HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 86-96 RESOLUTION NO. 8 6" 9 6 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996-2015 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities requires by such development; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 requires that the City Council annually adopt a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction funded by the impact fee program; and 10, 1996. WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was advertised and held July NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the plan set forth as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and adopted. .......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JUL 1 0 1ffi$, by the following vote: AYE.S,~ COUNCILMEMBER DeMOND, CAR~:)DI, SMITH, ~ ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ~J ~ ~0~0 ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ~)hO . , Acting cITY CLERK and Ex ,~ffici~/C erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUL 1 0 199B MAY 0 R~o~,l:h~'~i~yS' B a~ke~ sfi eld Approved as to form: TCI;I"Y A~TORNEY oftheA~ity of Bakersfield P:\TIFX96PLAN.RES CITY Of BAKERSFIELD DI AFT 1996 - 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan PROJECTS YEAR ($1,~00's of TDF Funds) Of~er F~Y PROJECT8 ~. TOTAL COS 92.-93 93-94 ~ ~ : 9697 97-98 98-.21301 2001-2015 Fur',ding ¥'~ ~ - Se~ Standard to So~ Be~ $4,908,000 $4,908 Ci'osstown F~eewa¥ - S.R. ~to$.R. ~TB $169,653,000 $169,653 F~rnRAmrF[eeway-Stoc. kdaleHw~taS. H. gg $196,000,000 $1,285 $60 $40 $40 $120 $149,535 $45,0(X) ., ~ Be/twa]f - West Bet~ to ~ $108,796,000 $25O $25O $40 $108,256 i . $. H. 176 - Oswell St~r~t tO Alfred Harml Hw¥ $1,913~000 $18 $40 $158 $1,855 i $; H. 9~- .,M~n~AvenUet~ S. H. 204 $13~230~000 $2~812 $10~418 MAJoR IMPROVEMENTS YEAR ($1~000~, of Tt)F Funds) Otter KERN~RP.-~ER BRIDGES ~ TOT~ ~S ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 ~ ~1 ~t~5 Fu~ ~n R~ ~ ~ S3,~,~ S3,~ C~y ~ ~ ~ R~y ~ ~ ~,~,~ $4 $3 $~ $1 ,~ $3,1~ $0 $2,~1 M~ S~ ~ ~ ~ S3,~,~ $3,~ $0 ~ ~ ~ R~ (~) - C~ $1,610,~ $1,610 . ~- ¢~ ~ $16,6~ ~ $8621 s. H. ~ ~ ~ ~ (~} Coun~ $0 ~ R~ ~ C~V~y $~,~ C~y ~ C~ Va~ $1 ,~,~ $1 $0 $~ $1~ $478 $316 ~ ~ ~ ~ E~ $~,~ $~ ~ s~e ~ , ~u~ ~ ~Ca~ _ $270,~ ~ $~ ~ $215 ~ H ~ ~ E~(~) $3~,~ $3~ $0 N~C~ A~ ~y (~ ' , C~ ...... ~ ~.~ ~y. , , $~,~ Su~ * ~ ' $1,7~ $215 ~ $5,1~ . 97flfcip.wk1 ~Fundst~bemadeavai~ab~ef~rpr~tocti~n~fdghts~fway~asnosded~f~reachfreewaya~ignn~t & Total Costs for projects have been adjusted to reflect more accurate cost estimates. (31her funding s shown osty for those budgeted projects where an alternate funding source has been identified. 15-Jun-96 Page 1 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996 - 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan DRAFT PROJECTS: CANAL CULVERTS Taft, H.~wdva¥ ~S R 1~9) ~ Farmers (widen) Paqama Lane ~ B~ (~) Panama Lane ~ Far~ ~) ....... Panama Lane ~ Kern ~ (~ ~) F;acl~ R~d ~ =a~ (~): : White Lane ~ ~r[1 I~(~): St~:Kdale ,fighv~ay ~:EI~ ~M : Renfro Rind ~ ,lam~ Aden qoa ~ Buena Buena V.sa R~d ~:B~a~ Buena V~sm R~d ~ N~ Sb-e Road ~ S~e (~) : : ~A~AL R~LATEDPROdECTS :: :: : Panama Lipa ~ ~n S H 184~ ~as~ : TOTAL COS 92-93 County $100,000 $100,000 $180,000 $35,000 $80,000 $100,000 $40,000 County $180,000 $80,000 County $180,000 County County County $80,000 $80,000 $180,000 $40,000 $100,000 $100,000 County $100,000 $100,000 County County $1,935,000 $48,000 $2,300,000 County $2,808,000 YEAR ($1,00i7s o~ TDF Funds) 93-94 94-95 [ 95-~ 96-97 $100 $17 2001 200t-2015 Funding $0 $17 $0 $83 $0 $180 $35 $8O $20 $0 $60 $9O $0 $20 $0 $2O $180 $8O $0 $180 $0 $0 $0 $8O $180 $12 $0 $28 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $0 $1,475 $191 $31 $0 $0 $2,300 $0 $2,300 $0 97-98 $10 $460 15-Jun-96 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996 - 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan PROJECTS DRAINAGE CULVERTS, BRtDGES AN~ D~rCHE$ :/. TOTAL CO East Panama .R..oacl ~ Caheqta Creek -aypas5 County 5;;alane Aven,:e ~.[~dges (3 oca:.ons~ County .... ~oll~e~..Aver,ue Box C.dverts (Vale,~c=a Dr to Ke.'." Ca'lyo $520,000 Pa!ad.ne Dnve Box Culverts ~.=.a,,~.a~ t~ ,a:j. ! .~..a.rreq) $325,000 Mo~n,?~ ~.rive Bor Cu:vert {: lucabun - S R 178 tu A'f Ftar $80,000 M_o.:*_n?g .')rive Rndge (1 large & ~ smad) $580,000 .E.'.d~sor Road Rrlages (2 Ic~atorls - $ R 58 :o All F~a?ell) $1,000,000 Subtotal - D~aulage Cu've't~, U_:noge. s.~q.'htches $3,385,000 Olive Drive ~ S ~ /~) (~mden) : 7~ S~dsrd R~d ~ S }1 ~ {w~derl~ FayPax ~d ~ S H ~ (w~oen) Fm~x ~d ~ S ~ 178 (Iq[erc~a,'ge) - Fmda~ R~3d ~ Affr~ Hanel ~wy ~ ..Mornrag Dn~ ~ ~'~ Har,e' Hwy [[~rcnange~ _ ~k,n90~rcrossm~ ~ H RAIl ROAD GHAL)E SEPARATIONS s H ~ ~ ~. ~" ~',~ ~ ~ (,~aen~ ..... ~D~S P R R ~rd:R~d ~ S P R: C~y~e~A T &S.F.R.R, ~well S~ ~ A. T, & S. F.tS. P, R. R. Morning D~ ~ A. T. & S. F.IS. P. R. R.* Mt. Ve~ A~ ~ A. T. & S. F.IS. P. R. R.(~n) Suni - Railr~d Gr~e ~para~s YEAR ($1,000~ O~ TDF Funds) 92-93: 93-94 94-95 95--96 County S9,250,000 $1,475,000 County County County $6,OOO,OOO $354 County C~nty $6,000,000 $1.500.000 $1.400,000 $19,625,000 ::: County County County County $9,125,~00 $13 $90 $250 $1,600 $1,0(X3 $7,500,~00 County County County $16,625,000 $250 $2,800 $350 DRAFT .~301 2001-20~5: Fur~ding $o $o So $5~ $325 $~ $~ $3~ $1,000 S31385 $o $0 $20O ,125 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5~646 So Soi Sl ,500 Sl ,4oo $19,425 $200 So So So So So ,000 $0 S2,172 $7,500 S0 S0 S0 $7,500 S2,172 15-Jun-96 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DRAFT 996 - 201.5 Regional Transportation Improvemen! Plan Par~ma Road ~I ~ B~ (A. T. &S~ F R.R.) County $0 Par.~ma ~ S~ Bra~ch (S p R~: R ~ $100,000 $100 $~oo,ooo $~oo Ca~L~Dt~S P R~R~B~ C~ ~ (~t ~ Coun~ $0 H~:R~ ~A~ T; & S F Cou~ $0 C~ $0 N~S P~R,~S~ ~ C~ $0 Re~ R~ ~ S~:P: R: R~:Bmn~ C~n~ $0 N~R~S P[R R Bm~h Coun~ $0 ~R~S P~R R:B~M $1~,~ $1~ Count $0 Un~ A~ ~ S~[P; R~ R ~ Count $0 N~ :,~_~ ~) : $7,~7,~ $~ $~ $~3 $7,1~ U~ ~): $1,0~,~ $~ .................... $1,0~ SL H; l~g - Stir~ Road:to ~ H Street $5,093,524 $5~094 S~le H~; ~ ~ ~ ~ R~ad $3,757,429 $100 $3,657 Stockdale ~; ~ Reed ~ Oak Street $1~165,400 $200 $6 $80 $885 S~ H~ 58 ~ Er~s]~ to AJlen R~ $11,700~000 $11,700 $18,997,500 $18,998 S H~ '184 ~ ~ir~ D~ te Ediso~ Rc~d $2,573,900 $2~574 $t4o3,o48 $1,4o3 ~ & 241h ~t~eet ~provernents $4,500~000 $4,500 Ce~a¥ ~ - B~-nha[ Road ~ Stockdale Highway $1,500,000 $376 $1,124 $0 $0 C~¥ ~ - B~ha# Road t~ I~ Hi~y , $3,050,000 $50 $2,000 $1~000 $0 Count~ Ca~Eomta A. _~e~_?_- V~k ~ to 'A'i St i ~ $350,000 $150 $72 $128 $~oo,ooo $2oo $1o4 $968,000 $968 15-Jun-96 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A"