HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 31, 2003Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Commissioner Tragish Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Jack Leonard Staff: Jim Movius, Marc Gauthier, Pam Townsend PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meetings of March 3 & 6, 2003. 4.1b Approval of General Plan Consistency finding for the acquisition of an 11,552.50 square foot vacant parcel located at 630 Baker Street for redevelopment purposes. (City of Bakersfield). (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 2) 4.1c Approval of Extension of Time for Vesting Rights on Tract 5882, Phases 2A & 2B (Mclntosh & Associates) located south of Brimhall Road, east of Allen Road. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 5) 4.1d Approval of Extension of Time for Vesting Rights on Tract 5882, Phases 2D, 3D & 3E (Mclntosh & Associates) located south of Brimhall Road, east of Allen Road. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 5) There were no Commissioner comments. Items will be voted on Thursday night. 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approve Extension of Time for Revised Tentative Map 5667 (Ward 5) Minutes, PC, March 31, 2003 Page 2 4.2b Tentative Parcel Map 10948 (Porter-Robertson) (Ward 3) Regarding item 4.2b Commissioner Gay asked if Highway 184 is going to be modified at some time that would affect this property? Ms. Shaw said 184 is under the jurisdiction of the State. There has been some discussion of reworking that intersection to move it further away from where Masterson will come in. The alignment that lines up eventually with Masterson to the south does not pass through this property. There were no Commissioner comments. Items will be voted on Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARING - Public Scopin.q Meetinq for preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for General Plan Amendment/RiverLakes Ranch Amendment/Zone Chanqe P02-0806. (Ward 4) Mr. Gauthier said that Thursday night a presentation will be done by Michael Brandman and Associates, an environmental consultant, that was hired to do the EIR for this project. He will talk about the project itself, the items to be addressed in the EIR and the Commission's and public's place in the process. There were no Commissioner comments. PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Parcel Maps 6.1) Tentative Parcel Map 10948 (Porter-Robertson) (Ward 3) See Consent Agenda 6.2) Tentative Parcel Map 10949 (Brundage Lane Development LLP (Continued from March 6, 2003) (Ward 1) Staff report given recommending approval of the project with conditions. Applicant has requested this be placed on the consent calendar for Thursday night. Commissioner Blockley asked if any of the conditions were changed as a result of negotiations with Public Works? Ms. Shaw said no. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be placed on the Consent Agenda for Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARINGS - TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 7.1) Vestin.q Tentative Tract Map 6149 (Phased) (Pinnacle Engineering) (Continued from February 20, 2003) (Ward 3) Staff report given recommending approval of the project with conditions. There were no Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. Minutes, PC, March 31, 2003 Page 3 7.2) Vestinq Tentative Tract 6165 (SmithTech, USA, Inc.) (Continued from February 20, 2003) (Ward 7) Staff report given recommending approval of the project with conditions. Applicant requested this be put on the consent calendar. Commissioner Ellison recused himself from this project. It is his professional policy not to comment or give an opinion on the potential productivity of the well, lease, zone, formation or property. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 7.3) Vestinq Tentative Tract 6169 (Phased) (Porter-Robertson) (Ward 5) Staff report given recommending approval of the project with conditions. The Parks Department has requested the Commission not to approve the paddle cul-de-sacs because of their high maintenance. Applicant has requested this be placed on the consent calendar. Commissioner McGinnis asked if the railroad spur is still active? Mr. Movius said yes but has a very Iow use. Commissioner McGinnis asked if it will be abandoned in the future? Mr. Movius said he is not sure. Commissioner Blockley asked if there is adequate separation between the M-3 use and the residential to the southeast? Mr. Movius said that is why the commercial zone was put in between. Commissioner Blockley asked if there has been any sort of hazardous waste studies in the west corner of the area? Mr. Movius said it wouldn't be the applicant's responsibility. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARING - Comprehensive Siqn Plan 02-1155 (Nadel Architects, Inc.) (Ward 5) Staff report given recommending approval of the project with conditions. Commissioner Gay asked if the applicant is allowed to locate all of his signs on one street rather than two on one street and four on another? Mr. Movius said he would check to make sure but that the sign ordinance is setup to allow three monument signs in one block and this is three times that long so staff felt it was justified to allow more monument signs along Gosford. Commissioner Gay asked if the four hundred square feet sign is a box all the way around? Mr. Movius said it is a box. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS / Land Use Element and Circulation Element Amendments: Minutes, PC, March 31, 2003 Page 4 9.1) General Plan Amendment 01-1023 (David Dmohowski) (Continued from March 20, 2003) (Ward 4) Staff report given with an update about what has been going on since the last hearing. The applicant is working with the property owners that are most affected by the realignment but a conclusion will not be reached by Thursday night. Mr. Huey from Fire will be available on Thursday for questions regarding safety. Commissioner McGinnis asked if anything has been resolved as to why the existing alignment wanders around? Ms. Shaw said that the proposed realignment is what was given to staff by Lando's designer. The only requirement for the road design is that it has to maintain the design standards for curvature, tangents, etc. Commissioner Ellison said he brought the safety issue up because it was not stated clearly in the staff report whether this was "safe enough." He asked that Ralph Huey give a presentation on Thursday as to whether or not this is safe enough. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 9.2a&b) General Plan Amendment/Zone Chanqe 02-1248 (Porter-Robertson Eng) (Continued from March 20, 2003) (Ward 4) Staff report given stating that if two more conditions were added to the tract, it would bring the air quality below the level of significance. ^ memo from Stanley Grady was given to the Commission stating those conditions. Commissioner McGinnis asked if the memo talking about gas burning fireplaces will be typical around Bakersfield in the future? Mr. Gauthier said yes. There were no other Commission questions. Item will be voted on Thursday night. 10. 11. 12. COMMUNICATIONS: None COMMISSION COMMENTS: None DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING: 13. ADJOURNMEMT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary Minutes, PC, March 31, 2003 Page 5 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director May21,2003