HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/91AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber. City Hall ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: ALTERNATE:' Thursday, February 7, 1991 5:30 p.m. Study meeting: 12 noon Monday, February 4, 1991 Basement conference Room . KATE ROSENLIEB,:Chairperson JIM MARIN0, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON- OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN ' ' DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ~ANY~PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA 'OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL' OUT A-SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER S CARD-AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENTOF THE MEETING. -- _ NOTICE OF RIGHT- TO APPEAL g Comm!ss~on decisions on Zone Changes, Site Plan Reviews, Parcel m.a' _and Tentative Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any-person ac rieVed. No permit shall be issued for any use inw)lved in-an application until after the final acceptance date · Df appeal. ~.. Such'aPpeal must be filed in writing within'10 days] from date of hearing; addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City - Clerk, Truxtun-Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301... A $275 non- · ~. refundable_ filing fee must be .included with filing of the initial -appeal~ If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing., it-will not be condUcted and the project may go forward.- If no appeal ~s received within the specified time :period or if all appeals filed are Withdrawn, the action of the'Planning Cormn~ss.lon shall becOme final. Agenda, P1/C, 2/7/91 Page~2_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes~of~ the December-6, 1990 meeting. 4~ WALL'AND LANDSCAPE:PLANS SIMPSON-vANCURE~~ INC./RALPH ADAME; LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Request-to.Consider wall landscape plans for Trac~ 5288 located on the east side of Fairfax Road at Castlegate Drive - .Group vote 5._COMPREHENSIVE SI~N ~PLAN CSP 12-90 REVISED (BAKERSFIELD NEON SIGN COMPANY) (Continued-from the 1/24/91 meeting) uest to consider a revision to a ~omprehensive sign plan to.add provisions which-will alloW menu boards and directional signs ~a shopping center located on the northeast-corner of White' Lane .and Gosford Road,-zoned-C-2.' (Categorica!lyExempt) Group vote _6~ ~'PUBLIC HEARING.s--CHANGE OF CONDITION 2') TENTATIVE-TRACT :5186 (CUESTA ENGINEERING) Request for~ a modification to reduce minimum l°t width from 60 feet_to_55 feet affecting those certain properties located -on the~east, sideof Buena Vista Road, approximately 3/4 mile south of White Lane. '.Tentative tract contains:,270 lots on '61.53 acres, zoned R-1. (Categorically exempt)- .~ ~Group vo.te TENTATIVE ' ~T~5341 (TELSTAR ENGINEERING, INCi) -Request to chan~ of condition No. lA. {Public Works)relat- ing to the 'u~rement to remove the cross gutter at La Costa Street and Auburn Street and extending the storm drain in ' ' ' Auburn'Street a~fecting those cer.tain properties located on the east side of La Costa Street~ south 'of University Avenue~ Tentative tract contains 82 lots on 23.9 ac~es, zoned R-1. (Categ ) Group-Vote ~ Agenda~ P1/C '_'2/7/91. .7. PUBLIC - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS Page 3 TENTATIVE.PARCEL MAP 9548 (LUQUE & ASSOCIATES) -(Continued from the 1/24/91 meeting) Located.on the corner of Masters0n Street and Pitts Avenue. Contains 2 parcels on 4.99 acres, zoned RS-2 1/2 AC. Modifi~:atiOn uest to allow reduction-of minimum lot size. (Negative declaration on file). - GroUp vote - 2) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9569 (ALTA ENGINEERING/HUGHES SURVEYING) Located on the north and. south sides of 28th Street between Chester Avenue and "H" Street. Contains 4 parcels on 2~28 acres, zoned C-1 and C-2. (Negative decl'aration on filed ,~_ ~ ~ . Group vote ~- 8. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS ~TENTATIVE TRACT 5389 (CUESTA ENGINEERING) Located-On the southeast corner of Akers Road and Berkshire Road'alignments. Contains 177 lots on 39.4 ares, zoned A. To be zoned upon annexation to R-1. Also request for a modi- fication to allow a change in the minimum lot~.width from-60 feet~to-55 fee%. (Negative declaration on file) Grou' vote 'TENTATIVE TRACT 5417 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Locat'ed on the north side of Hageman Road, approximately '1/4 mille east of~-, Avenue. Contains 22 lots on 7.66 acres, -zoned RS;~.pr~ rezoning to R-l, 10,000 sq.~- ft. 10t minimum), ive declaratiOn on file) Group vote 9. ~UBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGES 1) FILE 5111 -- Time set for continued public hearing on an application by BRUCE KEITH to amend the zoning boundaries affecting-thoSe certain properties located at the northerly end of ntes Street from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone to an R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Residential) or.more -restrictive'~Zone. (Negative declaration on file) (Continued from the 1/2.4/91 meeting) ~ ~Roll' Call Vote Agenda, P1/C, 2/7/91 Page 4 9-.-PUBLIC 'HEARING.- ZONE CHANGES (continUed) - - ~ 2) FILE 5112 -- Time set for public hearing on an a.pPlication by - MILAZZO &-ASSOCIATES to amend the zoning boundaries affecting those certain properties located at the southwest corner of - South Allen Road' and Stockdale Highway commonly-known as. 13001 Stockdale 'hway from a P.C.D. (Planned Commercial) Developmen%) Zone to a P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) Zone 'for a neighborhood shopping center-conSist- ing of three, one-story structures totaling approximately 47,-522 gross square feet. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote 3) FILE 5123 -~ Time set'fOr-public hearing on an~application by MARVIN.STEINERT ~to amend the zoning boundaries-affecting that certain property located at 2660 Oswell Street.from a P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) Zone to a Revised P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) in order to change a condi- ti¢)nof approval which limited the number of access, points onto Oswell-Str~et for an existing 31,000 +/- square foot' shopping center. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote- 10.PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING UPON ANNEXATION AND ANNEXATION la) b) FILE 5096 -= Time set for public hearing on the initiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to Zone Upon~Annexation to R-1 (O~e Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), C-1 ('Limited Commercial), A (Agriculture), or more rE :tive zone, to city A-20A (Agriculture - 20 Acre Minimum Lot Size), or more restrictive. Zone; of said property in the County of Kern located south of the Arvin-Edison Canal, east-of Wible Road and west of Freeway 99 known as WIBLE NO. 9 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration'on file) .Roll Call' Vote ~ Time set.for public hearing to consider the initiated action by the-PLANNING COMMISSION to annex those certain properties in the County of Kern located south of the Arvin-Edison Canal, east of Wible Road and west of Freeway 99 known as WIBLE NO. 9 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration~.on file) Roll-'Call Vote Agenda,~Pt/C,.2/1/9i Page 5' il.PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE ~HANGES (GPA 4-90) (Conti~nued from the 1/24/91 meetinq) a) SEGMENT IV.: 'JTM COMPANY has applied to amend~the 'Land Use Element of the Metropolitan .Bakersfield 2010 General Plan -changing the land use designations from R-lA (Resource-IntenSive Agriculture, minimum 20 acre parcel 'size) - to~LR-(Low Dens~t~ Residential less ~than or equal to 7.2.6 dwelling units per net acre)-on 51.5 +/- acres from R-iA to HR (Hig.h Density Residential, greater-than 17~42 and less 'than or equal t0-72.6 dwelling units per net acre) on 10 +/- .acres, from R-iA to GC (General commercial) on 14.5 +/- acres for that area generally located along the southwest corner of Renfro Road and Johnson Road. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote b) c) 'FILE 5093 --~Time set for public hearing to consider the' request by JTM COMPANY to Zone Upon Annexation from County A (-Exclusive Agriculture, 20 gross acres minimum lot size) z~ning District to city R-1 (One Family Dwelling minimum lot area 6~O00-square feet) or more restrictive zoning district on 51.75 +/- acres; from County A to City R-3-CH (Limited Multiple Family DWelling-Church), 6,000 square feet minimum lot size, .1,.250 square feet minimum lot area.per dwelling unit) or more restrictive zoning district on 10 +/- acres; _from County A to city C-1 (Limited Commercial) or more restrictive zoning district on 14.5 +/- acres~generally located along the.west side-of Renfro Road. (Negative decla- ration on file) Roll Call Vote APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION Time set for public hearing to consider the initiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex 100-acres~of those cer- tain properties~ in the County of Kern loca~ed~generally on the southwest corner of Johnson Road and Renfro Road and known as 'RENFRO NO. 2 A~NEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote d ACQUISITION OF 'RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSISTENT WITH GENERAL PLAN Time set for public hearing to consider the acquisition of property for a .public facility consistent, with the general plan.' (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote 12.PUBLIC-HEARINGI~L .KERN RIVER FREEWAY SPECIFIC PLAN LINE AND ~IMPLEMENTING ORDINANCES T'~me 'set for ~public~hearing to consider the adoptionS'of a Specific freeway_~aIl'gnment and '(city only) implementing'~ordinances which witt'_g0vern future develo ~nt within said alignment Planning - - Commission to make recommendation to the Kern County BOard of Supervisors.and~the Bakersfield City Council. (Final Environmental Impact.--Re ~t for the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan on fi.le)~ Roi1 Call Vote ' ~ ' -13'iCOMMUNICATIONS 'A) Written B) -. .Verbal ~ ~ ' t) City-'Council referral of communication from Supervisor Mary K. Shell, suggesting a name be giwen to the area-bounded by-24th ~Street' on the north, Oak Street on the West~ F Street ~- on ~he~east and. t6th Street on the south. 2) ~ ~inlmum lot sizes' for. subdivisions. - 14 'i COMMI SS ION 'COMMENTS 15 ADJOURNMENT-