HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/91 ' ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursda'y, March 7, 199i, 5:30 p.ml, City Counc-il Chamber, City Hal~,-1501Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield,. California. 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS:. Present: Absent: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON TERI BJORN *DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRApWELL, Alternate OSCAR ANTHONY ADVISORY MEMBERS:' Present: LAURA M~RINO, Deputy City Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director JENNIE ENG, Park Planner ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording Secretary 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Commissioner Marino noted corrections to the minutes of January 24, 1991, page 9, last sentence of paragraph 3 should be 3.13 acres of R-2 property instead of R-l, page 17, item 19 did not show that Commissioner Marino made the motion. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to approve the January 24, 1991 minutes as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried. 3. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT 4902 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Tentative tract is located on the south side of Harris Road, approxi- mately 1/4 mile east of Gosford Road and contains 300 lots, including 13 landscaping lo'ts, on 64 acres, zoned R-1. This is the third and last time extension for this tract to expire February 5, 1992. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Roger McIntosh represented Castle and Cooke Development Corporation indicating they were amenable to the conditions listed in the staff report~, and requested that the Public Works memo dated March 21, 1991 be~written into the conditions of approval for the extension of time. Minut'es-i-P~/C, ~3/7/91 ~ Page 2 - 3. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT 4902 (continued) There:be-~'ng no-others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Chairperson Rosenlieb wished to go on record as to the lack of street lights on Gosford Road and asked everyone concerned to do what they can to see that_the situation be rectified. Mr. McInt0sh e0mmented-that there are overhead power lines and perhaps grant money could be secured and used to underground those power lines. Motion was made Ky Commissioner Powers to approve the one-year exten- sion of time'to expire February 5, 1992, subject to the conditions out- lined in Exhibit A attached to the memo from the Planning Director, dat~ed ~March 7,~ 1991 Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. ~ *Commissioner Cohn was seated 4. EXTENSION OF TIME - TENTATIVE TRACT .5100 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Tentative tract isi'located on the southeast corner of Old River Road and White Oak Drive, and contains 13 lots on 4.35 acres for single fam- ily residential purposes, zoned R-1. This first one-year extension of time would expire March 16, 1992. Public hearing'was-~opened. Mr. Roger McIntosh represented Castle and Cook Development and indi- cated they were amenable to the conditions listed in the staff report. There 'being no'others .wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Frapwell to approve the one-year exten- sion of time-for Tentative Tract 5100 to expire March 16, 1992, subject ~to the updated conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report. Motion waslseconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried 5. CHANGE OF CONDITIONS - TENTATIVE TRACT 5341 (TELSTAR ENGINEERING, INC.) This item was continued from ~he February 21, 1991 meeting. Staff report was waivedl Mr. Carl Moreland with Telstar was present and was in agreement with the Public Works Condition No. 1.A. There'being no others w{shing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to make the findings and approve ' '-~the-change to Public'Works .Condition 1. A. as recommended by Public Works' in-the memo dated January 31, 1991. Motion. was seconded by Commissioner Powers-, and carried. Page 3 I~TENTATIVE-~TRACT 5432-.(HARRIS HOMES, INC.) Tentati~etract~:is locai~ed on th~ east side of Stine Road, south of the Arvin-Edison Canal. Applicant wishes to .modify the 60-foot frontage requirement on certain lots within-the appKoved tract. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Jim Nachazel, project engineer was present. There~being no others wishing tolspeak, public hearing was closed. Motion was. made by Commissioner Marino to make findings set forth in the Staff report~ and approve the reduction of the lot frontage on all lots~in Groups A,.B, C, D, F, G, and H as described in the staff re~ort, and deny~the modification for the reduction, of the lot frontage on .all lots' in Group E as described in the staff report with the fol- lowing stipulation: The lot line between the rear of lot 101 and the Side yard offal02 as shown on the revised submittal by the applicant shall be redesigned by swinging the property line nortlherly 'from t.~e point of intersection with the street to be perpendicular with the rear property line of lot 102. . Motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson, and carried. 7.-~ TENTATIVE TRACT 5221 REVISED (MARTIN-MclNTOSH) Tentative ~tract is located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, approximately 1/2 mile south of Ming avenue and contains 31 lots On 22.4~ acres, zoned R-1. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Roger McIntosh with Martin-McIntosh Engineering represented Castle and Cook Development Corporation requested that Condition 2, page 8 of 10 be amended to read as follows: Subdivider shall construct a wall adjacent to Buena Vista Road Minutes, P1/C, 3/~7/91 Page 4 7. TENTATIVE TRACT 5221 REVISED (continued) Mr. Hardist'y was in agreement. There being no others Wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff report, and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5221 Revised subject to-the conditions outlined in Exhibit A 0f~the staff report with the following further revision; Page 8 of 10, Condition 2 shall read as follows; The sub- divider shall construct a wall and install landscaping adjacent to Paseo Vista Boulevard and Chambers Boulevard. Subdivider shall con- struct a wall adjacent tQ Buena Vista Road. The design of the wall and landscaping shall~be-consistent with the plans approved by the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and Carried. TENTATIVE TRACT 5479 (DEWALT CORPORATION) . Commissioner Marino declared a conflict of interest. He is employed by the applicant Tentative tract is located west of Coffee Road, south of Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan area. Proposed tract contains 65 lots on 14.47 acres, zoned R-I, R-2 and C-l-CH. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Steve DeBranch with DeWalt Corporation was present and addressed item 8.B., page 3 of 13 indicating the last sentence referring to development adjacent to this side should read, development adjacent to the north side.. Mr..Kloepper was in concurrence. Mr. D'eBranch referred to page 7 of 13, item 3, asking that the word "emergency'! be inserted after secondary. Minutes, P!/C, 3/7/91 Page 5 TENTATIVE TRACT-54~9 (continued) There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration,-to make all findings set forth in t'he staff report and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5479 subject to the conditions out- lined in Exhibit A of the 'staff report with the following changes; add Planning Department Condition #14 as follows: Linear park along the west side of Coffe~ Road between Olive Drive and Hageman Road shall be offered for dedication prior to recordation of the phase immediately ~djacent to the linear park. Acceptance by the city'of the offer of dedicationlwill be cont~ngent upon the subdivider improving the linear. park'to rcity standards and the city's acceptance of those improvements; Delete Planning ~Department Condition 11; Include changes listed in memo from Public Works Department dated March 7, 1-991 with the following change, the last sentence will read, "completion of construction of improvements on the north side of Olive Drive will occur with develop- ment adjacent to the north side of the street and when deemed necessary by the city engineer; Revise Fire Department condition #3 to read as follows: Secondary emergency access must be provided. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. TENTATIVE TRACT 5480 (DEWALT CORPORATION) CommiSsioner Marino declared a conflict of interest.' He is employed by the applicant. Tentative tract is.located 1/4 mile west of Coffee Road, south'of Olive Drive within the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan area, and con- tains I14 lots on ~25.15acres, zoned R-1 and R-2. Applicant also requested a. modification to reduce the minimum lot width from 60 feet tO 55 feet. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Steve DeBranch was p~esent and addressed item 8.B.lb of the Public Works memo and indicated it should read adjacent to the north side. Mr. Kloepper was in agreement. Mr. DeBranch asked that Fire Department Condition~3, page 7 of 13 be changed to "secondary emergency access" and also asked that a memo dated~March 6th from Captain Goatcher of Fire Safety Control be incor- porated in~o the conditions. Mr. Milazzo addressed item 5.C and 8.B.1.H regarding pedestrian access and requested they be closed at the cul-de-sac location. Minutes, P1/C, 3~7/'91 9. TENTATIVE TRACT 5480 (continued) Page 6 There'being ~no others'wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by~commissioner Powers to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff report and t~ approve proposed Tentative Tract 5480 subject to the'con- ditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report with the follpwing revisions: Public Works Condition 5.C shall be deleted; Public Works Condition 8.B.lb'shal!.read, "The subdivider shall construct street paving., curb and ghtters to city st'andards on all streets including Olive Drive full half-width (south side) with median island and one lane. westbound (north side) from Riverlakes Drive to Coffee Road. The median landscaping shall be installed from Riverlak&s Drive to the east tract boundary. Completion of construction of improvements on the north side of Olive Drive will occur with development adjacent to the north side of t'he street Or when deemed necessary by the City Engineer; Public Works Condition 8.B.l.h shall be deleted; Fire Department Condition 3 shall read, Secondary emergency access to be Provided; Fire Safet.y Control memo dated March 6, 1991 shall be included. Commissioner Bjorn asked about referencing Fire Safe~y Control memo but specifically delete Condition B on page 8 of 13. Commissioner Powers amended his motion to include the Fire Safety Control~ memo of Mareh 6, 1991 and delete Condition B on page 8 of 13. Motion~was seconded by Commissioner Bjorn, and carried. Motion~was made by~Commissloner Powers to make all findingM set forth in the staff report and to approve the request for modification to · allow for a'reduction'in the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 55 feet. Motion was secpnded b~Commissioner Anderson, and carried. ~HAIRPERSON ROSENLIEB ASKED FOR A MOTION TO CHANGE THE AGENDA SO THAT .ITEM 8.i CAN BE HEARD CONCURRENTLY WITH ITEM 9'.1 AND HEAR ITEM 8.2 CONCURRENTLY WITH ITEM 9.2. Motion was made by Commissioder Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Powers and carried to amend the agenda as requested. Minutes, P1/C, 3/7/91 Page 7 INITIATED ACTION BY .THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXTION TO (ONE FAMILY DWELLING), R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING), A-20A (AGRICULTURE 20-ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) AND~C-1 (LIMITED '.COMMERCIAL)', OR.MORERESTRICTIVE ZONE; OF SAID PROPERTY IN'THE COUNTY OF KERN LOCATED SOUTH OF THE ARVIN~EDISON CANAL, EAST OF WIBLE ROAD AND WEST OF FREEWAY 99 AND ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 114.88 ACRES KNO~ AS WIBLE NO. 9 ANNEXATION This. item was continued at the request of the Commission to re- _advertise the Zoning Upon Annexation for the southeast corner of Berkshire-and Wible Road.to.R-2. Public'hearing was opened. 'Mr. Vance Mattl0ck-representing general partner for Jerry Stears stated they. have a commercial building on.the corner of Berkshire and Wible .Road and was concerned~with the proposed R-2 zoning and requested that their 3.acres be. considered for C-1 zoning[ 'It was-staff's~pOsiti0n that the zoning has to be consistent with the g~nerai~plan and if'there is a Conditional Use Permit in effect, then .it is c'arried on as a continuing approved use. There was general discussion with Mr. Mattlock and Mr. Stears as to validity of their Conditional Use Permit for the ag pump repair busi- ness. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed.~ -Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making find- ings presented in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration and recommend ~ame to City Council. Motion was seconded by .Commissioner Anderson, and carkied by the following roll call vote: . AYES: Commissioners-Marino, Anderson Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb~ Frapwell NOES None 'ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony Minutes, P1/C,'3/7/91 Page 8 11. WIBLE NO. 9~ ANNEXATION & ZONING UPON ANNEXATION (continued) M6tion was made by Commissioner Marino to 'adopt resolution making findings, presented in the staff report, approving Zoning Upon -' Annexation No. 5096 cohsisting of a change of zone from County zoning of A (Exclusive Agriculture) and A-1 (Limited Agriculture), to the City designations of R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), and C-1 (Limited Commercial), and A-2OA'(Agriculture 20-acres Minimum), or more restrictive zones and amend Zone Map No. '123-25 with conditions in Exhibit "A" and mitigation measures in Exhibit "B" and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call Vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Fr~pwell NOES:' None ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony Motion was made-by Commissioner Marino to adopt a resolution with find- ings presented in the staff report, approving the proposed Wible No. 9 Annexation. andrecommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony 12. INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION TO R-i-(ONE FAMILY DWELLING), R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING), RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN),' A (AGRICULTURE) AND A-20A (AGRICULTURE-20 ACRE MINIMUM SITE AREA), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE, AND ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 147.18 ACRES OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE COUNTY OF KERN LOCATED NORTH OF HOSKING AVENUE TO BERKSHIRE ROAD AND WEST OF FREEWAY 99 KNOWN AS WIBLE NO. 10 ANNEXATION. At the January 24, 1991 public hearing, two residents requested the -zoning upon'annexation of their property located.at the northeast cor- ner of Wible Road and Hosking Avenue to R-S (Residential Suburban). Staff re-advertised the item for this meeting. Public hearing was opened. There being no one present wishing to speak either in favor or Opposition, public hearing was closed. Minutes, P1/C, 3/7/91 Page 9 12.~ WIBLE~NO. 10 ZONING 'UPON ANNEXATION AND ANNEXATION (continued) Motion was made by .Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making findings presented in the staff'report, approving the Negative Declaration and re~ommendedosame to the City Council. Motion was sec- onded by'CommisSioner Frapwell, and carried bY the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt resolution making findings, presented in the staff report, approving Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5097 consisting of a change of zone from County zoning A (Exclusive Agriculture) and A-1 (Limited Agriculture), to the City des- ignation of R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), R-S (Residential Suburban), A (Agriculture) and A-20A (Agriculture 20-acres Minimum), or more restrictive zones and amending Zone Map No. 123-25 with the mitigation measures listed in Exhibit A and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb,.Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt a'resolution with find- ings presented in the staff report, approving the proposed Wible No. I0 Annexation and recommend same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frapwell, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Cohn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES_: None ABSENT: Commissioner Anthony Minutes, Pt/C,-3/7/91 Page 10 13.-GENERAL ~PLAN'CONSISTENCY TO FIND PROPOSED SUMMARY VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR' CUL-DE-SAC ON THE WEST SIDE OF SOUTH-"H" STREET NORTH OF'WHITE LANE ~Mr. Jeremy Anderson requested the summary vacation of unused right-of- way for a ~ul-de-sac~on his land located on the west side of South "H" Street approkimately 1100 feet north of White Lane. 'Motion was made. by Commissioner Cohn pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 to find the vacation of the right-of-way for a cul-de-sac on the west side of South "H" Street north of White Lane consistent . With the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan and report the same to the city Council with recommendation that said 'rightLof~way be vacated by summary_procedure. Motion was seconded by Commissioner 'Marino,_~a~d carried. 14.~ VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Kloepper brought to Commission's attention the draft study of the equestrian trails standards-as requested by the Bike/Pedestrian ~Ways ~and Trails Committee. Commissioner Marino requested a committee meeting of the trails committee.~ .commissi~ner~Coh~ asked about the status of bike paths. Commi~si6ner Ma~ino informed Commission that information is being gath- ered from various cities. Commissioner Cohn requested that a representative from the Kern Whee~man present .at the committee meeting. ~15'~. COMMISSION 'COMMENTS Chairperson Rosenlieb thanked jennie Eng for all her help in presenting 'the~staff reports to Commission. ~ Mr. 'Hardisty introduced Mike Lee as the next planner to take Ms. Eng's place. Chair~person Rosenlieb commented that she would like to put 3 minute time limits~on speakers when there is a lot of opposition. Discussion on worlshops and what time they should be held. 'Disc~si~on on street light-s in the Gosford Street area as well as other areas in the city. C'ommissi0ner Marino reported tO Commission on the outcome of the Planning Commission~comm!ttee meeting with the Council committee regard-ing the~Planning Commission alternate and freeway funding. Minutes, Pt/.C, ~/7/~1' _ Page.ll 16, ADJOURNMENT There'being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.