HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/90MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING .COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, November 15, 1990, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. '1. -ROLL-CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson STEVE ANDERSON TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL, Alternate Absent: OSCAR ANTHONY ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: LAURA MARINO, Deputy City Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director JENNIE ENG, Park Planner ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording Secretary 2. Mr. Mike Keete, 4207 Renee Avenue spoke in favor of equestrian trails. 3. WALL 'AND LANDSCAPING CONCEPT REVIEW/MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN & POLO GROUNDS MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN Proposed project is on approximately 1,556.5 acres east of Jewetta Avenue, south of Snow Road, west of Calloway Drive and north of Hageman Road and most of the southern half of Section 13, Township 29 South~ Range 26 East. This matter was continued from the meeting of November 1st to address concerns by staff and review a new plan proposal by the applicant. Commissioner Marino disqualified himself. His employer owns property that would be affected by it. The trails committee met to review the applicant's, proposal. The com- mittee considered the revised plan and recommended approval of the con- cept wall landscaping and a single equestrian trail through the proposed development. Mr.'Bob Smith'with Sequoia Engineering was present and amenable to con- ditions-listed in the staff report. Commissioner Cohn asked Mr. Smith what he intended to put in the place of'the pOlo.field and stadium. Minutes,~P1/c, 11/15/90 Page 2 3. WALL'AND-LANDSCAPING CONCEPT REVIEW/MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN & POLO GROUNDS MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN (continued) bMr. Smith-indicated that residential is being proposed ~but the eques- ..trian t~ails have evolved from a 14-1/2 mile initial concept to the ~concept now before the Commission. Chairperson Rosenlieb commented that she felt greatly misled by the initial-general plan-amendment. It was her understanding that it would - be a-unique type setting that it would clearly have an equestrian focus, and it now appears that the applicant used that to sell his project, and now that you ~have it, you have essentially taken away all of'the pr~mises of an equestrian nature with one exception and that is the trail will start at the neighbors who are concerned and end on Snow Road. She further stated that this was absurd, that the Commission would even think about doing something like this, and would not support the recommendjtion. CommisSioner-Powers, Chairman of the Bike/Pedestrian Way and Trails committee stated 'that Chairperson Rosenlieb asked the-committee to look at the feasibility of the trail system meshing with R-1 uses and R-1 'homeowner's paying for the maintenance of the equestrian trail. Commissioner Powers felt that the reduction of the trails was justified since the R-1 homeowner's would be the ones to bare the cost of the trail. Commissioner 'Anderson was concerned with the privacy issue and said they should-take into consideration the fact that the horses are going to be objectionable. The trails shOuld be widened or. lowered or a com- bination of bo~h to male it more-suitable to the homeowners that aren't invOlVed ~itb horses or look at this as a standard residential development, eliminate the trail and 'come back in with a full plan that lays all the cards on the table. Commissioner Bjorn commented that at the committee level she was pleased with the revised plan for the equestrian trail being sensitive to the cost. to the homeowners within the subdivision. However, she was not aware of~-the proposal to eliminate the equestrian stadium and polo grounds. She further _commented that if this were to be an equestrian oriented development, then she would have been Happy with the revised plan. Commissioner Bjorn commented that she was not necessarily unh.appy with the trail plan but indicated she would feel much more com- -fortable reacting to it'. in the context of what the actu'al development is going to ~be that the Commission is looking at. Mrs. Smith indicated they were submitting plans for ~the general plan cycle of March.- Mr. Hard, sty asked'Commission to 'consider the option of a noticed pub- lic_ bearing so that-if trails were going to be considered less than they and the public expected then it would be done in a noticed public. hearing. Minutes~ P1/c,~'i!jl'5f90 Page 3 3. WALL AND LANDSCAPING CONCEPT REVIEW/MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN & POLO GROUNDS MASTER EQUESTRIAN TRAIL ~PLAN (continued) Motion--.was made-by Commissioner Anderson to send this back to committee for revieW of the privacy issue and potential negotiation wit-h the deyeloper~with 'regards to some method for diminishing the presence of horses~on the trail so c~lose to the residential area. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked Commissioner Anderson if he would consider amending his motion that it come back in the form of a.public hearing. Commissioner Anderson amended his .motion to include a noticed public hearing for the December 6th meeting. COMPREHENSIVE SiGN PLAN 12-90 (IMAGE NATIONAL, INC.) Commissioner Powers declared a financial conflict of interest. His _pension profit sharing plan owns a limited partnership in the_property directly'north of subject property. Applicant requested approval of a comprehensive sign plan for the Oaks Shopping Center-located at the~ northeast corner of White Lane and Gosford Road.- This item was continued from the November 1st meeting and sent to the S£gn Committee for further review. Mr. Bill Thurston _represented Pacific Summit Development and. was amen~a- ble to the conditions list~ed in the committee report. Motion was made ~y Commissioner Anderson to approve Comprehensive Sign Planil2v90 with .the findings listed in the committee report, and sub- ject to the c0ndit~ions list-ed i.n the committee report. ~ Motion was sec- onded by C6mmissioner Frapwell, and carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5257 (DEWALT CORPORATION) ~Commissioner Marino disqualified himself due to conflict of interest. He is employed by the applicant. Commissioner Anderson disqualified ~himself due to financial conflict of interest. -Applicant requested a continuance to the first meeting in January, 1991, therefore staff report was waived. Motion was made by Commissioner ~Bjorn to continue the hearing to the first meeting in January, 1991. Motion was seconded by ~ommissioner ~F. rapwell, and ~arried Minutes, P1/C, 11/15/90 Page 4 6. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5363 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Tentative tract is located south of Norris Road, west of Coffee Road and east of the Friant-Kern Canal. The proposed tract contains 18 lots on 557.8 acres, zoned R~i, R-2, C-i, and C-i-CH; proposed to be rezoned R-l, R~2, R-3, C-l, RE and OS. Mr. Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director reviewed the changes in conditions listed in the staff report. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Stephen DeBranch with the DeWalt Corporation represented River Lakes Ranch referred to item 8e, page 4 of the staff report and requested that a consent to common use agreement be allowed for exist- ing easements which are on the property at this time. Mr. Kloepper provided the following language to be.inserted after the word fees, !'this applies to relocated and/or newly constructed pipelines. That a cons,ent to common use agreement will be allowed for existing pipeline easements" Mr. DeBranch asked that Condition 1, Page 6 of the Building Department Conditions, omit the reference to a grading plan as being a requirement prior to filing of the final map. Building Director Bidwell was amenable. Mr. DeBranch asked that condition 1~, Page 6 be omitted since there is no occupancy intended for this project through this mapping process and would come with'further subdivision of the property. Mr. Bidwell was amenable. Mr. DeBranch referred to Public Works Condition 8b, Page 3 referencing Hageman Road being a bikeWay on the 2010 General Plan and having a flow line to flow line with 96 feet requesting that the 96 foot dimension be reduced ~to 93 feet and allowing for the bike lane to only be on the north side of the street which-would be consistent with the intent as worded in the general plan amendment that was done earlier in the year as referenced i~n Resolution 80-90. Mr. Kloepper replied that it did not seem appropriate to have a bike path going one direction. Mr. David Milazzo gave a brief history of the original Rancho Laborde Plan and how it-did not require the bike lane on both sides. Mr. Milazzo referred to Planning Department Condition 8 and indicated that the conceptual wall and landscaping plan has been accomplished and asked that the condition be omitted. Minutes, P1/C, 11/15/90 Page 5 6.PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5363 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (continued) Mr. Hardisty replied that it hasn't been incorporated into the specific plan by plan amendment. The wall and landscape plan was approved by the Planning Commission but it has not been adopted as a part of the specific plan, and that condition should remain. Mr.' Mitazzo asked that they be able tO hold the name Riverlakes Drive. He then referred to Planning Department Condition 15 indicating that the archaeological study has been completed and has been submitted to the city for acceptance, and asked that the condition be deleted. Mr. Hardisty was ame'nable to the deletion. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make the findings set forth in the staff report and to approve .proposed Tentative Tract 5363 subject 'to the'conditions out- lined in Exhibit "A" of the staff report with the. following changes; Public Works Conditions dated November 15 shall replace Public Works Conditions dated November 9th with the following additional change to those conditions; Condition 8(e), add two new sentences after the first sentence reading as follows, "this applies to relocated and or newly constructed pipelines." A consent to common use agreement will be allowed for existing pipeline easements; Building Department~Condition 1 reference to the grading plan shall be deleted; Building Department Condition 3 shall be deleted; Planning Department Condition 15 shall be deleted. Motion was-seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5372 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC.) Tentative tract is located on the west side of Calloway Drive, south of Reina Road and contains 127 lots on 90.58 acres, zoned R-1. Mr. Hardisty stated that this property would be affected by the requirement that the wall and landscape plan and trails plan be approved prior to its approval and the Commission should consider if that is a significant problem. Chairperson Rosenlieb made reference to the amendment to the staff report from the Fire Department requesting that the verbiage, "no con- struction shall be allowed within 250 feet of this line until studies are completed regarding the safety of the pipelines be changed to 50 feet." Mr. Hardis-ty indicated there would be a mandatory setback of 50 feet from. the pipeline. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if it Would be possible for the Commission to'make that change since that was a general plan amendment condition. Minutes,. P1/C, 11/15/90 Page 6 '6.PUBLIC HEARING TENTATIVE-TRACT 5372 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC.) Mr. Hardisty r~plied that it could not be changed. Public hearing .was opened. Mr. Alvin Sandrini, Superintendent of Norris Elementary School District represen'ted himself as well as Mr. Gary Mullhofer, Superintendent of the Rosedale School District stating their concerns about the design of this tract as well as the kracts to the north and south where lots are split by the boundary line of the Rosedale and Norris School Districts, and asked for a continuance until the developer has an 0pp- ortunity~ to-meet with representatives of Norris and Rosedale School Districts .to' see if either the streets or adjac~ent property lines could be rearranged. Mr. Sandrini asked if this is be approved that the developer be required to cover all cost incurred by the Norris and Rosedale District to try and change their boundaries to correspond wi.th the existing streets. -Mr. Bob Smith with~.Sequoia Engineering addressed the pipeline issue indica-ting that the general plan condition was changed for notification only for 250 feet, there was no requirement for a study. Mr. Smith brought the school issue up and indicated the boundary lines were b%ought up during the general plan and EIR process. The EIR requested that the.school districts look at changing their boundaries to get them on mid-section lines so that these type of problems would not arise. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if any precedents have ever been set with regard-to school boundaries. Mr. Hardist~ replied that the Panama/Buena Vista School District at one time had a 'problem but they merged their 'school districts. -Mr. Smith was amenable~to-the conditions listed in the staff report. There being ho. others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if it were possible for Commission to approve this map based not only on the lack of equestrian trail but the lack of approved'landscape plans. Mr. ~HardistY referred to the condition concerning the master equestrian trail a requirement that it be submitted within 90 days to the City Council from their approval of the general plan. He quoted "it shall be submitted to the Planning Commiss~on for approval". It has been submitted, however whether or not to proceed would be up to Commission. Chairperson Rosenlieb indicated she would like to see this matter con- tinued based .on tack of an approved wall and landscape plan.and eques- t~rian trails'plan. iMinutes, .Pi~/C,~ 11/I57.90-__ ~ o Page .7 PUBLIC HEARING ~ TENTATIVE TRACT 5372 (SEQUOIA ENGINEERING, INC.) (continued) Mr.. Hard!sty iniormed Commission of the deadline for action on this matter is December 5th, itherefore either denial or approval of this tract must be made. .Motion-was made by Commissioner Powers to approve and adopt the nega- ti-ve declaration to make all findings set forth in the staff report and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5372 subject to the~conditions out- lined in Exhibit "A" of the staff report with.the following changes; Staff ~eport page 3, finding 12 to be deleted'; ~taff report Fire Safety Control, item la as amended in the November 13th memo; Exhibit "A" page 10 of 11, iltem 7 add, "if the trails on'Subdivision Map are not necessary, theyfwill be absorb by adjacent lots; item 15 page 10 of 11 to-be~deleted; page 11 of 11, item 17 to be deleted. Commissioner. Powers amended his motion to indlude the memorandum of November 13th that no dwelling unit to be built 'within 50 feet of sub- ject pipeline to allow.'for swimming pools. Amended motion was seconded by Commissioner Bjorn, and carried. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIV TRACT 5419 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Tentative tract is located on the southeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and the Reina Road alignment. Proposed tract is to be a phased devel- pped containingi'90 residential lots on' 39.01 acres. Zoning is R-1 and Mr. Hardisty'informed Commission that the state law provides that up unlil January 1, 199'1, that Commission must deny the map unless the Council has granted tentative approval of cancellation of the agricultural contract which will be considered at its December 19th meeting. Chairperson-Rosenlieb asked-if this matter could be continued to the D~cember 20th meeting. Mr. Hardisty. replied that staff is recommending that on the basis of the situation as it~ is today, the Commission is bound to deny the map because it_is subject to the Williamson Act, and staff also recommends that the Commission find that it is not consistent with the General Plan. ~ Public hearing was opened. Mr] Denni~s DeWalt with DeWalt Corporation repre'sented applicant agreed to a continuance to the December 20th meeting. Publi-c-bearing was closed. 'Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to continue that matter to the -December 20th mee'ting. Motion.was seconded by Commissioner Bjorn, and carried.' Minutes, P1/C, 11/1'5/90 8. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5436 (DEWALT .CORPORATION) Page'8 Commissioner Anderson disqualified himself due to a financial conflict of interest. In that Commissioner Anderson disqualified himself and Commissioner .Bjorn stepped out thus leaving lack of a quorum, a five-minute recess was taken. Tentative.tract .is located west of Coffee Road approximately 1/4 mile south of the extension of Olive Drive and contains 132 lots on 61.3 acres, zoned R-1 and R-2 to be rezoned R-1. IPublic hearing was opened. Mr. Steve DeBranch with DeWalt-Corporation represented Riverlakes Ranch Ltd. Mr. DeBranch referred to Exhibit A of the staff report, page 3, Condition VIII, items C and D and asked they be deleted. Mr. Kloepper was amenable since those conditi-ons do not apply to this tract Mr. DeBranch asked that under Condition 8 of page 3, item E3, minimum 4.5' wide sidewalks on other streets, the following be added, "excepting that ~the north side of Northshore Drive may be deferred until development of adjacent property. Mr. Kloepper was amenable. Mr. DeBranch referred to Planning Department Condition and asked that ConditiOn 21 be deleted, it has been taken care of. Mr. Hardisty was .amenable. Mr. DeBranch asked about additional amendments to conditions. Mr. Hardisty apprised Commission of the Planning Department memo that would require the maintenance of landscaping for six months rather than the 90 days as shown in Planning Department Condition 17. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked about the pedestrian access point between two lots. Minutes, P1/C, 11/15/90 Page'9 8.PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5436 (DEWALT CORPORATION) (continued) Mr. Milazzo reviewed the plan for Commission. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked if the access would be paved, an'd would the sides of the access be front yards on each side and then two backyard wooden fences. Mr. Milazzo replied that it would consist of private fencing at the edge of property for the two adjoining homesites, landscape condition rwith a walkable handicap accessible hard surface trail from the street right-of-way to the beach club property. Chairperson Rosenlieb commented that pedestrian accesses should be looked at a little more finely than on this project. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn to approve and adopt the negative declaration and to make findings set forth in the staff report and to approve proposed Tentative Tract 5436 subject to the conditions out- lined in Exhibit A ofr the staff report with the following changes; Public Works Conditions dated November 15th will replace Public Works Conditions dated November 9th with the following further revisions: Public Works Condition 8c and 8d will be deleted, Public Works Condition 8e3, add the following language onto the end of the condition; except the North side of Northshore Drive may be deferred until development of adjacent property; Public Works Condition 8f, the following.two sentences shall be added after the first sentence, this applies to relocated and/or newly constructed pipelines. A consent common use agreement will be~allowed for existing pipeline easements; Planning Department Condition 17, the three places where 90 days appears will be changed to six months and Planning Department Condition 21 shall be deleted. Motion was seconded by Commission Powers, and carried. 9. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5445 (DEWALT CORPORATION) Staff report was waived. Applicant requested a continuance until the December 6th meeting. Public hearing was opened. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Frapwell~. and carried. Minutes, PI/C; 11/15/90. Page 10 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS - INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION FROM COUNTY A-1 (LIMITED AGRICULTURE) TO CITY'R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING. 10,000 SQUARE FEET MINIMUM SITE AREA) LOCATED SOUTH OF WESTLAKE'.DRIVE EAST OF OAKHAVEN STREET, KNOWN AS THE OAKHAVEN NO. 1 ANNEXATION. (FILE' 5078). Ms~ ~Jenny Guinn spoke in favor of the annexation and presented a peti- tion-strongly, opposing anything less than 10,000 square foot lots. Mr. Charles Heinsley represented-the owner of this project. The~e .being no others.wishing to speak~ public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson referred to the letter from Glen Fenenga, staff archaeologist from California State University Bakersfield recommending that an archaeological survey be conducted for this project-~ Mr.~ Hardisty suggested that the archaeological survey be included at this point. Commissioner Anderson commented he did not think that the condition should be imposed on the land owners. Motion.was made by .Commissioners Powers to adop~ Resolution making findings approving the Negative Declaration and recommended same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Marino, and carried by the following ~roll call vote: AY-ES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn. Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Anthony, Cohn Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt Resolution making findings, approving Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5078 consisting of a change of zone from the County A-1 (Limited Agriculture) to the city zone R-l-10,000 (One Family Dwelling-lO,O00 square feet minimum site area) zone and recommended same to the City Council. Motion was sec-. onded by Commissioner Marino. and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino~ Anderson, Bjorn, Powers. Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Anthony, Cohn --Minutes, P1/-C~ 1t/15/90 lr0 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS'-- INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION FROM COUNTY A-1 (LIMITED AGRICULTURE) TO CITY'R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING I0,000 SQUARE FEET MINIMUM SITE AREA) LOCATED SOUTH OF WESTLAKE DRIVE_EAST OF OAKHAVEN STREET, KNOWN AS THE OAKHAVEN NO. 1 ~ANNEXATION.-(FILE 5078) (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Powers to adopt a Resol=ution with required findings approving the proposed Oakhaven No. 1 annexation and -recommended same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commi'ssioners Marino, and carried by. the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwel~l NOES: i None ABSENT:_ Commissioners Anthony, Cohn li. PUBLIC HEARINGS .- INITIATED ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ZONE UPON ANNEXATION FROM COUNTY A (EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURE), E(~) RS (ESTATE - ~ ACRE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) AND E(5)RS (ESTATE - 5 ACRE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) ~TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING), FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE ARVIN-EDISON CANAL AND EAST OF STINE ROAD, KNOWN AS THE STINE NO. 7 ANNEXATION. (FILE 5079) Staff report was given. Public hearing was opened. There being no 6ne present wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Discussion ensued as to the proposed freeway acquisition. Motion was made by commissioner Marino to adopt Resolution making find- ings appro~ing~the Negative Declaration and recommended same to the City Councll~ Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the followinglroll call vote: AYES: NOES: ~ABSENT: Commissioners Marino~ Anderson, Bjorn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell None Commissioners Anthony~ Cohn Minutes,~PI/C, 11/15/90 Page 12 il.PUBLIC HEARINGS - INITIATED~ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO. ZONE UPON ANNEXATION FROM COUNTY A (EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURE), E(~)RS (ESTATE ~ ¼ ACRE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) AND E(5)RS'(ESTATE - 5 ACRE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) TO R-1 .(ONE FAMILY DWELLING), FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE ARVIN-EDISON CANAL ~AND EAST OF STINE ROAD, KNOWN AS THE STINE NO. 7 ANNEXATION. (FILE 5079) (continued) Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt Resolution making findings, approving Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5079 consisting of a change of zone from the. County designation of A (Exclusive Agriculture), E(5)RS (EState-5 acre Residential Suburban) and E(~)RS (Estate - ~ acre Residential Suburban) to the City designation of R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and recommended same to the Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Anthony, Cohn Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to adopt a Resolution with required findings approving the proposed Stine No. 7 Annexation and recommended same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioners Powers, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Marino, Anderson, Bjorn, Powers, Rosenlieb, Frapwell None ABSENT: Commissioners Anthony, Cohn 12. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Hardisty brought to Commission's attention the holiday schedule and suggested that the January 3, 1991 meeting be canceled or offset by one week. The Commission agreed .to hold the meeting in January on the second and fourth Thursday in'January. Commission agreed to cancel the meeting on July 4th and if needed schedule a special meeting. 13. VERBAL COMMUNICATION LandscaPe median standard - refer to staff for processing. Mr. Hardisty commented that the standard is somewhat sketchy and needs to be refined and'put together as an actual standard and then brought to the Planning Commission ~or approval. ' Minutes, P1/C, 11/15/90 Page 13 14. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Powers indicated that in trying to find out whether he had a conflict of interest on a project, he was unsuccessful in trying to reach the attorney's office. Commissioner Anderson requested that the Sign Committee meet for the purpose of looking at the existing ordinance to see of changes may be ~due. Chairperson Rosenlieb indicated that she attended an air quality meet- ing and the latest proposal is for the fees on single family to be $1,750 per unit in urban areas. Chairperson Rosenlieb commented that the Trails Committee might con- sider gathering information on how pedestrian ways between single fam- ily lots might be handled. Mr. Kloepper_reported back to Commission on a matter located at Brimhall and ~offee Road indicating that the construction staff double checked the drive approach and it is one-foot further north than it has to .be. 15. ADJOURNMENT ~There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Isabe Williams ning Director//