts are reappropriated in the ensuing fiscal year budget. 239 BASIS OF ACCOUNTING All governmental fund types, Agency Funds and the Discretely Presented Component Unit are accounted for using the modified - accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified- accrual basis, revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Taxpayer-assessed gross receipts and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are therefore recognized as revenue at that time. Property taxes are recognized as revenue in the fiscal year during which they are levied, adjusted for amounts considered to be collectible more than 60 days beyond the fiscal year-end or ultimately uncollectible. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, franchise taces, special assessments, licenses, interest revenue and charges for services. Sales taxes collected and held by the state at year end on behalf of the government also are recognized as revenue. Fines and permits are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable until received in cash. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified - accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception is interest on general long - term debt which is not accrued but is recorded when due. Proceeds from issuance of long - term debt are recognized as other financing sources when received, and repayments are recognized as expenditures when due. All proprietary fund types, and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. The revenues of these funds are recognized when they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbitled service revenues, which are not significant, are not recognized as revenues. 24O BUDGET AMENDMENT PROCESS STATEMENT Generally, a budget is a financial plan, including appropriations which constitute expenditure authorizations with specific limitations as to amount, purpose and time. Administrative budgetary control is exercised within each fund for each department at the object group level. The object groups are as follows: Personnel Services Operations (SuppLies and Services) Council Contingency Capital Outlay Debt Service Interfund Transfers II. PROCEDURE A. City Council authorization is required in order to: 1. Increase the total appropriations of a fund. Transfer appropriations from one fund to another fund. 3. Transfer appropriations from Council Contingency Object Account to another object account. 4. Transfer appropriations from capital improvement subprograms to operating subprograms. B, City Manager (or designee) authorization is required in order to: 1. Decrease the total appropriations of a fund. 2. Transfer appropriations from operating subprograms to capital improvement subprograms for funded projects within a fund. 3. Transfer appropriations from one funded capital improvement project to another funded capital improvement project within a fund. 4. Transfer appropriations from one department operating subprogram to another department operating subprogram within a fund. 5. Transfer appropriations from one operating object group to another operating object group within a fund. 24] BUDGET AMENDMENT PROCESS III. PROCEDURE (con't) C. Department Head (or designee) authorization is required in order to: Transfer appropriations from one operating subprogram to another operating subprogram ( within a department ), within the same object group and fund. Transfer of appropriations from one object account to another object account to another object account within the same object group and subprogram and fund is permitted but is discouraged. Appropriations carried forward from the prior year are to be used only for the purpose originally intended. Therefore, the transfer of carried forward appropriations to current budget appropriation is not permitted. 242 City of Bakersfield 2002 - City Council Goals and Guiding PrincipLes Adopted Apri~ 24, 2002 243 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2002 City Council Goals GOAL #1: PROVIDE QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES Police Services PROVIDE CONSISTENT SAFETY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT THROUGHOUT GREATER BAKERSFIELD. Support and enhance proactive, city-wide efforts to reduce gang violence, illegal drug use, domestic violence and child abuse. Increase the number of actual participants and neighborhoods participating in the Neighborhood Watch program. Support implementation of the strategic plan developed by the Police Department to address delivery of Police services including the funding of proposed substations and associated staffing. Bring to concl,usion the implementation of the red l,ight camera enforcement program and support increased traffic safety efforts through targeted red light violation enforcement and public education regarding the hazards of excessive speed and distracted driving. Encourage community efforts to identify and address the root causes of crime in Greater Bakersfield.* Pursue and coordinate Homeland Security programs and facilitate information sharing with state and federaL agencies regarding regional security concerns. Fire Services 1. PROVIDE CONSISTENT FIRE AND RELATED EMERGENCY SERVICES THROUGHOUT BAKERSFIELD. 2. Implement new station deve[opment plans (Pursuant to Joint Powers Agreement with County, including funding the construction and staffing of Station #15). 3. Use technology to develop faster, safer, and more efficient responses to emergencies. A. Impl. ement use of Mobil Data Terminal,s and Automated Vehicl,e Locators. B. Continue accelerated installation of traffic signal preemption devices. 244 (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) Continue Weapons of Mass Destruction training and preparation. Pursue additional, grant funding for fire service programs. Encourage and facilitate community forums to resolve emergency medical, care issues (such as emergency room delays) which adversel.y affect community-wide emergency medical response systems. Expand fire safety and public safety programs. GOAL//2: ENHANCE THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION NETWORK MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EXISTING SURFACE STREETS AND ARTERIALS BY CONTINUING TO ENHANCE THE ROAD RESURFACING PROGRAM, INCLUDING A SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION OF THE MAINTENANCE BACKLOG AND INCREASING FUNDING FOR STREET MAINTENANCE. Evaluate the condition of city streets and develop a measurable pi.an to achieve street resurfacing improvements. Implement a short term program for reconstruction of segments of selected arterial streets based on priority using state and federal road funds. Impl.ement a long term proBram for reconstruction of arterial streets using recurring state road funds and pursue a pi.an through KernCOG which would allow use of 10% or about $6 million annually in state road funds allocated for Bakersfield for rehabilitation of local streets and roads. Encourage joint metropolitan transit policies/goal, consensus between City, County and the public. * Identify and create additional revenue sources to obtain all avail.able state and federal transportation funding.* PURSUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF FREEWAYS l AND MAJOR TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS CONSISTENT WITH THE PREFERRED ALTERNATE FROM THE URS GRIENER REPORT. A. Secure necessary rights-of-way and adequate funding. Provide periodic workshops to update the Council on status of the freeway and bel.tway projects. C. Encourage completion of the Westside Parkway. Increase education efforts with the community and the opportunity for public input. 245 (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) High Speed Rail A. Actively pursue high speed system. rail , Pursue community consensus on locating the high-speed rail station downtown near the existing Amtrak Station.* Promote and encourage public transportation.* Support efforts for adequate air transportation. A. Work with the county to complete construction of Meadows Field air terminal. B. Work with Kern County to insure good quality air service and increase local usage. (Fly Bakersfield first) C. Study the potential closure of the Bakersfield Airpark as a potential safety concern. Maintain/construct trails for cycling, walking, jogging and equestrian uses.* Recognize the link between land use and transportation.* GOAL/13: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 1, Support the implementation of the Downtown Charrette Plan,* consideration of: A. 19th Street streetscape extension. B. New City Hail / Government Complex. Include in that process C. Encouraging commercial development that indudes plazas and pocket parks. D. Creating districts-theater, government, finance, etc. E. Enhancement of Wall Street Alley. F. Central Park expansion and possible Veterans Memorial. Continue to build on the success of the Convention Center Hotel, Centennial Plaza, Centennial Garden and Amtrak Station. A. Develop concepts for projects which contain the following elements: entertainment, trees, landscaping, family activities, pedestrian-friendly design, safety, attractiveness. Minimize the negative aspects of railroad. 246 (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) Deve[op parks of various sizes to provide green space for walking[, relaxing, jogging, biking, and picnicking. Provide a pedestrian friendly atmosphere by linking the parks with historic trol~[eys, a dyer wa[k, or water taxis on a canal system.* Clear blight from the redevelopment areas around the arena, Amtrak Station and Hotel. Address downtown parking needs by developing a comprehensive plan in cooperation with public and private downtown interests which addresses joint use and other creative ways to integrate parking downtown.* Work with a developer to create a quality downtown housing project that brings families to the downtown area. Implement housing development in the Southeast and Old Town Kern Redevelopment areas. Expand the downtown street light design and streetscape design, and incorporate benches, refuse containers, tables and chairs and explore the use of solar lighting.* Encourage mixed use development that includes a diverse mixture of housing, retail and commercial uses.* Implement a mixed use development in the Southeast (Union Avenue and 4th Street) and Old Town Kern (Baker and Kentucky Streets) Redevelopment areas. 7. Encourage water features in the downtown. Encourage use of canals and river elements in the downtown. Develop a River Street to become a center for community activities and outdoor enjoyment.* Encourage the use of various water elements fountains, pools, and ponds to enhance the parks, town squares, etc. Ensure the "system" is in place.* Develop a plan to incentivize water features in the downtown. Encourage private courtyards and landscaped spaces that provide opportunities for formal and informal~ leisure use and activities. (e.g. the alley/court at the Superintendent of Schools Office).* (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) 247 10. Encourage the use of trees and flowers, lighting, street furniture, art signage, flags. Use surface material that enriches the paving options on our streets, sidewalks, and curbing.* To pursue property acquisition in the downtown from willing sellers for projects that fulfill stated downtown planning objectives. GOAL #4: PLAN FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Complete update of Bakersfield 2010 General Plan with County.* Facilitate annexations where staff is sensitive to the areas and where support starts with the neighbors. Provide information to explain financial incentives or other benefits of annexation which encourage urban areas in the County to be annexed into the City.* Support affordable housing for seniors and Low/moderate income residents. Encourage and support redevelopment project areas to promote development in the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast areas of Bakersfield through use of redevelopment, Enterprise Zone incentives, community planning efforts, and other available revitalization tools. 9. Implement the Charrette process for southeast Bakersfield. Implement a planning process to guide development of areas in northeast Bakersfield and encourage preservation of open space and recreation uses. Continue to provide consistent urban services within the metropolitan area defined by the City's General Plan.* Provide property owners with incentNes to create in fill or redevelopment.* Require non-contiguous development to provide all necessary infrastructure or provide economic disincentives through vadab[e fees.* Develop strategies to reduce consumption of prime agricultural land for urban development.* Develop pohcies for specific incentives for residential in-fill in blighted areas.* 248 (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Streamline and provide incentives for first time homebuyer's in blighted areas.* Create stricter code enforcement to help maintain neighborhoods and increase visual standards.* involve youth in re-developing blighted neighborhoods through various efforts, such as tree planting, graffiti removal, trash clean-up, and other neighborhood improvement programs.* Retrofit existing neighborhoods to be more pedestrian friendly and provide for pedestrian friendly thoroughfares in new developments.* Adopt incentives for reuse of commercial zones and improving utilization of existing problem commercial areas.* Encourage pocket revitalization of commercial centers and/or individual city blocks which may benefit from a targeted approach to economic assistance, which does not conflict with or duplicate existing redevelopment efforts.* GOAL #5: STRENGTHEN AND DIVERSIFY OUR ECONOMIC BASE 1. Enhance the City's economic development opportunities. Encourage business retention through programs which collaborate with local organizations such as trade unions, vocational training centers, schools and universities to provide technical assistance, employee training resources and other business assistance. Assist in business expansion and job opportunities by encouraging development of workforce training and infrastructure development which are consistent with identified strategic business attraction goals (Natelson study, Vision 2020). Attract industries which are best suited to our Iocational advantages, which include availability of energy production, access to major transportation corridors, and geographic diversity for film locations and recreational activities. * Focus on improvements and opportunities within the Southeast and Old Town l~ern Redevelopment Project areas, and the Incentive Area. E. Facilitate the completion of two grocery stores in the Southeast area. (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) 249 Continue to enhance the TEAM BAKERSFIELD concept and develop a fast-track process for establishing a business.* Continue a program that focuses on job creation. Set aside addiUonalfundswithin the annual budgeta~ process to be used for business attrac~on effo~s. Create higher paying jobs that can support famities, such as professional high tech jobs. Expand telecommunications and other infrastructures to support new and existing industries. * Build on existing economic base: Agriculture (for example; applied technology, value- added agriculture, Genetic technology) and Energy (for example: naturai gas, micro- energy generating).* Encourage and provide business development and entrepreneurial opportunities.* GOAL #6: 1. PROMOTE COMMUNITY PRIDE AND IMAGE Implement a plan to improve the image of the City and create a process and structure to ensure focus and completion of activities in a collaborative fashion to measurably improve the image of Greater Bakersfield among internal (residents) and targeted external audiences. * Continue the campaign against littering (Keep America Beautiful and CUB Programs) and graffiti. Facilitate devetopment and encourage corporate capital investments towards cultural and recreational facilities including: A. Cultural arts venue. B. Performing arts center. C. Ice skatin~ facility and community recreation building. D. Aquatics Facilities. E. Mu[ti-purpose stadium. Establish a comprehensive community relations program and explore participation with Kern County human relations efforts. 250 (Vision ]020 related items are shown with an *.) Create tandscaped gateways, freeways and arterial roads. Increase Freeway and entry point landscape standards. Create a highway landscape improvement plan in cooperation with Caltrans and other local agencies, and encourage community involvement. Work with these groups to obtain funding and complete these improvements.* (Vision 2020 related items are shown with an *.) 251 Guidin.~ Principles In addition to the City CounciL Goals the City of Bakersfield recognizes the following guiding principles in providing public services to the Citizens of Bakersfield: To maintain responsible fiscal policies which insure fiscal solvency, promote the pursuit of grants and private donations, maintain the lowest possible fee structure for all services and streamline government operations to be more responsive and cost effective. To encourage utilization of local vendors wherever possible and continue an investment poLicy that provides opportunities for City funds to be invested locally if all other conditions such as rate of return are the same. To attract and foster a qualified workforce by creating an environment that encourages employees to achieve and provide quality customer service. To maintain positive and effective Labor and employee relations through enhanced employee reward and recognition programs, involving all staff in implementing the goals and objectives of the City. · Continue to implement cultural diversity in aLI aspects of the employment process. · Provide safe working conditions and train employees in sound safety practices. Improve city government communications which promote a positive image of the city's projects, programs and accomplishments. Continue enhancement to the public communications process including, use of television broadcasts for meetings and to provide public information; enhancement of the city's WEB site; use of press releases regarding city activities; use of surveys to obtain customer service and other citizen feedback information; and distribution of the city-wide newsletter. Provide more positive council interaction with public through improved response to citizen complaints and inquiries through use of constituent tracking software. Improve internal Council relations by promoting common goals, respecting individual positions on issues, reducin~J the level of "politicaJ" decision-making, and conducting annual team buildin~ and ~oal setting sessions. Work with the County to provide efficient ~overnment services for metropolitan area which reduce the duplication of public services. Pro-actively pursue intergovernmentaL Legislation at the county, state and federal levels by monitoring, takin~ a position and activety pursuing pending legislation; expandin~J annual Jobbying efforts with state and federaJ representatives; inviting3 legislators to Council workshops or other activities; holding joint City Council/County Board of Supervisor meetings to discuss various issues. Continue to partner with school districts on recreation and education pro~rams to reduce youth violence, drugs and crime. 252 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS DATE OF INCORPORATION CHARTER ADOPTED FORM OF GOVERNMENT POPULATION (2001) CITY EMPLOYEES/1,000 AREA (1/1/02) MILES OF STREETS (1/1/02) NUMBER OF STREET LIGHTS (1/1/02) MILES OF STORM DRAINS NUMBER OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS (1/1/02) MILES OF SANITARY SEWERS (1/1/02) NUMBER OF PARKS AND ACREAGE 1898 1915 COUNCIL-MANAGER 254,368 5.39 115.14 sq. mi. 909 11,747 150 264 825 45 PARKS (399 ac.) Prepared by the City Manager's Office 253 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Square Miles 116 115.14 115 114 113 112 111 110 2001 11415 114.15 97 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year $260,000 $250,000 $240,000 $230,000 $220,000 $210,000 Annual Population Growth 254,368 221,700 97 2001 242,792 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year City Employees per 1,000 Population 7 5 44 5.4 97 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year 5.38 2001 254 City of Bakersfield 850 800 750 700 Total Miles of Sewer Lines $25 97 98 99 2000 2001 End of Calendar Year 250 225 2OO 275 240 1 Total Traffic Signals 26O 253 254 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year 2001 92O 900 880 860 840 820 80O 78O 760 827 97 City Street Miles 88G 853 849 98 99 2000 End of Calendar Year 2001 255 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT BY DIVISION Divisions Authorized FY 2000-01 Authorized FY 2001-02 Change in Positions Authorized FY 2002'03 Mayor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Legislative 1.00 1.00 1.00 City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Managment Info. Services Total Executive Administration Accounting and Repoding Treasury Purchasing Total Financial Services Legal Counsel Total City Attorney Administration Operations Investigations Total Police Services Administration Fire Safety Fire Suppression Total Fire Services Administration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste Total Public Works 8.OO 8.OO 8.OO 7.00 7.00 1.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 19.00 21.00 6.00 27.00 48.00 50.00 7.00 57.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 63.00 126.00 2.00 128.00 285.00 229.00 10.00 239.00 77.00 88.00 2.00 90.00 425.00 443.00 14.00 457.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 26.00 26.00 2.00 28.00 158.00 164.00 6.00 170.00 192.00 198.00 8.00 206.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 52.00 53.00 2.00 55.00 62.00 65.00 4.00 69.00 67.00 68.00 3.00 71.00 53.00 55.00 55.00 27.00 27.00 1.00 28.00 71.00 82.00 4.00 86.00 339.00 357.00 14.00 371.00 256 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT BY DIVISION Divisions Authorized Authorized Change in Authorized FY 2002-03 FY 2000-01 FY 2001-02 Positions Agricultural Water Domestic Water Total Water Resources Convention Center Total Convention Center Administration Parks Recreation Total Recreation & Parks Planning Building Total Development Services Community Development Economic Development Total Economic/Community Dev. TOTAL PERSONNEL 18.45 18.45 1.00 19.45 3.55 3.55 3.55 22.00 22.00 1.00 23.00 7.00 6.00 * 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 88.00 91.00 4.00 95.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 114.00 117.00 4.00 121.00 19.00 20.00 1.00 21.00 42.00 41.00 2.00 43.00 61.00 61.00 3.00 64.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 9.00 18.00 18.00 1.00 19.00 1274.00 1320.00 52.00 1372.00 *Note: Remaining City employees that did not become employees of SMG. 257 258 00000 000 000000000000 0 259 260 0 00000 0 0 O0 0 O0 261 262 000 0000000 O0 0000000 ~ ~o~ oo ~o~ o~ooo:o~oooo~ooo~ooooooo O0 O0 000000 00000000 0 263 264 000000 00000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ o ~ o o ooooooo~oooooooo~ooooo 265 266 ~R~R ~oooooooo~ ~ ~ o~o~ooo~oo~oaooao~ o 000 0000 0 00000 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ o ~ o o o o o o o ° ° 267 268 .~ o o Oo o o ~ o ~ ~o o o o o o o o o 0 000000000000000000000 U 0 rtl 269 270 000000 0 0000000 0 H 000 000 000000 H 271 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 272 GLOSSARY BUDGET GLOSSARY ACCOUNT CODES - A system used in determining how funds are spent in a given area. ACTION PLAN - An action plan qualitatively or quantitatively identifies the service to be provided. Action plans are specific in nature and directly correlate to achieving the department or division goal. APPROPRIATION - A legal authorization granted by the Council to make expenditures for specific purposes. ASSESSED VALUATION - The value assigned to property by a government as a basis for levying taxes. BUDGET - A plan describing how funds will be accumulated and spent during a given period. BUDGET AMENDMENT - A process utilized to change the plan describing how funds will be accumulated and spent during a given period. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET - A plan describing how funds will be accumulated and spent for major infrastructure projects and purchases. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Expenditures used to purchase fixed assets costing more than $1,000. CARRYOVER - Funds budgeted but not encumbered for a project, that must be carried into the following fiscal year to complete the project. CONTINGENCY - Funds set aside for unforeseen emergencies or unanticipated uses. DEBT SERVICE FUND - A fund established to finance and account for the payment of interest and principal on outstanding bonds. ENCUMBRANCES - Funds set aside for future payment of purchase orders and contracts. ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund established to account for a service which should be paid for by those who use the service. EXPENDITURE - Use of funds for payment of current operating expenses, payment of bonds, and payment of major purchases. FEES - Monies paid to the government for expenses incurred for providing special services. FISCAL YEAR - A 12-month period of time to which the annual budget applies and at the end of which a governmental unit determines its financial position and the results of its operations. For the City of Bakersfield, this is the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30. FUND - A separate accounting of a specific service or purpose. GENERAL FUND - The fund used to account for all transactions of a governmental unit which are not accounted for in another fund. 273 BUDGET GLOSSARY (CONTINUED) GOALS - A long-term condition or end result. It describes a vision or philosophy about major social and environmental concerns of the community. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - A fund established to account for a service used by all departments of the City. It is financed by charging the departments that use the service. OBJECT - A term used to designate an asset, liability, revenue or expense. OPERATING BUDGET - A budget which applies to all costs other than those for capital improvement projects or major purchases. OPERATING EXPENDITURES - Those costs which are associated with the general operations of departments, exclusive of personnel and capital expenditures. Typical examples include materials and supplies, contractual services, travel, and other miscellaneous expenses. PERSONNEL EXPENDITURES - Those costs which are associated with the payment of salaries and benefits to employees. PROGRAM SERVICE OBJECTIVE - The program service objective describes in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Program service objectives are derived from the mission statement. PROGRAMS - Major areas of function within the organizational structure of a division of a department. REVENUE - Income received by the City government from sources such as property taxes, fees, user charges, grants and fines which are used to pay for the services provided. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS - The service level indicators describe in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Service level indicators are derived from the action plan. SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES - A significant budget change represents a major departure from historical practice or treatment of a program or line item within a department's budget. TAXES - Charges made against the public by a government to obtain the money it needs to finance its activities. Generally includes propertytaxes, sales taxes, franchise taxes, business license taxes, real property transfer taxes, and transient occupancy taxes. USER CHARGES - These represent payment for services which would not be provided to the individual if the charge were not paid. 274