HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 19, 2002Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Sprague, Tkac, Tragish None Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Dennis Fidler Staff: Jim Movius, Marc Gauthier, Pam Townsend 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: Matthew Brady withdrew his request for item 4.1b to be removed from the consent calendar. The request was made at Monday's pre-meeting and he now feels his concerns can be addressed at the PCD hearing. Mary Helen Barro - wants protection for the small businesses so they won't be put out of business. Rick Crane spoke regarding items 4.1a&b. He submitted a letter into the record requesting an additional environmental review for the following reasons: a) project descriptions are inadequate; b) mitigation is improperly deferred; c) effectiveness of mitigation is uncertain; d) findings are not supported by substantial evidence; e) mitigation measures and environmental superior alternatives were rejected without substantial evidence in the record and without finding feasibility; f) project environmental notices were inadequate; g) proposed projects are inconsistent with the General Plan; h) the EIR did not contain the required analysis - water availability, as required by the Water Code. He requested that certification of these items be removed from consent calendar and deferred until additional environmental review is completed. Jared Foster and Laurie Frayre requested postponement of item 4.1b. They stated they have not had proper time to review EIR. There are significant impacts that have not been addressed. There is no mention of the future rail spur that is part of the project. The impacts should be a major concern and the EIR completely ignored the surrounding neighborhoods. The following spoke in opposition to the Wal-Mart projects: Thomas G. Robinson, Cassie Prescott, Elizabeth Bart, Frank LaFlamme, Phil Hunter, Richard LaCosta, Ray Vega, Neal Russell, Eric Dyer, Joseph Smith, Monica Evans, Virginia Goodman, Veronica Lucaro, Richard Groves, Donny Lagrange, Cindy Fabricus, Shelia Stubberfield, and Rosalyn Collier. Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 2 Their concerns were as follows: Opposes Wal-Mart projects, impact on the many bus stops and kids in the area, Wal-Mart is not a good neighbor, too many environmental impacts, additional air pollution and some concerns regarding Indian graves and requested a monitor be present. Some speakers felt that there appears to be a lack of awareness of what is going on with the property and the project should be scaled down to fit the neighborhood. Some speakers also expressed their concerns that Wal-Mart continues to violate City ordinances and that additional police offers will be needed. Some speakers like the idea of a Super Wal-Mart but just not four of them and that they should be located in the outlying surrounding areas. Sue Carrillo, Roz Williams and Randy Cowart all spoke in favor of the projects. They feel that it provides needed entry level jobs and that Wal-Mart is be singled out from other retailers. Five minute recess taken. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Recommend certification of Final Environmental Impact Report for proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change 02-0193. The project is a shopping center on 37.52 acres located on the east side of Highway 99 and north of Panama Lane. (Panama 99 Properties, LLC). (Ward 7) 4.1b Recommend certification of Final Environmental Impact Report for proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change 02-0030. The project is a shopping center on 78 acres located on the west side of Gosford Road, between Pacheco Road and Harris Road. (Castle & Cooke, CA Inc.) (Ward 5) 4.1c Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meeting of November 21,2002. Motion made by Commissioner Tkac, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to approve item 4.1c on the Consent Agenda. Motion carried by group vote. 4.2 4.2a) 4.2b) 4.2c) 4.2d) 4.2e) 4.2f) 4.2g) Public Hearing Items Staff recommendation on all of the following items is that they be continued to January 16, 2003. There were no staff reports given on the following items. General Plan Amendment 02-0837 (Frank Trippichio) (Ward 6) Zone Chanqe 02-0837 (Frank Trippichio) (Ward 6) General Plan Amendment 02-0853 (G.W. Wilson) (Ward 3) Zone Chanqe 02-0853 (G.W. Wilson) (Ward 3) General Plan Amendment 02-0939 (Porter Robertson Eng) (Ward 4) Zone Chanqe 02-0939 (Porter Robertson Eng) (Ward 4) General Plan Amendment 02-0958 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 4) Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 3 4.2h) 4.2i) 4.2j) 4.2k) 4.21) 4.2m) 4.2n) 4.20) 4.2p) General Plan Amendment 02-0959 (Rosedale Construction Co) (Ward 4) Zone Chanqe 02-0959 (Rosedale Construction Co) (Ward 4) General Plan Amendment 02-0961 (Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency) (Ward 2) Zone Chanqe 02-0961 (Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency) (Ward 2) General Plan Amendment 02-0962 (Mclntosh and Associates (Ward 6) Zone Chanqe 02-0962 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Ward 6) General Plan Amendment 02-0976 (Towery Homes) (Ward 4) Zone Chanqe 02-0976 (Towery Homes) (Ward 4) Chanqe of Condition 02-0976 (Towery Homes) (Ward 4) Public Hearing on the above items opened. Staff report given requesting a continuance to January 16, 2003. No comments in opposition to request for continuance. Public hearing is left open. Commissioner McGinnis moved, seconded by Commissioner Ellison, to continue agenda items 4.2a through 4.2p to the regular Planning Commission meeting of January 16, 2003. Motion carried by group vote. 4.1 NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 4.1a Final Environmental Impact Report for proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Chanqe 02-0193. (Panama 99 Properties, LLC) (EIR) (Ward 7) Staff report given. Commissioner Gay obtained procedural clarification. Motion made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings and recommending certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for General Plan Amendment/Zone Change 02-0123. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague NOES: None ABSENT: None 4.1b Final Environmental Impact Report for proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Chanqe 02-0030. (Castle & Cooke, CA Inc.) (EIR) Staff report given. Motion made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to adopt a resolution Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 4 making findings and recommending certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report for General Plan Amendment/Zone Change 02-0030. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague None None PUBLIC HEARINGS - General Plan Amendments, Circulation Element Amendments and Associated Rezoninqs: 5.la&b) General Plan Amendment/Zone Chanqe 02-0193 (Panama/99 Properties LLC) located east of SR-99 and north of Panama Lane. (Ward 7) Public portion of the hearing is opened. Staff report given. The following spoke in opposition to the Wal-Mart Project: Edgar Green, Richard Crane and Matt James. Their concerns were as follows: Does not like the impact the project will bring to the neighborhood, the EIR inadequately addresses the impacts and stated a concern with the high vacancy rate. They also stated their concerns about traffic and pollution and some of the surrounding residents do not want it in their neighborhood. Hearing opened for those in favor of staff's recommendation. The following spoke in favor of the Wal-Mart project: Frank Gaeta, Patsy Fry, Todd Williams (White Lane Wal-Mart Store Manager), Jeanette Wilkerson, Terry Gotly, Wayne Ferone (Rosedale Wal-Mart Store Manager) and Willa Maxi. Most of the speakers said that the store is like working for a family. That nothing is going to please everyone and Wal-Mart does provide for the working class and poor class. Lee Jamison, developer of the project, said that Wal-Mart creates and promotes growth. The landscaping and architectural scheme will provide great aesthetics to the entrance of Bakersfield. People will travel to shop here and will generate money. The public hearing is closed. Hearing opened for Commissioner comments and action. Commissioner Tragish commented that making a land use decision is not based on Wal-Mart benefit packages, but his decision is based on land use issues and any impacts to those issues. Commissioner Ellison stated he is not in support of the project from a land use perspective; it is inconsistent with GP policy 19 which encourages a half mile separation between commercial development. Is concerned about incremental commercial growth in the Panama Lane area. This project should have a major commercial land use designation instead of the general commercial land use designation based on the GP. Traffic is an issue with there only being one main entrance. Commissioner Ellison asked staff if the mitigation "the restriping of the westbound, right hand lane on Panama Lane to a northbound 99 only" will reduce the number of lanes to only one lane in that vicinity? Staff responded that it does reduce to one lane and gives it a dedicated right turn lane Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 5 from that segment of Colony to the on-ramp. There are two through lanes, one right turn lane and then becomes three lanes across the bridge to the west. Commissioner Ellison asked if the Traffic Study took the level of service calculation into account, to which staff responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Ellison stated that the benefit of this project to the community is questionable. He stated he doesn't think the community will benefit from the closing of one Wal-Mart to open another. He commented that to approve the project they have to approve a statement of overriding considerations, and that the benefits to the community are greater than the unavoidable negative impact and he can't support it. Commissioner McGinnis concurred with some concerns of Commissioner Ellison and the traffic issues and only one entrance. Commissioner McGinnis stated there should be a limited time on delivery trucks and lights to be a good neighbor. He stated he is also concerned with the maintenance of the landscaping. He thinks the project is a good project and he supports it. Commissioner Blockley stated he can support the project. His concern over the noise on the north side of the project wasn't addressed in the EIR and would suggest daytime loading restrictions. Feels the issues have been mitigated. Commissioner Gay stated his concern with just the one entrance and traffic issues. He commented that he would like to see Wal-Mart clean up their aesthetics such as trucks and containers, and would also like to see an eight foot wall. He further stated that there should be some signage restrictions. Staff indicated there will be a photometric study. Inquired if there should be a common area maintenance agreement, to which staff responded that there should be discussion with the applicant with regard to this issue. Mr. Jamison, the applicant, indicated that they would agree to CC&R's acceptable to the City with regard to a common maintenance agreement. Commissioner Sprague indicated that CC&R's are a civil issue and that a common maintenance contract that becomes part of a condition would be enforceable. Commissioner Gay concurred with limitation on truck delivery times and noise issues. He would further like there to be a requirement that there to be two right turn lanes at the easterly entrance Commissioner Tragish stated he has concerns with this project. Even with mitigation there are still significant impacts. He stated that he doesn't think the additional pollution is a benefit to the community. Expressed his concerns for the Kit Fox. He also stated his concerns with the access issues. Commissioner Tkac stated he believes there will be plenty of parking, and thinks they can work around the traffic issues. He likes the landscape proposed, and the higher fence to the north of the property. He concurred with the limitations on truck delivery restrictions. He is in favor of the project. Commissioner Ellison stated that in reviewing the traffic study the mitigation measures are long. He inquired of the uncertainty of the 17,000 daily trips projected, to which staff responded that he doesn't know the uncertainty of average daily trips, but that the calculation is used with confidence. Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 6 He stated that he disagrees with the results of the traffic study. Staff indicated that it will remain at service level C. Commissioner Blockley inquired about the retention basin to which staff responded that as a policy they try to consolidate sumps city-wide. On commercial sites the sumps are generally maintained by the commercial site. Commissioner Tragish reiterated his concern with the entrance and traffic issues. Commissioner Sprague concurs with a common maintenance agreement. Would like to see a pedestrian walkway as a condition. Would have the condition read: The developer "shall "stripe a pedestrian cross-walk with cross hatches in the interior of those crosswalks from the parking lot to the landscape areas. The sump maintenance should be included in the maintenance agreement to be maintained by the developer. Requested that "evergreen trees" be specifically included as a condition. Commissioner Sprague inquired further about Commissioner Gay's proposal for an additional turn lane to the In 'N Out and the safety with the proposal. Staff deferred to Mr. John Schuler who stated they would have to look at the impacts to the easterly turn lane. Commissioner Sprague requested the following conditions be imposed: 1) a silt fence from the NW corner to the NE corner of the property; 2) limiting truck trailer parking on the site to two days at a time; 3) daily maintenance; 4) generators and compactors enclosed with eight foot walls; 5) east side wall should be eight feet for continuity and protection; 6) prohibit amplified noise in the nursery area; 7) no metal storage containers --- "could" changed to "shall"; and 8) no lights on the building above eight feet. Commissioner Sprague indicated that he will support the project. Commissioner Gay stated he likes the concept of the project but still is concerned with the access issue. Staff advised that a common maintenance agreement would not be enforceable by the City, and that there is an ordinance already in existence that requires upkeep of the landscape. Commissioner Sprague clarified that the correction to Item C - limit truck trailer parking on site to two days would also necessitate a correction to Item J--"Restriction on truck trailer parking" so that it reads: "No semi-trailer storage for parking." Mr. Jamison states that 8' lights could be knocked out easily and cause some maintenance problems, and requested 10' lights. Commissioner Sprague stated that at 10' there will still be a glare issue for the neighbors. Mr. Jamison stated they will go with the 8'. Mr. Jamison stated that Lowe's can contain the sound in the nursery area. Mr. Jamison also requested that instead of two days for the truck parking issues, that it be two business days. Commissioner Sprague replied that it should read "Not over three days." Five minute break taken. Motion made by Commissioner Tragish and seconded by Commissioner Ellison, to adopt a resolution making findings denying general plan amendment number 02-0193 to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) on 33.95 acres and OS-P (Open Space-Park) Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 7 on 3 acres to GC (General Commercial) on 34.5 acres and deny the findings and statement of overriding considerations, conditions and mitigation measures with monitoring program as set for in the attached resolution Exhibit "A" and denying the additional conditions as stated in the Planning Director's memorandum dated December 13, 2002. Motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Ellison, Tragish Commissioners Blockley, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Sprague None Commissioner Gay moved, seconded by Commissioner McGinnis, to adopt a resolution making findings approving General Plan Amendment number 02-0193 to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) on 33.95 acres and OS-P (Open Space-Park) on 3 acres to GC (General Commercial) on 34.5 acres with findings of statement of overriding considerations, conditions and mitigation measures with monitoring program as set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit "A", incorporating the additional conditions as stated in the Planning Director's memorandum dated December 13, 2002, and the following conditions of approval as stated by Mr. Grady. Conditions: 1. Limiting the hours of delivery to between 7 A.M. and 10 P.M.; Mr. Grady clarified that limited defivery hours are for semi-trucks. 2. Extending the silt fence along the north boundary to the east boundary behind Lowe's; 3. Limiting truck trailer parking on site to three days at a time; 4. Required daily maintenance cleaning of Wal-Mart parking lot through appropriate CC&R's subject to City approval; 5. Modifying condition number 16 requiring generators to be enclosed by an 8' wall and expand the condition to include trash compactors; 6. Increasing the height of the wall along the east side from 6' to 8' to match the wall to the north; 7. Prohibit amplified sound system in the outdoor nursery areas that bleed into the adjacent residences (modification to condition number 37); 8. Modify Condition Number 2 so that there will be no semi-trailer storage or parking allowed; 9. Modify Condition Number 18 to reduce the light standards from 20' to 8'; 10. Cross walk area from the landscaped area to the north parking lot to be cross-hatch. 11. Modify Condition 23 so that northbound Colony Street left turn lane be modified for a separate left turn lane at the easement of the north property line of the gas station and In 'N Out Burger so there will be two in-bound through lanes, and one left turn approximately the half the distance of Colony Street; Ms. Gennaro requested that Commissioner Gay use the word "study" instead of "modify." 12. The developer will maintain the sumps, weeds and control insects. Ms. Gennaro asked for clarification that in the motion it was indicated that they were incorporating the Planning Director's memorandum dated December 13, 2002. The condition that Mr. Grady read incorporates all those and clarifies that so it really is unnecessary that we have those but to the extent that memo has additional items that Mr. Grady did not indicate, that memo would still remain. Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 8 Commissioner Gay recommended the same to City Council. roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Motion carried by the following Commissioners Blockley, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Sprague Commissioner Ellison, Tragish None Commissioner Ellison stated his opposition is based on traffic concerns and the one entrance and that the project would have potential harm and the benefit does not outweigh the significant and unavoidable impacts, and he couldn't support a statement of overriding considerations. Commissioner Tragish stated his opposition is similar to Commissioner Ellison. He is also concerned with the pollution and noise and cannot justify a statement of overriding consideration. This is based on the access to the project which is inadequate to service the project with the main entrance off of Colony, and the east access is not adequate to service both the fuel lanes and the anticipated truck trailer traffic. They are not in compliance with the southcoast requirements, air district requirements on this project and he felt these issues will be compounded by every project that comes after it, and at some point a line has to be drawn. There are alternative ways to develop the property. It doesn't have to have the two big boxes there. Bakersfield cannot absorb 1.2 million square feet that are within three miles of each other and this justifies denial of this project. 5.2a&b) General Plan Amendment/Zone Chanqe 02-0030 (Castle & Cooke CA, Inc) located on the west side of Gosford Road, between Pacheco Road and Harris Road. (EIR) (Ward 5) Staff report given. Ms. Gennaro stated a motion is needed on the zone change from the previous item. Commissioner Gay moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac to adopt a resolution making findings approving the concurrent Zone Change number 02-0193 from MH (Mobile Home) and C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone to PCD (Planning Commercial Development) zone on 37.5 acres with findings and statement of overriding conditions, conditions and mitigation measures with monitoring program as set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit "B" incorporating the additional conditions as stated in the Planning Director's memorandum dated December 13, 2002, and the conditions as previously stated by Planning Director Grady and other members of the Commission and recommend the same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Sprague NOES: Commissioner Ellison, Tragish ABSENT: None 5.2a&b) General Plan Amendment/Zone Chanqe 02-0030 (Castle & Cooke CA, Inc) located on the west side of Gosford Road, between Pacheco Road and Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 9 Harris Road. (EIR) (Ward 5) The public portion of the hearing is opened for those in opposition. The following spoke in opposition of the project: Joseph Smith does not want the zone change. He has questions regarding the report and has concerns with the lighting and noise. He stated he doesn't feel he has received sufficient notice. Also speaking in opposition were: Jared Foster, Laurie Frayre, Marisa Ambrosini, Richard Crane and Kathy Wenzinger. They stated concerns regarding air pollution, traffic and the economic impact. The public portion of the hearing is opened for those in favor. Roger Mclntosh gave his report in support of the project. Matthew Brady stated his support for the project and resolution of his traffic issues. Requested additional berming and deflecting the lighting from the gas station. Bill Sampson with Castle & Cooke stated that additional berming is acceptable. Castle & Cooke will be managing the property. They mailed about 1200 cards to all the residents of Silver Creek. They received 18 phone calls from those 1200 cards. The public portion of the hearing is closed. Commissioner Tragish requested further clarification from Mr. Brady's additional condition that any area where there is not parking adjacent to Gosford that there be berming and do an increase in shrubbery so there is a nice scenic view rather than parked cars to which Mr. Brady replied in the affirmative. Commissioner Tragish inquired of staff of the lane issues to which staff replied that the wording should be "a continuous left turn lane" It will read "a dual continuous left turn lane shall be striped from the intersection of Wilderness Road and Harris Road to the intersection of Harris Road and Ashe Road." Commissioner Tragish inquired if Mr. Mclntosh has any problems with item number 3 regarding the left turn lane, to which he responded in the negative. Mr. Mclntosh further indicated that he would not have any problems with the additional berming. Commissioner Tragish inquired of Mr. Mclntosh what the hours of operation will be for the tenants to which he replied there is no limitation on the hours of operation. It backs up to an industrial area and not against residential. Commissioner Tragish noted his concern for any noise issues and delivery hours. Mr. Sampson said if there has to be a restriction on delivery hours that it be no deliveries between midnight and 6:00 a.m. Commissioner Tragish inquired of truck trailer parking in the parking lots, to which Mr. Sampson replied there could be a limitation in the front parking lot, but not in the back parking lot as the back parking lot backs up to industrial. Commissioner Tragish reiterated his concerns with the pollution issues and the kit fox. Commissioner Gay inquired about intersection signals. Commissioner Gay noted that mitigation fees for the railroad crossing at Progress Road will be paid by the applicant as their fair share. Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 10 Commissioner Gay would like a local collector on Pacheco west of Gosford, with one lane for the turn lane, and a signal at the main entrance to minimize interruption on Gosford, and delete the other two signals the applicant requested, and close those both full access intersections so the level of service will be kept up on Gosford. Also requested to delete second tier pads at number 4, 7, 8 and 11 that are second level back on Gosford which will reduce traffic. Commissioner Blockley requested that the light poles be reduced in the condition on page 9 so the higher poles don't inadvertently get put in. Stated his concern for the fast food pads and their signage. He requested that the illuminated portions of the building intended not to let light into the building be regulated as a sign and that there be a 45' height limitation. Commissioner McGinnis inquired of appropriate tenant business hours to which Mr. Mclntosh stated 7 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. It was suggested to go back and look at River Walk hours. Commissioner McGinnis requested a condition incorporating bicycle friendly areas. Commissioner McGinnis requested that the gas station berming be similar to the Ralph's on Stockdale. Commissioner Ellison stated he likes this project. His main concern is with Harris between Ashe and Pacheco. He agrees with the conditions in Mr. Mclntosh's December 18th letter. Further agrees with Commissioner Gay's three requests and Commissioner McGinnis's bike friendly request. Commissioner Sprague requested a condition on the squawk boxes on the drive-thru's, shielded lighting, walls around trash compactors, perimeter berming. Mr. Mclntosh requested that they consider three synchronized entrance signals. Commissioner Sprague expressed his concern with regard to street sweepers. Matthew Brady inquired about Commissioner Gay's condition of widening Pacheco and staff will resolve this issue. Commissioner Gay further stated his concern with the three signal lights, to which staff said there will be an analysis done for the coordination of the three signal lights. Staff wants Pacheco to be studied also for a signal. Harris and the main entrance are required, and the remaining will go through the traffic study. Commissioner Blockley suggested that the number of signals be reduced to two, with the main one is deleted. Commissioner Ellison suggested deferring back to the signal study and stated his concern of traffic into Silver Creek. Bill Sampson stated they would recommend that they be allowed to do a signal study. Requested they be given an opportunity to restructure those pads Commissioner Gay suggested deleting. Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving General Plan Amendment 02-0030 to change the land use designation from SI (Service Industrial) Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 11 to GC (General Commercial) on 78 acres with findings, statement of overriding considerations, conditions, and mitigation measures with monitoring program as set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit "A" and incorporate the memo from Mr. Grady dated December 13, 2002, and also incorporate the letter from Mr. Mclntosh dated December 15, 2002 with the only modifications as to number three in his letter to read "a dual continuous left turn lane shall be striped from the intersection of Wilderness Road/Harris Road to the intersection of Harris Road/Ashe Road", and as to condition number seven in Mr. Mclntosh's letter to read "applicant shall provide additional landscape berming, and additional trees or shrubbery to provide visual screening of the parking lot area from Gosford and on any other areas where there are no buildings or parking adjacent to Gosford." The following conditions were applied: 2. 3. 4. 9. 10. Incorporate the mitigation measures from Table 6 of the EIR Traffic Study, Index K; Prohibit truck trailer parking on site for no more than three days; Deliveries will be allowed between the hours of 6 AM to midnight; Local on Pacheco east of Young Street and west of Gosford Road will be revised to be a modified collector with a left turn in and west of Young Street, Pacheco will be vacated; The illumination of portions of buildings will be considered as part of a comprehensive sign plan; Prohibit restaurant hours of operation for the same hours as River Walk; Generators will be walled off like trash compactors and bike racks on all of the major pads will be provided; Squawk boxes will be shielded like that used at the Marketplace; Light poles in the front parking lots shall not exceed a height of 25 feet; The developer shall provide a traffic signal coordination study to the City. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague None None Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving the concurrent Zone Change number 02-0030 from M-2 (General Manufacturing) to PCD (Planning Commercial Development) on 75 acres with findings and statement of overriding considerations, conditions and mitigation measures with monitoring program as set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit "B" incorporating the comments made as part of the general plan amendment motion. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague NOES: None ABSENT: None 6. COMMUNICATIONS: Minutes, PC, December 19, 2002 Page 12 None ~COMMISSION COMMENTS: None 8. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING: It was decided there would be a pre-meeting on January 13, 2002. ADJOURNMEMT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 12:47 a.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary January23,2003 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director