HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/92MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, April 16, 1992, 5:3Op.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue,~ Bakersfield, California. 1: ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: JIM MARINO, Chairperson TERI BJORN DAVID COHN STEVE MESSNER 'DARREN poWERs KATE ROSENLIEB C. ROBERT FRAPWELL, Alternate Absent: STEVE ANDERSON, Vice Chairperson ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: STAFF: Present: PUBLIC STATEMENTS ROBERT SHERFY, Assistant City Attorney FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public Works Director CALVIN BIDWELL, Building Director STANLEY GRADY, Assistant Planning Director JIM MOVIUS, Principal Planner MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner' JIM EGGERT, Principal Planner MIKE LEE, Associate Planner LAURIE DAVIS, Recording Secretary No one made any public statements at this time. Chairman read the notice of right .to appeal as set forth on the agenda. Minutesl PC, 4/16/92' 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES' Page 2 Chairman Marino made a correction to the March 19, 1992 minutes, agenda item # 10, page 17, Jerry Dickey of Alta Engineering should be George Dickey. Motion was made by-Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Bj0rn, with the aforementioned change and the changes made by Mr. Kloepper to Page 9 of March 3, 1992 minutes, 4th paragraph to add "Commissioner Rosenlieb to the beginning of the paragraph, taking the word "She" out and Page 10, last paragraph, last Sentence to read "given in the agreement between 'the City and the property owner." Motion carried. 4. AMENDMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION BY-LAWS - CONDUCT OF MEETINGS CommissiOner Frapwell said regarding Item E it was recommended that the wording be revised so that the chairperson shall close the public hearing after which they shall read the staff recOmmendation, then open discussion may begin. This was in-lieu as reading staff recommendation as the proposed motion. Chairman Marino felt regarding Item D the Commission should refrain from asking the public questions during the'public hearing, however he would not object to the Commission asking staff clarification questions during the public hearing. Regarding Item F he was in favor of continuing to handle the motions as they are currently being handled with one motion on .the floor at a time. Regarding-Item A Commissioner Rosenlieb felt the automatic withdrawal of an application when an applicant is not present seemed to be stringent. Mr. Sherfy said the word "shall" could be changed to "may", leaving it at the discretion of the Commission. Commissioner-Powers said he could support Item D being left as it is written. Regarding Item F he said he.was in favor of the alternate as submitted by Chairman Marino. Commissioner Messner said he would be in favor of Item "F" as presented to the commission at this hearing. Regarding Item D he said he would be in favor of it as written~ Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Bjorn to amend the .Planning Commission By-Laws as proposed by staff in Resolution #7-92 with the following changes: Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 Page 3 Item A o Second sentence to read as-follows: "The applicant or appellant must appear, either in person or by representative, at any hearing concerning a general plan amendment, zone Change, or tract map and should the applicant or appellant not so appear, the application or appeal may be deemed.withdrawn at the discretion of the Commission. The remainder of -Item A to ~remain-the same. Item E To read as-follows: "The Chairperson shall close the public hearing. Following the close of the public hearing the chairperson shall read the staff recommendation after which open discussion among the Commission may begin. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Cohn, Frapwell, Messner, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioners Powers, Marino ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson wALL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS - SEVEN OAKS DEVELOPMENT (SECTIONS 6 AND 7), GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN STOCKDAI.E HIGHWAY AND WHITE LANE, WEST OF OLD RIVER ROAD TO BUENA VISTA ROAD. Staff report was given. Michael Dhanens represented the applicant. Regarding Condition #5 he-stated they would like to add verbiage, so that the condition would read as follows: "A -minimum 12 inch wide concrete mow strip shall be incorporated at the base of the raised planters or an alternate' building material approved by the Planning Director shall replace the stucco area at the bottom of the 3-foot high planter -wall." Mr. Grady was agreeable to this change. Regarding Page 2 of 2, Chairman Marino Stated a recommended change by the Parks Department in condition #3 that the word "turf' in the second line be changed to "area". Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 Page 4 Commissioner Rosefilieb clarified for the record the original Wall 'and landscape plan' was approved November 16, 1989. Responding to a question, Mr. Sherfy said the.city is protected from having to maintain monument signage by condition #4, Page 2 of 2._ R~garding the master sign plan; Mr. Dhanens said the community identification- signage will be at the southwest intersection and one at the southeast corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista. Discussion continued regarding signage. Commissioner Cohn felt there'was excessive signage saying he did not see the need for this much. Commissioner Rosenlieb felt there is nothing typical about this project and the Commission hasbeen willing to allow diversity. - Chairman Marino agreed with the comment regarding a large amount of signage existing in the area, however there is a large amount of land stating he would support the applicant and staff's recommendation with minor changes. After .discussion regarding wall and landscape ordinance, Commissioner Bjorn said she Would 'like to see possible inclusion of language 'for wall signs in the resolution for wall' and landscaping pursued by the applicable committee, Commissioner Frapwell said he wOuld support staff's recommendation saying he felt this is a minor view of the overall picture. He was concerned about the 'height of some of the corner signs. Commissioner Powers cited other developments with the same type of signage. He agreed with COmmissioner Rosenlieb'scomments, saying he would support the recommendation. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn, seconded by Commissioner Powers to approve' the revised wall and signage monumentation concept plans for the Seven Oaks Development (Sections 6 and 7) subject to the conditions in Exhibit "A" revised as follows: Page 1 of 2, condition #5 to read as follows: A minimum 12-inch wide concrete mow strip shall be incorporated at the :base of the raised planters or alternative building materials approved by Zthe Planning Director shall replace the stucco area at the bottom of the 3- foot high planterwall. Page 2 of 2, condition #3': The word "turf' in the second line shall be changed to "area". Motion carried. Minutes, PC, '4/16/92 ~ Page5 6. ! PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9723 Staff report was 'given. Commissioner Powers abstained due to a conflict of interest in that his employer owns the property. Staff report was waived. Letter from the applicant' was received requesting continuance to the regular meeting of May 7, 1992. Public portion remained open; no one spoke on this item. Motion was made bY Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Frapweli to continue this-item to the next regular meeting of May 7, 1992. Motion carried. Commissioners Powers was absent.- 6.2 PUBLIC'HEARING - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 9757 Staff report was given. Public Portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in oPpositiOn. 'Roger McIntosh was present representing, the'owner of the property. Regarding Public Works Condition #13 he said this is an industrial area, in which it is generally not known what types of construction'will take place, therefore the grading plans are uSUally done at time of application' of building permit~ He requested-the following wording' be deleted: "obtain grading plan approval and also". Mr. Kloepper Concurred with this change. Also under Building Department Condition #1 he requested the following wording be deleted: "and Grading Plan" Mr. Bidwell stated he had no objection to this. Mr. McIntosh said he did not see the reqUirement for regional transportation impact fees and requested this be added. Mr. Kloepper said this was an oversight. Public Portion .of the hearing was closed. ~ Chairman Marino read staff's recommendation from the staff report. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 7.1 7.2 Page 6 Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Fiapwell to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in the staff, report, and to approve Proposed Tentative Parcel Map 9757 subject to the conditions outlined in the Exhibit "A" attached to the staff report, with the following-amendments: Item. #13, Public Works Conditions: Strike the following wording: "obtain grading plan approval and also" Page 2 of 4,' Building Department conditions, item #1: Strike the words "and grading plan" The addition of-a Public Works Condition #20 as follows: The applicant shall either perform a regional traffic impact study or be subject to the previously approved traffic impact fees. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACT 5544 -A request was received from the applicant to continue this item. Public portion of the hearing remained open. Motion was made by Commissioner Bjorn, seconded by Commissioner Powers to continue this item to. the next regular meeting of May 7, 1992. Motion carried._ PUBLIC HEARING -. TENTATIVE TRACT 5276 A letter was received from the applicant requesting'a continuance to the regular meeti~/gof May 7, 1992 in order to hold a committee meeting and meet with SoUthern California Edison. Staff report was waived. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke on this item. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Frapwell to continue this item to the next regular meeting of May 7, 1992. Motion carried. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 :'Page PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGE #5259 -- TIME SET FOR' PUBLIC' HEARING ON AN APPLICATION BY MARTIN-MCINTOSH TO AMEND THE ZONING BOUNDARIES FROM A-20-A (AGRICULTURE-20 ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) TO AN R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE FOR 46 +/- ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD, EAST OF JEWETTA AVENUE, WEST OF CALL0WAY DRIVE, NORTH OF THE CROSS VALLEY CANAL. Public portion remained' open. Staff .report was waived. A request had been received from the applicant to continue this item'to the regular meeting of May 7, 1992. Motion was made by Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Frapwell to continue this ·item to the next regular meeting of May-7, 1992. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING #5300 -- TIME SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON AN APPLICATION BY TELSTAR ENGINEERING TO PREZONE TO R-1 18,000 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING-MINIMUM LOT SIZE 18,000 SQUARE FEET), OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE OF SAID PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF JEWETTA AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET NORTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD KNOWN AS THE BRIMHALL NO. 3 ANNEXATION. A request was received for continuance on this item. Staff report was waived. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke on this item. In response to a question by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr. Gauthier stated the reason for the request for continuance was due to the fact the school district requested either denial of the project or that an EIR be prepared, stating they Offered evidence for these suggestions. Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Bjorn to continue this item to the regular meeting of May 21, 1992. Motion carried. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 9.2 PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING #5301 -- TIME SET FOR PUBLIC Page 8 HEARING ON AN APPLICATION BY TELSTAR ENGINEERING TO PREZONE TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE SAID-PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF HOSKING AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 1,300 FEET WEST OF UNION AVENUE KNOWN AS THE HOSKING NO. 4 ANNEXATION. Staff report was given. -Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition~ .- _. Doug Mathews represented the applicant. Responding to a question by Chairman Marino. he stated he had read and agrees with the conditions of approval. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Responding to questions by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr. Gauthier clarified the location of the ho/se stables being immediately adjacent to the west. Mr. Grady said the property was looked at as it exists in the general plan and the long-term intent for the area, staff then proposed what was felt as an appropriate zone. The 'impacts from residential property being adjacent to a stable can be handled through the develoPment standards for the zoning. Motion-was made by Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner M~ssner to adopt resolution making findings presented in the staff report, approving the Negative Declaration and approving Prezoning #5301 to the City designation of R-1 (One Family Dwelling) with conditions in Exhibit "A" attached to the staff report and recommend same to City Council. Commissioner Messner said the general plan shows the entire area as low density residential saying he would agree with staff's recommendation. Motion carried' by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Frapwell, Messner, Powers, Marino NOES: Commissioners Cohn, Rosenlieb ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 t0. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 16 - SUBDIVISIONS Page 9 Responding to a question by Chairman Marino, Mr. Sherfy, City Attorney said he felt there was no Brown Act violation regarding the fact that 4 commissioners served on the subdivision committee on this item, due to the fact that a presentation, was made at a commission meeting providing disclosure to the full commission. Commissioner Bjorn summarized the committee report on this item. Mr~ Grady said-staff attempted to address concerns expressed in allowing flexibility in the process for reductions in width and area. He outlined these proposed changes to the ordinance. Roger Mclntosh represented himself and BIA. He thanked the Commission for addressing concerns from previous hearings. Regarding a question about Item O~2. Mr. Grady said the intent was to provide an additional finding that there was something about the project and surrounding areas to lead the Commission to the conclusion that a reduction would be warranted. It was not meant to suggest that a development had to be part of a planned community: MrS_ Mclntosh recommended the following wording to replace this section: "The subdivision is ' consistent' With the neighborhood and will provide a balanced housing stock within a defined area." Mr. McIntosh stated his other concern being with Item O~6. which he feltwould limit the ability to p~ocess a subdivision which is out of character.' He suggested rewording of the last bullet of this item to 'read: "Home prices at 80 percent of the area median sales price or less for new and resale homes in Metropolitan Bakersfield." He felt the way it is written an 80 percent decrease would have to be justified from the median sales price. He stated he would support the' adoption of the ordinance with these changes: Public portion of the hearing was closed. Chairman read staff's recommendation. Commissioner Powers said regarding Item #2 he felt the section should read as · follows: "The subdivision is planned to provide a balanced housing stock within a defined area." Regarding. a question by Commissioner Powers pertaining to calculation of median sales prices, Mr. Grady said this number was derived from the lOcal Board of Realtors. 'Barbara Don Carlos, Building Industry Association, said they-would like to-see Section-6 deleted in its entirety because median prices are difficult to track. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 Page 10 Commissioner Bjorn was in favor of the change proPosed by Commissioner Powers for Item 0.2. In #3 she asked that it be consistent with #2 to state a defined area. Responding to a question by Commissioner Bjorn, Mr. Grady said the State keeps records on median home prices which could be used, therefore the language.regarding this could be left as is. Commissioner Cohn felt what is being proposed is a community standard and to provisions for additional amenities in deviation from these standards. Commissioner Bjorn responded to a question by Chairman Marino saying she felt the purpose of the 6 findings is to consider all issues which need to be covered in the application, she stated-her disagreement with Commissioner Powers comment that a project will have a difficult time meeting all of these criteria and did not concur that a project_should only have to meet one. Chairman Marino felt this should be a permissive type ordinance. He stated he would like to see some wording so that an applicant would not have to meet all 6 criteria, sta.ting he felt on the other hand even though an applicant may meet all 6 criteria he did not feel the commission is under an obligation to approve a reduction in lot~ize. Commissioner Powers responded to comment by Commissioner Bjorn saying he was comfortable with findings 1 through 5, however with six he felt that the commission is trying to encourage affordable housing, however is asking for an excess of amenities in return, which increases the price of the house. Commissioner Messner recommended the first bullet 'under finding #6 be changed to read: "Recreational open space and/or'facilities unique to the project." Commissioner Rosenlieb felt all possible outcomes had been adequately covered. Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Cohn to make findings set forth in the committee report and approve amendments to Title 16, subject to the changes in the Subdivision Committee Report dated April 15, 1992 and subject to the changes in the attached Table of Text Changes and recommend same to the City Council, with the following changes: Item .0.2. shall read as follows: The subdivision is planned to provide a balanced housing stock, within a defined area. Minutes, PC; 4/16/92 Item 0.3 shall read as follows: Page 11 The subdivision does not result in an unjustified concentration of 'substandard lots within a defined area. Item 0.6. shall read-as .follows: The proposed development offers elements of public benefit that justify the reduction in lot area standards such as, but not limited to: - The last bullet under item #6 shall be changed to read: HOme prices at 80 percent of the area median sales price or less for new and resale homes in metropolitan Bakersfield. Commissioner Frapwell stated he would like to see something which is more black and white and felt additional problems would arise due to this. He felt affordable housing should be a separate issue. Chairman-Marino said there is a variety of different housing tyPes which may be able to' utilize this ordinance. Regarding Item #4 he felt if an applicant has to comply with all 6 findings it takes away the option of making minor adjustments to a subdivision, stating he would not support the motion. Commissioner Bjorn proposed the following changes to language tO be inCorPorated into the motion: First bullet under Item #i5 to read as follows: ReCreational open space and/or facilities unique to the project. Item'#6 to read as follows: -The proposed development offers elements of public benefit that justify, the reduction in lot area standards such as, but not limited to, one or more of the following: Commissioner -Rosenlieb amended her motion to include these changes. Commissioner Powers stated he would support the motion saying as long as flexibility is allowed' under item #6 this ordinance will be something the Commission can Work with. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 11. Page 12 Responding to a question by Commissioner Bjorn, Mr. Grady said lot width modifications Would be subject to review by the Commission at the time .of approval of the map. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Cobh, MeSsner, Powers, Rosenlieb NOES: Commissioners Frapwell, Marino · ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE ADDITION - CHAPTER 15.66 RELATING TO :THE DRILLING FOR AND PRODUCTION OF HYDROCARBON 'SUBSTANCES (PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND RELATED DRILLING/PRODUCTION). This item was continued from the regular meeting of April 2, 1992. Staff indicated at-the pre-meeting their desire to clean up some definitions and t° ' continue this item once. more. Mr. 'Eggert stated a memo had been handed out with a zoning ordinance committee meeting being held to resolve major issues.' During the meeting the committee requested staff meet with oil representatives to clean up some definitions and refine the ordinance. The meeting was held on this date and staff is recommending continuance in order to provide the commission and oil representatives with the time necessary to review the changes. The revisions will be distribUted-to the commission-members early the following week. Public portion of the hearing remained open; no one spoke on this item. Commissioner Messner abstained from voting. Mike-Kushow, Stream Energy, spoke saying he felt this ordinance will be a benefit to the City.- Regarding Buena Vista #5 Annexation he said he presented- information at the LAFCO proceeding regarding the oilfield located within it. He said an exemption was worked out with the city for conditional use. He was told by a rePresentative of LAFCO that it would be inappropriate for them to use the annexation as a vehicle for exemption. He asked that the commission consider .the exemption for the canfield Ranch Oilfield in the proposed oil ordinance. Minutes, PC, .4/16/92 Page 13 Motion was'made by commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner Cohn to continue this item to the'next regular meeting of May7, 1992, sending this issue-~to the Zoning Ordinance C°mmittee to review last minute changes by staff and consider the exemption of the Fruitvale Oilfield. Commissioner Powers asked for information between Stream Energy and LAFCO regarding the exemption. Mr. Grady stated whatever information is available will be provided. Motion carried.' 12. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 17 (LAND USE ZONING ORDINANCE) MODIFYING RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) ZONE. :Staff.rePort was given. Dave Merri~t spoke regarding Section 17.12.060 B.3. of the proposed' ordinance questioning the necessity of the assessor's parcel number, feeling a young person would not have access to this type of information. He felt the address would be just as appropriate. Mr. Grady outlined the necessity of providing the assessor's parcel number being .that the City is currently implementing a geographical information system and would need this information to tie data together. Regarding Section 17.12.060.B.4. he made the same comment as with the asSessor's Parcel number. Regarding Section 17.12.010 C.1 he questioned the possibility of providing contact information for the group leader-and the possibility of the group leader co-signing the application. Regarding Section 17.12.060 C.3. he felt a young person may have to Obtain many signatures and one person could quash the project, asking that more equity be given to this requirement. Joanie Oreolt asked about whether this was noticed in the newspaper, to which Mr. Grady responded i~ was, however there would be no formal notice after adoption. She was concerned that people may not have known abOut this adoption and would not have input into the process. She questioned the need for approval from every neighbor. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Mr. Grady responded to a question by Commissioner Rosenlieb saying the pu~ose of this ordinance is because of previous problems with annexation When animals were involved. Mr. Grady said the permit would be allowed in the R-S zone with a 24,000 square foot minimum. It is a temporary permit which is part of an overall program to provide opportunities that do not exist in the city but are available in the county. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 Page 14 Commissioner Rosenlieb stated her agreement with Section 17.12.010 relating to temporary animal'permits. Mr. Eggert said the opportunity is being taken to clean up verbiage at 'this time, this ordinance is nearly the same as .previouSly. Commissioner Powers stated his support for the ordinance. He questioned point' #2 of the letter submitted by Mr. Merritt regarding the requirement of the legal descriptiOn asking if it is-necessary. Mr. Grady said it is not. Commissioner Powers felt on.number 3 possibly the group leader's name could be made an optional item. Mr. Grady said he did not have a problem with it either being a requirement or optional. Regarding item #3 Mr. Grady responded the intent is that signatures are obtained in agreement with the temporary permit if they are not able to do so they would be required to go before the Board of Zoning Adjustment for a Conditional Use Permit, the commission can make an amendment tO this. CommissiOner Bj0rn asked why pigs were not allowed under Section 1, paragraph 2 under listing of types of animals. Mr. Eggert stated in the City's municipal code a provision existed which was recently deleted in which a hog pen could not be placed iff the city limits. The ordinance now states the only appropriate place for swine is the A zone. The R-S zone has not allowed for pigs and it was not felt it would be appropriate to add this use.. Chairman Marino stated he would be in favor of deleting item #3 regarding signatures of adjacent property owners in order to avoid the problem of one person not signing the application. Regarding a question by Commissioner Marino, Mr. Grady said he would.not object to the wording which was struck out in Item C~2. under Section 17.12.060 being left in. Commissioner Cohn stated he took.exception to the suggestion that written. consent of all abutting property owners be based on a percentage because.he felt the applicant has another avenue, being that of the Board of Zoning Adjustment if they cannot receive signatures. He stated he would not support this if the word all. is taken out of the condition. Mr. Grady responded to a question saying the City.Council would have to make the decision to waive any fees. Mr. Cohn said he would have no objection to passing this onto the Council as a recommendation. He stated he saw 'nothing wrong with allowing swine. Commissioner Frapwell .agreed with Commissioner Cohn's comments. He agreed that all abutting propertY owners signatures should be obtained for consistency purposes stating he would support this. Minutes,' PC, 4/16/92. Page 15 Responding to a question by Commissioner Powers, Mr. Grady said a conditional use permit would be for a temporary period of time just as the ordinance is. Discussion continued regarding the possible inclusiOn of domestic pot-bellied pigs as a permitted'uSe under Section 17.12.010. Motion was made by Commissioner Messner, seconded by Commissioner pOWers to adopt.the findings contained in the staff report and recommend that the City Council amend the zoning ordinance as proposed, with the following changes: Section 17.12.010, Item A.2. add the following: "domestic pot-bellied pigs" after the words "keeping of cattle" Section 17'..12.060, Item B.5.: After "name of organization sponsoring the minor" add the wording "and .may provide the name signature and phone nUmber of the organization's contact person." Witti the added recommendation that BZA fees for any appeal of Item C.3. be waived. Item C.2 that previous wording be .left as it exists. · Discussion continued regarding the inclusion of swine. Commissioner Bjorn felt these types of animals are very important in the 4-H program. Motion was amended by Commissioner Messner to add. Item #6 under Section 17.12.060C. to include one pig or swine to be raised as part of a 4-H or bona fide farm project. Amended motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Cohn, Frapwell, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Marino NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson *A 12-minute break was taken at this time. Minutes,-PC, 4/16/92 Page 16 13. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 17 (LAND USE ZONING ORDINANCE) Staff report was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke on this item. Public portion of.the hearing was closed. Chairman Marino read staff's recommendation. Mr. Grady responded to a question by Commissioner Rosenlieb saying this. ordinance amendment would not provide an opportunity for sore cone who has the Only use on a biock to. obtain a setback of less than 10 feet if their property is undeveloped. Motion. Was made by. Commissioner Powers, seconded by Commissioner Frapwell to adopt the findings contained in the staff report and recommend' that the City Council amend the zoning ordinance as proposed. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: 'Commissioners Bjorn, Cohn, Frapwell, Messner, Powers, Rosenlieb, Marino None ABSENT: Commissioner Anderson 14. COMMUNICATIONS Written Mr. Grady cited :the memorandum from the City Fire Chief concerning growth impacts on the fire department which was provided as an informational 'item. They are investigating ways of handling the impacts development is having on fire services. Commissioner Frapwell cited Riverside County, as an example. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 page 17 B) Verbal Report on progress of Western Rosedale Specific Plan Program Mr. Gauthier gave an update on this item. Mr. Barnhill gave a time frame for completion of the draft text. Commissioner Messner asked about County staff checking into the feasibility of eaCh trail. Mr. Barnhill said-' the county has been going _through the subdivisions in the Rosedale area, looking into the best opportunities for acquiring trails. Commissioner Messner emphasized the need for the City to provide the final links into the Kern River Corridor. Responding to questions by Chairman Marino, Mr. Barnhill said he plans to make a presentation to the Trails Committee at a future meeting. 15. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Powers Stated his appreciation for Commissioner Bjorn, since this was the last hearing she would attend due to the. expiration of her term. Chairman Marino expressed his appreciation for Commissioner Bjorn's service to the City and admffation for the way in which she has served. Commissioner RoSenlieb echoed the comments of the previous commissioners stating Commissioner Bjorn would be missed. Commissioner Messner expressed his appreciation for Commissioner Bjorn saying he felt her addition to the commission has been great. Commissioner Cohn stated he would miss Commissioner Bjorn because of her expertise' to the COmmission and her conscientiousness. He asked that Commissioner Bjorn participate, possibly as a member of the public on the mineral rights portion of the subdivision ordinance. Commissioner Bjorn stated she intended to continue to participate on this issue as a member of the public. She asked that staff include her in the noticing of these committee meetings. She thanked everyone for their-comments saying serving in .this capacity has been a good experience. Minutes, PC, 4/16/92 Page 18 Commissioner' Rosenlieb directed staff to draft a memo containing an idea of who should ~be included on ~the task force for the mineral rights of the oilwell ' ordinance. She asked that a general plan committee be held to try to figure out the Mesa Matin situation. She asked that the committee meet within the next month on this issue. Regarding the mineral rights task force, Commissioner.Bjorn stated she had received a_couple of calls from William Kuhs and Michael Kaia, attorneys inquiring, about this issue. Mr. _Grady thanked Ms.-Bjorn on behalf of staff for her service to the City. Regarding the next General Plan hearing cycle to be heard on June 18th, Mr. Grady said the meeting could be very long. He stated staffs intent to try to schedule items which would normally, be on that agenda for the following meeting of July. 2nd, stating any items to be'continued from previous hearings would have to be continued to meetings in July. 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the CommisSion, meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Laurie Davis Recording Secretary ~AD~cretary Assistant Planning Director