HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/24 KEEP BAKERSFIELD BEAUTIFULKeep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee (KBBC) Regular Meeting 12:00 PM, Friday, July 12, 2024• City Hall, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A, Bakersfield CA, 93301 The mission of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful (KBB) is to engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community. KeepBakersfieldBeautiful Agenda Chairperson Sophia Felix Vice Chairperson Matthew Martin KEEP AMERICA 6EAUTJUE AFFILIATE I. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Introductions — Chairperson (2 minutes) II. Public Statements — (2 minutes max per person) A. Agenda Item Public Statements B. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements III. Approval of Friday, June 14, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes — Chairperson (2 minutes) IV. Deferred Business A. Vote to approve artwork theme for 4 utility box murals at $500 each ($2,000 total) in Ward 2 at the corners of Palm Street and Oak Street, Palm Street and H Street, 4 t h Street and Chester Avenue, and 4th Street and P Street — Sarah Houston and Brooks Douglass (5 minutes) B. Ongoing Discussion: Anti -Litter PSA Campaign Factors to Promote Behavior Change — Ray Scott, Brooks Douglass (10 minutes) 1. Vote to Approve Billboard Option(s) 2. Vote for $15,000 KG ET-CW-Telemundo Anti-litter/Illegal Dump Areas of Focus C. Schedule the 22"d Annual Great American Cleanup (GAC) for April 19 or April 26, 2025 — Chairperson (2 minutes) D. Keep California End Littering Demonstration Grant Project Agreement — Jessica Felix (5 minutes) 1. Purchase and Install Waste Receptacles for Summer 2024 2. First Post Install Assessment in September 2024 V. New Business A. Keep California End Littering Demonstration Grant Project Agreement — Jessica Felix (5 minutes) 1. Recap Tuesday, July 2 Site Visit With Keep California Beautiful and Increased Budget 2. Vote to Approve Artwork Theme for 4 Utility Box Murals at $500 each ($2,000 total) in Ward 2 at the corners of F Street and 181h Street, F Street and 191h Street, F Street and 21" Street, and L Street & 19' Street. B. Opportunity to Organize Ward 2 Volunteer Task List — Vice Mayor Andrae Gonzales — (5 minutes) C. Vote to Schedule California Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 21, 2024 — Heather Pennella (2 minutes) D. Review 2024 Community Appearance Index (CAI) Results — Chairperson (3 minutes) 1. Vote to Change June 2025 CAI Route and/or Method E. Special Projects and Programs Funding Update — Staff (5 minutes) F. Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Leadership Bakersfield Team 3 Requests Sponsorship (Monetary and/or In -kind) for Nature Trail Rehabilitation at McKinley Elementary School - Chairperson (2-minutes), G. Recap Stantec in Community Week, Tuesday, June 18, 2024 in Bakersfield — Cathy Butler (2 minutes) VI. City of Bakersfield Staff Comments — (2 minutes) Fbv-- TE:D Oil ' VII. KBBC and Advisory Board Comments (8 minutes) Vill. Adjournment —Chairperson Clerks OffRce City Of kersfield —'—'— Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee (KBBC) Regular Meeting 12:00 PM, Friday, June 14, 2024 City Hall, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A, Bakersfield CA, 93301 The mission of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful (KBB) is to engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community. Minutes Chairperson: Sophia Felix Vice Chairperson: Matthew Martin I. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Introductions — Chairperson 12:09 p.m. KeepBakersfieldBeautiful KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL AFFILIATE KBB Committee Members Present: Heather Pennella — Mayoral Alternate, Sarah Huston — Ward 2 Alternate (seated at 12:11 p.m.), Ray Scott — Ward 3, Brooks Douglass — Ward 4, Chairperson Sophia Felix — Ward 4 Alternate, Sue England — Ward 6, and Paul Yanez — Ward 7 Alternate Committee Members Absent: John Enriquez — Mayoral Appointee, Noe Garcia — Ward 1, Manuel Ramirez — Ward 1 Alternate, Zechariah Garcia — Ward 2, Theresa Olson — Ward 3 Alternate, Matthew Martin — Ward 5, Yahya Kazi — Ward 5 Alternate, Vacancy — Ward 6 Alternate, and Harwant Gill — Ward 7 KBB Advisory Board Member Present: Chairperson Cathy Butler City of Bakersfield Representatives Present: Mayor Karen Goh, Elizabeth Villanueva — Deputy City Attorney I, Mikie Barrett — Marketing and Events Specialist, and Jessica Felix — Solid Waste Division Community Relations Specialist/KBBC Coordinator Others Present: N/A II. Public Statements A. Agenda Item Public Statements: None B. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements: None III. Approval of Friday, May 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes — Chairperson Motion to approve: Brooks Douglass Second: Ray Scott Motion passed unanimously [Sarah Houston not present for vote.] IV. Deferred Business A. Vote to Schedule Community Appearance Index Planning Committee — Chairperson Motion to schedule it on June 25, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. starting at the Mayor's Office: Paul Yanez Second: Brooks Douglass Motion passed unanimously V. New Business A. 2024 Mayor's Litter Survey for Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Community Appearance Index (CAI) — Heather Pennella Heather Pennella reported a score of 1.325 [1.0 is the best score and 4.0 is the worst score possible]. Heather Pennella and Mayor Goh commented that it appeared cleaner than last year, which had a 1.53 score. Mayor Goh thanked the volunteers. Pennella thanked Mayor Goh, volunteers, and staff. B. Keep California Beautiful End Littering Demonstration Grant Project Agreement — Jessica Felix 1. Vote to schedule first assessment between Monday, June 24 and Sunday, June 30, 2024 Motion to tentatively approve depending on agreement status: Brooks Douglass Second: Sarah Houston Motion passed unanimously 2. Tuesday, July 2, 2024 site visit with Keep California Beautiful: Time to be determined by Keep California Beautiful. If it were before 4 p.m., Heather Pennella and Sarah Houston would be available. If it were 4 p.m. or later, Ray Scott and Brooks Douglass would be available. 3. Purchase and install waste receptacles for summer 2024: Tabled 4. First post install assessment in September 2024: Tabled C. Special Projects and Programs Funding Update — Staff 1. Request motion to retroactively reimburse up to $175 for rental van and gas for Mayor's Litter Survey Motion to approve retroactive reimbursement to Heather Pennella: Paul Yanez Second: Brooks Douglass Abstention: Heather Pennella Motion passed unanimously Request motion to earmark $350 annually for rental vehicle(s) and gas to conduct KAB CAI Motion to approve: Paul Yanez Second: Brooks Douglass Motion passed unanimously Request motion to earmark $740 from 2024 Give Big Kern: Tabled Request motion to earmark up to $500 for Canva Teams Motion to approve: Ray Scott Second: Sue England Motion passed unanimously Request motion to approve request for 4 utility box murals at $500 each ($2,000 total) in Ward 2 at the corners of Palm Street and Oak Street, Palm Street and H Street, 4t' Street and Chester Avenue, and 41" Street and P Street. Motion to approve locations: Ray Scott Second: Paul Yanez Motion passed unanimously i. Vote to approve art subject matter theme: Deferred D. Ongoing Discussion: Anti -Litter PSA Campaign Factors to Promote Behavior Change — Ray Scott, Heather Pennella, Brooks Douglass 1. Vote to approve local TV affiliate led multi -platform campaign budget and preferred vendor up to $20,000 Motion to approve up to $15,000 by reducing previously earmarked $39,999.99 for a slogan and multi - platform campaign: Brooks Douglass Second: Paul Yanez Motion passed unanimously 2. Vote to approve billboard options: Motion to approve slogan We can keep Bakersfield beautiful but defer graphic to July KBBC meeting: Ray Scott Second: Brooks Douglass Motion passed unanimously E. Schedule the 22nd Annual Great American Cleanup (GAC) for April 19 or April 26, 2025 — Chairperson: Deferred F. Stantec in Community Week, Tuesday, June 18, 2024 in Bakersfield — Cathy Butler Cathy Butler will greet volunteers and take photos. Sophia Felix will attempt to be there after her personal commitment. Staff will support with supplies and hauling. G. Recap Children First East Bakersfield Festival KBB Booth and $500 Bronze Sponsorship, Saturday, May 18, 2024 at Jefferson Park —Sophia Felix, Sarah Huston Sophia Felix and Sarah Houston reported that it was a good event for an outreach booth. Two groups signed up for a Cigarette Litter Prevention Program mountable cigarette butt container from KBB. They also encouraged several people to follow KBB socials in order to receive swag. VI. City of Bakersfield Staff Comments Jessica Felix: The Greenfield Walking Group Garden celebrated its 111h anniversary last weekend. Jessica Felix, Mayor Goh, Luda Fishman, and James Leonard were among attendees. The Greenfield Walking Group thanks KBB for its support. VII. KBBC and Advisory Board Comments Ray Scott: He would like Heather Pennella, Brooks Douglass, and Paul Yanez to provide input for the $15,000 anti- litter/illegal dump campaign that will also promote the 25th anniversary of KBB. Sophia Felix: She is developing a relationship with Kern High School District for KBB through a different avenue. Vill. Adjournment — Chairperson Adjournment 1:05 p.m.