HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 85-96 85-9,, RESOLUTION NO.- n RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERStoLD CONFI G CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ~GA~ING ASSESSMENTS OF CERTA~ PROPER~S ~ ~E C~ OF BAKERSFIELD FOR W~CH S~UC~S HA~ BEEN SECU~D AGAINST ENTRY TO ABATE PROPER~ MAINTENANCE PUBLIC NUISANCES. WHEREAS, the properties in the City of Bakersfield described by assessor parcel number and street address in Exhibit "A" were determined to be in violation of the Bakersfield Municipal Code which prohibits maintaining open and abandoned dilapidated structures which constitute public nuisances; and WHEREAS, notices and orders of the City of Bakersfield Building Department, as provided in Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, were provided to the record owners of the aforementioned properties; and WHEREAS, the properties in question were duly posted as provided in Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, this assessment proceeding was duly noticed and a public hearing held on July 10, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the City of Bakersfield NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield: That the Chief Code Enforcement Officer caused work to be performed by contractors for removal of public nuisances and submitted and filed with the City Clerk a Report and Assessment List which described the costs incurred by the City to abate such public nuisances and which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof by this reference. 2. The costs incurred and described in the Report and Assessment list, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are hereby confirmed. 3. The cost of securing the properties against entry as described in Exhibit "A", are hereby made a lien and special assessment against said properties and the Chief Code Enforcement Officer is directed to notify the property owner of and record the lien created herein as required under Government Code Section 38773. l(b)-(c). 4. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to commence any action necessary for collecting the sum due including foreclosure on the lien established herein as provided for in Government Code Section 38773. l(c). 5. That the property owners named in said Exhibit "A" may pay, or cause to be paid, the charges stated therein at the office of the Treasury Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at any time prior to the time the lien imposed under Government Code Section 38773.1 and Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 8.80.190 is foreclosed or placed on the property tax rolls for collection as described in paragraph 6 below. .-,: ~ 6. At the discretion of the City Attorney, and in the event such charges assessed and confirmed against the property as listed in Exhibit "A" are not paid in full prior to collection or foreclosure, such assessment or balance due remaining thereof, may be recorded on the assessment roll, and said assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property. The amount of said assessments remaining unpaid against the property will then be entered and extended on the property tax roll, and pursuant to law, the County tax collector shall include such amounts on the tax bill applicable to the property for collection therein. ......... 000 ........ 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed...a. nd a~tol~[~d by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JO1 by the following vote: Acting CITY CLERK and Ex Off'{elo Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUL I. 0 ~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY CARL HERNANDEZ IH Deputy City Attorney July 3, 1996 r/secure EXHIBIT "A" REPORT AND ASSESSMENT LIST AND DECLARATION OF RANDALL G. FIDLER IN SUPPORT THEREOF In the matter of 824 9th Street, 131 Lakeview Avenue, 141 Lakeview Avenue, 607 & 611 Lakeview Avenue, 703 Lakeview Avenue, 306 S. Haley Street and 105 Clifton Street. l, Randall G. Fidlet, declare: 1. I am the duly appointed Chief Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Bakersfield, California. I am making this declaration pursuant to Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. 2. As provided by Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and pursuant to an order of the Building Director, the Code Enforcement Division removed the public nuisances by securing against entry the structures located at 824 9th Street, 131 Lakeview Avenue, 141 Lakeview Avenue, 607 & 611 Lakeview Avenue and 703 Lakeview Avenue in February 1996; 306 S. Haley Street and 105 Clifton Street in April 1996. 3. The costs incurred by the City to remove the public nuisances located on the properties listed in paragraph 2 herein are set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. 4. Records of the Bakersfield Building Department reflect that on June 27, 1996, a copy of Notice of Filing Report and Assessment List for Abatement of Condition Constituting Public Nuisance and of Hearing Thereon was mailed to the owners of the properties. 5. The foregoing matters are within my personal knowledge and if called as a witness herein, I could and would competently testify thereto. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 27th day of June 1996, at Bakersfield, California. Randall G. Fidler Chief Code Enforcement Officer EXHIBIT "A" REPORT AND ASSESSMENT LIST FOR STRUCTURES THAT HAVE BEEN SECURED AGAINST ENTRY PARCEL NUMBER 009-171-02, 03 019-192-21 019-192-24 019-101-18,19 019-111-08 019-181-10 018-400-15 PROPERTY OWNER Shirley Mullenex Palmer P.O. Box 5375 Salton City, CA 92275 Pa~ P. Chen 180 Aspen OakLane Glendale, CA 91207 Aetna Finance Corporation 1 Centerpointe Drive, Suite 360 La Palma, CA 90623 Frank Hardiman P.O. Box1902 Stockton, CA 95201 Louis J. Whitfield and G.I,. l leto5 27408 Wayncsborough Lane Valencia, CA 91354 Eric Banducci 4450 California Ave, #K- 134 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Gregory V. Cag 22797 Barton Road,#120 Grand Terrace, CA92313 PROPERTY ADDRESS 824 9th Street COST OF ADMIN. TOTAL ABATEMENT COST COST $685 $335 $1,020 131 Lakeview Ave. $1,470 $510 $1,980 141 Lakeview Ave. $945 $510 $1,455 607&611 Lakeview Ave. $620 $335 $955 703 Lakeview Ave. $37(/ $510 $880 306 S. Haley St. 105 Clifton Street $900 $335 $1,235 $900 $335 $1,235