HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/90AGENDA C REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Chamber~ city Hail Thursday, December 6, 1990 5 p.m. Study meeting: 12 noon Monday, December 3, 1990 BaSement Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, ~ice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS ALTERNATE: C. ROBERT FRAPWELL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY WHOSE NAME-APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION SHALL FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND pRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR. TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning COmmission decisions on zbne Changes, Site _Plan Reviews, Parcel Maps and. Tentative Subdivision Maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued forl any use involved .in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. 'Such appeal must~ be f~led in writing within 10 days from date-of g, addressed to. the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 ~Truxtun Agenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ A $275 non- - refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial .... appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the ci~ty Council hearing, i~ will not be conducted and the project may go forward. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are_withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final.- Agenda~ P1/C 12/6/90 2. APPROVAL OF'MiNUTES 'Page 2 Minutes of the-regUlar~ meetings held October 18th and November 1, 1990 ~- 3. WALL AND LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN ~ ~ TENTATIVE TRACTs5369 (~ORTER-ROBERTSON) The tract is a residenitial subdivision containing 39 lots on 20' acres generally.located on the south side of Pacheco Road and the east side of Monitor Street- Groupvote .4.,.PUBL'IC HEARING - ~COMPREHENSIVE'WALL AND LANDSCAPING PLAN AND EQUESTRIAN TRAIL MASTER 'PLAN _ . Request for consideration of the Polo Grounds, a 1,452 +/- net acre site-generally located between Snow Road, Noriega Road, Hageman ~Road, Galloway Drive, Jewetta Avenue and Allen Road. GrouP vote ~' ~ 5. PUBLIC HEARING - ~SITE ipLAN REVIEW SITE PLAN REVIEW 54 9Q-A (BRUCE KEITH) Site plan review to, allow for additions to an existing church schOol in-an~R-1-CH zone including the construction of a new two story administration and arts building (8,100 square ~feet) and a 2,000 square~ foot~ sto~age area addition to an .existing multi- .PUrpose building affecting those certain properties located at~-the southeast corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue and~Bernard s~reets (2323 Mt. Vernon Avenue).- Group vote 6 PUBLIC HEARING - EXTENSIONS OF TIME 1) TENTATIVE TRACT 5084 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (Continuedfrom.the 11/1/90 meeting) Request to allow a one year extension of time for tentative tract located on the northeast corner of Renfro Road and Stockdale Highway. ~Group vote 2) TENTATIVE TRACT 4957 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC.) Request to' allow a~one year extension, of time.!for tentative ~ 'tract located on the north and south sides of ~ithe extension ~of Harris~Road~ east of Ashe Road. '~ ~ To be .continued to the December 20, 1990 meeting Agenda~, P1/C;~ 12/6/90 ~6. PUBLIC. HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TENTATIVE PARCEL~MAP 9542 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Page 3 Located on the southeast corner of Camino Media and Haggin Oaks' Boulevard.- Contains 14 lots on 22.5 +/- acres, zoned ¢-0° - GrouP vote -7. -PUBLIC HEARINGS - TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 1) TENTATIVE' TRACT 5445 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (Continued from'~he 11/15/90 meeting) Located on the southeast corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. Contains 100 lots on 24.85 acres, zoned'R-2. (Negative declar'ation on file) 2) 3) Group Vote TENTATIVE TRACT '5221 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Located on .the east side of Buena Vista'Road and approxi- mately-2300_ feet north of White Lane~ 'Contains 31 lots on 16.83 acres, zOned R-1. (Negative declaration On file) Group_ vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5414 (SIMPSON-VANCUREN, INC.) Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive alignment, west of Old River Road. Contains 131 lots on.36 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling). (Negative declaration on file) 4) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5424 (SIMPSON-VANCUREN,. INC.) 'Located-on.:the ~north side of Campus Park Drive alignment, west of Saddle Drive alignment. Contains 107 10ts on 38.4 acres, zoned R-1. (Negative declaratien on file) Group vote- · end~, P1/C, t2/6/90 7. 'PUBLI.C HEARINGS - TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS (continued)- Page 4 5.) TENTATIVE TRA(IT 5416 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Generally locate at the northeast corner of jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road~alignment. To be phased and contains 212 lots on 57.~15 ac~es, zoned~R-1. (Negative declaration on file) ~Group vote 6) TENTATIVE TRACT ~5418 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) Generally locat, ed on the northeast corner of Calloway Drive and Noriega Road alignment. To be phased and contains 33~ lots on 121.85 ~cres~ zoned R-1. (Negative declaration on file) . Group vote 7) TENTATIVE TRACT 5441 (PORTER-ROBERTSON) Generally located on the southeast corner~of Jewetta Avenue and a Road alignment. To be phased and contains 346 lots on 107 acres, zoned R-lo (Negative declaration on file) To be continued to the December 20, 1990 meeting 8) TENTATIVE TRACT 5421 (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING) 9) Located~on the southeast corner of Oakhaven Street and Westlake Drive Contains ~33 lots on 10.18 acres, to be zoned upon annexationlto R-1.- (Negative declaration on file) Group vote TENTATIVE TRACT 5432 (JAMES NACHAZEL ENGINEERING) Located on the east side of Stine Road, south of the Arvin~EdiSon Canal' Contains 160 lots on 34.98 acres, zoned ~R-1. (Negative declaration on file) Group Vote Agenda 'Page 5~ 8 PUBLIC-HEARIN(:S- - ZONING UPON ANNEXATIONS AND ANNEXATIONS ia) FILE 5083 -- Time set for public hearinq to consider the ini- tiated '.action by~ the PLANNING COMMISSION to Zone Upon Annexation to R-:i (One Family Dwelling), R-S (Residential - Suburban) and C-,2 (Commercial)~ or more restrictive zones; of .... said properties in the County .of Kern located South of .Hosking Avenue, ~east and west of Wible Road known as HosKING NO 2 ANNEXATION. -(Negative declaration on file) 2a) Roll-Call.-VOte Time set for public hearing to consider the initiated a~tion -by the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex 70.37 acres.of those cer- tain.pro[ 'in the County of Kern located south of Hosking Avenue, east and west of Wible Road known as HOSKING NOn 2 ANNEXATIQS. (Negative declaration on file) Roll Cal'l. Uote FILE'5084 -- Time set for public hearing to consider the ini~ tiated action by the PLANNING COMMISSION to Zohe Upon . .AnneXation to R~S (Residential Suburban), R-1 (One Family DWelling) and'C-2 (Commercial), or more restrictive zones; of said .properties in the County of Kern located north and south -of-H '~Avenue and west of-Freeway 99 known as HOSKING NO. 3-~ANNEXATION (~Negative declaration 'on file) b) Roll Call Vote a set for public hearing to consider ~the initiated action by. the PLANNING COMMISSION to annex 136.61 acres of those certain properties in 'the County of Kern' located north and south of 'Hosking Avenue and west of. Freeway 99.known as HOSKING NO. 3 ANNEXATION. (Negative-declaration on file) Roll Call Vote - - '9 RESOLUTION SE~TING REGULAR MEETING DATES FOR JANUARY 1991, AND CANCELING THE JULY 4 1991 MEETING. ROLL CALL VOTE. 10.COMMUNICATIONS ADDENDUM WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 10.A) uest to er 25 foot ingress and egress easement for Parcel B of Parcel Map Waiver 31-90 located at 2229 Buena Vista Street Group vote