HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/91 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING-COMMISSION OF.THE.CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall ROLL CALL Thursday, March 7, 1991 5:30 p..m. Study meeting: ~12 noon Monday, March 4, 1991 Basement Conference Room COMMISSIONERS: ALTERNATE- PUBLIC STATEMENTS KATE ROSENLIEB~ Chairperson JIM MARINO, viCe-Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON OSCAR ANTHONY. TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL ANY-PERSON WHOSE NAME.APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A P.UBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION. SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S. CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL g commission decisions on Zone Changes, Site Plan Revi_ews, Parcel maps. and'Tentative Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any person, aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any' use involved in an application until after_ the final acceptance date of appeal.- Such appeal.must be filed in writing within 10 days from date o~ hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 933012 A $275 non- refundable filing fee must be included with filing'of the initial appeal If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the;City Council lng, it will not' be conducted and the project may go forward. If no appeal is rece~ived within the specified time.Period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. ienda~ P1/C, 3/7/91 3 APPROVAL oF_MINUTES _. Minutes df the-January 24, 1991 meeting. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS - EXTENSION OF TIME 1) TENTATIVE TRACT 4902 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) 2) Page 2 Request to alloW a one year extension of time ~for tentative tract 1Qcated ~on the south side of Harris Road, approximately 1~4 mile east of Gosford Road. Group _vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5100 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Request.tO allow a one year extension of time for tentative tract located on the southeast corner of Old River Road and White Oak Drive. GrouP vo~e · P.UBLIC HEARING ' CHANGE OF CONDITION 1)- TENTATIVE TRACT 5341 (TELSTAR ENGINE~ERING, INC.) (Continued from~the-2/21/91 meeting) Request 'to change condition No. lA-. (Public Works) rel~ating to the requirement to remove the cross gutter at La ICosta Street and Auburn Street and extend the storm drain in AUburn. Street affecting those certain properties located~on the east'side of La Costa Street, south of University Avenue. 'Tentative tract~contains 82 lots on 23'9 acres, zoned R'i. (Categoricall-y exempt) Group Vote 6. PUBLIC HEARING - MODIFICATION OF LOT WIDTH 1) TENTATIVE'TRACT 5432 (HARRIS HOMES, INC.) Reques~t'to ~aliow a reduction in the minimum lot width from 60 feet-to 57 feet for properties located on the east side of Stine Road and north of Berkshire Road. (categorically Exempt) Group vote Agenda, P1/.C, 3/7~91 Page 3. 7 ~ ~PUBLIC HEARING '-~TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS TENTATIVE TRACT 5221 REVISED (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, approximately 1 mile north of White Lane. Contains 34 lots on 22.41 acres, zoned' R'i. ('Negative declarati0n'on file) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACTS5479 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Located south of Olive Drive, west of Coffee Rbad 65 lots on 14.47 acres, zoned R-l, R-2 and C-I-CH. tract to be phased. (Negative declaration on file) 2) C~ntains Tentative 3) Group vote ~ TENTATIVE TRACT~5'4$0 (DEWALT CORPORATION) -Located south of Olive Drive, west-of Coffee Road. Contains 114 lots on 25.15 acres, zoned R-1 and R-2. Tentative tract to be-phased. Applicant also requests reduction of minimum lot-width from 60 feet to 55 feet. (Negative declaration on file) Group.vote 8. PUBLIC H 1) ~S ~ ZONING UPON ANNEXATIONS FILE 5096 -- Time set for public hearing to consider the ini- tiated action by .the PLANNING COMMISSION to Zone Upon Annexation-to R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2-(Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), A-20A (AgricUlture~20-Acre Minimum Lot Size) and C-1 (Limited Commercial), or more restrictive zone; of said property in the County of Kern located south of the Arvin-Edison. Canal, east of Wible Road and west of Freeway 99 known as WIBLE NO. 9 ANNEXATION. ~Negative ~decla- ration'on file) Roll Call Vote 2) FILE 5097 -- Time set for public hearing ~to consider the ini- tiated action by-the PLANNING COMMISSION to'Zone Upon Annexation. to R~i (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited ~ Multi Family Dwelling), RS (Residential Suburban), A-- (-Agriculture) and A-20A (Agriculture-20 acre minimum si~e area), or more '~restrictive zones; of said proPerty in the County Kern~located north of Hosking Avenue to~ Berkshire Road and west Of. Free~aY 99 known as WIBLE NO. l0 ANNEXATION. (Negative decla'ration on file) ~ ' Roll caiLvote~ Agenda, P1/C, 3/7/91 9. PUBLIC '.HEARINGS- ANNEXATIONS Page 4 1) Time set for public hearing to consider the initiated action Iby the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex approximately 114.88 acres of those certain properties in the County of Kern .located south of the Arvin-Edison Canal~ east of Wible Road and west -of Freeway 99 known as WIBLE NO. 9 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration ~on file) . Roll Call Vote 2) Timelset for public hearing to consider the initiated'action ~by the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex approximately 147.18 acres of those certain properties in the County of Kern located north of Hosking Avenue to Berkshire Road and west of Freeway 99 ~known as WIBLE NO. 10 ANNEXATION. (Negative dec- laration on. file-) Roll Call Vote 10.GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (SECTION '65402 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE) uest from Jeremy A~ Anderson to find proposed summary vacation of right-of-way for cul-de-sac on the west side of South "H" Street north of White Lane. Group vote ii.COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) -verbal 12.COMMISSION COMMENTS 13.ADJOURNMENT ~- P±annlng ~or