Held Thursday, November 2, 1995, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501
Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California.
JEFF ANDREW, Chairperson
DOUG DELGADO, Vice-Chairperson
DENNIS FIDLER, Building Director
STAFF: Present:
STANLEY GRADY, Planning Director
MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner
LAURIE DAVIS, Recording Secretary
Jill Kleiss submitted a speaker's card and made a public statement concerning the
Marketplace; specifically the accelerated pace of the EIR and the issue of public
review. She gave background history on this proposed development. She stated
the concern of the Southwest Community Action Committee, which she
represented, that no environmental impact report was prepared. She was also
concerned about deadlines for preparation of the EIR. She asked that the date
of public hearing on the EIR be placed on a meeting after the holidays. She
asked for public review on all projects. She said this is not an issue of anti-
In response to questions by Commissioner Hersh, Chairman Andrew asked that
questions be kept to clarification type questions, this issue, not being on the
agenda and being under litigation should not be debated at this hearing.
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Responding to question by Commissioner Tavorn, Mr. Grady said moving hearing
dates forward would be an issue which would need to be addressed by the City
Council since it is part of a contractual agreement between them and Mr.
Verlaan, the consultant.
Chairman read the notice of right to appeal as set forth on the agenda.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hersh, seconded by Commissioner Dhanens
to approve minutes of the regular meetings held September 5, September 7, and
September 18, 1995.
Presentation was given by Mr. Grady.
Mr. Fidler gave a presentation of what is covered under the Uniform Building
Code with respect to this proposed ordinance.
Responding to question by Commissioner Hersh, Mr. Fidler felt the issue of cliff
fronts could be taken into consideration.
Barbara Don Carlos-Martin, Building Industry Association of Kern County
addressed this draft ordinance. She questioned its implementation as it is
directed by the 2010 General Plan saying she felt the ordinance is far in excess of
what the 2010 plan's direction is. She asked by who's judgement overlooks and'
ridgelines would be deemed as significant and necessary. She questioned
language concerning a landscape plan being required showing existing and
proposed trees and those planned to be removed. She did not understand the
need for this provision because areas that this ordinance would cover are for the
most part barren. She questioned the use of the word "registered civil engineer"
and "professional civil engineer," asking by what categories these individuals would
be decided. She also cited the indication that a geology report would be
submitted by a certified engineering geologist and a hydrology report being
prepared by a registered civil engineer who is experienced in the science of
hydrology and hydrologic investigation saying various categories are used which
are not defined or consistent. Regarding the requirement of a 3-dimensional
scale model of the project site, to a scale as prescribed by the requesting body she
felt this could become a nightmare.
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Mr. Grady stated this is simply review material and is not an ordinance before the
Commission for adoption.
Regarding the grading aspect, Letter III-D, Page 15 - (slope protection) she felt
this needed to be defined. Regarding drainage, she stated their feeling that there
is adequate regulation concerning drainage. Regarding driveways and the
engineer's provision of verification to the city engineer that vehicles can traverse
steep driveways she said this is extremely vague and broad with respect to who
the engineer is. The entire ordinance is redundant. Regarding the bluffs setback
she felt this provision defeats itself with the exceptions clause in Paragraph C,
Page 13 allowing for an exception of it with construction of single family
dwellings. She felt the goal should not be to create an overbearing, heavy-handed
approach to hillside development, but an opportunity for property owners to be
creative in their aPproach to developing their property. Any proposal should
address only the basics in public health and safety, grading, the building code and
overlook requirements and should allow maximum flexibility for development
proposals. She stated that the BIA supports the position that existing ordinances
address most every aspect of hillside development, the subdivision ordinance,
overlook, grading ordinance, drainage requirements and uniform building codes
will all apply when hillside development occurs. She requested this ordinance be
dropped because it is over regulation and stated her feeling it would become the
very tool that would stop development on hillsides. Considering the objectionable
content of this ordinance the BIA would not support the continuation of this
Commissioner Hersh felt cross-sections, hydrology, trees and landscaping are all
important to any type of slope building. Driveway parameters are important to
slope development. He disagreed with the comment that the existing ordinances
are adequate to address this hillside issue.
Responding to question by Commissioner Hersh, Mr. Grady said a lot of research
was done on this issue, a lot of reference material was obtained from other cities,
documents were cut and pasted to try to modify it to address local concerns and it
was internally reviewed.
Commissioner Hersh felt a refinement of this ordinance is necessary.
Commissioner Grady said a letter had been received from Wells Fargo Bank in
which they are suggesting that adoption of a restrictive ordinance not be
embraced and that local ordinances already on the books be used. They also
asked that they be advised of any further meetings or hearings so that they can
participate in the workshop and contribute to the discussion of adoption of a
Hillside Ordinance.
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Commissioner Brady stated he was in favor of considering this Hillside Ordinance
in a committee setting.
Responding to question by Commissioner Andrew, Mr. Fidler said sinkage in the
northeast was caused by the soil and probably grading. Discussion continued
regarding soil conditions in the northeast. Mr. LaRochelle cited changes in
licensing of engineers, saying the basic law is that a person should only practice
what they are capable of practicing.
Responding to question by Chairman Andrew, Mr. Fidler gave conditions under
which soils reports would be required. Discussion continued regarding erosion.
Responding to question by Chairman Andrew, Mr. Fidler said Chapter 70 of the
ordinance is not required to be adopted by State law, however it is something the
city has adopted and follows. Mr. Grady said any slope can be engineered,
however hillsides are a unique feature for this community and protections placed
in an ordinance would regulate aesthetics. The Commission should decide if this
is a unique feature the city would like to preserve and develop in a certain way.
Commissioner Boyle stated he lives in the northeast and would support some type
of ordinance. This will allow the opportunity to plan for the future in the
northeast before development occurs. He noted an absence of the issue of
aesthetics being addressed in this draft ordinance. He felt the possibility of
protection of ridgelines also needs to be addressed. He felt there was an
overwhelming amount of complexity with respect to the number of departments
which must review projects. He was in favor of sending this ordinance to
Commissioner Ortiz said he lives in the northeast area. He cited some of the
problems which exist with homes built on slopes and felt some type of direction
for development needs to be provided.
Commissioner Dhanens cited issues of the 2010 Plan, stating his agreement that
many of the technical issues are covered in the Uniform Building Code, however
felt the ordinance would be of great benefit with regard to aesthetics. He also
felt the issue of ridgelines should be addressed in this ordinance and felt some
issues were redundantly addressed in this ordinance. He agreed this ordinance
should be dealt with in a committee setting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Hersh that
the chairman appoint members to a committee to consider issues surrounding
development of hillsides and possibly drafting a hillside ordinance which would
not necessarily be centered on discussion of the proposal before the commission
at this hearing. Motion carried.
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Chairman Andrew asked Mr. Grady to check into whether an alternate
commissioner can be appointed to committees. Chairman Andrew said he would
like to appoint these members at the next meeting.
A) Written
B) Verbal
Responding to question by Commissioner Hersh, Mr. LaRochelle said there was a
contamination in the area of realignment of Coffee Road. Mr. Grady said the
CEQA documents would be reviewed for contents of this issue of contamination.
Commissioner Hersh said he would like to see some future discussion of
vegetation on large projects..
Commissioner Hersh expressed concern about the scheduling of the hearing on
the EIR for the Marketplace shopping center being so close to the holidays. He
asked if it was essential that the hearing be scheduled at this time. Mr.
Hernandez, representative of City Attorney's Office said this is a matter of
contract entered into by all parties involved and is binding. Commissioner Hersh
felt it should be fully reviewed by everyone concerned. He was concerned about
the perception by the public if this hearing is held close to the holidays.
A. Committees
Commissioner Boyle gave report on sign committee saying it would be placed on
a future agenda for hearing.
Responding to question by Commissioner Brady, Mr. Grady said a subdivision
committee meeting would be held on November 14th. Commissioner Boyle gave
a report on this committee saying it previously met and a schedule was adopted
for additional meetings.
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Mr. Grady suggested this pre-meeting be held. Chairman Andrew said this
meeting would therefore not be cancelled.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was
adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Laurie Davis
Recording Secretary
Planning Director