HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 3, 2003Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tragish, Tkac, None Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Jack Leonard Staff: Jim Movius, Pam Townsend 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meetings of February 6, 2003. 4.1 b Approval of correction to Planning Commission minutes of December 19, 2002. 4.1c Approval of General Plan Consistency finding for vacation of Camino Grande Drive in buffer area west of the Kern County China Grade Sanitary land fill site. (City of Bakersfield). (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 3) Commissioner Tragish mentioned that he didn't see a reference regarding his statements on Agenda Item 5.1 during the February 6 meeting and asked if the minutes only reflect the questions asked by the Commissioners or whether they contain statements made by the Commissioners? Mr. Grady said that the minutes are not exact transcripts of the meeting but if there is a statement you would like contained in the minutes that is missing from its presentation, it can be added to the minutes. Commissioner Tragish asked staff to look over the comments he made on that agenda item and if they feel that its pertinent to have it included he will leave it up to staff to make that discretionary call. Items will be voted on Thursday night. 4.2 Public Hearing Items None Minutes, PC, March 3, 2003 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Parcel Maps 5.1) Tentative Parcel Map 10948 (Porter-Robertson) (Ward 3) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Commissioner Tragish asked if any of the people who represent the "dirt bike riders" been notified of this parcel map? Mr. Grady said no. Commissioner Tragish asked if it is germane that this tract provide access to the hills to the east to the dirt bike riders? Mr. Grady said there is no reason to require that of this subdivision. Commissioner Tragish asked if staff knows what the plans are (either by CalTrans, the city, or county) for this intersection? Ms. Shaw said she believes this intersection is on the Transportation Impact Fee Program Facilities List. She will see what she can find out for Thursday. Commissioner Tragish asked if this project is exempt from CEQA? Mr. Movius said that typically a tract map like this is exempt from CEQA, however, because of its' relationship to state roads, they did a Negative Declaration on the previous tract which has expired and they are able to use that document again. They sent the project to the state for review. Commissioner Tragish asked when that was done and asked for a copy of it. Mr. Movius said he would find out when it was done and provide a copy of it on Thursday. Commissioner Gay asked Ms. Shaw if her memo referenced the median fees? He stated he could not find a condition number that referenced the median fees and asked if she could tell him that by Thursday. Commissioner Gay asked if the dirt bike riders are in the process of acquiring some of their own land to ride on further out? Mr. Grady said yes. Commissioner Blockley asked what the proportionate share would be for all the traffic signals going in? Ms. Shaw said she didn't know but they are buying a portion of them. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 5.2) Tentative Parcel Map 10949 (Brundage Lane Development LLP) (Ward 1) Staff report given recommending approval. Commissioner Blockley asked if the common access easement is shown on the drawings? Mr. Movius said it is not shown but it is typical when there is industrial and commercial that the applicant does not show them. Staff makes a condition that that document has to be recorded. Commissioner Tragish asked if it is necessary to put in a block wall on this project next to the freeway? Mr. Movius said there is no requirement for a block wall. These projects are generally not noise sensitive. Commissioner Gay asked if there will be trees? Mr. Movius said it is not required. Commissioner Gay asked if the Commission could ask for it? Mr. Movius said that at Minutes, PC, March 3, 2003 Page 3 this time he didn't think it would be appropriate. The City Council has been looking at doing things along freeways and that they may look at changing some of our ordinances as part of that. There are no ordinances in effect at this time to allow the Commission to require trees. Commissioner McGinnis asked if this is a portion of Brundage Lane that was recently studied for a change from arterial to collector and it stayed an arterial? Mr. Movius said yes. Commissioner Tragish said he would like to see some trees also but the problem is consistency and he doesn't see a lot of the other properties along there doing that and unless there is an ordinance in place he doesn't see that we can require them. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Tract Maps 6.1) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6152 (Ward 6) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Commissioner Gay asked if we typically require a block wall around sumps when they back up to houses? Mr. Shaw said we don't normally require a block wall. The standard is a chainlink with slats but quite often the developer prefers to construct the block wall. Commissioner Tragish asked if the ordinance requires landscaping around the chainlink fence around the sumps? Mr. Movius said there would be landscaping where there is a street frontage on the east side of the sump and they would have to observe the 25 foot setback for single family. Commissioner Tragish said his concern is that the sump backs up to the lots and if there is a wooden fence adjacent to the chainlink, it is an awkward situation. Commissioner Tragish asked if the Commission has the power to require a block wall around the sump? Mr. Grady said no. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 6.2) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6153 (SmithTech USA, Inc) (Ward 4) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. There were no Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 6.3) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6168 (SmithTech USA, Inc) (Ward 2) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Minutes, PC, March 3, 2003 Page 4 Commissioner McGinnis asked if this is public transit friendly? Mr. Movius said he would check into bus stops before Thursday. Commissioner Gay asked if there is parking for the units or garages or will they have to use a common parking area? Will the cars be able to park off the street? Mr. Movius said his recollection is that each unit does have a garage. He will check to see if it is a one or two car garage. Commissioner Tragish asked to be shown on the screen where the block wall will be at the northeast boundary with the senior housing facility. Mr. Grady pointed it out. Commissioner Tragish asked if there is any requirement for a block wall on the boundary with "R" Street? Mr. Movius said there are no requirements for block walls around the perimeter. There did not seem to be a noise attenuation problem in the area. Commissioner Tragish asked if there is landscaping on the street? Mr. Movius said there is landscaping in front of all the units with sidewalks and entry ways to encourage pedestrian movement. These will be maintained by the association. There were no other Commissioner comments. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 6.4) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6177 (SmithTech USA, Inc.) (Ward 7) Commissioner Ellison declared a conflict of interest on this project. Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Commissioner Gay asked why this project does not come under the ruling that allows this developer to have one lot deviation but 6.1 does not? Mr. Movius said that the section of the ordinance they are talking about in the other tract is that it talks about when you basically meet all the minimum requirements as you move down a street, but when you get to the cul-de-sac bulb it pushes it so that they can't meet our 100 foot depth requirement around the perimeter of a cul-de-sac. That has been determined to be acceptable by City Council and the Planning Commission in the past because they are using the minimums as they move down the street and the lots are over 6,000 square feet but cannot meet the depth requirement. In this particular case we are dealing with blank land and there is really nothing inhibiting them to laying it out to meet the minimum lot size. Commissioner Tragish asked if when we reduce the lot depths, the front setbacks are the same? Mr. Movius said yes. There were no other Commissioner questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Tentative Tract Map/Zone Chanqe 7.la&b) Zone Chanqe 03-0016Nestinq Tentative Tract 6167 (SmithTech USA, Inc) (Ward 6) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Minutes, PC, March 3, 2003 Page 5 Commissioner Tragish commented that in the past people have complained about leap frog development and he noticed there is nothing going on in this area. He asked if there is an application for a zone change to the south? Mr. Movius said no. It is shown on the general plan as R-1 and they expect a tract similar to this one going in. There are tracts to the west and the Wal-Mart center about one-half mile to east and there is another large map southwest of the project. There are some very large tracts in the area and they expect them to be moving very quickly with the City's rate of growth right now. There were no other Commissioner comments. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 7.2 Zone Chanqe 03-0017 (Dave Cross, Architect) (Ward 5) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. Staff mentioned there is a request for this project and the previous two projects to be placed on the consent calendar for Thursday night. There were no Commissioner questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. COMMUNICATIONS: COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Gay asked if the Commission can place a condition on a project (such as landscaping on Highway 58) in case an ordinance is approved in the future that requires it? Mr. Grady said that we are limited to applying conditions from ordinances that are in place when the map is deemed complete. There is no ordinance and we are not sure that there will be one. Commissioner Gay asked if there is an ordinance requiring landscaping in front of M-2 property? Mr. Grady said yes in front of a street but not a freeway. Mr. Grady said there will be a workshop on the northeast trails system on Thursday. 10. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING: 11. ADJOURNMEMT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary March 25, 2003 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director Minutes, PC, March 3, 2003 Page 6