HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4145ORDINANCE NO. 4 1 ~: 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION '15.80.080A. OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FORMULA FOR FEES IN-LIEU OF LAND DEDICATION BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 15.80.080 A. is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.80.080 Formula for fees in-lieu of land dedication. A. General Formula. When a fee is to be paid in-lieu of land dedication, the subdivider shall, in-lieu of dedicating land, pay a fee equal to the value of the land which would otherwise be required for dedication pursuant to Section 15.80.070. The amount of in-lieu fee shall be determined in accordance with the following formula: TABLE 2 In-Lieu Fee Formula Number of Fair Market Dwelling x .0025 x APPDU x Value Per Units Buildable Acre SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... oo0oo .......... --Page 1 of 2 Pages -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed andedopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ,SF P 1 0 2D03 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCiLMEMBERCOUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER~ COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER ~ APPROVED: HARVEY L. HALL, Ma~or CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO ~f the Council of the City of Bakersfiel~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN City Attorney VI,RGINIA C~,ENNARO DePuty City Attorney VG:alj S:\COUNClL\Ords\~ 5.BO.080Amnd. Formula.doc --Page 2 of 2 Pages -- AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 11th . day of September , 2003 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4145 , passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 10th day of September 2003 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.80.080A OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FORMULA FOR FEES IN LIEW OF LAND DEDICATION. /s/PAMELA A. McCARTHY City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield By: ~ ' ~- ' ~ DEPU/T¥..~ Clerk