HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 19-96,o. 1 9 - 9 6 ~ REBOLUTZON BETTZNG 8,~LARZE8 RELATED BENEFZT8 FOR OFFZCER8 AND EMPLOYEE8 OF THE GENERAL SUPER- VZBORY, POLZCE BUPERVZSORYAND MANAGEMENT UNZTB. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and related benefits for officers and employees of the City; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined what such salaries and related benefits should be for such officers and employees of the City to be in effect on January 8, 1996. SECTZON ~. Resolutions No. 109-94, 133-94, 201-94, 31-95, 68-95, 102-95, 103-95, and 190-95 are superseded by this Resolution. SECTZON 2. Term of Agreement This Resolution shall commence on January 1, 1996, and expire at 12:00 midnight on January 1, 1999, for the General Supervisory and Management Units. This Resolution shall commence on January 1, 1995, and expire at 12:00 midnight on December 31, 1997, for the Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) Unit. 8ECTION 3. S&lar¥ Schedule Commencing on January 8, 1996, or as otherwise therein specified, the attached documents shall be the Salary Schedule for General Supervisory, Police Supervisory and Management Units and City Attorney and is hereby adopted and incorporated into this Resolution as though fully set forth herein, thereafter this Resolution shall be published in printed form. Salary ranges shall be increased for General Supervisory and Management employees according to the effective dates described in the following schedule: January 8, 1996 3.0% December 23, 1996 3.0% December 22, 1997 3.0% Salary ranges shall be increased for Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) employees according to the effective dates described in the following schedule: January 8, 1996 3.0% January 6, 1997 3.0% The City shall reopen negotiations for salary adjustments if salary compaction issues are created in a department due to salary settlements for subordinate employees in that department during the term of this resolution. 8ECTION 4. Car and Mileage Allowances A. Effective January 1, 1996, department heads who are not furnished an official City car shall be reimbursed for automobile use at the rate of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($354.00) per month. Members of the City Council shall be reimbursed for automobile use at a rate equivalent to that designated for department heads. B. Effective January 1, 1996, Management employees not furnished an official City car and who are not department heads shall be reimbursed at the rate of FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($55.00) per month. C. Mileage allowances on the above where the car is in use on City business shall be allowed based upon factors of gasoline costs and maintenance costs; provided, however, that City officers named in Subsection A. shall receive mileage allowances only for out-of-town travel on City business. D. The car allowance provided in Subsection A. shall be annually determined based upon the factors of leasing costs, gasoline costs and up-keep cost increases, if any, from year to year. SECTION All future meeting and conferring and decisions regarding the structure of medical/dental insurance coverage shall take place through the Joint City/Employee Medical Insurance Committee. The Committee shall consist of representatives from each Unit and the City. There shall be a good faith effort to make all decisions by October 31 of each year. Discussions as to the City's contribution toward medical/dental insurance shall continue to be determined through the formal meet and confer process between the City and the individual Units. General Supervisory. Police Supervisory Units (Safety and Non-Safety and Management Units. Effective the July 15, 1994, paycheck the City shall contribute toward a medical, vision, and dental plan for all employees of the General Supervisory and Management Units, an amount equivalent to eighty percent (80%) of the total premium cost, and the employee will contribute an amount equivalent to twenty percent (20%). The City shall continue to provide a one hundred percent (100%) contribution toward a medical and dental plan for the Mayor and members of the Council. Lon~ Term Disability. The City will review the employee- paid long term disability plan and, to the extent provided by the Municipal Code, provide coordination with sick leave policies and long term disability benefits. The City Manager will retain authority to determine medical leave without pay status for employees who request such leave. Retired Safety Employees. The fifteen-year minimum requirement for participation shall be waived for employees retiring and awarded a job-related disability. Employees retiring with job-related disability shall be credited with either eight (8) years of service or their actual accumulated service time, whichever is greater for the purpose of calculating the retiree medical allowance under the City's adopted formula. Retired Non-Safety E~nplovees. Effective January 1, 1985, only employees retiring with a minimum of fifteen (15) years accumulated service shall be eligible for participation in the Retiree Medical Insurance Program. The fifteen-year minimum shall be waived for employees retiring because of disability. Retiree Medical. Eligibility and contributions toward retiree medical insurance shall be as set forth in the Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Blue and White Collar Units regarding health benefits dated November 23, 1988. Effective immediately, any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage (Part A), whether through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City's plan. Retiree Medical - Management and General Sumervisor¥ Employees hired after April 1, 1996. Employees hired after April 1, 1996 will be eligible for retiree medical under the following conditions: a) Participation in the City retiree medical insurance plan will be offered to those employees who retire following twenty (20) years of permanent service or retire due to disability. Such retirees will receive a premium subsidy based upon 3% per year of service up to a maximum of 30 years (90%), of the lower of the HMO or Fee-For-Service Single rate. In no case shall a retiree in this class receive more than 90% of their applicable rate structure (i.e. single without medicare rate, single with medicare rate, etc.) in subsidies from the City. b) Any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage (Part A) whether through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City's retiree medical plan. ¢) Employees hired after April 1, 1996, shall not be eligible to receive the 42% Fee-For-Service plan subsidy. SECTION 6. Life Insurance The City shall provide a basic term life insurance policy of $2,000 value for City Council members and all employees included within this Resolution. In addition, the City shall provide contributions toward a life insurance plan as follows: A. Management Unit - One hundred percent (100%) of the insurance premium for each officer and employee, such insurance coverage equal to their projected annual base salary to the nearest $50o. B. General Employees, Supervisory Unit - One hundred percent (100%) of the life insurance premium for a policy equal to the employee's projected annual base salary to the nearest $500 of a minimum amount of $15,000. 4 C. Police Supervisory Unit - One hundred percent (100%) of the insurance premium for each employee, such insurance coverage equal to the employee's annual base salary to the nearest $500. D. All of the provisions of Section 6. are subject to each officer's or employee's option to have insurance in the amounts they desire within the limitations herein set forth. SECTION 7. Deferred Income shall be Plan. All probationary and full-time employees of the city eligible to participate in the City's Deferred Income SECTION 8. Administrative Leave Officers and employees may be granted administrative leave under Section 2.84.620(d) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Section III - 1.3.3 of the Administrative Rules with the approval of the department head and the City Manager. SECTION 9. Uniform and Too1 Allowance The City shall provide a uniform allowance as follows: A. Police Supervisory and Police Management, safety members - according to the following schedule, payable on July lst: July 1, 1995 $700 July 1, 1996 $725 July 1, 1997 $750 If such employee terminates before July 1 of the following fiscal year, said employee shall reimburse City on a pro rata basis. B. Motorcycle Officers, Police Supervisory - Additional TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25) per quarter. C. Miscellaneous and Police Supervisory, (Non-Safety) employees required to wear uniforms - THREE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($340), payable semi-annually. This allowance is to be paid in advance every six months on a pro rata basis. Temporary employees of the Police Department required to wear uniforms will be paid ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($150) annually, payable semi-annually. If 5 an employee terminates before conclusion of the period for which payment has been received, such employee shall reimburse City on a pro rata basis. D. Fire Management - Effective July 1, 1993, the uniform allowance shall be increased to SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS ($680). Effective December, 1993, the Butwin jacket shall become a mandatory uniform item. Payments shall be made with one-half of the annual amount payable on July 1, and the remaining one-half payable on December 1. If an employee terminates before the period for which payment has been received, such employee shall reimburse City on a pro rata basis. E. General Supervisory employees required to wear uniforms will be furnished uniforms at no cost to the employee. F. General Supervisory employees who are required to provide a full complement of hand tools shall be reimbursed for replacement of such tools up to THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($325) annually. SECTION 10. Accumulated Sick Leave Payment of accumulated sick leave in event of death or resignation of a member of the Management Unit, General Supervisory Unit and Police Supervisory Unit (Safety and Non-Safety) shall be as follows: A. One-half (½) of the unused sick leave shall be paid to the member's beneficiary or estate in the event of such member's death prior to his separation from city employment after ten (10) years service. B. One-half (½) of the unused sick leave shall be paid to such member whose employment is terminated for any reason, other than discharge, after ten (10) years service. SECTION 11. Sick Leave Conversion Effective for the 1995 sick leave conversion and thereafter, General Supervisory, Police Supervisory and Management employees accrue sick leave at the rate of twelve (12) days per calendar year, with a maximum accrual of one hundred twenty (120) days. An employee who has an accrued balance at the end of the calendar year, which exceeds one hundred twenty (120) days will receive one hundred percent (100%) of his/her accruals in excess of one hundred twenty (120) days as vacation and may convert and be paid for up to seventy-five (75%) of that amount of vacation. The 6 amount to be converted must be designated by the employee no later than the following January 31, which will be paid to employee the second pay day in February. Employees receiving the above conversion will not receive any sixty (60) to one hundred twenty (120) day conversion of sick leave for that calendar year. The previously established non-conversion sick leave "bank" will no longer exist for this group. SECTION ~2. Desionated Holidays - General Supervisory, Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) and Hanagement Units A. All eligible employees in the General Supervisory, Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) and Management Units not working on a shift basis shall observe the following eight-hour holidays with pay for calendar years 1996, 1997 and 1998 as follows: Monday Monday Monday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Friday Tuesday -1996- January 15 February 19 May 27 July 4 September 2 November 11 November 28 November 29 December 24 Wednesday Tuesday December 25 December 31 Wednesday January 1, 1997 Two floating holidays to be credited June 24, 1996. Previously accrued floating holidays must be used by June 23, or they will be forfeited. 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day 1/2 Day Before Christmas Day Christmas Day 1/2 Day Before New Year's Day New Year's Day 1996, Monday Monday Monday Friday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday -1997- January 20 February 17 May 26 July 4 September 1 November 11 November 27 November 28 December 25 December 26 January 1, 1998 January 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Day after Christmas Day New Year's Day Day after New Year's Day 1 floating holiday to be credited June 23, 1997. Previously accrued floating holidays must be used by June 22, or they will be forfeited. - 1998 - Monday January 19 Monday February 16 Monday May 25 Friday July 3 Monday September 7 Wednesday November 11 Thursday November 26 Friday November 27 Thursday December 24 8 1997, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve OF;!C,: ;;~'_ © Friday December 25 Thursday December 31 Friday Jan. 1, 1999 Christmas Day New Year's Eve New Year's Day 1 floating holiday to be credited June 22, 1998. Previously accrued floating holidays must be used by June 21, 1998, or they will be forfeited. B. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, none of the above shall be observed as a holiday. Employees assigned to seven-day per week shift schedules shall observe the actual, not the observed holiday. C. Floating Holidays. Each employee in the General Supervisory, Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) and Management Units not working on a shift basis, who is employed by the City when floating holiday is credited, shall be eligible for floating holiday(s). Floating holiday(s) must have prior departmental approval and shall be consistent with the efficient operation of the affected department and its activities. D. Eligibility. All probationary and full-time employees except those employees who are absent without pay one- half (%) day or more immediately before and/or after the holiday, shall be eligible to observe holidays in the manner herein provided. E. Solid Waste Holidays. The Solid Waste Division will work all designated holidays, excluding New Year's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and those days the landfill is closed. Employees working on the next scheduled route day following a holiday off shall be paid an additional four (4) hours of straight time for that day. Overtime compensation on those days (next scheduled route day) shall commence with the ninth hour of actual work. F. Holiday Work. When such employee is required to work on a holiday, the eligible employee shall be credited for the holiday once at the straight time rate and shall be credited once again for the actual time worked as overtime at the employee's applicable overtime rate. General Supervisory Unit employees working on a holiday designated in Subsection A. shall be credited for overtime at time and one-half. 9 G. Holidays on Day Off. When a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled day off, the eligible employee shall be credited for the holiday as overtime at the straight time rate. H. Designated Holidays and Manner of Payment for Holiday Work on Shift Basis Management and Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) Units. All eligible employees in the Management and Police Supervisory Unit working on a shift basis, except those employees who are absent without pay one-half (½) day or more immediately before and/or after a designated holiday, shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular hourly rate of pay for the holidays listed in Subsection A., except that, in lieu of two (2) floating holidays in 1996, they will be credited for Columbus Day and Easter Sunday. One (1) payment for all such designated holidays shall be made on or before June 14th. Holiday pay, pursuant to Subsection H., will become effective July 1, 1996, for Police Supervisory (Non-Safety) employees. All other eligible Police Management and Police Supervisory employees who do not work a shift basis shall observe holidays in accordance with Subsection A. of this Section. I. Holidays for Police Supervisory employees will be in accordance with the City's adopted Holiday Schedule. J. Holidays at Termination - Police. An employee leaving full-time City service shall be allowed regular compensation for holidays worked up to the effective day of termination. K. Holidays - Fire Department Employees Assigned to 24- Hour Duty Shifts. Fire Management employees assigned on a 24-hour duty shift basis shall accrue holiday pay at the rate of six and one-half (6½) shifts per year to be paid on a pro rata basis as follows: Three and one-quarter (3.25) on June 14 and three and one-quarter (3.25) on November 29. L. Holiday Conversion. Police Supervisory Unit employees shall be allowed to convert an unlimited amount of holiday pay to compensatory time off on an hour for hour basis; subject to time off accrual maximums. SECTION P.E.R.S. Contribution In addition to amounts presently paid by City, the city shall pay the following contribution to P.E.R.S. (Public Employees Retirement System) normally paid by the employee: A. Seven percent (7%) for General Supervisory and Police Supervisory (Non-Safety) Unit employees who were in the 10 employment of the City on July 1, 1983. Those employed after July 1, 1983, shall not be eligible for the seven percent (7%) city contribution to P.E.R.S. until the completion of six (6) years of continuous employment with the city. B. Fire Management - nine percent (9%) - except those employees hired on or after July 1, 1983, the City shall pay two percent (2%) of the employee P.E.R.S. contribution commencing January 7, 1985, until seven (7) uninterrupted years of service, at which time the City contribution shall increase to nine percent (9%) . C. Management Unit, except Police and Fire Management (Safety) - seven percent (7%). D. Police Supervisory (Safety) and Police Management Units - nine percent (9%) - except those employees hired on or after July 1, 1983, the City shall pay four percent (4%) of the employee P.E.R.S. contribution commencing January 7, 1985, until the seventh uninterrupted year of service, at which time the contribution shall increase to nine percent (9%). SECTION 14. Longevity Pay The City shall compensate employees for longevity as follows: A. Police Supervisory (Safety) Unit - After four (4) years of continuous service as a Sergeant, Police Supervisory employees shall receive longevity pay in an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the employee's base salary; after eight (8) years, six percent (6%) and after twelve (12) years of service as a Sergeant, nine percent (9%). Effective January 1, 1985, employees receiving longevity pay shall have that pay converted to a flat dollar amount received as of January 1, 1985, for as long as they would have retained eligibility for longevity pay under the existing longevity pay rules. For all other employees, the longevity pay program is eliminated effective January 1, 1985. B. General Supervisory and Police Supervisory (Non- Safety) Units - Effective the first full pay period in April 1984, the city will institute a Longevity Pay Program for Unit members as follows (the amounts are not cumulative): Ten (10) or more uninterrupted years of city employment - two percent (2%) of base pay. Fifteen (15) or more uninterrupted years of city employment - four percent (4%) of base pay. 11 Twenty (20) or more uninterrupted years of City employment - six percent (6%) of base pay. Employees hired after January 1, 1985, shall not be eligible for longevity pay. BECTION 15. Incentive Pay Effective the first pay period after April 24, 1985, the City shall pay Police Supervisory (Safety) employees an additional two and one-half percent (2 %%) of their salary as incentive pay in lieu of the two and one-half percent (2 %%) currently paid for supervisory certificate. This incentive pay and the supervisory certificate pay will be discontinued for all employees entering the Police Supervisory Unit after December 27, 1985. City shall contribute an additional five percent (5%) of employee's base salary to all Police Management and Police Supervisory (Safety) employees possessing either an Intermediate or Advanced Certificate, or both, issued by the Police officers Standards and Training Commission (P.O.S.T.). City shall contribute an additional five percent (5%) of employee's base salary to Fire Management personnel holding an Associate in Arts Degree which fulfills all requirements of a Fire Science Certificate and five (5) years employment with the Bakersfield Fire Department, or two and one-half percent (2%%) of employee's base salary for those safety personnel in the Bakersfield Fire Department who have obtained a Fire Science Certificate requiring thirty (30) units and eight (8) years employment of Fire Management Certificate requiring twenty-one (21) units and eight (8) years employment with the department. SECTION 16. Shift Differential A. General Supervisory and Police Supervisory (Non- Safety) Unit employees shall receive a shift differential of $.65 per hour which will be paid when the majority of their shift falls between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight. B. General Supervisory and Police Supervisory (Non- Safety) Unit employees shall receive a shift differential of $1.00 per hour which will be paid when the majority of their shift falls between 12 midnight and 7 a.m. 12 SECTION Stand-By Pay Effective June 12, 1995, Police Supervisory Unit (Safety) employees who are directed to remain on ready stand-by during off- duty ours shall be compensated at the rate of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30) per eight-hour shift of such ready stand-by service. Such employees actually called back to work during stand-by assignments shall be paid for both the ready stand-by rate and the hourly rate for one and one-half (1½) times the hours worked, computed to the nearest one-tenth of an hour (six minutes). All ready stand-by assignments must be authorized by the department head. Effective January 8, 1996, General Supervisory employees designated by management who are directed to remain on stand-by, pursuant to Section 2.84.270 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, shall receive THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00) per each eight (8) hours on stand-by or fraction thereof. SECTION ~S. Additional Workin~ Shift Compensation In consideration for working an additional full shift, in addition to regularly scheduled duty shifts, Police Lieutenants will be compensated at straight time for each such additional full shift worked. In consideration for working additional fire suppression shifts, in addition to regularly scheduled duty shifts, Fire Battalion Chiefs will be compensated at straight time for each additional suppression shift worked or portion thereof. SECTION Overtime: SuDervisino Fire Dispatchers Supervising Fire Dispatchers will be compensated for overtime worked at time and one-half. SECTION 20. Overtime~ Communications Center Su~ervieors Communications Center Supervisors will be compensated for overtime worked at time and one-half, effective June 1, 1992. 13 SECTZON 21. Retirement 2% ~ 55. No later than July 1, 1992, the City shall amend its retirement program to provide the 2% @ 55 retirement formula for Miscellaneous employees. The cost of the 2% @ 55 program shall be considered in all future compensation comparisons for Miscellaneous employees. Military Service. As soon as possible, the City shall amend its contract with PERS to provide at employee expense military service credit pursuant to PERS Code Section 20930.3. SECTION 22. Residency Requirement The residency requirement for General Supervisory Unit employees shall be amended to require that employees maintain residency within forty-five (45) minutes normal driving time from City Hall. Normal driving time shall be defined as driving the most direct route at the posted speed limit. No such employee living outside the City limits or more than fourteen (14) miles from City Hall shall be assigned a city vehicle to take to and from the employee's residence. SECTION 23. Physical Assessment Proaram Up to one time each eighteen (18) month period starting January 1, 1995 for Police Supervisory Unit (Safety and Non-Safety) employees and starting January 1, 1996 for Management Unit employees, the City will offer these employees the opportunity to receive a comprehensive physical assessment and follow-up counseling session. The Assessment will measure: Cardiovascular fitness Blood pressure Blood composition (cholesterol, Body composition Muscular endurance Flexibility etc.) When indicated by initial results, follow-up testing will be performed. Results of the assessment will be confidential and for the individual employee's use only. The City will receive composite data to be used in evaluating the need for training, seminars, etc. The program will be provided on work time and will be voluntary. 14 SECTION 24. Jury Duty The City shall amend its Administrative Policy and Procedure regarding jury duty to provide for paid leave when an employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in court in Kern County on matters of civic concern. Examples of matters of civic concern would include criminal matters, accidents, etc. SECTION 25. Vacation Annual vacation accrual shall read as follows: Years Days 0 - 4 10 5 - 13 15 14+ 20 SECTION 26. certification Fees The City agrees to pay the application and renewal fees for required certificates, registration and licenses (except vehicle operation licenses) for employees in the General Supervisory Unit, including: Civil Engineer III Communications Engineer Hazardous Materials Coordinator Wastewater Pretreatment/Revenue Supervisor II Wastewater Supervisor II Wastewater Supervisor III SECTION 27. Baraainina Unit Representation Chanae Effective June 1, 1992, the Communications Center Supervisors will become part of the Police Supervisory Unit as non- safety members. 15 SECTION 28. Payroll Effective immediately, all payroll changes shall take place at the nearest pay period. Effective immediately, the City shall end the process of early release of vacation checks. Direct Deposit - Effective January 8, 1996, all Management and Police Supervisory (Safety and Non-Safety) employees shall participate in direct deposit for payroll purposes. SECTION 29. Bi-lin~ual Pay Police Supervisory Unit (Safety and Non-Safety) employees capable of speaking Spanish shall be eligible to receive an additional TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00) per pay period. To be eligible, an employee must: 1) Pass the test demonstrating conversational fluency in Spanish; 2) Pass periodic retests in language skills; and 3) Serve as translators as required. Additional languages may be added by the Chief of Police. Notwithstanding the above, all personnel shall utilize any language skills they possess to the best of their ability in handling their responsibilities. In case of an emergency, all employees will use whatever language skills they possess to assist to the maximum extent possible. SECTION 30. Employee Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) Should the City proceed to allow employees retirement compensation credit for the City paid EPMC for other groups, the parties agree to reopen negotiations on that issue only. Implementation of retirement credit for EPMC will require: 1) Mutual agreement on the cost of the credit; and 2) deduction of the cost for the crediting from the salary amounts outlined above. .......... o0o .......... 16 OR~G!,','AL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the city .o__f Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JA~ 9419~ , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER 0a,~0K0, CARSON, SMITH, McDERMOTT, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEf,{~'ER ___ ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER APPROVED Assisfant CITY CLERK and Ex offic~ Clerk of the Council of the City of ~akersfield BOB PRICE ~~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY the City of Bakersfield Attachment: Exhibit "A" JWS:rg RES.96\MGT-SUP.961 17 PREPARED 1/11/96 , 15:42:$0 City of Bakersfield PAGE I PROGRAN PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION # POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 5 STEP 4 STEP 5 57950 ACCOUNTANT II 050 19.6670 20.6510 21. 6840 22.7680 25.9080 56150 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III G50 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 23.9080 59020 AIRPORT SUPERVISOR G30 19.6670 20.6510 21. 6840 22.7680 25.9080 57150 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT G45 21.6960 22.7810 25. 9200 25.1160 26.5750 57400 AUDITORIUH STAGE HANAGER G25 18.5140 19.4590 20.4100 21.4550 22,5050 57880 BUSINESS NANAGER G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26,3750 57270 CHIEF CODE ENFORCENENT OFFICER [;50 22.3570 25.4540 24.6260 25.8600 27.15o, 0 57900 COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEER G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.3750 51440 CRTHE PREVENTION SUPERVISOR G35 20.1590 21.1700 22.2270 25.5590 24.5060 57150 DATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR G$O 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 25.9080 57000 EVENTS SUPERVISOR GI5 16.7620 17.6050 18. 4850 19.4090 20. 5790 57200 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORD G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.5750 57020 HUHAN RESOURCES SUPERVISOR G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 56990 HYDROGRAPHIC SUPERVISOR G45 21,6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.5750 ~110 INTERNAL AUDITOR G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.5750 5 80 LAN OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR G10 14.9280 15.&750 16.4590 17.2550 18.1480 .~90 PRINCIPAL PLANNER G55 24.4100 25.6500 26.9120 28.2570 29,6700 PREPARED 1/11/96 , 15:42:30 Citv of Bakersfield PAGE 2 PROGRAR PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION # POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP I STEP 2 STEP $ STEP 4 STEP 5 5?$50 PROPERTY ROOH SUPERVISOR G20 17.2580 18.1220 19.0280 19.9800 20.9700 59920 PURCHASING OFFICER G$O 19.8670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 25.9080 57910 RECORDS SUPERVISOR G45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.$750 59880 SUPERVISING FIRE DISPATCHER GO5 14.0510 lq.7560 15.4950 16.2710 17.0880 57110 SUPERVISOR I G15 16.7620 17.6050 18.4850 19.4090 20.5790 57210 SUPERVISOR I - RECREATION G15 16.7620 17.6050 18.4850 19.4090 20.5790 57460 SUPERVISOR I - TREES G15 16.7620 17.6050 18.4850 19.4090 20.5790 57120 SUPERVISOR I1 GSO 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7600 23.9080 57830 SUPERVISOR II - RECREATION G30 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 23.9080 57220 SUPERVXSOR IZ - RECYCLING GSO 19.6670 20,6510 21,6840 22.7680 23.9080 57850 SUPERVISOR ZI - WASTEWATER G30 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 23.9080 57710 SUPERVISOR III - WASTEWATER O45 21.6960 22.7810 25.9200 25.1160 26.3730 55470 SUPERVISOR-SURVEY OPERATIONS OS5 20.1590 21.1700 22.2270 23.5590 24.5060 57840 SUPV ZI-W W PRETREAT REV PROG G30 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 23.9080 57450 WATER SUPERVISOR I G15 16.7620 17.6030 18.4850 19.4090 20.3790 57170 WATER SUPERVISOR IZ G$O 19.6670 20.6510 21.6840 22.7680 23.9080 PREPARED 1/11/96 , 15~45:12 City of Bakersfield PAGE 1 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION # POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP S STEP 4 STEP 5 88550 ASSISTANT BULIDING DIRECTOR MSS 28.7170 30.1540 $1.6600 33.2450 34.9090 88080 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY H54 55.1000 54.7540 56.4950 58.5190 40.2560 89120 ASSISTANT CITY HANAGER NgO 55.5990 55.2800 57.0450 58.8980 40.8440 88070 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR H24 27.6070 28.9870 50.4590 51.9590 55.5550 88120 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF N45 51.1740 52.7560 54.5710 56.0870 57.8960 88122 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF-SUPPRESS N05 22.2660 25.5810 24.5490 25.7780 27.0650 88520 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR H24 27.6070 28.9870 30.4590 51.9590 55.5550 88520 ASSISTANT POLICE CHIEF Ng6 54.8680 56.6120 38.4440 40.5670 42.5850 89350 ASSISTANT TO THE CITY HANAGER M12 25.2540 26.4950 27.8220 29.2150 50,6750 88050 ASST PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR M54 55.1000 54.7540 56.4950 58.5190 40.2560 87890 ASST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIR M06 24.0540 25.2540 26.4950 27.8240 29.2150 89150 BUILDING DIRECTOR M48 51.1910 52.7510 54.5880 56.1080 37.9140 88200 BUILDING PLAN CHECK ENGINEER N$5 28.7170 50.1540 51.6600 55.2~50 34.9090 88090 CHIEF ASST CITY ATTORNEY N60 55.5990 55.2800 57.0450 38.8980 40.8~40 89200 CITY ATTORNEY N85 41.9810 44.0810 46.2850 48.6020 51.0510 89250 CITY CLERK H09 24.5200 25,7460 27.0570 28.5880 29. 8070 89960 CITY TREASURER NO9 24.5200 25.7460 27.0570 28.5880 29.8070 08580 CIVIL ENGINEER IV M42 29.8710 51.5650 52.9540 54.5810 56.5110 89940 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR NO6 24.0540 25. 2540 26.4950 27.8240 29.2150 89540 COHHUNITY DEV COORDINATOR H24 27.6070 28.9870 50,4590 51.9590 35.5550 C~T v 0 ' ~9~100 COHHUNITY SERVICES MANAGER H69 55.8270 57.6190 59.5020 41.4770 43.5510 ~ 88~0 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT M18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 52.2570 r- ~ CONVENTION CTR SUPERINTENDENT M18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 32.2570 ~7~\~900 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER NO6 24.0540 25.2540 26.4950 27.8240 29.2150 PREPARED 1111196 , 15:43:12 City of Bakersfield PAGE 2 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION # POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP $ STEP 4 STEP 5 88240 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY I M15 25.4970 26.7690 28.1090 29.5160 50.9900 88260 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II M$9 29.2970 $0.7640 52.3050 35.9180 55.6160 88280 DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF N57 33.7~80 35.~360 37.2100 39.0710 89460 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR N63 34.0640 35.7680 57.5560 39.4350 41.4070 89360 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR M63 34.0640 $5.7680 57.5560 59.4350 41.4070 89350 FINANCE DIRECTOR N65 34.0640 35,7680 57,5560 39.4350 41.4070 88150 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF - DAYS N21 27.8480 29.2410 30.7050 52.2440 33.8510 88132 FIRE BATTALION CHIEF-SUPPRESS N01 19.8910 20.8870 21.9510 23.0300 24.1800 89400 FIRE CHIEF H74 38.7620 40.6980 42.7570 44.8720 47.1160 88440 FIRE MARSHALL/TRAINING M36 29.2130 30.6750 52.2110 53,8220 35.5090 88400 FLEET SUPERINTENDENT N18 26.5350 27.8640 29.2570 50,7190 52.2570 88510 GENERAL SERVICES SUPT N27 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 52.2570 33.8710 89910 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER N42 29.8710 31.3650 52.9540 54.5810 56.3110 89930 INSURANCE COORDINATOR NO6 24,0540 25,2340 26,4950 27.8240 29.2150 89870 HANAGEHENT INFO SERVICES DIR H42 29.8710 31.3650 32.9540 54.5810 56.3110 88480 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT H27 27.8640 29.2570 30.7190 32.2570 53.8710 09450 PLANNING DIRECTOR M48 31.1910 52.7510 34.5880 56.1080 37.9140 08530 POLICE CAPTAIN N51 31.6190 33.1990 54.8590 36.6050 38.4330 89500 POLICE CHIEF NS0 41.1070 43.1630 45.3220 47.5890 49.9670 88540 POLICE LIEUTENANT M30 28.4040 29.8260 51.3170 32.8840 54.5330 89560 PUBLIC NORKS DIRECTOR M77 38.7690 40.7080 42.7450 44.8830 47.1270 ~060 PUBLIC NORKS OPERATIONS NOR H48 51.1910 32.7510 34.5880 36.1080 37.9140 0~590 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT H1B 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 30.7190 52.2570 ~020 RISK HANAOER H06 24.0540 25.2340 26.~950 27,8240 29.2130 PREPARED 1/11/96 , 15:45:12 City of Bakersfield PAGE PROGRAN PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION # POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP I STEP 2 STEP 5 STEP 4 STEP 5 89150 SOLID WASTE DIRECTOR N40 51.1910 32.7510 54.5880 56.1080 57.9140 88560 SOLID WASTE SUPERINTENDENT N18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 52.2570 886q0 STREET NAINTENANCE SUPT H18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 52.2570 88370 TRAFFIC ENGINEER N42 29.8710 51.3650 32.9340 54.5810 56.5110 88680 WASTEWATER TREATWENT SUPT N18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 50.7190 52.2570 89160 WATER & SANITATION HANAGER H71 56.5420 58,3700 40.2900 42,5040 44,4210 89110 WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR N48 31.1910 52,7510 54.5880 36.1080 37.9140 88570 WATER SUPERINTENDENT N18 26.5550 27.8640 29.2570 30,7190 52.2570 PREPARED 1/12/96 , 14:46:27 Clty of Bakersfield PAGE 1 PROGRAH PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION# POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP i STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 79950 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER SUPV G15 16.7620 17.6030 18.4830 19.4090 20.3790 77360 POLICE SERGEANT P55 23.8260 25.0150 26.2690 27.5830 28.9660