HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/91MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, April 4, 1991, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: ADVISORY MEMBERS .' Present: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON *OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL, Alternate LAURA MARINO, Deputy City Attorney FRED-KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, planning Director MIKE LEE, Associate Planner ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording Secretary 2. SPEAKERS CARD Mr. Bill Wonderly addressed the Commission regarding the landscaping at the East Hills Village. He lodged a complaint at a prior Commission meeting in which staff indicated they would look into the problem. Mr. Wonderly informed Commission that he received a letter from staff on November 14, 1990 informing him that contact had been. made with the people from Bakersfield' Shopping Center Properties and that the problem. would b~ corrected. Mr. Hardisty commented that staff has been working with the representa- tives of the East Hills Village. 3~ APPROVAL OF--MINUTES Commissioner Marino referred to page 9, item 10 of the December 20, 1990 minutes indicating the proposed tract is zoned R-1 and'not M-l, page 10, item 11 of the December 20, 1990 minutes, Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of'interest. His employer owns property within 300 feet, page 11, item 12 of the December 20, 1990 minutes, the descrip- tion of property location is incorrect. The description is item 13, page'14, item 15, Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interested not abstention. Motion was made b~ Commissioner Powers to approve the December 20, 1990 minutes as amended, and approved, the January 10, 1991-minutes as written. Mot.ion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/91 4.- WALL AND-LANDSCAPE PLANS - COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION Page 2 Residential tract 5287 fs located on the west side 'of Fairfax~Road, north of College Avenue, and is located adjacent to Tract 4366 to the -north and irregular vacant land to the south. Tract.5287 has extensive topographical differences' from north to south, therefore the developer has proposed a design concept to mitigate the difference in elevation between back of sidewalk and finished lot pads. *Commissioner Anthony was seated. Mr. Jim Redstone represented Community Construction and clarified that the wrought iron fence along Fairfax Road will be a minimum height of 4 feet. He'also referred to page 2 of the project analysis, 2nd para- gmaph and asked that the word "provided" be stricken and in its place add the following language; lettered lots on the final map and strike last sentence of that paragraph. Mr. Hardisty was amenable. Mr. Redstone referred to Exhibit A, page 1 of 3 and asked that the words "and~ Parks Department prior to installation" be stricken. Mr. Hardisty was amendable. Mr. Redstone also referred to the Public Works memo dated March 28, -1991, Condition 5 and indicated he spoke with Public Works staff and asked that the f.ollowing phrase be inserted to the second line, "for a minimum of 2-foot behind sidewalk". Mr. Kloepper concurred. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to approve the wall and land- scape plans for Tentative Tract 5287 subject to conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report substituting Planning Department Conditions with those revised and dated April 3, 1991 w£th the follow- ing changes; Project Description, there will be a minimum 4-foot high wrought iron fence, Project Analysis, the second paragraph will read; Delineation between the homeowner's landscape easement "lot" and City landscape maintenance district should be lettered lots' on final map as the homeowner's landscape easement "lot" width tapers to near five feet at the north end of streetscape (last line deleated); page 1 of 3 revised memo dated April 3rd, insert a period after Planning Department prior to installation (delete and Parks Department);page 3 of 3, item 5, the first sentence shall read, The slope of the landscaped area within the street right-of-way at Fairfax Road shall be at a grade of 2% or a minimum of 2 feet behind the sidewalk. Alternatively, curbing or some other approved system of 'preventing soil erosion from flowing across the sidewalk shall be required. .Motion was seco'nded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4~91 Page 3 5. WALL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS - CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING Chairperson.Rosenlieb declared a conflict of interest. Her employer owns property within 300-feet. Residential Tract 5135-B is generally located on the west side of Mountain Vista Drive, extending around the corner along the north side of Campus Park Drive, and continuing around the corner on the east side of Buena Vista Road returning around the corner .to Illusion WaM. Appli'cant proposes to construct a 6-foot high masonry wall along Mountain Vista Drive, Campus park Drive and Buena Vista Drive returning into local street in order to meet the conditions of Tract 5135-B. Ms. Sandy Bergam with CornerstOne Engineering was present and repre- sented CRT Investments. She indicated she spoke with Dana Encheff.of the 'Planning Department who was concerned with line of %sight conflicts and agreed that two trees rather than two trees would be acceptable. Mr. Hardisty ~ecommended that if the tree is in the line of sight that it be deleted'from the ~plan. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve the wall and landscape plans for Tentative Tract 5135-B subject to conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the ~taff report with deletion of Condition i of Exhibit A. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. 6. MASTER WALL AND LANDSCAPING CONCEPT PLANS FOR THE SEVEN OAKS DEVELOPMENT (SECTIONS 6 AND .7) - CASTLE AND COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Chairperson Rosenlieb declared a perceived conflict of interest. Her emploYer owns property within 300 feet of a parcel that may or may not be affected by this. Commissioner Anderson declared a conflict of interest. His firm is presently providing services for the applicant. Subject property is located between Stockdale Highway and White Lane, Old River Road and Buena Vista Road. Applicant requested consideration of a revised master wall and land- scaping concept plan for the 2 square miles of the "Seven Oaks" development, also known as Sections 6 and 7. Mr. Roger McIntosh with Martin-McIntosh represented Castle and Cooke Development Corporation commented they reviewed the conditions of approval and commented on Planning Department Condition 1 and their request to delete the view fences because of their concern of the resi- dents in the adjacent housing developments there will be two subdivi- sions with. back yards facing out into the golf course and they are trying to cut-down the noise problem from the traffic on Ming Avenue. Mr. Hardisty replied that part of the conditions of approval on the tract maps along arterials include a requirement for an acoustical study to be conducted so that noise can be mitigated to meet city stan- dards for~ a quiet and peaceful yard and house. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4791 Page 4 6. MASTER WALL AND~LANDSCAPING CONCEPT PLANS - SECTIONS 6 AND 7 (continued) Mr. McIntosh suggested putting a condition on the plan to provide view fences subject to the noise mitigation as outlined in the 2010 Plan. Mr. Kloepper referred to page 2 of 5 and recommended that Public Works condition needed to be reworded to read as follows; Trees shall be 10cat~d such that street lighting patterns will not be adversely affected. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve proposed Master Wall and Landscaping Concept Plans, dated-stamped "received" by the Planning Department om March 20, 1991, for Sections 6 and 7, subject to the con- ditions_outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report with the following changes;~Public Works memo dated March 27, 1991, paragraph which begins; Locate~the trees, shall be reworded to read; Trees shall be located Such that street lighting patterns will not be adversely affected and Planning Department memo, page 1 of 5, paragraph 1 shall read; Subdivider shall provide view fences along the south side of Ming Avenue east of' the Loop Road adjacent to the golf course subject to noise mitigation outlined in the 2010 Plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. Commissioner Cohn understood that in order for Mr. Hardisty to be able ~to make that determination, he wanted a noise study done by the applicant, and should be' spelled out. Mr. Hardisty replied that it would be more specific if it were spelled out. Commissioner~.Powers amended his motion to include in Condition 1, page 1 of 5 to include a acoustical analysis to be provided by the applicant. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. 7, ~FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN- ZONE CHANGE #5112 (WHITMAN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN)- Applicant submitted final development plans for a 5!,754 square foot retail shopping center for property located at the southwest corner 'of StOckdale Highway and Allen Road. Mr. Mark Whitman with Whitman Architectural Design indicated they are still trying to work out the circulation problem and asked that this item be continued'to the April 18, 1991 meeting. MOtion was made by Commissioner Powers to continue this matter to the April 18, 1991 meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried. -- ~ Minutes, P1/.C, 4/4/91 Page 5 8. PUBLIC HEARING - CHANGE OF CONDITION - TENTATIVE TRACTS 5414 AND 5424 (SIMPSON--VANCUREN, INC.) Tentative tracts 5414 and' 5424 are generally located on the north side of Campus_Park Drive alignment, between Old River Road and Mountain View Drive. At'the request Of the applicant, the City Council has referred the mat- ter of the alignment of Saddle Drive~ a local street, to the Planning Commission. ~ Tbeapplicant proposes the alignment for Saddle Drive to extend the existing a-lignment to the south to intersect with Campus Park~ Drive. conditions of approval required that Saddle Drive be knuckled approxi- mately 600 feet north of Campus Park Drive, so that the local street would not 'have a direct alignment between White Lane and Campus Park Drive. Mr. Kloepper stated that Public Works Department memo of April 1, 1991 was withdrawn and substituted with a memo dated April 4, 1991 that requests only one condition regarding access from Lot 64 onto Saddle Drive in the event that Saddle Drive is approved as a straight through alignment. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Jim Redstone with Simpson-VanCuren represented CommUnity Construction and read the following letter dated March 6, 1991, addressed-toPrincipal'Planner, James Movius into the record: Dear Jim: Thank' you for the opportunity to meet with your staff, the Traffic Engineer, Public Works Department, the Parks Department, Community Construction and a member of the City Council. During discussions of various concerns it was deemed appropriate by all ~resent to propose the following: Mo Align Saddle Drive north and south between White Lane and Campus Park Drive instead of separating by the cul-de-sac & knuckle as previously required. bo Install a traffic control sign at the intersection of Saddle Drive and Pebbles Drive also provide a pedestrian "crosswalk" along the north side of said intersection to move pedestrian traffic from the east Tevis area to the. park site located west of 'Saddle Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/91~ Page 6 8. CHANGE OF CONDITION-- TENTATIVE TRACTS 5414 AND 5424' (codtinued) Continue· ~ebbles Drive easterly to intersect. Saddle Drive eliminating lots 1 & 6, thereby pro- viding fuli~ access to the park site on the north. -Orient the four lots'between Saddle Drive & Lone Pine Way fronting on Pebbles Drive north & south. I have enct~osed copies Of the tentative maps showing street and lot design as_previously approved and Copies showing the revised lay out for'your review. We hereby request favorable consideration of our proposed revision. These changes represent good planning practice and will allow the owner to develop his~property commensurate with his desire to provide a well planned housing development in the Tevis Ranch area. Sincerely, James Redstone Mr. Redstone commented they received the memo of reconsideration of conditions dated April 4, 1991., and were in agreement. He asked for a clarification to be i.ncluded in the motion that a-public hearing be .required if the street would need to be closed. ~Mr ' KloepPer replied that he did not feel that is a necessary condition for the Commission to adopt. In the event t'hat a problem does develop on Saddle~Drive in the future~ it would be a matter for Public Works to address. Commissioner Anderson commented that this applicant has been held up because the initial information'that was given to t~he Commission was that a straight through street was not desirable. Chairperson Roseniieb~Supported the Commission's original position as well as staff,s original position. Motion was made-by Commissioner Anderson to approve the alignment of Saddle Drive and Pebble. Drive as proposed in applicant's letter dated March 6, 1991, and include the Public Works memo dated April 4, i991. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anthony, and carried. Commissioners Marino, Cohn, Rosenlieb voted no. 9. GENERAL PLAN AMEND 1-91, SEGMENT IV: MARTIN-McINTOSH Commissioner Anderson declared a financial conflict of interest. He is presently providing services to the applicant. Staff report was waived. ~ Request was made by staff to continue this hearing to the next General Plan cycle. ~Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to continue this item to the April 18, 199-1 meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers,. and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/91 Page 7 10. GPA 1-91, SEGMENT'VII & ZONE CHANGE #5148 (DEBBIE KERWIN) Commissioner~ Marino declared a perceived conflict of interest. Staff report was waived.- Public,hearing was opened. 'Motion ,was made bYcommissioner Frapwell to continUe this hearing to the April 18, 1991 m~eting. MOtion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. 11. INITIATED~ACTION BY THE: PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING), R-1-MH (ONE FAMILY DWELLING-MOBILEHOME) AND C-2 (COMMERCIAL), OR.MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONES, AND ANNEXATION OF 91.87 ACRES OF SAID PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY OF KERN LOCATED WEST OF FREEWAY 99, NORTH~OF THE ARVIN-EDISON CANAL AND EAST OF WIBLE ROAD KNOWN AS DENNEN #1 ANNEXATION (FILE 5102) commissioner Powers declared a financial conflict of interest. Subject ProPerty is located west of Freeway 99, north of the Arvin~Edison canal and east of Wible Road. This is an annexation and a zoning upon annexation request on 91.87 +/- · acres,.and to be rezoned to R-i, R-1-MH and C-2. Public hearing was opened. Therewas no one present wishing to speak either in favor or opposition, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt-resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving the Negative Declaration and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Anthony, and carried by the following roll call vote: .. . AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSTAINi Commissioner Powers Minutes P1/C, 4/4/9i -Page 8 11.ZONING UPON ANNEXATION ft5102 & ANNEXATION - DENNEN f~l ANNEXATION (continued) Motionwas made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5102 consisting of a change of zone from County zoning of A-1 (Limited Agriculture), MS (Mobilehome Subdivision-6,000 sq. ft.), .C-1-PD (Neighborhood Commercial-Precise Development Combining) and C-2-PD (General Commercial-Precise Development Combining) to the City designation of R-1 (On~ Family Dwelling), R-1-MH (One Family Dwelling-Mobilehome) and C-2 (Commercial), or more restrictive zones with conditions listed in Exhibit "A" and mitigation listed in Exhibit "C" and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anthony, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Powers Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt a resolution with required findings as set forth in the staff report approving the pro-. posed Dennen No. 1 Annexation and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, ~Cohn, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Powers 12. INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING), RS-iOA (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN-10 ACRE MINIMUM), A-20A (AGRICULTURe, 20-ACRE MINIMUM), AND A (AGRICULTURE), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONES, AND INITIATED ACTION TO ANNEX 928.82 +/- ACRES OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE COUNTY OF KERN LOCATED SOUTH OF PANAMA LANE AND EAST OF GOSFORD ROAD KNOWN AS ASHE NO. 2 ANNEXATION. (FILE 5124 - ASHE NO. 2 ANNEXATION) Annexation consists of approximately 928.82 +/- acres. Zoning upon annexation to R-l, R-SiOA, A-2OA, and A. Subject property is'located south of Panama lane east of Gosford Road. Public hearing was opened. ~Mr. Maurice E~chechury with Cuesta Engineering represented the landowners. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/91 12. (FILE 5124 --ASHE NO.' 2 ANNEXATION) (continued) Page 9 Staff reviewed the Public Works memo dated March 29, 1991, indicating that applicant would need to submit a traffic study. Mr. Etchechury questioned the need for a traffic study. Mr. Kloepper replied that the traffic study is needed to b~ consistent on this scale of a project, and further commented that he would be com- fortable with the traffic study being approved and mitigation measures adopted prior 'to recordation of any final map or-notice of occupancy. There being no others wishing, to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion~was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving the Negative Declaration and recommend same to City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anthony, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn~ Powers, Rosenlieb None MotiOn was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings as set forth in the staff report approving Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5124 consisting of a change of zone from County zoning of A (Exclusive Agriculture) and E(iO)RS (Estate 10-acre Residential Suburban) to the City zoning of R-1 (One Family Dwelling), RS-iOA (Residential Suburban-lO acre minimum), A (Exclusive Agriculture) and A-20A (Agriculture-20 ~acre minimum lot size), or more restrictive zones with conditions~listed in Exhibit A and mitigation listed in Exhibit B and the Public Works Department memorandum dated March 29, 1991, and recommend same to the City Council with the following change in the March 29th Public Works memorandum; Condition 2 shall read, "Prior to approval of any tentative subdivision map, the applicant shall submit a traffic study to the City Engineer for approval establishing traffic impacts resulting from the change in zoning and recommending appropri- ate mitigation measures. The cost of the mitigation measures shall be borne by the applicant." The remainder of Condition 2 shall be deleted, and Conditions 1 and 3 shall remain in effect. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cohn, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/9t Page 10 12. (FILE 5124 - ASHE NO. 2 ANNEXATION) (continued) Motion was made by ~Commissioner Marino to adopt a-resolution with required findings as set forth in the staff report approving the pro- posed Ashe:No. 2 Annexation, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, an'd carried. AYES: ~ Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES': None 13. INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION TO RS 2.5 (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN-2.5 ACRE MINIMUM) AND C-1 (LIMITED COMMERCIAL), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONES, AND ANNEXATION OF 8 ACRES OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE COUNTY OF KERN LOCATED EAST OF JEWETTA AVENUE, 300 FEET NORTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD KNOWN AS BRIMHALL '#i ANNEXATION. (FILE 5131 - BRIMHALL #1 ANNEXATION) Mr. Hardisty commented'that he met with applicant and discussed Commission's concern regarding the proposed 2 1/2 acre zoning for lots, and also applicant's concern over the misreading of the applicantion which was basically to turn it all into commercial and change the genq eral plan. A drafting error on the general plan maps was noted but in order to confirm that, it was Mr. Hardisty's recommendation that the Commission direct staff to do a general plan study and make a recommen- dation at the next general plan cycle as to the treatment of the entire area north of Brimhall and east of Jewetta. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to continue this item to the next general plan cycle and direct staff to clean up. any glitches, typos, drafting errors or other problems. Mot'ion was seconded by Commissioner-Powers, and carried. 14. REQUEST BY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO AMEND SECTION 17.53 (SITE PLAN REVIEW) OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE WITH PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS, APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND LANDSCAPING Staff report was waived. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to continue to the April 18, 1991 meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anthony, and carried. Minutes, P1/C, 4/4/91 - Page 11 15. CONSIDERATION OF INPUT ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE 'AMENDMENT TO TITLE· 17.18 OF THE~BAKERSFIELD-MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES WHICH SERVE SEVEN (7) OR MORE JUVENILE OR ADULT OFFENDERS IN R-4 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONES Mr. Grady made the presentation indicating this ordinance is in response to community concerns regarding residential care facilities that were serving 7 or more individuals. Public hearing was opened. There was no one present wishing to speak either in opposition or favor. Public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve the proposed negative declaration and amendment to Municipal Code Section 17.18 as advertised and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried by the following roll c'all vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Anthony, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: None 16. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING ON THREE PROPOSED SCHOOL SITES IN THE ROSEDALE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT LOCATED WITHIN THE POLO GROUNDS BOUNDARY The proposed school sites are located as follows: (1) a fifteen acre middle school site located along the southwest corner of Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue and (2) two elementary school sites of ten acres each located along the east side of Old Farm Road (extended) between Hageman and Noriega Roads and along the west side of Verdugo Lane (extended) north of Noriega Road (extended). Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to find acquisition of the school site consistent with the general plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried. 17. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Hardisty noted communication from Mr. Dennis Fox concerning the town hall meetiTng and trust for public lands information. Mr. Hardisty also noted the addendum to the agenda regarding referral from Councilman Peterson for study on the expansion of Sphere of Influence for northwest and southwest areas, and referral from the City Council of the transportation development fee study that was done by KCOG, and was referred to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee to coordinate the hearing of that fee but first to the Planning Commission for consideration through hearings, the appropriateness of the fee as to amount and~applicant. Staff is working to sort out that report and bring a recommendation to the Commission. It was staff's belief that this be sent ~o the General Plan-Committee. Minutes, PI/C, 4/4~91 18. COMMISSION COMMENTS Page 12 Commissioner Marino commented on the sphere of influence indicating that every area needs to be covered where there is a proposed freeway, and the entire 2010 boundaries. He asked for a report from staff with a recommendation and send to Council. Mr. Hardisty stated that it could be done. Commissioner Bjorn left the-meeting. Commissioner pOWers noted that the Trails Committee met with Castle & Cooke with regard to the northwest and were told to make the connection to their property and they would work with the City and Commission to get a trail into the river. The committee also asked staff to look into~annexing ~he equestrian triangle. Commissioner Anthony asked about progress with regard to the park com- prehensive plan and fees for development of parks. Mr. Hardisty replied that internal progress is being made. Commissioner Anderson made comment with respect to this being Commissioner Anthony's last meeting and thanked him for serving on the commission. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked for a Workshop to discuss the matrix, and minimum lot sizes. She also asked about the oilfield ordinance. Mr. Hardisty re. plied that he would check with the Principal Planner to see what. was happening on that. Chairperson Rosenlieb thank Commissioner Anthony for his service on the Commission. - Discussion between Commissioner Cohn and Mr. Hardisty on traffic studies. Commissioner Cohn thanked Commissioner Anthony for his diligent service on the Commission. Commissioner Marino thanked Commissioner Anthony for his service on the Commission. Commissioner Marino asked for an ordinance on 4-H animals. Mr. Hardisty indicated that he would get to work on that and bring something back to Commission. Commissioner Anthony thanked the Commission and staff for-their help while he served as a Commissioner. Minutes, PlfC, 4/4/91 Page 13 19. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Isabel Williams Recording Secretary T .y