HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/90AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF ~THE PLANNING COMMISSION THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber,_ City Ha~ll - t. ROLL CALL Thursday, December 20~I 1990 5:30-p.m. Study meeting: :12 noon- Monday, December 17, 1990 Basement Conference ROom .COMMISSIONERS: ERNATE: 2-. PUBLIC STATEMSNTS KATE ROSENLIEB~ Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN- DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL ANY P.ERSON'WHOSE NAME ~PPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK ~RE(;ARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT'A SPEAKER'S CARD.~ ALL~ OTHERS WISHING' TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF'THE MEETINGi NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Site Plan Reviews, Parce~ Ma and Tentative Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No'permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal-must be filed in writing within 10 days ~rom date of g, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $275 non- refundable-filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, will not be conducted and the project may go forward. If no appeal is within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn the action of the Planning CommiSsion shall becomes-final. Agenda, P1/C,-. 12/29 Page 2 3. PUBLIC HEARING -~COMPREHENSIVE WALL AND LANDSCAPING PLAN AND EQUESTRIAN TRAIL MASTER PLAN (continued from the 12/6/90 meeting) uest for consideration of the Polo Grounds, a 1,452 +/- net acre site generally located between Snow ROad, Noriega Road, Hageman Road, Calloway Drive, Jewetta Avenue and Allen Road. ~ Group vote PUBLIC HEARING -~ EXTENSIONS OF TIME TENTATIVE TRACT 4957 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC.) (Continued from the 12/6/90 meeting) Request to ~allow a one year.extension of time for tentative tract located on_the north and south sides of the extension of Harris Road, east of Ashe Road. Group_vote 2) TENTATIVE TRA(IT5118 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) ~ Request ~to allow a one year extension of time ifor tentative tract located on the northeast corner of Old River Road and Camino Media. Group vote PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 4709 (FIRST CITY) Request to allow a one year extension of time for a P.U.D. l'ocated on~ the north side of Auburn Street approximately 1/4 mile east ~of Fairfax Road. Group voter 5. MODIFICATION TO LOT WIDTHS 1) TENTATIVE TRACT~5135A (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERINGS Request to allow a minimum lot width of less than 60 feet wide for lots located on the east side of Buena Vista .Road. MUST BE CONTINUED AND RE-ADVERTISED FOR JANUARY 10, 1991 MEETING Agenda, P1/C, ~12/20/90 6. PUBLIC HEARING - TENT~ATIVE PARCEL MAP Page 3 I) TENTATIVE PARCE~ MAP 9542 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) (Continued from the 12/6/90 meeting) Located on the ~southeast corner of Camino Media and Haggin Oaks Boulevard.. Contains 14 lots on-22.5 +/- acres, zoned C-O. Group vote 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 'TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 1) 2) TENTATIVE-TRACT 5424 (SIMPSON-VANCUREN, INC.) (Continued from' the 12/6/90 meeting)- Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive alignment, west of Saddle Drive alignment. Contains 107 lots on 38.4 -acres, zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) GrouP _vote TENTATIVE TRACT. 5418 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) (Continued from. the 12/6/90 meeting) Generally located on the northeast corner of Calloway Drive and Noriega Road alignment. To be phased and ~contains 3-34 lots. on 121.85 acres, zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) ' 3) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5441 (PORTER-ROBERTSON) (Continued f~om the 12/6/90 meeting) Generall-Y located on the southeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road alignment. To be phased and-contains 346 lots on 107 acres, zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) Group vote 4) TENTATIVE TRACT 5456 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) Located on the south side of Harris Road approximately 500 feet east.of Akers Road. Contains 104 lots on 34 acres,- zoned'R-l; and modification to reduce minimum width of lot to less than 60 feet. (Negative declaration on file) Group ~vote. Agenda t2/20/90 Page 4 7~.~PUBLIC HEARI~NGS- TENTATIUE TRACT ~LAPS (continued) TENTATIVE TRACT 5462 ('ALTA~ENGINEERING) Located on the ~est side of.the Monitor Street alignment between Berkshire Road and Hosking Avenue. Contains 179 lots 40.03 acres,, zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) Group vote PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION 1) Time ~et for public hearing to consider the initiation of annexa~tion of said property located south of Pacheco~Road to IFaith Avenue an~ west of South "H" Street known as PACHECO NO. 10 ANNEXATION. (Negative declaration on file) .Roll .Ca-tllVote RE(~ESS FOR 20 MINUTES 9 ~PUBL-IC~HEARINGS ~- GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE CHANGES la) b) SEGMENT I: DEWALT CORPORATION requests amendment to the Land Use t of the Bakersfield Metropolitan 2010 General Plan from ~ow DensitY Residential (LR) to General COmmercial (GC) on-5-+/-iacres-located at the northwest corner of Miramonte Drive and Highway 178. (Negative declaration ~on file) CONTINUE TO NEXT GPA CYCLE FOR HEARING -FILE 50.90 -- Time. set for public hearing on an application by DEWALT CORPORATION'to amend the zoning boundaries of said p~ope~ty from-an RC1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone to a C-1 (Limited Commercial), or more restrictive Zone. (Negative declaration on file) CONTINUE TO NEXT GPA CYCLE FOR HEARING Agenda, P%/C~ i2/20/90 Page 5 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE -CHANGES'~(GpA 4-90) (continued) 2a) SE(~MENT II: OCEANIC COMMUNITIES (Martin-McIntOsh, Agent) 'uests amendment to the Land Use Element of the Bakersfield Metropolitan 2010 General Plan from ER (Estate Residential, 1 net acre-per unit) to LR (Low Density Residential, less than or equal to 7.26 dwelling units per net acre) ~on a 140 +~- acre site generally located north.of Brimhall Road, south of Palm Avenue and between Jewetta Avenue and Allen Road. (Negative declaration on file) Roll catl Vote b) 3a) FILE 5091 -~ Time set for public hearing on an application by OCEANIC COMMUNITIES (Martin-McIntosh, Agent) t.o amend the zoning-boundaries of said properties from an A-20A (Ag e twenty acre minimum lot size) zoning district to a R~i (One Family Dwelling, 6,000 square feetminimum lot area) or more restrictive zoning district for 'that area gen- erally located north of Brimhall Road, south Of Palm Avenue and_~between Jewetta Avenue and Allen Road. (Negative decla- on ~file) Roll Call Vote ~ ' SEGMENT III~ SEQUOIA ENGINEERING (agent for Calloway Associates) has applied ~to amend' the Land Use Element of 'the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan changing land use designations from "GC" (General Commercial) to "LR" (Low Density Residen%ial, less than or equal 7.26 dwelling units ~pe~r nelt~ acre) on 8~+/- acres generally located, at the south- east corner of Jewetta Avenue and Reina Road (proposed); from "LR" to "HMR" (High Medium Density Residential, greater than 7.26 and less than or equal to 17.42 dwelling-units per net acre) on 10-.4 +/- acres and from "LR" to "GC" on 3 +/- acres for that area generally located south of Olive-Drive (proposed) between Calloway Drive and Verdugo Lane (proposed). (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote Agenda,_-.P1/C, 12/20/90 ~ ~ Page 6 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND-ZONE CHANGES (GPA -4-_90) (continued) 3b) FILE 5092 -- Time Set for public hearing on an application by SEQUOIA ENGINEERING (agent for Calloway Associates) to amend the zoning boundaries of said properties from a C-1 (Limited CommerCial) zoning district to R-1 (One Family Dwelling, minimum lot area 6,000 square feet) -or more restrictive zoning district, site size is 8 acres more or less for the area located along the southeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and Reina Road (proposed);...from an R-1 (One Famil' 'Dwelling, minimum lot area 6,000 square feet) zoning district to C-l: (Limited Commercial) or more restrictive-zon- ing district, s~te size is 3 acres more or less; from a R-1 (One Family Dwelling, minimum lot area 6,000 square feet zon- ing district) to. R-2 (Limited Multiple Family,: 6,000 square feet minimum lot size, minimum lot area per dwelling unit .2,500 uare feet) or more restrictive zoning district, site size is 10 acres more or less for the area loCated south of Olive 'Drive (proposed) between Calloway Drive and Verdugo Lane (proposed)'. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call.Vote 3c) TENTATIVE TRACT 5419 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (Continued-fromm-the 11/15/90 meeting) Generally located at the southeast corner of Reina Road'and J-ewetta Avenue.- Phased project contains 90 lots on 39.01 acres, zoned R-i and C-1. (Negative ~declaration on fi-le) _Group vote 4a SEGMENT IV: JTM COMPANY has applied Go amend the Land Use Element .of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan changing the land use designations from "R-lA". (Resour~e-Intensive Agriculture, minimum 20 acre parcel size). to "LR" ('LOw Density Residential less than or-equal to 7~26 dwelling ~ per net acre)on..51.5 +/- acres from "R-lA" .to "HR" '(High Density Residential, greater than 17.42 and less than or equal to 72.6 dwelling units per net acre) on 10 +/-acres, from t'R-1A" to GC (General Commercial) on 14.5 +/-acres for that area generally located along the southwest corner-of Renfro Road and Johnson Road. (Negative De~ on file) . Ro~t Call Vote Agenda, P1/C~~ 12/20/90 Page '7 9.PUBLI(; HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE CHANGES (GPA 4-90)'-Ccont-inued) FILE '5093 -- ~Time set for public hearing to consider the reqUest by JTM COMPANY to Zone Upon Annexation from County "A" (Exclusive ~griculture, 20 gross acres minimum lot size) Z0ning~District to City "R-i" (One Family Dwelling. minimum lot area 6,000 square feet) or more restrictive zoning ~dis- trict on 51~5 +/- acres; from County ,A" to C%ty R-3-CH (Limited Multip~le Family Dwelling-Church), 6,000 square feet minimum lot size, 1,250 square feet minimum lot area per. dwelling unit), or more restrictive zoning district on 10 +/- acres;_~from C0unty~"A" to City C-1 (Limited Commercial) or ~mo~e~res~rictiv~~ zoning district on 14.5 +/- acres generally ~located along~t~e eastside of Renfro Road. (Negative decla- ration on file)-' ~.R0'~i i~C~l'l-' Vote tain -the as Roll _~ APPROVAL. OF ANNEXATION . ~_ : Tim~. set.fo~ pubiic-hearing to consider the initiated action the'PLANNING. COMMISSION to annex 100-acres of those cer.- tain properties in the County of Kern located generally on sOuthwest corner of Johnson Road and Renfro Road and known RENFRO NO. 2! ANNEXATION (Negative declaration on file) Call-vote- ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSISTENT WITH GENERAL PLAN Time set fOr.-public hearing to consider the acquisition of i' - Pro,pe~ty for a.~public facility consistent with 'the general plan. _(Negative declaration on file) R°ll Call Vote SEGMENT V: THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD requests amendment to the .Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan from ."LR" ~(Low Density Residential, less than or equal to 7.26 dwelling units per net acre) to "HMR" (High Medium ~Density Residen.tial, greater than 7.26 and less than or_equal to-17.42 dwelling units per-net acre) on an area of 14,250 square feet east of "C" Street, south-of Park Way. west of Oleander Avenue!, generally located just south of the West Park Subdivision and from "HMR" to "LR" on an'area of 30,000 square-feet on 'the west side of Oleander Avenue between Chester Lane and.Park Way. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Call Vote. Agenda', P1/C, 12/20/90 Page 8 10.GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (Section 65402 of the Government Code) 1) Request from DeWalt Corporation to find the abandonment?f 5 feet of the 10 ifoot-wide public utilities easements in Tract No.. 5033-2f is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General P~an. 2) Group vote Request from Pa~nama-Buena Vista Union School District to find proposed 9.1 acre elementary school site located between the Kern ~r Cana~l, paseo Vista Boulevard, Arrington Drive and Rosslyn Lane, consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Pl~an. Group vote ii.COMMUNICATIONS A) Written ~uest from G.~. Willson to consider the adequacy of a pri- vate easement for the purposes of access in cOnjunction with~ Parcel Map 13-90 at 2660 Sunny Lane. Group vote '-B) Verbai~ 2.COMMISSION COMMENTS ~3.ADJOURNMENT