HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/1995 MINUTES CCBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1995 WORKSHOP - 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmembers DeMond, Carson, Smith, McDermott, Chow, Salvaggio Councilmember Rowles WOOD WASTE/GREEN WASTE REPORT AND NOTICE TO CONTRACT REFUSE HAULER REGARDING IMPLEMENT- ATION OF AUTOMATED OR SEMI-AUTOMATED RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COLLECTION. Public Works Director Rojas introduced the new Solid Waste Superintendent Morris and provided a slide presentation on the high- lights and current operations of plans for the City's Wood/Green Waste Facility and distributed written material. Salvaggio requested, when this item is placed on the agenda, staff revise the letter to clarify the negotiations aspect and when the plan will be implemented. BUILDING DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY CENTER. Development Services Director Hardisty pro- vided a presentation and demonstration and distributed written material on the Mobile Emergency Command Center. Motion by DeMond to recess to Closed Session at 5:59 p.m. APPROVED AB ROWLES CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. City Negotiator: Mr. Bill Avery. Employee Organization: Police and Police Supervisory. LABOR NEGOTIATOR GIVEN FURTHER INSTRUCTION Motion by McDermott to adjourn from Closed APPROVED Session at 6:05 p.m. AB ROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 Page 2 REGULAR MEETING- 7:00 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield INVOCATION by Bishop Aaron Speirs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 2. PLEDGE OF A,~ ~ r:GIANCE 3. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmembers DeMond, Carson, Smith, McDermott, Chow, Salvaggio Councilmember Rowles CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Price announced Closed Session action as reflected on Page 1. Motion by McDermott to move Deferred Busi- ness Item d. forward on the Agenda immedi- ately following the Consent Calendar. APPROVED ABROWLES Motion by Carson to add New Business Item g. that arose after the Agenda was posted and requires action this evening. APPROVED ABROWLES 12. go Correspondence from Glenda Smith requesting an Extension of Time to operate the Casa Royale Cardroom. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Price presented an Award of Merit to Robbie Boardman for heroic action and Police Chief Brummer commended Mr. Boardman. Mayor Price presented the Golden Brush Award to Reggie Thurley, Quality Meat Company. PUBUC STATEMENTS Dennis DeWalt spoke regarding the parks situation in the northwest (Item 11.a.). and read the letter he wrote the Parks Department. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 3 6. PUBUC STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN The following individuals spoke regard- ing the arrest of Tim Palmquist: Jerry Pruitt, Jack Lancaster, Don Muir, Joan Thor, Troy Tidwell, Nora Jenkins- Weber, Octavio Fernandez, Karen Gentry, Brian Rowlan, Hoyt West, Robert Berger. McDermott referred the comments and con- cerns to City Manager Tandy and Police Chief Brummer. (Public Statements continued on Page 8) APPOINTMENTS Four (4) appointments to the Bakers- field Airport Advisory Committee due to the expiration of terms of Bobby Baker, Edward Garcia, Bill Lewis and Stephen Warren, terms expiring June 17, 1995. Motion by McDermott to "sunset" the committee and, in the event the need arises, the committee may be reacti- vated. APPROVED AB ROWLES CONSENTCALENDAR Vouchers from May 1 to May 31, 1995 in the amount of $5,067,434.90 and Self Insurance Vouchers from May 1 to May 31, 1995 in the amount of $143,930.78. Minutes of the Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of May 17, 1995; Workshops of May 22 & May 24, 1995; Workshop and Budget Hearing of May 31, 1995; and Workshop of June 5, 1995. Quitclaim Deed of irrigation easement to The DeWalt Group, Inc and California Central Trust Bank Corporation, TTEE, FBO Dennis DeWalt 1050029305. (Ward 4) DEED 4205 d. Resolution adopting a Revised Assess- RES 86-95 ment District Policy. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 4 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Assessment District No. 94-1 (Renfro/ Hughes)(Wards 4 & 7): Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds. Resolution approving form and substance of Preliminary Official Statement and Bond Purchase Con- tract, authorizing modifications thereto, authorizing execution thereof and authorizing related documents and actions. Resolution approving form and substance of Acquisition and Disclosure Agreement and author- izing changes thereto and execu- tion thereof. Resolution ordering judicial fore- closure of delinquent assessments pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 and ordering that the tax collector be credited with those assessments. (Assessment Districts 86-2A, Buena Vista Trunkline; 86-2B, Laborde Roads; 86-2C, Laborde Utili- ties; and 86-2D, Rancho Laborde) (Ward 4) Resolution ordering judicial fore- closure of delinquent assessments pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 and ordering that the tax collector be credited with those assessments. (Assessment District 90-1, Jewetta Trunkline) (Ward 4) Resolution ordering judicial fore- closure of delinquent assessments pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 and ordering that the tax collector be credited with those assessments. (Assessment Districts 93-1A, Northeast Sewer; and 93-1B, Northeast Gas) (Ward 3) Resolution accepting training materials for the Bakersfield Police Department from the Kern Community College District. RES 87-95 RES 88-95 AGR 95-143 RES 89-95 AGR 95-144 RES 90-95 RES 91-95 RES 92-95 RES 93-95 Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 5 8. CONSENFCAt~NDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Resolution determining that certain equipment can only be reasonably ob- tained from one vendor and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding, not to exceed $50,000. (one replacement patrol unit for the Fire Department) Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: Improvement Agreement with Ashwood Construction for Parcel Map Waiver 26-94 & Site Plan Review No. 267-94 located at the southwest corner of Fruitvale Avenue and Hageman Road. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Kyle Carter Homes, Inc. for Tract 5697, Phase 1, located south of Harris Road and west of Stine Road. (Ward 6) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Deville Homes No. 2 for Tract 5799, located north of Hageman Road and east of Fruitvale Avenue. (Ward 4) 4 o Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Deville Homes No. 2 for Tract 5018-D, located north of Hageman Road and east of Fruitvale Avenue. (Ward 4) Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 93-234 with County of Kern for Union Avenue Median Landscape Improvements. (Wards 1 & 2) Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 95-109 with Mercy Charities California for land acquisition and development assistance for the construction of 56 affordable housing units located at Madison Street and Casa Loma Drive. Lease Agreement with Richard H. Osborn, Jr. and Lisa A. Osborn for the construc- tion of an aircraft storage hangar at the Bakersfield Municipal Airport. (Ward 1) RES 94-95 AGR 95-145 AGR 95-146 AGR 95-147 AGR 95-148 AGR 95-149 AGR 95-150 AGR 95-151 AGR 95-152 AGR 95-153 Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 6 ~>~) 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Agreement with Ross and Castillo for Workers' Compensation Claims Adminis- tration. Agreement with Tiburon Inc. for soft- ware maintenance on the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996. Consultant's Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for engineering services for the evaluation and design of a Traffic Operations Center. (Staff recommends approval of Agreement and authorize use of $26,200 in savings from completed projects within the Gas Tax Fund) Agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to relocate a gas main on City owned property at 1601 Truxtun Avenue (Police Station). (Ward 2) Accept bids to award Annual Contracts to San Joaquin Supply Co. ($24,686.79; 76 items) and National Sanitary Supply Co. ($16,041.43; 42 items) totaling $40,728.22. Accept bid to award Contract to Delta Engineering ($117,188.64) for the construction of Park Stockdale Drainage Improvements. (Ward 5) Accept bid to award Contract to Taft Electric Company ($95,143) for traffic signal installation on Panama Lane at Akers Road. (Ward 6) Accept bid to award Contract to Kern Mechanic Inc. ($42,665) for the install- ation of the Apparatus Room Exhaust Systems for Fire Station Nos. 4, 6, 10 and 11; and transfer $2,165 from savings from the deferred project (Paving parking lot at Olive Drive Training Facility) which will not occur this fiscal year. (Wards 1, 2, 3 & 4) AGR 95-154 AGR 95-155 AGR 95-156 AGR 95-157 CON 95-158 CON 95-159 CON 95-160 REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION CON 95-161 Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 7 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN aa. bb. Response to California Independent Pet- roleum Association's letter requesting City of Bakersfield's support of the proposed Royalty Relief Rule. Notice to Kern Refuse Disposal Incorp- orated, City's contractor, to begin implementation of automated or semi- automated residential refuse collection pursuant to Agreement No. 91-71. Authorize the Finance Director to write off as uncollectible accounts receivable in various funds totaling $142,324.98. Appropriate $7,000 Grant Revenues from the Wal-Mart Foundation to the Airport Fund in the Economic Development Operat- ing Budget for Marketing of the Bakers- field Municipal Airport. Proposed Fiscal Year 1995-96 Central District Development Agency (CDDA) Budget. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to FY 1994-95 ($90,000), Amendment No. 4 to FY 1993-94 ($119,734) and Amendment No. 5 to FY 1992-93 ($23,111) to Com- munity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Applications for a total of $232,845; and authorization for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD). Motion by DeMond to adopt Items (a) through (bb) of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items u. and x. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION AGR 95-162 AGR 95-163 AGR 95-164 APPROVED AB ROWLES Uo Accept bid to award Contract to Taft Electric Company ($95,143) for traffic signal installation on Panama Lane at Akers Road. (Ward 6) Motion by Chow to adopt Item u. of the Consent Calendar, with the correction to state "(Wards 6 & 7)". CON 95-167 APPROVED AB ROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 8 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Notice to Kern Refuse Disposal Incorp- orated, City's contractor, to begin implementation of automated or semi- automated residential refuse collection pursuant to Agreement No. 91-71. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Item x. of the Consent Calendar with the pro- viso that staff redraft the letter to Kern Refuse Disposal Inc. clarifying the time period between July through December 31 with respect to negotia- tions occurring as well as procurement of equipment and clarifying the imple- mentation period of January 1, 1996. APPROVED AB ROWLES cc. Agreements with State of California Department of Transportation, Program Supplement Nos. 055, Rev. 1, and 056, Rev. 1, for seismic retrofit on Chester Avenue Service Bridge and Chester Avenue Railroad Overcrossing. (Ward 2) Motion by DeMond to adopt Item cc. of the Consent Calendar. AGR 95-165 AGR 95-166 APPROVED AB ROWLES 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS d. Bakersfield Senior Center Lease Agree- ments. AGR 95-199 DEED 4206 PUBUC STATEMENTS continued The following individuals spoke regard- ing the Bakersfield Senior Center: Vernell Jackson, Director, Bakersfield Senior Center; John McCarty; Lynn Edwards, who requested a copy of the memo regarding the "scandal"; Lottie "Gene" Keith, Delbert E. Murray, Joan Davis, Daniel Davis. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 9 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN Motion by Carson to deed both the main Senior Center Facility and storage area to the Senior Center immediately and use funds in the Parks Division's pro- posed 1995-96 budget, not to exceed $4,200, to cover the cost of landscape maintenance for the first year; and fund $15,000 per year for operations of the Senior Center and Community House. NAT Amended motion by McDermott to divide the motion, voting on the committee recommendation and funding separately. APPROVED NS CARSON AB ROWLES Smith recognized Vernell Jackson to speak. Salvaggio recognized Lynn Edwards to speak. Motion by Carson to deed both the main Senior Center Facility and storage area to the Senior Center immediately and use funds in the Parks Division's pro- posed 1995-96 budget, not to exceed $4,200, to cover the cost of landscape maintenance for the first year. APPROVED AB ROWLES Amended motion by Carson to delete fund- ing for the Community House, and to apply the $15,000 for the Senior Center to debt service. APPROVED NS SMITH MCDERMOTT AB ROWLES (Deferred Business continued on Page Mayor Price announced a recess at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Mayor Price introduced newly-elected Ward 6 Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 10 9. HEARINGS ACTION TAKEiN Hearing to consider a Resolution find- ing that certain weeds, debris and discarded articles on the properties listed below constitute a public nui- sance and directing the Fire Chief to abate. Ward 1: 500 Chester Avenue; Vacant lots south of 105 Clifton; West of 500 block of N Street; North of 212 Clyde; 105 Clifton; South of 1301 1st Street; 1510 Potomac; 119 L Street; East of 1501 Potomac. Ward 2: 601 Monterey; 1027 Kern; 2712 San Dimas; 1111 Flower. Ward ~: East of 3301 Columbus; Vacant area east of 2601 Columbus; 4900, 4901 Ina Court; 52.58 acres east of Royal Coach Estates; 4904, 5008 Ina Court; Vacant area 6100 Auburn Oaks; 3513 Glenridge; 3504 Glenridge. Ward 4: 4940 Gosford; 1400 Avenida Sabia; Vacant area bounded by Jenkins to the east, Stockdale to the north; Jenkins & San Lazaro. Ward 6~: 7604 Tanager. Ward 7: 2512 Clara Court; 5012 Dole- field; 6600 Colony. Hearing opened at 9:16 p.m. Fire Prevention Inspector DeMarco requested the following properties be removed due to compliance and requests for 10 days extensions of time: 1510 Potomac; 52.58 acres east of Royal Coach Estates; Vacant area 6100 Auburn Oaks; 3504 Glenridge; 1400 Avenida Sabia; Vacant area bounded by Jenkins to the east, Stockdale to the north; 2512 Clara Court; and 6600 Colony. Hearing closed at 9:17 p.m. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Resolution, with the exclusion of the properties in compliance and with time extensions. RES 95-95 APPROVED AB ROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 11 9. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN bo Public hearing to determine whether the public interest and necessity require taking by eminent domain of property located at 1420 N Street, for public parking purposes. (Pursuant to Calif- ornia Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.230) (Ward 2) Real Property Agent Anderson provided background information. Hearing opened at 9:19 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing closed at 9:20 p.m. Motion by DeMond to adopt Resolution of Necessity declaring the public interest and necessity for the taking of certain property located at 1420 N Street, for public parking purposes, enabling the City to condemn the sub- ject property. RES 96-95 APPROVED AB ROWLES Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed 1995-2014 Regional Trans- portation Improvement Plan: Resolution adopting the 1995-2014 Regional Transportation Improve- ment Plan. Public Works Director Rojas introduced Engineer III Shaw who provided back- ground information. Hearing opened at 9:23 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing closed at 9:24 p.m. McDermott requested staff respond back regarding: · Costs of roadway improvements on Calloway Drive and Brimhall Road to Stockdale Highway; · Collection of funds for projects in these areas that are not listed; and · Bridge that will be in place next year is not being funded until 2014. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 12 9. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN Co Motion by McDermott to refer to Urban Development Committee. APPROVED AB ROWLES Protest hearing as required by Resolu- tion of Intention No. 1136 regarding the Consolldated Maintenance District: Resolution merging four (4) Interim Maintenance Districts into the Con- solidated Maintenance District, approving and adopting the Public Works Director's Report and the 1995-96 Budget, confirming the assessments and authorizing collection of assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. Correspondence has been received in opposition from Gerald & Kari Moore; Ettie L. Herbert; and Clifford Hedrick. Community Services Business Manager Lorenzi provided background information. Hearing opened at 9:33 p.m. The following individuals spoke in opposition to staff recommendation: Randy Abigt and Cliff Hedrick. Hearing closed at 9:42 p.m. McDermott, referring to correspondence from Frank J. McKenna, dated May 31, 1995, requested staff study in the next year: · What the appropriate adjustment is from Industrial to Residential, as to the number of units per acre that they are charged; and · What the standards are for development of our median islands, (i.e. should we have exactly the same standards for areas in front of industrial and art- erials that we have in front of resid- ential and arterials) RES 97-95 McDermott requested staff meet with Mr. Hedrick to help remedy the plant problem. Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 13 9. H~ARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN Motion bySalvaggio to override protests and adopt Resolution. Due to a tie vote, Mayor Price voted. APPROVED NS DEMOND CARSON MCDERMOTT AB ROWLES PRICE VOTED AYE Protest hearing set by Resolution No. 76-95 on the proposed Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 7, Assessment District No. 91-1 (Hosking Trunk Sewer). (Wards 6 & 7) Resolution confirming amended assessment to segregate and apportion unpaid installments of existing assessment. Public Works Director Rojas introduced Engineer III Shaw who provided back- ground information. Hearing opened at 9:48 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing closed at 9:48 p.m. Motion by Chow to adopt Resolution. RES 98-95 APPROVED ABROWLES Protest hearing set by Resolution No. 77-95 on the proposed Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Assessment District No. 93-2 (Stine/ Harris). (Ward 6) Resolution confirming amended assessment to segregate and apportion unpaid installments of existing assessment pursuant to division of land and bond. Hearing opened at 9:50 p.m. Hearing closed at 9:50 p.m. RES 99-95 Motion by Chow to adopt Resolution. APPROVED ABROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 14 10. REPORTS ACTION TAKEN 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 101-13 by changing the zoning from Neighborhood Commercial to Limited Multiple Family Dwelling on 7.88 net acres, located at the northwest corner of Jewetta Avenue and Hageman Road; and confirmation of Conditions of Approval. (GPA 1-95, Segment I, ZC 5612) (Ward 4) (First Reading 5/17/95) Development Services Director Hardisty provided background information. McDermott requested staff convey to the County the comments received from area residents and the urgent need to address the issue of park development funding. ORD 3649 Co Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and zoning Map No. 102-19 by changing the zoning of 7.2 acres, generally located west of Calloway Drive between Rosedale Highway and Meacham Road, from Estate to Regional commercial. (ZC 5604) (Ward 4) (First Reading 5/17/95) Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 124-30 by changing the zoning of 6.80 acres, generally located along the southwest corner of South Union Avenue and Panama Lane from Regional Commercial to One Family Dwelling. (GPA 1-95, Segment VII, ZC 5627) (Ward 7) (First Reading 5/17/95) ORD 3650 ORD 3651 Motion by McDermott to adopt Ordinance (Item a.) with an amendment to Condi- tion 9 to read "For incremental units over the approved EIR in the Polo Grounds, applicant shall pay .... '; and also adopt Items b. and c. of Deferred Business. APPROVED ABROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 15 12. NEW BUSINESS ACTION TAKEN Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 104-20 by changing the zoning of 2.11 acres, generally located on the east corner of Kern Canyon Road (State Route 184) and Mesa Marin Drive, from One Family Dwelling to Neighborhood Commercial. (ZC 5615) (Ward 3) Ordinance adding Calloway No. 6 Annex- ation to Ward 4, located south of Brim- hall Road, west of Calloway Drive. (Ward 4) Resolution providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change resulting from Annexation No. 384, LAFCO Proceed- ing No. 1188, Madison No. i Annexation. (Ward 1) Assistant City Manager Stinson provided background information. Motion by McDermott to adopt Resolution. FR FR RES 100-95 APPROVED AB ROWLES Resolution providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change resulting from Annexation No. 385, LAFCO Proceed- ing No. 1189, Kingsley No. i Annexation. (Ward 7) Assistant City Manager Stinson provided background information. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Resolution. RES 101-95 APPROVED AB ROWLES Resolution amending Resolution No. 109-94 setting salaries and related benefits for officers and employees of the General Supervisory, Police Super- visory and Management Units. (Police Supervisory) RES 102-95 Motion by DeMond to adopt Resolution. APPROVED AB ROWLES Bakersfield, California, June 14, 1995 - Page 16 12. NEWBUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN Resolution amending Resolution No. 109-94 establishing the amount of reim- bursement for automobile use by city Councilmembers. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Resolu- tion. effective July 1. 1995. RES 103-95 APPROVED NS DEMOND MCDERMOI~ ABROWLES Correspondence from Glenda smith, dated · 1995· requesting an Extension of Time to operate the Casa Royale Cardroom. Carson recognized Glenda Smith to speak. Motion by Carson to approve the Exten- sion of Time for 90 days from June 19. 1995. APPROVED ABROWLES 13 . COUNCIL STATEMENTS Mayor Price thanked Councilmember Chow for his term on the City Council. Chow congratulated Jacquie Sullivan on her election to City Council and thanked Mayor, Council and staff for the opportunity to serve on the Council. DeMond. referring to the memo from Planning Director Grady to City Manager Tandy and City Attorney Skousen. regarding 2501 L Street. requested to go forward with the ordinance. Carson thanked Chow and expressed her grat- itude to Council in moving forward with the completion of the Holiday Inn Select. 14 . ADJOURNMENT Motion by McDermott ATTEST: CITY CLERK and E~ Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA to adjourn at~JlO:20 p.m. APPROVED ~ ,/ ~ ~ ~ AB ROWLES MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, JUNE14.MIN 7/11/95 12:40p1!1 CA