Held Monday, July 12, 1993, 12 Noon, City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun
Avenue, Bakersfield, California.
DARREN POWERS, Chairperson
STEVE MESSNER, Vice Chairperson
LAURA MARINO, Assistant City
STAFF: -Present:
JACK HARDISTY, Planning Director
MIKE LEE, Associate Planner
Planning Director Hardisty pointed out that the Agenda was amended and
includes correspondence from the Community Development Department and
direction to staff on setback and landscaping from Commissioner Hersh.
Chairperson Powers stated that the purpose of this meeting is to give sta~ff the
opportunity to explain cancellation of Planning Commission's pre-meeting of July
12, 1993, and staff's presentation of items appearing on the Agenda for the July
15, 1993 regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. He then asked that
Staff give the presentations first.
Chairperson Powers read a memo dated July 9, 1993 from Assistant City
Attorney, Laura Marino regarding Monday Public Hearings.
No public statements were made at this meeting.
Minutes, PL/C, 7/12/93
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_5) COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 2-93 (Local Neon for Homebase)
Staff report was given. This item was referred to the Sign Committee, scheduled
to meet on July 13, 1993.~ A committee report will be available for the July 15,
1993 meeting.
6.1) TENTATIVE TRACT 5596 (Telstar Engineering, Inc.)
Staff report was given.
Applicant has concurred with the staff report and this item is on the consent
Commissioner Rosenlieb referred to page 2 of the staff report regarding the
water storage facilities and asked that staff describe the type of water storage
facilities and what that lot is going to look like; will there need to be any
requirements for wall and landscaping.
6.2) TENTATIVE TRACT 5658 (Sequoia Engineering)
Staff report was given.
Applicant has concurred with the staff report and this item is on the consent
Commissioner Rosenlieb asked staff to reply at the Thursday night meeting when
the median island is intended to go in on Hageman.
VESTING TENTATIVE.TRACT 5670 (Porter-Robertson Engineering for St.
Clair Development)
Staff report was given.
6:4) TENTATIVE TRACT 5680 (Martin~Mclntosh)
Staff report was given. Staff recommended that this item be heard after Item 7.1
because of the proposed prezoning (#5459) to R-1. If that is changed to R-l,
requirements, for additional setbacks on the tentative tract may be affected.
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TENTATIVE TRACT 5684 (Telstar Engineering)
Staff report was given.-
Applicant has requested this be a consent item.
Commissioner Rosenlieb ~asked for information regarding curb, gutter and
sidewalk. · She further stated she did not see this going on the consent calendar
because of the number of questions that she has. She also asked for a reply on
the advisability of Pullingl Pera Court cul-de-sac back and changing the
configuration of the lots so there would be a rear yard to rear yard configuration.
She also asked for staff's input on the east side of Pepita Way if there will be
pavement only or if there will be any improvements besides paving, and the same
with the extension Of BirChaven Avenue and the extension of Palm both over to
Jewetta, what that includes. She also asked more information as a future street
to the east of corteza Avenue.
Commissioner Hersh~ stated he wOuld like this item taken off the consent
Alternate Commissioner Slocumb stated that the staff rePort is a little bit
inadequate with relationship to the surface/mineral rights situation and what
exposure the city might have if this were to be granted without a well site down
the road.
Staff Planner, Mike Lee infOrmed Commission that a copy of the geologist report
is available.
Commissioner Rosenlieb asked if Public Works Condition #5 is a new condition
and if this will be placed on all subsequent tracts.
TENTATIVE TRACT 5688 (Vesting)
Staff report was given: There is consideration requiring adequate site for mineral
rights reservation that. is an issue.
Commissioner Rosenlieb stated Condition #11, page 7 needs clarification
regarding a covenant which identifies adjoining property as being zoned for
industrial uses.
Minutes, PL/C, 7/12/93
TENTATIVE TRACT 5696 (Alta Engineering Hughes Surveying)
Staff report was given~
Applicant has requested this be placed on the consent calendar.
Commissioner Rosenlieb asked staff to identify if the proposal would be
considered c°nsistent with how tracts are handled in this vicinity with regard to
Commissioner Rosenlieb requested this be pulled from the consent calendar. She
then referred to Condition # 14, page 2, and asked why that condition even exists.
PREZONING #5459 (City of Bakersfield)
Staff report was given.
Chairperson POwers asked staff to have an answer regarding the option of R-2
zoning and if this could be scheduled for the next general plan cycle.
PREZONING #5479 (City of Bakersfield)
Staff report was given.
Chairperson Powers asked for a list of property owners within the annexation.
Planning Director Hardisty replied that would be available Thursday night.
Chairman Powers asked. that a copy of Tract No. 5733 also be available on
Thursday night. ~
Commissioner Rosenlieb asked that a copy of the General Plan map accompany
the staff report. She then asked about the open space configurations.
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Minutes, pL/c, 7/.12/93
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City Attorney'Lunardini commented that interchanging of words, "public hearing",
"public meeting" has'led t'o a confusing situation. He then clarified that all of the
meetings are public meetings. Some' of the meetings contain public hearings. He
also commented that Commission may feel that because all of the meetings are
posted public meetings that is appropriate notice. There are different kinds of
notices sent out depending on what the meeting is to consider. A public hearing
has specific requirements to let those people who have an interest, financial or
otherwise, in the property know so that they can participate. The Commission
has just completed a meeting in a particular way, but it does not have to be done
in that manner, there are: other options. He further informed commissioners that
they must resolve in their minds which option they want to use so staffican
implement that for them. i. The meeting held today was a public meeting but did
not get into any public hearings. Because there was not appropriate pUblic
hearing notice, free wheeling discussions could not take place,
He then gave a brief history of how the Monday pre,meetings were instituted to
distribute staff reports and brief the commission. However, today more complete
reports are sent to the commissioners well in advance of the hearings. ;Therefore,
these meetings can eitheri continue to be held or eliminated. An option would be
to open the public hearings during the Monday meetings and begin to take
testimony. This may be a burden on the community because .they may:feel they
would have to attend if there was going to be a public hearing on thei~ topic of
concern. Commission was also informed that they could call staff with questions
which is perfectly appropriate.
Alternate Commissioner Slocumb commented that the Monday pre-meetings are
important. The staff reports are filled with detail, however there are times when
some of the details are missing. He felt that the Monday meetings are~ helpful in
that he is not rushed 'to make an immediate decision, and on that basis the
Monday pre-meetings should be continued to be held. He then indicated his
appreciation to staff for this meeting.
Chairperson Powers commented that the Commission is in favor of continuing the
Monday meetings. He stated that the by-laws would have to be amended so that
the Monday pre-meetings can. be a noticed public meeting either to belheld in the
basement conference room or Council Chamber and be recorded like the
Thursday night meetings.
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Commissioner Rosenlieb indicated her appreciation to the City Attorney and staff
in bringing to the Commission's attention some of the things they have been
doing which perhaps could be done better. She then commented that one of the
things that she does not feel comfortable with not being able to raise questions to
gain a better understanding of the project description. There should be some way
that those questions could be answered at the Monday pre-meeting so that she
could walk into the Thursday-night meeting knowing what the project is. She also
made comment regarding "The Gag Order", and gave a brief synopsis of what
happened with a phone call she received. She did not see why she could not
meet with the public as long as she came to the meeting and stated that, "on such
and such a date, I met with so-in-so, and their concerns were based on this
project, and they said thi~." This'has not been done on a consistent regular basis,
and she did not understand why they could not continue to meet with people as
long as they 'go on the public record.
City Attorney Lunardini commented that most of the people wanting to contact
the commissioners will be developers. Also in summarizing, lots of time that does
not come across exactly the way that person said it.
Planning Director Hardisty informed Commission that the AdHoc Committee had
requested that he draft the public notice showing how it might be amended to
accommodate hearings opening on Monday. He referred them to copies which
were distributed.
Chairperson Powers asked City Attorney Lunardini if the AdHoc Committee
could meet with him on ~nursday. Commissioner Marino commented that the
Trails Committee is set to meet at that time, but could be moved to another day.
City Attorney Lunardini replied that could be done.
Commissioner Hersh asked if the Sign Committee was still meeting on July 13th.
He further commented that the procedure regarding the Monday pre-meeting
went on for a considerable amount of time and all of a sudden it is about to be
rectified. He felt this should be dealt with so that the Commission can become
an effective body.
Commissioner Messner asked if the committee would be looking at the "gag
order" on. Thursday or would there be more debate on Thursday night.
Planning Director Hardisty replied that would be diScussed at Thursday night's
Commissioner Mar/no asked if the new Notice of Public Hearing could be applied
to the AUgust ~2nd hearing if a decision is made Thursday.
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Planning Director Hardisty replied it could be prepared and distributed Friday in
time fOr the August 2nd meeting.
Commissioner Marino asked about the "gag order".
City Attorney Lunardini advised individual commissioners taking testimony
outside of hearings is not a smart thing to do because a project may be
jeOpardized. The interested person should be available at the meeting or put his
or her thoughts in writing, so they can be distributed to everybody as part of the
record. He further commented that the problem does not particularly come from
the developers, but that the public could get in and squawk about some particular
Obscure aspect of the project and it might never rise to the open level where
anybody could address it.
Commissioner Marino commented that his greatest concern is how the general
public perceives the Commission on their first encounter with City Hall.
Discussion continued regarding the pros and cons of the "gag order".
There being no further bUsiness to come before the Commission, meeting was
adjourned at 1:35 p.m. :
Isabel Williams
Recording Secretary