HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/96MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Thursday, December 19, 1996 5:30 p.m., City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. COMMISSIONERS: Present: KENNETH HERSH, Chairperson DOUG DELGADO, Vice-Chairperson STEPHEN BOYLE MATHEW BRADY ROBERT ORTIZ WADE TAVORN JEFFREY TKAC MICHAEL DHANENS ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: LAURA MARINO, Assistant City Attorney JACK LaROCHELLE, Engineer IV DENNIS FIDLER, Building Director STAFF: Present: STANLEY GRADY, Planning Director MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner LAURIE DAVIS, Recording Secretary Chairman Hersh requested Commissioner Delgado chair this meeting. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Carol Brassi spoke concerning the proposed zone change at South Renfro and Stockdale. She was concerned about overcrowding of schools in their area. She asked that this request be denied. · The chairman read the notice of right to appeal as set forth on the agenda. Commissioner Tavorn stated he had reviewed a copy of Monday's tape and would be participating at this meeting. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Brady to approve minutes of the regular meetings held November 4, November 7, and November 16, 1996. Motion carried. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 2 P~~G - ~ P96-Q870 -- ~"LD.~ FOR F_B, UIT~E~ ~ ~ P R O P OSEEZAMENDJ J~LG_TJ:JF_~.OJ~I.NG B O UNDAEIESJ:R~JJ, QNE F~ ~~~~-~~ ~~ DW~~ ~ - ~Y ~~~N T~ AN~~ CALLOWAY ~. Commissioner Dhanens abstained from participating because his client owns property within 300 feet of subject parcel. Staff report recommending approval was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition or in favor. No one was present to represent the applicant. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Chairman Hersh asked if there is a different way in which churches are handled. Mr. Grady said a zone exists in which churches are permitted by right and zones in which they are permitted with a conditional use permit. Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz to adopt resolution, approving and adopting the negative declaration, and approve Zone Change No. P96-0870 with findings and conditions as presented in said resolution (see attached Exhibit "1"), and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Hersh, Delgado NOES: None 6.1 PJJBLIC_H~A~ P9-6:07~0-- RONJ~~~I~LY_QN ~ r O P O SED ,A~CJ I~CJJLATJ~ A[~~IGNMENT Of AUBURN_~~~SHMENT SP_ECJEICPJ,ANJJN~. THaT OF~a, UBJ..~~~_O_SED FOF~ E~OD. Staff report recommending 'denial was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened. Saleh Hawatmeh stated he owns the lot on the corner stating he has been trying to reach an agreement with the church concerning access. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 3 Don Schuler represented the applicant. He stated they were in opposition to staff's recommendation. Regarding easement it was suggested that Mr. Hawatmeh's property be given further access to the north of Morning Drive which would not be as steep. Wendell Vincent, Pastor of Canyon Hills Assembly of God Church. He said they would like to have an appraisal prepared and purchase the property rather than a land swap because of their concern that if one of these corners becomes a liquor store or convenience store it would affect the ingress in a way that they view as being inconsistent with the atmosphere they are trying to develop. Commissioner Delgado asked if they would be agreeable to a continuance in order to discuss the egress issue with the adjacent landowner. Mr. Vincent stated their agreement with this, however this ties up occupation of classrooms that are already constructed. Commissioner Brady asked if Pastor Vincent had reviewed staff's memo dated December 19, 1996, to which Mr. Vincent replied he had not. Commissioner Brady asked that he do so and then respond to it. Mr. Hawatmeh stated he has never indicated to the church that his property would be developed with a liquor store or mini-market and has no plan to develop it as such. Commissioner Delgado asked if he would be amenable to discussing the access issue with the church. He stated he would. Cynthia Guimarra spoke on behalf of the church. She felt it was unfair that the adjacent property owner is attempting to stop the church's development specifically when the church is agreeable to providing access easements. After having an oPportunity to read the memorandum dated December 19, 1996, Mr. Vincent deferred response on it to his engineer. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Brady stated it appears the realignment makes sense from a traffic standpoint, unfortunately he did not feel he could approve this project with the unresolved issue. He felt perhaps a continuance would allow the parties to resolve the access issue. CommiSsioner Boyle asked if the street location were not changed would the city extend the street and make an intersection at Morning Drive this close to Highway 178. Mr. LaRochelle said the church is responsible at this time for bringing two lanes of paving to Morning Drive. He explained the agreement between the city and church with respect to their obligation to construct the roadway to Morning Drive. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 4 Commissioner Boyle said as he understood Morning Drive would eventually go through to the south. When this was done there would perhaps be an overpass. He asked how this would work with the present street alignment. Mr. LaRochelle said he believed Morning Drive was meant to be an overpass. With the construction of the overpass the grade would not be as much a problem, however this will be constructed several years in the future. Commissioner Boyle asked if it were possible to connect Auburn Street to the overpass on the present street alignment. Mr. LaRochelle said it was possible and has been designed this way, however the idea of moving it came up and this is why the actual construction has been postponed. Commissioner Boyle concurred that the best solution at this time is to continue this matter. In response to question by Chairman Hersh, Mr. Grady said the next available date of hearing with respect to a continuance would be January 16, 1997. Commissioner Hersh agreed with Commissioners Brady and Boyle with respect to continuance, however stated if there is a failure to resolve the issue he would be in favor of disapproval. Mr. Schuler explained the difficulty in grade situation. He stated the adjacent land owner is primarily interested in a land swap rather than different access. He asked if the provision of adequate access from Morning Drive rather than Auburn Street would be acceptable. Commissioner Delgado stated this is an issue that would have to be worked out with the adjacent land owner. Mr. Vincent said they have met with the property owner and have discussed the possible solutions. He stated they are in agreement with purchasing property at appraised value or providing easement. Motion was made by Commissioner Hersh to continue this item to the regular meeting of January 16, 1997. In response to a question by Commissioner Hersh, Mr. Grady stated there is only one scheduled item for January 16th, therefore he did not recommend holding a pre-meeting on January 13, 1997. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyle and carried. 6.2 PUBLIC HEARING - GPA CASF_.~O. P96-0795 -- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO'THE ~F THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD 2010 GENERAL BLAN BY AMENDING POLICY 2 (PAGE 111-38_) AND IMPLEMENTATION MEASURE 2 (PAGE 111-39) OF THE CIRCULATION/AIRPORTS SECTION TO REFERENCE THE ~I~]_AI~ID U_~TIBILITY PLAN (ALUQP]. Staff report recommending approval was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in favor or opposition. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 5 Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Hersh to adopt resolution making findings, as set forth in staff report, approving General Plan Amendment Case P96-0795, by amending the policies and implementation measures of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan as proposed, as presented in said resolution (See attached Exhibit "1"), and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Hersh, Delgado NOES: None 6.3 P~JBLLCJ~tEAJI~IG -- GBAGASE3~ID,3~96-~BZ2 -- P~,QP~3~SED~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OE~3::[EYu~L~O U n TY_BDA~D~U P ~Vl S ~ AP_BI30~ED AMENDME~S _' I~CIRCUJ.A~IO . ~ FRDMJ~A~CH. J995~T~[~O LLGHJ~ABC H, 1996~ Staff report recommending approval was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened; no one spoke in opposition or in favor. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz to adopt resolution approving the proposed amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, as described in Exhibit "A" and Figure 1 attached to said resolution and with findings as presented therein (See attached Exhibit "1"), and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Hersh, Delgado NOES: None Motion was made by Commissioher Brady, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz to adopt resolution approving the proposed amendment to the land use map of the Kern River Plan Element (KRPE), as described in Figure 2 attached to said resolution and with findings as presented therein (see attached Exhibit "2"), and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Hersh, Delgado NOES: None Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 6 Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz to adopt resolution approving the proposed zone changes as described in Exhibits "B-I", "B-2", "C-1", and "C-2" attached to said resolution and with findings as presented therein (see attached Exhibits "3-A" and "3-B"), and recommend same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Hersh, Delgado NOES: None 6.4a, b,c P~JBLI_C_,J~EABJ~G - GP~A/ZC CASE NO P9~_-0543 -- PRO~S~E~~T_O ~:IE_LA T_OF T~~FI~010 ~~ ~~ TH~N FRO~SI~ ~~~~S~Y R~~~ ~ + - ~S FOR P~D SO~ ~~~ PORTIO~~N~ ~~~~PPR _~ST~~ ~~~F S~H RENFRO RO~ Staff rePort recommending approval of land use amendment and zone change and denial of circulation element amendment was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened. Gary Powell spoke in opposition on behalf of the Del Rio area citizens. He gave history on the applicant's lack of effort to resolve the issues surrounding this application and the continuances which the aPplicant has been granted. He stated their feeling that a change in zone designation to HMR would be extremely detrimental to their area and requested that it be denied. Dan Cass stated he purchased his home with knowledge of all zoning designations within 2 miles of his home as did others. He was concerned about the fact that other multi-family zoning exists in the area and the fact that the applicant has not agreed to mitigation. Regarding the request to amend the circulation element by eliminating a collector street he said the adjacent development was constructed without a collector and with the traffic generated by the school it has become a dangerous area. He requested that this proposal be denied. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 7 Tony Lomas stated he is a resident of the Del Rio area. Concerning the high density housing he felt there is an obvious detrimental effect to schools and services for this area. He was also concerned that if the property owner sells this property with the proposed designation it may allow a developer to construct more apartments than initially proposed in the application. He was concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot support multiple residences and about the existing vacancy rates of apartments. He requested this change be denied. Commissioner Brady asked concerning Mr. Lomas comment about Iow vacancy rates if he had information to support this. Mr. Wilmas said they have spoken to a number of apartment owners and have noticed a number of vacancies in the area. Barbara Lomas stated she has spoken to several apartment owners who have indicated the Iow vacancy rates of apartments. They have not been able to find a reporting agency which keeps track of vacancy factors. She stated as a real estate agent she is aware that there is a glut of apartments on the market. She stated she did not feel the economy would get better anytime soon. Lynn Mihalijo represented the Del Rio area and stated their concerns with high density housing having a negative effect on their elementary school's capacity. She also stated their concern over the fact that the applicant has not taken the time to communicate with the residents of the area and the lack of effort on the applicant's part to deal with mitigation issues until the last minute. She requested this application be denied. John Sarad said this is not going to be the edge of the city indefinitely. The 2010 Plan calls for various housing stocks. There is no basis for denial of their application because they can mitigate all impacts. Regarding schools he said by the time they are able to begin construction a new school will be constructed and school boundaries will change to relieve overcrowding. This proposed development will not have an immediate impact on the schools. He stated his observation that a lot of the signatures on the petition in opposition to this proposal are not 'in the vicinity. He said they are not necessarily going to construct apartments if there is a glut on the market and stated their option of building single family homes in the R-2 zoning. He stated it is not their intent to develop anything that will be detrimental to the area. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Brady asked if there is a requirement for a block wall around R-2 zoned property. Mr. Grady said only as it relates to parking adjacent to property zoned R-1. There is no requirement that street frontages on arterials or collectors have block walls. Commissioner Brady asked if a block wall could be a condition of approval. Mr. Grady said if the applicant agrees to it. Mr. Sarad said it was assumed by them that a block wall along Stockdale would be necessary at some point, however was uncomfortable about it being a condition of approval. He felt the north portion of Stockdale has no bearing on this project but they would be willing to provide it along Renfro Road. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 8 CommissiOner Brady asked what their intent is with respect to density. Mr. Sarad said they are set up for fourplex lots and do not intend to develop the maximum that is allowed under the HMR designation. Discussion continued regarding densities. Commissioner Brady asked if the adoption of future ordinances would affect this project. Mr. Grady said this project would go through the site plan review process and the rules in effect at the time would apply. Commissioner Brady said he is on the subdivision committee which has been working on adoption of changes to fourplex and multi-family units in order to make them more aesthetically pleasing. He stated his concern and that he would not support an HMR designation on the property. He stated however he would support an LMR designation with an R-2 zoning. Commissioner Boyle felt the project makes sense with the LMR designation. He stated he understood the concerns of the neighborhood, however there needs to be a diversity of housing as required by State law and the general plan. With the condition of the -block wall that Mr. Sarad has agreed to construct and the placement of higher density units being next'to arterials and collectors he did not feel it was such an intrusion on the neighborhood and he would support the project. Commissioner Tavorn stated his concerns with perception of the neighborhood and the investment the neighborhood has made. He was also concerned that the infrastructure did not support the amount of additional traffic. 'He stated he would not support this application. Commissioner Hersh asked about the future of Renfro Road. Mr. LaRochelle said Renfro Road is still planned to be bridged over the river. Mr. Sarad outlined problems with Renfro Road crossing the water bank. Commissioner Hersh stated his fear that Renfro Road would become another dead end street saying for this reason he would like the collector near the canal because of its distance from Stockdale Highway. Concerning the zoning he said the current zoning is consistent with the general plan. He felt a change from HMR to LMR would be more palatable. He recommended that the commission vote on the collector portion of this item, however the issues of the zone change and general plan be continued to January 16, 1997 and that staff notice the HMR designation to an LMR designation because it would allow for fourplex units which he did not feel would have unmitigable impacts. Mr. Sarad asked if the HMR designation could be conditioned to place a cap on the number of units which can be placed on the property. Mr. Grady said this would not be appropriate. Commissioner Hersh stated his concern about perception of the commission if this item is continued again. Chairman Delgado felt the proposed amendment is consistent with the general plan, however felt the current zoning is adequate and does not conflict with the 2010 general plan. He stated he would be in favor of the zoning remaining as it currently exists. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 9 Commissioner Boyle stated he did not like the idea of continuing this item again, however felt the LMR designation was appropriate for the property. Ben Whitaker stated he lives on ;Joelyle Street stated they would like the designation of the property to remain R-1. Ron Errea stated he lives in the area. He stated his objection to the higher density development. He also stated he owns a rental property which has been vacant since August and was concerned that allowing more apartments to be constructed further exacerbates tlie rental market. Sally Cutner stated her opposition to this request. Ben Whitaker stated he owns rental property and gave examples of the large amount of time necessary to rent these properties because of the large volume of rental properties on the market; Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Brady to continue the general plan land use element to the meeting of January 16, 1997 and to renotice it for an LMR designation. Responding t° request for clarification of his motion, Commissioner Boyle said his intention is to continue the issue of the general plan land use amendment with a separate motion for continuance of the zoning issue and to make a motion so that the item concerning the collector would be denied. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Tkac, Hersh NOES: Commissioners Ortiz, Tavorn, Delgado Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Brady to continue the zone change to January 16, 1997. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Tkac, Hersh NOES:~ Commissioners Ortiz, Tavorn, Delgado Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 10 Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Brady to adopt resolution, approving and adopting the Negative Declaration, and denying the requested deletion of'the unnamed collector segment extending approximately 1,321 feet westerly of south Renfro Road, approximately 841 feet northerly of the Cross Valley Canal, with findings as presented in said resolution, and recommend same to the City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Ortiz, Tavorn, Tkac, Delgado NOES: Commissioner Hersh *5-minute break was taken at this time. Commissioner Tkac made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tavorn to move agenda item #9 to this place on the agenda. Commissioner Hersh asked if agenda item #8 could be heard after #9. Commissioner Tkac included this in his motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Tavorn. Motion carried. DJSC~O A~I'J~G THE_USE_QF P~zJ?xE~ EASEMENTS FQ~ OPEN SPACE~~AND~ON ACTIVITIES_ -_LINDA_QU I ONES -VAUGIQI',L~J BLIC AEEA[[~SJ~E ~T~ Linda Quiones-Vaughn stated she is the government and community relations representative for P.G.&E. She stated she is at this meeting at the request of the commission in order to answer questions regarding easements concerning the possibility of landscaping, green belting or recreational facilities near or around their easements. She stated their first priority is safety and any request is reviewed with respect to this. Commissioner Delgado stated his concern with seeing long, narrow areas between subdivisions where there is nothing but power lines saying it seemed to be a waste of usable space. Ms. Quiones-Vaughn said other communities are green belting these areas allowing them to be used as bike path areas, or pedestrian walkways. She said use is encouraged in some areas and discouraged in others depending on the situation. Commissioner Deigado asked how often is the case in which the utility company does not own the property beneath the easements. Ms. Quiones-Vaughn said she could look. into this and get back with the commission. Commissioner Boyle stated ,he has noticed nurseries have used these areas to grow stock. Ms. Quiones-Vaughn said so long as the greenery does not exceed 15 feet in height there is not a.problem with it. He asked if P.G.&E. has funds available to assist the city in implementing these green belts. She stated in some cases they do. She stated in evaluating whether right-of-way usage is possible, they are particularly concerned with emergency access. Commissioner Boyle asked for information concerning funding of green belts. She explained two programs they have in place. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 11 Commissioner Tkac asked if Ms. Quiones-Vaughn could cite any examples of P.G.&E. working with developers in Kern County. She stated she was not aware of any, however could research this. Commissioner Brady stated he had a significant concern about the blight of empty easements under power lines. He asked if P.G.&E. would be willing to work with the commission in drafting an ordinance to allow landscaping under these easements. Ms. Quiones-Vaughn stated they would, however the reality is that in some areas it cannot be done. Commissioner Brady proposed that a committee be appointed so that the issue of drafting an ordinance to deal with better use of powerline easements can be looked into. Commissioner Hersh asked if there were any plans by P.G.&E. to eliminate some of the overhead powerline facilities as outward growth occurs. Ms. Quiones Vaughn said the cost of under grounding transmission lines is astronomical. It is a process in which they have been working with the city for many years. Commissioner Hersh was in favor of forming a committee to work on this issue. Ms. Quiones-¥aughn felt it was a good idea for P.G.&E. to work with the city in green belting these areas. She stated they have an obligation to meet the demand of restoring power quickly to customers and this is something they need to take into consideration when looking at a project such as green belting. Chairman Delgado asked Commissioners Tkac, Ortiz and Hersh to meet as a committee and follow up with staff and P.G.&E. to explore the potential of ordinance changes. PJ~~DISCAJ~F VVAT~R SEBVICE PI_A~G FOR QF_~ELOPMENT- FLOL:~N_C~ Florn Core, City Water Resources Director, gave a slide presentation. He stated currently the city is in very good shape with respect to water supply. Commissioner Hersh asked how much was lost due to the drought. Mr. Core said it is 60 feet. Mr. Core said the city's forecast for quantity is excellent, however some priority has been lost on State water project water. He summarized that the city has invested in Kern River water rights, it has a wonderful canal delivery system, there is a 2,800-acre water recharge area, groundwater banking program and recovery program. The 10 million gallon storage reservoir is the last part of the puzzle. He stated on the down side there is an existing court case in which the city stands to lose a small portion of Kern River entitlement. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 12 Commissioner Hersh asked if the edges of the city's water bank are susceptible to being tapped into bY major land owners. Mr. Core said it would be. In response to concerns by Commissioner Hersh, Mr. Core felt the city would not have to tap below 500 feet for water unless there is a severe drought. Commissioner Boyle asked how the situation of a separate independent water company serving a large segment of the city came about. Mr. Core said it came about as part of the acquisitions from Tenneco West. Commissioner Hersh asked whether urban use or metropolitan development uses more water. Mr. Core said using net numbers per acre the uses are close. 7.1 ~J~_~J_ANJ~2OJ;~ASTENCY FINDING -- ACQUISJ~IONOE~L1J~ELS~)R TJ~EJ~:)JAS~RLLGTJD~ OF_P SEIELD CO N VEN~!DNDEr~TJE~. 7.2 GE NG -- ACQUISLTIO/q OF THF_.~JJ/LDJ~gG AVENU~ THEBUILDI[~G IS PROPOSED FOJ~J~EMOJ.I~L~MIT~ CONST~ON OF CENTENNIAL PAF~,. 7.3 _GENERAL PLAN PAI~~~~R FI~r_E~A_v.~ALIGNME~ THE ~~DEDJANELSO_UTJflDF SAND FO}( ~ P PJ~,,OJV~! - EA/IIL~~d~F BR]MIdA~ 13E_'I~/ _ADA~[~~~ 7.4 ~~NDJNG -- AC~_QF A_~AT~ELL ,S~~~RACT NO. 56_~ 16~C~T~~SIDF__OF C~Y_BJ_OSSDM_COURT, NOJ~,]'H OF PANAMA VJhJ~- D I SON~3ANALA~IDJ~/YEE N STIN ~AE)~F,E~ASJ:IF_ ROAD. 7.5 GEbiE~&~J.A[~G~:)JASJ~E~ - VACATIOI~LOF "M" STREE~d3ETWEEI'J 102 ~ F~ ET ~Jg~d~)~l 4_T~ T A N D_T_EIEB/J~ ~~~~ EEJ:~I~. Commissioner Hersh asked if a group vote could be taken on items 7.1 through 7.5 collectively. Mr. Grady indicated it could. Motion was made by CommisSioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Hersh to adopt resolutions to make findings under Government Code Section 65402 that the proposed acquisition as described in the project descriptions for agenda item #'s 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 are consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. Motions carried. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 13 10. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PUBLIC NOTICE _REQUIREMENTS Chairman Delgado recalled this item was placed on the agenda at the request of Commissioner Boyle. Commissioner Boyle asked Mr. Grady if he had any indication as to when a decision will be made on the city obtaining a home page on the Internet. Mr. Grady said he did not. Commissioner Boyle stated the initial setup is not particularly expensive. Commissioner Brady stated he had run across the home page for the City of Sacramento and gave details, on this. Commissioner Ortiz gave information concerning the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce' home page. Commissioner Boyle stated he did not want to lose focus of this and felt the city needs to find a better way to give notice to citizens. He stated he would like to see this agenda item come back before the commission in 60-90 days for a status report. Commissioner Boyle requested this item be placed back on the agenda in March with an update from staff concerning the Internet proposal. 11. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written Mr. Grady said he had submitted a memo to the commission concerning information requested by Commissioner Hersh with respect to the hearing schedule for the Brimhall EIR and a memo to advise the Sign Committee that a joint meeting with the Urban Development Committee has been set for January 15, 1997 at noon in the City Manager's conference room. B) Verbal None 12. COM MISSION_COMMENT~ A. Committees Chairman Delgado asked Mr. Grady about staff's agreement to make available to the site plan review committee copies of ordinances from other communities. Commissioner Hersh asked about the response from the Council concerning the sign issue. Mr. Grady stated they felt perhaps he did not adequately convey their comments to the sign committee. Minutes, PC, 12/19/96 Page 14 13. DISCUSSION AND ACTION RF_G~I~_G PO_S~I~ELLATION OF THE NEXT' Mr. Grady indicated there are three items on the agenda for January 16, 1997. Motion' was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Boyle to cancel the pre- meeting of January 13, 1997. Motion.carried. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Laurie Davis Recording Secretary Planning Director