HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/91MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, ~May 2, 1991, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber~ City Hall, 1501Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. ~ ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: KATE~ROSENLIEB, Chairperson *JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON TERI BJORN ' *DAVID COHN STEVE MESSNER DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL,' Alternate ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: ALLEN SHAW, Deputy CitY Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director MIKE LEE, Associate Planner ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording Secretary 2. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 12-90 (MILAZZO & ASSOCIATES) Commissioner Powers declared a.financial conflict of interest. He has equity ownership in the property directly north of subject property. Subject property is located on the northeast corner of White Lane and Gosford Road and known as Village Oaks Shopping Center. Applicant proposed a revision to a comprehensive sign plan for a neigh- borhood shopping center to change the proportions of the height of the wall signage, while maintaining the same total square footage of the wall sign. *Commissioners Cohn and Marino were seated. Commissioner Marino stated he would abstain from voting on this. Motion was made by commissioner Anderson to find Comprehensive Sign Plan 12-90 Revised provides signage that is consistent with Section 17.60.010 of the Municipal Code and to approve the additional wording to Number 4. (A), as proposed by the applicant, to said Comprehensive Sign Plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. Commissioner Marino abstained. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 ~3. SiTE PLAN REVIEW 50-90A (B.T.A., agent for BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL Page 2 4 HOSPITAL) Applicant requested-this hearing be continued to the June 6th meeting. Commissioner Cohn requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney's office as to whether or not.Commission can consider with this item the fact that 'the hospital is not in compliance with the sign ordinance. Motion was made b~ Commissioner Powers to continue this hearing to the June 6,-199i meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT 5107 UNIT B (FRANK SLINKARD) Tentative-tract is located approximately 600 feet south of Panama Lane east of South. H Street. -On May 4, 1989, the Planning Commission approved said tract with 42 lots-on 9.2 acres. Applicant is requesting the first one year exten- sion to expire May 4, 1992. -Public hearing was opened. Mr. Frank Slinlard, pro-ject engineer was present and commented that he has met with staff to work out the details on how South H Street is to be de~eloped' Mr. Kloepper replied that Public Works intends to honor the prior agreement. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was-closed. Motion ~was made-by Commissioner Anderson to approve a one-year exten- sion of time to May 4, 1992 for Tentative Tract 5107 Revised-Unit B subject to the updated conditions of approval set forth in Exhibit A of the staff report. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. Minutes;_ P1/C, 5/2/91 5. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT 5167 (CUESTA ENGINEERING) Page 3 Tentative tract is located on the south side of Panorama Drive approxi- mately 500 feet west of Morning Drive. On July 20~ 1989~ the Planning Commission approved said tract with 54 lots on 18.2 acres. Applicant is requesting a first one year extension to expire July 20, 1992. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Maurice Etchechury represented Panorama Highlands Development. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve a one year extension of time for Tentative Tract 5167 to July 20, 1992 subject to the updated conditions of approval set forth in Exhibit A of the staff report. Motion was Seconded by Commissioner Marino, ~and carried. 6. TENTATIVE TRACT 5386 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Commissioner Anderson declared a financial conflict of interest. Tentative tract is located on the south side of' Brimhall Road east of Calloway Drive and contains 282 lots on 62 acres, zoned R-1. Applicant is also requesting a reduction of the lot frontage from 60 feet to 55 feet. Public hearing was.opened. Mr. Roger McIntosh with Martin-McIntosh was present and represented Castle & Cooke Development Corporation. Mr. McIntosh gave justifica- -tion for the request of 55-foot wide lots. Mr. McIntosh r~ferred to Exhibit A, page 10 of 15, Condition 2 and requested that the requirement for a 10-foot landscape easement be changed to 5 feet and measured from back of walk to back of lot along Mondavi Way. Mr. Hardisty commented that he could not recommend for a reduction to anything less than 8 feet which is measured to the back of wall from back of sidewalk. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked about this tract being in Maintenance District 217 Mr. Hardisty recommended that the entire landscaped area be considered as a part of the maintenance district as a form of insurance that it would be taken care of~ Mr·. Mcint0sh~indicated they did not have a problem with getting rid of the homeowner's association for the landscape strip and include it in the maintenance district. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page 4 6. 'TENTATIVEi TRACT 5386 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) (continued) Mr. McIntosh referred to page 12 of 15, Water Resources Conditions; Water 'availability fees, etc., and requested that "for each phase" be added after due and payable. Mr. Hardisty was amenable. Mr. McIntosh referred to Condition 8, page 14 of 15, Phase A #1, Phase B #1 and asked for deferral until construction of the commercial prop- erty at the corner. Mr. Hardisty replied staff preferred that the block wall be put in place as early as possible. Mr. McIntosh referred to Condition 13, page 15 of 15,-and requested that 8vfoot wide landscape area be changed to 5-foot. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if this Tract should be put in its own maintenance assessment district. Mr. Hardisty commented that he would like that ~ondition to be an _optional ~ype thing, i Chairperson Rosenlieb suggested changing the verbiage iR Condition 6 to read, "Prior to recordation of a final map, a maintenance district shall be established or the subdivision shall be annexed into an exist- ing district, fo~rm a new district or the Subdivider shall provide an alternate means. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Chairperson Rosenlieb indicated she was concerned with how developments are dealt with that are abutting either an existing freeway or a pro- posed freeway.~ Commissioner Marino was-supportive of a city-wide assessment district and .larger assessment districts and forming a maintenance district for this tract would be a step in the wr~ong direction. Chairperson Rosenlieb's intent was to be flexible. Commissioner Marino was in agreement with staff that the block wall should go in at the earliest possible time. Commissioner Cohn suggested ref~erring the issue of fencing along free- ways to committee. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page 5 TENTATIVE TRACT 5386 (MARTIN-Md~NTOSH)w (continued) Chairperson Rosenlieb supported Mr. Hardisty's comments with regard to the Width of the landscape strip being 8 feet. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the~staff report and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5386 subject to the con- ditions outlined in Exhibit A with the following changes; page 4 of 4, Condition 13 shall read, "Double frontage lots along Mondavi Way will provide a buffer from traffic peculiar to Mondavi Way", page 10 of 15 Paragraph two, the following sentence shall be stricken, "The street- scape along Mondavi Way shall be maintained through a homeowner's asso- ciation and insert, "the streetscape along Mondavi Way shall be maintained through a maintenance assessment district; page 10 of 15, paragraph six shall read, "Tract 5386 is included in Maintenance Assessment District 21. District 21 will be.responsible~for all assessments Unless an alternative is approved by staff".; page 12 of 15, The water availability fees for service facilities are 'due and pay- able for each phase prior to final acceptance of improvements for the tract..This 61.47 acre tract has fees due of $122,940.00. However, the fees due may be ~paid upon further subdivision or development.; page 10 of 15, Condition 2~ the 8 ft. landscape easement shall be replaced by 5.ft.; page 14~of 15, Condition 9, 4th line from the bot~tom, (assuming 65 CNEL at the south property line) shall be inserted after 45 CNEL; page 15 of 15, Condition 13, the 8-foot wide landscape area behind sidewalk along Mondavi Way shall be changed to the 5-foot wide landscape area behind sidewalk~along Mondavi Way. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried. Commissioners Messner, Rosenlieb and Cohn voted no. 7. TENTATIVE TRACT 5489 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) -Commissioner Anderson declared a financial conflict of interest. Tentative tract is located on the northeast corner of Allen Road and ~he future extension of Brimhall Road and contains 203 lots on 139.4 acres, zoned A20-A proposed to be changed to R-1. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Roger McIntosh with Martin-McIntosh Engineering represented Castle & Cooke Development Corporation. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if staff had any comments with regard to the response from the County Public Works Department. Mr. Kloepper replied he did not feel the staff report needed to-be amended. Mr. McIntosh addressed page 3 of 13, Condition VIII, B, C.b., request- ing that ~he~condition be rewritten to allow for some alternatives. Minutes,. P1/C, 5/2/91 7 TENTATIVE TRACT 5489 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) (continued) Page 6 Mr. Kloepper felt that this could be taken care of through the design ~and plan approval process~ Mr. McIntosh suggested-that the last sentence of Condition'VIII.B. read as follows; The portion of Brimhall Road b~tween the east tract bound- ary and Jewetta Avenue may require a permit from the Kern County Department of Public Works. Condition VIII.C.I.b. t:o read as follows; Brimhalt Roa~ half width on the north side with landscaped median island and one 12 foot travel lane on the south side or median deposit from Allen Road'to the east tract boundary for the frontage directly adjacent to-the area being developed. Median islan~ to be designed for safe transition to the property to the east subject to Publi'c Works Department approval. Mr'. Kloepper stood on his prior comment. Mr. McIntosh addressed page 4 of 13, IX.B requesting that the median islands in Overton Street be 60 feet leaving a 30-foot frontage allow- ing for access to driveways. Mr. Kloepper recommended that 30 feet would be adequate. Mr McIntosh referred to Conditions C and D and asked for full median openings.~ Mr..Kloepper commented that the city strives for fewer median openings, and suggested that if the Commission elected to agree with the appli- cant,- contributions of full signal costs at each one of 'the openings should be made by the developer to allow for the future signal. Mr. McIntosh referred to page 9 of 13, second condition and requested the addition of the following be inserted after the word payable, "for each phase". He also requested that the last sentence of the last par- agraph on page 9 of 13 be changed to read, "The City will require an area within the subdivision for the purposes of drilling and equipping a domestic water well."; page 10 of 13, Condition 2, 8-foot wide land- scape 'easement be changed to 7 1/2 feet. Mr. Hardisty that the Commission's standard is 8 feet. There being no-others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page 7 7. TENTATIVE TRACT 5489 (MARTiN-McINTOSH) (continued) Motion was made by commissioner Bjorn to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings 1 through 11 set forth in the staff report, and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5489 subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report, adding Condition 7 to Planning Department Conditions on page 13 of 13 as referenced in memo dated May 1, 1991, and replace Parks Condition 6, page 10 of 13 with wording requested in the memo dated May 1, 1991 with the following further changes to Exhibit A, page 3 of 13, Public Works Condition VIII.B., second sentence shall read, "The portion of Brimhall Road between the east t~act boundary and Jewetta Avenue may require a permit from the Kern County Department of Public Works"; Condition VIIoC.i.b shall read, Brimhall Road half width on the nort-h side of the landscape median island and one, twelve foot travel lane on the south side or median deposit from Allen Road to the east tract boundary for the frontage directly adjacent to the area being developed; Public Works page 4 of 13, Condition IX.B shall read, minimum access frontage on Overton Street and Wallingford Drive shall be 30 feet to each individ- ual lot where the medians exist; page 9 of 13, Water Resources Department, second'paragraph shall read, Water availability fees for water service facilities are due and payable for each phase, etc.; last paragraph, second sentence shall read, The City will require an area within the subdivision for the purposes of drilling and equipping a domestic water .well. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cohn, and carried. 8. PROPERTY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HAGEMAN ROAD AND VERDUGO LANE (EXTENDED) AMENDING THE ZONING BOUNDARIES FROM AN A-20A (AGRICULTURE 20-ACRE MINIMUM) ZONING DISTRICT TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING, MINIMUM LOT AREA 6,000 SQUARE FEET), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONING DISTRICT ON 40 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND FROM A-2-A .TO RE (RECREATION), OR'MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONING DISTRICT ON 13 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL-SUBURBAN, MINIMUM LOT AREA 24,000 SQUARE FEET) TO R-l, OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONING DISTRICT ON 18 ACRES MORE OR LESS. STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF RS (RESIDENTIAL-SUBURBAN, MINIMUM LOT AREA TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND SQUARE FEET) ZONING DISTRICT ALONG THE NORTH AND WEST SIDES OF THE REQUESTED RE (RECREATION) ZONING DISTRICT. (FILE 5127 - SEQUOIA ENGINEERING (AGENT FOR B.B.&R.)) Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interest. His employer owns property within 300 feet of subject property. This hearing was continued from the April 18th meeting and.sent to the Zoning Ordinance'Committee for further study. On APril 24, the commit- tee met and discussed numerous issues with the project applicant and the adjacent property owner and came up with four recommendations. Public hearing was opened. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2f91 Page 8 .8.' FILE 5127 - SEQUOIA ENGINEERING (continued) Mr. Fred Porter'wit-h Center Cal/Heinsley Development property owners to the west of the proposed tentative tract map and equestrian facility was present and informed Commission that he met with Mr. Bob Smith of Sequoia Engineering and it was agreed mutually that this be continued until the next Planning Commission meeting. He submitted a proposed tentative map for review. Mr. Smith submitted a letter requesting that the allowed residential density of 3.28 dwelling units per acre be averaged for the entire residential area. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to continue this hearing to the May 16th' meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cohn, and carried. A 5-MINUTE RECESS WAS TAKEN. 9.- INITIATED ACTION BY THE P-LANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION AND ANNEXATION OF .5 ACRES TO C-2 (COb~MERCIAL), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE; OF SAID PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY-OF KERN LOCATED SOUTH DF .BELLE TERRACE AND WEST OF STINE ROAD KNOWN AS STINE #8 ANNEXATION. Commissioner cohn declared a perceived conflict of interest. His par- ents own property within 300 feet of Stine Road. The site is within a developed county island. The project site has been developed' with a freestanding sign at the corner with parking areas, for commercial activities south. There are some areas 'where the open canal'remains.- The southwest corner of Belle 'Terrace and Stine Road has a sign on it. The City Building Department inadvertently issued the building permit for the sign. The neighbors to the north an'd east of the sign objected to the size and aesthetics of the sign and petitioned the County Board of Supervisors to require the owner to reduce the area of the sign and exteriorly illuminate the sign. The ~applicant.and the Board of Supervisors agreed to reduce the sign by 10 feet and exteriorly illuminate, it. However, the applicant applied for the annexation and the county has suspended their requirement pending the annexation. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Mark Bianchi, property owner did not oppose the annexation if Commission approves the annexation as staff recommended in Exhibit A. Discussion took place on a restriction on the height of the sign and the zoning to be placed on the property. Mr. Roy Saunders represented Jaco Hill Company and stated they were willing to accept a condition of 21-foot overall height and would lower it within 45-dayp of approval. Mr. Hardisty noted that staff's recommendation of' 20 feet came from a letter received.from the county. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page STINE #8 ZONING UPON ANNEXATION AND A~NEXATION (continued) Commissioner Frapweil was concerned with exterior lighting and its adverse, effect. Commissioner Anderson asked for Mr. Bianchi's opinion as to the 20-foot height and the sign~ being internally illuminated. Mr. Bianchi replied that lowering the sign would lessen the glare. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Building Director Bidwell wished to go on record in the matter of the lighting on the sign. It was his opinion that the internally lighted sign would cause much more foot candle to be recorded at the property lines across the street than one that is flood lighted or has direct exterior lighting. Commissioner Powers commented that spot lights are offensive and inte- riorlilluminated signs seem to provide a softer light and is not as harsh. The applicant agreed to reduce the height of the sign within 45 days but requested approval of its internal lighting. CommisSioner Marino commented that interior lighting is less obtrusive, however the neigh'bors opposed it. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving the Negative Declaration and recommend-same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Powers and carried by the following roll call vote: ~ AYES:· CommiSsioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioner Frapwell ABSTAINED: _Commissioner Cohn Motion.was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving Zoning Upon Annexation No'. 5139 consisting of a~change of zone to the City designation of R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), with conditions as listed in Exhibit A with the following change to Exhibit A: Within 45-days of May 2, 1991, the applicant shall reduce the existing sign at the Southwest corner of · Belle Terrace and stine Road to a height not to exceed twenty (20) feet maximum, and provide for exterior sign lighting only. And Carried by the following roll call vote: _AYES: CommissiOners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Messn~er, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: CommiSsioner Frapwell AB·STAINED: Commissioner Cohn ~_ Minutes, P1/C, 5/2f91 Page-lO 9..-ZONING UPON ANNEXATION #5139 & ANNEXATION OF STINE NO. 8 (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt a resolution With Kequired findings as.set forth in the staff report approving the pro- posed Stine No. 8 annexation and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote:~ AYES: Commissioners_Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioner Frapwell ABSTAINED: Commissioner Cohn Motion was made .by Commissioner Marino to direct, staff to process a general plan amendment and zone change which acknowledges existing com- mercial center and zoning of the project site south of Belle Terrace with the reminder that the existing zoning is C-1 as well as to look at the zonings and options of the adjacent property to the west. Motion was seconded' by Commissioner Powers, and carried. Commissioner Cohn abstained. COMMISSIONER BJORN LEFT THE MEETING 10. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 17.36 CH (CHURCH) ZONE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE WITH REGARD TO PERMITTED USES, WALL SEPARATIONS AND PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES This hearing was continued from the March 21, 1991 meeting. Commissioner. Messner made the motion to hear this item after 9.3. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. 11. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 17.38 HOSP. (HOSPITAL) ZONE OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE WITH REGARD TO WALL SEPARATIONS AND PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES The following changes to the Hospital zone are proposed: 17.38.020 E - Add requirement for six-foot high masonry wall adjacent to property designated for residential development. b 17.38.030 - Removes Planning Commission review of site plans-. Projects would go through staff implemented site plan review. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page 11 11. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 17.38 HOSP (HOSPITAL) ZONE (continued) Public-hearing was opened. There being no one present wishing to speak either in favor or opposition, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to make findings set forth in the staff report and approve the proposed Negative Declaration and amendments to the Municipal Code Chapter 17.38 (Hospital zone) and rec- · ommend same to the City Council. Motion~was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES:' Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Bjorn 12. AMENDMENT_ TO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.04 ADDING DEFINITIONS FOR DAY CARE CENTERS, SANCTUARIES AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS Proposed .amendments-to the Church. Zone would allow sanctuaries and Sunday schools as permitted uses, and provide for day care centers through the Conditional Use Permit procedure. Public hearing~was opened. There being no one p~esent Wishing to speak either in favor or' opposition, public hearing was closed.. Motion was made-by Commissioner Messner to make findings set forth in the staff report and approve the proposed amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 17.04. (definitions) and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried by the fol- lOWing roll call vote: AYES: Commi.ssioners Marino, Anderson, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Bjorn 13. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.36 CHURCH ZONE (CH) This is an amendment to Chapter 17.36 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance). Changes are being proposed to diminish project processing time and clarify ordinance provisions. Public hearing was opened. There being no one present wishing to speak either in favor or opposition, public hearing-was closed. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 Page 12 13. AMENDMENT 'TO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.36 CHURCH ZONE (CH) (continued) Motion'was made-by Commissioner Powers to make findings set fdrth in the staff_report and approved the proposed Negative Declaration and amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 17.36 (Church zone) and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried by the ~following roll call vote: AYES:-Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Cohn, Messner, Powers~ Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Bjorn 14. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION i7.60 ('SIGNS) REGARDING ALLOWABLE SIGNAGE IN CH (CHURCH) AND HOSP. (HOSPITAL)- ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS The proposed amendments to 17.60.210 (signage permitted in CH zone). As Section 17.60.220 (signage permitted in hospital zone) refers to 17.60.210, hospital signage is also affected. Public hearing was opened. There being no one present wishing to speak either 'in favor or opposition, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to make findings set forth in the staff report and approve the proposed amendments'to Municipal Code Section 17.60 (Signs) and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Messner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Cohn, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT_: Commissioner Bjorn ABSTAINED: .Commissioner Anderson 15. EQUESTRIAN TRAIL DESIGN STANDARD Mr. Kloepper reviewed the revisions to the equestrian trail design standard. Commissioner Anderson commented that general consideration should be given to not overlook handicap issues in regard to intersections. Discussion took place regarding the use of the trail by wheel chairs. After discussion, it was decided to change the title from equestrian t~cails to-multi-use trails. ~Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to continue this matter to the May 16th meeting for fUrther review. Motion waslseconded by Commissioner Cohn, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 5/2/91 i6. COMMISSION COMMENTS. Page 13 Commissioner Powers commented on the workshop that was held on May 1st and the.agenda item that was added regarding the expansion of sphere Of influence. He would like to see that on the regular agenda as an action i~em. Mr. Hardisty replied that he could bring in Mr. Bill Turpin from LAFCO, and suggested that the item should first appear on the agenda as a pre- liminary assessment of the approach to be taken and then follow-up with the commission's concurrence. As Chairman of the Sign Committee, Commissioner Anderson requested staff to help organize meetings that would lead to a review of the ~xisting ordinance and recommendations from the committee for changes to-the ordinance. 17.~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Isabel Williams ding Secre ry Y