HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/90MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, August 2, 1990,- 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. 1.- ROLL'CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: KATE ROSENLIEB, Chairperson *JIM MARINO, Vice Chairperson. STEVE ANDERSON *OSCAR ANTHONY TERI BJORN DAVID COHN DARREN POWERS C. ROBERT FRAPWELL, Alternate ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: LAURA MARINO, Deputy City Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works 'Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STAFF: Present: JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director JENNIE ENG, Park Planner ISABEL WILLIAMS, Recording Secretary Chairperson Rosenlieb referred to a staff memorandum requesting that Agenda Items #7 and 8 be removed from the agenda, and the applicant has -requested-that Item 4 (Wal-Mart Comprehensive Sign Plan) be continued to the-August 16th meeting to be heard at the same time as Items 7 and 8. Commissioner Bjorn suggested that prior to the August l~th meeting, staff put together a meeting~w.ith the appropriate committee that would include representatives of Diversified Shopping Centers as well as the -roadway association. 3. APPROVAL OF MI~NUTE'S OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 21, 1990 Alternate Commissioner Frapwell referred to Page 5, Item 9.3 second paragraph .indicating that Oceanic California, Inc..should be changed to Oceanic Communities, InC. Motion was made by Commissioner Anderson to approve the Minutes of-June 2!, 1990 as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bjorn, and carried: Commissioner ·Powers suggested that the appropriate committee to meet with the Diversified people would be the Bike/Pedestrian Ways and Trails committee. Commission was in agreement. Minutes, P1/C, 8/2/90 5. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 10-90 (DIVERSIFIED SHOPPING CENTERS) Page 2 Applicant requested this matter be continued to the August 1~, 1990 meeting. Motion was made by-Commissioner Powers to continue this-matter to the August 16th meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bjorn, and carried. 6. PUBLIC HEARING - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 9-90 (SIGN DESIGNS, INC.) Applicant requested this matter be continued to the August 16, 1990 meeting. Public hearing-was opened. Motion was. made by Commissioner Bjorn to continue this hearing to the August 16, 1~990 meeting. Motion was seconded by Alternat'e Commissioner Frapwell, and carried. 7~ PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9069 (MARTIN-McINTOSH) Commissioner Anderson abstained due to financial conflict of interest. Tentative parcel map is located north of White Lane between Buena Vista Road and-Old River Road, and contains one parcel lon 191.28 acres, zoned R-l, R-2, R-3 and C-2.. The one parcel would constitute a proposed golf course development - Public hearing' was opened. Mr. Roger Mcintosh with Martin-McIntosh represented Oceanic Communities addressed Public Works Condition 4, street lights asking that the con- dition be deleted.-as the General Plan Amendment 2-90, Segment IV spe- ~cifi~ally addresses, street lights construction along.Old River Road to be included With any first development or subdivision Section'7 exclud- ing the golf course within 1,500 feet. Mr Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director replied that Mr. McIntosh was correct that it need not appear as a condition of this parCel map. There being no others wishing to speak, public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Marino to make all findings, set forth in the staff report and to approve proposed Revised Tentative Parcel Map 9069 subject to.the conditions outlined in Exhibit A of the staff report with the deletion 'of Public Works Condition 4 and that the des- ignated-remainder parcel be a contiguous parcel. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and carried. MinuteS, PtlC, 8/2/90 Page 3 8. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (Section 65402 of ~he Government Code). TO FIND THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF 0.18 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 13TH AND EYE STREETS CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD 2010 GENERAL PLAN The City of Bakersfield is proposing to acquire the property for the.~ purposes of a parking lot. Moti.on was made by Commissioner Anderson to make fi.nding pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 that the proposed acquisition of real property located at the southwest corner of 13th and Eye Streets is consistent with the general plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cohn, and carried. 9. COMMISSION COMMENTS Chairperson Rosenlieb made a request to have agenda's Prepared prior to committee_meetings so that the Commission as a whole could be aware of what each committee is meeting on. Chairperson Rosen'lieb asked Deputy City Attorney Marino.if there was a change with regards to dealing with the Brown Act. Attorney Marino advised that communications between.individual commis- sioners_and applicants or other, interested parties concerning subjects to be a~ted upon by the Commission is not prohibited by the Brown Act, provided such communica%ions are not shared, directly between commis- sioners and-the commissioners are not "polled" as to their positions on matters to be voted upon by them. With regard to public-hearings, full disclosure-.at the hearings should be made. Chairperson Rosenlieb asked Planning Director Hardisty if staff has come up with any definite language regarding wall signage and if staff is any closer to a resolve on the undergrounding of high power lines. Mr. Grady replied there is there is a draft ordinance on the amendment language to the sign ordinance relating to signs on the walls. Commissioner Marino asked that a general plan committee meeting be set either toward the end of next week or the week after for the purpose of discussing freeway right-of-way acquisition. 10. ADJQURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Isabel Williams, Recording Secretary