HomeMy WebLinkAboutTank Closure Report (6-21-24)MARK R. MAGARGEE, PG, CHG CONSULTING HYDROGEOLOGIST 6730 Canaletto Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 205-7000 mrmagargee@gmail.com June 21, 2024 Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC 11719 Christmas Rose Drive Bakersfield, California 93311 TANK CLOSURE REPORT FOR THE WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (BFDPSD FACILITY NO. 15-021-000437 AND PERMIT TO ABANDON 23-10000139) Dear Mr. Singh: Mr. Kiran Singh, representing Nextgen KD Properties, LLC, contracted with Complete Fueling Solutions (CFS) to upgrade the fueling facilities at the site, which includes the removal of two 10,000 gallon, lined single-walled steel underground gasoline storage tanks (USTs), six dual-sided multiple product dispensers (MPDs) equipped with under dispenser containment pans (UDCs) on three islands, and associated double-walled plastic underground product piping. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg (MRM) was contracted by CFS to conduct soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and preparation of this Tank Closure Report. The fueling facilities are identified Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division (BFDPSD) Facility No. 15-021-000437 and the tank removal was performed under the BFDPSD Permit to Abandon (PTA) 23-10000139 (see Attachment 1 for BFDPSD PTA 23-10000139). The fueling facilities are being replaced by one 15,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass-clad regular grade gasoline UST, one 15,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass-clad split chambered USTs, with a 10,000-gallon chamber used to store diesel fuel and the 5,000-gallon chamber used to store premium grade gasoline, along with six dual-sided MPDs equipped with UDCs, and double-walled fiberglass product pipelines equipped with continuous leak detection monitoring under BFDPSD Permit to Construct (PTC) 23-10000101 (see Attachment 1). SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 3200 F Street, Bakersfield Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The site is located within Section 24, Township 29 South (T29S), Range 27 East (R27E), Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. The site is located at the southeast corner of F Street and the Golden State Avenue Frontage Road immediately to the south of State Highway 204 (also known as Golden State Avenue) in the northern portion of the city of Bakersfield (see Figure 2 - Site Vicinity Aerial). The site is identified as Kern County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 001-040-01 (see Figure 3 – Assessor’s Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 2 Parcel Map). The site has been an operating service station since 1967. The fueling facilities at the site include two 10,000-gallon lined steel underground storage tanks (USTs) used to stored gasoline fuel, six multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on three islands and associated underground product piping (see Figure 4 - Plot Plan). The USTs, UDCs, and piping were removed on June 6, 2024 and are being replaced with one 15,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass-clad regular grade gasoline UST, one 15,000-gallon double-walled fiberglass-clad split chambered USTs, with a 10,000-gallon chamber used to store diesel fuel and the 5,000-gallon chamber used to store premium grade gasoline, along with six dual-sided MPDs equipped with UDCs, and double-walled fiberglass product pipelines equipped with continuous leak detection monitoring under BFDPSD PTC 23-10000101 (see Attachment 1). The property owner contact is Mr. Kiran Singh, representing Nextgen KD Properties, LLC, 11719 Christmas Rose Drive, Bakersfield California, 93311 (661) 487-5404. The general contractor contact is Mr. Aaron Koop, Complete Fueling Solutions, 12601 Jasmine Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93312, (661) 706-8688. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, 6730 Canaletto Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93306, (661) 205-7000. The Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) contact is Mr. Mark Rodriguez, BFDPSD, 2101 H Street, Floor 2, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326-3660. The water board contact is Ms. Micheale L. Easley, PG, California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (Central Valley Water Board), 1685 “E” Street, Fresno, California 93706, (559) 488-4391. BACKGROUND GEOLOGY The site is at an elevation of approximately 420 feet above sea level (ASL) with a slight slope to the southwest (see Figure 1). The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province, a north-south-trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of unconsolidated, Pleistocene (1.6 million to 11,000 years ago) and Recent (11,000 years ago to the present) alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These lie unconformably on Mio-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of less than 20,000 feet below grade (fbg). At the subject site, surface deposits consist of Quaternary (recent) unconsolidated alluvium overlying Quaternary (Pleistocene) nonmarine sediments. Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments that form a homocline dipping gently to the west-southwest. The deposits are alluvium consisting of lakebed deposits interbedded with poorly indurated and dissected fan deposits. The alluvium consists of significant development of silts and clays lakebed deposits, with intervals of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands. Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 3 HYDROGEOLOGY The site is located within the Kern County Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the closest to the site being the Kern River. The site is a half mile south of the Kern River (see Figure 2). The nearest surface water body is the Carrier Canal, which runs along the south side of the Kern River. There are no other surface water bodies within a mile of the site (see Figure 1). Groundwater is present within alluvial sediments. Based upon the recent groundwater monitoring at the site the depth to first groundwater at the site is approximately 25 fbg. Regional groundwater flow is to the southwest toward the axis of the San Joaquin Valley. Groundwater below and surrounding the site is designated for beneficial usage. The groundwater has existing uses for domestic and municipal supply, industrial service and process supply, and agricultural purposes. Municipal water is supplied to the site and all surrounding properties. PROJECT HISTORY The site is an operating service station that was constructed in 1967. The fueling facilities at the site included two 10,000-gallon lined steel USTs used to stored gasoline fuel, six MPDs on three islands and associated underground product piping (see Figure 4). In 1997 the USTs were lined and equipped with cathodic protection and in 2001 two newer MPDs with secondary containment and double-walled product piping was installed on the north side of the station building. There are no records that soil sampling was performed in association with these upgrades to the fueling facilities at the site. On April 7, 1999, a 500-gallon waste oil UST was removed. Based upon the results of the laboratory analysis of soil samples collected from beneath the former waste oil UST, the BFDPSD issued a NFA determination (see Attachment 2 for a Summary of Previous Work). On August 22, 2018, MRM hand augering six slant drilled soil borings (B-3 through B-8) 10 linear feet to a depth of 8 fbg from surface locations adjacent to the MPDs to bottom hole locations beneath the MPDs and on August 24, 2018 MRM drilled soil borings B-1 and B-2 using a CME-75™ hollow-stem auger drill rig operated by Soils Engineering Inc. of Bakersfield, California. Soil borings (B-1 and B-2) were slant drilled to a depth of 30 fbg (40 linear feet) from surface locations adjacent to the USTs to bottom hole locations beneath the USTs. Soils encountered during drilling included permeable fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, interbedded with gravel beds to the total depth penetrated at 30 fbg. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 30 fbg in both soil borings B-1 and B-2. Gray discoloration, degraded petroleum hydrocarbon odors and elevated photoionization detector (PID) readings were observed in the field screening of the samples collected from soil boring B-2 at depths within the capillary fringe of groundwater from approximately 28 to 30 fbg, which was slant drilled to a bottom hole location beneath the eastern (turbine) ends of the two USTs. Soil discolorations, petroleum odors, or elevated PID readings were not observed during the drilling of the other seven soil borings (see Attachment 2). Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 4 Soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TP as gasoline using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015M; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethylene dibromide (EDB), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), ethanol, and naphthalene using EPA Method 8260C. TPH as gasoline was detected in the soil samples collected from 40 linear feet (approximately 30 fbg) in both soil borings B-1 and B-2 at concentrations of 1.4 and 63 mg/kg, respectively. TPH as gasoline had estimated J flag values, which are above the method detection limit (MDL) but below the reporting level (RL), in the soil samples collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in both soil borings B-1 and B-2 at estimated concentrations of 0.14J mg/kg and 0.064J mg/kg, respectively. TPH as gasoline was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-3 through B-8, which were collected from beneath the six MPDs (see Attachment 2). Benzene was not detected above the MDL in any of the soil samples collected from the eight soil borings. Benzene had an estimate value of 0.0042J mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-1. Benzene was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-2 through B-8 (see Attachment 2). Toluene was detected in the soil sample collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-1 and in the soil, sample collected from 40 linear feet (approximately 30 fbg) in soil boring B-2 at concentrations of 0.03 mg/kg and 0.76 mg/kg, respectively. Toluene also had estimated values of 0.0024J mg/kg and 0.0033J mg/kg in the soil samples collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-1 and from 40 linear feet (approximately 30 fbg) in soil boring B-2, respectively. Toluene was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-3 through B-8 (see Attachment 2). Ethylbenzene was detected in the soil sample collected from 40 linear feet (approximately 30 fbg) in soil boring B-2 at a concentration of 0.33 mg/kg. Ethylbenzene also had an estimated value of 0.0035J mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-1. Ethylbenzene was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-3 through B-8 (see Attachment 2). Total xylenes were detected in the soil samples collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-1 and from 40 linear feet (approximately 30 fbg) in soil boring B-2 at concentrations of 0.021 mg/kg and 2.6 mg/kg, respectively. Total xylenes also had an estimated value of 0.0057J mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-2. Total xylenes were not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-3 through B-8 (see Attachment 2). Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 5 Ethanol was detected at a concentration of 14 mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 30 linear feet (approximately 20 fbg) in soil boring B-2. Ethanol was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-1 and B-3 through B-8. Naphthalene had estimated values of 0.0019J mg/kg and 0.0014J mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 30 and 40 linear feet (approximately 20 and 30 fbg) in soil boring B-1. Naphthalene was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings B-2 through B-8, and MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, and 1,2-DCA were not detected in any of the soil samples collected from the eight soil borings (see Attachment 2). Based upon the results of the preliminary site assessment, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Central Valley Region (Central Valley Water Board), in its letter dated November 27, 2018, requested submittal of a work plan to further assess the lateral limits of gasoline-containing soils and to assess the potential for the petroleum release to impact groundwater resources. MRM submitted the requested Preliminary Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (PGWAWP), dated January 2, 2019, which proposed to install four groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-4). The Central Valley Water Board approved implementation of the work plan in its letter dated January 7, 2019. From August 15 through 20, 2019, MRM drilled soil borings MW-1 through MW-4 to a depth of 50 fbg. Soils encountered during drilling included permeable fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, interbedded with gravel beds to the total depth penetrated at 50 fbg. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 30 fbg. Soil discoloration, petroleum hydrocarbon odors, or elevated PID readings were not observed in the field screening of the samples collected from the four soil boring. TPH as gasoline was not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings MW-1, MW-3, and MW-4. TPH as gasoline was detected at concentrations of 0.24, 1.5, and 6 mg/kg, respectively, in the soil samples collected from soil boring MW-2 at depths of 10, 20, and 30 fbg, respectively. BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected in the soil samples collected from soil borings MW-1 through MW-4 (see Attachment 2). The State Water Resource Control Board’s (SWRCB’s) Low Threat UST Case Closure Policy (Policy) for commercial and industrial use properties specifies maximum benzene concentrations of 8.2 and 12 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively; maximum ethylbenzene concentrations of 89 and 134 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively and maximum naphthalene concentrations of 45 and 45 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively. Benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene were not detected during the current investigation activities but had been detected in the soil samples collected during the previous investigation activities at maximum concentrations of 0.0042J mg/kg, 0.33 mg/kg, and 0.0019J mg/kg, respectively. Therefore, the concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene are less than the limits specified in the Policy. Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 6 Upon completion of the drilling and soil sampling, the borings were constructed as monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-4. The groundwater monitoring wells were drilled to a depth of 20 feet into the groundwater table to a depth of 50 fbg and screened with 30 feet of 2 inch diameter slotted casing in the interval from 20 to 50 fbg. The initial groundwater samples were collected on September 5, 2019. The depth to groundwater in the wells was measured to range from 24.84 to 26.90 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow was determined to be to the southeast. TPH as gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from the four newly constructed monitoring wells (see Attachment 2). MRM’s Preliminary Groundwater Assessment Report (PGWAR), dated October 3, 2019 presented the results of the laboratory analysis of the soil and groundwater samples collected during the preliminary groundwater assessment, as well as a Site Conceptual Model (SCM) and an evaluation of site conditions in accordance with the SWRCB’s Policy. The Central Valley Water Board, in its e-mail dated October 4, 2019 and follow up letter dated October 24, 2019, requested an additional round of groundwater monitoring be performed during the fourth quarter of 2019. On October 18, 2019, MRM performed the requested fourth quarter 2019 groundwater monitoring. The depth to groundwater in the wells was measured to range from 24.55 to 26.48 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow was determined to be to the southeast. TPH as gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from the four groundwater monitoring wells (see Table 1). The Central Valley Water Board letter also requested submittal of a work plan to further evaluate the western extent of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in soil boring MW-2. MRM’s Fourth Quarter 2019 Groundwater Report presented the results of the groundwater samples collected during the fourth quarter of 2019 and submitted the requested expanded site assessment work plan. The Central Valley Water Board, in its case review letter dated November 5, 2019 approved implementation of the work plan. On December 23, 2019 MRM drilled soil boring B-9 to a depth of 30 fbg at a location between monitoring well MW-2 and the rear of the market building. Soils encountered during drilling included permeable fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, interbedded with gravel beds to the total depth penetrated at 30 fbg. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 29 fbg. Soil discoloration, petroleum hydrocarbon odors, or elevated PID readings were not observed in the field screening of the samples collected from the soil boring. TPH as gasoline was detected at concentrations of 0.83 and 0.51 mg/kg in the soil samples collected from depths of 10 and 20 fbg, respectively. TPH as gasoline was not detected in the soil sample collected from 30 fbg, and BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected in the soil samples collected from soil boring B-9 (see Attachment 2). Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 7 The Central Valley Water Board’s correspondence also requested an estimate of the mass of hydrocarbons in the subsurface and the performance of groundwater monitoring during the first quarter of 2020 (see Attachment 1). The first quarter 2020 groundwater monitoring was performed on January 3, 2020. The depth to groundwater in the wells was measured to range from 24.69 to 26.46 fbg and the direction of groundwater flow was determined to be to the southeast at a gradient of 0.01 (1 foot/100 feet). TPH as gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected in the groundwater samples collected from the four groundwater monitoring wells (see Attachment 2). Because TPH as gasoline and VOCs have not been detected in any of the groundwater samples collected at the site, there is no evidence of dissolved phase hydrocarbons at the site (see Table 1). The mass of adsorbed-phase hydrocarbons in soil is estimated based upon the analytical results for TPH concentrations in the soil samples. VOCs were not detected in any of the soil samples (see Attachment 2). The investigations at the site have delineated two potential source areas. TPH as gasoline was detected beneath the location of the existing gasoline USTs to the depth of groundwater, reaching a maximum concentration of 63 mg/kg in the soil sample collected from a depth of 30 fbg in soil boring B-2. TPH as gasoline and TPH as oil and grease have also been detected at the rear of the market building in the general area of the former waste oil UST, reaching a maximum concentration for TPH as oil and grease of 23 mg/kg in the sample from a depth of 8 fbg beneath the location of the former waste oil UST and a maximum concentration of TPH as gasoline of 6 mg/kg in soil boring MW-2 at a depth of 30 fbg (see Attachment 2). MRM estimated that the volume of soil with concentrations of TPH as gasoline in excess of 10 mg/kg beneath the existing gasoline USTs to be less than 500 cubic yards (30 feet long by 30 feet wide by 15 feet thick) and 1 mg/kg to be less than 1,200 cubic yards (40 feet long by 40 feet wide by 20 feet thick). Using a soil density of 2,600 pounds per cubic yard yields an estimate of 16.12 pounds of adsorbed phase hydrocarbons in soil beneath the existing gasoline USTs (2,600x500x10/1,000,000 + 2,600x1,200x1/1,000.000). MRM estimates that the volume of soil with concentrations of TPH in excess of 10 mg/kg in the general area of the former waste oil UST at the rear of the market building to be less than 300 cubic yards (20 feet long by 20 feet wide by 20 feet thick) and 1 mg/kg to be less than 2,800 cubic yards (50 feet long by 50 feet wide by 30 feet thick). Using a soil density of 2,600 pounds per cubic yard yields an estimate of 15.08 pounds of adsorbed phase hydrocarbons in soil the general area of the former waste oil UST at the rear of the market building (2,600x300x10/1,000,000 + 2,600x2,800x1/1,000.000). Therefore, the total estimated mass of hydrocarbons in the soil beneath both the existing gasoline USTs and the general area of the former waste oil UST is less than 32 pounds. While trace concentrations of degraded petroleum hydrocarbons were detected beneath the USTs during the previous phase of investigation and at the rear of the building during the additional investigations, the Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 8 concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene in the soil are less than the limits specified in the SWRCB’s Policy. In addition, gasoline hydrocarbons were not detected in the three rounds of groundwater sampling collected from the four monitoring wells during the third and fourth quarters of 2019 and first quarter of 2020. Therefore, MRM concluded that the site qualified for a NFA determination in accordance with the eight general and three site specific conditions specified in the SWRCB’s Policy. MRM recommended that the Central Valley Water Board categorize the site as a low risk site in accordance with the SWRCB’s Policy and permit the abandonment of the groundwater monitoring wells at the site. The Central Valley Water Board in its letter dated April 8, 2020, requested the that the four groundwater monitoring wells at the site be properly abandoned and subsequently the Central Valley Water Board issued a NFA determination in its case closure letter dated June 15, 2020 (see Attachment 2). TANK REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLING On June 6, 2024, the two 10,000-gallon lined single-walled steel USTs, six dual-sided MPDs with UDCs, and associated double-walled fiberglass product pipelines were removed from the site (see Attachment 3 for a Photographic Log). Prior to tank removal, the USTs were inerted by CFS under the oversight of BFDPSD, resulting in six 55-gallon drums of rinsate that are scheduled to be transported by Heritage-Crystal Clean under Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifest to Bakersfield Transfer, Inc. for bulking and disposal. In order to displace the oxygen in the USTs, 20 pounds of dry ice for every 1,000 gallons of tank capacity were placed in the USTs. An LEL meter was utilized to verify that the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations were less than 5 percent of the LEL and oxygen metering was conducted to verify that the level of oxygen within the USTs was less than 10 percent. With the approval of the BFDPSD, the USTs were removed and transported by CFS to R&L Recycling, LLC for disposal (see Attachment 4 for the Tank Disposal Form). MRM was contracted to provide a California Professional Geologist to collect soil samples at the direction of Mr. Mark Rodriguez with BFDPSD from beneath the locations of the USTs, UDCs, and product pipelines. On June 6, 2024, soil samples TK-1W-2 and TK-1W-6 and TK-1E-2 and TK-1E-2 and TK-1E-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the inverts at the western and eastern ends of the northern 10,000-gallon UST, respectively; soil samples TK-2W-2 and TK-2W-6 and TK-2E-2 and TK-2E-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the inverts at the western and eastern ends of the southern 10,000-gallon UST, respectively; soil samples UDC 1/2-2 and UDC 1/2-6 and UDC 3/4-2 and UDC 3/4-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the northern and southern UDCs on the western island; soil samples UDC 5/6-2 and UDC 5/6-6 and UDC 7/8-2 and UDC 7/8-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the northern and southern UDCs on the eastern island; soil samples UDC 9/10-2 and UDC 9/10-6 and UDC 11/12-2 and UDC 11/12-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 9 western and eastern UDCs on the northern island; respectively; soil samples SWPE-2 and SWPE-6, SEPT-2 and SEPT-6, and NWPTS-2 and NWPTS-6 were collected from two and six feet beneath the southwestern piping elbow, southeastern piping tee, and the northwestern piping transition sump between the western and northern islands (see Figure-5 – Sampling Location Diagrams). All sampling equipment was washed with a non-phosphate cleanser, pre-rinsed with tap water, and finally rinsed with deionized water prior to sampling. The soil samples were collected using an excavator and were stored in 1 1/2-inch-diameter stainless steel tubes, sealed with Teflon™ liners and end caps, labeled, placed in an ice chest at a temperature of less than 4°C, and transported to a California State-certified laboratory for analysis. Sample identification and chain-of-custody procedures were followed for the samples to ensure sample integrity and to document sample possession from the time of collection to the ultimate destination. The sample labels identified the job number, sampler, date and time of collection, and a sample number unique to each sample. The soil samples were analyzed at Pace Analytical Service, Inc. for TPH as gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene using EPA Method 8260B and total lead using EPA Method 6010B (see Attachment 5 for the Laboratory Report). TPH as gasoline was not detected above the RLs in any of the 26 soil samples analyzed. TPH as gasoline had a J flag estimated value of 0.11J mg/kg in soil sample TK-1E-2, which was detected from two feet beneath the invert at the eastern end of the northern UST. BTEX, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2-DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected above either the RL or MDL in any of the 26 samples analyzed. Total lead was detected in all 26 of the soil samples ranging in concentrations from 0.53J to 11 mg/kg, which are less than the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) and consistent with the concentrations of total lead in the near surface soils in the Bakersfield area (see Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results and Attachment 5). CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The SWRCB’s Policy for commercial and industrial use properties specifies maximum benzene concentrations of 8.2 and 12 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively; maximum ethylbenzene concentrations of 89 and 134 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively; and maximum naphthalene concentrations of 35 and 35 mg/kg for the intervals from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg, respectively. Benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene were not detected in the soil samples collected on June 6, 2024 in the interval from surface to 5 fbg and 5 to 10 fbg. Therefore, the concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene are less than the limits specified in the Policy. Based upon the SWRCB’s Policy, no additional mitigation of these near surface Mr. Kiran Singh Nextgen KD Properties, LLC June 21, 2024 - Page 10 soils is required. MRM concludes that the current soil sampling did not detect any additional petroleum hydrocarbons that were not previously evaluated and received a NFA determination from the Central Valley Water Board in its case closure letter dated June 15, 2020. Therefore, MRM recommends that the BFDPSD reaffirm the previous NFA determination in association with the USTs, UDCs, and product pipelines removed on June 6, 2024 from the site. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Kiran Singh, representing Nextgen KD Properties, LLC as it pertains to the soil sampling conducted during the removal of the USTs, MPDs, and product pipelines at the Westchester Mobil, which is located at 3200 F Street, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The services performed by MRM were conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the State of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. MRM trusts that you will find this Tank Closure Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, at (661) 205-7000 or at e-mail address mrmagargee@gmail.com. Respectfully submitted, Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg Consulting Hydrogeologist Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Vicinity Aerial Figure 3 - Assessor’s Parcel Map Figure 4 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - BFDPSD Permit to Abandon 23-10000139 Attachment 2 - Summary of Previous Work Attachment 3 - Photographic Log Attachment 4 - Tank Disposal Documentation Attachment 5 - Laboratory Report cc: Mr. Mark Rodriguez, BFDPSD Ms. Micheale L. Easley, Central Valley Water Board Mr. Aaron Koop, Complete Fueling Solutions FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP SITE LEGEND REVISED: JUNE 4, 2024: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg NEXTGEN KD PROPERTIES, LLC WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - SITE VICINITY AERIAL SITE KERN RI V E R STATE HIGHWAY 99 STATE ROUTE 58 STATE ROUTE 178 MEADOWS FIELD AIRPORT LEGEND REVISED: JUNE 4, 2024: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg NEXTGEN KD PROPERTIES, LLC WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER: 001-040-01-00-2 FIGURE 3 - ASSESSOR’S PARCEL MAP SITE LEGEND REVISED: JUNE 4, 2024: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg NEXTGEN KD PROPERTIES, LLC WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 4 - PLOT PLAN WASTE OIL UST (abd 1999) DIS P E N S E R S F STREETGASOLINE USTS CONVIENENCE STORE CAR WASH ANODE GO L D E N S T A T E A V E N U E F R O N T A G E R O A D DISPENSERS LEGEND REVISED: JUNE 6, 2024: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg NEXTGEN KD PROPERTIES, LLC WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 5 - SAMPLING LOCATION DIAGRAM 0 20 20 1 inch = 20 ft. ( IN FEET ) SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION TK-1W TK-1E TK-2W UDC 1/2 UDC 3/4 NWPTS TK-2E UDC 5/6 UDC 7/8 UDC 9/10 UDC 11/12 SWPE SEPT 10,000-GALLON GASOLINE USTS LEGEND REVISED: JUNE 6, 2024: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg NEXTGEN KD PROPERTIES, LLC WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE SOURCEDATE SAMPLED DEPTH SAMPLE IDTPH AS GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENEETHYL-BENZENETOTAL XYLENES MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME EDB 1,2-DCA ETHANOLNAPHTHA-LENETOTAL LEAD REF(fbg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)N/A6-6-24 14 TK-1W-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.1J A6-6-24 18 TK-1W-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.1J A6-6-24 14 TK-1E-2 0.11J ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.2J A6-6-24 18 TK-1E-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.85J A6-6-24 14 TK-2W-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.67J A6-6-24 18 TK-2W-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 3.8 A6-6-24 14 TK-2E-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.1J A6-6-24 18 TK-2E-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.61J A6-6-24 4 UDC 1/2-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.81J A6-6-24 8 UDC 1/2-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 2.2J A6-6-24 4 UDC 3/4-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 11 A6-6-24 8 UDC 3/4-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 6.5 A6-6-24 4 UDC 5/6-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.8J A6-6-24 8 UDC 5/6-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 2.0J A6-6-24 4 UDC 7/8-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 4.1 A6-6-24 8 UDC 7/8-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005)ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.9J A6-6-24 4 UDC 9/10-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 2.4J A6-6-24 8 UDC 9/10-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.0J A6-6-24 4 UDC 11/12-2ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.95J A6-6-24 8 UDC 11/12-6ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 3 A6-6-24 4 SWPE-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 11 A6-6-24 8 SWPE-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 2.0J A6-6-24 4 SEPT-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 4.2 A6-6-24 8 SEPT-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 3.7 A6-6-24 4 NWPTS-2 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 1.3J A6-6-24 8 NWPTS-6 ND (<0.058) ND (<0.00067) ND (<0.00069) ND (<0.00069)ND (<0.0025) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.012) ND (<0.00057) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.00082) ND (<0.00073) ND (<0.16) ND (<0.00099) 0.53J AREF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected. -- = Not analyzed. J = Estimated value above the method detection limit but below the minimum reporting level.A = Mark R. Magargee, PG's current report.Northwest Piping Transition SumpTABLE 1.SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTSWESTCHESTER MOBIL, 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD8260East End of Northern USTWest End of Northern USTNorth Dispenser on Western IslandSouth Dispenser on Western IslandSouthwest Piping ElbowSouthast Piping TeeWest End of Southern USTEast End of Southern USTNorth Dispenser on Eastern IslandSouth Dispenser on Eastern IslandWest Dispenser on Northern East Dispenser on Northern ATTACHMENT 1. BFDPSD PERMIT TO ABANDON 23-10000139 Status Detail Access electronic plans Parcel ID:001-040-01-00-2 Address:3200 F ST Application Date:02/21/23 Owner:NEXTGEN KD PROP LLC Application Number:23 - 10000139 Application Type:CUPA PERMIT Valuation:$0 Square Footage:000000000 Tenant Name: Application Status:APPROVED Tenant Unit Number: General Contractor: Zoning Description:C-2 No Structure Found Status Detail Access electronic plans Parcel ID:001-040-01-00-2 Address:3200 F ST Application Date:02/07/23 Owner:NEXTGEN KD PROP LLC Application Number:23 - 10000101 Application Type:CUPA PERMIT Valuation:$0 Square Footage:000000000 Tenant Name: Application Status:APPROVED Tenant Unit Number: General Contractor: Zoning Description:C-2 No Structure Found ATTACHMENT 2. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 15 June 2020 John Stuart, Jr. Stuart’s Petroleum Company 11 4th Street East Bakersfield, CA 93307 CASE CLOSURE LETTER, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE – WESTCHESTER MOBIL, 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY, RB CASE 5T15000938 This letter confirms the completion of a site investigation and corrective action for the release from the underground storage tank system at the above described location. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. Your willingness and promptness in responding to our inquiries concerning the former underground storage tanks are greatly appreciated. Based on the information in the above referenced case file, and with the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of site conditions, this agency finds that the investigation carried out at your underground storage tank site in compliance with the requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 25296.10 of the Health and Safety Code. No further action related to the petroleum release at the site is required. This notice is issued pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 25296.10 of the Health and Safety Code. Be aware that claims for reimbursement of corrective action costs submitted to the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund more than 365 days after the date of this letter or issuance of activation of the Fund’s Letter of Commitment, whichever occurs later, will not be reimbursed unless one of the following exceptions applies: x Claims are submitted pursuant to Section 25299.57, subdivision (k) (reopened UST case); or x A submission within the timeframe was beyond the claimant’s reasonable control, ongoing work is required for closure that will result in the submission of claims beyond that time period, or that under the circumstances of the case, it would be unreasonable or inequitable to impose the 365-day time period. Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board TO:Shelton R. Gray Senior Engineering Geologist Douglas K. Patteson Supervising WRC Engineer Clay Rodgers Assistant Executive Officer FROM:John D. Whiting Engineering Geologist PG No. 5951 DATE:15 June 2020 SUBJECT: CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY – UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK RELEASE, WESTCHESTER MOBIL, 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY, RB CASE 5T15000938 Background and Soil and Groundwater Assessment The Westchester Mobil facility (Site) is at 3200 F Street, on the southeast corner of F Street and Golden State Frontage Road, on the south side of State Highway 204 (Golden State Avenue), in an area of commercial properties in the City of Bakersfield. The Site has been an operating convenience store with retail fuel sales since 1967. Two 10,000-gallon single-wall steel underground storage tanks (USTs) are used to store gasoline. Six multiproduct fuel dispensers are on three islands. The USTs were lined and equipped with cathodic protection during 1997. Two dispensers were installed with secondary containment and double-walled piping during 2001. There are no known records of soil sampling during these upgrades.The property is listed as Kern County Assessor’s Parcel Number 001-040-001. Water is supplied by California Water Service. Evidence of a release from the UST system was discovered during an August 2018 environmental Site assessment. Gasoline constituents were detected in soil samples Case Closure Summary - 2 - 15 June 2020 Westchester Mobil Bakersfield, Kern County collected from slant borings advanced beneath the USTs to a maximum depth of approximately 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Analytical results indicated low concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) to a maximum of 63 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Low concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) and naphthalene were also detected, and the fuel oxygenate ethanol was detected at 14 mg/kg. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 30 feet bgs, and discolored soil and petroleum odor were noted. Groundwater samples were not collected. Analytes were not detected in samples from 0 – 10 feet bgs in borings beneath the fuel dispensers. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, (Central Valley Water Board) considered the data evidence of a UST release and requested investigation by letter dated 27 November 2018. The responsible party conducted investigations during August and September 2019 to evaluate the extent and distribution of gasoline constituents in soil and groundwater. Four soil borings were drilled to a depth of approximately 50 feet bgs with groundwater encountered at approximately 30 feet bgs. Two-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-4 were installed in the borings with screen lengths of 30 feet of 0.02-inch screen and #3 Monterey sand filter packs overlain by hydrated bentonite seals and cement grout extending to surface locking well boxes MW-1 was installed west of the USTs. MW-3 and MW-4 were north-northwest and south-southwest of MW-1 respectively, along “F” Street, near the western Site boundary. MW-2 was east of MW-1. The wells were developed by surging and bailing. A California-licensed land surveyor precisely located the wellheads. Soil samples were collected from the borings for measurement of field volatile vapor concentrations with a photoionization meter (PID). Samples from 10, 20 and 30 feet bsg, and groundwater samples from the initial monitoring well sampling event were analyzed for TPHg; BTEX; the fuel oxygenates, including ethanol; the lead scavengers; and naphthalene. TPHg was detected at 0.24, 0.2 and 6.0 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in soil samples from 10, 20 and 30 feet bsg, respectively in MW-2, but not in the other samples. The wells were initially monitored during September 2019. Depth to groundwater was measured from 24.84 – 26.90 feet bgs and flow was determined to be toward the southeast with a gradient of 0.01. Analytes were not detected in the groundwater samples. One additional soil boring was drilled and sampled to 30 feet bgs during December 2019 near the east side of the facility building and west of MW-2. The boring was intended to further investigate the TPHg concentrations detected in soil samples from MW-2. Samples from 10, 20 and 30 feet bgs were analyzed for TPHg; BTEX; fuel oxygenates; lead scavengers; and naphthalene. The only analyte detected was TPHg at less than 1 mg/kg in the samples from 10 and 20 feet bgs. The samples did not exhibit petroleum discoloration or odor. Staff concurred with the consultant that additional soil investigation was not practicable or necessary. The low concentrations of TPHg Case Closure Summary - 3 - 15 June 2020 Westchester Mobil Bakersfield, Kern County detected in MW-2 were likely residual hydrocarbons related to a waste oil UST that had been closed in 1999 by the Bakersfield Fire Department. Due to the very low concentrations detected, the total estimated hydrocarbon mass beneath both the gasoline USTs and the former waste oil UST east of the market building was calculated to be less than 32 pounds. Staff concluded that the lateral and vertical extent of the UST release in soil had been delineated and that the health risk screening level criteria for Direct Contact and Outdoor Air Exposure in the State Water Resources Control Board’s Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy (Policy) were satisfied. A second groundwater monitoring event was conducted during October 2019. Depth to groundwater was measured from 24.55 – 26.48 feet bgs and flow was to the southeast with a gradient of 0.01, comparable to the initial event. Analytes were not detected in the groundwater samples. The third and last monitoring event was conducted during January 2020. Depth to groundwater was measured from 24.69 – 26.46 feet bgs and flow was again to the southeast with a gradient of 0.01. Analytes were not detected. Staff concluded that although low gasoline constituent concentrations had migrated in soil to near the water table, there was no evidence that the release had impacted groundwater. Additional monitoring was not requested. Soil and Groundwater Remediation Active remediation is not practicable due to the very low hydrocarbon source mass. Gasoline constituents remaining in soil will continue to naturally degrade. Sensitive Receptors Municipal, domestic and industrial supply wells and surface water bodies were not identified within 1,000 feet of the Site. Municipal wells were identified approximately 1,500 feet northwest of the Site and at greater than 2,000 feet from the site in other directions. Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy Evaluation The case has been evaluated for closure based on the evidence presented in the investigation reports and qualifies for case closure based upon the fundamental principles and criteria contained in the Policy. The remaining hydrocarbons should not present a threat to public health or the environment. Central Valley Water Board staff have reviewed the Site-specific conditions, and under current and near future scenarios, the contaminant plume poses a low threat to human health and safety and the environment. The remaining contamination should continue to attenuate naturally. Case Closure Summary - 4 - 15 June 2020 Westchester Mobil Bakersfield, Kern County General Criteria – The case meets all relevant general criteria contained in the Policy. a) The unauthorized release is located within the service area of the California Water Service (City of Bakersfield), a public water system. b) The unauthorized release consists only of petroleum. c) The unauthorized (“primary”) release has been stopped. There is no evidence of a historical or ongoing release in UST system monitoring records. d) Free product has been removed to the maximum extent practicable. The criteria is not relevant, since free product was not encountered. e) A Conceptual Site Model that assesses the nature, extent, and mobility of the release has been developed. f) Secondary source has been removed to the extent practicable. Based on the very small estimated hydrocarbon mass, active remediation is not practicable. Source mass will be further reduced by natural attenuation. g) Soil and groundwater has been tested for MTBE and results reported in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 25296.15. h) Nuisance, as defined by Water Code section 13050 does not exist at the Site. Media Specific Criteria – The Site meets all relevant media specific Policy criteria. 1. Groundwater – Groundwater monitoring was conducted three times and gasoline constituents were not detected, even though low concentrations had been detected in soil near the water table. The release lacks the mass and mobility to affect water quality. The groundwater criteria are not relevant. 2. Petroleum Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air – The Site meets the exception as an active commercial fueling facility. Exposures to petroleum vapors associated with historical fuel system releases are comparatively insignificant relative to exposures from small surface spills and fugitive vapor releases that typically occur at active fueling facilities. Therefore, satisfaction of the media-specific criteria for petroleum vapor intrusion to indoor air (vapor intrusion) is not required at active commercial petroleum fueling facilities. 3. Direct Contact and Outdoor Air Exposure – Benzene, ethylbenzene and naphthalene were not detected in soil samples collected from 0-5 and 5-10 feet bgs during the August 2018. The Policy’s Commercial/Industrial Direct Contact screening level criteria listed in Table 1 are therefore satisfied. Case Closure Summary - 5 - 15 June 2020 Westchester Mobil Bakersfield, Kern County Public Participation Municipal and county water districts, water replenishment districts, special act districts with groundwater management authority, agencies with the authority to issue building permits for land affected by the unauthorized release, and the owners and occupants of all parcels adjacent to the impacted property were notified of the proposed case closure and were provided a 60-day comment period. A Public Notice of the proposed case closure was mailed to the parties and posted on the Central Valley Water Board website as well as the GeoTracker database on 3 February 2020. No comments adverse to closure were received. Site Restoration A well destruction report with an extensive photographic log documents that groundwater monitoring wells were properly destroyed on 6 May 2020, and that all investigation derived waste has been removed. Summary and Conclusions The evidence presented for this case demonstrates compliance with the closure criteria contained in the Policy. The remaining effects of the UST release are unlikely to threaten the present use of surface water, groundwater and public health, and should continue to degrade naturally. Case closure is in accordance with the case closure requirements of Health and Safety Code section 25296.10 and criteria contained in the Policy. Recommendation A standard UST case closure letter should be transmitted to the responsible party. FIGURE 4 - PLOT PLAN 0 10 20 1 inch = 20 ft. ( IN FEET ) MARKET BUILDING CAR WASHF STREETGO L D E N S T A T E A V E N U E F R O N T A G E R O A D LEGEND REVISED: OCTOBER 29, 2019: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg STUARTS PETROLEUM COMPANY WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATION B-9 B-8 B-7 SOIL BORING B-3 B-5 B-4 B-6 B-1 B-2 MONITORING WELL MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 FIGURE 4 - PLOT PLAN 0 10 20 1 inch = 20 ft. ( IN FEET ) MARKET BUILDING CAR WASHF STREETGO L D E N S T A T E A V E N U E F R O N T A G E R O A D LEGEND REVISED: JANUARY 8, 2020: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg STUARTS PETROLEUM COMPANY WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 5 - GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MAP ##.##' GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET ABOVE MSL) 380.37 380.23380.69 249.38381.15 GROUNDWATER SOUNDED ON JANUARY 3 2020 381.5 381.0 380.0 380.5 MONITORING WELL MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 FIGURE 4 - PLOT PLAN 0 10 20 1 inch = 20 ft. ( IN FEET ) MARKET BUILDING CAR WASHF STREETGO L D E N S T A T E A V E N U E F R O N T A G E R O A D LEGEND REVISED: JANUARY 8, 2020: mrm Mark R Magargee, PG, CHg STUARTS PETROLEUM COMPANY WESTCHESTER MOBIL 3200 F STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 6 - TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER SAMPLED ON JANUARY 3, 2020 ND/ND/ND ND/ND/ND ND/ND/ND ND/ND/ND #/#/#CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER (—g/l) TPH AS GASOLINE/BENZENE/MTBE MONITORING WELL MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 SAMPLESOURCEDATESAMPLEDDEPTHSAMPLEIDTPH AS GASOLINEBENZENE TOLUENEETHYL-BENZENETOTALXYLENESMTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME EDB 1,2-DCA ETHANOLNAPH-THALENEREF(fbg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M)N/AB-1 8-22-18 20 B-1-30 0.14J 0.0042J 0.031 0.0035J 0.021 ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) 0.0019J A8-22-17 30 B-1-40 1.4 ND (<0.0013) 0.0024J ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) 0.0014J AB-2 8-22-18 20 B-2-30 0.064J ND (<0.0013) 0.0033J ND (<0.0015) 0.0057J ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) 14 ND (<0.0014) A8-22-17 30 B-2-40 63 ND (<0.13) 0.76 0.33 2.6 ND (<0.05) ND (<1.7) ND (<0.08) ND (<0.022) ND (<0.056) ND (<0.1) ND (<0.085) ND (<6.6) ND (<0.14)AB-3 8-23-18 4 B-3-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-3-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AB-4 8-23-18 4 B-4-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-4-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AB-5 8-23-18 4 B-5-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-5-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AB-6 8-23-18 4 B-6-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-6-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AB-7 8-23-18 4 B-7-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-7-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AB-8 8-23-18 4 B-8-5 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) A8-23-17 8 B-8-10 ND (<0.02) ND (<0.0013) ND (<0.0012) ND (<0.0015) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0005) ND (<0.017) ND (<0.0008) ND (<0.00022) ND (<0.00056) ND (<0.001) ND (<0.00085) ND (<0.066) ND (<0.0014) AMW-1 8-15-19 10 MW-1-10 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-15-19 20 MW-1-20 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-15-19 30 \MW-1-30 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) BMW-2 8-16-19 10 MW-2-10 0.24 ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-16-19 20 MW-2-20 1.5 ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-16-19 30 \MW-2-30 6 ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017)ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) BMW-3 8-19-19 10 MW-3-10 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-19-19 20 MW-3-20 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-19-19 30 \MW-3-30 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) BMW-4 8-20-19 10 MW-4-10 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-20-19 20 MW-4-20 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) B8-20-19 30 \MW-4-30 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) BB-9 12-27-19 10 B-9-10 0.83 ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) C12-27-19 20 B-9-20 0.51 ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) C12-27-19 30 B-9-30 ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0018) ND (<0.002) ND (<0.0022) ND (<0.0034) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.004) ND (<0.00043) ND (<0.00014) ND (<0.00017) ND (<0.0019) ND (<0.0017) ND (<0.13) ND (<0.0023) CREF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected. J = Estimated value below the Reporting Level but above the Method Detection Limit.A = MRM's report dated September 10, 2018.B = MRM's report dated October 3, 2019.C = MRM's current report.TABLE 1.SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTSSTUARTS' PETROLEUM COMPANY'S WESTCHESTER MOBIL, 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 8260 TABLE 1.SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS WESTCHESTER MOBIL SERVICE STATION, 3200 F STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIAWELL ID AND ELEVATION*DATE SAMPLEDDEPTH TO GROUND-WATERFLOATING PRODUCT THICKNESSGROUND-WATER ELEVATIONTPH AS GASOLINEBENZENE TOLUENEETHYL-BENZENETOTAL XYLENESMTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME 1,2-DCA EDB ETHANOL NAPHTHALENE REF(feet-MSL) (fbg) (feet) (feet-MSL) (—g/l) (—g/l)(—g/l)(—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l) (—g/l)EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M)N/AMW-1 9-5-19 25.51 0.00 380.44 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) A405.95 10-18-19 25.18 0.00 380.77 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) B2" Screen 1-3-20 25.26 0.00 380.69 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) C20' - 50'MW-2 9-5-19 26.90 0.00 379.79 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) A406.69 10-18-19 26.48 0.00 380.21 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) B2" Screen 1-3-20 26.46 0.00 380.23 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) C20' - 50'MW-3 9-5-19 24.84 0.00 381.00 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) A405.84 10-18-19 24.55 0.00 381.29 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) B2" Screen 1-3-20 24.69 0.00 381.15 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) C20' - 50'MW-4 9-5-19 25.34 0.00 380.10 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) A405.44 10-18-19 25.03 0.00 380.41 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) B2" Screen 1-3-20 25.07 0.00 380.37 ND (<7.2) ND (< 0.083) ND (< 0.093) ND (< 0.098) ND (< 0.36) ND (< 0.11) ND (< 9.4) ND (< 0.23) ND (< 0.18) ND (< 0.25) ND (< 0.16) ND (< 0.17) ND (< 50) ND (< 0.36) C20' - 50'REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected.*Measured to the top of the well casing.A = Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg's report dated Ocbober 3, 2019.B = Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg's report dated Ocbober 30, 2019.C = Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg's current report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VDQG $118/866($/EHQWRQLWHFKLSV Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg6730 Canaletto Avenue Bakersfield, California 93306 Stuarts Petroleum CompanyWestchester Mobil3200 F StreetBakersfield, California LOG OF BORING B-9 (Page 1 of 1) Date Started : 12/2/2019 Date Completed : 12/2/2019 Hole Diameter : 8 5/8 in. Drilling Method : CME 75 Sampling Method : Split Spoon Company Rep. : M. Magargee Depth in Feet0 5 10 15 20 25 30 SampleUSCSFB SM SW GW SW GW SW GRAPHICDESCRIPTION Sample Soil sample CONCRETE SILTY SANDY, 0/70/30, brown, dry, loose, no stain,no odor WELL GRADED SAND, 0/100/0, tan dry, loose, no stain, no odor. WELL GRADED GRAVEL AND SAND, 50/55/0, subangualr cobbles to 3 inches in diameter, salt and pepper, dry, loose, no stain, no odor WELL GRADED SAND /90/0, tan, dry, loose, no stain, no odor. WELL GRADED GRAVEL AND SAND, 50/50/0, subangular cobbles to 4 inch in diameter, salt and pepper, moist, loose, no stain, no odor. WELL GRADED SAND, 25/75/0, subangular cobbles to 2 inches in diameter, tan, wet, loose, no stain, no odor.Blow Count1/2/4 2/3/6 4/6/9 5/8/12 7/11/16 9/13/19 PID (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elev.: Well: B-9 BORING Information WELL CONSTRUCTION Date Compl. : 12/2/2019Hole Diameter : 8 5/8 in.Drill. Method : CME 75Company Rep. : M. Magargee WELL CASING Material : Diameter : Joints : WELL SCREEN: Material : Diameter : Joints : Opening : SAND PACK : ANNULUS SEAL: NOTES: After sampling, the soil boring was abandoned and the concrete surface restored. ATTACHMENT 3. PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG MMarkk R.. Magargee,, PG,, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the Westchester Mobil with the three dispenser islands in the foreground, fuel tanks at right, convenience store building in the background, F Street at right, and the Golden State Avenue Frontage Road at left (view looking southeast). Photograph showing the Westchester Chevron with the three dispenser islands at left, fuel tanks at center, car wash at right, convenience store building in the background, and F Street in the foreground (view looking east). Page 1 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the Westchester Mobil with the three dispenser islands at center, fuel tanks at right, convenience store building in the background, and F Street in the foreground (view looking southeast). Photograph showing the Westchester Mobil with the dispensers at center, convenience store building in the background, Golden State Avenue Frontage Road in the foreground, and F Street at right (view looking south). Page 2 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the two 10,000-gallon lined single-walled steel underground gasoline storage tanks at the site (view looking west). Photograph showing the two UDCs on the northern island (view looking west). Page 3 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the removal of the southern underground gasoline storage tank (view looking southwest). Photograph showing the loading of the southern underground gasoline storage tank prior to transportation to R&L Recycling for disposal (view looking west). Page 4 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the excavation cavity after removal of the two underground gasoline storage tank, with the convenience store building in the background (view looking east). Photograph showing the collection of the soil sample beneath the invert at the western end of the southern underground gasoline storage tank (view looking southwest). Page 5 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the collection of the soil sample from beneath the southern UDC on the eastern island (view looking northwest). Photograph showing the collection of the soil samples from beneath the western UDC on the northern island (view looking northwest). Page 6 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the collection of the soil sample from beneath the southeastern piping tee (view looking southwest). Photograph showing the collection of the soil sample from beneath the southwestern piping elbow (view looking west). Page 7 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the transition sump for the product piping from the northern UDC on the western island to the western UDC on the northern island, prior to the removal of the transition sump and collection of soil samples from beneath the transition sump (view looking north). Photograph showing the six 55-gallon drums of rinsate to be transported by Heritage-Crytal Clean for disposal (view looking west). Page 8 of 9 MMark R. Magargee, PG, CHg PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK PROJECT: Westchester Mobil 3200 F Street Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the inactive cathodic protection anode and second access lid, which is located in the driveway between the convenience store building and the car wash (view looking west). Photograph showing the inactive cathodic protection anode and second access lid (view looking south). Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT 4. TANK DISPOSAL FORM ATTACHMENT 5. LABORATORY REPORT               ! " #$%& $ '( )#(*# ( '( () + %  ,(#% * #!#-## #. # ($ %/-*/  -   0-!*  -1!#$#(( $*$#    # ((. 0 $(0  &2 3$4    "&2& ( # " $3(*! 3$( - $3 $(# 3! "! . +  $#  $$($# ,562 7896 7+,56 4 7:;3<                                                                         #! 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B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>& ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5> ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &     ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4    '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;44     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  2 B F ,4+ &B "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! 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" #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;44    B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;, =" = &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  2 B F ,4+ & & "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;44     BB    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>&2 ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&&B ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B2 ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &    B ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;44     BB    0$5&(5 52 ,%;, ="=! = &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  2 B F ,4+ & & "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.   0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;4B 4       0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>&2 ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5> ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&  ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &     ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;4B 4       0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  2 B F ,4+  "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.2  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;4B 4     B    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>&  ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&22 ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &    2 ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.&  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;4B 4     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   F ,4+ & "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.   0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4B    '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;424        0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>&B ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&& ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>& ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   2  ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4B    '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;424        0$5&(5 52 ,%;, == =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  & F ,4+ &B "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4    '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;424     B    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>& ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5> ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   2 B ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4    '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;424     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   F ,4+ && "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;4& 4        0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>&&& ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>  ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>& ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &    B ," 349  "& ,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;4& 4        0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   F ,4+ & "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.   0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 42    '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;4& 4     B    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>& ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&& ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&& ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   &  ," 349  "&,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 42    '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;4& 4     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   F ,4+ &B "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.2  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4&   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;44        0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>  ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&&& ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&2 ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &     ," 349  "&,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.&  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4&   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;44        0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<==! =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &  B F ,4+ &B "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B   0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4    '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' ;44     B    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>  ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5> ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &    ," 349  "&,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4    '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' ;44     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;, == =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   F ,4+ &B "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' 3),4        0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>  ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>&& ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>&B ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   2    2 ," 349  "&,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' 3),4        0$5&(5 52 ,%;, = =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &    F ,4+  "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 3 ( 03 5 * +, -. )  / &.0 1234 $ ' 3),4     B    0$5&(5 "C .  8  B ,42 "8 4$/ .* .  28  B ,42 "8 4$(* * .  8  B ,42 "8 ,*-/C .  &8  B ,42 "8 *-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 8 ** .  &&8  B ,42 "8 <! .  &8  B ,42 "8 <@-# .  B8   ,42 "8 4.-*-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 4"!-(* .  8  B ,42 "8 $$#  -* .  B8  B ,42 "8 ,* .  8  ,42 "8 ,*-4/!-* .  B 8  B ,42 "8 <! / !. -% ( /# .  B28  5!43 8 4$(* *4%=3! >D  4=554;5>  ,42 " <!4%2=3! >D 24=554;5>  ,42 " 4" .! /C=3! >D 4=554;5>& ,42 " ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   2    ," 349  "&,42 ",B  3$3 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.BB  0  BB2      ! " #$%&  '(  '(8!./  '( 3$4    )#(*#     27  &  &- $7  &2 4   '7      #  0 12 5 ( 5 5    -   /5 4 $ ' 3),4     B    0$5&(5 52 ,%;,<== =! &.3  ( 3 -1$$    . ) $ %  &$ 0 12$ '&0 12   &   2 F ,4+ & "&&,4  ", B " 8E$!$8!./                                                                        #! " #$%& 2= >4&?@= >4&2AAA (/#(.B   0  BB2      ! 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