HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/95'B A K 'E R S F I E L D Jack Hardisty · Planning Director AGENDA { MEETING OF THE TRAILS AND WAYS COMMIT~ OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE i CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City of Bakersfield Development Services Building 2nd Floor Conference Room 1715 Chester Avenue February 8, 1995 12:00 Noon 1. ROLL CALL: coMMIsSIONERS: PUBLIC STATEMENTS STEPHEN BOYLE JIM MARINO ROBERT ORTIZ 3. TOPIC OF DIscuSSION Linking of Western Rosedale Trail through the 'City to the Kern River and staging areaS2 - o ADJOURNMENT- STAN DY Planning Director p:trailsJagn ~ City of Bakersfield · Development Services · 1 715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (805) 326-3733 · Fax (805) 327-0646 Minuteg, P,,C~,1/30/95 7. PUBLIC. HEARING - PREZONING 5608 8~ Page 3 Mr. Grady stated a memo was submitted suggesting this prezone be tabled in order to provide sta~ an opportumty to:further study it to see if a different property owner configu..ration can be worked out. Commissioner' Marino not~ed,,there is a letter on file from a property owner south of Taft Highway who wished toX"b{,included in the city. This item was continued to the Thursday, xh, earing. DISCUSSION REGARDING -CALLOWA~'STAGING. AREA.. Mr. Grady said. this' item was placed on the agend~'at~,the reqUest of.the Commission. - " Chairman-Andrew continued this item to the Thursday m g~ '-'"": ~ ~-'':' "' '-'--' ~ ~' ~ '"%'x COMMUNICATIONS- -_. x~ A) Written ..... None B) Verbal None 10. COMMISSION COMMENTS-. Committees Mr. Grady said a sign committee, meeting had been held the previous week and a trails committee meeting would be held the following Wednesday. · Responding to question by Commissioner BOyle, Mr. Grady. said he is in the process of requesting the scheduling of an Urban Development Committee meeting to be held jointly with the Planning Commission Subdivision Committee. Commissioner Boyle suggested that possibly those regularly scheduled meetings of this committee should be canceled. Mr.- Grady said no action is necessary and that staff could cancel these meetings. Minutes; PC, 1/30/95 Page Responding ~to question by Chairman Andrew, Mr, Grady said Agenda Item #8 was simply to discuss the possibility of staging areas somewhere on CallOway ~Drive in connection with engineering drawings for the- Calloway alignment.and grade separation at the canaL. 11. ADJOURNMENT adjourned at 12:43 p.m. 'x There being~no: further business to.c°me before the C0mmission;:_meetingwas Laurie 'Davis Recording Secretary- :' _"'" :; '.ANLE'Y GR' vADi Planning .Director \ \ \ · \ · \ · · · · \ · x, · \ \ · \ \ Mi . Page 6 10. COMMUNICATIONS. A) Written · None. B) Verbal . None 11. COMMISSION COMMENTS A. Committees Sign Committee Off-site residential directional kiosk signs - update and Commission direction. (Continued from the regular .meeting of December 15, 1994) Mr. Grady gave backgroUnd concerning the efforts of this committee, giving the options available. He said it was felt it was best to bring this issue to the full commission, for direction. -Responding to concerns by ·Commissioner Powers, Ms. Matin° said there would be no reason he could· not participate in giving direction on this item in light of the fact he was not present at the December'15, 1994 meeting. Commissioner.Boyle said the committee favored'the option of replacing the existing ordinance with the kiosk ordinance because of the advantage that signs could be set up more than one mile away from projects, there would not necessarily be a limitation on the number of signs on the kiosk and preference could be given to developers within specific areas of their deVelopment. He said the disadvantage would be that the county has no similar plan and it is not likely the county will participate in coordinating a kiosk program at .this time. He did not feel the construction industry .was in total agreement with the plan, however for the most part most of theTM saw the advantages. He stated concerns of developers concerning information to be placed on the signs regarding builder name, subdivision name and pricing. He said pricing is not allowed under' current ordinance and no final decisiOn has been made on this issue. Commissioner Brady felt a problem does not necessarily existwith the present Ordinance but a problem with enforcement of ·it. He felt it may be appropriate to just add the kiosk program to the existing ordinance. Minutes, PC, 1/5/95 Page 7 Commissioner Hersh felt the kiosk program is attractive and would allow for advertisement of developments at a further distance. Commissioner Marino felt all details needed to be worked out before -passing it onto the council. Responding to questions by Commissioner Marino, Commissioner Hersh said it was discussed that perhaps the BIA wOUld control the kiosks and builders would arrange with them for placement of signs on the kiosk. He said this arrangement has been successfully followed 'in other areas. Commissioner Marino gave.suggestion concerning the transition period after adoption.of ordinance saying perhaps those developers who have already pulled permits before adoption could operate under the previous ordinance. Commissioner Powers felt this kiosk ordinance will upgrade' the signage image of the community. He asked if a bidding war would come about with those bigger developers getting the top panels. Barbara Don Carlos, BIA representative, said builders on both sides of the issue have given their opinions. She said it was recognized that a reasonable phase-in period would have to be deVeloped for this ordinance.. Regarding positioning on the sign board it was discussed that it would be 'on a first come first.serve basis or random draWing. She said in order to construct the kiosks she will first have to get support of builders who .want to put placards on this kiosk because it represents a significant initial financial investment. She said this is something the builders must feel is - advantageous arid will work. Her board of directors has asked that she request the opportunity to have the kiosk program in addition .to some off- site individual signage. She has contacted 'other BIA's in other cities and has sample ordinances. Commissioner Powers a.sked about standardized off-site signage so that every sign would be the same size and dimension separate from the kiosk. She said he would take this proposal to her board members: Commissioner Boyle said in reviewing other ordinances their transition period was from 6 months to 1 year from the date the ordinance would go into effect. This would mean the old signs would not have to be removed for a Considerable period of time. Regarding priority based upon section lines, it was discussed that where projects are near a border they would have priority in both sections. On signage priority he said when signs are first erected it would be first come first serve, from there on they would move up.as someone is removed. It would not be on a bidding basis. Minutes, PC, 1/5/95 Page 8 Commissioner Brady asked if the BIA had a position about whether the kiosk program Would be supported if it were only applicable to the City and not the county and metro area. Ms. Don Carlos said she has had discussions with county staff in which they have indicated they would be favorably looking at implementing the program in the county areas also. Responding to question by Commissioner Brady, Ms. Don Carlos said they would need assurances that spaces would be leased before kiosks were built. She said' they have the staffing to maintain the operation of the program, however the program would have to financially support itself. Responding to question by Commissioner Brady, 'Commissioner 'Boyle said in enforcing the existing ordinance there is not sufficient time and manpower to delete illegal signs and assess fines. The existing ordinance is not working. Mr. Fidler respOnded to question saying at this time if' staff observes signs, in the pUblic right-of-way they are picked up. If they are on private property a notice is served. They are held for 30 days and then thrown away. Commissioner Brady suggested a large fine for enforcement. Mr. Fidler said the .problem with this is that when regulating fines the court system comes into play and is not always supportive of this type of case. Mr. Fidler said staff goes out about every 2-3 months and collects between 300 and 500 signs. ~. Commissioner Brady was concerned that any ordinance would not be effective because it cannot be effectively enforced. Ms. Marino said a suggestion is that any builder on a kiosk Sign that places illegal signs in other areas loses privileges on the kiosk sign. She explained this process and the appeal process for the developer, saying it would probably be handled by the Building Appeals Board. Ms. Don Carlos said builders are concerned about having some individual identification. Commissioner Hersh felt this would be an upgrade for the cOmmunity and felt the county's cooperation is necessary. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Brady to refer this item back to committee to work with the BIA. Commissioner Brady asked if he were intentionally not making a recommendation on choices available. Commissioner Powers felt the intent was to have input from the Commission and return it to committee. Commissioner Marino said he would like to see the kiosk program placed into effect, however not necessarily in addition to the existing ordinance. Motion carried. Minutes, pC,. 1/5/95 Page 9 Commissioner Marino said a Trails Committee meeting was scheduled for January 11, 1995. Responding to question by Commissioner Boyle, Mr. Grady said he would get information concerning a meeting With the Urban Development Committee of the Council and SubdiviSion Committee of the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT .There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Laurie Davis Recording Secretary Planning Director