HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4133 4133 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO. 123-19) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ON 11.98 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PACHECO ROAD AND R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) TO C-2/P.C.D. (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL/ PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) ON 13.90 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BUENA VISTA ROAD AND THE ALIGNMENT OF HARRIS ROAD. (FILE# ZC 03-0009). WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a petition to change the land use zoning for certain property in the City of Bakersfield located at the southeast corner of Pacheco Road and Buena Vista Road and at the northeast corner of Buena Vista Road and the alignment of Harris Road (Exhibit "1"), and more specifically described in Exhibit "2"; and WHEREAS, for the above-described proposal, an Initial Study was conducted and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment if certain mitigation measures with respect to archaeological resources were adopted for the project, and, therefore, a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures was prepared and posted on February 28, 2003, in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 60-03 on March 20, 2003, the Planning Commission recommended the adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to approve ZC 03-0009 as delineated on attached Zoning Map No. 123-19, marked Exhibit "1", and this Council has fully considered the Planning Commission's recommendation as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations, as set forth in CEQA and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff, the Planning Commission, and this Council; and WHEREAS, the general plan designation for the project site allows R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and C-2/P.C.D. (Regional Commercial/Planned Commercial Development) development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All above recitals are true and correct. 2. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act have been met. The proposed project as mitigated would not have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, follows: 1. 2. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the surrounding land uses. The proposed project is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. The P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) zone combined with the proposed C-2 zone is necessary for the project site located at the nodheast corner of Buena Vista Road and the alignment of Harris Road to ensure that the future commercial development on the project site is adequately integrated and cohesively designed with the adjacent residential development for the purposes of protecting the public health, safety and general welfare. Based on the absence of evidence in the record as required by Section 21082.2 of the State of California Public Resources Code (CEQA) for the purpose of documenting significant effects, it is the conclusion of the Lead Agency that this project will result in impacts that fall below the threshold of significance with regard to wildlife resources and, therefore, must be granted a "de minimis" exemption in accordance with Section 711.4 of the State of California Department of Fish and Game Code. Additionally, the assumption of adverse effect is rebutted by the above-reference absence of evidence in the record and the Lead Agency's decision to prepare a Negative Declaration for this project. The Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Measures, attached hereto as Exhibit "3", are necessary to provide for orderly development, and the public health, welfare and safety. SECTION 1. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as The above recitals and findings are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the Council, incorporated herein. The Negative Declaration with mitigation measures for Zone Change No. 03- 0009 is hereby adopted. Section 17.06.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning from C-1 to R-1 on 11.98 acres located at the southeast corner of Pacheco Road and Buena Vista Road and R-1 to C-2/P.C.D. on 13.90 acres located at the northeast corner of Buena Vista Road and the alignment of Harris Road of that certain property in said City, the boundaries of which property is shown on Zoning Map No. 123-19 marked Exhibit "1" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and more specifically described in attached Exhibit "2". That Zone Change No. 03-0009 as outlined above, is hereby subject to the Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Measures as provided in Exhibit "3". The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist in Exhibit "4" is hereby adopted. 2 The Planning Division of the Development Services Department is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of Kern County, pursuant to the provisions of Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15094 of the CEQA Guidelines adopted pursuant thereto and a Certificate of Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 711.4 (c)(2)(B) of the State of California Department of Fish and Game Code. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ......... o0o ......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 11, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBER COUCH, CARSON, Gr';.'', '.,~,,'.'., MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER _r~__..l~ APPROVED JUN 1 J 2003 PAMELA A. McCARTHY, GMC ~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TQ FORM: BART J. THILTGEN City Attorney ZONE CHANGE 03-0009 C-1 TO R-1 EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 2 ZONE CHANGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FROM R-1 TO C-2/P.C.D. ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, MARKED BY A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH PIN IN A LAMPHOLE AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO. 1035, FILED IN PARCEL MAP BOOK 5 AT PAGE 178 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE N.00°44'56"E. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 778.39 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, S.89°20'03"E., 778.39 FEET; THENCE S.00°44'56"W., 778.39 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE N.89°20'03'W. ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 778.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 13.90 GROSS ACRES, AND 10.00 NET ACRES. THE NET ACREAGE EXCLUDES THE FUTURE RIGHTS-OF-WAYS AND EXPANDED INTERSECTION OF BUENA VISTA ROAD AND HARRIS ROAD, AND ALSO EXCLUDES THE 100.00-FOOT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE BUENA VISTA CANAL. FROM C- 1 TO R- 1 ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE S.89°12'35"E. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 604.88 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTH LINE, S.00°54'5 I"W., 863.74 FEET; THENCE N.89°04'35"W, 605.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 19, ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE OF BUENA VISTA ROAD; THENCE N.00°55'25"E. ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 862.33 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 10.00 ACRES NET, EXCLUDING EXISTING AND FUTURE ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. 2002-112/LEGALS/ANTONC-2 DOC/OCT 15, 2002/R[ V NOV. 20, 2002 EXHIBIT 3 ZONE CHANGE NO. 03-0009 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL/MITIGATION MEASURES 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) The area between Harris Road and Pacheco Road is to be done in no more than two segments per approved tentative tracts. Therefore, dependent upon the sequence of land division or development, off-site improvement may be required. Access on Buena Vista Road shall be limited to right-in, right-out, and perhaps left-in and specific access locations will be determined at time of development or division. If a full access on Buena Vista Road is desired, the developedsubdivider shall pay for and install a traffic signal and form a maintenance district to pay for its use and maintenance. If the location of the existing canal creates situations where standards cannot be met for Buena Vista Road access, then it shall either be placed underground or relocated (outside of public road rights of way) so access locations will conform to standards. A landscape maintenance district shall be formed and all costs paid by the developer/subdivider prior to site plan approval or with submittal of a land division map or application for a lot line adjustment. If cultural resources, either historic or prehistoric, are discovered during development activities, the developer shall halt all work in the area of the find and hire a qualified archaeologist to assess the resource. The developer shall hire a qualified archaeologist to monitor any heavy equipment earthmoving activities on the southern ten (10) net acre parcel of the project site, located at the northeast corner of Buena Vista Road and the alignment of Harris Road. EXHIBIT 4 Zone Change 03-0009 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist Mit VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE No. Monitoring and Party Mitigation Measure Reporting Monitoring Responsible Process Milestone for Monitoring Initials Date Remarks I If cultural resources, either historic or Site Plan Review/ Tentative Map/ Planning prehistoric, are discovered during Tentative Map Site Plan Department development activities, the developer shall Review Review halt all work in the area of the find and hire a Approval qualified archaeologist to assess the resource. 2 The developer shall hire a qualified Site Plan Review/ Tentative Map/ Planning archaeologist to monitor any heavy Tentative Map Site Plan Department equipment earthmoving activities on the Review Review southem ten (10) net acre parcel of the Approval project site, located at the northeast comer of Buena Vista Road and the alignment of Hams Road. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 12th day of June , 2003 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4133 , passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 11th day of June 2003 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO. 123-19) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) TO R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ON 11.98 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PACHECO ROAD AND R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) TO C-2/P.C.D (REGIONAL COMMERICAL/PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) ON 13.90 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BUENA VISTA ROAD AND THE ALIGNMENT OF HARRIS ROAD (ZC03-0009) /si PAMELA a. McCARTHY City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield