HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/91AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber-, City Hall Thursday~ February 21~, 1991 5:30 p..m. Study meeting: 12 noon TUESDAY, February 19, 1991 Basement Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS ALTERNATE: C. ROBERT FRAPWELL PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD~ ALL OTHERS WISHING'TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NO~ICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Plann'ing Commission~ decisions on Zone Changes, Site Plan Reviews, Parcel maps. and Tentative Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. ~No permit shall be issued for any use · nvolved in an application until after the final acceptance date .~-~f .appeal. Such appeal must be filed in ~writing within 10 days from date of hearing addressed-to the City Council, c/o Office of the city Clerk~ 1501 Truxtun'Avenue~ Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $275 non- refundable filing fee must ~be included.with filing of the initial appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council 'hearing, it will not be conducted and the project may go forward. If no appeal ~s received within the specified time period or if all appeals.filed ~re withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Ag P1/C, 2/21/91 Page 2 3. WALL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS -SIMPSON-VANCUREN, INC.~RALPH ~DAME, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (Continued from the 2/~7/91 meeting) Reques~ to consider wall and landscape plans for Tract 5288 located on the east~ side-of Fairfax Road at Castlegate Drive-' Group vote 4. PUBLIC HEARING - EXTENSION OF TIME 1) TENTATIVE-TRACT 5084 '(DEWALT CORPORATION) (Continued from the 1/24/91-meeting)i- 'uest to allow a one year extension of time for tentative tract located on the northeast corner of Renfro Road and -S-to6kdale Highway' Group vote -~5. PUBLIC -HEARING--- CHANGE OF CONDITION. 1) TENTATIVE TRACT '5341 (TELSTAR ENGINEERING, INC.) .(COntinued from-the 2/7/91 meeting) Reques~ to' change condition No. iA. (Public Works) relating to the requirement to remove the cross gutter at La Costa Street and Auburn Street.and extend the storm drain in Auburn S%reet affecting those certain properties located-on the east side of La Costa Street, south of University Avenue. Tentative tract contains 82 lots on 23.9 acres, zoned R-1. (Categ0ri~ally exempt) Group Vote -6. PUBLIC. HEARIN~ - RELEASE OF COVENANT 1) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 8884 OPTIONAL DESIGN (Expired 12/1/90) (ALTA ENGINEERING/HUGHES SURVEYING) Request to release a covenant relating to common access ease- ment across parcels of Tentative Parcel Map containing ~ par- cels on 2°26 acres, zoned C-2. (Categorically Exempt).. -Group-vote Agenda,-Pi'/C, 2/21/9I 7, ~.~k~.g_.~~LrC~.~5~VE PARCEL MAP I) Page 3- -REVISED TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9542 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) (Contih~ed from the 1/24/91 meeting) Located on the southeast corner of Camino Media and Haggin Oaks Boulevard. Contains 16 lots on 22..5 +/- acres, zoned C-O.' (Negative declaration on file) Group Vote --8. PUBLIC~HEA~ING ~ TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 1) TENTATIVE TRACT 5436 REVISED (DEWALT CORPORATION) 2) Generally located west of Coffee Road, approximatel~ 1/4 mile Sou~h of Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell _Specific Plan area. Contains 143 lots on 37.7 acres, zoned -R-l.an~ R-2. (Negative declaration on file) Group vote 'TENTATIVE~-TRACT 5476 (DEWALT CORPORATION) .. .Generally located west of Coffee Road, approximately 1/4 mile south_of 'Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan area. Contains 79 lots on 45 acres, zoned R-i, C-1 and C-i-CH. (Negative declaration on file) 3) Group vote TENTATIVE. TRACTs5477 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Generally located west of Coffee Road, approximately 1/4 mile south of.Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan area. Contains 124 lots on 22.3. acres, zoned R-l, and~a request for a modification to reduce the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 50 feet, and the minimum lot area from 6,000 square feet to 5,0.00 square'feet. (Negative dec- laration on file) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACT ~ 5478 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Generally located west of Coffee ~Road, approximately 1/4 mile south of Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell' Specific Plan area. Contains-131 lots on 34.1 acres, zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) Group vots Agenda, P1/C, 2/21/91 Page 4 9. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGES (Continued from the 2/7/91 meeting) 1) FISE 5123 -- Time set for continued public hearing on an application by MARVIN .STEINERT to amend the zoning boundaries affecting that certain property located at 2660-Oswell S%reet from a P.C.D. (P'lanned Commercial Development) Zone to a ,ised P.C.D. (~lanned Commercial Development) in order to change a ~c¢ ~n of approval~which limited the number of access points on:to Oswell Street for an existing 31,000 +/- square foot shopping center. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Cal-l_Vote 10.PUBLIC HEARIN(;'~- ADDRESS CHANGE uest by residents tO change the address for residences located at 3500 Akers Road (Pinewood Lake), to approve Pinewood Lake Drive as an official street ~name and address the homes fronting it. Group vote ii.EXTENSION OF A TEMPORkRY STRUCTURE Request by Steven Kiek~e for ARB Fabrication to allow a one-year extension of a tempora~ry office struct.ure located at 6000 District Boulevard as allowed u~nder Section 17.20.020 C. of the Municipal Code. -~ Group vote 12.COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) verbal 1) 2) Workshop with Mr. Ahmann of the KEDC. Planni.ng~ Commission committee meeting with Urban Development Committee scheduled for February 24, 1991'. 13oCOMMISSION COMMENTS 14..ADJOURNMENT ~-~ACK ~RDISTY, Sectary~ /// f planhing D~C~<~r