HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/91MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, June 20, 1991, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California.' 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: KATE ROSENLIEB', Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON TERI BJORN DAVID COHN STEVE MESSNER DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL, Alternate ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: LAURA MARINO, Deputy City Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CAL BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director MIKE LEE, Assistant Planner~ MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner~ ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording~Secretary 2. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 1-91 (CENTERCAL PROPERTIES) Commissioner Bjorn declared a conflict of interest. The applicant is a client of her law firm. Applicant requested a continuance to the next regular meeting. Motion was made Commissioner Marino to continue this matter to the July 18, 1991 meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. · .j~ AGENDA ITEM #9.A.1) was inadvertently placed under communications instead of an action item. A request was made to move it to AGENDA ITEM #3.2. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to move the item. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 2 3. APPROVAL OF ACCESS' (G.W. WILLSON) Applicant ~equested determination on adequacy of access to parcels cre- ated by Parcel Map Waiver 13-90 located at 2660 Sunny Lane.: The parcel map waiver'divides one C-2 zoned parcel-int-o eight parcels for develop- ment as residential apartments. Seven of the proposed parcels do not have approved access. Earl Smith and Hubert Dobbs, property owners of subject property were present. ~ Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to find that the easement shown is adequate for the purposes of access in accordance with the June 17, 1991 memo labeled Exhibit A. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9626 (PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING) Chairperson noted this item is categorically exempt. Tentative parcel map is located on the west side of Valley Street, south of Hickock Avenue and contains two lots on 42.65 acres, zoned R-1. Public hearing was opened. _. Mr. Randy Bergquist with Porter-Robertson was present and requested deferral of Public Works Condition II as listed in the memo dated June 19, 1991 with the following addition, "until future subdivision of the construction of sewers within Vista Montana Drive." Mr. Kloepper was amenable and suggested the following verbiage to be placed just in front of the second sentence; "At the time of develop- ment on, _or division of, either parcel main lines for dry line system shall be' installed in Vista Montana Drive." Mr. Bergquist referred to Building Department Condition 1 and requested that soils report and grading plan be submitted and approved .prior to issuance of building permit. ~ Mr. Bidwell replied that it would appear that these parcels would be broken down into single family lots and said that the Preliminary soils-report and grading plan could be deferred until further subdivi- sion or prior to the issuance of a building permit. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 3 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9626 (PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING) (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to make all ~indings set forth in the s%'aif report and approve Tentative Parcel Map 9626 subject to the conditions outlined-in Exhibit A and amended by the June 20, 1991 Planning Department memo, the June 19, 1991 Public Works memo with the following changes to said June 19th memo, Condition II, the first two lines shall read, "Municipal sewer service is not immediately a~ailable in the subdivision. At the time of development on or division of either ~arcel, main lines for a dry line system shall be installed in Vista Montana Drive in conformance with the approved master sewer study for the area." Page-4 of 6, Exhibit A, Building Department Condition 1 shall read, "A preliminary soils report and grading plan shall be sub- mitted and approved prior to further subdivision or the issuance of any building permit." Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9463 REVISED (PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING) This item is categorically exempt. Commissioner P~ers declared a financial conflict of interest. His employer own~ property within 300 feet of subject property. Commissioner Bjorn declared a conflict of interest. The applicant is a client of her lawfirm. Tentative parcel map is located on the northeast corner of Coffee Road and Brimhall Road, and contains 4 parcels on 5 acres, zoned M-2. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Berg~uist requested that the words, "or easement" be inserted between agreement and between in Condition 5. Mr.. Hardisty was amenable. Mr. Kloepper noted that on the top of page 2 of 6 should be Tentative Tract 9463 and not 5488, and same on page 3 of 6. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Messner to make all findings set forth in the staff report, and to approve proposed Tentative Parcel Map 9463 subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit "A" and as amended by the Planning Department memo dated June 10, 1991, and Planning Department Condition 5 page 6 of 6;-Prior to recordation of a final map, a common access agreement or .easement between Parcel 1 and Parcel 3 shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning'Director and City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 4 6. TENTATIVE TRACT 5441 REVISED (PORTER-ROBERTSON ENGINEERING) Commissioner Bjorn declared a conflict of interest. The applicant is a client of her lawfirm. Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interest. His employer owns property in the area. 'Tentative tract is located on the northeast corner of Hageman Road and Jewetta Avenue, and contains 363 lots, including one 2.3 acre church site on 107 acres, zoned R-1 and RS. Phasing has been requested. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Fred Porter' represented the engineering firm. Chairperson Rosenlieb ~sked Mr. Porter if he was~aware of a Fire Safety Control Condition, page 8 of 11. Mr. Porter was amenable. He referred ~o Fish and Game fees and sug- gested that Planning Commission write a letter to Fish and Game requesting a DeMinimis finding. M~. 'Hardisty replied that a memorandum has been provided explaining the reasons why in staff's opinion the fee is required but he agreed with Mr. Porter's opinions. 'C0mmissioner~Messner commented that he was in favor of writing letters but did nOt want to put the city in jeopardy. When asked by Chairperson Rosenlieb as to a continuance so that a let- ter could be written, Mr. Porter indicated did not want a continuance. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing waS closed. Motion was made by'Commissioner Powers to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff report, and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5441 (Revised) subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report with the following changes; Fire Safety Control Condition 4 to read: No struc- ture shall be built within 100 feet of any oilwell unless the well has been properly abandoned. ~f the California Division of Oil and Gas certifies that such a well has been properly abandoned; structures may be built no closer than 10 feet from such abandoned well. The devel- oper must provide a copy of such certification to the city prior to issuance of any building permit for a structure less than 100 feet from an oilwell. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell. It was noted that Fire Safety Control Condition 3 should be replaced with the change in Commissioner Powers motion, and Condition 4 should be completely deleted. Commissioner. Powers .amended his motion to indicate that. ~seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and~carried. Motion was Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/.91 7. TENTATIVE TRACT 5494 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) Page 5 Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interest. His employer owns property in 'the area Tentative tract is located on the southwest corner of Noriega Road and Verdugo Lane, and contains 120 lots on 40 acres, zoned A-20A. Publi~ hearing was opened. Mr. Bob Smith wit~'Sequoia Engineering was present. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff report, and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5494 subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report, and include Public Works memo dated June 20, 1991 with the following changes; small "a" shall be a capital !'A", and item 1 shall be changed to item 2, and "this" shall be change to "the" in the next word of the last sentence. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried. 8. DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD 2010 GENERAL PLAN AND ASSOCIATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The staff report was waived. Public hearing was opened. There was no one present to speak either in favor or opposition, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Anderson to adopt'Resolution No. 34-91 making findings approving the Negative Declaration and approving the June 1991 Draft of the Housing Element and recommend same to the City Council for adoption. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the ~following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None 9. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT I: JAMES C. LUNDY, ASU & ASSOCIATES (agent for SARA ADLER) Applicant requested amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan changing land use designa- tion from High Density Residential, greater than 17.42 and less than or equal to 72.6 dwelling units per net acre) to OC (Office Commercial) on 41,100 +/- square foot. site, and concurrent amendment to the Bakersfield Zoning'Ordinance changing the zoning district from Limited Multiple Family' Dwelling, minimum lot area, 1,250 square feet per dwellin~ unit~ to Commercial and Professional Office) zone on a 41,100 square toot s~te located on the west side of Oswell Street between Bernard Street and Pico Avenue. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 6 9. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT I. & ZONE CHANGE #5126: JAMES C. LUNDY, ASU & ASSOCIATES (agent for SARA ADLER) public hearing was opened. Mr. James. Lundy representing Sara Adler indicated he was amenable to the conditions listed in the staff report. There being no one present to speak either in favor or opposition, pub- lic hearing was closed. Commissioner Cohn asked about a potential increase in traffic. Mr. Kloepper replied that it will be an increased t~affic situation but not to the extent that will decrease the level of service. Commission was concerned as to the height of the building that will be built, and placing a condition as to preventing an overlook problem. Chairperson Rosenlieb reviewed wi,th Mr. Lundy a list of conditions from a pre9i'ous-General-Pl~an Amendment 2-89, Segment~-Ii. Mr. Hardisty suggested a continuance of this item to be heard later in the meeting so that copies could be made of the conditions relevant to this project and allow Mr. Lundy some time to review the conditions. Motion was made by'Commissioner Powers to continue this item to be heard just prior to Agenda Item 7.4a. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried. 10. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT III, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5169 & REINA NO,. i ANNEXATION: (BATEY DEVELOPMENT) Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interest. His employer owns property in the vicinity. Applicant proposes a development of 220 +/- units of single family res- idential homes on 73.79 acres, with 54,500 square feet of neighborhood commercial on 6.15 acres located at the southwest corner of'Reina Road and Jewetta Avenue. public hearing was opened. Mr. Brian Batey with Batey Development was present and amenable to the conditions listed in the staff report and the Public Works memo dated June 19, 1991. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was clOsed. Commission indicated their concern for an increase in traffic if the developer decides to build more units that originally stated. Commission suggested adding a condition of putting a cap as to the num- ber of~units ~to be.built on this property. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 7 10. GENERAL _PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT III, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5169 & REINA NO. 1 ANNEXATION:~ (BATEY DEVELOPMENT) (continued) .Commissioner Messner proposed a condition that maximum single family residential shall be 220 units plus 5 percent. Motion was made by Commissioner Messner to adopt the resolution making findings, .as~set foNth in the staff report, approving-the Negative Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit B with the following change; single family residential units shall be limited to 220 plus 5 percent, and approving GPA 2-91, Segment III,'consisting of an amend- ment to the Land Use Element from R-IA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low. Density Residential) on 73.79 acres and GC (General Commercial) on 6.I5 acres, subject to conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A of the staff report, and recommend same to the City Council. Commissioner Bjorn referred to Conditions 4 and 6, page 2 of the June 19, 1991 memo and asked where in Exhibit A are they written.~ Mr. Kloepper referred to Public Works memo dated May 31, 1991 Commissioner Messner amended his motion to incorporate the changes on the.June 19, 1991 Public Works memo. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: Commissioner Cohn ABSTAINED: Commissioner Marino -Motion was made by Commissioner Messner to adopt the resolution making findings, as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit B with the following change; single family residential units shall be limited to 220 plus 5 percent, and approving concurrent zoning upon annexation request #5169, consisting of a change-from County A (Agriculture) to City R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and City C-1 (Limited Commercial) zones,.subject to conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A, .and incorporating the public Works memo dated June 19, 1991 memo, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES:' Commissioners Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: Commissioner Cohn ABSTAINED: Commissione6 Marino Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/9~ Page 8 10. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 2-91, SEGMENT III, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5169, AND REINA NO. 1 ANNEXATION - (BATEY DEVELOPMENT) (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Messner to adopt resolution making findings, as set forth in the staff report and approving~Negative Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit B with the following change; single family residential units shall be limited to 220 plus 5 percent and approying Reina No. 1 Annexation, and incorporating the Public Works memo dated June 19, 199 memo, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: Commissioners Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell Commissioner Cohn Commissioner Marino 11. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT IV, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5165, AND NORIEGA NO. 1 ANNEXATION (CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING) Staff report wa~ waived. Planning Department requested a continuance to the next GPA cycle to permit the completion of the required environmental document. Motion was~made by Commissioner Anderson to continue this item to the nex~ GPA cycle. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried. 12. GENERAL kLAN-AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT I & ZONE CHANGE #5126: JAMES C. LUNDY, ASU & ASSOCIATES (agent for SARA ADLER) This item was continued from an earlier hearing on tonights agenda. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked Mr. Lundy for comment§ regarding the condi- tions. Mr. Lundy asked.why Condition 3 was imposed on the development. Mr. Hardisty replied that was to provide continuity in the streetscape and give it something of a less intrusive presence on Oswell. Mr. Lundy indica'ted his concern with limitations on access to the project because there may be a looping situation around the building for circulation along with parking, an additional setback might adversely affect the development, and the station to the north has pav- ing right up to' the sidewalk. Items 2 and 4 are agreeable as amended with the buffer on the 'west side. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 12. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT I & ZONE CHANGE #5126: Page 9 JAMES C. LUNDY,. ASU & ASSOCIATES (agent for SARA ADLER) Commissioner Powers asked about additional findings in order~to insert the three conditions. Mr. Hardisty replied they would be added as conditions of approval and those conditions would simply reinforce the findings that the land use approval is compatible with the adjacent land uses and consistent with good planning. When asked by Commissioner Powers as to the requirement Of a typical landscape setback, Mr. Hardisty replied that none is required, but the landscaping effect could be fairly well done in a 10-foot strip. Commissioner Cohn indicated his concern with setback in the landscape. requirement on the west side. Mr. Hardisty replied that the minimum requirement setback in a C-O zone is 20 feet on the rear yard. It is also consistent with the Fire Department setback for fire access. When asked by Chairperson Rosenlieb that item 5 may be incorporated, Mr. Lundy replied he was amenable. T-here being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt·resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration with mitigatioh measures listed in Exhibit "B", and approv- ing the requested HR (High Density Residential) to OC (Office Commercial) subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit "A", with the addition of the following conditions, and recommend same to the City Council: o Building height shall be limited to two stories. Any second story windows overlooking residential use shall comply with the overlook policy. Overlook protection shall apply for the property to the west for present and future development. Provide landscaping to a minimum depth of 10 feet behind the sidewalk in order to approximately match landscaping depth to the multi-family dwellings south of the site. 3. ~ The perimeter of. the rear yard shall be landscaped with large crown evergreen trees placed 30 feet on center to screen subject site, buildings and mechanical-devices from view of residences to the south and west of the Site. 4. Ail lights indoor and outdoor shall be limited in -mounting height and shielded to prohibit glare and . the illumination upon adjacent properties and right,of_way. ~- Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 12% GENERAL ~LAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT I & ZONE CHANGE' #5126: Page 10 JAMES C. LUNDY, ASU &~ASSOCIATES (agent for' SARA ADLER) (continued) Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the follow- lng roll Call vote:i AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioner Cohn Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt resolution making find- ~ings as-set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration with mitigation measures listed in Exhibit "B" and approv- ing the R-3-D to OC zone change subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit "A'", and recommend same to the City Council with the changes previously referenced in the prior motion. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioner Cohn 13. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT V, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5168 & MEACHAM~NO. 1 ANNEXATION (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) Applicant proposes a development of 71 units of single family residen- tial homes on the. 20.46 acre site located at the northwest corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road. Applicant is also requesting concur- rent zoning upon annexation from County Estate-Residential Suburban- minimum 10 acres to City'R-1 along with annexation of 20.46 acres to the City. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Bob Smith with Sequoia Engineering was present and amenable to the conditions listed' in the staff report. There being no others wishing to speak either in favor or opposition, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt the resolution making findings as setl forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit B, and approving GPA 2-91, Segment V, ~consisting of an amendment to the Land Use Element from SR (Suburban Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 20.46 acres, subject to conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A of the staff report', and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by COmmissioner Messner,~and carried by the following roll call vote: 'AYES: Commissioners Marino~, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, .... Mepsner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Minutes, Pi/C, 6/20/91 Page 11 13.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT V, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5168 & .MEACHAM NO. 1 ANNEXATION (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING) Motlion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt the resolution making findings set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative. Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit B, and approving concur- rent'.zoning upon annexation request #5168, consisting of a change from Count~ E(10)RS (Estate Residential Suburban-minimum 10 acre parcel) to · City Rql (One Family Dwelling) Zone, subject to conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A, and recommend same to City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: · AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, ~ ~ Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Motion was made.by Commissioner Powers to adopt resolution making find- ings set forth in the staff report, approving Negative Declaration, with mitigatiom listed in Exhibit B, and approving Meacham No. 1 Annexation, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None A 20,MINUTE BREAK WAS TAKEN. 14. GENERAL PLAN~AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VI, ZONE CHANGE #5158 RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (MILAZZO & ASSOCIATES, Agent for RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL) Commissioner AndersOn declared, a financial conflict of interest. His firm is providing services for the applicant. Existing Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell land use designations were approved by GPA 1-90, Segment III and Riverlakes Ranch/Unib~ll Specific Plan. The acreage and'location of the land use designations were generalized. This amendment would change General Commercial from 10 +/- to 15 +/- net acres, High Medium Density Residential from 16 +/- to 15 +/- net acres and High Density.Residential from 17 +/- to 13 ~+/- net acres with c~ncurrent amendment'to the Zoning Ordinance changing C-1 from 10 +/- to 17 +/- gross acres. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Michael Dhanens.with MilazZo and Associates was present and amena- ble to ~he conditions listed in the staff report as well-as to the memo dated June 14, 1991. There being no others Wishing to speak, public hearing was closed.. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 12 14.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VI, ZONE CHANGE ~t5158 RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (MILAZZO & ASSOCIATES, Agent for ~RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL) Mr. Kloepper noted that on the memo of June 14, 1991, the acreage shows 8.7 and should be 6.7. Motion was made by Commissioner Messner to adopt resolution making findings as set forth in staff report, approving the Negative Declaration with mitigation measure listed in Exhibit "B", and approv- ing changing GC (General Commercial) from 10 +/- to 15 +/- net acres, HMR (High Medium Density Residential) from 16 +/- to 15 +/- net acres and HR (High Density Residential) from 17 +/- to 13 +/- net acres sub- ject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A with the follow- ing changes; Condition 3 shall begin, "On the c6mmercial site; Add Condition 7 as referenced in Public Works Department memo dated June 14, 1991 with the change of 8.7 acres to 6.7 acres, and recommend same to City Council. ·Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried~ by the following roll call vote: AYES Commissioners Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, FrapweI1 NOES None ABSTAINED: Commissioners Marino, Anderson Motion to_adopt resolution making findings as set forth in staff repont,-approving the Negative Declaration with mitigation measure. listed in Exhibit "B", and approving the C-1 zone change request from 10 to 17 +/- gross acres subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit A with the previously mentioned modifications, and recommend same tO the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSTAINED: Commissioners Marino, Anderson 15. GENERAL PLAN 'AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VII, ZONE CHANGE #5166: CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Commissioner Anderson deClared a financial conflict of interest. The subjeCt site consists of 10.7 acres located at the southwest corner of Paseo Vista Boulevard and Buena Vista Canal. Applicants propose 37, single family lots. Public' hearing was opened. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 15: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VII, ZONE CHANGE #5166: COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (continued) Page 13 CASTLE & Ms. Becky Ullman with Castle & Cooke' Development Corporation and Roger McIntosh with Martin-McIntosh Engineering were present and amena- ble to the conditions listed in the staff report. Public'hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration with mitigation measure listed in Exhibit "B", and approv- ing the requested High Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential, subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit "A,, and recommend same to the City Council.' Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried~by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration with mitigation measure listed in Exhibit "B", and approv- ing the requested R-2 to R-1 zone change subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit "A", and recommend same to the. City Council. Motion Was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioner Marino, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None 16. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT ~III, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5131, AND BRIMHALL #1 ANNEXATION Amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan changing the land use designation from RR to SR on approx- imately 46.5 acres and GC on approximately 3.5 acres generally located eas.t of Jewetta Avenue, between Brimhall Road and Palm Avenue. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Carl Moreland with Telstar Engineering handed the Commission copies of an assessor's map showing the two subject parcels and requested they be allowed to have the left and middle part in C-1 which would be con- sistent and match the approved Tract 5417 except for the east 330 feet. There being.no othecs wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Minutes, Pi/C, 6/20/91 .. Page 14 16.GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VIII, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5131, -AND BRIMHALL #1'~ANNEXATION (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving t~he Negative Declarati°n and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- Onded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES:. Comm£ssioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, denying the request GC (General Commercial) on approximately 3.5 acres and approvi.ng General Plan Amendment 2-91, Segment VIII as consisting of a change of land use des- ignation from RR (Rural Residential - 2.5 gross acres per unit) to SR (Suburban Residential - less than 4 dwelling units per net acre) on approximately 50 acres with conditions as listed in Exhibit "A" and mitigation as listed in Exhibit "B" and recommend same to the City Council. Motion. was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES' Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report, approving~zoning upon annexation #5131 consisting~of a change of zone from County zoning of E-10-RS (Estate 10-Acre Residential Suburban) to the City designation of E (Estate) and C-1 (Limited Commercial) with conditions as listed in Exhibit "A" and mitigation as listed in Exhibit'"B" and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Anderson, Cohn, Messner, Rosenlieb NOES': Commissioners Marino, Bjorn, Powers Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 15 16. GENERAL ·PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT VIII, ZONE UPON ANNEXATION #5131~ AND BRIMHALL #! ANNEXATION (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to adopt a Resolution with required findings as set forth in the staff report, a~proving the pro- posed Brimhall #1 Annexation and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the follow- ing ~oll call vote: · AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None 17. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT IX The project area is located on the-north side of McKee Road, west of Highway 99. The requested amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan from High Density Residential to Low Density Residential on approximately 37.81 acres. Public hearing was opened. There was no one present wishing to speak either in favor'or opposition, public hearing was Closed. Motion~was made by Commissioner Messner, to adopt the resolution making ~findings as set forth in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration, with mitigation listed in Exhibit "A" and approving~GPA 2-91, Segment IX consisting of an amendment to the Land Use Element from~High Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by ~Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None 18. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT X A proposal to amend the text of the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield _0~0 General P.~_an to remove the requirement for a public hearing before the Planning Commission for Class "A" site Plan Review .Projects and uses in Civic Center, Hospital, and Church zones within the City of Bakersfield. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Devereux, Government Relations Representative for 'the Association of Realtors spoke in opposition. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 16 18. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2-91, SEGMENT X Chairperson Rosenlieb commented that this is merely a clean-up measure. The site plan review has been implemented withmuch support from the BIA, and the BAR. Commissioner Marin0 agreed with Chairperson Rosenlieb further comment- ing that if they met with the BIA, and the Board of Realtors and reviewed .this with them that this is not that big of a problem, they would concur. Commissioner Powers commented that he would like to see~it referred to the General Pl:an Committee for further study. Mr. Hardisty sugges'ted carrying this item to the next GPA cycle. Motion was made .by Commissioner Marino to continue this item to the next General Plan cycle, and direct staff to call a meeting between the General Plan Committee, Board of Realtors, and the Building Industry Association committee's. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner;' and carried. 19. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - AMENDING CHAPTER 17.52 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ZONE OF TITLE 17 (ZONING ORDINANCE) Staff requested a continuance of this matter. Public hearing was opened. Motion was made by,Commissioner Powers to continue this hearing to the July 18, 1991 meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried. · 20. siX-MONTH REVIEW OF P.U.D. 4709 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AUBURN STREET A~PROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE EAST OF FAIRFAX ROAD Staff submitted a written report which-indicated no further appiication for construction plan check or project review has been submitted to the city, a field check on June 12, 1991 indicated no developer activity on site.· The site appeared to be relatively free of trash. 21. DECISION WHETHER TO CALL A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN JULY 1991 Commission decided not to have a special meeting and proceed with i~ts regular meeting of July 18, 1991. 22. ELECTION OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER CHAIRPERSON AND ViCE CHAIRPERSON FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-92. Moti-on was made by Commissioner Bjorn to nominate Commissioner Marino as'Chairperson. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and. carried. .~ Motion was made by Commissioner Cohn to nominate Commissioner Anderson as Vice. Chairperson. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried. Minutes,.P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 17 23 COMMISSION COMMENTS ~' Chairperson Rosenlieb Stated her appreciation of the report that the Parks/Environmental Quality Committee has put out. Commissioner Messner commented that the committee agreed that another meeting is desirable since it appears that progress~.~an be made. ChairperSon Rosenlieb thanked the recording Secretary for all her dili- gent work, and.all her help. She will be missed very much. She also thanked staff for'their help and support for her year as ~Chairperson, as well as the Commission. Commissioner Powers thanked Chairperson Rosenlieb for her diligent efforts. Commissioner Anderson quoted the-following from a letter dated May 23, 1991 from the Department of Fish and Game, "We believe the project will invo~e elimination and destruction of at least some habitat in combi- natiQn with similar~tosses on other projects, and they are becoming cumulatively important.", and commented that it does not seem they are going to approve any DeMinimus that is submitted'to them. In response, Mr. HardiSty indicated that that is the basis of the fee for supporting the Department of Fish and Game, and that their position is conversion from a quasi natural state affects wildlife in the State of California, and therefore we owe them $1,250 for eaCh negative declaration. Commissioner~cohn c~mmented on the Reina and Meacham Annexations and the fact that traffic studies are not adequate. The school districts indicte there is not enough infrastructure to suPport proposed developments. Those concerning should be. looked at mor~ carefully and perhaps leav~ those areas i'm anlagriculture state. Mr. Hardisty suggested that staff be given a month to prepare three working papers evaluating lack of school facilities, problems of traf- fic and problems'Qf agricultural conversion. Commissioner Marino commented that the Commission should submit their committee preferen'ces. Chairperson Rosenlieb commented that she would like to see staff not incorporate the DOG's wish list in any future conditions. Chairperson R0senlieb commented that as chairperson she restructured the commit~tees and every Commissioner ser~es as chairman of one com- mittee and every commissioner s~rves as an alternate to one committee, and she ~would like to see that continued in the future. She also com- mented that the Chairperson should meet with new commissioners and fill them in with respect to making motions, etc. Minutes, P1/C, 6/20/91 Page 18 24 'ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before Commission, meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Isabel Williams ~ Se~etary