HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/94BAKERSFIELD Jack Hardisty · Planning Director AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF BAKERSFIELD City of Bakersfield Development Services-Building - 2nd Floor Conference Room 1715 Chester Avenue ROLL CALL: COMMISSIONERS: August 18, 1994 12:00 Noon KENNETH HERSH, Chairperson JIM MARINO MATHEW BRADY ADOPTION OF RULES OF ORDER AND SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS PUBLIC STATEMENTS o NEW BUSINESS · 'Referral by CoUncil of Senior citizen Zoning issue. ADJOURNMENT. p:agn.zoc - ~- City'of Bakersfield · DeV-elopment Services · 1715 Chester Avenue .-~- ....... - : :_~- .Bakersfield__- California · 93301 - -: ...... ........ :--'--* 8 5Y3'26-3. 3:. Fax (805) 327-0646 . '--ADMINISTRATIVE-. REPORT._'- MEETING DATE:' 'June.-15, 1994 -TO: FROM::' 'DATE: kGENDASECTION: Consent-. H0nornble:-May°r and. City Council JUdY SkOUsen,~ A~ting-city: Attorney: june.7~ :19947.~. - ITEM' NO: -_ 8. "e.. suB~cTc' An~.ordinance~nmending Chapter: 17:$1_~bf the:Municipal;.Coda -relating:t~o Senior~Citi~en:~._ .... -- onmg~:~_ :'_- - -_ .... .. - RF~- .OMMENDA TION:~$tnff t, ecommends: referral~to :~~_~Commt~ion...~ .' ~IACKGROUND: :. Staff;presents the ordinance amending ~Chapter 17.51 of the BakerSfield~M~eipal.. ~oda~.rela ~ti~.. tO Se~or~C-itizen zo _n!ng:nsxequested by theKern City:-CivicAssoelationand seeks:~6undt_ ~o.n.:-.-:_Smce this:is an~amendment to the= zoning~.ordinnnee~thh should be:referred to-the~~g-~ · ap ._-- _ Balte~-MUmcilml. Coda_- reintmgSenior.Citizen. Z6iies~.Th~!~: e tea necnuse eertam mmwdunls were us tht~ 60 · · - '- - ' lng '... day exception to the.restrichoninappropriately..- V~nen this legislation was_originnily pnssed it wns_the .Kern City'Civic'-ASsociation~thnt .requested:the:.60_~ be--plneedinto-.the.--_ordimmce.- .As the. Kern City.' CiviC' Association now requests~thnt:=the..~ 60 tiny limit, be removedthe City Attorney's' Offiee drnfted the attached ordinnnce which elinfinntes the:.-.= 60.dny-exCeptiOn ns requested .... Ca,mail mny-=desire-to .request the_-.Plnnning - Commi~ion.- meet- with':Kern:. City's=residents- to - .. determine whether this-ma_tter, might be better resolved throughCovenants, Conditions and Re~trictious.. ADD:jwf.. , DDORDINANCE~A DMINRPT~$CZONE _ ~ Jura 7. 1994.4:56pm _ Committees Mr. Grady said a referral was made 'from the Council to the Commission with a committee needing to be formed and meetings being scheduled. He asked that this be set up. Commissioner Marino said in minutes approved the ~reviOUs Monday this committee was formed. 'Minutes, PC, ~6/16/94 Page 10 Public portion of the hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino, seconded by Commissioner Andrew to adopt reS°lution making .findings as set forth in the staff report approving the Negative DeclaratiOn. and.denying the requested SI (Service Industrial) land' use designation, and approving the LI (Light Industrial) land use designation, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "A," including the expanded list of uses as outlined .in the Kern High .School District letter dated April 4, 1994, and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Andrew, Boyle, Brady, Delgado, Hersh, Marino} Messner NOES: None MotiOn was made by commissioner Marino, seconded.by Commissioner Andrew to aflopt resolution making findings as set forth in staff report approving the Negative Declaration and denying the requested M-2 (General Manufacturing) zone,' and approving.the M-1 (Light Manufacturing)zone, subject to conditions - listed in Exhibit "A," including the expanded, list of uses as outlined in the Kern High School District letter dated April 4, 1994, and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried 'by the following roll call vote: .AYES: Commissioners Andrew, Boyle, Brady,_Delgado, Hersh, Marino, Messner NOES: NOne'. Responding to question by Chairman Messner, Mr. Hardisty said the consistency finding for this-site would be-.deferred until the Council takes action. COMMUNICATIONs A) Written B) Verbixl~ g~~ ardisty said the Council referred the matter of senior citizen z in -../ ~,,~hto the CommissiOn at their last hearing. They added an advisory comment ) that they would like. to see a preliminary workshop with Kern City at their community center. Commissioners Hersh, Marino and Brady volunteered / t to meet on this subject. Mr. Hardisty said staff would advise the ///.  date for this workshop.