HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/91 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION- OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday, JANUARY 10, 199'1 5:30 p.m. Study meeting: ~i2 noon Monday, JANUARY 7, 1991 Basement Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS ALTERNATE: . C. ROBERT FRAPWELL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK- REGARDING A_PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Site 'Plan Reviews, parcel Maps and Tentative 'Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved.~ No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days ~from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun'Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301.. A $275 non- refundable filing fee must be included with filing Of the initial appeal.. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the project may go forward. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all -appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become' final. Agenda, P1/C, 1/10/9!- 3. APPROVAL-OF ~MINUTES Minutes of th'e.~regular meeting held November 15, 1990. 4. WALL AND LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING) .Page 2 Request to 'approve ~a~l and landscape concept plans for Tentative Tract 5135A located .on the west side of Mountain vista ~Road, approximately 1/4~mil-e south of White Lane. Group Vote 5. PUBLIC HEARING - MODIFICATION'TO LOT WIDTH AND LOT SIZE TENTATIVE~TRACT 5135A (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING) (Continued from the Dec. 20, 1990 meeting) Request to kllow a-minimum lot width of less than 60 feet wide and minimum lot size.for lots located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, approximately 1/4 mile south of White Lane. Group vote 6. _PUBLIC HEARING - CHANGE OF CONDITION TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9451 (LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PRAYER) Request to'change a condition to allow limited direct access onto Morning Drive, ~north and south sides of Panorama Drive from parcels 3 and 4.~ Group Vote 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS 1) TENTATIVE PARCEL' MAP 9462 (SOUTHWEST CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH' S WITNESS, INC. ) Located on the west side of Wible Road, approximately 1/8 mile south of Hosking Avenue. Contains 2 parcels on 19.4 acres, zoned A, and to be zoned upon annexation to R-1. (Negative declaration on file) Group vote 2) 'TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9530 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Located on the northeast corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Bernard Street._ Contains 3 parcels on 4.19 acres, zoned C-2. (Categorically exempt) GrouP vote _Agenda, Pi/C, -.1/10/9'1- 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS (continued) Page 3 3)¸ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9548 (LUQUE & ASSOCIATES) Located on the northwest corner of Masterson-Street and.Pitts Avenue~' Contains 2 parcels on 4.99 acres, zoned RS-2 1/2 AC. Modificati6n request to allow reduction of minimum lot size. ' (Negative declaration on file) Group vote -8.. PUBLIC HEARING-- TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS Ii- 1) 2) 4) 5) TENTATIVE TRACT 5257 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (Continued from_the Dec. 6, 1990 meeting) Located'-on the north side of Highway 178, west of Miramonte. -(APPLICANT WITHDREW AND WILL RESUBMIT AT A LATER DATE) 'TENTATIVE TR'ACT 5421 (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING) (Continued from the Dec. 6, 1990 meeting) Located 'on the southeast corner of Oakhaven Street-and Westtake Drive~ Contains 33 lots on 10.18 acres, to be zoned Upon annexation to R-1. Also, request to all6w a modifica- tion reducing lot areas from 10,000 square'foot minimum to 9,481 square f~et minimum. (Negative declaration on file) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5416 (DEWALT CORPORATION)' Located-on the .northeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and'the Noriega Road al'ignment. Contains 195 lots on;57.15 acres Zoned .R-t. (Negative declaration on file-) .Group ~vote TEN~'ATIVE TRACT~ 5450 (RICKETT, WARD, DELMARTER AND DEIFEL) Located'on the west side of Wible Road, approximately 1/8 mile south of Hosking Avenue. Contains 50 lots on 15..59 .acres, zoned A. Proposed zoning upon annexation to R'i '(One Family-Dwelling - 10,000 square foot minimum lot size). - (Negative deClaration on file) Group vote REVISED TENTATIVE TRACT 5233 (TELSTAR-ENGINEERING) Located on the north side of Panama Lane, west of South Union Avenue~ Contains 92 lots on 21.2 acres to' be phased, zoned ~-1. .(Negative-declaration on file) Group. Vote-- ~- Agenda, P1/C, 1/10/91 9. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ZONING MAPS Page 4 Time set fo~ public hearing to consider the initiated action ~by th'e PLANNING COMMISSION to adopt, (1) Zoning Map #101-13 with the' approved Zoning Upon ,Annexation located south of Reina Road, west of j~wetta Avenue, e~st of Allen Road north of Hageman Road and (2) Zoning Map ~123-35 wfth the approved Zoning Upon Annexation located south of Hosking Avenue, west of Wible Road, east of Stine Road to Taft Highway. .(Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote~ 10.PUBLIC HEARING - ZONI'NG UPON ANNEXATIONS AND ANNEXATIONS lai FILE 5105 -- Time set for public hearing on the initiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to Zone Upon Annexation to C-1 (Limited Commercial), ~or more restrictive~zone; of said 'property.in the~ County of Kern located south of White Lane and east of Bue~na Vista Road known as BUENA VISTA NO. 4 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote lb) Time se~ for pu~blic hearing to consider the initiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex 12.17 acres of those cer- tain properties in the County of Kern located south of White lane and east o~ Buena Vista Road known as BUENA VISTA NO. 4 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) 'Roll Call Vote 2a) FILE 509'5 -- Time set for public hearing on the initiated action-by the P~ANNING COMMISSION to Zone Upon Annexation to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and C-1 (Limited Commercial), or more restrictive zone; of said property in the County of Kern located west of Wible Road, south of the Arvin-Edison Canal to Hosking Avenue known as WIBLE NO. 8 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) Roll~ Call-Vote 2b) Time set for public hearing to consider the initiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex 93.32 +/- acres of those certain properties in the County of Kern located west of Wible Road, south of the Arvin-Edison Canal to Hosking Avenue known as-WIBLE NO. 8 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote Agenda,~ P1/C, 1/10/91 Page 5 il.GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (Section-65402 of the'Government ue'st from DeWalt corPoration on behalf of Coleman Company to find the of ~the remainder .portion of the Mt. Vernon Frontage Road inorth of Bernard Street ' ~- --Group vote 12'BYLAWS - PROPOSAL TO ~DOPT RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BYLAWS REGARDIN( .THE ALTERNATE PLANNIN~ COMMISSIONER AND PUBLIC HEARINGS. I3.'COMMUNICATIONS A)' Wri.tten -B)' Verbal 14.WORKSHOP Metropolitan - Wide'Park and .Recreation Distric't -15.COMMISSION COMMENTS -16.ADJO'URNMENT JAcK. HARDIST~,. Secretary Planning. Director