Held Thursday, December 3, 1992, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber,' City Hall, 1501
.Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California.
STEVE MESSNER, Vice Chairperson
· - -Absent:
LAURA MARINO, Assistant City '
FRED KLOEPPER, Assistant Public
Works Director
MIKE QUON, Building Plan Check
Engineer '
JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director
JIM MOVIUS, Principal Planner
MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner
JIM EGGERT, Principal Planner
LAURIE DAVIS, Recording Secretary
No' one made any public statements at this time.
Chairman read the notice of right to appeal as set forth on the agenda.
Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner
Marino to'appf°Ve -the minutes of October 1, 1992. Motion carried.
CommissiOner Frapwell abstained ~since he was not present 'at this meeting:
.Minutes, PC, 12/3/92
Page 2
Staff report was waived due t° the fact the hpplicant has requested a continuance.
Motion was made by-Commissioner MarinO, seconded by Commissioner Messner
to refer this item to-the sign committee.
.Commissioner Messner asked staff for documentation relating to the East Hills
Mall sign plan.
Responding to a question by:Commissioner Messner regarding CommiSsioner
Hersh's aPpointment to committee's, Commissioner Powers stated he would be
taking Commissioner Anderson's place on the committee roster.
MOtion ~arried.
Staff report was given._
Roger McIntosh represented the property owner. He referred to the ordinance
section cited in the staff report, stating their proposal which was pointed out on
the map. He asked that:Condition #7 of Exhibit "A" be changed to read as
foll6ws: "Owner.shall comply'with 17.60.11ON. allowing no more than 5
freestandingsigns for' Tract 5544." With the balance of the conditioning
remaining as-is.
Commissioner:Messner~asked Mr. McIntosh if his-intention is to place 2
additional signs along the Jewetta entrance.
Commissioner Rosenlieb stated she felt 5 signs is exdes~ive. She stated she had
no problem with the corner monumentation sign and ~one sign per entrance
bringing the-total to-3.. Responding to questions by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr.
Hardisty said staff has recommended that neighborhood signage be at the main
entry of a neighborhood ~nd not all entrances. -
Responding to a question :-by Commissioner Rosenlieb regarding the wall and
landscape ordinance, Mr. Movius said it Was decided that a limit of two entry
signs would be placed in the sign ordinance.
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Page 3
Commissioner Rosenlieb stated her concerns With corner monumentati°n that
-other developers have ~been turned down for this request and the lack of
consistency. She also stated' she Would like to see a standard which would
prohibit, styrofoam: signs on the walls. Commissioner Powers stated his agreement
with this comment. Commissioner Rosenlieb felt discussion concerning this could
be continued under` commission Comments.
Commissioner Powers stated he was not opposed to the monumentation sign,
however, possibly-a distance requirement needs to be added.
Discussion ensued regarding distances between signs.
Commissioner:Marino said he had no problem with the amount of signs on this
Project given the amouni of acreage that is involved. He said he agreed that
something more-permanent than styrofoam needs to be used.
Commissioner Messner said he would be inclined to support the applicant's
request. ~ - '~-
Responding to a .qUestion by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr. McIntosh said if the
Commission would .like to limit this so that styrofoam is not allowed he would be
Motion was made by Commissioner Messner, seconded by Commissioner Marino
to approve wall and landscap.e plans for Tentative Tract 5544 subject to the
findings on-Page-'3 of the;staff report dated. December 3, _1992 and conditions on
attached Exhibit "A",-.with the following change:
Condition #7 of the Planning Department to read as follows:
· Owner shall comply with Section 17.60.110 N., allowing no m6re
than five (5) freestanding signs for Tract 5544. (With the remainder
- - of the condition to remain as it exists). And the addition as follows:
"Signage shall not be of styrofoam material."
Motion'carried. COmmis'sioner Rosenlieb vOted no.
.Staff report was given~
Commissioner Marino abstained due to a conflict of interest in that his employer
may own prOperty:within-the area.
Minutes, PC, 12/3/92
Public portion of the hearing _was
Patricia-Harbison-represented the engineer.
grant the extension.
Public portion of the hearing was Closed.
Page 4
opened; no one spoke in opposition.
She asked that the Commission
Motion was made by Commissioner Frapwell, seconded by Commissioner
Rosenlieb to approve a one-year extension of time for Tentative Tract 5418.
Motion carried.-
Staff report was given. -
Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition.
Roger McIntosh represented'the owner of the property. He gave background on
this parcel map.-'He asked that Condition # 1 of Building Department conditions
be deleted.since this-requirement is covered elsewhere. Mr. Quon stated the
Building Department would have no objection to this request. Regarding
Planning Department Condition # 1 he asked that this condition be rewritten as
follows: "Prior to filing of. a final map or further development, an approved plan
for utility easements:shall be provided? Mr. Hardisty was agreeable to this
Public portion-of the hearing was closed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner
Marino to approve Prtposed Tentative Parcel Map 9884 subject to the conditions
outlined, in the Exhibit "A,"-with the addition of the December 1, 1992 memo
from Public-Works and deletion of Building. Department Condition #1, Page 3
and amended Condition # 1 of Planning Department Conditions to read as
follows: _
Prior tofiling of a final map or further development, an approved plan for
Utility easements shall be provided. (The second sentence remaining as it
exists). -
MotiOn carried.
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Page 5
Commissioner.; Powers-~tbstained due to a conflict of interest because an adjacent
property owner has been a source of income to his firm within the last year:
Commissioner Messner chaired this hearing.
Staff report was_ given.
Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition.
Bill Cooper, Kern River Parkway Committee, asked for a clarification of what is
being proposed. Mr. Hardisty said as subdivision occurs any of the parcels
affected by this would require adjustment of the road pattern to fit the
subdivision, therefore the location could change in the future. He said they
would like to see this issue be returned to staff so that they can have some input
as to-the possibility of a conservation easement along the river for the length of
the development to address all issues within the Kern River Plan including trails
system, riparian protection area and to serve as a buffer between the. development
and the river area and trails systems.~ He requested no action be taken on this
issue pending the development of a better access plan.
-Randy Bergquist represented'the owner/subdivider. Regarding the issue of access
he stated they reviewed the requirements of the subdivision map act. Staff has
come uP with an ~ acceptable recommendation which is to provide a parking lot
and access to and along the river. He stated his acceptance of memorandums and
conditiOnS set forthby staff. Regarding the sewer issue he said they feel enough
conditions exist on this-parcel map to ensure a sewer system in the area. This is
the first time a developer has been willing to address the sewer issue and
approval of this map will make a statement that the commission would like the
construction of sewer in this area.
Commissioner Mes~ner stated he spoke With the developer whO said he was
agreeable-to the conditions.
Public portion bf the-hearing was closed.
Responding to a questionby 'Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr. Hardisty said this area
is outside the Kern River Parkway Plan, however the Kern River Element would
be effective in this area.- Mr. Hardisty said each tract does not have to provide
individual access, however it must be found that reasonable access is provided.
Mr. Hardisty said he. felt access should be provided every 1/2 mile to 1 mile where
it can be obtained. Discussion continued regarding staff's recommendation of
Minutes, PC, t2/3j92 page 6
Responding.to questions by-Commissioner Marino, Mr. Hardisty said-the
_- ~' ' -re!ocation~of the dedicated access would go through a hearing process. The
- access would be pedestrian only: Regarding possible bicycle use, Mr. Hardisty
said he_would have concerns'about a bicycle trail being at the foot of the bluff
.because of-t-he damage to the riparian habitat. A pedestrian trail will be located
along the Kern River. if the pending lawsuit is not successful. The issue of trails
_ and possibly additional access can be addressed at a future date.
- Commissioner Marino gave summary of the committee meeting on this issue,
saying there was a lot of concern about how the sewer issue would be resolved.
There was implication that an assessment district is being-formed, however
'because of the size of the lots-sewer service would not be required. On the
smaller lot subdivision a will-serve letter exists that would allow it to empty into
an interim leach field south of Highway 178. He stated his concern that the leach
field will fill up quicklyif all development uses it. He agreed that denial of this
parcel map would be sending the wrong message; that of not wanting sewer
service installation to-this area..
Commissioner Marino proposed'a condition as follows: "Prior to recordation of a
parce! map, a master sewage-trunk line plan for providing permanent service to
each parcel, a mechanism for constructing that system including financing and a
'grading plan for the subdivision shall be submitted to and approved by the City
Engineer. Permanent municipal service, not including an interim .leach field or
fields' shall be required for each lot in future subdivisions." Fred Porter said he
had no probiemwith the word "permanenf', however the last sentence, he felt,
would' cease-any future development until the sewer is out there. He said they
have paid into the sewer:.system, but are told now that they can't use it.- They
'Would like to be able to begin their subdivision. Commissioner Marino said he
was concerned that theirYpermanent municipal sewer system" could be expanded
to include a leach field. Mr. Porter said this is not what .they are proposing. He
said they are nOt proposing the community leach field to be the permanent
system. He said he-would like the option of being able to subdivide the property
Using an interim system.
Mr. Kloepper responded to a question by Commissioner Messner, saying the
- currentlanguage gives the latitude requested by Mr. Porter. The addition of
Condition #'s-15 and 16, payment of fees would alleviate reluctance for hookup
to a sewer system._
Ms. Marino, Attorne~ responded to a question by Commissioner Andrew saying it
is up to. the Commission to determine whether adequate sewer services exist for
this property. If adequate services exist and there are no other reasons for denial
the commission must approve this map.
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Page 7
Commissioner _Andrew asked if the additional memo was to ensure that the fees
would be paid_in' advance, Mr. Kloepper said this would be the result.
Commissioner Andrew said he did not want to see the leach field continue to
expand. He said he had no problem with the prepayment of the sewer hookup
fee and 'using the Olcese ~facilities on a 'temporary basis.-
Commissioner Marino .said what'he is trying to do is ensure that the mechanism is
inplace prior to future subdivision. Joe Gillig, Consultant for Olcese Water
District 'said they have been assessing their options for future handling of
wastewater Within _their boundaries. The leach field is being watched very
carefully both_ by olcese and-Regional Water Quality Control Board and could be
a viable system .fo.r many years.
'Commissioner Rosenlieb said she really wants to see growth in the northeast,
h°Wev'er the issue is that urban-'development requires infrastructure and Oicese is
0nly providing a temporary system. Commissioner Marino~s modification only
requires that upon future subdivision a permanent system, not including leach
fields, be in Place.- The language, she felt, protects the City and allows for
development, statingshewished the applicant would reconsider his stance on this
'Commissioner FrapWell felt if a mechanism is in place before further subdivision,
this would be a reasonable condition-for consideration. Mr. Porter felt this was
reasonable. - - -
Joe-Gillig,' representing Olcese Water District, spoke saying they are providing an.
interim system and~expect to work with the city on this. Discussion continued'
regarding assessment district for this area.
Commissioner Marino said the intent is to stop future subdivision maps from
recording prior to the final hearing by the City Council for the sale of bonds. He
felt it would be.irresponsible to allow development without a mechanism in place.
Respondingt0 a question by Commissioner Andrew, Commissioner Marino
clarified the 'change to condition regarding sewer requirement. Commissioner
Andrew said he did'not Want to see the expansion of the leach field become the
permanent system.
Morri's Taylor, Engineer for Olcese Water District, clarified the operation of
Olcese in the' area. The sewer system has only been approved for 700 units and
Olcese Cannot give a will-serve letter for any more than this. Expansion would
have to go to the State for approval. In response to questions by Commissioner
· Messner, Mr. Taylor said it would take years to go through a process for approval
beyond 700 units.
Minute~i' PC, 12/3/92
'Page 8
Commissioner Andrew asked if approval of the bonding ensures the assessment
"district. Mr. Kloepper said the district could die, however there are many land
owners expressing interest in this district and costs are reasonable enough per
acre that he felt it had an' excellent chance of making it to completion. If it was
not approved and additional parcels were hooked to the Olcese system as it exists,
staff would have no concerns because it is rigidly controlled through the State.
He -felt placing developers at a competitive disadvantage by not allowing interim
hook ups is discouraging development. He recommended the project be
approved with the conditions as currently written.
Commissioner Messner agreed with Mr. Kloepper's comments, saying he would
-not support the amendment to this condition.
Motion was made'by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner
Marino to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set
forth in the staff report, and.. to approve Proposed Tentative Parcel Map 9900
subject to the' conditions ~outlined in the Exhibit "A" attached to the staff report,
with the changes as outlined in the memorandums from the Planning Director
dated December 2, 1992 and pUblic Works~Department dated November 17, 1992-
and December 2, 1992 and the memorandum dated November 19, 1992 from the
Planning staff relating to .fire safety Control with the additional change in the
November 17, 1992 memorandum from the Public Works Department with
Condition #2 to read as follows:
~ Prior toxecordaticm of a parcel map, a master sewer trunk line plan for
Providing permanent municipal service to each parcel, a mechanism for
constructing that system, including financing and a grading plan for the
s_ubdivisitn shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer.
Permanent municipal service not including an interim leach field or fields
shall be required for each lot in future subdivisions.
Mr. Porter said they could not agree to this amended condition because it would
stop development in this area. If all developments are stopped in this area a
sewer will never be constructed and there will be 200 units on a community leach
MOtion. failed 'to carry by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Marino, Rosenlieb, Hersh
NOES: ... _ Commissioners Messner, Andrew, Frapwell
Mr. Hardisty_said since no decision was reached another motion could be made
or debate continued.
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Page 9
-Motion was made by Commissioner Frapwell, seconded, by Commissioner Andrew
to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in
the staff report, and to approve Proposed Tentative Parcel Map 9900 subject to
the conditions outlined in the Exhibit "A", with the changes as outlined in the
memOrandums from the-Planning Director dated December 2, 1992 and Public
Works Department dated-November 17, 1992 and December 2, 1992 and Memo
from-Planning staff dated November 19, 1992 with the addition to the November
17, 1992 memo from the-Public. Works Department that assessment district
mechanism be in place before any further subdivision of any properties within
that area are considered..
Responding to'La question by Commissioner Rosenlieb,-Commissioner Frapwell
said his intent is that .a funding mechanism be in -place, however he is not saying
that it must be approved~-
DiscUssion continued regarding the possible growth of the temporary system.
Commissioner F.rapwell agreed there is no guarantee that this will not happen,
however 'it would-be very difficult to move forward with development without an
interim system. Further .development will-have to come before the Commission.
· Commissioner Matin° disagreed that development would be locked out.
. Discussion continued regarding the possibility of amending the motion.
Commissioner Marino stated he felt nervous because of the lack of guarantees of
the trunkline for this parcel map.
Mr. 'pOrter spoke saying this was not considered a problem 4 months ago, saying
he felt the Commission has insulted the Olcese Board and Engineers which are a
legislative bodies which take-care of this type of business.
Commissioner Rosenlieb amended Commissioner Frapwell's motion, changing
Condition #2' of the December 17, 1992 memorandum from the Public Works
Department to read-as follows:
Prior to recordation of a parcel map a master sewer trunk line plan for
providingpermanent municipal service to each parcel, a mechanism for
conStructing that system, including financing and a grading plan for the
subdivision shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer.
Financing shall be defined as final approval of the assessment district at
the protest hearing.~ Permanent municipal service; not including an interim
leach field..or fields shall be required for each lot in future subdivisions.
Responding to a question by Commissioner Frapwell, Mr. Porter said at this point
they request the condition be approved as stated.
Amended motion Was seconded
by Commissioner Andrew.
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Mr. porter clarifie~d they are-not in agreement with the condition, however they
are anxious .to move on to the next step.
MotiOn carried. Commissioner Messner voted no.
*5-minute recess was taken at this time.
Commissioner Powers abstained due to a conflict of interest because an adjacent
'property owner has been a source of income to his firm within the last year.
Commissioner Messner Cliaired this-hearing.
Staff report .was given,
Public poition ofth'e hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition or favor.
Jim Murphy spoke-statinghe was the applicant. He said all agencies concerned
have approved the leach field as an interim system. He said their position is very
well stated and will agr6e to pay any hookup charges which could be assessed,
however will 'not agree to any additions to this. He asked that the commission
take action on-this item. He felt if this is ~denied the Commission is.sending a
Signal to the Olcese Water Board that they will no longer honor will-serve letters,
that the leach field has reached the caPacity at 200 ~homes and that they can no
lOnger assess residences for this leach field.
Randy Bergcluist wanted to clarify their request that improvement conditions be
deferred on Lot 73.
Public pOrtion Of the hearing was closed.
Commissioner R0senlieb .said it has always been her understanding that the
temporary, system through Olcese was to serve the golf course'lots, but upon
expansions could serve 'more area. Mr. Murphy said when the system was set up
it was not limited to the golf course but had an expanded area that immediately
began being assessed:' She felt if their project is allowed it would be that many
less units which-could-be allowed On the golf course. She did not feel Olcese set
the system up as "firs/_ come first serve."
Mr. Murphy. felt the Commission. is trying to make a decision on something that is
not within their purview, by arguing the issue .of who can be placed on the system.
In response to discussion, Mr. Porter said he was not sure of. the lot yield at this
Point.._ ~-
Minutes, PC, 12/3/92
Page 11
Commissioner Andrew felt if they have the capacity to hook to the sewer system,
that the commission should not stop this development.
Responding to question by Commissioner Marino, Mr. Kloepper agreed to
deferral of conditions onLot 73 until future subdivision. He also recommended
the 'addition of an advisory condition as follows: "The NPDES shall be complied
with prior-to start of .grading operations."
Commissioner Messner clarified this made reference to the NPDES storm water
mrements and not the entire NPDES system.
on wa~ made by-Commissioner Marino, seconded by Commissioner Andrew
to approve' and adopt th~:Negative Declaration, to make all findings set forth in
the staff report, and to approve PrOposed Tentative Tract 5743 subject to the
conditions outlined in the Exhibit "A", attached to the staff report, with the
inClusion'of Condit{on-#!S 34 and 35 contained in the December 2, 1992 Public
WOrks Department memo, with the addition of Condition #36 to read as' follows:
The NPDES shall be complied with prior to start of grading operations
(AdvisOry Condition).
The addition of a condition that all conditions requiring improvement of Lot 73
shall be deferred until 'future subdivision.
Commissioner Rosenlieb told Mr. Murphy it was her opinion it was the original
intent'fOr the 700 finit capacity to serve the golf course lots, however if he was
given a will-serve letter they have the ability to be serviced.
Responding to a question by Commissioner-Rosenlieb, Mr. Kloepper said existing
homes in the area wOUld not have _to pay a connection fee when.the municipal
sewer system is available and the details as to connection would be outlined in an
agreement between the water district and the city.
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~- · Page 12
Staff report was given. :
Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition.
.Randy Bei~gquist represen.ted the applicant. Regarding Condition # 13 of Public
Works conditions he said the applicant had a problem with a possible lien on the
property. He asked that this item be deleted. Mr. Kloepper clarified this
condition, saying it is an advisory condition. Mr.. Bergquist said the applicant is
concerned thatif the city does the work associated with this condition it would
cost him twice as much. Regarding the modification of lot width on 9 lots he
asked for approval. Mr. Hardisty said he supports the original recommendation
based, on consistency with', the ordinance which was recently adopted.
Responding to a question, by Commissioner Frapwell, Mr. Hardisty said the
ordinance allows for the ability to vary on 5 percent of the lots for 5 percent of a
Mr. Bergquist said they would like to get more lots because this is an expensive
subdivision being they have to construct 2 roads.
Public portion Of the hearing was closed.
Commissioner R0senlieb said the ordinance was drafted with the idea that there
should be a standard that can be adhered to. With the 5 percent factor added by
the Council; developers are allowed more lots. She stated she supported staff's
recommendation: Responding to questions by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Mr2
Kloepper said the property would have an opportunity to appear before Council
regarding improvements as cited by Mr. Bergquist.
Motion was made-by Commissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner
Messner to make all findings set forth in the staff report and approve Proposed
Tentative Tract-5369 (Revised) subject to the conditions outlined in the Exhibit
'"A" attached to the staff.report: Motion carried.
Motion was made by COmmissioner Rosenlieb, seconded by Commissioner
Messner. to deny ihe reductiOn of lot frontage to allow 53 foot minimum lot
frontage. Motion carried.
Minutes, PC, 12/3/92 Page 13
Staff. report was given( -
Motion-was made by .Commissioner Marino, seconded by Commissioner Frapwell
to_make-a finding, pursuant to Government Code 65402, that the proposed
donation of real property':for use by the Clinica Sierra Vista for the establishment
of a non-profit medical clinic is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010
-General "Plan.
· ' 'Respon~ling to .a questiOn, by Commissioner Andrew, Mr. Hardisty said he was not
aware of any' time frame for the property to revert back to the city in the Case
that it is not developed; however he felt it would be upon demand.
Motion carried.
staff report was. given..
Public portion of the hearing-was opened.
TerrY Arnold-spoke saying she and her husband own the Burger King restaurants
-in the City. She expressed concern about the ordinance asking if it is. necessary.
The stacking lane _requirements would cause problems interfering with parking
spaces which she felt would cause them to need a larger and more eXpensive site.
Regarding the current standards for drive-throughs she felt they are very safe and
did not understand the concern about exit from a drive-through onto a public
-roadway. She did not-feel this is a very well thought out ordinance.
Judith .Worley stated_she is a homeowner of property near the corner of
California and Oak Street in which they have had an issue with a restaurant and
drive-through window~ She said they have no opposition to a restaurant but are
opposed to a drive throUgh_window. She cited the zoning ordinance under the C-
1 (neighborhood Commercial) zone, ' saying the expansion of a commercial zone of
such magnitude that it would cause significant volumes of traffic, should not be
allowed. She _said the proposed standards do not help the residents.
Chairman Powers clarified the issue being discussed is a city-wide ordinance and
as such should not tie addressed for one particular piece of property.
Minutes, PC,- 12/3/92 _ Page 14
Lamar Curly 'said he was stunned that CommissiOner Powers did not disqualifY
himself on this issue because he has been involved in buying and developing the
property which initiated the issue before the commission at this time: Mr.-SherfY
said since this is a city-wide ordinance there would be no legal conflict.
Commissioner Marino clarified this issue was referred to the Commission by. the
City Council and is more restrictive than what currently exists.
Mr.- Curly cited his area_as an example, saying they are not opposed to a
restaurant in the area, but are opposed to an entrance being on Park Way.
John Moore spoke saying he is a property owner near the intersection of
California and Oak Street. He said the conditional use permit_process is
necessary for neighborhood commercial zoning. He stated the alternative is that
the standards would be set out during site plan review, stating there is no public
input for site plan review. He said he would like 'no speakers alloWed and no
entrances onto reSidential 'streets.
Paul Worley said he is completely opposed to this ordinance, stating he felt if the
city Wants to be: more restrictive the possibility of drive-up windows should be
-eliminated. He cited the problems with air ~pollution caused by drive-through
Commissioner Messner pointed out that a study had been prepared regarding the
impacts of air .pollutiOn fr?m drive-through windows saying it has been concluded
that the amount of start and stop emissions by people getting in and out of
:vehicles can equal:-or exceed idling emissions of drive-through traffic.
Curt Hettinger stated' his opposition to removing the conditional use permit
requirement for drive-up: windows because it does not give residents the
- opportunity to voice concerns relative to their unique situation.
Chairman P0wers clarified if a drive-up speaker were to be within 50 feet of any
residential use a curfew would exist and the user would.' have to apply for a
~condit_ional use permit if they wanted to use it past that time.
Mr. Hettinger said the area of Park Way which is their neighborhood is already
impacted by a .trash problem and if a drive-through were constructed he felt high
school students would, frequent their' area much more causing additional
Minutes, PC,'-12/3/92
Page 15
Vickie Moore stated her~opposition to eliminating the conditional use permit
process :fo'r drive-through services in C-1 zones. The process is not very difficult,
takes a short period of time and is inexpensive. The amount of conditional use
permits requested for drive-through windows each year is relatively small. She
cited a Survey ~prepared regarding cities .requiring conditional use permits for
drive~.through services.
Lori Hettinger stated-her opposition to any change asking if this ordinance is
changed would their' existing situation change' in which a conditional use permit
was-denied for their area. Mr. Hardisty said the ordinance, if adopted, would
allow C-1 properties to exercise their rights granted through the change. The
previous denial would, no longer be relevant.
MiChael Myers SpOke saying he did not expect a driveZthrough restaurant to go in
when he purchased his property. He said he did not want to hear people
oi~dering food while' he is trying, to sleep.
Judith Worley felt the whole concept' of drive-through restaurants with the
'problems associaied with pollution and litter is a bad one.
Public-portion of the hearing was closed.
Commissioner Andrew thanked those who spoke saying he felt the commission is
trying to cut 'down on the _amount of conditional use permits issued, thereby
causing the develoPers of these.types of uses to look at the sites more closely
before development. He said there has been a lack of participation from the -
public during the. committee meetings up to this point. He therefore made the
.moti0n, seconded by Commissioner Marino to send thiS item back to the Zoning
Ordinance Committee and continue it to the next convenient meeting.
Commissioner Rosenlieb thanked .those who came to thig hearing. She said when
she first saw this it appeared rather harmless, however since investigating she felt
this is the most contaminated ordinance she has ever seen. She answered a
previous question by Ms.' Arnold saying she felt this ordinance is not necessary
nor .well-thought, but'reactionary. A reaction to Mr. Lawton Powers not getting.
an approval of a project at California and Oak Streets after two trips to the City
Council, one trip_to' the Board of Zoning Adjustment and one trip to the Plhnning
Commission. There has not been a problem before with the conditional use
permit process, nor is there a problem now. She said. the.lack of participation
during the committee meetings is due to the fact that they are not publicly
noticed. She said the makeup of the committee does not constitute a legal
conflict of. interest, however there is clearly a perceived conflict of interest that
she also perceives. She stated to Commissioner Powers her feeling that his
intentions have been honorable, however his participation-is unnecessarily tainting
Minutes,' PC, 12/3/92
Page 16
the process. She' asked if this is referred to committee that someone replace
Commissioner Powers 'on the committee, asking that he volunteer for replacement
because she felt it is unnecessarily tainting the process.
Commissioner Messner s~aid it concerned him that there had been'no input from
the public into the process before this hearing. He questioned Whether this
ordinance' is necessary, stating the commission has heard from both sides that
Possibly it is not. He stated he was skeptical that anything Would be achieved if
this iSsue was sent to the cOmmittee, however stated he would support a referral
to-committee. He thanked those who spoke.
Commissioner Hersh thanked those wh° spoke, echoing Commissioner Messner's
comments stating it is rare that two opposing sides would agree on the same
Commissioner Marino stated his agreement that this could be thought out better,
however it is more restrictive. He said dUring the'z0ning committee meeting the
California and Oak site was not focused on, however information from it was
used in an exemplary fashion. He said a set of criteria was attempted at that
would be somewhat comPatible with residential zones and uses. He stated he was
in favor of .sending this issue back to the committee. Regarding a question by
Ms. M°ore regarding aPPeal, Mr. aardisty said the applicant may appeal a
decision of the site plan review committee.
Commissioner Powers stated the isSuecame to the Commission at the direction of
the City Council. He felt the entire issue should go back to the committee,
meeting with 'those in the industry and concerned citizens.
Respondiiig to a question by Commissioner Rosenlieb, Commissioner Andrew
said it wa.s .his intent that this issue be continued to the next meeting in which it
would be Possible to fit this on the agenda.
Respondifig to CommissiOner Messner's statement that he did not feel placing
this issue into committee woUld be productive, Commissioner Rosenlieb
concurred and stated she would not support the motion. Responding to a
qUestion by Commissioner Powers, Commissioner Rosenlieb clarified she would
prefer.to kill this ordinance at this time rather than allowing it to die a slow
painful death. :-
Commissioner Marino felt to kill this ordinance would be to tell' the City Council
that the CommiSsion is nbt going to do what they have asked them to do. Mr. '
. Hardisty clarified: the Council has asked the Commission to look into this and
give a recommendatiOn, jf the Commission proposes it not be changed'then that'
would be the recommendation.
Minutes, PC, 12/3/92
Page 18
Commissioner Rosenlieb~ asked staff at tile next pre-meeting to informally tell the
Commission if. a .standard should exist for wall signs, who would prepare this
standard and when it would be forthcoming.
Commissioner Andrew said being on the committee which was working on the
drive-through ordinance issue, he felt Commissioner Rosenlieb could have stated
her concerns more tactfu~lly.
There being no further b.usiness to come before 'the Commission, meeting was
adjourned at 9:35. p.m. -_
Laurie Davis
Recording Secretary
Planning Director~